I have played since launch. I have been very patient with much of the chicanery from this game and its development team over the years. Much like Discovery the television show, your DSC content has been disjointed, severely lacking in any semblance of sense, and half-hearted in its execution. This is a bit of a bridge too far. First, you put this demented Frankenstein's monster of an Enterprise in the game. Then you don't even take the opportunity to make it a ship acquirable through gameplay or at least on the c-store. I'm absolutely sick to death of all of the most sought after ships being stuck behind a gambling device. I don't mind paying money in your store, but this is absolutely outrageous. The line must be drawn here. This far. No farther.
That is another Choice Box that has the Enterprise or D7 depending on the Faction.
so it is another RnG chance along side the R&D, so you have a lower chance of getting either ship then... wow
While I've never won since they started putting brand new ships in the infinity promo, my understanding is that there is only one prize pack and if you win it you then get to select from all the available options. [/quote]
It's usually the case where something like the Promo box will give you a list of ships to choose from, (and it's posted in the blog that this should be the case); however, the box I have lists just the Disco Connie as shown below:
I haven't opened the box yet to check, so I don't know if the other supposed options appear on opening or not. Maybe someone else can confirm one way or the other.
So im not sure where to put this out there because I've never used forums before. Most folks that I've talked to in the game including fleetmates have received the ship from the promotion in about 5-15 promotional packs from the c-store or the exchange. Not many more than that (some getting it within 5 packs. I, however, have opened 34 (including spending $50) but have received nothing. Is this normal and just incredibly bad luck for me (as always) or is there an issue with my account and opening packs? Kinda feel sick with losing $50 and hoping I'm not just that unlucky and threw away my savings...
So im not sure where to put this out there because I've never used forums before. Most folks that I've talked to in the game including fleetmates have received the ship from the promotion in about 5-15 promotional packs from the c-store or the exchange. Not many more than that (some getting it within 5 packs. I, however, have opened 34 (including spending $50) but have received nothing. Is this normal and just incredibly bad luck for me (as always) or is there an issue with my account and opening packs? Kinda feel sick with losing $50 and hoping I'm not just that unlucky and threw away my savings...
It's about a 1% chance per pack to win. So you opened 34 packs meaning you did so with a 1% chance to win 34 separate times. Not good odds to land a ship that way. Alternatively you could have sold those 34 packs for 13 million EC each right now and you'd have 442 million EC. You'd still need about 1 billion more to buy the ship outright on the exchange right now. If your friends are saying that they typically win in about 5-15 packs, they're straight up lying. That's just not mathematically possible to regularly occur that way.
When you see "TRIBBLE" in my posts, it's because I manually typed "TRIBBLE" and censored myself.
So im not sure where to put this out there because I've never used forums before. Most folks that I've talked to in the game including fleetmates have received the ship from the promotion in about 5-15 promotional packs from the c-store or the exchange. Not many more than that (some getting it within 5 packs. I, however, have opened 34 (including spending $50) but have received nothing. Is this normal and just incredibly bad luck for me (as always) or is there an issue with my account and opening packs? Kinda feel sick with losing $50 and hoping I'm not just that unlucky and threw away my savings...
Your fleetmates were extremely lucky getting the ship in that few packs. I believe some years ago, a player opened several thousand (on the test server) to guess-timate the odds of winning the top prize in these R&D promo's. The odds of getting a ship with their testing showed a less than 1% chance of getting the ship. I believe it was actually closer to 0.5%, but I'm going off memory here so I could be way off.
And realize this, your odds don't improve by opening more packs, it's not a guarantee you'll EVER get one. There are folks who have probably opened thousands of the things and not won one. That's simply how random works, especially with how low the odds of winning are for these things. Sometimes you get lucky, most times you don't.
Your best bet to get the ship is buy it off the exchange for 1-1.5 billion EC when someone gets an extra. It'll take you a while but it's the only "guaranteed" way of getting the ship. There are ways of making EC 'quickly', but I've only heard others mention them and never put the methods into practice. But, one way to make the EC would have been to buy the R&D packs, but instead of opening them, sell them on the exchange. Obviously you wouldn't get enough off 34 packs to buy it, but it'd start you on your way. Another way would be buy Zen, buy lockbox keys with the Zen, then sell the keys on the exchange.
Basically, never spend more resources (time, in-game currency or real money) than you feel comfortable. And by the sound of it, you don't sound comfortable spending what you did.
Hello. My name is iamynaught and I am an altaholic.
