Stage 1 - Shooting ships gives no drops nor xp so follow the shenzou, when its getting pinged, heal it and keep doing so -maybe do some A-S-SIng in between heal activations.
THAT is what Stage 1 is???? Follow the U.S.S. Shenzhou around healing it?
Nah, it's more generic and better phrased as "keep Shenzhou from dying". Heal it, vape whatever's attacking it, you have options.
Also: someone mentioned this in char yesterday and I'm not 100% sure it's true, but it seems like it might be. I'd noticed several runs where we picked up all the escape pods we could interact with but that phase ended without us getting all of them. In this run one of the other guys mention that he thought that the pods could take damage from Klingon ships, and that warp core breaches could kill the escape pods.
I am not sure about the warp core breaches. I think if that was true, my MEgawell builds would have more issues in this phase.
But something can damage the pods. I figure it's the Bird of Preys that keep spawning in the pod area, though in all the SFX playing (particularly when I am around), I don't really see what exactly they do. I think they are tractoring them, and it's possible (since tractor beam normally deals damage), this deals also damage to the pods?
The phase ends when there are no more pods to be retrieved, or the timer runs out. But some things can remove pods from being retrievable.
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
One of the more annoying things for me when I tried this out, was the holo look of the ship throws me off for the firing arc of my Vesta with cannons. It turns my ship into a cruiser with a round saucer, which makes getting the ship pointed in the right direction to use my Captain powers to maximize my volleys effect just by looking at the bank of my ship, feel way off.
Use the Warp Nacelles to 'aim' your ship. If you're zoomed in too far to see both nacelles, zoom out. But you can use the Nacelles as a Targeting Bracket to line up your ship.
[SIGPIC]Sarvour Shipyards[/SIGPIC]Sarvour Shipyards =A=Commodore Joshua Daniel Sarvour, S.C.E.
U.S.S. AKAGI NX-93347, Enterprise-class Battle Cruiser =A= U.S.S. T'KORA'S WRATH NX-110047, Odyssey-class Battle Cruiser "There Ain't No Grave, Can Hold My Body Down..." PS - I fully support a T6 Nova, fixing the Nova skins. I am also rooting for a T6 Science Cruiser, that can use Nova/Rhode Island skins. T6 Nova/Rhode Island, T6 Oberth & T6 Constellation are needed. Also needed a T6 Science Cruiser, that can wear any Science or Cruiser skin.
One of the more annoying things for me when I tried this out, was the holo look of the ship throws me off for the firing arc of my Vesta with cannons. It turns my ship into a cruiser with a round saucer, which makes getting the ship pointed in the right direction to use my Captain powers to maximize my volleys effect just by looking at the bank of my ship, feel way off.
LOL! Not as bad as with my Vor'Cha. Especially, since I am not used to flying it, either. LOL!
I do not like this "Holoprojection" thing at all. It is interesting how much of learning to play the video game part of this game depends on seeing exactly what I am flying. And I can not focus on practicing with a Vor'Cha when it is wearing a different ship. LOL!
BUT I am curious enough to try this with one of my characters in the BoP after I get the 14 tokens. Just to see if being in a ship I am more comfortable with makes any difference on the "holoprojection" hate. I am going to guess: I will still not like it.
I really rather SEE MY OWN SHIP!!!!
"Spend your life doing strange things with weird people." -- UNK
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
@where2rl - On your screen, on the right side is the health status of the Shenzhou.
Thanks for this response.
Yes, that is how I knew: It does not need healing. It read 100% almost continuously. LOL! Hence, I quit bothering.
The Klingons are never near the U.S.S. Shenzhou for very long. I assume: they are getting gravity welled away?
There really is no reason for me to stick around and follow Shenzhou or even pay attention to Shenzhou, if there is nothing for me to do for it.
