I'd rather see Defera advancing with alliance help and finally fixing that wrecked space station. It's a pity Cryptic abandoned their original story lines like that.
People really need to stop using the word "abandoned". It's used incorrectly most of the time.
MMOs design areas for the point in time they are supposed to be played in, and keep them that way both for new players, and older players wishing to replay that part of the story. That Cryptic and other MMO devs, aren't constantly updating every map in the game to reflect the passage of time doesn't make those maps "abandoned" it makes them maps in an MMO. "Abandoned" would imply something else was meant to be done with it, and they just didn't do it.
Every arc in the game has been taken to its natural end except the Leeta arc, which they plan to get back to once the Disco stuff is over. The only "abandoned" arc is the Children of Khan arc, which never made it past the most basic of setup elements.
You're confusing individual storyline missions with Factional social zones. Remember when ESD got attacked? We got a mission, with a special map of ESD being on fire, repairs being performed everywhere. THAT is all part of a (transitory) story. But now think of what would have happened if Cryptic had left ESD in disarray like that. That would not have been acceptable, of course.
Same with New Romulus. Perhaps, instead of speaking about 'abandoned', it were better to just say that creating a social zone that's permanently 'under construction', wasn't maybe such a stellar idea -- great for a storyline mission or two, but not for the final implementation. And even though Roms are just a Fraction, having only a fraction of the buildings up-and-running becomes silly over time.
And no, there's no reason they can't just keep the current map for the Tutorial and such, and upgrade New Romulus at the same time.
I'd rather see Defera advancing with alliance help and finally fixing that wrecked space station. It's a pity Cryptic abandoned their original story lines like that.
People really need to stop using the word "abandoned". It's used incorrectly most of the time.
MMOs design areas for the point in time they are supposed to be played in, and keep them that way both for new players, and older players wishing to replay that part of the story. That Cryptic and other MMO devs, aren't constantly updating every map in the game to reflect the passage of time doesn't make those maps "abandoned" it makes them maps in an MMO. "Abandoned" would imply something else was meant to be done with it, and they just didn't do it.
Every arc in the game has been taken to its natural end except the Leeta arc, which they plan to get back to once the Disco stuff is over. The only "abandoned" arc is the Children of Khan arc, which never made it past the most basic of setup elements.
You're confusing individual storyline missions with Factional social zones. Remember when ESD got attacked? We got a mission, with a special map of ESD being on fire, repairs being performed everywhere. THAT is all part of a (transitory) story. But now think of what would have happened if Cryptic had left ESD in disarray like that. That would not have been acceptable, of course.
Same with New Romulus. Perhaps, instead of speaking about 'abandoned', it were better to just say that creating a social zone that's permanently 'under construction', wasn't maybe such a stellar idea -- great for a storyline mission or two, but not for the final implementation. And even though Roms are just a Fraction, having only a fraction of the buildings up-and-running becomes silly over time.
And no, there's no reason they can't just keep the current map for the Tutorial and such, and upgrade New Romulus at the same time.
I'd rather see Defera advancing with alliance help and finally fixing that wrecked space station. It's a pity Cryptic abandoned their original story lines like that.
People really need to stop using the word "abandoned". It's used incorrectly most of the time.
MMOs design areas for the point in time they are supposed to be played in, and keep them that way both for new players, and older players wishing to replay that part of the story. That Cryptic and other MMO devs, aren't constantly updating every map in the game to reflect the passage of time doesn't make those maps "abandoned" it makes them maps in an MMO. "Abandoned" would imply something else was meant to be done with it, and they just didn't do it.
Every arc in the game has been taken to its natural end except the Leeta arc, which they plan to get back to once the Disco stuff is over. The only "abandoned" arc is the Children of Khan arc, which never made it past the most basic of setup elements.
You're confusing individual storyline missions with Factional social zones. Remember when ESD got attacked? We got a mission, with a special map of ESD being on fire, repairs being performed everywhere. THAT is all part of a (transitory) story. But now think of what would have happened if Cryptic had left ESD in disarray like that. That would not have been acceptable, of course.
