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Mudd's Market - Discussion and Feedback



  • salazarrazesalazarraze Member Posts: 3,794 Arc User
    edited December 2019
    phoenix841 wrote: »
    I still don't understand some players' & Cryptic's mentality of "exclusivity mine mine mine" & how that makes it better especially with a dominant PvE game .

    None of this is the point of so-called "exclusivity." The point is to keep you constantly logged in by getting you to play the event NOW instead of skipping it with the knowledge that you can just pick it up next year.

    While I have no doubt that's the real reason, Cryptic actually used the word "exclusive" in the blog post I linked above.

    True but that's a 2015 post. Things have changed since then as the phoenix pack has since been introduced and now mudd's market is an added avenue for selling previously unobtainable items. So with exclusivity dead, the obvious truth now is that the major rewards from each event are restricted to force you to play the event so as to avoid the phoenix/mudd route.
    When you see "TRIBBLE" in my posts, it's because I manually typed "TRIBBLE" and censored myself.
  • miirikmiirik Member Posts: 483 Arc User
    I'm just going to say it, having the reman/breen boffs costing money is just BS, you took something that used to be FREE and now put a SIXTY DOLLAR price tag on it.
  • jcswwjcsww Member Posts: 6,855 Arc User
    miirik wrote: »
    I'm just going to say it, having the reman/breen boffs costing money is just BS, you took something that used to be FREE and now put a SIXTY DOLLAR price tag on it.

    And didn't even give us one for each department to add some worth to it. I would pay up to 2,000 ZEN for a Tac, Eng, and Sci Breen bridge officers all in one pack that is claimable account wide.
  • foxrockssocksfoxrockssocks Member Posts: 2,482 Arc User
    phoenix841 wrote: »
    tilarta wrote: »
    There is only one item of interest to me that I would want to purchase from Mudd's Market:

    For whatever reason, I failed to unlock this ship account wide when it was available and I've been waiting ever since for a second chance to try again.
    Naturally, I am irked significantly when the winter event ends up being a new Fek'liri ship instead of a repeat of this unlock. :#

    Per this post in 2015, if you missed a ship, you lose out on it forever (as an account unlock at least):
    We want to maintain the exclusivity and collectability of the event ships from the Summer Event each year, and in order to do that we will be retiring the existing Risian Lohlunat Pearls. When the 2015 Summer Event begins, an entirely new currency will be needed to acquire the event starship. This will be the process going forward – a new item to be collected each year.

    Our goal for this change is to ensure that everyone participates on equal footing for the release of each year's new ship.
    That's also the same time they removed the old ships from the event projects, leaving only the current event ship there.

    Personally, I never liked that decision. I have all of them, but I still hope past event ships will eventually make it to Mudd's market as account unlocks (or even with some Phoenix account-unlocker token for ships), even if, say 5 years later. FOMO is strong in STO.
    Exclusivity = no one wins

    I missed the first year or two of events, and I got lucky as back then they were character unlocks, so I was able to slot the chel grett and plesh brek in the same year on different alts and complete them both, which unlocked them for my account when the devs made them account reclaim retroactively.

    Seems like that exclusivity might be why we stopped getting regular reruns of the featured episodes (where the Cane and Shard came from). At least they're finally available again though.

    I didn't care much at the time about the exclusivity of ships, but back then they weren't giving universal consoles and key set pieces in these one chance ships. The Breen ships had their consoles to go with the other Breen ships but those only worked on the Breen ships, and you had the Risa ship set, but that only works on Risian ships. I think the first was the Kobali ship with the command ship console, and the warp core. So now we have the situation where you can't complete the set without the ship, which you can never get again, realistically. It was a really dumb idea to do that.
  • foppotee#4552 foppotee Member Posts: 1,704 Arc User
    jcsww wrote: »
    miirik wrote: »
    I'm just going to say it, having the reman/breen boffs costing money is just BS, you took something that used to be FREE and now put a SIXTY DOLLAR price tag on it.

    And didn't even give us one for each department to add some worth to it. I would pay up to 2,000 ZEN for a Tac, Eng, and Sci Breen bridge officers all in one pack that is claimable account wide.

