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I have a question..STO is in what timeline?

salvation4salvation4 Member Posts: 1,167 Arc User
Cannon Timeline which stopped in 2005 with Enterprises cancellation, or is it set in the PRIME Timeline which started in 2009 with JJ Trek and continued with Kurtzman Trek..There are very detailed explanations on this and it relates to the licensing issues for Trek between CBS and Viacom and a 25% different clause..And the similarities between PRIME/Disco and Kelvin are very apparent and different from Cannon Timeline..

Example of this is the scaling of ships..Prime/Disco timeline and Kelvin are similar in scaling which is super sized into ridiculousness..And the uniforms in Prime/Disco and Kelvin have similar texturing/patterns like the trek insignia imprint on the uniforms and the badges..Then the Tech similarities between Prime/Disco and Kelvin..

Cannon Timeline = TOS (1966)->TNG->Motion Pictures->TNG movies->VOY->DS9->ENT (2005)

Prime Timeline/Disco Trek and Kelvin = ST (2009)-> Into Darkness->Beyond->Disco 1->Disco 2->Picard

Which made me wonder if Hobus happened in the Prime Timeline then STO ain't canon and that explained why the USS Verity was seen in the Picard countdown comics and Picard isn't set in the cannon timeline and the similarities of the ships and shuttles are explained..
Adrian-Uss Sovereign NCC-73811 (LVL 65 FED ENG) UR/E MKXV Fleet Intel Assault Cruiser (April 2012) (Main)
Adu-Uss Firefox NCC-93425-F (LVL 65 FED AoY ENG) UR/VR MKXV Fleet Intel Assault Cruiser (July 2016)
Jean-Uss Seratoga Ravenna (LVL 60 FED Delta ENG) UC/R MKVI Bajoran Escort (April 2018)
Dubsa-RRW Mnaudh (LVL 50 FED allied ROM Delta ENG) Warbird (May 2018)
Marop-IKS Orunthi (LVL 50 KNG Delta ENG) BoP (May 2018)
Kanak'lan-TRIBBLE (LVL 65 DOM Gamma ENG) TRIBBLE (June 2018)


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    salvation4salvation4 Member Posts: 1,167 Arc User
    I know this is bait, but there are only two canon Trek timelines
    -The original/prime timeline(ENT, DSC, TOS, TNG, DS9, VOY, PIC)
    -The Kelvin timeline

    STO is in the Prime timeline consisting of Enterprise, Discovery, the Original Series, the Next Gen, Deep Space 9, Voyager, and Picard.

    NOT as per the licensing terms between CBS and Viacom..And the similarities are there for everyone to see..What Trek we have now is no where close to the Cannon Timeline..
    Adrian-Uss Sovereign NCC-73811 (LVL 65 FED ENG) UR/E MKXV Fleet Intel Assault Cruiser (April 2012) (Main)
    Adu-Uss Firefox NCC-93425-F (LVL 65 FED AoY ENG) UR/VR MKXV Fleet Intel Assault Cruiser (July 2016)
    Jean-Uss Seratoga Ravenna (LVL 60 FED Delta ENG) UC/R MKVI Bajoran Escort (April 2018)
    Dubsa-RRW Mnaudh (LVL 50 FED allied ROM Delta ENG) Warbird (May 2018)
    Marop-IKS Orunthi (LVL 50 KNG Delta ENG) BoP (May 2018)
    Kanak'lan-TRIBBLE (LVL 65 DOM Gamma ENG) TRIBBLE (June 2018)
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    salvation4salvation4 Member Posts: 1,167 Arc User
    Adrian-Uss Sovereign NCC-73811 (LVL 65 FED ENG) UR/E MKXV Fleet Intel Assault Cruiser (April 2012) (Main)
    Adu-Uss Firefox NCC-93425-F (LVL 65 FED AoY ENG) UR/VR MKXV Fleet Intel Assault Cruiser (July 2016)
    Jean-Uss Seratoga Ravenna (LVL 60 FED Delta ENG) UC/R MKVI Bajoran Escort (April 2018)
    Dubsa-RRW Mnaudh (LVL 50 FED allied ROM Delta ENG) Warbird (May 2018)
    Marop-IKS Orunthi (LVL 50 KNG Delta ENG) BoP (May 2018)
    Kanak'lan-TRIBBLE (LVL 65 DOM Gamma ENG) TRIBBLE (June 2018)
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    thegrandnagus1thegrandnagus1 Member Posts: 5,165 Arc User
    edited June 2020
    salvation4 wrote: »
    Cannon Timeline which stopped in 2005 with Enterprises cancellation,

    1) That is not correct. ALL, I repeat ALL trek TV series and movies are canon, period.

