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Dial back the enemy torpedo damage!

katanahiryukatanahiryu Member Posts: 145 Arc User
This is the 3rd day I've failed to even get to round 3 on the first try of kobay. The npcs literally OHKO with torpedos. All the healing in the world doesn't help if you get hit for 144,000 damage from one torpedo. All the previous times the kobay event was around I had no trouble getting to wave 5 at least, but ever since VIL and the cap was raised to 65 it has been like this.
Please fix this, it is not fun in the least.
Post edited by baddmoonrizin on


  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    Really? You've been having trouble completing the first wave?
    My character Tsin'xing
  • katanahiryukatanahiryu Member Posts: 145 Arc User
    5th time today I've tried, the maru flies right into the enemies and boom. This is by far the dumbest event.
  • jslynjslyn Member Posts: 1,790 Arc User
    edited January 2019
    5th time today I've tried, the maru flies right into the enemies and boom. This is by far the dumbest event.

    Remember to check the Round Counter station at the beginning of waves. It can spawn attack platforms in the gap in the middle. Take them out to prevent it from launching torpedoes.

    Really? You've been having trouble completing the first wave?

    He is right in that a critical hit can mess you up. NPC torpedoes are known to be way over the top; I doubt that anyone would argue against that point. My Adapted Battleship was taken out today in one shot through full shields and hull by a Torpedo Spread. Crit Happens.
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  • lianthelialianthelia Member Posts: 7,907 Arc User
    While I haven't had trouble at least getting the token there was a few times where I got eaten alive.

    Full shield and I think close to if not above 120k hull...a single salvo KO'ed me.
    Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
  • jslynjslyn Member Posts: 1,790 Arc User
    coldnapalm wrote: »
    It's not crits. A torp crit in normal at level 65 will do at MOST 20k on bare hull...unless you get the kinetic bug


    And in that map, the ones that trigger this bug the most are terrans and especially tzen.

    That is true, but you knew what I meant. To be honest, after this long, I don't consider it a bug anymore. It is the Torpedo Ultra-Crit. ;)

    I think that Cryptic are kind of embracing that bug, what with making the Terran Rep somewhat torpedo-centric.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited January 2019
    jslyn wrote: »
    5th time today I've tried, the maru flies right into the enemies and boom. This is by far the dumbest event.
    Remember to check the Round Counter station at the beginning of waves. It can spawn attack platforms in the gap in the middle. Take them out to prevent it from launching torpedoes.
    Nah don't bother with the platforms, they only launch once per wave. And they respawn, by the time you see them it's too late to kill them. DO kill the torpedoes because those will probably one-shot KM. Which happens far more often than people think it does. If everyone gets distracted killing enemies and no one shoots the torpedoes the mission will fail fast and hard.
    Really? You've been having trouble completing the first wave?
    He is right in that a critical hit can mess you up. NPC torpedoes are known to be way over the top; I doubt that anyone would argue against that point. My Adapted Battleship was taken out today in one shot through full shields and hull by a Torpedo Spread. Crit Happens.
    I haven't seen a single run fail. BUT, I did have a run I was in fail at wave 4 because some of the people in the team were being lazy and refused to respawn. So far I've done it once a day for the token and that's it. Here's my standings so far:
    Thursday: wave 17 (time ran out)
    Friday: first boss wave(I think 6 or 7) was Borg who warped in on top of KM.
    Sat: Yeah, the one I mentioned above... lost on wave 4 because only part of the team was actually playing.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • wideningxgyrewideningxgyre Member Posts: 710 Arc User
    In a PUG where you can't know who's with you or what their equipment is, it is a LOT easier to keep KM alive if at least you have a Protomatter Field Projector and Bio-Molecular Shield Generator.

    It's definitely worth sacrificing a console slot for the Protomatter console just to keep that suicidal little ship alive.

    I always ask at the beginning during the wait and suggest we take turns if there is more than one person.
  • jslynjslyn Member Posts: 1,790 Arc User
    edited January 2019
    Nah don't bother with the platforms, they only launch once per wave. And they respawn, by the time you see them it's too late to kill them. DO kill the torpedoes because those will probably one-shot KM. Which happens far more often than people think it does. If everyone gets distracted killing enemies and no one shoots the torpedoes the mission will fail fast and hard.

    It kind of depends on what I am using at the time. If I have my Crossfield AoE Torpedo / Radiation ship, then I like to position myself behind the station. When the enemies spawn, Gravity Well on the turret to pull the rear-approaching ships in to where I can melt all of them at once. Also a nice spot for picking off the cruise missiles that come from that direction.

