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Can we get some love for Plasma weapons?



  • pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,259 Arc User
    edited March 2019
    So what is the best solution to fix the plasma problem? From my narrow viewpoint.
    • Add a plasma cluster torpedo.
    • Add a version of Caustic Plasma for torpedoes and mines extra high burn for half the burn time
    • Fix corrosive plasma on mines and torpedoes as it’s effectively broken. Corrosive plasma has a double nerf making is next to useless. Corrosive is 10% proc chance compared to 100% on all other Plasma projectiles. Also the proc damage itself is absolutely tiny compared to all other forms of plasma.
    • Take a balance pass as the Corrosive plasma blast mine. That mine cannot move and drops 1 mine instead of 4. Its already doing 75% less damage from 1 hit instead of 4 hits then add in that it cannot move and I ask why would anyone use it?
    • Boost the burn damage by x% so that Plasma does more burn damage over time then Quantum . What is the point of Plasma when Quantum hits harder and does higher burn with traits. Even without traits Plasma should do more damage over time then Quantum does in 1 hit otherwise people will just use Quantum. It should be a trade off instant damage with Quantum or higher damage but spread over time Plasma. If 1 second of Quantum beats 15 seconds of Plasma there is never any reason to use Plasma.
    • Perhaps add a console or set that boosts burn damage?
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    which traits boost quantum but not plasma?
    My character Tsin'xing
  • jagdtier44jagdtier44 Member Posts: 376 Arc User
    Just unlocked Tier 6 across all the reps, and I know one isn't plasma (because it would of come up) but I find it funny how Gamma gives a phaser omni, Terran gives a phaser omni and Comp gives an anti-proton omni.

    It's like there was your chance to add in a Plasma omni set right there when you did Tier 6 reps. It wouldnt of been as easy/free as a mission set but at least it would of been one. but nope, more phasers and anti-proton.
  • pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,259 Arc User
    which traits boost quantum but not plasma?
    The traits benefit both you just get a much higher hull burn with Quantum or Photon. Omega Shearing gives you a Kinetic burn and things like Resonating Payload Modification increase the Kinetic burn but do nothing for plasma burn.
  • asuran14asuran14 Member Posts: 2,335 Arc User
    I can agree that we could use getting a plasma set that has either a plasma omni-array, or a beam array that turns into a omni-array with the three piece set bonus in it. We can also just use abit of love for plasma torps or even just torps in general outside of quantum an photon torps mind you. I thought that with the raising of the rep tier to six that instead of them giving us alternative energy types, they could have given us alternative torp types too.
  • shinnok918shinnok918 Member Posts: 312 Arc User
    Setting aside the issue of missing gear (e.g., plasma mission omni) for parity among various energy types, the real problem is that we appear to go in a circle where the addition of some new console or set suddenly pushes one energy type to the top of the heap.

    What's missing is a sense of tradeoffs where one energy type works best in some situations, but not in others. I'd argue it's not the availability of gear/weapons/energy types that are the problem. Rather, it's the uniformity of the enemies (or other players) defensive (and to a certain extent offensive) capabilities.

    That said, plasma definitely lags behind the other energy types for both sets and hard hitting weapons. However, wouldn't buffing or modifying existing weapons be a simpler solution, rather than trying to come up with something new? Just improve Corrosive or isolytic. It's this need to come up with the new, next next that drives this cycle where some new must-have weapon suddenly hits the game and we all leap.
    don't forget Romulan plasma. im pushing 50k with that but without becoming a glass cannon by giving up my remaining survivability there isn't much more I can do.
  • redrum1#7546 redrum1 Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    The procs are def broke. And when they do work its not much of a burn. If we had something to increase a plasma burn or make it stacking...that would work. Damage is damage when it comes to any energy type. The slows from the plasma WEAPONS is what I use them for. Not nessecarily the burn aspect becuz that is next to none really. With that said we def need a plasma onmi set to make the beam builds more viable. That and a way to not only make the proc more deadly whenever it does is my guess. A trait that increases plasma DOT by 100% fpr 30 secs and stacks 3 times would be good. That would make a plasma burn of 78 per second deal over 200+ plasma burn a sec. Which is still a very small amount. realistically it needs to be about 500 bonus damage. as in cat 2.
  • brian334brian334 Member Posts: 2,219 Arc User
    In the old days Plasma sacrificed initial damage for a DoT proc in the same way that Chronitons sacrifice initial damage for a Slow proc. Of course, back then the big bad guy was The Borg and they came with Plasma Resistance, so Plasma sucked and nobody wanted it.