Same with New Romulus. Perhaps, instead of speaking about 'abandoned', it were better to just say that creating a social zone that's permanently 'under construction', wasn't maybe such a stellar idea -- great for a storyline mission or two, but not for the final implementation. And even though Roms are just a Fraction, having only a fraction of the buildings up-and-running becomes silly over time.
And no, there's no reason they can't just keep the current map for the Tutorial and such, and upgrade New Romulus at the same time.
New Romulus is not a social zone.
Of course it is. It's the home base for Romulans, like ESD is for Feds, or Quo'nos for Klinks. It's less finished than the other 2, for certain, but still an official social zone. Now, the Flotilla isn't (for one, because, iirc, it can't be visited by the other Factions), but New Romulus certainly is.
Yeah, New Romulus is NOT a social zone. It's an Adventure Zone. New Romulus Command is the Romulan social zone. Also, the Romulan city on New Romulus is built and actually not accessible by anyone. It's behind that wall.
Star Trek Online Volunteer Community Moderator and Resident She-Wolf
Community Moderators are Unpaid Volunteers and NOT Employees of Gearbox/Cryptic
Views and Opinions May Not Reflect the Views and Opinions of Gearbox/Cryptic
Yeah, New Romulus is NOT a social zone. It's an Adventure Zone. New Romulus Command is the Romulan social zone. Also, the Romulan city on New Romulus is built and actually not accessible by anyone. It's behind that wall.
Yeah, New Romulus is NOT a social zone. It's an Adventure Zone. New Romulus Command is the Romulan social zone.
New Romulus Command is built on New Romulus.
And your point? Because I drew a distinct between the two being different maps, physically, as well as in purpose. The fact that they are on the same planet is irrelevant to the discussion.
Also, the Romulan city on New Romulus is built and actually not accessible by anyone. It's behind that wall.
Then it is time to bring that wall down!!!
Yeah, walls seem to be a thing with Romulan architecture, so I doubt that's going to happen.
Star Trek Online Volunteer Community Moderator and Resident She-Wolf
Community Moderators are Unpaid Volunteers and NOT Employees of Gearbox/Cryptic
Views and Opinions May Not Reflect the Views and Opinions of Gearbox/Cryptic
Seems superflous in the 25th century, but hey, maybe it's an aesthetical thing
^ Memory Alpha.org is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
"No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
"A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
"That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"
"It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch." "We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. Curiosity...is bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more importantly...it makes you poor!"
Passion and Serenity are one.
I gain power by understanding both.
In the chaos of their battle, I bring order.
I am a shadow, darkness born from light.
The Force is united within me.
Yeah, New Romulus is NOT a social zone. It's an Adventure Zone. New Romulus Command is the Romulan social zone.
New Romulus Command is built on New Romulus.
And your point? Because I drew a distinct between the two being different maps, physically, as well as in purpose. The fact that they are on the same planet is irrelevant to the discussion.
The topic was 'Time for New Romulus to upgrade.' Not New Romulus, the Adventure Zone, or New Romulus, the planet, or New Romulus, the placemat, but simply New Romulus as a whole. In that sense, it definitely matters that New Romulus Command is located on the planet. And no, it's not inside the alleged 'finished' city. New Romulus Command is situated outside the city, very near a coastline, with hills around it (no wall), and either a sea or a lake of some sort (you can watch outside).
Hence, New Romulus Command, and what you guys are calling New Romulus, the Adventure Zone, are not as neatly separated from each other as, say, ESD and the Academy. The fact that there's a different map for inside and outside, is irrelevant to the discussion.
And frankly, I'm not sure why the discussion got suddenly derailed by semantics like this. New Romulus, as a whole, could use an upgrade, IMHO. A teleport pad, inside New Romulus Command, to the Flotilla, for instance, would be a nice QoL improvement (much like one can beam down to the Academy from ESD, and vice versa). So, New Romulus is, in several aspects, truly if not abandoned, then certainly not entirely finished.
Most social zones in the game need a upgrade to a certain point. ESD, DS9, and Drozana have been redone. I heard that on tribble that Defera is getting upgraded. Other zones I am not to sure. I would love to see Memory Alpha be brought back.