    2) There are only 2 "main" timelines: the "prime" and the "kelvin".

    3) The "kelvin" timeline is the 3 "kelvin" movies; that's it.

    4) The "prime" timeline is everything EXCEPT the 3 "kelvin" movies.

    And that's really all there is to it; no muss, no fuss.

    So what is STO? STO is just like hundreds of novels and comics that have been written over the years; a non-canon story.

    That said, while STO is a non-canon story, it (supposedly) takes place in the "prime" timeline and every now and then the devs try to change/adjust the game's story to bring it closer in line with the latest canon (like Picard).

    But regardless of these changes/updates, STO will never actually be canon. And IMO, that's a good thing. It gives the devs more freedom to tell their own stories.
    Post edited by thegrandnagus1 on

    Join Date: Sep 2008

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    jonsillsjonsills Member Posts: 10,367 Arc User
    Salvation, you're wrong. End of sentence.

    Enjoy being wrong.
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    davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,519 Arc User
    edited June 2020
    @salvation4 : Rage all you want, but Discovery and Picard are canon and set in the prime timeline. STO is not canon but is also set in the prime universe.

    Shatner is still... THE BEST... captain! though ;)
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    salvation4salvation4 Member Posts: 1,167 Arc User
    salvation4 wrote: »
    Cannon Timeline which stopped in 2005 with Enterprises cancellation,

    1) Wrong. ALL, I repeat ALL trek TV series and movies are canon, period.

    2) There are only 2 "main" timelines: the "prime" and the "kelvin".

    3) The "kelvin" timeline is the 3 "kelvin" movies; that's it.

    4) The "prime" timeline is everything EXCEPT the 3 "kelvin" movies.

    And that's really all there is to it; no muss, no fuss.

    So what is STO? STO is just like hundreds of novels and comics that have been written over the years; a non-canon story.
    That said, while STO is a non-canon story, it (supposedly) takes place in the "prime" timeline and every now and then the devs try to change/adjust the game's story to bring it closer in line with the latest canon (like Picard).
    But regardless of these changes/updates, STO will never actually be canon. And IMO, that's a good thing. It gives the devs more freedom to tell their own stories.

    Ok fine..STO is NOT cannon but they use the material from cannon without any difference..There has to be minute differences..

    So by your own statement the use of discovery type shuttles and tech in Picard which is "cannon", Starfleet basically ditched over 200 years of advancement even in ship design to go back to pre TOS era designs?? The Disco shuttles in Picard, The block ship design of the copy paste fleet which is no where close to the design development from the Constitution to Sovereign? Lets not mention the over-sized scaling..The Discoprise is way bigger than the original CANNON ENTERPRISE, the JJPRISE is stupid gigantic..And then the Verity in the countdown comics for Picard is justified cause its non cannon despite the writers saying the countdown comics for picard are neccessary reading to watch picard..Even the Borg in Picard are different, they cant beam back to the cube, and the cube has bugs to regenerate unlike the canon BORG which could survive nearly every environment including the vacuum of space and transport nearly everywhere and the regenerative capabilities seen in Q-who which had no bugs running on the ship..So by your statement Picard becomes NON CANNON cause of the bucket load of references..Also have a look at all uniforms from 1966-2005 and 2005-2020..You'll notice a very subtle difference in them and they don't match up to the original..

    Just curious..No hard and fast rules here..Picard just raised a lot of questions on its regressive federation nature..
    Adrian-Uss Sovereign NCC-73811 (LVL 65 FED ENG) UR/E MKXV Fleet Intel Assault Cruiser (April 2012) (Main)
    Adu-Uss Firefox NCC-93425-F (LVL 65 FED AoY ENG) UR/VR MKXV Fleet Intel Assault Cruiser (July 2016)
    Jean-Uss Seratoga Ravenna (LVL 60 FED Delta ENG) UC/R MKVI Bajoran Escort (April 2018)
    Dubsa-RRW Mnaudh (LVL 50 FED allied ROM Delta ENG) Warbird (May 2018)
    Marop-IKS Orunthi (LVL 50 KNG Delta ENG) BoP (May 2018)
    Kanak'lan-TRIBBLE (LVL 65 DOM Gamma ENG) TRIBBLE (June 2018)
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    salvation4salvation4 Member Posts: 1,167 Arc User
    @salvation4 : Rage all you want, but Discovery and Picard are canon and set in the prime timeline. STO is not canon but is also set in the prime universe.