Odds for R&D Promotions are about 100:1. Lockboxes are closer to 250:1.
'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
Judge Dan Haywood
'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
So im not sure where to put this out there because I've never used forums before. Most folks that I've talked to in the game including fleetmates have received the ship from the promotion in about 5-15 promotional packs from the c-store or the exchange. Not many more than that (some getting it within 5 packs. I, however, have opened 34 (including spending $50) but have received nothing. Is this normal and just incredibly bad luck for me (as always) or is there an issue with my account and opening packs? Kinda feel sick with losing $50 and hoping I'm not just that unlucky and threw away my savings...
Your fleetmates were extremely lucky getting the ship in that few packs. I believe some years ago, a player opened several thousand (on the test server) to guess-timate the odds of winning the top prize in these R&D promo's. The odds of getting a ship with their testing showed a less than 1% chance of getting the ship. I believe it was actually closer to 0.5%, but I'm going off memory here so I could be way off.
And realize this, your odds don't improve by opening more packs, it's not a guarantee you'll EVER get one. There are folks who have probably opened thousands of the things and not won one. That's simply how random works, especially with how low the odds of winning are for these things. Sometimes you get lucky, most times you don't.
Your best bet to get the ship is buy it off the exchange for 1-1.5 billion EC when someone gets an extra. It'll take you a while but it's the only "guaranteed" way of getting the ship. There are ways of making EC 'quickly', but I've only heard others mention them and never put the methods into practice. But, one way to make the EC would have been to buy the R&D packs, but instead of opening them, sell them on the exchange. Obviously you wouldn't get enough off 34 packs to buy it, but it'd start you on your way. Another way would be buy Zen, buy lockbox keys with the Zen, then sell the keys on the exchange.
Basically, never spend more resources (time, in-game currency or real money) than you feel comfortable. And by the sound of it, you don't sound comfortable spending what you did.
Oh... I see... oh well. thats a bummer but money is already spent. *shrugs then hides under bed* I guess i really just wanted the phasers more than anything. Sad those are tied to an impossible-to-get ship
I'm not sure how the odds really are. I opened 25 R&D packs and got two of the ships out of it. Once I selected the Discovery T6 ships, I traded one to a Klingon character on my account so I have a D7 and a Discovery Enterprise. And a bunch more Lobi crystals.
For everybody getting one in 15 packs there is someone not getting one in 150 or 1500 packs. I get that people woukd like to share their experience, but this is as harmful as the fly-bys in game that suggest people win the big prize left and right every minute.
^ Memory Alpha.org is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
"No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
"A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
"That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
The launcher is misrepresenting this as an "unlock", I fear Cryptic may be going full EA now:
The ticker on the right hand side also just says the in the Z store without mentioning the need to gamble for them.
Pretty huge oversight given the current climate surrounding lootboxes or "surprise mechanics" as the patronising lawyer type from EA called them yesterday.
all i can say is lmfao £40 for 300 lobi totally worth it.......................if there is ever a next time i will buy ships from the store not play the gambling lotto
The launcher is misrepresenting this as an "unlock", I fear Cryptic may be going full EA now:
The ticker on the right hand side also just says the in the Z store without mentioning the need to gamble for them.
Pretty huge oversight given the current climate surrounding lootboxes or "surprise mechanics" as the patronising lawyer type from EA called them yesterday.
Umm, what ticker?
Also, guys, it's an advertisement leading to the article on the website. It's meant to be clicked on. That's why it's phrased that way.
This ship easily costs you €50,- worth of ZEN if you are very lucky i bit less. If You are unlucky it easy can cost you €250,-
Lots of other nice things you can do with that kind of money.
PS: for people who convert dilithium for it need to do lots of hours grinding for it. You will need roughly between 1.5mil-7.5mil dilithium for it. Bit less with luck. Not to mention the huge amount of time required refining the dilitium you grinded.
So how many development hours does it take to create a new ship? Suppose 1000 people spend about 100€ to get the ship, that means 100.000€ income for Cryptic for just one ship. Suppose they want to make 50% profit, then still 50.000€ buys a lot of development hours. I thinks price for new ships is to high. Should not be more then maximum 20€ which is still very expensive.
And maybe profit would be even higher for Cryptic if prices drop, because many people now spend their money elsewhere, instead of spending it on ships. Their marketing department probably never investigated to optimal price for selling the most ships getting the largest revenue and profit. 10.000 ships 15€ make more profit then 1000 ships at 100€.
