First, thanks for the freebie.
second, yeah it's not a favorite by far.
1, if it were real it would clearly be made of cheap pleather
2. customization in non existant other than the 2 color patterns,
no fleet patches and all that.
3. No pants skirt designed to match.
@badmoonrisin didnt see the givaway thread and search didn't pick up picard when i searched.. merge away
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I don't know if it's my PC or what but the palette is a bit dark. Red is a dark read. Blue and gold are dark too. Its like the palette isn't the same as the other uniforms.
It doesn't use the Uniform color pallet. It uses the full gradient color pallet kinda like the Discovery uniforms.
Can get an approximation of the right colors if you have an item that uses the Uniform color pallet, like say the Starfleet Academy Heels for females, and select one of the proper departmental colors, then go back to the Picard uniform and select the recently selected color. It will automatically pick the next closest, which is generally pretty accurate.
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colored text = mod mode
We come in peace, SHOOT TO KILL!
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
Yea hopefully they 'improve' the palette for sure, I was surprised the colors for the red, blue, and gold also don't align to typical Federation Odyssey colors for sure.
Also when you try to wear almost any Belt with the TOP uniform most of the belt clips are hidden like the belts are all cut up; it seems this was a last minute addition that could use some BUG fixes for sure. I'll post a thread in that area and see if anything happens.
That would certainly be very nice for sure!
The Romulan Republic uniforms have had this problem since Legacy of Romulus came out YEARS AGO.
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The only belt that I have found that doesn't clip on this uniform is the Ody Excursion belt available thru the Ody Excursion outfit available at the Fleet Starbase tailor. Of course that's only helpful if you are in a fleet. Also, for me at least, the All Good Things pants seem to fit closest color wise with the top. Though the colors I'm using are black on the pants and black on the lower portion of the top, seems the closest on my screen to matching. The non glossy 23c mini skirt is fairly close to matching too, although it depends on the lighting.
On another note however I too have also tried the 'All Good Things' outfit and they do certainly seem to fit better with Picard Top uniform for sure.
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
What I found interesting however is my Female Trill character can only wear the Starfleet 2399 Combadge, while the Starfleet 2399 Jacket is worn.
And yes still many Odyssey, Jupiter, or several other Belts still 'CLIP' or have a lot of parts that appear missing or clipped out like the belt is not whole.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'