I know some love their combat log readers, but most don't want the headache, and be nice for simplified INFO for the TOP 3 in all TFOs.
You are already notified in several TFO's when you get 1st Place in Damage, or 2nd Place, or even 3rd Place. In Crystalline Catastrophe it only however identifies your ranking to obtain extra gear; the extra gear aside, be nice to identify Total Damage, and Healing for TOP 3 in every TFO.
It would encourage those who don't place, to keep making an effort to improve. Those who are interested in more detailed analysis can still look into a combat log if they choose, just most players I find don't want the time or hassle.
Thoughts? I'm sure some may disagree, but I think this would be good.
NOTE: Placement RESULTs only broadcast to the person who placed, it does not identify what others did or who placed. So if it included your Damage & Healing that contributed to your results, just give a bit of added information, that could help improve their characters.
My character Tsin'xing
Now I got nothing against showing my personal ranking as long only I will see it and no-one else would, so that you could only tell your personal ranking but not where everyone else were.
On the other hand, I don't want anyone calling me out/poo-pooing me cause my T5 (not even T5U) with VR MK XII gear didn't do as well as their T6 with Epic MK XV gear, or that the amount of healing I did as a science officer with science ship didn't stack up to where they thought it should've been when I'm not spec'd for healing. TBH, I don't know what the chances are that folks would be like that, though.
Maybe if there was a way to do it anonymously? Like, you know exactly what you got/where you ranked, but everyone else's placement is shown without their names, so you don't know who did what?
I also don't know how I feel about awards for making 1st or whatever as I know with my play style, the only way I'd make higher rankings in any one cat is by playing with others that are worse/lower level than me. While I get it's nice to be recognized for 1st, etc, it also sucks to be the one that never gets recognition. :P
Edit: So should maybe add/clarify, a simple this person got 1st in damage, this person 2nd, this 3rd, and the same for healing, to me, is near worthless. While I wouldn't be opposed to it, the time and effort for just that I feel as though contributes nothing (to me).
But actually seeing the cumulative damage and healing totals, for all rankings, not just 1st-3rd, that would be nice to see from a personal "how well did I do" standpoint. But only your own personal one should have a name attached to it (or highlighted in some way to indicate "this one is you"). The rest should be nameless.
it would be super awesome to get an ingame table of the performance after a map like its available in neverwinter. i would be defnitly like something like that. using external readers for the logfile is some kind of workaround at the end.
on top of that i would add a (maybe an overall and one with a weekly/monthly reset) table of a points value or something like that for stuff like arena of sompek or kobayashi maru. something you have in elderscrolls online too, as a potential motivation for people to play those queues, maybe with a reward at the end for the best 100 ones or so every week/month. would really like to see something like that in sto
ingame: @Felisean
I would say a table like neverwinter has is exactly what we don't want, way too many people see that and confuse the cooperative content for competitive content causing a lot toxicity, unneeded nerfs and general stupidity. maybe on the Competitive rep queues or pvp but otherwise it be more trouble it's worth. a personal ranking list might not cause too much trouble.
if I stop posting it doesn't make you right it. just means I don't have enough rum to continue interacting with you.
If anything like a scoreboard were to be implemented, I like this take on it. Only see where you rank and maybe be able to use that to see where you can improve.
That said, I don't see the need. Especially when there are still performance issues with the game. Another system bolted on top of everything else is probably the last thing we need.
I make regular use of personal, group, faction metrics of all types, but in other games that are built competitively and which are 100% PVP. Even there, I don't just run the meta flavor of whatever time all the time, or go out of my way to farm stats exclusively. I have fun, learn, and teach worthwhile competitors.
STO isn't like that. You are free to parse for yourself, but don't force your own playstyles on others.
The only way I ever gauge how "well" I have done in a mission is when I see the extra reward in the form of a Common, Green, Blue or Purple gear item along with or instead of an Endeavor award of same colors, although those are usually Green, Blue or Purple.
Even then no matter what I am still surprised sometimes one way or the other that either I even placed (when I see Lockbox Science AOE skills deployed I know I won't place at all).
I can actually tell in the first "act" if the team is got "professional" DPSers or if the team is relatively matched and there is even a reason to try and pay attention. Example, when I hit one of the Borg maps and either the single Tact Cube or the 3 regular cubes die before I can even Full Impulse to them...then I know I can simply play 3-5 fiddle in damage or effort.
Frankly they are better served matching team up by some kind of gear score at this point.
