Age of Discovery has messed up the ability to claim the Story Arc account rewards from the Recruit events.
I made three Delta recruits the first time you created that event, I completed and claimed all of the Story Arc unlocks on all three.
I made one Temporal Recruit, I still have the last two story arcs to complete (Delta Q & Future Proof), but have claimed the rewards for the rest.
Now I have claimed those rewards on most of my characters, but I have two that I haven't.
A Delta Recruit created during the rerun of the event, and an Age of Discovery character, the Story Arc Account rewards are grayed out to them both. Completing those "GTFO Wrapper" missions with my Temporal Recruit would appear to unlock the rewards for my Delta Recruit.
However the issue is with my Age of Discovery character as nothing I do is unlocking those rewards.
-Some lines' rewards require a certain level in order to be claimed by NPC (access to the NPC for claiming other faction's rewards is done from level 20 for non Jems and from level 65+20 play hours for Jems, but some lines' rewards require a specific level and above to claim)
The "magical" numbers may be something like: 20 (minimal NPC access), 21, 25, 26, probably 30 (guild join preferred) 35, 45, 47 and 60. Do expect Delta and future proof to be limited to level 60 and up for non Jems, BTW.
For Jems you need level 65 + 20 play hours anyway to access the NPC.
*If you meant other issue than the discovery char being unable to claim (another faction's recruit's) reward, then this answer doesn't applicable.
Please do inform how it goes (e.g. when able to claim a line reward which was unavailable at 1st, please help in adding info regarding line, level, and what you have done) so maybe it could help others.
Another note - probably totally irrelevant for lines completed by AoY/romulans/before AoD though. Wasteland line seems to still include Installation 18, for line completion purposes. That quest may be problematic to complete now - some characters just don't get it and it's a known issue. This quest has also a probe needed.
Spectres line is also a line needed for some factions (I see no problems here). And it has probes too. Similarly regarding Breen line (probe in one quest. Also those are doable quests all.). I am unsure how Klingon's line works nowadays though, as some missions were taken away but those may still contain probes.
*feeding the edit monster
It's not enough to just get a toon to lvl20 (Jem's 25+ hours) any more, I now have to level up through set stages to unlock certain rewards.
Kind of makes sense going on what I'm experiencing, I thought running Azure Nebula on my Temp Recruit and completing that wrapper mission, had unlocked the Romulan Mystery reward for my lvl30 Delta rerun, but having just completed the wrapper from the Cardassian arc on my Temp, that reward is still locked to my Delta rerun.
My AoD has only just hit lvl20, and didn't get much from either set of rewards.
Bit of a bummer if that is the case, as I used to use that dil as a handy sump for upgrades on a new toon.
I related to what I've seen on the old system - and didn't have any opportunity to check things after AoD (with any new or AoD chars) to see if there is any change.
I am unaware of any change, just added what another player described just in case.
To clarify: Jems need level 65 + 20 play hour to access the NPC for other recruit type rewards, this was so for long. (they start at 60 IIRC)
the others need level 20 to access the same NPC
Rewards are not the same as access to NPC - SOME lines have, and had, various level requirements. (IIRC, 20 and/or 21, 25 and/or 26, also level 30+guild join is a huge milestone, 35 probably, 45, 47 and 60)
There is also a benefit in joining guild as well, and you rip the most of it at level 30.
Cardasian (AFAIK, nothing to do with wrappers for delta - beside a TFO) - I don't really know regarding wrappers and such, but a delta finished the NON wrapper missions on cardasian arc and had the TFO, and the line was finished for it. for CARDASIAN line the wrapper was not needed in that case of that DELTA char. Only the TFO and the line itself
Temp recruit may also need some probes which are found in the wrapper missions TOO probably?
for wasteland, the wrapper AND including Installation 18 is allegedly needed (along with its probe) and not all characters can do this.
breen's wrapper is the line you need, including the probe(s) in it
spectres - if this line is needed, do the wrapper and take the probes.
as for klingon's like I really don't know how delta/AoY fare as some quests possibly with probes were allegedly removed? - I DON'T KNOW.
