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Loadouts being Updated to include Traits & more



  • pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,259 Arc User
    coldnapalm wrote: »
    So...bets on what breaks on release of this?
    They are going to leave a section of traits missing and not bother to fix them would be my bets.
  • peterconnorfirstpeterconnorfirst Member Posts: 6,225 Arc User
    Lol @pottsey5g ’s bet is brutal here.

    I play the optimist and bet all will work out fine and flawlessly *IF* we reskill all our characters not once but twice this time.

    Should be fun. :(
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    felisean wrote: »
    teamwork to reach a goal is awesome and highly appreciated
  • jennycolvinjennycolvin Member Posts: 1,100 Arc User
    edited November 2020
    This is indeed an improvement we've been asking for for a long while now. Whether they did it because we asked for it or because they wanted to we'll never know - and no, I don't trust anything they say anymore, so quoting them is not gonna change my mind.

    That said, considering I logged in this morning and on pretty much every main character I have there was a trait missing, after not having changed ANYTHING on any of them, I'd say that I'm not confident they will deliver a working feature. At all.
    Couple that with the absolute TRIBBLE that was the latest "big" (if you can call *that* big) release and yeah... not confident in the slightest.
    Not agreeing with someone doesn't give you the right to be an TRIBBLE.

    Ci sono tre tipi di giocatori:
    - quelli a cui non va mai bene niente... e vanno sul forum a trollare;
    - quelli che sono talmente imbesuiti da credere a qualunque cosa i dev dicano, perfino che la luna è fatta di formaggio... e vanno sul forum a trollare;
    - quelli che credono a quello a cui è giusto credere, sono d'accordo con quello con cui è giusto essere d'accordo e sono critici con quello che non va;

    Ai giocatori dei primi due tipi, gratis in omaggio un bello specchio lucente su cui arrampicarsi. E una mazzata in testa per la loro poca intelligenza e compassione verso gli altri giocatori che non la pensano come loro.
    Agli appartenenti al terzo tipo, invece, dico grazie. Anche se non sempre si riesce a mantenere la calma, siete quelli per cui vale la pena incazzarsi.
  • fleetcaptain5#1134 fleetcaptain5 Member Posts: 5,051 Arc User
    I've never really understood why this was so important to players.

    I hardly ever use ship loadouts. There's just too few free ones to make the system useful and I'm not going to pay hundreds of Zen per character, per ship to get some extra ones.
  • trillbuffettrillbuffet Member Posts: 861 Arc User
    Yeah its a nice QoL but there are so many mechanics based off of toddler toys that just confuse most STO players. We really need Cryptic to start some program where they hire toddlers to teach STO players how to play ground TFO's.
  • lordmerc22lordmerc22 Member Posts: 776 Arc User
    That is a very good QoL improvement. At last something positive from them
  • foxrockssocksfoxrockssocks Member Posts: 2,482 Arc User
    Never used loadouts, so I don't know that I care.
  • eazzieeazzie Member Posts: 4,417 Arc User
    This certainly puts to rest the complaint that the devs never listen to the players, it is exactly what so many have asked for.

    Let's just hope it works and is bug free. Let's hope we don't have to respec again
  • alcyoneserenealcyoneserene Member Posts: 2,414 Arc User
    1st concern: What about duty and bridge officer selection?

    2nd concern: What about power tray selection and placement?

    3rd concern: What about warnings about which specific items are missing (ex. reclaimable consoles that are discarded, account-bound items currently not on a character, etc.)?

    No mention of these 3 being included in the loadout expansion, no stated plans for these added in the future, along with a warning if doffs are busy on assignment. A proper build makes every component key, and if that's missing, and you can't remember which ship had which exact loadout, invalidates the whole thing.

    Question: Do ships that can be reclaimed or those dry docked retain their loadouts?

    This would be a big and welcomed QoL improvement, though I fear the inevitable bugs and stated drawbacks will mean it is still safer to manually write down and set up good polished builds which are still quite time consuming.
  • dp1149dp1149 Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    All just IMHO, YWFMV (your warp factor may vary).
    1st concern: What about duty and bridge officer selection?

    DOFFs not really a big deal to me as I never really change them around. BOFFs would be nice since I usually have to switch some traits for them depending on what I'm flying (usually swapping CRF and FAW)...not really a biggie, either, but if it makes it easier, that's cool.
    2nd concern: What about power tray selection and placement?