Fleet Admiral of the U.S.S. ATTILA KHAN-CDA (NX-921911).
Most social zones in the game need a upgrade to a certain point. ESD, DS9, and Drozana have been redone. I heard that on tribble that Defera is getting upgraded. Other zones I am not to sure. I would love to see Memory Alpha be brought back.
In line with some of the detractors above, is Defera a social zone, or merely an Adventure Zone? I dunno myself. Feels like the latter to me (but that may just be because I simply don't visit there often). But that begs the question, what constitutes a social zone per se? Is it a major Faction hub? If so, then what is Drozana? (Other than the armpit of the galaxy *g*) Or the Academy, for that matter: is it an Adventure Zone, or part of the whole 'Fed home hub' installation? (ESD included). And does a social zone need all major amenities? (Like Bank, Exchange, Mail, etc).
To me, a social zone is pretty much the whole hub deal. For New Romulus, to me, that inludes New Romulus Command, and planetside, when you step outside to the surface. Much like I consider the Academy part of the whole 'Earth' hub. YMMV, though.
Most social zones in the game need a upgrade to a certain point. ESD, DS9, and Drozana have been redone. I heard that on tribble that Defera is getting upgraded. Other zones I am not to sure. I would love to see Memory Alpha be brought back.
In line with some of the detractors above, is Defera a social zone, or merely an Adventure Zone? I dunno myself. Feels like the latter to me (but that may just be because I simply don't visit there often). But that begs the question, what constitutes a social zone per se? Is it a major Faction hub? If so, then what is Drozana? (Other than the armpit of the galaxy *g*) Or the Academy, for that matter: is it an Adventure Zone, or part of the whole 'Fed home hub' installation? (ESD included). And does a social zone need all major amenities? (Like Bank, Exchange, Mail, etc).
To me, a social zone is pretty much the whole hub deal. For New Romulus, to me, that inludes New Romulus Command, and planetside, when you step outside to the surface. Much like I consider the Academy part of the whole 'Earth' hub. YMMV, though.
I feel anywhere you can chat with someone, interact, or see that person. It's a social zone.
Fleet Admiral of the U.S.S. ATTILA KHAN-CDA (NX-921911).
It would be nice to see a few updates to the earlier Romulan & Klingon missions; yet still I think it would be nice, if the Romulan Adventure Zone had a few enhancements, updates, thought I've also heard rumors of that being considered for Deferra but don't know if that's true.
I would however share an Interest in seeing the Underground Reman City on New Romulus; even if it were perhaps an additional New Fleet Holding, perhaps called the Reman Underground Consulate.
I just think that would be totally neat to see for sure!
'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
Judge Dan Haywood
'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Yeah, New Romulus is NOT a social zone. It's an Adventure Zone. New Romulus Command is the Romulan social zone. Also, the Romulan city on New Romulus is built and actually not accessible by anyone. It's behind that wall.
Then it is time to bring that wall down!!!
We had some of the new Romulus city bits in the Foundry. Let's put it this way: if you have a far off bit of geometry are the devs going to add close-up levels of detail? That takes a lot of time to add in (then or now) and if players under normal circumstances are never going to see it...
And frankly, I'm not sure why the discussion got suddenly derailed by semantics like this. New Romulus, as a whole, could use an upgrade, IMHO. A teleport pad, inside New Romulus Command, to the Flotilla, for instance, would be a nice QoL improvement (much like one can beam down to the Academy from ESD, and vice versa). So, New Romulus is, in several aspects, truly if not abandoned, then certainly not entirely finished.
*Raises hand*
I'm genuinely confused by this one, why link NR Command and the flotilla? There's some services available at one but not the other but that's also true with Sol v. K7 and so on. The comparison to the academies also doesn't strictly hold either given that NR command is more fully furnished and supplements for not having a dedicated "training" zone with an adventure zone.
I think social zones could generally use an update to make them feel less lifeless but that's all on content/immersion side (optional dialog, rotating NPC contacts, rotating NPC scenes, non-combat dailies) and applies across the board rather than ROM service parity.
Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
I'm genuinely confused by this one, why link NR Command and the flotilla? There's some services available at one but not the other but that's also true with Sol v. K7 and so on. The comparison to the academies also doesn't strictly hold either given that NR command is more fully furnished and supplements for not having a dedicated "training" zone with an adventure zone.
I think social zones could generally use an update to make them feel less lifeless but that's all on content/immersion side (optional dialog, rotating NPC contacts, rotating NPC scenes, non-combat dailies) and applies across the board rather than ROM service parity.
Think of the Flotilla as an early NR Command: a few ships strung together, fitted to serve as a central hub for the Roms. Then they finished their planet (Or did they?! LOL). And now the Flotilla has pretty much become obsolete (especially since there's no direct transwarp to it, or 'beam to' button/door somewhere at NR Command). Integrating it with NR Command, like being able to go to the Academy from ESD, would be an extremely easy thing to do, and would be an almost gratuitous QoL improvement.
I'm genuinely confused by this one, why link NR Command and the flotilla? There's some services available at one but not the other but that's also true with Sol v. K7 and so on. The comparison to the academies also doesn't strictly hold either given that NR command is more fully furnished and supplements for not having a dedicated "training" zone with an adventure zone.
I think social zones could generally use an update to make them feel less lifeless but that's all on content/immersion side (optional dialog, rotating NPC contacts, rotating NPC scenes, non-combat dailies) and applies across the board rather than ROM service parity.
Think of the Flotilla as an early NR Command: a few ships strung together, fitted to serve as a central hub for the Roms. Then they finished their planet (Or did they?! LOL). And now the Flotilla has pretty much become obsolete (especially since there's no direct transwarp to it, or 'beam to' button/door somewhere at NR Command). Integrating it with NR Command, like being able to go to the Academy from ESD, would be an extremely easy thing to do, and would be an almost gratuitous QoL improvement.
The flotilla was just a few random ships that the Republic used as a base before establishing New Romulus. That function is no longer needed since they have proper facilities on NR and the Republic probably has work for those ships to be doing. Why would they keep them parked around just for tourists to beam to?
I'm genuinely confused by this one, why link NR Command and the flotilla? There's some services available at one but not the other but that's also true with Sol v. K7 and so on. The comparison to the academies also doesn't strictly hold either given that NR command is more fully furnished and supplements for not having a dedicated "training" zone with an adventure zone.
I think social zones could generally use an update to make them feel less lifeless but that's all on content/immersion side (optional dialog, rotating NPC contacts, rotating NPC scenes, non-combat dailies) and applies across the board rather than ROM service parity.
Think of the Flotilla as an early NR Command: a few ships strung together, fitted to serve as a central hub for the Roms. Then they finished their planet (Or did they?! LOL). And now the Flotilla has pretty much become obsolete (especially since there's no direct transwarp to it, or 'beam to' button/door somewhere at NR Command). Integrating it with NR Command, like being able to go to the Academy from ESD, would be an extremely easy thing to do, and would be an almost gratuitous QoL improvement.
The flotilla was just a few random ships that the Republic used as a base before establishing New Romulus. That function is no longer needed since they have proper facilities on NR and the Republic probably has work for those ships to be doing. Why would they keep them parked around just for tourists to beam to?
Because they ARE still parked there. It's just a PITA to get there fast.
I'm genuinely confused by this one, why link NR Command and the flotilla? There's some services available at one but not the other but that's also true with Sol v. K7 and so on. The comparison to the academies also doesn't strictly hold either given that NR command is more fully furnished and supplements for not having a dedicated "training" zone with an adventure zone.
I think social zones could generally use an update to make them feel less lifeless but that's all on content/immersion side (optional dialog, rotating NPC contacts, rotating NPC scenes, non-combat dailies) and applies across the board rather than ROM service parity.
