I'm getting a Crash to Desktop a few seconds after logging in to an existing character. The time varies from instant (i.e. while loading into the map after loading my character) to a few minutes - on one occasion I got most of the way through an Argala patrol before it happened. It's also intermittent; some days it'll happen once or twice, some days it won't happen at all.
Things I've tried:
* Force Verify: Appeared to fix the first couple of times, but no longer seems to do any good.
* Reboot: Not really necessary as STO is the first thing I ran but it still happens.
* Ensure all nonessential apps are closed: This happens whether or not anything else (like Chrome, Excel) is open.
* Delete STO files and reinstall from within the launcher: Seemed fine when I ran the game for the last couple of days, but I just had two crashes in a row this morning.
I'm now trying a full Arc reinstall, to see if that works, but I have my doubts... I'll also try disabling a few of the startup apps. But any advice would be much appreciated!
ETA: For extra context, I do have Driver Booster (an auto driver update program) on my PC that did install an update to my display adaptor - a Radeon RX 580 - on 19 December, which is about when this started. If the reinstall fails I'll reverse that in case that's what's caused the problem. My PC is a Ryzen 1800x eight-core 3.6GHz with 32GB RAM, 64-bit OS, with both solid state and standard hard drives (my apps are on the SSD I think).
I've been getting the same thing off and on the past couple weeks. No idea what triggers it, the game just crashes at random. Sometimes it's trying to zone into ESD, other times it's while I'm typing something into chat.
So I rolled back the driver, and it worked ok yesterday but today both my characters are having the problem again. I've disabled my firewall/AV and DriverBooster (the latter of which I think I'll be deleting at some point).
Interestingly, for my Fed character (main with all the bells and whistles), it started when I tried to go to the Winter Wonderland, and now is crashing immediately on startup. My Romulan Fed-aligned character was ok for a few seconds, then I tried switching to the Wonderland, and it crashed on map transfer.
I never use Patch On Demand, and as this is a clean install it shouldn't need a Force Verify. It's clearly not a corrupted character (or my Romulan wouldn't be suffering from it).
EDIT: I've been able to get on for a ten minute stretch (nearly enough to complete Klingon Fishing) and then another ten minute stretch (where I did manage to finish the fishing). Both times I then got CTD.
Clarify please? Do you mean network connection? If so, I have a wired connection (and no other computers on my home network are experiencing network problems).
hardwire = wired. my bad for not explaining that, figured most knew this.
how has the day been so far? you said you did a clean install and removed the driver program correct?
See my other posts from today - regular CTDs on all chars. I will be removing DriverBooster, and did do a full reinstall of both ARC and STO a couple of days ago.
are you using the arc to launch the game or just the exe file?
It doesn't seem to make a difference (I've done both).
Yeah I have gone through everything I can possible think of...but it just seems to be a random thing...and it ONLY happened after you load into the game on a toon. Not before...which makes it a random software bug...which basically means something that is gonna be impossible to track down...much less fix.
What about your audio chipset drivers? Any configuration or driver updates to those recently?
Formerly known as Armsman from June 2008 to June 20, 2012
PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
Ryzen 1800 with 16GB Ram
RX 580
Creative AE-5
Windows 10 20H2
STO is installed on the HD
Game started to crash without any change on my end (maybe an windows update). Must be the 16 or 17, because I reinstalled STO on the 18.
After that:
started STO in safe mode
verified gamefiles
reinstalled the game from scratch after cleaning up the registry. Used the launcher for installing.
turned on and off on demand patching
installed the newest graphic drivers even uninstalling the old one with the DDU
installed the newest audio drivers for my creative card (nothing new for the on board realtek afaik).
deactivated the teamviewer service
set the virtual ram to 16GB
Nothing of those changed anything on my end.
Some days it does not crash, some days it crashes a few s after loading a character. Sometimes it is just crashing on social zones, sometimes everywhere, sometimes just on certain chars, while others don't got a problem at all.
Everything is very random.
I get the feeling, that the problem are some assets you mostly find in the "social zones".
I turned on using the proxy of my region in the launcher, because I was remembering to resolve a crashproblem that way some years ago.
And as stupid as it sounds, it does work for now.
The other option would be, that STO has just decided to work normaly again after doing nothing on my end except playing an other game browsing the web a bit...
Perhaps yesterday's maintenance did something server-side to try to fix it... I've not had a crash yesterday or today, but I'll keep monitoring. No changes on my end since my last post.