    THIS. Most definitely this. Swapping to a new ship I haven't saved a loadout for means taking a screencap of the current tray, then populating the new one and saving to a loadout. It would be far better to be able to save the tray as it is, one-click it into a new ship, then tweak as needed and save it to a loadout. More efficient management equals less drudge time and more play time.
    3rd concern: What about warnings about which specific items are missing (ex. reclaimable consoles that are discarded, account-bound items currently not on a character, etc.)?

    Nice to have...perhaps add a tag to the descriptions showing whether reclaimable or not. Another idea is to make non-reclaimable items protected by default.
    Question: Do ships that can be reclaimed or those dry docked retain their loadouts?

    They do retain mastery level for those that have them, so it would make sense to have them retain loadouts as well, but it may be a bridge too far for the devs due to the amount of variables involved. I could see it being possible to retain loadouts for dry docked ships, but not for discharged ships that are reclaimed - I'd expect those to just have the base loadout, again due to the amount of variables involved.
    Damn the torpedoes, warp speed ahead!
  • trillbuffettrillbuffet Member Posts: 861 Arc User
    I'm really hoping that we will see returns of types of ships we haven't seen produced in a long time that can benefit from this QoL like Birds of Prey. It would wonderful to see at least one come out in the year of the Klingon even if its just one lol. Other factions have their workhorses too its just they may not be preferred for everything.

    However I am hoping Kit Modules get their own tab in some upcoming QoL changes too. That and changes to bring more interactive gameplay than pressing F and seeing the word Interact. Its time that was replaced with INTERACTIVE GAMEPLAY. Like if there needs to be 30 seconds of waiting why don't you just replace that with 30 seconds worth of ships to blow up.

    Oh but as far as bugs and glitches it wouldn't be STO without them. Just make sure that my favorite one is not fixed because its a really handy one to have even though I never have figured out how to duplicate the outcome of it. It has such great results though and can be annoying at times trying to do maintenance with things like weapons and consoles that think they are tribbles.
  • dp1149dp1149 Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    This got me thinking of another idea that would be nice to have - the ability in R&D to select the number of slots you want to perform a single task.

    If I have all six slots available and want to do the same task in all of them, it would be quicker and easier if I could select the amount of slots I want filled with it, instead of having to do each one individually and have to scroll through the list of tasks since the list doesn't take you back to the previously selected task even though it does remember you selecting it.
    Damn the torpedoes, warp speed ahead!
  • foppotee#4552 foppotee Member Posts: 1,704 Arc User
    lordmerc22 wrote: »
    That is a very good QoL improvement. At last something positive from them

    Totally agree about the loadouts being a very good QoL improvement, I've even considered buying some additional loadouts for having my favorite character have 7 for all energy types & some type of torp build all at the ready.

    I do think it is incomplete if it doesn't include Specializations, but hopefully down the road it could be included.

    Then of course the worry that it won't be released under a working mechanic & this will break more things than fix/improve, & that worry is certainly justified based upon prior incidents. But if I need to redo my character Skills, again, then so be it if it is free, I almost have them all memorized still.
  • theantisainttheantisaint Member Posts: 170 Arc User
    edited November 2020
    Ahh, now this is welcome news. 👍🏽😀

    1. Selecting multiple items like windows; allow batch move/batch delete, drag/drop, etc.
    2. Better search function/expanded categories for items in exchange; Boffs: male/female, species/ground/space traits, ability to filter based on faction, etc.
  • garaffegaraffe Member Posts: 1,353 Arc User
    Seems like a nice improvement to the game. However...

    Does this mean that you can now change your traits after entering a TFO? They give the example of being able to switch to your "Gravity Kills loadout" whenever that TFO pops in the random queue, but you won't know which TFO you are getting until the loading screen, and at that point it is too late to change traits.
  • foppotee#4552 foppotee Member Posts: 1,704 Arc User
    garaffe wrote: »
    Seems like a nice improvement to the game. However...

    Does this mean that you can now change your traits after entering a TFO? They give the example of being able to switch to your "Gravity Kills loadout" whenever that TFO pops in the random queue, but you won't know which TFO you are getting until the loading screen, and at that point it is too late to change traits.

    Very valid question since especially with "random" TFOs it would be very situational. While Cryptic is at it & if/until they include Skill Tree Specializations jut make those changeable too in TFOs that would solve the whole Space or Ground optimization selection.
  • fluxcapacitor#9257 fluxcapacitor Member Posts: 34 Arc User
    You know what would be a great QoL improvement isn't adding "features" to loadouts, it would be if loadouts actually just worked as advertised. Loadouts have been broken since inception. Ever try and have loadouts swap consumables? You click save, switch to another and back only to find the original consumable is there. Or you make two or three changes at once, click save, only to find when you switch to another loadout and back only two of three changes saved. Or you click on a loadout and not everything loads - you look at your warp core and it has the icon which indicates the item is currently located on a different ship.

