If that was my friend, I would laugh in their face and call them a plonker
I have friends who get like that over football, I tell them they are idiots too. I'm probably not the best friend to complain to... unless you have a serious problem.
It was noted by a player on the Reddit forums that it states the raider uniform and Thompson are a single character unlock only, not account wide.
Just a note for those looking at buying it.
So they're pulling the same stunt of trying to slip single character unlocks through an overpriced bundle that most people will own most the contain of?
This is a collective mega facepalm... I mean, really?
Not agreeing with someone doesn't give you the right to be an TRIBBLE.
Ci sono tre tipi di giocatori:
- quelli a cui non va mai bene niente... e vanno sul forum a trollare;
- quelli che sono talmente imbesuiti da credere a qualunque cosa i dev dicano, perfino che la luna è fatta di formaggio... e vanno sul forum a trollare;
- quelli che credono a quello a cui è giusto credere, sono d'accordo con quello con cui è giusto essere d'accordo e sono critici con quello che non va;
Ai giocatori dei primi due tipi, gratis in omaggio un bello specchio lucente su cui arrampicarsi. E una mazzata in testa per la loro poca intelligenza e compassione verso gli altri giocatori che non la pensano come loro.
Agli appartenenti al terzo tipo, invece, dico grazie. Anche se non sempre si riesce a mantenere la calma, siete quelli per cui vale la pena incazzarsi.
Several people are claiming that Kael said on Reddit/STO and twitter that everything was a account unlock.
For the record he never said that. His official comments on those social media sites said.
1) Mirandon was a account unlock
2) He wasnt sure if people could/would get a discount on the bundle price if they owned part or most of the bundle comments.
As you said Rattler, people are making a massive storm over this bundle. If they were to logically look into the bundle and actually look at the prices and what each piece actually costs separately things start to look interesting. I have to admit though my vulcan eyebrows did raise at the nominal 12000 zen price though.
Ok, if you dont like the bundle, thats all good. If you disagree with the prices, say it logically but not with a "attacking anger filled" comment. But the length some people are raging is just making me shake my head.
Several people are claiming that Kael said on Reddit/STO and twitter that everything was a account unlock.
If it ISN'T a bug they need to fix the blog and store listing then, to say what is a per-character unlock.
Normally per-character unlocks are consumables like upgrade tokens, fleet modules, T5U modules. NOT C-store costumes or weapons, at least not without a clear labeling of the fact.
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,940Community Moderator
Yea... I just don't get the rage. Its inconvenient. Not game breaking. And past experience says that Cryptic will extend due to how many people are affected. And since they've pinned it down to the Tommy Gun... that's a pretty LARGE portion of the population. Dang thing is quite popular, especially for Anti-Borg work.
I'm also still waiting for word on if there's a discount for owned parts like... oh I don't know... the uniforms and interior? lol
Also I wouldn't mind seeing an actual TNG bundle too that includes some new stuff like a Type 6 shuttle and Crusher's Lab Coat. Maybe even a TNG Type 2 phaser. Throw in the Galaxy interior too. I'll chip in an extra 500 zen to get grandfathered into that bundle due to Galaxy interior. At least then the price of that interior would be justified.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
By the way I liked Delta Rising overall, just it had a rought start
Agreed. Always rough when you try to rebalance for a new level cap like that. Wasn't a good start, but overall was pretty decent. Once they ironed out the problems and knocked down the walls that people were complaining about, it was alright.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
Once they ironed out the problems and knocked down the walls that people were complaining about, it was alright.
It's just a shame that the backlash from that particular expansion (and the 'players love it' debacle) resulted in the devs pretty much ignoring this forum ever since.
Real talk. Their behavior reminds me of a former friend who had/has autism.
I can't say I have any sage advice from my years of dealing with it other than to give them room to cool down and distract them with other shiny things(break the cognitive death-cycle they're likely to get absorbed in).
Real talk. Their behavior reminds me of a former friend who had/has autism.
I can't say I have any sage advice from my years of dealing with it other than to give them room to cool down and distract them with other shiny things(break the cognitive death-cycle they're likely to get absorbed in).
I have friends with autism and I've never tolerated them behaving like an TRIBBLE. I treat them just as any other grown up who is having a tantrum over something trivial.