Sorry, that may be my fault. I've only been back a little more than a month and the last I played was 7 years ago. I guess I have it somewhere in my head (whether it was true back then or not) that at one point in time, science was about some combination of shield heals / control / debuff / "wizard" dps. In my memory (which is probably faulty), shields didn't seem to suck as hard as they do now.
But no, I don't think there are dps/healing placement lists on (almost) all the TFOs as of now. I think the OP wants this added.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
If this ranking showed up in STO, and created the same toxic atmosphere that is prevalent in Neverwinter, I would probably stop playing team content altogether. As it is, I've gotten to the point where I won't play Neverwinter at all.
Yea, that was kind of my thought as well. But this is something STO has also always done, it knows the overall damage it just doesn't broadcast it. In Crystalline it only advises the person directly if you placed 1st, 2nd or 3rd in Damage: just perhaps in future it could include the totals for Damage, and perhaps include Healing as well. Now others wouldn't see it either, only the person who placed in the TOP 3. Crystalline is also one of the few 10 person TFOs, and it doesn't impact performance, and it only broadcasts 1st, 2nd, or 3rd to the individuals themselves.
If they expanded 1st, 2nd, 3rd placement to all TFOs: Ground or Space, it might also allow a little higher salvage reward for those placements, aside from stuff enemies drop in the mission with Loot Rolls.
TFO mission objectives should always be the primary focus, and won't ever account for BUFFs or DEBUFFs others provide that contribute to a TFO's success. As this would be only upon conclusion, and only broadcast to individual players in those top 3 tiers, just like Crystalline or Romulan Mindfield currently do, just with a little extra detail on which to gauge.
Any wise individual will realize not all contributions are directly measurable, as BUFFs &/or DEBUFFs are often a result of what another player did for someone else, that often doesn't directly benefit themselves. Everyone should realize several Tactical Attack Patterns, or Focused Assault, mostly BUFF other players; as do several Engineering or Science abilities Ground or Space, and directly influence others Damage far more, reduce resistance, or reduce the Damage they themselves take or our healed by others... ...so this idea was about providing value without the negatives, so individuals could help make decisions, without drawing unnecessary attention from other parties!
Anyone in DPSLEAGUE realizes the importance of BUFFs and DEBUFFs, as without those, most wouldn't do nearly as well!
That's why I feel if the STO model was only slightly expanded to more TFOs it would be fair, and also not single anyone out, by only broadcasting to those in the TOP 3, as they don't see the values or placement of others, only their own perhaps with Damage & Healing appended to individual results. But I say again it is only an idea, and I realize many may not see the benefits, even though it doesn't single players out; and might also give a few new Accolades to every TFO for placing in the Top 3, and also give a bit of nicer salvage at the end too.
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
My character Tsin'xing
That's like the best thing ever! I mean yeah it sucks that you had to go through that nonsense. But wow, this is like a tale for the ages! Thanks for sharing. I'm going to be smiling about that craziness all day now.
The true problem with those people is that they often have standards to which other people "need" to fit, but they themselves can do what they please.
here's 2 stories from WoW to illustrate what I mean, while both of these did happen to me I'm working out of memory so the details are a bit fuzzy.
First there was this rogue back in Wrath of the Lich King, who was complaining that my character wasn't doing enough DPS according to his standards, now our tank (who was a friend of mine) linked the DPS meter showing the rogue was even worse and essentially told him to quit harassing me over my DPS.
Second story was from Mists of Pandaria when I was doing LFR and we wiped on the boss because the DPS died due not having enough healing and one of the healers, a priest started complaining about the DPS and when we inspected him not only had he done essentially 0 HPS he wasn't even in the healing spec and WoW is very strict about the Trinity so DPS spec does subpar healing even if they tried to be a healer.
EDIT:You can probably understand why I don't want STO to enable people like this.
I absolutely agree. One of the best things about STO is the ability to play as you like and not be getting an aggro from other players at their perceived view of your performance.
Yeah, I feel similar. The fleet I'm in does RTFOAs on Thursdays, and they've told me they don't care that I may be under geared, so that's the only time I do them.
Formerly Jewkesman Member from Nov 2009!
The problem is that the leechers would be the most vocal about other's DPS if something like this was added, unless it literally included a system that prevented you from doing queues in your DPS didn't add up to a certain metric and you can imagine how well that would go over.
Now while technically WoW doesn't have built in DPS meter, in practice has had one via addons since vanilla and it hasn't stopped leecher 1 bit in fact only thing it's done in pugs is allow those leechers to become bullies by kicking people who don't pick up the slack they caused.
Quite frankly I don't see why this would be any different for STO.