    The Adapted Battlecruiser, on the other hand, works better in a support / healing role. It tries to stay near our suicidal little buddy.
  • seaofsorrowsseaofsorrows Member Posts: 10,919 Arc User
    5th time today I've tried, the maru flies right into the enemies and boom. This is by far the dumbest event.

    Sorry, but if you have failed 5 times in one day then you might want to look at what you personally are doing. You're the one common denominator in all the failures.

    I understand that the event can be frustrating, but it's not nearly that hard.. even in pugs. It's a stupid event, yes.. but perhaps you're being a bit over dramatic here?
    Insert witty signature line here.
  • katanahiryukatanahiryu Member Posts: 145 Arc User
    edited January 2019
    5th time today I've tried, the maru flies right into the enemies and boom. This is by far the dumbest event.

    Sorry, but if you have failed 5 times in one day then you might want to look at what you personally are doing. You're the one common denominator in all the failures.

    I understand that the event can be frustrating, but it's not nearly that hard.. even in pugs. It's a stupid event, yes.. but perhaps you're being a bit over dramatic here?

    No, I literally had to wait for cooldown to do it 5 times, each time the maru would fly over and get killed in 5 secs or I get one hit killed by torpedos for crazy high damage at full shield+hull I'm not kidding.
    Never had much trouble from this event in the past, but yeah it's totally me.
  • discojerdiscojer Member Posts: 533 Arc User
    edited January 2019
    I have not failed it this time, but in previous events we would usually reach the 15th minute, while this time just barely make it into the 4th round.

    Which I'm not complaining about, since it lets me do it quick and go to bed so I can then get up for work (as I work weekends).
  • ussvaliant#6064 ussvaliant Member Posts: 1,006 Arc User
    edited January 2019
    This bug can be a real TRIBBLE i just ran a Starbase One and got wiped in the 1st KDF salvo by being hit by multiple torps doing between 29k and 32k with a base kinetic resistance of 57%. However if i run Hive Onslaught i'm constantly getting smacked for hits in access of 30k and Counterpoint 26k upwards, 76k hit the other day. These hits are both single torp hits and spreads. Spreads usually have salvo after them in the damage log I think
    Post edited by ussvaliant#6064 on

    Hello rubber banding my old friend, time to bounce around the battlezone again, where are all my bug reports going?, out of love with this game I am falling, As Cryptic fail to acknowledge a problem exists, Shakes an angry fist, And from Support all I'm hearing are the sounds of silence.
  • maniac20#5251 maniac20 Member Posts: 263 Arc User
    I agree the npc torp dmg can be out of control at times. My one KM run I got hit with the borgs famous invisible high dmg torps for 500k+.
  • commanderkassycommanderkassy Member Posts: 1,005 Arc User
    Really? You've been having trouble completing the first wave?

    No one cares about how awesome you are.
    ♪ I'm going around not in circles but in spirographs.
    It's pretty much this hard to keep just one timeline intact. ♪
  • jslynjslyn Member Posts: 1,790 Arc User
    I agree the npc torp dmg can be out of control at times. My one KM run I got hit with the borgs famous invisible high dmg torps for 500k+.

    It has been a while I have (not) seen one of those. I remember back in the heyday, I used to equip the Automated Defense Turret Tac Console as a means of protection. It would shoot them down even if I could not see them coming. I got so much use out of that thing.
  • feliseanfelisean Member Posts: 688 Arc User
    there are a lot of ways to not get killed by torpedos. the usual thing is to use brace for impact when they shoot torpedos at you and kill them befor they could launch the next salvo. in addition to brace for impact, running tactical team, a hazard emitter and maybe emergency power to shields (+ weapons!!), should do most of the stuff.

    at the end, yes its you if you have problems, because you're not using the possibilities to counter torpedoes.
  • darkbladejkdarkbladejk Member Posts: 3,857 Community Moderator
    While I do think torps can get a little insane at times, you need to keep in mind there are a ton of factors that come into play when determining how much damage they're going to do. What buffs/debuffs does the enemy have, what buffs/debuffs do you have, what level are you shields at, what resistance do you have to kinetic/torpedo damage types, what bits of armor penetration does the enemy have if any, what difficulty are you on, what type of torpedo etc.