And, I know because I am in a T5 Vor'Cha and using Mark 12 gear, I need to get my pock shots in myself or risk getting AFK. Hence I decided to fly around and shoot at whatever. And that was my Part 1.
In the second part the Holodeck will "freeze" to tell you about the lifeboats. At this point I tend to normally concentrate on rescuing the lifeboats and just fire enough potshots at the Klingons to try land keep their numbers in the area down, or you could just concentrate on your ships health and rescue the lifeboats.
And that is what I did. The group cleaned up the 40 at the ship I was hanging around....and we moved on to the next group. I think we got to 35 on the other.
When all the lifeboats are picked up, you will have the cut scene where the Klingon cleave ship will ram the admirals ship. At this time, move to the side to keep try and keep the Klingons in your forward arc as much as possible, and let the fast and more nimble ships do the dog fighting.
I would have LOVED it if it were dogfighting. But there wasn't even that. Everything was sucked into the gravity well. I just had to sit there and shoot that general direction. I brought my accuracy I only had to kinda point. LOL! I guess, that is a bit of cheating...but whatever. LOL!
I can not believe the Devs think players want to do this 14 times. I am bored by it at 3x. I am sooooo bored by this, I do not ever want to do another TFO. But I need one more token (and am curious about that BoP/holoprojection thing) will. But I doubt I will be playing TFO Events from here on out. LOL!
Except for Mirror Invasion once in a while...for some reason I like that one.
It sounds to me like you may be having trouble seeing the action that is going on when "the fog of war reigns upon the battlefield".
Maybe overwhelming to my senses, not so much my display. Nothing is slowing down, as far as I can tell. I am not a video game player, so , yes, it is more stuff than I can pay attention to at one time.
So, I will just stick with DOFFing (my fav), missions and solo stuff. I got plenty to do: between catching up on all my Recruits, Winter and Summer Events, and the crazy Mission Journal, now. And, hopefully, Foundry gets fixed, I am finding it interesting to look at Foundry missions.
"Spend your life doing strange things with weird people." -- UNK
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
Stage 1 - Shooting ships gives no drops nor xp so follow the shenzou, when its getting pinged, heal it and keep doing so -maybe do some A-S-SIng in between heal activations.
THAT is what Stage 1 is???? Follow the U.S.S. Shenzhou around healing it?
Nah, it's more generic and better phrased as "keep Shenzhou from dying". Heal it, vape whatever's attacking it, you have options.
Also: someone mentioned this in char yesterday and I'm not 100% sure it's true, but it seems like it might be. I'd noticed several runs where we picked up all the escape pods we could interact with but that phase ended without us getting all of them. In this run one of the other guys mention that he thought that the pods could take damage from Klingon ships, and that warp core breaches could kill the escape pods.
I am not sure about the warp core breaches. I think if that was true, my MEgawell builds would have more issues in this phase.
But something can damage the pods. I figure it's the Bird of Preys that keep spawning in the pod area, though in all the SFX playing (particularly when I am around), I don't really see what exactly they do. I think they are tractoring them, and it's possible (since tractor beam normally deals damage), this deals also damage to the pods?
The phase ends when there are no more pods to be retrieved, or the timer runs out. But some things can remove pods from being retrievable.
Going out of the ring while you tractor pods can cause it to fail and reduce the overall number.
The bops do try and grab them but a decently placed well can drag them away before they start their beaming a few seconds after they spawn in. Its one of those mild cheats the devs put in to combat bad ai so the bops don't actually have to move to target since they've magically spawned at just the right place, another reason why there's zero variety in where the clark and jaeger path to before going down.
A badly placed well on the other hand can clump a group of core breaches together which can be pretty painful for the rescuers.
Stage 1 - Shooting ships gives no drops nor xp so follow the shenzou, when its getting pinged, heal it and keep doing so -maybe do some A-S-SIng in between heal activations.
THAT is what Stage 1 is???? Follow the U.S.S. Shenzhou around healing it?