By ticker I was referring to the 5 images that tick through in sequence.
And while it maybe true that a click takes you to the blogpost the information that it (the launcher) gives is dancing the edges of false advertising due to the omission of the R&D box.
Y'all are being disingenuous now. You know damn well what it means. Quit trying to make more controversy in an already controversial situation. Venting your frustrations over the distribution method is one thing. Fine. Do that. Manufacturing more ire to further fan the flames is not.
Star Trek Online Volunteer Community Moderator and Resident She-Wolf
Community Moderators are Unpaid Volunteers and NOT Employees of Gearbox/Cryptic
Views and Opinions May Not Reflect the Views and Opinions of Gearbox/Cryptic
I can't speak for @postagepaid, but I'm not trying to do that at all. I saw a change in marketing strategy that legitimately scared me about the future direction of the game and I pointed it out. From what I can remember new R&D promos were always clearly indicated as such on the launcher, and when I see the word "unlock" I don't even think of the C-Store I think mission or event reward, certainly not promo box.
I voiced my concern in this thread specifically because I figured that of the many threads currently going on this topic this one was probably the most likely to get attention from kael. If I was trying to make controversy or fan the flames I would have mentioned it in every thread I could find.
Lifetime Subscriber since Beta ^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
Why do these threads remind me of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate factory?
It would be nice if Cryptic would make the R&D pack actually worth the cost by itself. Maybe throw in like 10 Universal Upgrades (not the Gold one) and maybe some Crafting recipes your can't get anywhere else (maybe like recipes for Experimental Weapons, Unique Consoles, and/or Weapons (ground and Space)
Crafting mats are sorta pointless if you nothing worth crafting.
And while they are at it, please remove the 'fail' prize from the lock boxes (you know 'one piece of salvage')
Just group all upgrades together as a prize and all the boosters together as a prize.
Its feels less like a gamble if you feel you got something decent for your key.
From what I can remember new R&D promos were always clearly indicated as such on the launcher, and when I see the word "unlock" I don't even think of the C-Store I think mission or event reward, certainly not promo box....
"Unlock" means "new lockbox" to me.
Unlock means "get permanent access to" to me. The T6 promo going on right now will unlock a ship. This (and lockboxes and the lobi store in general) doesn't unlock anything.
Unlock means "get permanent access to" to me. The T6 promo going on right now will unlock a ship. This (and lockboxes and the lobi store in general) doesn't unlock anything.
You have to change what it means to you, then, since that demonstrably isn't what it means in these cases. Unless they outright state that you gain access on all characters, current and future, your misinterpretation of their use of individual words is not an objective affront to you.
Anyone who has played this game for a reasonable amount of time knows that lockbox and promo ships are per-character items. People who haven't played this game for a reasonable amount of time aren't going to be dropping tons of money on promo ship gambling. That makes this a non-issue being touted as an issue by people claiming to be defending a group of people who simply do not exist.
Unlock also means you can reclaim something on that Character if you happen to have 'misplaced' it.
'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
Judge Dan Haywood
'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
So im not sure where to put this out there because I've never used forums before. Most folks that I've talked to in the game including fleetmates have received the ship from the promotion in about 5-15 promotional packs from the c-store or the exchange. Not many more than that (some getting it within 5 packs. I, however, have opened 34 (including spending $50) but have received nothing. Is this normal and just incredibly bad luck for me (as always) or is there an issue with my account and opening packs? Kinda feel sick with losing $50 and hoping I'm not just that unlucky and threw away my savings...
It's about a 1% chance per pack to win. So you opened 34 packs meaning you did so with a 1% chance to win 34 separate times. Not good odds to land a ship that way. Alternatively you could have sold those 34 packs for 13 million EC each right now and you'd have 442 million EC. You'd still need about 1 billion more to buy the ship outright on the exchange right now. If your friends are saying that they typically win in about 5-15 packs, they're straight up lying. That's just not mathematically possible to regularly occur that way.
Yeah, here's a chart of what 1% gives you for odds per amount of chances. Statistically you need to open around 70 boxes to have a 50/50 chance. The chance approaches 100% but never does. So technically you could open 10k boxes and never get it... or open 4 boxes and get 4 ships. Both are unlikely to happen, but not impossible.
I can't speak for @postagepaid, but I'm not trying to do that at all. I saw a change in marketing strategy that legitimately scared me about the future direction of the game and I pointed it out. From what I can remember new R&D promos were always clearly indicated as such on the launcher, and when I see the word "unlock" I don't even think of the C-Store I think mission or event reward, certainly not promo box.