    I wouldn't mind if the slow and weak plasma burn was retained if Plasma was simply brought up to the damage potential of most unbuffed weapon types. Heck, Disruptors, unbuffed by consoles, do great damage, and their proc makes them do even more damage!

    We don't need to start with a new set of consoles and traits to buff Plasma up to Phaser levels. All we need is the unbuffed initial damage to be brought up to unbuffed Phaser or Disruptor levels. At that point Plasma will be a lot more attractive and players will want to use it. At that point consoles and traits along the lines of those available to other damage types can be considered.
  • vetteguy904vetteguy904 Member Posts: 3,963 Arc User
    My one problem with plasma weapons is that they can backfire on you when using them, especially if you have a ship that doesn't turn fast enough to get you out of the way of the explosion. Some people actually think that's a positive thing but often keeps me from wanting to use them.

    I did notice how annoying it is when I have a ship with plasma pets that are firing plasma torpedoes all over space. Almost always, i'm guaranteed to be in the line of fire. I only discovered the elite version of these pets just makes it worse.

    Are you kidding? 12 advanced scorpions firing of HYT Plasmas is frigging AWESOME. almost as good as the Beach ball o death
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  • ichaerus1ichaerus1 Member Posts: 986 Arc User
    The procs are def broke. And when they do work its not much of a burn. If we had something to increase a plasma burn or make it stacking...that would work. Damage is damage when it comes to any energy type. The slows from the plasma WEAPONS is what I use them for. Not nessecarily the burn aspect becuz that is next to none really. With that said we def need a plasma onmi set to make the beam builds more viable. That and a way to not only make the proc more deadly whenever it does is my guess. A trait that increases plasma DOT by 100% fpr 30 secs and stacks 3 times would be good. That would make a plasma burn of 78 per second deal over 200+ plasma burn a sec. Which is still a very small amount. realistically it needs to be about 500 bonus damage. as in cat 2.

    In a game where you're burning down targets really fast, a 30 second plasma dot is poo. Most targets will go down before that hypothetical 30 seconds has reached its full duration. As it was said before, if you throw dots on a target, you want the dots to be short, but high damage. This is why Caustic Plasma's proc is better than regular plasma. Short duration for higher damage. It was like that in Warhammer Online as well. However, it's also known that there are *very* few procs that mean anything in this game. Because the proc chance is 2.5% chance(not counting Resonating Tetryon(5%) and Proton/Protonic Polaron weapons) per firing cycle and not per shot(except for Proton/Protonic Polaron weapons). Undine reputation might have a set bonus that increases the proc chance of their weapons, but I don't remember for sure.
  • duasynduasyn Member Posts: 492 Arc User
    edited March 2019
    brian334 wrote: »
    Caustic Plasma is a very hot burn, but also very short, so the chances of multiple stacks are very small. However, if someone loads their cruiser with eight turrets and goes to town, the plasma burn should be stacking like crazy.

    Yeah but... with high dps a slower burn is pointless if things die w/in 3-5 seconds. Why I put isolytic plasmas on my warbird. It still depends on a 2.5% proc, but (assuming I'm reading them right) does a one-time plasma hit instead of a DoT burn.
    ruinthefun wrote: »
    As for actual plasma weapons, as I said before, their shortcomings are not based on their procs (procs are mostly useless anyway), but their lack of setpieces and support. Also, because plasma cannons make the worst noise, this kind of weird out-of-sync screech.

    I agree with that. Phasers were garbage until they made a bunch of consoles and set powers that buffed them a lot. Procs have been nerfed to pointlessness. So really the only real point to choosing a proccing weapon type is a visual one, unless you like making themed builds. If you are going for just dps, you take the Linked phasers or disruptors atm. No surprise that the weapons w/o a 2.5% proc are the king of the hill.
  • pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,259 Arc User
    ruinthefun wrote: »
    I think people are confusing the issue to conflate "plasma weapons" and "plasma torpedoes" together, since plasma torpedoes are actually kinetic weapons, not plasma weapons. Besides, plasma torpedoes are great, that plasma poo torp is amazey.

