Many people have already reached the goal of 2500 ambush kills or 2500 melee kills on their Klingon recruit. Others, like me (for melee) are getting close.
So the question is, once you finish these goals, will this character continue using these strategies? Or will you revert to some other playstyle?
I always used Ambush on ships that can cloak, so that one was easy for me. I probably won't use the Hunters Instinct Trait because even though it's good.. I just have too many traits that are better.
The Melee one is where I was really surprised. Like many, my plan was.. grind it out as quickly as I can and then equip a Ranged Weapon. But something curious happened, the more I played around with Melee.. I really.. really like it. I got the Dual Nanopulse Mek'leth's as a mission reward and I absolutely love them. I am constantly surprised by how powerful they really are, at Mark XV Epic I have yet to face anything on the ground that can live more then a few seconds with my Klingon in their face. I equipped the Personalized Spatial Trajector from the new lock box that teleports you to your enemies and man oh man.. I love it and I am absolutely sticking with it.
In fact, Melee Combat has made my KDF Recruit my current favorite character to play. I decided not only am I not going to delete the character, I am going to pour resources into her to bring her up to the level I want. Yes, playing Melee is more challenging then Ranged and yes.. you can die from ranged attackers.. but it's honestly a big part of the fun. If I get in the enemies face, it's over.. flat out. The challenge is navigating the battlefield and it's actually been surprisingly enjoyable.
I've had a toon dedicated to melee for a while. While I recently diversified to make him more effective with ranged weapons too, I still regularly use melee weapons on him.
Like of Seaofsorrows I kept using melee on my recruit with the mek'leths, was my second melee focused character but the other uses the disco stuff. Was a lot of fun using them so kept doing it but cloaking I don't strive to use as much as I was doing while pursuing the 2500 kills
I will absolutely keep using melee, but also keep a ranged weapon of choice handy for select TFO's and for variety.
With my current ground setup all that's needed is to swap out 1 kit module and my primary weapon and I'm good either way.
As far as the effectiveness of melee is concerned I'm still quite amazed at what can be accomplished with a little practice.
You'd have to be an accomplished and well geared ground player with a variety of meta kit abilities to keep up to or surpass my melee build on most advanced maps.
For the space ambush kills it's about the same. My current raider build with practice and improvements is now good enough in advanced TFO's that the limiting factor in taking out bad guys is my own abilities as a pilot. The Temer Alliance Raider says hello and is deadly. Again for variety I certainly have a beam ship and a carrier to switch to but cannons plus flanking just makes things go boom faster for me at least.
I find it somewhat humorous that lessons taught as a 2255 kdf recruit hold true for most of STO's gameplay - learning and knowing how to use things is of more importance at least initially than the shiny lockbox item of the day.
Unfortunately my KDF Recruit will most likely not be flying a ship with Battle Cloak, as I have a Raider main already to fill the run and gun style. That being said, if I can use Ambush I definitely will. Currently running the MW Klingon ship, so definitely getting my use out of the Battle Cloak. As for melee . . . again I already have a toon that is my melee character. So eventually I will phase it out.
As soon as I hit 2500 melee kills I immediately switched back to a ranged weapon. I doubt I will ever use melee again unless forced to do so by an event like this. On ships with cloaking devices I've always used ambush when possible. You get a pretty nice damage boost so it's worth doing if you can.
Melee combat was too frustrating for me with my setup (left click to attack). The targets kept deselcting when things got crowded which doesn't happen with ranged weapons for me. I'm done with the melee task and even though I'll miss the great damage I was doing with the event Bat'leth I've switched back to ranged weapons and don't regret it.
Ambush I've always done with ships equipped with cloaks. What the event has me doing that I didn't normally do is recloak when I get the chance. Before it was just a start of mission thing which is behavior I'm sure to go back to once I've completed the event task.
Most likely yes I will. I've actually paired the batleth with the tommy gun and it's done wonders for me. got a nice little hunter build I've had fun with
"Someone once told me that time was a predator that stalked us all our lives. I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey and reminds us to cherish every moment, because it will never come again." - Jean Luc Picard in Star Trek Generations
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rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,913Community Moderator
Back to business as usual for me. Runnin' and gunnin' on the ground. In space probably business as usual as well, unless I have a battle cloak.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
Melee? No... Not my main attack option anymore.
Melee still needs some adjustments imo and is a bit of a pain.
But I am using the Nanopulse Staff-Rifle and do knock things around with its melee options when enemies are close.