    Shatner is still... THE BEST... captain! though ;)

    No ones raging..Just curious..
    Adrian-Uss Sovereign NCC-73811 (LVL 65 FED ENG) UR/E MKXV Fleet Intel Assault Cruiser (April 2012) (Main)
    Adu-Uss Firefox NCC-93425-F (LVL 65 FED AoY ENG) UR/VR MKXV Fleet Intel Assault Cruiser (July 2016)
    Jean-Uss Seratoga Ravenna (LVL 60 FED Delta ENG) UC/R MKVI Bajoran Escort (April 2018)
    Dubsa-RRW Mnaudh (LVL 50 FED allied ROM Delta ENG) Warbird (May 2018)
    Marop-IKS Orunthi (LVL 50 KNG Delta ENG) BoP (May 2018)
    Kanak'lan-TRIBBLE (LVL 65 DOM Gamma ENG) TRIBBLE (June 2018)
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    salvation4salvation4 Member Posts: 1,167 Arc User
    jonsills wrote: »
    Salvation, you're wrong. End of sentence.

    Enjoy being wrong.

    BIG DIFFERENCE BETWEEN OPINION AND BEING WRONG and this is a discussion not a blame forum..Grow up learn to read..
    Adrian-Uss Sovereign NCC-73811 (LVL 65 FED ENG) UR/E MKXV Fleet Intel Assault Cruiser (April 2012) (Main)
    Adu-Uss Firefox NCC-93425-F (LVL 65 FED AoY ENG) UR/VR MKXV Fleet Intel Assault Cruiser (July 2016)
    Jean-Uss Seratoga Ravenna (LVL 60 FED Delta ENG) UC/R MKVI Bajoran Escort (April 2018)
    Dubsa-RRW Mnaudh (LVL 50 FED allied ROM Delta ENG) Warbird (May 2018)
    Marop-IKS Orunthi (LVL 50 KNG Delta ENG) BoP (May 2018)
    Kanak'lan-TRIBBLE (LVL 65 DOM Gamma ENG) TRIBBLE (June 2018)
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    thegrandnagus1thegrandnagus1 Member Posts: 5,165 Arc User
    edited June 2020
    salvation4 wrote: »
    [Ok fine..STO is NOT cannon but they use the material from cannon without any difference..There has to be minute differences..

    Just so you know, it's "canon" not "cannon". It's cool though, I've done that before too :)

    So by your own statement the use of discovery type shuttles and tech in Picard which is "cannon", Starfleet basically ditched over 200 years of advancement even in ship design to go back to pre TOS era designs?? The Disco shuttles in Picard, The block ship design of the copy paste fleet which is no where close to the design development from the Constitution to Sovereign? Lets not mention the over-sized scaling..The Discoprise is way bigger than the original CANNON ENTERPRISE, the JJPRISE is stupid gigantic..And then the Verity in the countdown comics for Picard is justified cause its non cannon despite the writers saying the countdown comics for picard are neccessary reading to watch picard..Even the Borg in Picard are different, they cant beam back to the cube, and the cube has bugs to regenerate unlike the canon BORG which could survive nearly every environment including the vacuum of space and transport nearly everywhere and the regenerative capabilities seen in Q-who which had no bugs running on the ship..So by your statement Picard becomes NON CANNON cause of the bucket load of references..Also have a look at all uniforms from 1966-2005 and 2005-2020..You'll notice a very subtle difference in them and they don't match up to the original..

    Just curious..No hard and fast rules here..Picard just raised a lot of questions on its regressive federation nature..

    So, here is the thing my friend: canon does not always make sense. Sometimes it contradicts itself (sometimes by accident and sometimes on purpose). But regardless of whether you think it "makes sense" or whether it contradicts itself or whether you like the story or not, EVERY trek TV show and movie is in fact canon, period.