    The problem is, a player fights with them and finally figures out the right secret-sauce recipe on just the right order to add things to get the loadout to save, and you then begin to actually depend on them only to switch ships and when you go back find everything is out of place. Or worse, it's mostly right with a few things in the wrong spots, or (more often) just missing. How many of you have clicked on a loadout to load it only to have it say "unsaved changes" - how can there be unsaved changes when I've just loaded it?

    How about loadouts properly handle consumables.

    How about when sharing items between ships when a loadout pull an item off another ship if it puts it back where it came from when a different loadout loads? Rather than dumping items in your inventory. Sometimes loadouts will take something from the bank and put it back in the bank, sometimes it takes from the bank and drops it in your inventory.

    And sometimes loadouts just randomly break. I have lost items with loadouts. As in click a loadout which changes the warp core only to have the previous warp core just vanish. Not in inventory, or bank, or on any other ship. Poof, bye. Kiss goodbye to a Mk VX epic warp core.

    So rather than new features, please, please, PLEASE just get the existing system working. As in do this before you add new features, because we all know your success rate adding a new feature without breaking something.
  • lordmerc22lordmerc22 Member Posts: 776 Arc User
    lordmerc22 wrote: »
    That is a very good QoL improvement. At last something positive from them

    Totally agree about the loadouts being a very good QoL improvement, I've even considered buying some additional loadouts for having my favorite character have 7 for all energy types & some type of torp build all at the ready.

    I do think it is incomplete if it doesn't include Specializations, but hopefully down the road it could be included.

    Then of course the worry that it won't be released under a working mechanic & this will break more things than fix/improve, & that worry is certainly justified based upon prior incidents. But if I need to redo my character Skills, again, then so be it if it is free, I almost have them all memorized still.

    Especially for someone like me who doesnt have many characters compared to other people(9) but they all matter(none is "farming" alt) and all have multiple ships(less for my 3 Feds since I closed my wallet to them till Cryptic starts releasing KDF ones too - 4 packs were a great idea, I hope they go on that) so only bought multi faction cross packs that had a fed ship too.

    Now about bugs, with the size of their team(seems to be like 10 or so on STO dev department) maybe they cannot release easily bug free new things, but hopefully they will avoid anything critical but I am confident they will fix them fairly fast. Apart from the previous atrocious TFO they didnt do anything critically bad so yes, I am giving them a vote of confidence, even with a bit of concern too
  • alcyoneserenealcyoneserene Member Posts: 2,414 Arc User
    And sometimes loadouts just randomly break. I have lost items with loadouts. As in click a loadout which changes the warp core only to have the previous warp core just vanish. Not in inventory, or bank, or on any other ship. Poof, bye. Kiss goodbye to a Mk VX epic warp core.
    Thanks for the heads up. I choose to believe you on that, knowing how bugged this game is in every regard, and as such will avoid the loadout system altogether as usual, and rely on manually placing items and saving loadouts in an excel file.

  • lordmerc22lordmerc22 Member Posts: 776 Arc User
    And sometimes loadouts just randomly break. I have lost items with loadouts. As in click a loadout which changes the warp core only to have the previous warp core just vanish. Not in inventory, or bank, or on any other ship. Poof, bye. Kiss goodbye to a Mk VX epic warp core.

    So rather than new features, please, please, PLEASE just get the existing system working. As in do this before you add new features, because we all know your success rate adding a new feature without breaking something.

    I had a few times that problem and I was able to bypass it by click a weapon slot(it was a weapon), while on ship management npc, and finding it on the "list" that appears for you to choose a weapon from. There was no other way around to make it appear and it was a sensor-linked omni in one case and a cheap disruptor (pen) turret in another
  • ericlivingstonericlivingston Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited November 2020
    I also want to see Specializations included at some point, and the ability to swap loadouts at the beginning of a TFO/mission (especially random TFOs), and during (for instance, when leaving the 'space' portion of a mission and about to beam down, etc.) However, this is a great step - I use loadouts quite often to reconfigure for endeavor damage types.
  • crusty8maccrusty8mac Member Posts: 1,381 Arc User
    While I have wanted this for a long time.. I'll admit I am not looking forward to this.