Nah, it's more generic and better phrased as "keep Shenzhou from dying". Heal it, vape whatever's attacking it, you have options.
Also: someone mentioned this in char yesterday and I'm not 100% sure it's true, but it seems like it might be. I'd noticed several runs where we picked up all the escape pods we could interact with but that phase ended without us getting all of them. In this run one of the other guys mention that he thought that the pods could take damage from Klingon ships, and that warp core breaches could kill the escape pods.
I am not sure about the warp core breaches. I think if that was true, my MEgawell builds would have more issues in this phase.
But something can damage the pods. I figure it's the Bird of Preys that keep spawning in the pod area, though in all the SFX playing (particularly when I am around), I don't really see what exactly they do. I think they are tractoring them, and it's possible (since tractor beam normally deals damage), this deals also damage to the pods?
The phase ends when there are no more pods to be retrieved, or the timer runs out. But some things can remove pods from being retrievable.
Hmm that could be. The green tractor beams would seem to have no other purpose besides possibly removing pods. Also when it happens the Klingon ship has a "SHOOT ME NOW!" reticle appear on it.
Difficulty really isnt Normal. Imagine some low lvl, newbie players join in his tier 3-4 ship, usually with all wrong build consisted mostly of white-green stuff. Sarcophagus can get down T6 with ease if you are not fully concentrated or bit unlucky.
Fully upgraded T6 ship can of Klingons easilly, but try it with something crappy and you'll die alot.
Make rescue circles bigger(about 10-20%), slowly turning cruisers have no other option than stop and then it can be hard for them avoid core breaches and damage from cannons without def bonus.
Time. Its really not necessary have full minute wait time at start, then you wait for rescue phase, then you have to watch unskipable cutscene. It takes about 15 minutes to do just one. I have 8 characters so its over 2 hours just doing this stuff.
It wouldnt hurt shorten it a bit.
Is this still going on? I'm only two away due to a myriad of reasons and don't want to have to dump a tenner for more marks than I need. I can't find the actual start date anywhere
One of the more annoying things for me when I tried this out, was the holo look of the ship throws me off for the firing arc of my Vesta with cannons. It turns my ship into a cruiser with a round saucer, which makes getting the ship pointed in the right direction to use my Captain powers to maximize my volleys effect just by looking at the bank of my ship, feel way off.
LOL! Not as bad as with my Vor'Cha. Especially, since I am not used to flying it, either. LOL!
I do not like this "Holoprojection" thing at all. It is interesting how much of learning to play the video game part of this game depends on seeing exactly what I am flying. And I can not focus on practicing with a Vor'Cha when it is wearing a different ship. LOL!
BUT I am curious enough to try this with one of my characters in the BoP after I get the 14 tokens. Just to see if being in a ship I am more comfortable with makes any difference on the "holoprojection" hate. I am going to guess: I will still not like it.
I really rather SEE MY OWN SHIP!!!!
I am not a fan of the holoprojection nonsense either, especially since it is supposed to be a simulation were no one on the "other side" would notice the difference like they would on an actual time-jump mission. It IS rather disconcerting, especially after doing the mission with a number of different characters and occasionally forgetting for a moment which character and ship one is actually flying.
The whole concept is rather silly since the two main reasons to even do a simulation like that are both negated by the parameters of the scenario. First reason would be to analyze what happened using the PC captains as variables in strategy, but that would require ships and weapons of that time period, not modern ones. The other possible use would be to familiarize the captains with the techniques used back then in order to more effectively fight them in the current time period, but for that the holographic "disguise" nonsense is counter-productive.
On the other hand, the scenario is not quite as bad as the silliness some of the battlezones have, especially gon'cra, though I have to shut the sound off when that idiotic, honorless egomaniac T'Kumva starts babbling, otherwise it is too annoying after the first run or two.