The TFO's and galaxy at large are now parts of the line, while the quests which were allegedly removed from klingon's line are supposedly not needed for the line anymore for line's credit/perks.
Though, as said, status is unclear, especially as some old PROBES were scattered on currently removed/wrappers (spectres)/yesterday's war parts of the OLD line. I guess what which is bellow the P.S. here are things which will probably be having to be tested by real devs/support... but I guess they need to 1st know what to look for.
Note that I am not a support person or any official poster - just a player like you.
*feeding the edit monster
After I get some chores done around the house and go out to PetSmart and get food for my cats, I could check and see how many of the Temporal and Gamma recruit rewards are open for him at the First City Q'on.
Things you can not unlock without leveling up are things like Extra Starship Traits and Extra Slots for Admiralty. You would have to level up to have Starship Traits and Admiralty system unlocked on your character to actually SEE it, right??? So...not sure how that is handled by the program.
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
As said, I don't know if there is any change here. I used to claim those bellow 50 and have those usable at 50+ (worked fine)
Other things which are late to check may likely be (admiralty as you said and) reputations' effects, traits improvements etc.
Not all those special rewards I unlocked
Enjoy rewords - don't forget to check all tabs.
BTW once unlocked all probes for a delta, you have the rewards for all probes for other deltas too. Even if usually a delta doesn't claim rewards from other delta on NPC (there are not many such exceptions but there are a very few for some "really big work" accomplishments, I don't remember which)
First up: old Delta Recruit. KDF Level 65...First City, Q'on.
Delta Rewards...since he is a Delta Recruit...all he has under there is Temporal Negotiator and Photonic Eng BOFF. Neither of which are worth me worrying about.
Temporal rewards....I have a ton of things that are all gray.
This one needs a screen shot....
Everything is gray...indicating my Temporal Recruit hasn't finished ANY Story Arc or found all the Temporal Probes inside the story missions. (I don't remember so I have to check the Temporal Recruit...not surprising I didn't do TRIBBLE with the Fed story missions.)
Gamma Rewards...Everything is unlocked. Everything is collectible....but I am going to skip collecting, right save time.
Lets switch to the Temporal Recruit and see what is going on with her Device.
Switched to Temporal Recruit...I need to check her Temporal Transponder Device. This is where I can tell how much progress that Recruit has made on the Rewards.
Sure enough, the gray rewards above correspond to UNCOMPLETED objectives in this character's Temporal Transponder.
But there are plenty of completed rewards that I no longer see in the listing for in Q'on for account wide rewards....most likely because I already collected those.
Example: Klingon War, Wasteland, Romulan Mystery...are three story arcs I did finish on the Temporal Recruit, I no longer see in the Account unlock list. I assume those rewards are collected.
Let's go check the newly minted Delta Recruit...Level 20. Not sure if he has collected anything, yet.
Switched to Delta Recruit, KDF Level 20...First City, Temporal Agent Q'on.
Delta Rewards....Paradox Collector, Temporal Negotiator, and Photonic Eng BOFF....nothing else in there because he is a Delta Recruit and has to finish objectives inside his Tasseract Device.
Temporal Rewards....This one is going to take a screen shot, too.
Notice there is a ton of account unlocked rewards to collect, lets take a closer look.
Let's start with what is NOT unlocked...besides the uncompleted things.
Fleet Project reward is not unlocked, yet....though it is completed on the Temporal Recruit. I think the Fleet rewards come at Level 30 for Delta Recruits. BUT it is unlocked in Gamma Rewards, so I guess I have to wait and see what happens with that one.
Specialization reward is not unlocked, yet...this character does NOT have Specializations until Level 50 so that makes sense.