    As for actual plasma weapons, as I said before, their shortcomings are not based on their procs (procs are mostly useless anyway), but their lack of setpieces and support. Also, because plasma cannons make the worst noise, this kind of weird out-of-sync screech.
    Plasma projectiles are plasma weapons as they do plasma damage 100% of hits for the most part and they have the same problem as plasma energy weapons in that they have very limited options and are undeveloped.

    If the Plasma DoT on projectiles with 100% proc chance is not very good then what chances does the 2.5% pro on energy weapons have of doing anything useful?
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  • pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,259 Arc User
    edited March 2019
    ruinthefun wrote: »
    Except that they don't interact with plasma weapon consoles at all, and are often classified as exotic. And besides, how many energy types actually have amazing projectile options, given your criteria? Well, I'll tell you: Plasma, and ONLY Plasma. Other projectiles-that-do-energy-damage tend to be mediocre or lackluster at best."
    Yes they do interact if you have the right type. My plasma torps and mines had the plasma damage boosted by the plasma weapon consoles I was using last weekend.

    What do you mean they are often classed as exotic as far as I can think from the Federation side 100% of them are classified as plasma not exotic and 100% of them are boosted by none exotic plasma. The one exception the Emissions torpedo is classified as both exotic plasma and none exotic plasma at the same time. The right type of plasma weapon consoles will boost the none exotic plasma part of Emissions.

    ruinthefun wrote: »
    “And besides, how many energy types actually have amazing projectile options, given your criteria?”
    Not sure what you mean by my criteria? This doesn’t seem like part of my argument but to answer you Antiproton springs to mind, running 5 antiproton projectiles is pretty amazing, better then plasma. Along with Antiproton there is also phazor, Disrupter, Tetryon & Polaron projectiles options.

    ruinthefun wrote: »
    “Also, Plasma Poo Torp is amazeballs and really whips the llama's TRIBBLE. What are you even talking about?”
    I don’t find plasma amazeballs and from my viewpoint bar a few rare exceptions plasma underperforms, doesn’t have a roll/benefit, has limited options and is just generally underdeveloped compared to other systems.

  • asuran14asuran14 Member Posts: 2,335 Arc User
    edited March 2019
    I would not mind seeing a plasma cluster torpedo added. An interesting module they could add for ground would be a drone that fires plasma torps an lays plasma mines for it's duration.

    I always thought that since we are basically bathing the target in plasma/fire as we use plasma weapons/torps, that instead of leaving a plasma-burn on the target, it would instead upon destruction of the target send the plasma-covered debris at targets around them. So maybe dealing a burst of plasma damage an kinetic damage as ships around the ship that is destroyed are bombarded by the remains of the ships, which based on the number of stacks of plasma on the target for the damage an range maybe.
  • shinnok918shinnok918 Member Posts: 312 Arc User
    edited March 2019
    asuran14 wrote: »
    I would not mind seeing a plasma cluster torpedo added. An interesting module they could add for ground would be a drone that fires plasma torps an lays plasma mines for it's duration.

    I always thought that since we are basically bathing the target in plasma/fire as we use plasma weapons/torps, that instead of leaving a plasma-burn on the target, it would instead upon destruction of the target send the plasma-covered debris at targets around them. So maybe dealing a burst of plasma damage an kinetic damage as ships around the ship that is destroyed are bombarded by the remains of the ships, which based on the number of stacks of plasma on the target for the damage an range maybe.

    I've had plasma burn get targets for me on more than one occasion, but the main issue with plasma is that it's proc (the burn itself) is a low damage thing compared to what procs for other weapons do. If they increased the damage of the burn across the board, then plasma weapons would be competitive again. making burn longer would do no good, and, unfortunately your idea would require all ships to be clustered together to be even remotely useful, so just no. They did that to my plasma weaps instead of plasma burn i'd likely have to spend a lot of resources redoing my romulan's plasma build. Increase the burn damage and perhaps the base damage, and allow us a mission omni (like with the Romulan Plasma stats) and we have a good start. I've been sick if King Antiproton for a while. all weapons should be equal when it all plays out.

    I'd like to see Romulan Toons only able to craft Romulan Plasma Omni myself, and perhaps even a Romulan Plasma Torp. I could likely push my build past the 50k mark finally, and my cannons into the 60k range. If the burn were increased overall it would up the damage of my build a lot.
  • rattler2rattler2 Member, Star Trek Online Moderator Posts: 58,913 Community Moderator
    pottsey5g wrote: »
    Plasma projectiles are plasma weapons as they do plasma damage...