On the other hand, the scenario is not quite as bad as the silliness some of the battlezones have, especially gon'cra, though I have to shut the sound off when that idiotic, honorless egomaniac T'Kumva starts babbling, otherwise it is too annoying after the first run or two.
I like to mock him for being a pathetic worm barely worthy of being allowed to live as slave labor.
RL interfered w/my play time, and I was not able to complete 14 runs. Will I be able to use Tokens from the next FTFO to complete my Rep Project?
[SIGPIC]Sarvour Shipyards[/SIGPIC]Sarvour Shipyards =A=Commodore Joshua Daniel Sarvour, S.C.E.
U.S.S. AKAGI NX-93347, Enterprise-class Battle Cruiser =A= U.S.S. T'KORA'S WRATH NX-110047, Odyssey-class Battle Cruiser "There Ain't No Grave, Can Hold My Body Down..." PS - I fully support a T6 Nova, fixing the Nova skins. I am also rooting for a T6 Science Cruiser, that can use Nova/Rhode Island skins. T6 Nova/Rhode Island, T6 Oberth & T6 Constellation are needed. Also needed a T6 Science Cruiser, that can wear any Science or Cruiser skin.
I remember reading somewhere that you could save your extras for future featured TFOs kind of like the weekend projects. So I don't know why they shouldn't be able to be used retroactively.
I remember reading somewhere that you could save your extras for future featured TFOs kind of like the weekend projects. So I don't know why they shouldn't be able to be used retroactively.
I heard they handle it the same way as the seasonal events, that the currency itself expires but if you have the project open you can finish it with whatever currency the next FTFO uses. I have not been back in STO long enough to have tried it though, and it might be just another rumor.
It was in one of those short stories they do for Star Trek magazine every now and then. It was called "Black Mirror", and basically the Emperor secretly contacts Mirror Shon and has him kill Leeta for her repeated failures, and gives the Enterprise to him as a reward.
Wait, what??
And here, I had been warming up to the idea of Mirror Leeta showing back up to be a nuisance every now and then, like STO's version of Team Rocket.
And to hide it in a short story in some magazine that clearly not all of us read...why in the hell would that not have put something like that in one of the story blogs actually here on the forums??
I know it seems like such a small thing to get upset over, but the fact that they just quietly brushed a loose story thread under the carpet like that gives me a slight sense of foreboding. Between the launch of the recent expansion and the preview of what they are working on, I was already worried that they were angling to slowly transform STO into TRIBBLE : Online, full time. Having them quietly go around removing any possibly story hooks for the modern, non- TRIBBLE timeline doesn't do much to alleviate that concern.
"There will never be enough blood to wash away my need for vengeance! A single world...I could destroy a million worlds and it would not be enough! Your existence is an insult to the memory of my people! I will continue my fight, even if I must fight alone!"
It was in one of those short stories they do for Star Trek magazine every now and then. It was called "Black Mirror", and basically the Emperor secretly contacts Mirror Shon and has him kill Leeta for her repeated failures, and gives the Enterprise to him as a reward.
Wait, what??
And here, I had been warming up to the idea of Mirror Leeta showing back up to be a nuisance every now and then, like STO's version of Team Rocket.
And to hide it in a short story in some magazine that clearly not all of us read...why in the hell would that not have put something like that in one of the story blogs actually here on the forums??
I know it seems like such a small thing to get upset over, but the fact that they just quietly brushed a loose story thread under the carpet like that gives me a slight sense of foreboding. Between the launch of the recent expansion and the preview of what they are working on, I was already worried that they were angling to slowly transform STO into S T Online, full time. Having them quietly go around removing any possibly story hooks for the modern, non-TRIBBLE timeline doesn't do much to alleviate that concern.
"There will never be enough blood to wash away my need for vengeance! A single world...I could destroy a million worlds and it would not be enough! Your existence is an insult to the memory of my people! I will continue my fight, even if I must fight alone!"