I voiced my concern in this thread specifically because I figured that of the many threads currently going on this topic this one was probably the most likely to get attention from kael. If I was trying to make controversy or fan the flames I would have mentioned it in every thread I could find.
Yes, with the current atmosphere around loot boxes, best to be 100% accurate with any advertisement involving them. Sadly, a few bad actor game companies and cringe-worthy lawyer soundbites will be blood in the water for the politicians. Especially if they can score some political points by coming to 'save the kids'. Personally, I dislike the practice of loot boxes and some companies are pushing their luck with being super obnoxious with them. Even the toy aisle of stores are filling with 'mystery boxes' from figures to Hot Wheels cars. If I had to bet, the governments are gonna step in to 'save the kids' and we may or may not be happy with the actions they take. The price of a game may go from $60 w/ a loot box, to $150 w/o one or all games might just add a subscription and still have a store. Who knows.
I was in a TFO last night and saw the ship in action and knew I just had to have it to keep playing this game so I got it.
Two things strike me as odd about the info in this thread;
One) getting it on the exchange isn't as easy as simply buying packs or keys and selling them, there is always someone that's going to underbid you by a credit to get their stuff sold first. I think these people do this to drive the price down and then they scooped up all the low priced ones and sell them high. So you have to babysit your auctions only putting a few up at a time. I've left auctions up at the going rate when I posted them and they hadn't sold a day later because of these people.
Two) Cryptic has a limit of $200 spent per 48-hour period, So I don't understand how these people are spending thousands of dollars already?
I was in a TFO last night and saw the ship in action and knew I just had to have it to keep playing this game so I got it.
Two things strike me as odd about the info in this thread;
One) getting it on the exchange isn't as easy as simply buying packs or keys and selling them, there is always someone that's going to underbid you by a credit to get their stuff sold first. I think these people do this to drive the price down and then they scooped up all the low priced ones and sell them high.
^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
While I've never won since they started putting brand new ships in the infinity promo, my understanding is that there is only one prize pack and if you win it you then get to select from all the available options. [/quote]
It's usually the case where something like the Promo box will give you a list of ships to choose from, (and it's posted in the blog that this should be the case); however, the box I have lists just the Disco Connie as shown below:
I haven't opened the box yet to check, so I don't know if the other supposed options appear on opening or not. Maybe someone else can confirm one way or the other.
Your fleetmates were extremely lucky getting the ship in that few packs. I believe some years ago, a player opened several thousand (on the test server) to guess-timate the odds of winning the top prize in these R&D promo's. The odds of getting a ship with their testing showed a less than 1% chance of getting the ship. I believe it was actually closer to 0.5%, but I'm going off memory here so I could be way off.
And realize this, your odds don't improve by opening more packs, it's not a guarantee you'll EVER get one. There are folks who have probably opened thousands of the things and not won one. That's simply how random works, especially with how low the odds of winning are for these things. Sometimes you get lucky, most times you don't.
Your best bet to get the ship is buy it off the exchange for 1-1.5 billion EC when someone gets an extra. It'll take you a while but it's the only "guaranteed" way of getting the ship. There are ways of making EC 'quickly', but I've only heard others mention them and never put the methods into practice. But, one way to make the EC would have been to buy the R&D packs, but instead of opening them, sell them on the exchange. Obviously you wouldn't get enough off 34 packs to buy it, but it'd start you on your way. Another way would be buy Zen, buy lockbox keys with the Zen, then sell the keys on the exchange.
Basically, never spend more resources (time, in-game currency or real money) than you feel comfortable. And by the sound of it, you don't sound comfortable spending what you did.
Losing faith in humanity, one person at a time.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Oh... I see... oh well. thats a bummer but money is already spent. *shrugs then hides under bed* I guess i really just wanted the phasers more than anything. Sad those are tied to an impossible-to-get ship
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
The ticker on the right hand side also just says the in the Z store without mentioning the need to gamble for them.
Pretty huge oversight given the current climate surrounding lootboxes or "surprise mechanics" as the patronising lawyer type from EA called them yesterday.
Umm, what ticker?
Also, guys, it's an advertisement leading to the article on the website. It's meant to be clicked on. That's why it's phrased that way.
Lots of other nice things you can do with that kind of money.
PS: for people who convert dilithium for it need to do lots of hours grinding for it. You will need roughly between 1.5mil-7.5mil dilithium for it. Bit less with luck. Not to mention the huge amount of time required refining the dilitium you grinded.