    I like that idea & I bet it wouldn't require much more effort nor much more resources to make those "special" BOFFs in each class variety too. As long as those BOFFs weren't unique so a player could have a squad with each class represented.
  • duncanidaho11duncanidaho11 Member Posts: 7,980 Arc User
    edited December 2019
    miirik wrote: »
    I'm just going to say it, having the reman/breen boffs costing money is just BS, you took something that used to be FREE and now put a SIXTY DOLLAR price tag on it.

    To my knowledge they haven't said that the FE re-run event's been retired. The EMH Mk 1 Boff for example is currently available in the Phoenix store and Mudd's. Ie. the account unlocked release method didn't invalidate the cheap character unlocked alternative. Ie. by the same logic they could keep the old system as is and have Mudd's (at the sale price, "normal" is effectively removing it from the store) the "TRIBBLE this, not going to bother waiting for the re-run to equip new characters."

    It was free but it's a major pain in the TRIBBLE to get (each item requires a separate playthrough during a very narrow and infrequent window and if you've made several characters since the last event it's a lot to grind through.) Of Mudd's offerings the FE re-run pack is what I'm most interested in ATM, even if I can get them for free later it just saves a lot of time-sensitive bother.
    Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
    Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
    Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
  • jcswwjcsww Member Posts: 6,855 Arc User
    miirik wrote: »
    I'm just going to say it, having the reman/breen boffs costing money is just BS, you took something that used to be FREE and now put a SIXTY DOLLAR price tag on it.

    To my knowledge they haven't said that the FE re-run event's been retired. The EMH Mk 1 Boff for example is currently available in the Phoenix store and Mudd's. Ie. the account unlocked release method didn't invalidate the cheap character unlocked alternative. Ie. by the same logic they could keep the old system as is and have Mudd's (at the sale price, "normal" is effectively removing it from the store) the "TRIBBLE this, not going to bother waiting for the re-run to equip new characters."

    It was free but it's a major pain in the TRIBBLE to get (each item requires a separate playthrough during a very narrow and infrequent window and if you've made several characters since the last event it's a lot to grind through.) Of Mudd's offerings the FE re-run pack is what I'm most interested in ATM, even if I can get them for free later it just saves a lot of time-sensitive bother.

    There is no guarantee that the Phoenix Boxes are going to be around forever also. They keep coming back from time but there is no guarantee that this will continue. Personally, I would rather purchase an account unlock over something per character. That way, if I want it on a new or other character I have, it's just as simple as claiming it from the C-Store.
  • magellan14magellan14 Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    Dear Mr H. Mudd,
    I would feel remorse if I did not bring to your immediate attention that you've missed a golden opportunity to potentially sell some items. After all, it is Cyber Monday, at least in the 21st Century.
  • trillbuffettrillbuffet Member Posts: 861 Arc User
    Yeah its a cool theme to be able to buy unobtainable things its kind of like how many games have where they phase in and out of the in-game stores this is just a mudd version of it where its always accessible but you are just waiting for the right moment to get it for a great price or pay out the nose for it.

    Personally one idea for this because PWE and Cryptic have to make money and such but this could be a great way to introduce KDF and other faction content that is usually behind some paywall that is RNG based. So aside from exchange prices mudds market would be a perfect thing to phase those kind of ships into they can still have that paywall but they also can make it cheaper for a limited time and feel more obtainable. I figure this is the angle that they are taking for this to increase demand into dilithium exchange.

    So at first glance this appears to be something horrible or a really good joke but its actually pretty impressive way to do a paywall which would or will make these specialty ships if they intend to do that with them a way to obtain them. Plus it would be cool if they introduced a T6 heavy bird of prey for the KDF there. Technically the Hegh'ta the only heavy bird of prey was a T4 ship so there has never been a T5, T5-U, or a T6 version. Which actually is funny something to laugh about how the KDF has progressed over the years have it be the first ship pack that has a T5, T5-U, and T6 ship. A lot of which the federation has these issues too like I remember the person always wanting a T6 nova since its not really a faction issue anymore its more of a Star Trek fan issue getting these kinds of ships we love dearly but not popular enough for them to put into their pipeline.
  • tilartatilarta Member Posts: 1,801 Arc User
    edited December 2019
    I still don't understand some players' & Cryptic's mentality of "exclusivity mine mine mine" & how that makes it better especially with a dominant PvE game.