Same, was having an issue, it seemed to resolve, now it's back this morning. Even stopped using Steam and used the Arc launcher. No idea what the issue is.
Yeah I didn't get a chance to try yesterday but I've had two CTDs in quick succession this afternoon (UK time). I've sent a PM to ambassadorkael, hopefully he'll be able to pass it on to the right people. (Haven't raised in-game because by the time I know it's still broken, the game has already crashed, and I don't know that I'll have time to write out a bug report before it crashes again.)
After three more crashes (literally seconds after logging in for #2 and #3), I found a few log files while browsing the game directory... might they help?
Live > Logs > GameClient has:
210101 18:09:32 371 Client[0]: LoginServer link attempting connect:
210101 18:09:40 372 Client[0]: LoginServer link disconnected ( Reason: socket was shutdown:AddToCommDisconnectList([0x0000000000000000]:Unknown) (socket error [0x0000000000000000]: Unknown)
210101 18:09:40 373 Client[0]: GameServer link attempting connect to clientMultiplexer (
210101 18:13:39 381 Client[1055689]: GameServer link attempting connect to clientMultiplexer (
210101 18:13:39 382 Client[1055689]: Client Multiplexer told us we have been disconnected from our gameserver for transfer
210101 18:16:38 371 Client[0]: LoginServer link attempting connect:
210101 18:16:45 372 Client[0]: LoginServer link disconnected ( Reason: socket was shutdown:AddToCommDisconnectList:RemoveLastLink([0x0000000000000000]:Unknown) (socket error [0x0000000000000000]: Unknown)
210101 18:16:45 373 Client[0]: GameServer link attempting connect to clientMultiplexer (
210101 18:17:19 371 Client[0]: LoginServer link attempting connect:
210101 18:17:25 372 Client[0]: LoginServer link disconnected ( Reason: socket was shutdown:AddToCommDisconnectList([0x0000000000000000]:Unknown) (socket error [0x0000000000000000]: Unknown)
210101 18:17:25 373 Client[0]: GameServer link attempting connect to clientMultiplexer (
201230 22:02:21 413 Client[P[2332175@1055689 Marshon@JimGamma]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
^Notably there wasn't a file for today's crashes, just the ones on 30/12.
The Live directory also has a CoreHooks file that shows one DLL isn't being linked:
2021-01-01 18:17:02:889 Failed to load library: d3d8
210101 21:37:52 374 Client[0]: LoginServer link attempting connect:
210101 21:37:58 375 Client[0]: LoginServer link disconnected ( Reason: socket was shutdown:AddToCommDisconnectList([0x0000000000000000]:Unknown) (socket error [0x0000000000000000]: Unknown)
210101 21:37:58 376 Client[0]: GameServer link attempting connect to clientMultiplexer (
210101 21:38:37 380 Client[6951753]: GameServer link attempting connect to clientMultiplexer (
210101 21:38:37 381 Client[6951753]: Client Multiplexer told us we have been disconnected from our gameserver for transfer
none for this timeframe (4:38 PM EST)
here is the one for 3:56 PM EST
210101 20:33:59 380 Client[P[10554202@6951753 Pelli@acethepug]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
210101 20:56:45 384 Client[6951753]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
I also had the same issue from the CoreHook as tehibris
2021-01-01 18:17:02:889 Failed to load library: d3d8
It is the epitome of a QAs worst nightmare. One of the main reason I have not scream as loudly about this as the skill invalid issue. That one, they had control over...this one...yeah like I said, I really don't know how they are gonna figure this one out barring shear luck.
Absolutely. I work in IT (database and data management developer), so I know exactly how hard intermittent issues can be to track down even when you have a set of steps to replicate them. Hopefully one of the Cryptic team will be able to give us some info on what we can do to help them trace it. Thing is, it's COMPLETELY random - doesn't seem to matter which character I'm on, can happen in space or on ground, social or combat, so it feels like something so fundamental, and yet it's only affecting a few people.
Could it be related to ammount of fragmentation of the bins and/or the textures .hoggs?
Seems like cryptic threw the whole game in just a few files, with the bins.hogg bigger then 7GB. Easy to fragment such a file, even more if a delta update is working on that one every week.
Was again at 50+ fragments after just a week and game started to crash. After defragging it, everything is fine for now.
wouldn't use a file that big, that is currently worked on, for a game anyway...
I wanted to add to this thread.
