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Star Trek Online's 2018/2019 Roadmap!



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  • crypticarmsmancrypticarmsman Member Posts: 4,115 Arc User
    edited October 2018
    Half way suspected something was off about Cryptic. Recent cloned ships and fed tutorial. That ViL expac must of hit Cryptic harder than they are willing to admit as far as finances are concerned, being that it is written all over their roadmap, virtually little until the mid point of next year, aside from the occasional mission and event, it's rather barren.

    If a Fek'ihri ship is coming, that means the Kha'fi carrier needs to be released from the Klingon faction as an exclusive ship, otherwise it makes no sense.

    ViL got about as much added post launch as "Agents of Yesterday" did. That's their new paradigm for expansions they take a year to make, and the release.

    "Agents of Discovery is different only in that they're not holding it back until the whole expansion is done; they're releasing it over the next year or so as they deem parts of it ready.
    valoreah wrote: »
    This is exactly what they promised it wouldn't be... all Disco all the time. Not even a mention of the coming 40th anniversary of TMP (1979-2019). Classic Trek is dead here. We can't even play the old Classic Trek content anymore because they've stripped most of it out of the game to make it TRIBBLE-compliant.

    I've barely played since they announced AoSTD, and I have not logged in once since it launched. It looks like I'll not be doing so until winter event, unless they slime that with TRIBBLE oozings as well. I guess I'll be logging off again after that until summer and Risa, again on the same condition they not Disco that up too.

    RIP to STO, 2010-2018. It's STDO now. The only thing they haven't done yet is change the name. But the writing is now clearly on the wall.

    Does anyone have a rollback server we could play?

    Not sure this makes sense as the game has never been TOS-centric nor has it ever had much in the way of TOS content.
    Hear, hear...if anything the game has NEVER been TOS centric; it's always seemed a big call back to the 24th century TNG Trek era first and foremost - and as a TOS fan, if you want to talk 'lean expansion' - just look at what they added for "Agents of Yesterday" - 5 missions and a couple of PvE Queue entries. Plus it got folded into the lame "Temporal Cold War" aspect from ENT. And all 5 of the TOS missions were short.

    The DS9 fans got some real interesting and meaty mission content, so I don't see what they're complaining about. Again, Cryptic does an Expansion and moves on, and ViL was no different in that respect.

    I like LoR - but you want to talk a overblown and full expansion for a TRIBBLE Trek series that didn't deserve it, they fawned over the Voyager Expansion crapfest for a LONG time.
    Formerly known as Armsman from June 2008 to June 20, 2012
    PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
  • bubblegirl2015bubblegirl2015 Member Posts: 831 Arc User
    Thanks for the roadmap. I could have summed it up by just saying MORE DISCOVERY!

    Why they missed a great opportunity to create a Discovery recruiting event? Other than that is just a MEH for me.

    Wiki editor http://sto.gamepedia.com
    Original STO beta tester.
  • tobywitczaktobywitczak Member Posts: 208 Arc User
    Can we get some Quality of Life Improvements for the UI?
    • Single Click to fill in the Reputation. Auto fill in all Rep Marks, EC, EXP in one shot
    • Single Click to fill in Admiralty missions (Like DOFF missions)
    • Fully expand list of Fleet Projects. (no longer requiring expanding each project individually)
    • Unified and sortable DOFF Assignments and auto purchase of required replicator items
    Man, playing the game is so difficult, why can't we have a mission auto play feature too!

    I know you are being sarcastic. How about this one, “No we should not have any sceen skips for missions, I fact we need to wait for them to play out all the time, every time and we should repeat it for hours on end just to make sure we didnt miss anything. I don’t want to the missions to go by to fast in fact I think that everyone should only be able to play the starter missions, I mean it’s just that good. Right?” See I can be just as sarcastic and unconstructive as you are being.

    Reputation, Admiralty, DOFF Assignment and Fleet Project were meant as a time sync for a point in time. Instead of slowly optimizing older time sync, they just keep adding more of them, taking people away from well playing missions.

    The time sync is not a good thing or a bad thing, however how its implemented and evolves can be good or bad, and if I have to choose between playing STO missions for limited EXP, EC, Dil or doing the Reputation, Admiralty, DOFF Assignment and or Fleet Projects that give a player way more, EXP, EC, Dil, then with limited time I have I am going to always choose the one that gives me the greatest benefit for the least amount of effort.

    I am sure most will also only do the Reputation, Admiralty, DOFF Assignment and Fleet Project is it offers the biggest bang for the buck and only do Missions when they have the time.