    Wrong. They do Kinetic and slap a Plasma DoT on the target.

    The only Plasma Torpedo that deals Plasma Damage 100% is the Plasmatic Biomatter Torpedo.
    I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
    The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
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  • asuran14asuran14 Member Posts: 2,335 Arc User
    shinnok918 wrote: »
    asuran14 wrote: »
    I would not mind seeing a plasma cluster torpedo added. An interesting module they could add for ground would be a drone that fires plasma torps an lays plasma mines for it's duration.

    I always thought that since we are basically bathing the target in plasma/fire as we use plasma weapons/torps, that instead of leaving a plasma-burn on the target, it would instead upon destruction of the target send the plasma-covered debris at targets around them. So maybe dealing a burst of plasma damage an kinetic damage as ships around the ship that is destroyed are bombarded by the remains of the ships, which based on the number of stacks of plasma on the target for the damage an range maybe.

    I've had plasma burn get targets for me on more than one occasion, but the main issue with plasma is that it's proc (the burn itself) is a low damage thing compared to what procs for other weapons do. If they increased the damage of the burn across the board, then plasma weapons would be competitive again. making burn longer would do no good, and, unfortunately your idea would require all ships to be clustered together to be even remotely useful, so just no. They did that to my plasma weaps instead of plasma burn i'd likely have to spend a lot of resources redoing my romulan's plasma build. Increase the burn damage and perhaps the base damage, and allow us a mission omni (like with the Romulan Plasma stats) and we have a good start. I've been sick if King Antiproton for a while. all weapons should be equal when it all plays out.

    I'd like to see Romulan Toons only able to craft Romulan Plasma Omni myself, and perhaps even a Romulan Plasma Torp. I could likely push my build past the 50k mark finally, and my cannons into the 60k range. If the burn were increased overall it would up the damage of my build a lot.

    In someways I can agree that the proc's burn is alittle bit weak, though even if the proc had gotten some targets that were running from you or what not, upping the base damage of plasma weapons an changing what the proc was would do the same thing. Since upping the damage would make the damage output more reliable netting more kills that might have been missed even by the burn effect, while still also getting those targets that the burn would have gotten too, It would depend on how large the aoe effect I suggested would be, which could be pretty big if you gave the plasma/debris aoe damage a sliding damage drop off, which would make it still useful (atleast as damaging as getting plasma burn procs on those targets normally) an yet making it even more useful for when you can clump up targets (which we have alot of things in the game to do that with).

    My only issue with Anti-proton is that it's effect is one of afew weapon effects we as players can directly influence. Since the critical severity effect on antiproton can be triggered by just upping your critical hit chance, which can be done thru traits/gear an such, compared to the chance to get the effect of other energy types is tied to a non=modifiable 2.5-5% chance. This is why if the burn effect is kept it would just be better to see the proc effects of the energy types being something we as players can actually modify thru how we build or gear our character. Even if you up the burn effect by 100% output it would still be quite unreliable, but if you allowed players to invest in making the proc chance of energy types higher you could still see quite a good increase in damage.
  • pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,259 Arc User
    edited March 2019
    rattler2 wrote: »
    pottsey5g wrote: »
    Plasma projectiles are plasma weapons as they do plasma damage...

    Wrong. They do Kinetic and slap a Plasma DoT on the target.

    The only Plasma Torpedo that deals Plasma Damage 100% is the Plasmatic Biomatter Torpedo.
    They still do plasma damage 100% of the time which makes them plasma weapons like I said. If they are not plasma weapons because they don't do 100% plasma damage then you cannot call them Kinetic weapons either as they do not do 100% kinetic damage. Most do around 40% to 50% of the total damage as plasma in a basic shot.

    In practice if you shoot a ship with shields you can do more plasma damage per shot then you do Kinetic damage with them. Just because I called them plasma weapons it doesn't mean that's all they are as they are also Kinetic weapons as well. Just like the Emissions torpedo is both an Exotic Plasma weapon and none Exotic Plasma weapon.
  • shadowwraith#9264 shadowwraith Member Posts: 379 Arc User
    Proton is also in need of love since it is the most neglected damage type.
    • Draal - FED, Saurian, LV60 - TAC
    • Mirak - FED 23c, Vulkan, LV60 - TAC
    • Ascaran Bloodclaw - KDF, Gorn, Lv18 - TAC
    • Melchiah - KDF, Gorn, LV60 - TAC
    • Ne'roon - KDF,Lethian, L60, TAC
    • Turel - ROM-KDF, Reman, 30, TAC
    • Elric - ROM-Fed, Romulan, L60, TAC
    • Richtor Belmont - FED 23c, Human,LV20, SCI
    • G'Kar - KDF, Gorn, L10