Since the Winter Wonderland update, my game would crash at random intervals; the game will just freeze for about 2 seconds, and then close on its own. The frequency of game crashes is never consistent; it's always at random points. One moment, I would have almost 2 hours uninterrupted play until the crash, and the next interval I would crash 10 minutes later. Third interval would have the crash happen 5 minutes later, fourth will be 40 minutes later, and the fifth would be as soon as a mere 3 seconds after I load into the stage/map.
I hope that this issue gets rectified with the pending update.
I've had this a few times, login and sometimes as soon as the character screen I get a CTD. Seems to be a Windows issue for me as other games fail with similar results.
Have found that running these two commands from a command line/powershell in Admin mode followed by a reboot immediately seems to solve for me.
The first does a scan and resets the Windows Update Cache to clear out any suspect updates. The second does a scan of your OS for any corrupted system files and replaces them if it can from a backup on the PC.
I've had this a few times, login and sometimes as soon as the character screen I get a CTD. Seems to be a Windows issue for me as other games fail with similar results.
Have found that running these two commands from a command line/powershell in Admin mode followed by a reboot immediately seems to solve for me.
The first does a scan and resets the Windows Update Cache to clear out any suspect updates. The second does a scan of your OS for any corrupted system files and replaces them if it can from a backup on the PC.
Thank you for this suggestion. So far, my game is running smoothly after running the fix you suggested.
Worked for a while (as did the BIOS update), but the issue is back now since about 11AM EST. Getting extremely annoying and wish someone from the company would acknowledge.
EDIT: Just reran the two commands and it is working again, hopefully it will keep. thank you again qandice
Ok, it's a couple days since the last post so I'm just going to add this problem is still going on. Game randomly crashes to desktop with a crash report being collected box. It's been happening since into December and it's funny no Dev has addressed this as every time it crashes it says it's sending crash data to Cryptic so they should know something is going on.
Hello, anyone who cares to fix it, is this thing on?!
Interestingly, for my Fed character (main with all the bells and whistles), it started when I tried to go to the Winter Wonderland, and now is crashing immediately on startup. My Romulan Fed-aligned character was ok for a few seconds, then I tried switching to the Wonderland, and it crashed on map transfer.
I never use Patch On Demand, and as this is a clean install it shouldn't need a Force Verify. It's clearly not a corrupted character (or my Romulan wouldn't be suffering from it).
EDIT: I've been able to get on for a ten minute stretch (nearly enough to complete Klingon Fishing) and then another ten minute stretch (where I did manage to finish the fishing). Both times I then got CTD.
See my other posts from today - regular CTDs on all chars. I will be removing DriverBooster, and did do a full reinstall of both ARC and STO a couple of days ago.
It doesn't seem to make a difference (I've done both).
What about your audio chipset drivers? Any configuration or driver updates to those recently?
PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
Ryzen 1800 with 16GB Ram
RX 580
Creative AE-5
Windows 10 20H2
STO is installed on the HD
Game started to crash without any change on my end (maybe an windows update). Must be the 16 or 17, because I reinstalled STO on the 18.
After that:
started STO in safe mode
verified gamefiles
reinstalled the game from scratch after cleaning up the registry. Used the launcher for installing.
turned on and off on demand patching
installed the newest graphic drivers even uninstalling the old one with the DDU
installed the newest audio drivers for my creative card (nothing new for the on board realtek afaik).
deactivated the teamviewer service
set the virtual ram to 16GB
Nothing of those changed anything on my end.
Some days it does not crash, some days it crashes a few s after loading a character. Sometimes it is just crashing on social zones, sometimes everywhere, sometimes just on certain chars, while others don't got a problem at all.
Everything is very random.
I get the feeling, that the problem are some assets you mostly find in the "social zones".
Crashlog always says:
502 Client[P[10219097@1355818 charhandle@accounthandle]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
A problem that seems to plaque STO and Neverwinter for years now...
Should I mention, that the other 30 games on my machine (SSD and HD) don't make any problems?
I turned on using the proxy of my region in the launcher, because I was remembering to resolve a crashproblem that way some years ago.
And as stupid as it sounds, it does work for now.
The other option would be, that STO has just decided to work normaly again after doing nothing on my end except playing an other game browsing the web a bit...