  • hippiejonhippiejon Member Posts: 1,581 Arc User
    pottsey5g wrote: »
    They removed the great SB24 and replaced it with the Defend Star Base 1 which again is bugged with the same no spawn bug as the episodes and when it does work nowhere near as fun or well designed as SB24.

    Personal opinion that you keep stating like it's a fact.
    SB24 was a terrible queue with enemy spawns that made no sense.
    Objectives were simply, kill this many, now kill this many.
    I find Defense of SB1 to be a far better designed experience.

    Basically, you can state your opinion over and over again. Doesn't make it true.
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  • vegeta50024vegeta50024 Member Posts: 2,336 Arc User
    pottsey5g wrote: »
    iamynaught wrote: »
    I don't get all the hate for the Discovery content released so far in STO.

    A new tutorial for potential new players and current players who like TRIBBLE to start out a character in the Discovery era. While the tutorial is a rehash of the Fed tutorial, the content itself is decent enough.

    The Discovery era ships all look nice to me, as do the limited ground items we have. The visual and sound effects are nice too, though I wish the warp sounds would be Discovery era characters only. (yes, I know this is a known bug) The uniform could stand to better represent what we see on screen, an actual WHITE color instead of a dingy off-white would be great.

    The new queue is decent enough, especially considering it has to be balanced for the potential of having nothing but low level characters running it.

    The 2 Discovery era missions do a decent job of living up to the era, without having to put up with having been written by the same people making the show. So on that fact alone, the content seems to gel better with the overall feel we have in STO already.

    Discovery content in STO is not Discovery on CBS AA. Yes, we will have tie ins, but the story being told in STO will not be the exact story seen in Discovery. It'll be like seeing the story of the USS Melbourne prior to its destruction at Wolf 359. Set in the same time period as The Next Generation, but with a different crew and as a result, different stories to tell. And likely different personalities meaning there could be tension where we didn't see much on the Enterprise.

    The Next Generation and DS9 were on at the same time. They had different looks to them, though of course some things remained the same. They tackled different themes, and even when they tackled similar ones, the DS9 crew did it in a different way than the Next Gen crew. And then along came Voyager and they did things differently than DS9, but somewhat similar to the Next Gen. And during all of this, special effects grew as did set and costume design.

    I personally am not a huge fan of TRIBBLE, but I don't hate it with every fiber of my being either. I accept it for what it is, a Star Trek show made in current times and with current visual effects. With set design and story themes (and consequentially the characters) that seem to correlate with the current events and design cues of the world we live in today. The story themes and acting are what I find the most jarring and unTrek-like, but I do understand partly why they went this direction.

    If Mr. Roddenberry had been born 50 years later and was able to pitch his idea of Star Trek to a studio and it was picked up, I have a feeling it'd be similar to what Discovery is doing now. The problem is, Mr. Roddenberry was not born 50 years later. Star Trek has been around for those 50+ years and we've gotten attached. However, things change and evolve, except fans it seems. We like what we like and anything that differs takes some of us a lot of time to come to terms with. If we ever do.

    So while I may not be a huge fan of Discovery, I am interested in seeing what the Devs put in the game that is Discovery themed. And if it turns out I don't care for it, I simply won't play it. There's plenty of other non-Discovery content to get me by.
    For me it’s not that its discovery themed that is the problem. It that they the content they removed was better than the content they added and the content added isn’t even working correctly.

    Even when it works I see the new queue as a downgrade over SB24 and the new queue bugs out a lot. The 2 Discovery era missions are broken I haven’t managed to complete them yet as they stop working within 5 minutes. If SB24 wasn't removed and the new missions worked I wouldn't feel as bad. But at the moment it feels like we are worse off after session then before it.

    Some of the stuff they removed, they plan on remastering and bringing back. They've said this.

  • startrekronstartrekron Member Posts: 231 Arc User
    So basically this is now Star Trek Discovery Online? No thanks, time to find a new game and no you can't have my stuff.

    "Live Long and Prosper but always carry a fully charged phaser, just in case!". Arrr'ow

    Co-Leader of Serenity's Grasp
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  • commanderblack#7812 commanderblack Member Posts: 47 Arc User
    Some people need to just grown the TRIBBLE up its a TRIBBLE game things change. that is the way of life. May the force be with you
    May the force be with you!!! Qapla!!
  • pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,268 Arc User
    edited October 2018
    hippiejon wrote: »
    pottsey5g wrote: »
    They removed the great SB24 and replaced it with the Defend Star Base 1 which again is bugged with the same no spawn bug as the episodes and when it does work nowhere near as fun or well designed as SB24.