    USS Sharlin NCC79713 B (part of sheridans access code) - T6, Hestia Class Advanced Escort
    USS Babylon IV - T6 Krenim Science Vessel
    USS Brakiri - T6 Elachi Escort
    "I am Grey. I stand between the candle and the star."
    "We are Grey. We stand between the darkness and the light."

    – Grey Council greeting
  • rattler2rattler2 Member, Star Trek Online Moderator Posts: 58,913 Community Moderator
    Plasma Torpedos are not augmented by Plasma Energy boosting consoles. They have a seperate damage console.
    I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
    The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
    normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
    colored text = mod mode
  • pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,259 Arc User
    edited March 2019
    rattler2 wrote: »
    Plasma Torpedos are not augmented by Plasma Energy boosting consoles. They have a seperate damage console.
    No one said those work. They still have plasma damage consoles that do work and does boost the plasma damage. Which is one of the reasons they are plasma weapons.
    Post edited by pottsey5g on
  • rattler2rattler2 Member, Star Trek Online Moderator Posts: 58,913 Community Moderator
    You're not making any sense, and you're muddying the waters here. We're talking about Plasma as a damage type, which means things that deal Plasma Damage directly such as plasma beams.

    Plasma Torpedos are a seperate entity that deal kinetic damage and a plasma burn proc. If you want to debate the usefulness of Plasma Torpedos, that would be better suited for a seperate thread about said torpedos.
    I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
    The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
    normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
    colored text = mod mode
  • asuran14asuran14 Member Posts: 2,335 Arc User
    Proton is also in need of love since it is the most neglected damage type.

    Oh I agree that proton could use some love, though issue is what would the proc flavor be for them though, since each energy type has some kind of proc (or proc-like ) effect. Though that is something more suited to its own thread for a dedicated debate.
  • brian334brian334 Member Posts: 2,219 Arc User
    asuran14 wrote: »
    Proton is also in need of love since it is the most neglected damage type.

    Oh I agree that proton could use some love, though issue is what would the proc flavor be for them though, since each energy type has some kind of proc (or proc-like ) effect. Though that is something more suited to its own thread for a dedicated debate.

    The Proton Proc is a 50/50 chance to deal additional Proton damage on Critial Hit, so boost to one's Crit H increases the likelihood of the proc. Fully agree that Proton needs some love, but I can wait for an enemy which uses proton damage to get it. So far there are none.

    Plasma, however, is the standard loadout weapon of Romulan Republic starships. It is not, and has never been, competitive with the other energy types. It would seem that the RR would invest in some better weapon types. These get my vote:

    Plasma/Disruptor hybrids which are boosted by Plasma consoles. Current ones are boosted by Disruptor consoles, with the DOT being boosted by Plasma consoles, thus requiring the player to buff two energy types, (the Rainbow/Skittles fallacy.)

    Caustic Plasma which is enhanced to equal the DPS average of Polaron, Phasers, and Disruptor.

    Romulan Plasma which is enhanced to equal the DPS average of Polaron, Phaser, and Disruptor.

    Some sweet Plasma two-and three-piece sets.

    Higher Proc rates for plasma burn or at minimum a means of enhancing the proc rate via traits, consoles, and other equipment.

    Borg Assimilated Plasma which has a Kinetic proc, with associated Assimilated two- and three-piece sets and consoles. These would also enhance the KCB.
  • asuran14asuran14 Member Posts: 2,335 Arc User
    brian334 wrote: »
    asuran14 wrote: »
    Proton is also in need of love since it is the most neglected damage type.

    Oh I agree that proton could use some love, though issue is what would the proc flavor be for them though, since each energy type has some kind of proc (or proc-like ) effect. Though that is something more suited to its own thread for a dedicated debate.

    The Proton Proc is a 50/50 chance to deal additional Proton damage on Critial Hit, so boost to one's Crit H increases the likelihood of the proc. Fully agree that Proton needs some love, but I can wait for an enemy which uses proton damage to get it. So far there are none.