It was in one of those short stories they do for Star Trek magazine every now and then. It was called "Black Mirror", and basically the Emperor secretly contacts Mirror Shon and has him kill Leeta for her repeated failures, and gives the Enterprise to him as a reward.
Wait, what??
And here, I had been warming up to the idea of Mirror Leeta showing back up to be a nuisance every now and then, like STO's version of Team Rocket.
And to hide it in a short story in some magazine that clearly not all of us read...why in the hell would that not have put something like that in one of the story blogs actually here on the forums??
I know it seems like such a small thing to get upset over, but the fact that they just quietly brushed a loose story thread under the carpet like that gives me a slight sense of foreboding. Between the launch of the recent expansion and the preview of what they are working on, I was already worried that they were angling to slowly transform STO into TRIBBLE: Online, full time. Having them quietly go around removing any possibly story hooks for the modern, non-TRIBBLE timeline doesn't do much to alleviate that concern.
"There will never be enough blood to wash away my need for vengeance! A single world...I could destroy a million worlds and it would not be enough! Your existence is an insult to the memory of my people! I will continue my fight, even if I must fight alone!"
It was in one of those short stories they do for Star Trek magazine every now and then. It was called "Black Mirror", and basically the Emperor secretly contacts Mirror Shon and has him kill Leeta for her repeated failures, and gives the Enterprise to him as a reward.
Wait, what??
And here, I had been warming up to the idea of Mirror Leeta showing back up to be a nuisance every now and then, like STO's version of Team Rocket.
And to hide it in a short story in some magazine that clearly not all of us read...why in the hell would that not have put something like that in one of the story blogs actually here on the forums??
I know it seems like such a small thing to get upset over, but the fact that they just quietly brushed a loose story thread under the carpet like that gives me a slight sense of foreboding. Between the launch of the recent expansion and the preview of what they are working on, I was already worried that they were angling to slowly transform STO into TRIBBLE : Online, full time. Having them quietly go around removing any possibly story hooks for the modern, non- TRIBBLE timeline doesn't do much to alleviate that concern.
"There will never be enough blood to wash away my need for vengeance! A single world...I could destroy a million worlds and it would not be enough! Your existence is an insult to the memory of my people! I will continue my fight, even if I must fight alone!"
It was in one of those short stories they do for Star Trek magazine every now and then. It was called "Black Mirror", and basically the Emperor secretly contacts Mirror Shon and has him kill Leeta for her repeated failures, and gives the Enterprise to him as a reward.
Wait, what??
And here, I had been warming up to the idea of Mirror Leeta showing back up to be a nuisance every now and then, like STO's version of Team Rocket.
And to hide it in a short story in some magazine that clearly not all of us read...why in the hell would that not have put something like that in one of the story blogs actually here on the forums??
I know it seems like such a small thing to get upset over, but the fact that they just quietly brushed a loose story thread under the carpet like that gives me a slight sense of foreboding. Between the launch of the recent expansion and the preview of what they are working on, I was already worried that they were angling to slowly transform STO into S T Online, full time. Having them quietly go around removing any possibly story hooks for the modern, non-TRIBBLE timeline doesn't do much to alleviate that concern.
"There will never be enough blood to wash away my need for vengeance! A single world...I could destroy a million worlds and it would not be enough! Your existence is an insult to the memory of my people! I will continue my fight, even if I must fight alone!"
It was in one of those short stories they do for Star Trek magazine every now and then. It was called "Black Mirror", and basically the Emperor secretly contacts Mirror Shon and has him kill Leeta for her repeated failures, and gives the Enterprise to him as a reward.
Wait, what??
And here, I had been warming up to the idea of Mirror Leeta showing back up to be a nuisance every now and then, like STO's version of Team Rocket.
And to hide it in a short story in some magazine that clearly not all of us read...why in the hell would that not have put something like that in one of the story blogs actually here on the forums??