    Join Date: Sep 2008

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    seaofsorrowsseaofsorrows Member Posts: 10,918 Arc User
    salvation4 wrote: »
    jonsills wrote: »
    Salvation, you're wrong. End of sentence.

    Enjoy being wrong.

    BIG DIFFERENCE BETWEEN OPINION AND BEING WRONG and this is a discussion not a blame forum..Grow up learn to read..

    It's obvious what you're trying to do here, people just aren't falling for it.

    You took a shot, it didn't work.. move on and troll elsewhere.
    Insert witty signature line here.
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    thegrandnagus1thegrandnagus1 Member Posts: 5,165 Arc User
    salvation4 wrote: »
    BIG DIFFERENCE BETWEEN OPINION AND BEING WRONG and this is a discussion not a blame forum..Grow up learn to read..

    It is true that there is a difference between facts and opinions. Here are an example of each:

    Fact: Every Trek TV series and movie canon.

    /\ This fact is simply not up for debate. It's true, and it doesn't matter whether someone likes it or agrees with it or not.

    Opinion: the new Trek shows (Picard/Discovery) are not as good as the old Trek shows.

    /\ This opinion is entirely open to debate. That doesn't mean it's "wrong", because taste is subjective and you can't prove someone else's taste wrong, but you can definitely discuss the reasons people feel the way they do.

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    garaks31garaks31 Member Posts: 2,845 Arc User
    i believe in, that every inconsistency can be explained.
    on ENT. they decrypt nicely why Klingons look changed.
    there will also be a way to tell why Disco looks so modern for TOS era...
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    thegrandnagus1thegrandnagus1 Member Posts: 5,165 Arc User
    edited June 2020
    garaks31 wrote: »
    i believe in, that every inconsistency can be explained.
    on ENT. they decrypt nicely why Klingons look changed.
    there will also be a way to tell why Disco looks so modern for TOS era...

    Enterprise is an interesting example of them deciding to explain something that was never meant to have an explanation. The reason TNG Klingons look different than TOS Klingons is simply because the people making TNG wanted to update the look; that is literally the only explanation and everybody knew it.

    But then decades later, the writers of Enterprise decided to give it an in-universe explanation; and that's fine. Again though, it was explaining something that was never "meant" to be explained in the first place (not that there is anything wrong with that). Sometimes the only "real" explanation for changes is because the people making a new show want to update how something looks, and that is true of both the Disco Klingons and the Disco ships and tech.

    That said, here are 2 really good (IMO) in-universe explanations I saw someone post for both of these things(copy/pasted from reddit):
    1: Discovery Klingons were a response to the augment virus. The Empire saw this virus and tried to counteract it's effects with their own genetic engineering, and the Discovery appearance result was essentially them "overcompensating" too far in the other direction. However some virus infected Klingons still either couldn't be cured or choose not to use it, and we saw these in TOS.

    2: TOS era ships/tech was a response to the threat of Control. Much like how in BSG they reverted to using older tech that the Cylons couldn't control, the galactic Empires were all briefed on the existence/threat of control and all reverted to a form of tech that was not (as) vulnerable to being taken over by Control, or a similar system. But after a certain amount of time, with Control not resurfacing, they eventually began shifting to more advanced systems again.

    No, those aren't canon explanations at all. But they make perfect sense to me :)

    Post edited by thegrandnagus1 on

    Join Date: Sep 2008

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    captaincelestialcaptaincelestial Member Posts: 1,925 Arc User
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    salazarrazesalazarraze Member Posts: 3,794 Arc User
    STO is in the STO timeline.
    When you see "TRIBBLE" in my posts, it's because I manually typed "TRIBBLE" and censored myself.
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    rattler2rattler2 Member Posts: 58,040 Community Moderator
    Enterprise is an interesting example of them deciding to explain something that was never meant to have an explanation. The reason TNG Klingons look different than TOS Klingons is simply because the people making TNG wanted to update the look; that is literally the only explanation and everybody knew it.

    Actually... the Klingon look started evolving as far back as TMP.
    I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
    The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
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    darkbladejkdarkbladejk Member Posts: 3,716 Community Moderator
    folks are entitled to their opinions but put the flamethrowers away.
    "Someone once told me that time was a predator that stalked us all our lives. I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey and reminds us to cherish every moment, because it will never come again." - Jean Luc Picard in Star Trek Generations

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