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Arena of Sompek



  • captyoung01captyoung01 Member Posts: 311 Arc User
    Yep, the bug happened on first toon I tried in Round 23, Last toon played had to take a penalty for leaving.
  • snickerfsnickerf Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    Tried two characters, three attempts, total wasted time: over an hour with zero rewards or progression.
    First attempt: Bugged on round 8 (no mobs spawning).
    Second attempt: Bugged on round 3 (Lightning round, no mobs spawning, lightning never stopped - waited out full time, no rewards issued (because we'd only "finished" round 2).
    Third attempt: Bugged on round 10, (no mobs spawning).
  • iamynaughtiamynaught Member Posts: 1,285 Arc User
    I finally got my voucher on my fourth attempt (and third alt) earlier.

    First attempt with the first alt, mobs stopped spawning in round 2. Everyone else left so I left and didn't get the leaver penalty. No rewards.

    Second attempt with first alt, I think the team got put into my old instance since we started at round 2. No mobs and had to wait out the 20 minute timer to avoid the leaver penalty, but of course did get the 30 minute cooldown. No rewards.

    Third attempt was with a second alt, instance got to round 3 and no mobs would spawn. Luckily that's the lightning round so we all died and moved on. No reward but of course got the 30 minute cooldown.

    Fourth attempt with a third alt and the mission finally didn't bug before round 5. It waited until round 9. Spent the next 5 minutes trying to convince the last player to simply let the hazards kill them so we could move on since the instance was bugged. They finally stayed in a hazard and died with a little more than 9 minutes left. Got my voucher and exited as quickly as I could.

    As much as I hate this mission when it's working properly, this is excruciating.
    Hello. My name is iamynaught and I am an altaholic.

    Losing faith in humanity, one person at a time.
  • fred26291#2759 fred26291 Member Posts: 1,405 Arc User
    edited November 2018
    Post edited by fred26291#2759 on
  • recoil2871recoil2871 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    issue is turrets and combat pets seem to cause mobs not to spawn best to tell your team no turrets or combat pets.
  • jmpreiss01jmpreiss01 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    snovern wrote: »
    Enemies stopped spawning for my team at round 3.

    It was a lightning round so we managed to kill ourselves in ~4 minutes after we realized the mission had broken. (Yes, 4min is a bit long, but some players took some convincing, and chasing lightning is not as easy as being chased by lightning.)

    Unfortunately, not high-enough round to get any rewards, and we all got slapped with the 30min cooldown.

    During the mission:
    1. One player in my team stated that this was their second broken mission - their first attempt broke in round 10.
    2. Another player in Zone 11 indicated their mission was broken in round 2
    3. A third player in Zone 8 indicated their mission was also broken but did not indicate what round they were on.

    My first attempt into the arena, and this happened. Round 3. We also had a griefer/bot decide to stay the entire time. GG on the 20 minute wait for a 30 minute cooldown to get nothing at all.
  • iamynaughtiamynaught Member Posts: 1,285 Arc User
    edited October 2018
    Not sure what the deal is, but I just ran an Assault on Terok Nor queue and no mobs spawned in the 2 rooms you're supposed to clear near the beginning of the mish. Had to wait for everyone else to leave so I could and not get hit with the leaver penalty.

    Also heard that apparently Starbase 1 is having trouble with the Klingons not spawning there again, though in my single run of it today I had no issues.

    Perhaps these issues are all tied together with what's going on in Sompek?
    Hello. My name is iamynaught and I am an altaholic.

    Losing faith in humanity, one person at a time.
  • snovernsnovern Member Posts: 138 Arc User
    @ambassadorkael#6946 posted in the following thread:
    that Sompek has been yanked for this weekend and replaced with the Borg Red Alert. For more details, see above thread.
  • stevedudemanstevedudeman Member Posts: 139 Arc User
    Never did Sompek before. Sounded cool so I gave it a try. It isn't fun at all...Then it bugged during round 10. Neverwinter doesnt check their events for bugs either so I guess Im used to it...GG.
  • generalkertag#2364 generalkertag Member Posts: 57 Arc User
    So It seems that Cra..er Cryptic/STO Devs have once again fooled every one with false promises and dashed hopes. Every Ground TFO i participated in today is glitched, this includes but is not limited to the following. Bug Hunt, Arena of Sompek, Defend Rhilo Station, Brotherhood of the Sword and Assault on Terrak Noir. Thanks again for making things difficult for people who pay money to support Star Trek. I really really wish there were regulations for digital gaming like there are for..well almost every other product people buy or rent. You know, if its not right you get refunds, reimbursements, and warranties. Also, if the poor product performance and service continues on a regular basis, the people/person responsible are fired and replaced with people who are efficient, productive and competent. That being said, I will add my most pointed statement that i have made several times in the past. This is a game based on the very thing that inspired so much technological, social, and economical advancement in the USA and around the world. Star Trek fans number the highest of any other genre world wide. As such, one would expect Star Trek online to be a leader in gaming advancement, product performance, customer service, and other innovations. It is to me, a sad thing that every time there is an update, expansion, or other alteration, so many things just junk out and cost people time and money.