I know it seems like such a small thing to get upset over, but the fact that they just quietly brushed a loose story thread under the carpet like that gives me a slight sense of foreboding. Between the launch of the recent expansion and the preview of what they are working on, I was already worried that they were angling to slowly transform STO into TRIBBLE: Online, full time. Having them quietly go around removing any possibly story hooks for the modern, non-TRIBBLE timeline doesn't do much to alleviate that concern.
"There will never be enough blood to wash away my need for vengeance! A single world...I could destroy a million worlds and it would not be enough! Your existence is an insult to the memory of my people! I will continue my fight, even if I must fight alone!"
I am not sure about the warp core breaches. I think if that was true, my MEgawell builds would have more issues in this phase.
But something can damage the pods. I figure it's the Bird of Preys that keep spawning in the pod area, though in all the SFX playing (particularly when I am around), I don't really see what exactly they do. I think they are tractoring them, and it's possible (since tractor beam normally deals damage), this deals also damage to the pods?
The phase ends when there are no more pods to be retrieved, or the timer runs out. But some things can remove pods from being retrievable.
Use the Warp Nacelles to 'aim' your ship. If you're zoomed in too far to see both nacelles, zoom out. But you can use the Nacelles as a Targeting Bracket to line up your ship.
[SIGPIC]Sarvour Shipyards[/SIGPIC]Sarvour Shipyards
=A=Commodore Joshua Daniel Sarvour, S.C.E.
U.S.S. AKAGI NX-93347, Enterprise-class Battle Cruiser =A= U.S.S. T'KORA'S WRATH NX-110047, Odyssey-class Battle Cruiser
"There Ain't No Grave, Can Hold My Body Down..."
PS - I fully support a T6 Nova, fixing the Nova skins. I am also rooting for a T6 Science Cruiser, that can use Nova/Rhode Island skins.
T6 Nova/Rhode Island, T6 Oberth & T6 Constellation are needed. Also needed a T6 Science Cruiser, that can wear any Science or Cruiser skin.
LOL! Not as bad as with my Vor'Cha. Especially, since I am not used to flying it, either. LOL!
I do not like this "Holoprojection" thing at all. It is interesting how much of learning to play the video game part of this game depends on seeing exactly what I am flying. And I can not focus on practicing with a Vor'Cha when it is wearing a different ship. LOL!
BUT I am curious enough to try this with one of my characters in the BoP after I get the 14 tokens. Just to see if being in a ship I am more comfortable with makes any difference on the "holoprojection" hate. I am going to guess: I will still not like it.
I really rather SEE MY OWN SHIP!!!!
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
Thanks for this response.
Yes, that is how I knew: It does not need healing. It read 100% almost continuously. LOL! Hence, I quit bothering.
The Klingons are never near the U.S.S. Shenzhou for very long. I assume: they are getting gravity welled away?
There really is no reason for me to stick around and follow Shenzhou or even pay attention to Shenzhou, if there is nothing for me to do for it.
And, I know because I am in a T5 Vor'Cha and using Mark 12 gear, I need to get my pock shots in myself or risk getting AFK. Hence I decided to fly around and shoot at whatever. And that was my Part 1.
And that is what I did. The group cleaned up the 40 at the ship I was hanging around....and we moved on to the next group. I think we got to 35 on the other.
I would have LOVED it if it were dogfighting. But there wasn't even that. Everything was sucked into the gravity well. I just had to sit there and shoot that general direction. I brought my accuracy I only had to kinda point. LOL! I guess, that is a bit of cheating...but whatever. LOL!
I can not believe the Devs think players want to do this 14 times. I am bored by it at 3x. I am sooooo bored by this, I do not ever want to do another TFO. But I need one more token (and am curious about that BoP/holoprojection thing) will. But I doubt I will be playing TFO Events from here on out. LOL!
Except for Mirror Invasion once in a while...for some reason I like that one.