    I once had a conversation with some players in a couple of games about bringing back retired items for new players or current players to get who don't have them for whatever reason.
    The response from those players essentially was "I'll feel less special if my once only unlockable is given out easily/readily to everyone who wants/needs it".

    So it's just Ego, they want the item simply to feel special and by that logic, nobody should get special things because it makes those players unspecial. And thus, they actively resist the change being made, so they're always special.
    With me, it's not about Ego or bragging rights, I want the console just to finish the set bonus, for fun.
    Post edited by tilarta on

    Bees like honey, they don't like vinegar.
    Everytime someone makes a character that is an copy of an existing superhuman, Creativity is sad :'(
  • postagepaidpostagepaid Member Posts: 2,899 Arc User
    Was never really a fan on the overlap between limited time event and store ships for the slightly underhand way of using the event to help sell what was a usually triple ship bundle via the console set.
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  • postagepaidpostagepaid Member Posts: 2,899 Arc User
    Like an endless cycle of events and patrols revamped by having a cluster or two warp in on top of the player?
  • This content has been removed.
  • ltminnsltminns Member Posts: 12,572 Arc User
    Mudd's Market is currently running a 25% Sale. When you lead off with a 75% Sale, everything else is extremely underwhelming. In fact, even the 75% Sale was underwhelming.
    'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
    Judge Dan Haywood
    'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
    l don't know.
    l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
    That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
    Lt. Philip J. Minns
  • phoenix841phoenix841 Member Posts: 487 Arc User
    valoreah wrote: »
    phoenix841 wrote: »
    While I have no doubt that's the real reason, Cryptic actually used the word "exclusive" in the blog post I linked above.

    Exclusivity does not necessarily mean indefinitely. Cryptic has been releasing items advertised as "exclusive" into the C-store since there has been a C-store. Expecting advertised "exclusive" items to be limited in supply forever is wishful thinking.

    I think there was a misunderstanding. I'm not arguing for it. I simply was stating an observation, regardless of my opinion on it.
    ltminns wrote: »
    Mudd's Market is currently running a 25% Sale. When you lead off with a 75% Sale, everything else is extremely underwhelming. In fact, even the 75% Sale was underwhelming.

    Actually, it's over now. Prices are their full "original" prices.
    LTS Since Beta (Jan 2010).
  • saurializardsaurializard Member Posts: 4,409 Arc User
    edited December 2019
    What is more "hilarious" about the Featured Episode rewards pack, especially the two BOffs is how much of a missed opportunity this is.

    Thanks to the current Q's Winterland, we now have customizable Breen costume parts. On top of having playable and customizable Remans for several years, this could have been a good selling point to say "yeah, it's expensive, but the BOffs have been upgraded to be fully customizable to justify it!".

    Even if it's still expensive, at least, it could have at least ONE reason to justify it.

    But no, they couldn't even bother with that! By all means, the Hierarchy Boff needed to be fixed and set to "non-customizable" ASAP, because they couldn't let players harmlessly give him different clothing, with barely any clipping or whatever issue. But expensive Boffs that have been here for years and that used to be free with many opportunities to be updated? Naaa.
  • warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    What is more "hilarious" about the Featured Episode rewards pack, especially the two BOffs is how much of a missed opportunity this is.

    Thanks to the current Q's Winterland, we now have customizable Breen costume parts. On top of having playable and customizable Remans for several years, this could have been a good selling point to say "yeah, it's expensive, but the BOffs have been upgraded to be fully customizable to justify it!".

    Even if it's still expensive, at least, it could have at least ONE reason to justify it.