So how many development hours does it take to create a new ship? Suppose 1000 people spend about 100€ to get the ship, that means 100.000€ income for Cryptic for just one ship. Suppose they want to make 50% profit, then still 50.000€ buys a lot of development hours. I thinks price for new ships is to high. Should not be more then maximum 20€ which is still very expensive.
And maybe profit would be even higher for Cryptic if prices drop, because many people now spend their money elsewhere, instead of spending it on ships. Their marketing department probably never investigated to optimal price for selling the most ships getting the largest revenue and profit. 10.000 ships 15€ make more profit then 1000 ships at 100€.
Would be nice to see the actual dedicated heavy carriers launch massive clouds of fighters for a change.
And while it maybe true that a click takes you to the blogpost the information that it (the launcher) gives is dancing the edges of false advertising due to the omission of the R&D box.
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I can't speak for @postagepaid, but I'm not trying to do that at all. I saw a change in marketing strategy that legitimately scared me about the future direction of the game and I pointed it out. From what I can remember new R&D promos were always clearly indicated as such on the launcher, and when I see the word "unlock" I don't even think of the C-Store I think mission or event reward, certainly not promo box.
I voiced my concern in this thread specifically because I figured that of the many threads currently going on this topic this one was probably the most likely to get attention from kael. If I was trying to make controversy or fan the flames I would have mentioned it in every thread I could find.
^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
It would be nice if Cryptic would make the R&D pack actually worth the cost by itself. Maybe throw in like 10 Universal Upgrades (not the Gold one) and maybe some Crafting recipes your can't get anywhere else (maybe like recipes for Experimental Weapons, Unique Consoles, and/or Weapons (ground and Space)
Crafting mats are sorta pointless if you nothing worth crafting.
And while they are at it, please remove the 'fail' prize from the lock boxes (you know 'one piece of salvage')
Just group all upgrades together as a prize and all the boosters together as a prize.
Its feels less like a gamble if you feel you got something decent for your key.
Oh Lobi is great. But its the feeling of getting a 'weak' reward from the random part I'm talking about
I open boxes for the Lobi all the time, but it's sorta a kick to the gut when you open the box and get 'Salvage'
Unlock means "get permanent access to" to me. The T6 promo going on right now will unlock a ship. This (and lockboxes and the lobi store in general) doesn't unlock anything.
You have to change what it means to you, then, since that demonstrably isn't what it means in these cases. Unless they outright state that you gain access on all characters, current and future, your misinterpretation of their use of individual words is not an objective affront to you.
Anyone who has played this game for a reasonable amount of time knows that lockbox and promo ships are per-character items. People who haven't played this game for a reasonable amount of time aren't going to be dropping tons of money on promo ship gambling. That makes this a non-issue being touted as an issue by people claiming to be defending a group of people who simply do not exist.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Yeah, here's a chart of what 1% gives you for odds per amount of chances. Statistically you need to open around 70 boxes to have a 50/50 chance. The chance approaches 100% but never does. So technically you could open 10k boxes and never get it... or open 4 boxes and get 4 ships. Both are unlikely to happen, but not impossible.
Yes, with the current atmosphere around loot boxes, best to be 100% accurate with any advertisement involving them. Sadly, a few bad actor game companies and cringe-worthy lawyer soundbites will be blood in the water for the politicians. Especially if they can score some political points by coming to 'save the kids'. Personally, I dislike the practice of loot boxes and some companies are pushing their luck with being super obnoxious with them. Even the toy aisle of stores are filling with 'mystery boxes' from figures to Hot Wheels cars. If I had to bet, the governments are gonna step in to 'save the kids' and we may or may not be happy with the actions they take. The price of a game may go from $60 w/ a loot box, to $150 w/o one or all games might just add a subscription and still have a store. Who knows.
Two things strike me as odd about the info in this thread;
One) getting it on the exchange isn't as easy as simply buying packs or keys and selling them, there is always someone that's going to underbid you by a credit to get their stuff sold first. I think these people do this to drive the price down and then they scooped up all the low priced ones and sell them high. So you have to babysit your auctions only putting a few up at a time. I've left auctions up at the going rate when I posted them and they hadn't sold a day later because of these people.
Two) Cryptic has a limit of $200 spent per 48-hour period, So I don't understand how these people are spending thousands of dollars already?
Comic Book Guy tactics, as I call it.