    Plasma, however, is the standard loadout weapon of Romulan Republic starships. It is not, and has never been, competitive with the other energy types. It would seem that the RR would invest in some better weapon types. These get my vote:

    Plasma/Disruptor hybrids which are boosted by Plasma consoles. Current ones are boosted by Disruptor consoles, with the DOT being boosted by Plasma consoles, thus requiring the player to buff two energy types, (the Rainbow/Skittles fallacy.)

    Caustic Plasma which is enhanced to equal the DPS average of Polaron, Phasers, and Disruptor.

    Romulan Plasma which is enhanced to equal the DPS average of Polaron, Phaser, and Disruptor.

    Some sweet Plasma two-and three-piece sets.

    Higher Proc rates for plasma burn or at minimum a means of enhancing the proc rate via traits, consoles, and other equipment.

    Borg Assimilated Plasma which has a Kinetic proc, with associated Assimilated two- and three-piece sets and consoles. These would also enhance the KCB.

    Well that is a protonic proc on the polaron variant, not a true proc for a fully proton energy type (even the proton weapon from the dyson set even dealing fully proton damage is flavored for the protonic type. I actually could see something like a proc that reduces the critical damage you take (so a reduction to the enemies critical severity chance), which would be a reverse of how anti-proton type's critical severity boost.

    I would not mind if we started to see some consoles either put in, or less desirable consoles converted over, to being split consoles that buff a pair of weapon/energy types. To me this would make both non-mono energy types builds more interesting an competitive, but also make builds that use a mixture of energy an torp/mine weapons more competitive too. An would make weapons that have two energy types less gimped in some ways at least compared to what you could get for going just a solid energy type.
  • pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,259 Arc User
    edited March 2019
    rattler2 wrote: »
    You're not making any sense, and you're muddying the waters here. We're talking about Plasma as a damage type, which means things that deal Plasma Damage directly such as plasma beams.

    Plasma Torpedos are a seperate entity that deal kinetic damage and a plasma burn proc. If you want to debate the usefulness of Plasma Torpedos, that would be better suited for a seperate thread about said torpedos.
    I am not making sense? I am not the one saying a weapon with plasma in the name, that is boosted by the right type of plasma damage consoles, is effected by plasma resistance and deals a large amount of plasma damage is not a plasma weapon!!!

    This thread is very clearly about much needed love for plasma weapons both energy and projectiles which I agree with for both. Plasma torpedoes and mines deal plasma as a damage type directly to hull and are in as much need of love as other plasma weapons. Some of my torpedoes do almost 50% plasma damage per shot and when you hit shields do 75%+ plasma damage and 25% Kinetic damage. Yes plasma projectiles are a separate entity but they are still plasma weapons that deal large amounts of the plasma damage type.

    Go back and read the start of the first post “Both energy and projectile...

    There hasn't been a new plasma torpedo in a long time, in fact every single type has gotten multiple new torpedoes since the last plasma torpedo. Plasma is only one of two types that doesn't have a wide angle torpedo.”

    Based on what this thread was clearly created for I do not see how I am muddying the waters and posting in the wrong thread.
  • warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    Psionic needs some love as the most neglected damage type. :p
  • rattler2rattler2 Member, Star Trek Online Moderator Posts: 58,913 Community Moderator
    99% or so of torpedoes all deal KINETIC as their baseline damage. What sets them all apart is their characteristics. Quantums hit harder than Photons, Transphasic has a chance to shield pen, Chroniton has a chance to slow, Plasma slaps a Plasma DoT.

    Just because it says Plasma doesn't make it a pure plasma weapon. Not only that, it doesn't use the same damage console to boost its damage like a plasma beam.

    A plasma torpedo is not augmented by a Plasma Infuser console. It is augmented by an Ambiplasma Envelope.
    STOwiki wrote:
    The Ambiplasma Envelope is a Tactical Console that adds a bonus to your starship plasma projectile weapon damage. It affects both plasma torpedoes and mines. Both the initial kinetic damage and the plasma burn effects are enhanced.
    STOwiki wrote:
    The Plasma Infuser is a Tactical Console that adds a bonus to your starship plasma weapon damage. It affects plasma cannons, beams, and turrets.


    So yes... you are mudying the waters and not really making sence when you say they use the same consoles.

    Do Plasma torps need some love? Yes I will agree they do. However to lump them in with pure plasma damage weapons like beams is making things more confusing.
    I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
    The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
    normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
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