    Now I'm going to expand on what Felisean said above a little bit. Survival in this game is an art form IMO. With the vast amount of equipment and abilities in game currently, there are typically multiple ways to accomplish the same goal. As a hypothetical, let's suppose you wanted to bypass a bit of enemy armor. Player A may use the brute force of coalition disruptors as a means lowering their disruptor resistances, where as Player B might use a console to do it. In both scenarios the end goal of getting past some of the enemy armor is accomplished, but the route taken to do it is different.

    I'm actually glad he mentioned Brace for Impact as this is an ability every person in the game will have access to. Depending on how your build is setup and what you're regularly fighting you could also cheese a bit of extra damage from it using Unconventional Tactics if you're using the ability alot. However that's a whole other can of worms that I'm not going to go down in this one. Emergency Power to Shields is also a great power that he mentioned. If you're just absolutely getting hammered with torps, one possible combo you can pull off is Emergency to shields, comboed with Brace for Impact, and also the Bio-Molecular shield bubble from 8472 Counter Command rep. If that's still not enough you can combo in an Aux to SIF and perhaps a Rally Point Marker if you have access to command powers. Then there's the built in torp immunity once every 30 seconds via Layered Defenses in Strategist. Then there are plenty of defensive consoles that can be drawn from as well. From your description you're not dealing with Borg invisitorps, but sounds like just bad luck.

    Keep in mind as well if you're getting hit with a torp spread, you're not getting hit by just one single torp, but the combined power of all of them. The total damage could very well be 140k, but if it's a torp spread then that's divided among the individual torps. Now if you're saying that you're seeing those kinds of hits off singular torpedoes, then we can talk about possible scaling issues if you can provide evidence and logs for it. Even then without seeing your build and having some idea of your piloting there's no way for certain to know how much is the game and how much is on your end.

    "Someone once told me that time was a predator that stalked us all our lives. I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey and reminds us to cherish every moment, because it will never come again." - Jean Luc Picard in Star Trek Generations

    Star Trek Online volunteer Community Moderator
  • thelematikerthelematiker Member Posts: 39 Arc User
    From your description you're not dealing with Borg invisitorps, but sounds like just bad luck.

    Bad Luck and aggro. Before I had upgraded my Equipment it didn´t happened that much. Now I have nearly everything Upgraded to MK XV and those things happening way more. The scaling maybe does also come in a bit.

    If everyone is more or less doing the same damage (or at least some minimum) it´s not that bad as if you´re the one going off.
    The only thing you can completely avoid those things, is to kill as fast as possible. Thats why some people have never noticed those things (or just from time to time).

    For survival I mostly use those:

    The Rep Traits "Auxiliary Power Configuration Defense" (Nukara, while at high AuX power) and "Active Hull Hardening" (Dyson) helps a lot for survival. The Lockbox Trait "Oblique Shielding" is also nice but requires Shield to have the dmg resistance.

    The Starship trait "Shield Overload" from the Sagittarius Temporal Cruiser, if you can (or want) slot Emergency Power to Shields.
    With my Sci Captains I also use the "Protomatter Capacitor" Starship Trait from the Lukari Ho'kuun Science Vessel.

    Then there also some Space Trait mission rewards that can maybe help a bit. (Living Hull, Regenerative Control Synergy, Nanite Repair Matrix)

    And sometimes it´s just "What the hell?", because you have no clue where it came from...

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  • tigerariestigeraries Member Posts: 3,492 Arc User
    edited January 2019
    it's a feature! unless tons of folks start playing torp boats to steamroll ques... any fix will be placed on back burner since not a lot of folks uses torps... at most 1 in fore or aft. cost performance of the man hours spent is not worth it.
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  • commanderkassycommanderkassy Member Posts: 1,005 Arc User
    azrael605 wrote: »
    Not true.

    Males. :|

    ♪ I'm going around not in circles but in spirographs.
    It's pretty much this hard to keep just one timeline intact. ♪
  • ussvaliant#6064 ussvaliant Member Posts: 1,006 Arc User
    edited January 2019
    I forgot I did a respect on my Jemmie flying the pretty awesome Light Dominion Battlecruiser so all his space traits and starship mastery traits were reset to 0. I had the Nukara defense rep trait still active and had kinetic and dmg resist consoles giving him a base kinetic res of 60% before that trait kicked in but ran a SB1 and although I didn't die i was getting after each volley knocked down to 40% hull through shields which are Epic MK XV Iconian.

    So question regarding resistances, are armor consoles not worth the 0's and 1's they were scripted with and damage resistances are all about traits granting immunities ? or do armor consoles work but give poor returns to the point of no real value to equipping them. I do know stacking them diminishes the 2nd/3rd one's returns and is a bad idea.