They still act like that around other people, so I know they are able to moderate the behaviour around people who wont act as an enabler.
It was noted by a player on the Reddit forums that it states the raider uniform and Thompson are a single character unlock only, not account wide.
Just a note for those looking at buying it.
So they're pulling the same stunt of trying to slip single character unlocks through an overpriced bundle that most people will own most the contain of?
Great. Pass. Had been looking forward to this.
No, they aren't.
The bundle clearly has this information listed..
Don't get me wrong, the bundle is still a horrible excuse for a 'deal' and I would never in a million years consider actually purchasing it. But people that do have no excuse, Cryptic's responsibility is to give people the information, it's on the purchaser to actually read it.
Don't get me wrong, the bundle is still a horrible excuse for a 'deal' and I would never in a million years consider actually purchasing it. But people that do have no excuse, Cryptic's responsibility is to give people the information, it's on the purchaser to actually read it.
The notes and restrictions are all missing from the NEWS blog post, so if someone just reads that and opens their wallet then they have every right to expect account unlocks for everything.
The large print giveth, the small print taketh away.
The large print giveth, the small print taketh away.
It does seem to be a quite mean spirited deal, considering its the anniversary soon along with the return of Picard. But still, I have to remind myself that they do give the game away in it's entirety, and they have to make money somehow.
Ive got the tommy gun account unlocked from the event and I managed to buy the picard bundle ok....guess i'm just lucky then!
If I may ask, is there any particular reason why you bought it? Was there a certain peice of the bundle that you wanted, or did you like the package as a whole?
Ive got the tommy gun account unlocked from the event and I managed to buy the picard bundle ok....guess i'm just lucky then!
If I may ask, is there any particular reason why you bought it? Was there a certain peice of the bundle that you wanted, or did you like the package as a whole?
for the lock box ship would be my guess... you can get buy enough zen to get keys to open boxes for lobi for the uniform for way less. everything else is in store already. basically $60 for a lock box ship... too rich for my blood.
The NEWS blog post has not been updated to include the notes and limitations.
Anyone just reading it will be expecting ALL of the uniforms to be account unlocks, not realizing Picard’s “Privateer” uniform is a single-character unlock, or that the tommy gun is only a single-character unlock.
The blog really should be updated to prevent customer anger over a misleading ad.
for the lock box ship would be my guess... you can get buy enough zen to get keys to open boxes for lobi for the uniform for way less. everything else is in store already. basically $60 for a lock box ship... too rich for my blood.
Yeah, it does seem pretty bizzare (and misleading) that this is called the Picard bundle (people will assume its a tie in with the new series) when in fact the T6 ship is from an obscure episode of TNG (Gambit) and none of the uniforms or other items have anything to do with the new series. Quite a (high priced) let down.
Ive got the tommy gun account unlocked from the event and I managed to buy the picard bundle ok....guess i'm just lucky then!
If I may ask, is there any particular reason why you bought it? Was there a certain peice of the bundle that you wanted, or did you like the package as a whole?
for the lock box ship would be my guess... you can get buy enough zen to get keys to open boxes for lobi for the uniform for way less. everything else is in store already. basically $60 for a lock box ship... too rich for my blood.
I guess anyone buying the Bundle for the T6 Lockbox ship is doing it because the ship is an account wide unlock - meaning all characters can get the trait and the console.
Formerly known as Armsman from June 2008 to June 20, 2012 PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
Ive got the tommy gun account unlocked from the event and I managed to buy the picard bundle ok....guess i'm just lucky then!
If I may ask, is there any particular reason why you bought it? Was there a certain peice of the bundle that you wanted, or did you like the package as a whole?
for the lock box ship would be my guess... you can get buy enough zen to get keys to open boxes for lobi for the uniform for way less. everything else is in store already. basically $60 for a lock box ship... too rich for my blood.
I guess anyone buying the Bundle for the T6 Lockbox ship is doing it because the ship is an account wide unlock - meaning all characters can get the trait and the console.
Can't buy this. Why? It says I own it all ready. I do own all but the t6 ship. And now the Tommy gun fix next week means I will not get do to it going up to 12k in Zen.