Now we get to: Temporal Rewards that SHOULD be unlocked because my Temporal Recruit FINISHED them....but are still GRAY in my character's list: Romulan Mystery and Wasteland. Klingon War story arc reward is available to collect. ????? But not the other two????
Screen shot of page two of rewards:
What is unlocked:
Admiralty reward is unlocked...even though this character does NOT have access to Admiralty, yet. BUT that is OK to collect because it gives a 20% bonus toward Campaign Experience and Skill Points for Admiralty assignments.
Reputation reward is unlocked....even though this character does NOT have access to Reputation. But that is OK to collect because it gives in game currency to use toward Rep projects, and the upgrade to Mark 13 Ultra Rare for gear.
Gamma rewards: Here is a picture of the items unlocked for this character:
Notice: for Gamma rewards....he DOES have Fleet rewards available here. So, looks like there may be a problem with the Fleet Project reward in the Temporal rewards.
Does this help, @bejaymac
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
Maybe I will have some time tomorrow...I can get her to Level 20 and check her in with the Temporal Agent Cray on ESD.
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
Wasteland used to be needing level 21. unsure which level was needed for Romulan Mystery but it's either 25 or 26
Klingon - could be it was listed as 16 (practically 20) or so on one part, no idea of other. (could be other faction Klingon has a much higher requirement or just different)
I think some guild join rewards require 30 and/or join guild - unsure of details. Some require BOTH 30 AND join guild to claim, on recipient. looks like this is one of those. You'll gain a HUGE boost at level 30 (if you join a guild also) if collecting for all factions available for you.
As for Breen and Borg in your screenshot, check at level 47. one of those requires level 45 and the other 47.
Jem's rewards disappear when claimed and appear when entitled to, only. Other factions' rewards are grayed when not YET entitled to AND when claimed, in general (I don't know if there are exceptions) hover and press gray one maybe or if possible (don't remember) try to show "info", to see requirements.
Your delta rewards for DELTA (edited due to seeing other issue) seem fine - beside a very few rewards you don't get anything from other deltas. (beside probably the delta device replacement, it has or will have the "big work's fruits" on probes+stories on a delta (NOT individual lines) also for delta. BTW, if equipped on your char specifically or current ship, it will not show the ground/ship nice usable devices (50% cd on boff ability or something like that on space, and some very nice resurrect/HP party device for ground,) for probes/stories accordingly, otherwise it will.) The doff I didn't get yet - good to know according to you, it's also available to all deltas once one of those achieved that.
No time, I may return later to check if missed.
Edit: I do not see any problem regarding Temp reward (30+join?) - it's just different that Jem's guild req (no level?)
I don't remember the difference but I do remember not all guild join rewards had the same requirements!
I DO remember some requiring 30+join while others having lesser requirements if any (which I don't remember).
Missed one link in where2r1's post.
UNLESS COLLECTED, This is really strange your delta at 65 can't claim anything which your temporal AoY already unlocked by transponder for the rest of the account?
I really don't know what could go wrong - UNLESS already collected (delta and AoY collected rewards OR non entitled rewards go gray. Jem collected/non entitled yet, just don't exist/disappear)
If collected, there is no issue I see here. beside checking at 50-52 for things usable at higher level (and 45,47 for borg, breen, and later when more lines finished, 60 for some lines such as yesterday's, delta, future proof and I don't know what else). And, as said, SOME (like temporal recruit's) guild join+30, may require also guild join+30 at the recipent's end.
The last non recruit toon I leveled to 20 was before ViL was even announced, back then I could go in and clear out everything from the Delta rewards except the fleet pack (non of my toons are in a fleet or have ever been in one), I could also claim a good 60% to 70% of the Temporal rewards (not finished things like Doffing etc).
Now when I made my Gamma Recruit I didn't notice if anything had changed, as he could claim the exact same rewards as every other non Delta/Temp toon I had made.