  • generalkertag#2364 generalkertag Member Posts: 57 Arc User
    Once again, Cra...er Cryptic/STO devs and fooled us all with false hopes and dashed dreams. Thanks for once again making things difficult for those who spend good money to support Star Trek (and STO). Every ground TFO I have participated in today has been bugged. Sompek, BOTSE, Bug Hunt and Assault on Terrak Nor. I really really wish that digital gaming had the same guide lines as..well..just about every other product we pay for. You know, refunds, reimbursements, warranties and such. Like when a product is constantly used (car, appliances, computers, etc. ), there is a large measure of quality control. If the product is constantly bad or messed up, the people/person responsible is fired, and replaced by more competent and proficient people.

    To that end I make a statement that i have made in the past, and will most likely feel the need to make again. Star Trek Online is based on the very thing that is responsible for so much social, technological and economical advancement both in the USA and the world. Star Trek fans number more than any other single fan base globally. As such, one would expect STO to be a leader in innovations, advancements and design.

    Instead, we are stuck with a product that fails EVERY SINGLE TIME any adjustment is made. If it only happened occasionally, it would be something worth noting, but not writing a full complaint about. Over 5 million registered players golabally, which means at least 3 million would be a logical estimate for players who regularly spend money on STO. THREE MILLION PEOPLE giving money to A SINGLE product, and we are still forced to deal with extremely fallible product. There are restaurants, transportation services, and other businesses that have less than 50% of that many patrons who provide less fallible services and products.

    So get with the times STO. Get with the desire to fill the shoes of those who paved the way for your product. Gene Roddenberry, Rick Berman, Michael Piller, Nichelle Nichols, Leonard Nimoy, Avery Brooks, Johnathan Frakes, and Patrick Stewart. You all have CBS and Paramount backing you and 5 million accounts. With all those resources, failure should not be present, let alone an option.

  • greatpicklegreatpickle Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    Once again, Cra...er Cryptic/STO devs and fooled us all with false hopes and dashed dreams. Thanks for once again making things difficult for those who spend good money to support Star Trek (and STO). Every ground TFO I have participated in today has been bugged. Sompek, BOTSE, Bug Hunt and Assault on Terrak Nor. I really really wish that digital gaming had the same guide lines as..well..just about every other product we pay for. You know, refunds, reimbursements, warranties and such. Like when a product is constantly used (car, appliances, computers, etc. ), there is a large measure of quality control. If the product is constantly bad or messed up, the people/person responsible is fired, and replaced by more competent and proficient people.

    To that end I make a statement that i have made in the past, and will most likely feel the need to make again. Star Trek Online is based on the very thing that is responsible for so much social, technological and economical advancement both in the USA and the world. Star Trek fans number more than any other single fan base globally. As such, one would expect STO to be a leader in innovations, advancements and design.

    Instead, we are stuck with a product that fails EVERY SINGLE TIME any adjustment is made. If it only happened occasionally, it would be something worth noting, but not writing a full complaint about. Over 5 million registered players golabally, which means at least 3 million would be a logical estimate for players who regularly spend money on STO. THREE MILLION PEOPLE giving money to A SINGLE product, and we are still forced to deal with extremely fallible product. There are restaurants, transportation services, and other businesses that have less than 50% of that many patrons who provide less fallible services and products.

    So get with the times STO. Get with the desire to fill the shoes of those who paved the way for your product. Gene Roddenberry, Rick Berman, Michael Piller, Nichelle Nichols, Leonard Nimoy, Avery Brooks, Johnathan Frakes, and Patrick Stewart. You all have CBS and Paramount backing you and 5 million accounts. With all those resources, failure should not be present, let alone an option.

    OMG Dude, I love you!
  • rndfluctuation#1470 rndfluctuation Member Posts: 813 Arc User
    edited October 2018
    So, we were lucky. I had an awsome group (in spirit, dedication, cooperation try and nice helpful "personality". we all did our best), it was difficult and fun. I enjoyed it and I think we all. We didn't crash or froze - sometimes we had to go look for the mob but it continued and after 26 waves we wiped.
  • rndfluctuation#1470 rndfluctuation Member Posts: 813 Arc User
    edited October 2018
    Oh d*mn. I am late to see they have canceled the arena :( Managed to do 1 run only.
    And yes, I understand it was broken for people and that some couldn't even do one.
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