Think of the Flotilla as an early NR Command: a few ships strung together, fitted to serve as a central hub for the Roms. Then they finished their planet (Or did they?! LOL). And now the Flotilla has pretty much become obsolete (especially since there's no direct transwarp to it, or 'beam to' button/door somewhere at NR Command). Integrating it with NR Command, like being able to go to the Academy from ESD, would be an extremely easy thing to do, and would be an almost gratuitous QoL improvement.
The flotilla was just a few random ships that the Republic used as a base before establishing New Romulus. That function is no longer needed since they have proper facilities on NR and the Republic probably has work for those ships to be doing. Why would they keep them parked around just for tourists to beam to?
Because they ARE still parked there.
Which gets us back to this is an MMO and mission areas represent different points in time even if they are all available.
Besides, it isn't parked at New Romulus and never has been. It's in deep space.
As I say every time this topic comes up, you're never going to get any progress on New Romulus development with so many lazy slackers standing around constantly being yelled at to get to work.
New Romulus Command and the Flotilla are basically synonymous. There's not really anything that the Flotilla has that New Romulus Command doesn't. There's no point in linking them, because if you're at one you really don't need to go to the other. Also, ESD is in orbit of Earth, so being able to beam down to the Academy makes sense. The Flotilla is half a sector away from New Romulus.
Star Trek Online Volunteer Community Moderator and Resident She-Wolf
Community Moderators are Unpaid Volunteers and NOT Employees of Gearbox/Cryptic
Views and Opinions May Not Reflect the Views and Opinions of Gearbox/Cryptic
Most social zones in the game need a upgrade to a certain point. ESD, DS9, and Drozana have been redone. I heard that on tribble that Defera is getting upgraded. Other zones I am not to sure. I would love to see Memory Alpha be brought back.
In line with some of the detractors above, is Defera a social zone, or merely an Adventure Zone? I dunno myself. Feels like the latter to me (but that may just be because I simply don't visit there often). But that begs the question, what constitutes a social zone per se? Is it a major Faction hub? If so, then what is Drozana? (Other than the armpit of the galaxy *g*) Or the Academy, for that matter: is it an Adventure Zone, or part of the whole 'Fed home hub' installation? (ESD included). And does a social zone need all major amenities? (Like Bank, Exchange, Mail, etc).
To me, a social zone is pretty much the whole hub deal. For New Romulus, to me, that inludes New Romulus Command, and planetside, when you step outside to the surface. Much like I consider the Academy part of the whole 'Earth' hub. YMMV, though.
it depends on the definition of a social zone. IMO, if it does not have access to mail, vndors and exchange it's not a social zone..
that said remeber that Defera has 2 zones, the invaded zone and the rest of the city, where all the breen arc is done
Yeah, New Romulus is NOT a social zone. It's an Adventure Zone. New Romulus Command is the Romulan social zone.
New Romulus Command is built on New Romulus.
And your point? Because I drew a distinct between the two being different maps, physically, as well as in purpose. The fact that they are on the same planet is irrelevant to the discussion.
The topic was 'Time for New Romulus to upgrade.' Not New Romulus, the Adventure Zone, or New Romulus, the planet, or New Romulus, the placemat, but simply New Romulus as a whole. In that sense, it definitely matters that New Romulus Command is located on the planet. And no, it's not inside the alleged 'finished' city. New Romulus Command is situated outside the city, very near a coastline, with hills around it (no wall), and either a sea or a lake of some sort (you can watch outside).
Hence, New Romulus Command, and what you guys are calling New Romulus, the Adventure Zone, are not as neatly separated from each other as, say, ESD and the Academy. The fact that there's a different map for inside and outside, is irrelevant to the discussion.
And frankly, I'm not sure why the discussion got suddenly derailed by semantics like this. New Romulus, as a whole, could use an upgrade, IMHO. A teleport pad, inside New Romulus Command, to the Flotilla, for instance, would be a nice QoL improvement (much like one can beam down to the Academy from ESD, and vice versa). So, New Romulus is, in several aspects, truly if not abandoned, then certainly not entirely finished.