    Recently, Cryptic has shown that they don't test anything.. at all. When this hits, our load outs are going to be so screwed up it's going to be maddening.

    Now 6 months later when they have fixed all the bugs in the release.. that will be a good time! :lol:

    How prophetic! I can't save any of my space or ship traits to my loadout. Business as usual at Cryptic.
    STO Forum member since before February 2010.
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  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    This is a MAJOR QoL update.

    I know Cryptic has been talking about wanting to do this for awhile. Good to see it finally get done.

    This is a MAJOR QoL update.

    I know Cryptic has been talking about wanting to do this for awhile. Good to see it finally get done.

    LOL, what you said was so true, it had to be repeated.

    I am a bit worried, though, for my existing loadouts. A real nightmare scenario will be when all existing loadouts (obviously sans Traits yet) will subsequently cause all Traits to be wiped from their slots. That would be the kind of nightmare I'd have to relive literally hundreds of time (for every ship I choose a loadout of). And it's in line with how sloppy Cryptic usually works; think having to respec when they make the slightest changes to Traits. Granted, this is not technically a change to Traits, but it's the same Cryptic. :smiley:

    If they do it well, however, this will be the greatest QoL improvement since sliced bread!
  • ltminnsltminns Member Posts: 12,572 Arc User
    Not if you have a gluten intolerance. :)
    'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
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    l don't know.
    l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
    That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
    Lt. Philip J. Minns
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited November 2020
    Turns out all my worst nightmares came true. Not only did they unload all my Traits, but they also do so on EVERY loadout switch, for your convenience! That's right: instead of dealing with unloaded Traits like every few months or so, Cryptic (I want to say the other word) now gave me several hundred forced Trait-unload moments for every loadout I have accross the board!

    This is the absolute worst way they could have done this. Time to fire a certain Dev!

    P.S. And this is how a not-insane person would have programmed loadouts:

    "IF (No Traits saved in current loadout yet) THEN do not mess with the existing ones, but just mark the current loadout as Unsaved."
  • questeriusquesterius Member Posts: 8,612 Arc User
    The thing which annoyed me the most was that Skills were rendered invalid again.
    This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
  • jaymaverick007jaymaverick007 Member Posts: 116 Arc User
    edited November 2020
    Thank you cryptic! This is a wonderful update. Just as many people have said this a a wonderful quality of life update to the state of playing the game. I have been looking forward to something like this for a while. Keep up the good work like this! I appreciate your hard work on this.

    One day if possible I hope that this could some how lead to an update for specialization system too.

    So that you can keep the ground skills you want with out having to feel the need to switch when you are transferring between space and ground. Such as when wanting to run a random no win senario in space and a random arena of sympok . You want to put your best foot forward in both of those but as current you are in able to adapt to the environment due to limitations of the specialization system.
    Retired Rear Admiral-Jay Maverick-
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    Not on Current Assignment.-On Retirement leave at Leach Lake in Minnesota
  • desslock#3614 desslock Member Posts: 42 Arc User
    mechacz wrote: »
    What we really need is separate ground/space specialization sets.

    I think its only needed for Strategist/commando right, since a lot of specializations are space and ground.
    pottsey5g wrote: »
    While the QoL update is nice it has a bug. The screenshot of the new traits layout in the new loadout blog has lost the other traits section. How do we now see our other traits? That's a negative QoL change along side the positive change. Please fix so this is 100% postive.

    I assume you mean "Well Traveled" and "Deprogrammed" right?

    Since the character they show is a Vulcan, its likely that the former trait wasn't obtained.

    I had the Well Travelled trait on several of my toons; it is not showing on any of them

  • desslock#3614 desslock Member Posts: 42 Arc User
    eazzie wrote: »
    This certainly puts to rest the complaint that the devs never listen to the players, it is exactly what so many have asked for.

    Let's just hope it works and is bug free. Let's hope we don't have to respec again

    Wish denied. The respec bug is showing up again.

  • sthe91sthe91 Member Posts: 6,220 Arc User
    eazzie wrote: »
    This certainly puts to rest the complaint that the devs never listen to the players, it is exactly what so many have asked for.

    Let's just hope it works and is bug free. Let's hope we don't have to respec again

    Wish denied. The respec bug is showing up again.

    It is not a bug, it has to do with the changes in coding of the patch last week. Just respec your toons on your schedule based on importance.
    Where there is a Will, there is a Way.
This discussion has been closed.