*EDIT* It seems if you have the Thompson submachine gun already, it can bug your account and the Picard bundle won't be an option in the C-Store. I'm apparently one of the lucky bugged ones. -_-
Well, as someone that likes having a new ship dumped in their lap, I welcome the Miradorn raider to my collection.
Or I WOULD, if I could get it.
Perhaps because the only thing I don't have from that bundle is the raider, I can't buy it.
I just tested it, It is having 2 tommyguns in your inventory already that breaks it, Delete unupgraded one and it becomes buyable.
By 2 tommyguns, do you mean for one character or among all the characters a person has?
Hopefully they will extend the sale for this bundle to allow people who have to wait until next week to purchase it.
I'm hoping that by the time the bundle bug is fixed that the Privateer costume would be upgraded to account unlock, because that along with the T6 Miradon Raider account unlock would have made this bundle worth it for people who already have the rest of what's available in the Picard Bundle.
I know, I know, the Combat Tardigrade was said to eventually account unlocked, and as far as I can tell that never happened. So I can't hold my breath.
The NEWS blog post has not been updated to include the notes and limitations.
Anyone just reading it will be expecting ALL of the uniforms to be account unlocks, not realizing Picard’s “Privateer” uniform is a single-character unlock, or that the tommy gun is only a single-character unlock.
The blog really should be updated to prevent customer anger over a misleading ad.
If you only read a blog post and not the actual store description of said item you are purchasing, you deserve what you get.
You must be new here.
Blog posts are immutable, errors and all. They rarely, if ever, change blog posts.
I know, I know, the Combat Tardigrade was said to eventually account unlocked, and as far as I can tell that never happened. So I can't hold my breath.
This is why I will look at everything that is said with a grain of salt. Because we were told that this would be happening in the future was information that helped me decide to buy that package, I now wait until it is stated on the package before making a decision to buy anything from STO. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.
They lost a lot of credibility on this because of the Combat Tardigrade never being unlocked for the account ....
You only need one Ship Upgrade Token as the Ship upgraded will be unlocked as such for the Account. The Privateer Uniform stinks. I already have the Thompson Account unlocked, but again, it stinks.
'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
Judge Dan Haywood
'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
If that was my friend, I would laugh in their face and call them a plonker
I have friends who get like that over football, I tell them they are idiots too. I'm probably not the best friend to complain to... unless you have a serious problem.
So they're pulling the same stunt of trying to slip single character unlocks through an overpriced bundle that most people will own most the contain of?
Great. Pass. Had been looking forward to this.
Ci sono tre tipi di giocatori:
- quelli a cui non va mai bene niente... e vanno sul forum a trollare;
- quelli che sono talmente imbesuiti da credere a qualunque cosa i dev dicano, perfino che la luna è fatta di formaggio... e vanno sul forum a trollare;
- quelli che credono a quello a cui è giusto credere, sono d'accordo con quello con cui è giusto essere d'accordo e sono critici con quello che non va;
Ai giocatori dei primi due tipi, gratis in omaggio un bello specchio lucente su cui arrampicarsi. E una mazzata in testa per la loro poca intelligenza e compassione verso gli altri giocatori che non la pensano come loro.
Agli appartenenti al terzo tipo, invece, dico grazie. Anche se non sempre si riesce a mantenere la calma, siete quelli per cui vale la pena incazzarsi.
Several people are claiming that Kael said on Reddit/STO and twitter that everything was a account unlock.
For the record he never said that. His official comments on those social media sites said.
1) Mirandon was a account unlock
2) He wasnt sure if people could/would get a discount on the bundle price if they owned part or most of the bundle comments.
As you said Rattler, people are making a massive storm over this bundle. If they were to logically look into the bundle and actually look at the prices and what each piece actually costs separately things start to look interesting. I have to admit though my vulcan eyebrows did raise at the nominal 12000 zen price though.
Ok, if you dont like the bundle, thats all good. If you disagree with the prices, say it logically but not with a "attacking anger filled" comment. But the length some people are raging is just making me shake my head.
If it ISN'T a bug they need to fix the blog and store listing then, to say what is a per-character unlock.