    But no, they couldn't even bother with that! By all means, the Hierarchy Boff needed to be fixed and set to "non-customizable" ASAP, because they couldn't let players harmlessly give him different clothing, with barely any clipping or whatever issue. But expensive Boffs that have been here for years and that used to be free with many opportunities to be updated? Naaa.
    On the contrary. Fully customizable remans (with better traits than the FE reward) have been in the game since 2013. And since we now have the breen costume, any boff can be "breen." They are therefore pretty worthless, updated or not.
  • baddmoonrizinbaddmoonrizin Member Posts: 11,234 Community Moderator
    warpangel wrote: »
    What is more "hilarious" about the Featured Episode rewards pack, especially the two BOffs is how much of a missed opportunity this is.

    Thanks to the current Q's Winterland, we now have customizable Breen costume parts. On top of having playable and customizable Remans for several years, this could have been a good selling point to say "yeah, it's expensive, but the BOffs have been upgraded to be fully customizable to justify it!".

    Even if it's still expensive, at least, it could have at least ONE reason to justify it.

    But no, they couldn't even bother with that! By all means, the Hierarchy Boff needed to be fixed and set to "non-customizable" ASAP, because they couldn't let players harmlessly give him different clothing, with barely any clipping or whatever issue. But expensive Boffs that have been here for years and that used to be free with many opportunities to be updated? Naaa.
    On the contrary. Fully customizable remans (with better traits than the FE reward) have been in the game since 2013. And since we now have the breen costume, any boff can be "breen." They are therefore pretty worthless, updated or not.

    Well, they could've made the Breen BOFF come with the costume unlock, made that Reman costume and cape a costume unlock for the Reman BOFF, and that would've added more value to them.
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  • warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    warpangel wrote: »
    What is more "hilarious" about the Featured Episode rewards pack, especially the two BOffs is how much of a missed opportunity this is.

    Thanks to the current Q's Winterland, we now have customizable Breen costume parts. On top of having playable and customizable Remans for several years, this could have been a good selling point to say "yeah, it's expensive, but the BOffs have been upgraded to be fully customizable to justify it!".

    Even if it's still expensive, at least, it could have at least ONE reason to justify it.

    But no, they couldn't even bother with that! By all means, the Hierarchy Boff needed to be fixed and set to "non-customizable" ASAP, because they couldn't let players harmlessly give him different clothing, with barely any clipping or whatever issue. But expensive Boffs that have been here for years and that used to be free with many opportunities to be updated? Naaa.
    On the contrary. Fully customizable remans (with better traits than the FE reward) have been in the game since 2013. And since we now have the breen costume, any boff can be "breen." They are therefore pretty worthless, updated or not.

    Well, they could've made the Breen BOFF come with the costume unlock, made that Reman costume and cape a costume unlock for the Reman BOFF, and that would've added more value to them.
    True. I'd buy that pack for the reman costume even though I have the items. But it's possible it's one of those made-in-one-piece custom models that they tend to do with unique NPCs, so not an editable costume at all.

    The breen costume is honestly so cheap in the winter store I can't see anyone paying Mudd prices for that. Though it is supposed to be "limited time" (more limited than winter stuff normally is?) so if it goes away then maybe.
  • ltminnsltminns Member Posts: 12,572 Arc User
    The Breen Outfit is also in the Lobi Store.
    'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
    Judge Dan Haywood
    'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
    l don't know.
    l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
    That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
    Lt. Philip J. Minns
  • foppotee#4552 foppotee Member Posts: 1,704 Arc User
    I haven't purchased that Breen costume, yet, but I'm sort of liking how Cryptic handled this costume having it with variations, usable by the character's BOFFs, initially buyable using the Winter event currency then regularly by Lobi. I plan to get it using the Winter event trinkets though for at least 1 character.
  • zzzspina01zzzspina01 Member Posts: 313 Arc User
    is there a Q & A page for Mudd's market ? just wanting to know how often it will update ?
    I cant brain I have the dumb
  • duncanidaho11duncanidaho11 Member Posts: 7,980 Arc User
    edited December 2019
    zzzspina01 wrote: »
    is there a Q & A page for Mudd's market ? just wanting to know how often it will update ?

    I don't believe we've been given a timetable, part of how these systems stimulate more sales is by uncertainty. You never know when an item will be available again (in our case: financially accessible) so folks are more likely to accelerate their timetable on buying something (maybe even spend real money to compensate for a shortfall in zen rather than waiting + saving up.) Cryptic's technically also free to put certain items on sale more than others, so certain items could be subject to more uncertainty than others.

    With time we'll probably get a general idea but for now I think the system is intentionally obtuse (otherwise they'd may as well not bother.) There are upsides to this but they're more with F2P macroeconomics (better the sale you know than the RNG prize pack you don't.)
    Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
    Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
    Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
  • lillysaturnlillysaturn Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    I think its way too expensive.
  • sennahcheribsennahcherib Member Posts: 2,823 Arc User
    be careful; the jem'hadar and romulan boffs can't use the dino, the rom captains can't use it either. 8000 zen for a non working item, I call that a "word moderated by myself".

    1 thing is strange, normally the european laws prevent this kind of "market", I don't understand why they aren't applied.
  • jr20mb13jr20mb13 Member Posts: 60 Arc User
    I feel like a lot of people here are looking at it wrong, its a gimmick I honestly doubt we will actually see the full prices for long, the character is a swindler and a conn man, the devs are playing off of that in the store, just got to be smart and wait it out. For example, right now the Vizieris down to 2100 , which cheaper than even the whizkids model when it first arrived, while the dino is 8000, give it a week and it will all switch around. what a thing to gripe about. no ones making anyone buy anything in this game.
  • duncanidaho11duncanidaho11 Member Posts: 7,980 Arc User
    edited December 2019
    1 thing is strange, normally the european laws prevent this kind of "market", I don't understand why they aren't applied.

    The fact that Fortnight, Destiny, Apex Legends, and Warframe (see. vaulting marketplace packs) having rotating stores would suggest that no such regulation exists. Mudd's is exactly that kind of system only with a huge "buyout" option rather than totally removing an item. For those not interested in that buyout the non-sale price has the same effect (though you still have more information about all of the store's offerings than is provided by STO's contemporaries.)

    Extreme sales at a business's discretion also aren't prohibited by any body that I know of. See. clearances, holiday sales, steam sales. Even if you could find something on the books in some part of the EU (which seems unlikely but let's take the best case for your argument) I doubt you could make the case that it's actually being enforced at any wide scale, applicable to Cryptic's international operations.
    Post edited by duncanidaho11 on
    Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
    Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
    Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
  • postagepaidpostagepaid Member Posts: 2,899 Arc User
    PoE has a similar setup with rotating items into on sale status, on a daily basis with popular stuff like stash tabs being both regularly up for sale and always over a weekend to allow more folk to get them. Yes the base price for cosmetics is pretty high but with some patience they will be found on sale.

    Muggs market isn't a good implementation of the system as it has the prices inflated above equivalent items in the same store and cranking up the price on an item just to make the discount sale seem good is pretty blatant way of showing how the little regard there is for the customers.

    Maybe if they'd used this as a method of replacing those god awful R&D trashboxes from the gamble system the BS price on the ship might be justified. There's enough R&D ships made that they could be rotated in one or two per month with the % changing daily and it'd be way more appealing than the "hey have this box of worthless keech that probably won't have a ship in it" approach.

    But a chunk of the current stock was gleaned from defunct FE reruns and what would have been phoenix rewards. So far other than the tradable t6 tokens nothing has been rotated in that might indicate the plan to make the market anything more than a cynical wallet dipper.
  • foppotee#4552 foppotee Member Posts: 1,704 Arc User
    be careful; the jem'hadar and romulan boffs can't use the dino, the rom captains can't use it either. 8000 zen for a non working item, I call that a "word moderated by myself".

    1 thing is strange, normally the european laws prevent this kind of "market", I don't understand why they aren't applied.

    Didn't know that about those certain BOFFs not being able to use the Voth Dino. That certainly would suck if bought with that intent & definitely seems a misstep by Cryptic.
This discussion has been closed.