Maybe overwhelming to my senses, not so much my display. Nothing is slowing down, as far as I can tell. I am not a video game player, so , yes, it is more stuff than I can pay attention to at one time.
So, I will just stick with DOFFing (my fav), missions and solo stuff. I got plenty to do: between catching up on all my Recruits, Winter and Summer Events, and the crazy Mission Journal, now. And, hopefully, Foundry gets fixed, I am finding it interesting to look at Foundry missions.
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
Going out of the ring while you tractor pods can cause it to fail and reduce the overall number.
The bops do try and grab them but a decently placed well can drag them away before they start their beaming a few seconds after they spawn in. Its one of those mild cheats the devs put in to combat bad ai so the bops don't actually have to move to target since they've magically spawned at just the right place, another reason why there's zero variety in where the clark and jaeger path to before going down.
A badly placed well on the other hand can clump a group of core breaches together which can be pretty painful for the rescuers.
My character Tsin'xing
Difficulty really isnt Normal. Imagine some low lvl, newbie players join in his tier 3-4 ship, usually with all wrong build consisted mostly of white-green stuff. Sarcophagus can get down T6 with ease if you are not fully concentrated or bit unlucky.
Fully upgraded T6 ship can of Klingons easilly, but try it with something crappy and you'll die alot.
Make rescue circles bigger(about 10-20%), slowly turning cruisers have no other option than stop and then it can be hard for them avoid core breaches and damage from cannons without def bonus.
Time. Its really not necessary have full minute wait time at start, then you wait for rescue phase, then you have to watch unskipable cutscene. It takes about 15 minutes to do just one. I have 8 characters so its over 2 hours just doing this stuff.
It wouldnt hurt shorten it a bit.
December 5th will be the last Full Day of the Event.
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
Got the bacon on the LTS today but the F2P was on 13/14.
Looking forward to not going near that again, the lack of ship xp or loot on top of the overly long pauses and forced cutscene make it tedious.
My character Tsin'xing
That is probably because they are not really once a day, it cycles every twenty hours and that can make a difference with odd break points.
I am not a fan of the holoprojection nonsense either, especially since it is supposed to be a simulation were no one on the "other side" would notice the difference like they would on an actual time-jump mission. It IS rather disconcerting, especially after doing the mission with a number of different characters and occasionally forgetting for a moment which character and ship one is actually flying.
The whole concept is rather silly since the two main reasons to even do a simulation like that are both negated by the parameters of the scenario. First reason would be to analyze what happened using the PC captains as variables in strategy, but that would require ships and weapons of that time period, not modern ones. The other possible use would be to familiarize the captains with the techniques used back then in order to more effectively fight them in the current time period, but for that the holographic "disguise" nonsense is counter-productive.
On the other hand, the scenario is not quite as bad as the silliness some of the battlezones have, especially gon'cra, though I have to shut the sound off when that idiotic, honorless egomaniac T'Kumva starts babbling, otherwise it is too annoying after the first run or two.
My character Tsin'xing
[SIGPIC]Sarvour Shipyards[/SIGPIC]Sarvour Shipyards
=A=Commodore Joshua Daniel Sarvour, S.C.E.
U.S.S. AKAGI NX-93347, Enterprise-class Battle Cruiser =A= U.S.S. T'KORA'S WRATH NX-110047, Odyssey-class Battle Cruiser
"There Ain't No Grave, Can Hold My Body Down..."
PS - I fully support a T6 Nova, fixing the Nova skins. I am also rooting for a T6 Science Cruiser, that can use Nova/Rhode Island skins.
T6 Nova/Rhode Island, T6 Oberth & T6 Constellation are needed. Also needed a T6 Science Cruiser, that can wear any Science or Cruiser skin.
I heard they handle it the same way as the seasonal events, that the currency itself expires but if you have the project open you can finish it with whatever currency the next FTFO uses. I have not been back in STO long enough to have tried it though, and it might be just another rumor.