Cloaked Ambush? yeah, but only really doing that at the start of combat, not gonna cloaking mid combat anymore when more enemies join... since I don't need ambush kills anymore.
Also I just wanna kill things fast, and it takes time to cloak, and since I kill things faster than the time it takes to cloak and uncloak. So the bonus attack power isn't worth it.
"Please, Captain, not in front of the Klingons." Spock to Kirk, as Kirk is about to hug him.
Star Trek V: "The Final Frontier"
I always did use cloak like that so the trait just makes it slightly more effective.
The melee not so much, I used the melee function of some ranged weapons occasionally but until the twin nanopulse mek'leths turned out to have something like a workable melee style I never carried a pure melee weapon except when the mission required it. I will probably keep it in my secondary weapon slot more from now on though.
Yo but neither enthusiastically and not on the recruit. Just did the tasks as fast as I could there to get back to my casual play style.
Space ambush is a plus for DPS. If I end up on a ship with a cloak then I use it but I won’t select new ships just because of it.
As for melee I found it far less efficient then ranged options. There is only the variety aspect to it.
I have a fed side Andorian. She happens to have 3 melee securities and the Fangs from the last time I planed going for melee. To my knowledge there are hardly any other build adjustments other than the doffs on a tac (perhaps 2-3 traits or so) so I can go for it again whenever I feel to.
Fangs seem to have the best reach. My friend who is a melee enthusiast climbs up walls and mountains with it so I keep those as addition to the nanopulse mekleths and call it a day.
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Probably, I sometimes use ambush on my other cloak using characters for the damage bonus and for flavor and I sometimes use melee on my main for flavor.
Melee is no fun most of the time. They really didn't do melee right on most weapons. Try Nukara with a bat'leth for endless frustration.
Cloaked ambush, however has some really good new toys and if you're a recruit, the BOFF. It was always worth using but I never did so religiously. If you want to build a cloaked ambush ship, you have a lot of things to play with now, so I'll be playing around with it some more to see what I can get out of these traits and so on.
I always used Ambush on ships that can cloak, so that one was easy for me. I probably won't use the Hunters Instinct Trait because even though it's good.. I just have too many traits that are better.
The Melee one is where I was really surprised. Like many, my plan was.. grind it out as quickly as I can and then equip a Ranged Weapon. But something curious happened, the more I played around with Melee.. I really.. really like it. I got the Dual Nanopulse Mek'leth's as a mission reward and I absolutely love them. I am constantly surprised by how powerful they really are, at Mark XV Epic I have yet to face anything on the ground that can live more then a few seconds with my Klingon in their face. I equipped the Personalized Spatial Trajector from the new lock box that teleports you to your enemies and man oh man.. I love it and I am absolutely sticking with it.
In fact, Melee Combat has made my KDF Recruit my current favorite character to play. I decided not only am I not going to delete the character, I am going to pour resources into her to bring her up to the level I want. Yes, playing Melee is more challenging then Ranged and yes.. you can die from ranged attackers.. but it's honestly a big part of the fun. If I get in the enemies face, it's over.. flat out. The challenge is navigating the battlefield and it's actually been surprisingly enjoyable.
now this is interesting. the trait from the box.
i have been playing melee for a time and have always enjoyed it. not trying to sound disproportionate, but i find it ironic that it took this event to get people into it...well, some at least.
yes, as you state, there are times where you get the beat down sometimes from the ranged peeps, but to me its more fun, and more so on a klink than a fed. yes, i have klinks with this that i do, but one of my fav toons is also the fed klink i created and she just enjoys the face to face action most feds dont crave. (from a klink vs fed perspective that is, not a personal one)
too bad the trait you mention is LB only.
anyway, glad to hear others are enjoying melee now.
cloak...i will still use it, but we shall see how often after the boxes have been completed. lol
Oh, it's not a trait.. it's a Kit Module.
It's new, so it doesn't have a Wiki entry yet, so I'll just quote from the Arc Page for it's description:
Personalized Spatial Trajector
Activate to undertake a sudden jump through local space. This will instantly move you in the direction of whatever you currently have targeted. If nothing is targeted, you move instead straight forward in the direction currently you are currently facing.