WHY? that's a nosensical transport, like saying ESD needs a transport to Vulcan and Andoria. there is no "Quality of life" issue since you have the shuttle bay where you can change shitps which is the only real reason for the Flotilla to exist.
now if you were to say make the flotilla acessible to non-roms.. now you would be talking, especially since the Kilinks need access to a shipyard in the "north" half of the quadrant
Defera has two Zones, Battlezone and Missions/Pseudo Social.
Funny that those Instant Transwarp items that came in the current Lockbox takes you directly to the 'Social' Zone.
'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
Judge Dan Haywood
'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Yeah, New Romulus is NOT a social zone. It's an Adventure Zone. New Romulus Command is the Romulan social zone.
New Romulus Command is built on New Romulus.
And your point? Because I drew a distinct between the two being different maps, physically, as well as in purpose. The fact that they are on the same planet is irrelevant to the discussion.
The topic was 'Time for New Romulus to upgrade.' Not New Romulus, the Adventure Zone, or New Romulus, the planet, or New Romulus, the placemat, but simply New Romulus as a whole. In that sense, it definitely matters that New Romulus Command is located on the planet. And no, it's not inside the alleged 'finished' city. New Romulus Command is situated outside the city, very near a coastline, with hills around it (no wall), and either a sea or a lake of some sort (you can watch outside).
Hence, New Romulus Command, and what you guys are calling New Romulus, the Adventure Zone, are not as neatly separated from each other as, say, ESD and the Academy. The fact that there's a different map for inside and outside, is irrelevant to the discussion.
And frankly, I'm not sure why the discussion got suddenly derailed by semantics like this. New Romulus, as a whole, could use an upgrade, IMHO. A teleport pad, inside New Romulus Command, to the Flotilla, for instance, would be a nice QoL improvement (much like one can beam down to the Academy from ESD, and vice versa). So, New Romulus is, in several aspects, truly if not abandoned, then certainly not entirely finished.
WHY? that's a nosensical transport, like saying ESD needs a transport to Vulcan and Andoria. there is no "Quality of life" issue since you have the shuttle bay where you can change shitps which is the only real reason for the Flotilla to exist.
Yeah. You do understand NR Command has a shipyard too, right?!
And the main reason for the Flotilla to exist, is because it's pretty. And because it's a major Rom hub, and there's not even a direct transwarp to it. And because it's silly to just abandon an asset like that (i.g. put up an unnecessary barrier to reach it).
And as for the Flotilla being located in 'deep space', yeah, about 2 seconds sector space travel when undocking from NR.
The Flotilla is needed in the Romulan Storyline until New Romulus is established. Now, unless they are going to do something to it with the Romulan revamp due to Picard, I do not know.
'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
Judge Dan Haywood
'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
You're confusing individual storyline missions with Factional social zones. Remember when ESD got attacked? We got a mission, with a special map of ESD being on fire, repairs being performed everywhere. THAT is all part of a (transitory) story. But now think of what would have happened if Cryptic had left ESD in disarray like that. That would not have been acceptable, of course.
Same with New Romulus. Perhaps, instead of speaking about 'abandoned', it were better to just say that creating a social zone that's permanently 'under construction', wasn't maybe such a stellar idea -- great for a storyline mission or two, but not for the final implementation. And even though Roms are just a Fraction, having only a fraction of the buildings up-and-running becomes silly over time.
And no, there's no reason they can't just keep the current map for the Tutorial and such, and upgrade New Romulus at the same time.
Of course it is.
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New Romulus Command is built on New Romulus.
Then it is time to bring that wall down!!!
And your point? Because I drew a distinct between the two being different maps, physically, as well as in purpose. The fact that they are on the same planet is irrelevant to the discussion.
Yeah, walls seem to be a thing with Romulan architecture, so I doubt that's going to happen.
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A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"
"It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch."
"We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. Curiosity...is bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more importantly...it makes you poor!"
The topic was 'Time for New Romulus to upgrade.' Not New Romulus, the Adventure Zone, or New Romulus, the planet, or New Romulus, the placemat, but simply New Romulus as a whole. In that sense, it definitely matters that New Romulus Command is located on the planet. And no, it's not inside the alleged 'finished' city. New Romulus Command is situated outside the city, very near a coastline, with hills around it (no wall), and either a sea or a lake of some sort (you can watch outside).