My AoD toon is where the problem started, got to lvl20 and headed straight to claim all of those rewards, claimed everything I could, even got a couple of the story arc rewards (Klingon War and the Rom and KDF versions). I then swapped to my lvl29 Delta rerun and couldn't claim any of the Temporal story arc rewards either.
That was what made me think it was bugged, their butchery of the mission list had broken the rewards, but it's starting to look like they have changed the requirements to claim those rewards.
Having claimed everything I could at lvl20 I went and played the mission Frozen, got to lvl21 and went back to check and there was the Wasteland rewards from both Delta and Temp waiting for me, at lvl25 now but nothing else has unlocked since.
Not sure if it's now level requirements, or if you have to clear those TFO wrapper missions on your recruits, or a bit of both, only time will tell on that one (or a dev sticks their head in here and confirms what it is).
I don't know if the TFO and/or 1st quest of line are needed, but there was, and allegedly still is, a level requirement.
I just don't exactly know the values of those requirements
This for those who can enter the NPC listed rewards.
The oddity starts coming in with my Level 20 character....where mission rewards from Klingon War is available....but the ones from Romulan Mystery and Wasteland is NOT available. Even though the Temporal Recruit has them completed.
@bejaymac sees the same thing. Only his/her Temporal Recruit character has more Story Arcs completed, so is seeing more rewards that are unavailable, than I do. Plus, problems with Delta rewards from Story Arcs.
I will see it much clearer....when I get my AoD character up to speed. Once she gets to 20, I will be able to see what Account rewards are available to her from Delta, Temporal, and Gamma. All the rest of my new recruits are Delta Recruits, so they can not see those.
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
However it looks like it might be different level requirements depending on your faction, my fed allied Rom Delta rerun was lvl 30 before Romulan Mystery unlocked in the Temp rewards, and Wasteland is still locked to her.
I have no real idea but it seems some faction used to have the romulan mystery line itself accessible at 30, while other had the line acessible at 26 (or 25) - may be related to how and when rewards where unlocked.
As for wasteland and old delta. strange. Especially as you just claimed at 21 on the AoD. Maybe again like you said a faction issue. As it wasn't available at 30, try again at 35? (I don't think the line used to be further than that. but who knows)
Either way 30+join guild should be your biggest boon IMO. assuming your delta, AoY (and jem - though no level requirement allegedly for that) worked on guild related rewards. (further line's points are at 35, 45,47 and 60 allegedly. I don't know about things usable from level 50 or 52.)
some lines are just level 60 somehow (delta, yesterday's war, future proof and unsure what else) I am unsure which ones and why.
The line I didn't do on AoY's yet, is romulan mystery
Edit: Romulan Mystery of AoY and Delta, requires for me 26+ on all factions. Maybe it's due to your delta being VERY old. I have no idea how it goes (I think my oldest char is from the last third of 2015 after 1st delta event)
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
We are being level locked out of recruitment rewards.
Other players opened up a thread about being level locked out of missions.
And I am not sure how all that plays into things, as another group who is seeing NPCs scaling off.
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
Though there is the 50+ non lines rewards which I seemingly don't know how worked before.
Today claimed some delta rewards (cardasian for fed/rom? borg? one of those KDF only lines too?) on non delta BTW. successfully.
The "numbers" I took from a vogue, non accurate yet existing memory - so yes, some (most) lines (and some yet not all guild related rewards too) had a level lock on recipients, above 20 I mean.
Numbers are 20 - this was always was the entrance levels for NPC for non Jems (16 and 14 etc fell under this category as NPC is accessible minimally at 20, not before), 21, and looks like 26 (not 25), guild join 30, 35, 45, 47 and 60. (65 +20 play hours for jem is another limitation and is not so new) Can't understand how it's like for old chars like your 1st delta - I hope you can ever get this reward as this is strange.
What level was your character????