Teleport 10m toward targeted Foe (or forward if no Foe is selected)
Holds 3 Charges, recovers one Charge each 6 sec
Per charge used, gain a stacking bonus to Dodge % for 8sec
You can teleport up to 30m with this, and it only takes a few sec before you can jump again. The Dodge bonus is also huge, and stacks with every move.. they can't even hit you when you get there. The best part.. no one wants this thing, they're seriously like 30k EC on the exchange.. they're basically free and they make Melee much more enjoyable. I mapped it to my thumb mouse button, so I just hit tab to change targets and then tap with my thumb until I am in my targets face.
I always used Ambush on ships that can cloak, so that one was easy for me. I probably won't use the Hunters Instinct Trait because even though it's good.. I just have too many traits that are better.
The Melee one is where I was really surprised. Like many, my plan was.. grind it out as quickly as I can and then equip a Ranged Weapon. But something curious happened, the more I played around with Melee.. I really.. really like it. I got the Dual Nanopulse Mek'leth's as a mission reward and I absolutely love them. I am constantly surprised by how powerful they really are, at Mark XV Epic I have yet to face anything on the ground that can live more then a few seconds with my Klingon in their face. I equipped the Personalized Spatial Trajector from the new lock box that teleports you to your enemies and man oh man.. I love it and I am absolutely sticking with it.
In fact, Melee Combat has made my KDF Recruit my current favorite character to play. I decided not only am I not going to delete the character, I am going to pour resources into her to bring her up to the level I want. Yes, playing Melee is more challenging then Ranged and yes.. you can die from ranged attackers.. but it's honestly a big part of the fun. If I get in the enemies face, it's over.. flat out. The challenge is navigating the battlefield and it's actually been surprisingly enjoyable.
I started practicing melee on my main prior to the Klingon recruitment event, but my disco KDF slices through everything on the ground as a hot knife through butter.
Ambush on ships is something which doesn't agree with my play style too well. I like playing stealth bomber, but that doesn't work with the ambush. Currently at roughly 1350 out of the 2500 required.
It's unlikely i will move back to that play style after i finish the 2500.
This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
... The best part.. no one wants this thing, they're seriously like 30k EC on the exchange.. they're basically free and they make Melee much more enjoyable. I mapped it to my thumb mouse button, so I just hit tab to change targets and then tap with my thumb until I am in my targets face.
I don't have a thumb button on my mouse but maybe I'll use the tilde key right above tab.
Ambush on ships is something which doesn't agree with my play style too well....
I had always found ambush difficult because while you do get a damage boost for a few seconds, that boost is not that large, and meanwhile your shields are down for a few seconds while you decloak. In the past I had found that I would often get destroyed immediately after leaving cloak as groups of enemies fired on me before my shields were up, and birds-of-prey are not especially durable.
The practice from the event has helped, but for most of my toons I will probably continue to fly cruiser-style.
Ambushing, yes as I practically main with ships with cloaking capability. However, with Concealed Repairs not working, it's a bit discouraging to continue using ships with cloak until it gets fixed.
Melee, I can see continuing just for fun. A little skeptical of its viability in TFOs.
I will probably continue to develop melee skills on a handful of characters that it fits the theme for, such as the dark lord, and his ninja mercenary. Otherwise, unlikely. Cloaking I will likely not use outside of aforementioned ninja toon.
Resident TOS, G.I. Joe, Transformers and hair metal fangirl.
The Melee one is where I was really surprised. Like many, my plan was.. grind it out as quickly as I can and then equip a Ranged Weapon. But something curious happened, the more I played around with Melee.. I really.. really like it. I got the Dual Nanopulse Mek'leth's as a mission reward and I absolutely love them. I am constantly surprised by how powerful they really are, at Mark XV Epic I have yet to face anything on the ground that can live more then a few seconds with my Klingon in their face. I equipped the Personalized Spatial Trajector from the new lock box that teleports you to your enemies and man oh man.. I love it and I am absolutely sticking with it.
In fact, Melee Combat has made my KDF Recruit my current favorite character to play. I decided not only am I not going to delete the character, I am going to pour resources into her to bring her up to the level I want. Yes, playing Melee is more challenging then Ranged and yes.. you can die from ranged attackers.. but it's honestly a big part of the fun. If I get in the enemies face, it's over.. flat out. The challenge is navigating the battlefield and it's actually been surprisingly enjoyable.
With my current ground setup all that's needed is to swap out 1 kit module and my primary weapon and I'm good either way.
As far as the effectiveness of melee is concerned I'm still quite amazed at what can be accomplished with a little practice.
You'd have to be an accomplished and well geared ground player with a variety of meta kit abilities to keep up to or surpass my melee build on most advanced maps.