Hence, New Romulus Command, and what you guys are calling New Romulus, the Adventure Zone, are not as neatly separated from each other as, say, ESD and the Academy. The fact that there's a different map for inside and outside, is irrelevant to the discussion.
And frankly, I'm not sure why the discussion got suddenly derailed by semantics like this. New Romulus, as a whole, could use an upgrade, IMHO. A teleport pad, inside New Romulus Command, to the Flotilla, for instance, would be a nice QoL improvement (much like one can beam down to the Academy from ESD, and vice versa). So, New Romulus is, in several aspects, truly if not abandoned, then certainly not entirely finished.
In line with some of the detractors above, is Defera a social zone, or merely an Adventure Zone? I dunno myself. Feels like the latter to me (but that may just be because I simply don't visit there often). But that begs the question, what constitutes a social zone per se? Is it a major Faction hub? If so, then what is Drozana? (Other than the armpit of the galaxy *g*) Or the Academy, for that matter: is it an Adventure Zone, or part of the whole 'Fed home hub' installation? (ESD included). And does a social zone need all major amenities? (Like Bank, Exchange, Mail, etc).
To me, a social zone is pretty much the whole hub deal. For New Romulus, to me, that inludes New Romulus Command, and planetside, when you step outside to the surface. Much like I consider the Academy part of the whole 'Earth' hub. YMMV, though.
I feel anywhere you can chat with someone, interact, or see that person. It's a social zone.
I would however share an Interest in seeing the Underground Reman City on New Romulus; even if it were perhaps an additional New Fleet Holding, perhaps called the Reman Underground Consulate.
I just think that would be totally neat to see for sure!
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
We had some of the new Romulus city bits in the Foundry. Let's put it this way: if you have a far off bit of geometry are the devs going to add close-up levels of detail? That takes a lot of time to add in (then or now) and if players under normal circumstances are never going to see it...
*Raises hand*
I'm genuinely confused by this one, why link NR Command and the flotilla? There's some services available at one but not the other but that's also true with Sol v. K7 and so on. The comparison to the academies also doesn't strictly hold either given that NR command is more fully furnished and supplements for not having a dedicated "training" zone with an adventure zone.
I think social zones could generally use an update to make them feel less lifeless but that's all on content/immersion side (optional dialog, rotating NPC contacts, rotating NPC scenes, non-combat dailies) and applies across the board rather than ROM service parity.
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
Think of the Flotilla as an early NR Command: a few ships strung together, fitted to serve as a central hub for the Roms. Then they finished their planet (Or did they?! LOL). And now the Flotilla has pretty much become obsolete (especially since there's no direct transwarp to it, or 'beam to' button/door somewhere at NR Command). Integrating it with NR Command, like being able to go to the Academy from ESD, would be an extremely easy thing to do, and would be an almost gratuitous QoL improvement.
Because they ARE still parked there.
Besides, it isn't parked at New Romulus and never has been. It's in deep space.
You are right this is important....
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it depends on the definition of a social zone. IMO, if it does not have access to mail, vndors and exchange it's not a social zone..
that said remeber that Defera has 2 zones, the invaded zone and the rest of the city, where all the breen arc is done
WHY? that's a nosensical transport, like saying ESD needs a transport to Vulcan and Andoria. there is no "Quality of life" issue since you have the shuttle bay where you can change shitps which is the only real reason for the Flotilla to exist.
now if you were to say make the flotilla acessible to non-roms.. now you would be talking, especially since the Kilinks need access to a shipyard in the "north" half of the quadrant
Funny that those Instant Transwarp items that came in the current Lockbox takes you directly to the 'Social' Zone.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Yeah. You do understand NR Command has a shipyard too, right?!
And the main reason for the Flotilla to exist, is because it's pretty.
And as for the Flotilla being located in 'deep space', yeah, about 2 seconds sector space travel when undocking from NR.
The Flotilla is needed in the Romulan Storyline until New Romulus is established. Now, unless they are going to do something to it with the Romulan revamp due to Picard, I do not know.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'