Live > Logs > GameClient has:
210101 18:09:32 371 Client[0]: LoginServer link attempting connect:
210101 18:09:40 372 Client[0]: LoginServer link disconnected ( Reason: socket was shutdown:AddToCommDisconnectList([0x0000000000000000]:Unknown) (socket error [0x0000000000000000]: Unknown)
210101 18:09:40 373 Client[0]: GameServer link attempting connect to clientMultiplexer (
210101 18:13:39 381 Client[1055689]: GameServer link attempting connect to clientMultiplexer (
210101 18:13:39 382 Client[1055689]: Client Multiplexer told us we have been disconnected from our gameserver for transfer
210101 18:16:38 371 Client[0]: LoginServer link attempting connect:
210101 18:16:45 372 Client[0]: LoginServer link disconnected ( Reason: socket was shutdown:AddToCommDisconnectList:RemoveLastLink([0x0000000000000000]:Unknown) (socket error [0x0000000000000000]: Unknown)
210101 18:16:45 373 Client[0]: GameServer link attempting connect to clientMultiplexer (
210101 18:17:19 371 Client[0]: LoginServer link attempting connect:
210101 18:17:25 372 Client[0]: LoginServer link disconnected ( Reason: socket was shutdown:AddToCommDisconnectList([0x0000000000000000]:Unknown) (socket error [0x0000000000000000]: Unknown)
210101 18:17:25 373 Client[0]: GameServer link attempting connect to clientMultiplexer (
201230 22:02:21 413 Client[P[2332175@1055689 Marshon@JimGamma]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
^Notably there wasn't a file for today's crashes, just the ones on 30/12.
The Live directory also has a CoreHooks file that shows one DLL isn't being linked:
2021-01-01 18:17:02:889 Failed to load library: d3d8
But everything else in that file looks OK.
Debug is showing an uncaught reference:
[0101/181657:INFO:CONSOLE(0)] "Uncaught ReferenceError: LauncherAPI is not defined," source: about:blank(1)
[0101/181659:INFO:CONSOLE(0)] "Select shard: 0," source: http://launcher.startrekonline.com/static/all/js/api.js(160)
code 27ec29
Clientservercomm (4:38 PM EST)
210101 21:37:52 374 Client[0]: LoginServer link attempting connect:
210101 21:37:58 375 Client[0]: LoginServer link disconnected ( Reason: socket was shutdown:AddToCommDisconnectList([0x0000000000000000]:Unknown) (socket error [0x0000000000000000]: Unknown)
210101 21:37:58 376 Client[0]: GameServer link attempting connect to clientMultiplexer (
210101 21:38:37 380 Client[6951753]: GameServer link attempting connect to clientMultiplexer (
210101 21:38:37 381 Client[6951753]: Client Multiplexer told us we have been disconnected from our gameserver for transfer
none for this timeframe (4:38 PM EST)
here is the one for 3:56 PM EST
210101 20:33:59 380 Client[P[10554202@6951753 Pelli@acethepug]]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
210101 20:56:45 384 Client[6951753]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()
I also had the same issue from the CoreHook as tehibris
2021-01-01 18:17:02:889 Failed to load library: d3d8
Absolutely. I work in IT (database and data management developer), so I know exactly how hard intermittent issues can be to track down even when you have a set of steps to replicate them. Hopefully one of the Cryptic team will be able to give us some info on what we can do to help them trace it. Thing is, it's COMPLETELY random - doesn't seem to matter which character I'm on, can happen in space or on ground, social or combat, so it feels like something so fundamental, and yet it's only affecting a few people.
Seems like cryptic threw the whole game in just a few files, with the bins.hogg bigger then 7GB. Easy to fragment such a file, even more if a delta update is working on that one every week.
Was again at 50+ fragments after just a week and game started to crash. After defragging it, everything is fine for now.
wouldn't use a file that big, that is currently worked on, for a game anyway...
Since the Winter Wonderland update, my game would crash at random intervals; the game will just freeze for about 2 seconds, and then close on its own. The frequency of game crashes is never consistent; it's always at random points. One moment, I would have almost 2 hours uninterrupted play until the crash, and the next interval I would crash 10 minutes later. Third interval would have the crash happen 5 minutes later, fourth will be 40 minutes later, and the fifth would be as soon as a mere 3 seconds after I load into the stage/map.
I hope that this issue gets rectified with the pending update.
Have found that running these two commands from a command line/powershell in Admin mode followed by a reboot immediately seems to solve for me.
DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth
sfc /scannow
The first does a scan and resets the Windows Update Cache to clear out any suspect updates. The second does a scan of your OS for any corrupted system files and replaces them if it can from a backup on the PC.
Thank you for this suggestion. So far, my game is running smoothly after running the fix you suggested.
EDIT: Just reran the two commands and it is working again, hopefully it will keep. thank you again qandice
AAAAAND two toons later, it's crashing again.
Hello, anyone who cares to fix it, is this thing on?!