For the space ambush kills it's about the same. My current raider build with practice and improvements is now good enough in advanced TFO's that the limiting factor in taking out bad guys is my own abilities as a pilot. The Temer Alliance Raider says hello and is deadly. Again for variety I certainly have a beam ship and a carrier to switch to but cannons plus flanking just makes things go boom faster for me at least.
I find it somewhat humorous that lessons taught as a 2255 kdf recruit hold true for most of STO's gameplay - learning and knowing how to use things is of more importance at least initially than the shiny lockbox item of the day.
Melee not quite as much, but I have learned quite a bit about it, too, so will probably still use it more than I have in the past.
Ambush I've always done with ships equipped with cloaks. What the event has me doing that I didn't normally do is recloak when I get the chance. Before it was just a start of mission thing which is behavior I'm sure to go back to once I've completed the event task.
Star Trek Online volunteer Community Moderator
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
Melee still needs some adjustments imo and is a bit of a pain.
But I am using the Nanopulse Staff-Rifle and do knock things around with its melee options when enemies are close.
Cloaked Ambush? yeah, but only really doing that at the start of combat, not gonna cloaking mid combat anymore when more enemies join... since I don't need ambush kills anymore.
Also I just wanna kill things fast, and it takes time to cloak, and since I kill things faster than the time it takes to cloak and uncloak. So the bonus attack power isn't worth it.
Spock to Kirk, as Kirk is about to hug him.
Star Trek V: "The Final Frontier"
(I'm at 1400 melee kills, 500 ambush. Feels like it will never end.)
Join Date: Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Member since December 2009
The melee not so much, I used the melee function of some ranged weapons occasionally but until the twin nanopulse mek'leths turned out to have something like a workable melee style I never carried a pure melee weapon except when the mission required it. I will probably keep it in my secondary weapon slot more from now on though.
Space ambush is a plus for DPS. If I end up on a ship with a cloak then I use it but I won’t select new ships just because of it.
As for melee I found it far less efficient then ranged options. There is only the variety aspect to it.
I have a fed side Andorian. She happens to have 3 melee securities and the Fangs from the last time I planed going for melee. To my knowledge there are hardly any other build adjustments other than the doffs on a tac (perhaps 2-3 traits or so) so I can go for it again whenever I feel to.
Fangs seem to have the best reach. My friend who is a melee enthusiast climbs up walls and mountains with it so I keep those as addition to the nanopulse mekleths and call it a day.
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Cloaked ambush, however has some really good new toys and if you're a recruit, the BOFF. It was always worth using but I never did so religiously. If you want to build a cloaked ambush ship, you have a lot of things to play with now, so I'll be playing around with it some more to see what I can get out of these traits and so on.
Oh, it's not a trait.. it's a Kit Module.
It's new, so it doesn't have a Wiki entry yet, so I'll just quote from the Arc Page for it's description:
You can teleport up to 30m with this, and it only takes a few sec before you can jump again. The Dodge bonus is also huge, and stacks with every move.. they can't even hit you when you get there. The best part.. no one wants this thing, they're seriously like 30k EC on the exchange.. they're basically free and they make Melee much more enjoyable. I mapped it to my thumb mouse button, so I just hit tab to change targets and then tap with my thumb until I am in my targets face.
Really fun.
I started practicing melee on my main prior to the Klingon recruitment event, but my disco KDF slices through everything on the ground as a hot knife through butter.
Ambush on ships is something which doesn't agree with my play style too well. I like playing stealth bomber, but that doesn't work with the ambush. Currently at roughly 1350 out of the 2500 required.
It's unlikely i will move back to that play style after i finish the 2500.
I don't have a thumb button on my mouse but maybe I'll use the tilde key right above tab.
I had always found ambush difficult because while you do get a damage boost for a few seconds, that boost is not that large, and meanwhile your shields are down for a few seconds while you decloak. In the past I had found that I would often get destroyed immediately after leaving cloak as groups of enemies fired on me before my shields were up, and birds-of-prey are not especially durable.
The practice from the event has helped, but for most of my toons I will probably continue to fly cruiser-style.
The "ambushing" is dependent upon which starship my character is using though I've enjoyed immersing myself in the mind-set.
For both probably not as much once I achieve the 2500, but it's been fun & a slight learning curve so that's good.
Melee, I can see continuing just for fun. A little skeptical of its viability in TFOs.
And knowing is half the battle!
21 'til I die!