Normally per-character unlocks are consumables like upgrade tokens, fleet modules, T5U modules. NOT C-store costumes or weapons, at least not without a clear labeling of the fact.
I'm also still waiting for word on if there's a discount for owned parts like... oh I don't know... the uniforms and interior? lol
Also I wouldn't mind seeing an actual TNG bundle too that includes some new stuff like a Type 6 shuttle and Crusher's Lab Coat. Maybe even a TNG Type 2 phaser. Throw in the Galaxy interior too. I'll chip in an extra 500 zen to get grandfathered into that bundle due to Galaxy interior. At least then the price of that interior would be justified.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
just saying it cause your friend said its all delta rising again
and yes I expect them to extend the sale
Agreed. Always rough when you try to rebalance for a new level cap like that. Wasn't a good start, but overall was pretty decent. Once they ironed out the problems and knocked down the walls that people were complaining about, it was alright.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
It's just a shame that the backlash from that particular expansion (and the 'players love it' debacle) resulted in the devs pretty much ignoring this forum ever since.
Real talk. Their behavior reminds me of a former friend who had/has autism.
I can't say I have any sage advice from my years of dealing with it other than to give them room to cool down and distract them with other shiny things(break the cognitive death-cycle they're likely to get absorbed in).
I have friends with autism and I've never tolerated them behaving like an TRIBBLE. I treat them just as any other grown up who is having a tantrum over something trivial.
They still act like that around other people, so I know they are able to moderate the behaviour around people who wont act as an enabler.
No, they aren't.
The bundle clearly has this information listed..
Don't get me wrong, the bundle is still a horrible excuse for a 'deal' and I would never in a million years consider actually purchasing it. But people that do have no excuse, Cryptic's responsibility is to give people the information, it's on the purchaser to actually read it.
The notes and restrictions are all missing from the NEWS blog post, so if someone just reads that and opens their wallet then they have every right to expect account unlocks for everything.
The large print giveth, the small print taketh away.
It does seem to be a quite mean spirited deal, considering its the anniversary soon along with the return of Picard. But still, I have to remind myself that they do give the game away in it's entirety, and they have to make money somehow.
If I may ask, is there any particular reason why you bought it? Was there a certain peice of the bundle that you wanted, or did you like the package as a whole?
for the lock box ship would be my guess... you can get buy enough zen to get keys to open boxes for lobi for the uniform for way less. everything else is in store already. basically $60 for a lock box ship... too rich for my blood.
Anyone just reading it will be expecting ALL of the uniforms to be account unlocks, not realizing Picard’s “Privateer” uniform is a single-character unlock, or that the tommy gun is only a single-character unlock.
The blog really should be updated to prevent customer anger over a misleading ad.
Yeah, it does seem pretty bizzare (and misleading) that this is called the Picard bundle (people will assume its a tie in with the new series) when in fact the T6 ship is from an obscure episode of TNG (Gambit) and none of the uniforms or other items have anything to do with the new series. Quite a (high priced) let down.
I guess anyone buying the Bundle for the T6 Lockbox ship is doing it because the ship is an account wide unlock - meaning all characters can get the trait and the console.
PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
Also the expiremental weapon too
*EDIT* It seems if you have the Thompson submachine gun already, it can bug your account and the Picard bundle won't be an option in the C-Store. I'm apparently one of the lucky bugged ones. -_-
By 2 tommyguns, do you mean for one character or among all the characters a person has?
I'm hoping that by the time the bundle bug is fixed that the Privateer costume would be upgraded to account unlock, because that along with the T6 Miradon Raider account unlock would have made this bundle worth it for people who already have the rest of what's available in the Picard Bundle.
I know, I know, the Combat Tardigrade was said to eventually account unlocked, and as far as I can tell that never happened. So I can't hold my breath.
If you only read a blog post and not the actual store description of said item you are purchasing, you deserve what you get.
You must be new here.
Blog posts are immutable, errors and all. They rarely, if ever, change blog posts.
This is why I will look at everything that is said with a grain of salt. Because we were told that this would be happening in the future was information that helped me decide to buy that package, I now wait until it is stated on the package before making a decision to buy anything from STO. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.
They lost a lot of credibility on this because of the Combat Tardigrade never being unlocked for the account ....
Just my 2¢
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'