Wait, what??
And here, I had been warming up to the idea of Mirror Leeta showing back up to be a nuisance every now and then, like STO's version of Team Rocket.
And to hide it in a short story in some magazine that clearly not all of us read...why in the hell would that not have put something like that in one of the story blogs actually here on the forums??
I know it seems like such a small thing to get upset over, but the fact that they just quietly brushed a loose story thread under the carpet like that gives me a slight sense of foreboding. Between the launch of the recent expansion and the preview of what they are working on, I was already worried that they were angling to slowly transform STO into TRIBBLE : Online, full time. Having them quietly go around removing any possibly story hooks for the modern, non- TRIBBLE timeline doesn't do much to alleviate that concern.
Wait, what??
And here, I had been warming up to the idea of Mirror Leeta showing back up to be a nuisance every now and then, like STO's version of Team Rocket.
And to hide it in a short story in some magazine that clearly not all of us read...why in the hell would that not have put something like that in one of the story blogs actually here on the forums??
I know it seems like such a small thing to get upset over, but the fact that they just quietly brushed a loose story thread under the carpet like that gives me a slight sense of foreboding. Between the launch of the recent expansion and the preview of what they are working on, I was already worried that they were angling to slowly transform STO into S T
Wait, what??
And here, I had been warming up to the idea of Mirror Leeta showing back up to be a nuisance every now and then, like STO's version of Team Rocket.
And to hide it in a short story in some magazine that clearly not all of us read...why in the hell would that not have put something like that in one of the story blogs actually here on the forums??
I know it seems like such a small thing to get upset over, but the fact that they just quietly brushed a loose story thread under the carpet like that gives me a slight sense of foreboding. Between the launch of the recent expansion and the preview of what they are working on, I was already worried that they were angling to slowly transform STO into TRIBBLE: Online, full time. Having them quietly go around removing any possibly story hooks for the modern, non-TRIBBLE timeline doesn't do much to alleviate that concern.
Wait, what??
And here, I had been warming up to the idea of Mirror Leeta showing back up to be a nuisance every now and then, like STO's version of Team Rocket.
And to hide it in a short story in some magazine that clearly not all of us read...why in the hell would that not have put something like that in one of the story blogs actually here on the forums??
I know it seems like such a small thing to get upset over, but the fact that they just quietly brushed a loose story thread under the carpet like that gives me a slight sense of foreboding. Between the launch of the recent expansion and the preview of what they are working on, I was already worried that they were angling to slowly transform STO into TRIBBLE : Online, full time. Having them quietly go around removing any possibly story hooks for the modern, non- TRIBBLE timeline doesn't do much to alleviate that concern.
Wait, what??
And here, I had been warming up to the idea of Mirror Leeta showing back up to be a nuisance every now and then, like STO's version of Team Rocket.
And to hide it in a short story in some magazine that clearly not all of us read...why in the hell would that not have put something like that in one of the story blogs actually here on the forums??
I know it seems like such a small thing to get upset over, but the fact that they just quietly brushed a loose story thread under the carpet like that gives me a slight sense of foreboding. Between the launch of the recent expansion and the preview of what they are working on, I was already worried that they were angling to slowly transform STO into S T
Wait, what??
And here, I had been warming up to the idea of Mirror Leeta showing back up to be a nuisance every now and then, like STO's version of Team Rocket.
And to hide it in a short story in some magazine that clearly not all of us read...why in the hell would that not have put something like that in one of the story blogs actually here on the forums??
I know it seems like such a small thing to get upset over, but the fact that they just quietly brushed a loose story thread under the carpet like that gives me a slight sense of foreboding. Between the launch of the recent expansion and the preview of what they are working on, I was already worried that they were angling to slowly transform STO into TRIBBLE: Online, full time. Having them quietly go around removing any possibly story hooks for the modern, non-TRIBBLE timeline doesn't do much to alleviate that concern.