    Also shield hardness in the skill tree and on consoles does this skill actually work ?

    Hello rubber banding my old friend, time to bounce around the battlezone again, where are all my bug reports going?, out of love with this game I am falling, As Cryptic fail to acknowledge a problem exists, Shakes an angry fist, And from Support all I'm hearing are the sounds of silence.
  • jozen#9312 jozen Member Posts: 102 Arc User
    I forgot I did a respect on my Jemmie flying the pretty awesome Light Dominion Battlecruiser so all his space traits and starship mastery traits were reset to 0. I had the Nukara defense rep trait still active and had kinetic and dmg resist consoles giving him a base kinetic res of 60% before that trait kicked in but ran a SB1 and although I didn't die i was getting after each volley knocked down to 40% hull through shields which are Epic MK XV Iconian.

    So question regarding resistances, are armor consoles not worth the 0's and 1's they were scripted with and damage resistances are all about traits granting immunities ? or do armor consoles work but give poor returns to the point of no real value to equipping them. I do know stacking them diminishes the 2nd/3rd one's returns and is a bad idea.

    Also shield hardness in the skill tree and on consoles does this skill actually work ?

    I'm not sure if it's badly designed and WAI or borked, but I frequently experience catastrophic damage regardless of defense. Adding extra armour does make a noticeable difference. You might just squeak by at 5% health.

    Bork and any enemy with tetryon weapons and you may as well not have shields. On advanced and randomly on normal, Tholians are ridiculous with even their energy weapons doing over 8000 damage. Tarantula web cannon can do over 350K. Even with full shields and 60%+ resist that's hard to soak.

  • edited January 2019
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  • ussvaliant#6064 ussvaliant Member Posts: 1,006 Arc User
    jozen#9312 wrote: »
    I forgot I did a respect on my Jemmie flying the pretty awesome Light Dominion Battlecruiser so all his space traits and starship mastery traits were reset to 0. I had the Nukara defense rep trait still active and had kinetic and dmg resist consoles giving him a base kinetic res of 60% before that trait kicked in but ran a SB1 and although I didn't die i was getting after each volley knocked down to 40% hull through shields which are Epic MK XV Iconian.

    So question regarding resistances, are armor consoles not worth the 0's and 1's they were scripted with and damage resistances are all about traits granting immunities ? or do armor consoles work but give poor returns to the point of no real value to equipping them. I do know stacking them diminishes the 2nd/3rd one's returns and is a bad idea.

    Also shield hardness in the skill tree and on consoles does this skill actually work ?

    I'm not sure if it's badly designed and WAI or borked, but I frequently experience catastrophic damage regardless of defense. Adding extra armour does make a noticeable difference. You might just squeak by at 5% health.

    Bork and any enemy with tetryon weapons and you may as well not have shields. On advanced and randomly on normal, Tholians are ridiculous with even their energy weapons doing over 8000 damage. Tarantula web cannon can do over 350K. Even with full shields and 60%+ resist that's hard to soak.

    Noticed that with Tholians esp in Azure Nebula and CCA makes me envious that I don't have Tet's as good as there's. Dam these man TRIBBLE of mine :).
    Don't forgot Tholian torps are nasty as well, is it electrical damage they do or does it register as kinetic ?

    Hello rubber banding my old friend, time to bounce around the battlezone again, where are all my bug reports going?, out of love with this game I am falling, As Cryptic fail to acknowledge a problem exists, Shakes an angry fist, And from Support all I'm hearing are the sounds of silence.
  • pomonagrange#3097 pomonagrange Member Posts: 112 Arc User
    azrael605 wrote: »
    > @commanderkassy said:
    > azrael605 wrote: »
    > Not true.
    > Males. :|

    Gender is not a factor.

    To paragraph the Borg: "Gender is irrelevant."

  • pomonagrange#3097 pomonagrange Member Posts: 112 Arc User
    Oops. I meant "paraphrase", not "paragraph". My offline typing work is subverting my typing here.
  • jozen#9312 jozen Member Posts: 102 Arc User


    Noticed that with Tholians esp in Azure Nebula and CCA makes me envious that I don't have Tet's as good as there's. Dam these man TRIBBLE of mine :).
    Don't forgot Tholian torps are nasty as well, is it electrical damage they do or does it register as kinetic ?[/quote]

    I've never seen it register as electrical
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