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
What which can help you, is cardasian for fed seems to be level 35, borg seems to be 45 IIRC, and the KDF line was really low. (there are more than one klingon specific lines though)
I posted this to say I didn't have problem in newly claiming/newly unlocking (though I don't have new characters or any AoD one)
*feeding the edit monster
Actually you could claim them all, back when the Delta Recruit event first started you could claim all of the rewards at lvl 10, I cleared all of those rewards on a couple of level 10 toons back then, as well as on several higher leveled toons.
They increased the level requirement to lvl 20 before Agents of Yesterday, but even with that increase you could still clear all of the rewards on a lvl 20 toon, I know because yet again I did just that on a couple of toons.
Even after AoY you could still clear them at lvl 20, these new level changes have happened in the last 18 months or so, as that's how long it's been since I last leveled a new toon to 20.
I do have a new Delta recruit made during the rerun of that event earlier this year, but I mothballed her after getting to lvl 11 and choosing her faction, I played her again a couple of months back and got her to lvl 25, but I forgot all about claiming the Temporal rewards on her.
I don't remember seeing any notices from Cryptic about the requirements to claim those rewards being changed (yet again), which is what has caught me out where my AoD toon is concerned.
I can understand why they do keep changing the requirements though, the dillitium exchange draws parasites and gold sellers like flys to a fresh TRIBBLE, and those people will abuse any system they can get away with.
Working on leveling this AoD is a waste of time.
I should spend more time finishing story missions on my Temporal and Fed and Romulan Delta recruits to get those account unlocks, too.
Then make a new KDF character to keep track of when those rewards open for KDF. Most of my characters are that faction. One that is NOT a recruit of any kind, so I can see all the rewards.
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
Some AoY's rewards for non AoYs chars are for level 60 (and up, ofc,) this I can say. for example, Yesterday's War, Delta and Future Proof lines. unsure if anything else.
But OFC Jem's should wait for 65+20 play hours.
If you (double?) click on a gray reward you are not YET entitled to (and didn't claim) you see level requirements for it.
QFT; it totally makes sense that you can't claim the traits until 60.
Also, there are two things I haven't seen mentioned in this thread, that I'll bring up just so they are out there (doesn't mean you haven't checked/done these):
- If you have a full inventory, none of the rewards will show as claimable, they'll all show grey (like other store items elsewhere)
- You can't claim a reward for any of the Recruit rewards until you have claimed it on the character that has unlocked it.
Again, just throwing those out there since I've not seen them brough up; if you're sure neither applies, then that's cool. These just struck me as possible causes of the rewards not being shown for other characters.Didn't finish all requirements so can't verify for all stories' rewards etc.
And as said, I didn't complain of this change, I didn't even know there was a change in this regard
For me, all is fine regarding claiming up to now. (I have other issues though regarding AoD and some OTHER recruit might suffer the consequences of AoD too, (some lines/probes) but that's beside the point of main post)
Thanks, just tried to help figure things out here and also got some new info for me from other players here. I have no issue claiming myself
But she is already done with Nimbus 3 so don't have to deal with the "Installation 18" fiasco that is going on.
Definitely had to turn to Google to research the locations of the Temporal Probes, though. The Devs hid these a little too well.
The Temporal Probe in "Operation Gamma" is out in the asteroids and if you try without getting a hint, very much a pain to zero in on. And the one for "Facility 4028"....I completely missed on my first go through. I looked on Google and it seems I have to go BACK through the building to locate it after the mission!!!
My Temporal Recruit has 5 Story Arcs to finish and 10 Temporal Probes yet to find. LOL! Then, start on Fed and Rom Delta Recruits.
Then I will level up a new character and document at which level each reward opens up for them. At least, for KDF.
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
It was there yesterday, gone today. I was all set to finish her to the end.
And before you ask: Temporal Recruit is Level 65 already.
Level 65 Fed Ferengi is also missing "Breen Invasion".
Do they call it something different on the Federation side?
My Level 65 KDF shows "Cold War" under J'mpok in Available.
Getting tired of this TRIBBLE, that is for sure.
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin