Ok, looking at the U.S.S. Hiawatha NCC-815, eaglemoss model (the ship was shown, although it was a wreck in the Discovery episode it was introduce in), it kind of looks like a cross between a freighter and a cruise ship. But hey, it's a (relatively speaking) science vessel, a very rare thing to see in Discovery.
It looks larger than a frigate for sure, but it's classified as a 'medical frigate'.
Since it was introduced in the second season of Discovery, would we be able to get one when the Second Season content is released in STO?
Of course, it could have been some kind of merchantman converted into a rear-area utility ship of some sort that got caught by a rapid shift in battle lines or something. In fact Reno fits the stereotype of a tramp freighter engineer rather well which would fit right in with that scenario.
Yea... I think we've pretty much exhausted all the Fed and Klingon ships, except for that one little bullet shaped Klingon ship. So unless we get that bundled with a T6 Malachouski, not sure what else is left.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
My character Tsin'xing
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
Looks like the mining ship from ST Armada 2 o.o
Captain: So you snuck aboard to get a free cruise, huh? Well just your luck, you can pay it off by working here.
Castaway: Washing dishes?
Captain: No, no. You see, not only is this a cruise ship, it's a mining ship too. So, off to work you go!