    Personal opinion that you keep stating like it's a fact.
    SB24 was a terrible queue with enemy spawns that made no sense.
    Objectives were simply, kill this many, now kill this many.
    I find Defense of SB1 to be a far better designed experience.

    Basically, you can state your opinion over and over again. Doesn't make it true.
    Only half of its opinion the other half is fact and true. The Discovery content bring bugged and broken is not opinion but a fact. Also I found it the other way around. SB1 is the simple kill a bunch of ships forget about any tactics while SB24 had tactics and spawns that matter. Plus SB24 doesn’t have you sitting around for 5mins with nothing to do but wait which SB1 has had every time I played it.

    Some of the stuff they removed, they plan on remastering and bringing back. They've said this.
    I was not aware of that but it still worries me. As have stated many times in the past I see most of the remasters as worse than the originals. Based on past experience I have confidence in remasters being improved.
  • steinbergsteinberg Member Posts: 91 Arc User
    CBS has invested $25 million in developing new Star Trek series over the next 5 years
    Including the new Star Trek series with Picard.

    Filming is due to start in April on Picards series.

    Planned Star Trek series include one about Khan and another on Starfleet Academy,plus a possible cartoon.
    Will STO really ignore all the new shows content?

    Always best to wait and see, rather than getting into a mental tantrum because they are using the current series assets to create missions and content.

    If you do not like a game the way it is ,play something else-do not vent.

  • hippiejonhippiejon Member Posts: 1,581 Arc User
    edited October 2018
    pottsey5g wrote: »
    Only half of its opinion the other half is fact and true. The Discovery content bring bugged and broken is not opinion but a fact. Also I found it the other way around. SB1 is the simple kill a bunch of ships forget about any tactics while SB24 had tactics and spawns that matter. Plus SB24 doesn’t have you sitting around for 5mins with nothing to do but wait which SB1 has had every time I played it.

    Spawn Bug. Fixed within a week.
    Try reading patch notes. Enemy Scaling bug, also fixed.
    Decrying content because it has some bugs that get fixed is totally disingenuous and you know it.
    And the rest is indeed, all opinion.
    SB24 did not have any tactics. Spawns didn't "matter". They filled the battlefield with targets and said kill X # of these. Perhaps to you that involved "tactics" somehow.

    Defense of SB1 includes a target rich environment (Just Like SB24), and has the addition of Escape ships to keep safe, which requires players to utilize both escorting the ships and keeping them alive with various ways of healing.

    Once the spawn bug was fixed, the "wait for 5 minutes" is gone. During the final stage IF the team defeats the attackers quickly enough, the TFO ends. Sometimes before the final escape ship even launches.

    You can say that it requires no tactics, but you're either wrong, or just lying to make your point.

    Seriously, when you are reduced to defending SB24 as one of the best most tactical missions the game has ever produced, you are calling for a REALLY low bar, and it's impossible to take you seriously. It sounds more like you just hate Discovery so much that anything added to the game from it is "bad", and that you'll reach for anything to defend that position.

  • duncanidaho11duncanidaho11 Member Posts: 7,981 Arc User
    edited October 2018
    pottsey5g wrote: »
    Only half of its opinion the other half is fact and true. The Discovery content bring bugged and broken is not opinion but a fact. Also I found it the other way around. SB1 is the simple kill a bunch of ships forget about any tactics while SB24 had tactics and spawns that matter. Plus SB24 doesn’t have you sitting around for 5mins with nothing to do but wait which SB1 has had every time I played it.

    SB24's encounter design can be best described as a miasma of enemy units. SB1 has actual structure. There's really no comparison, SB1 is the better TFO and it's worth noting (for the sake of factual debate) that the progress blocking bug was fixed last week which is a lot more you can say for the two issues (by my count) that were affecting SB24 during the last phase of its life. Ie. sitting around for >5 minutes (if not indefinitely) waiting for the final enemy to spawn for the requisite kill objective (first phase IIRC) and enemy units failing to scale at all for the team (also fixed for SB1).
    Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
    Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
    Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
  • pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,268 Arc User
    edited October 2018
    hippiejon wrote: »
    “SB24 did not have any tactics. Spawns didn't "matter". They filled the battlefield with targets and said kill X # of these. Perhaps to you that involved "tactics" somehow.”
    Actually I know how the score system worked and spawns did matter for the score. Tactics to get the most points was how I came in first place. Just blowing up random ships doesn’t earn you as many points as using tactics to get a higher score. Although granted not many players know about the score system in SB24 after it got hidden on the right hand side. But the points system was still active even though most new player know nothing about it.

    While SB1 I found had no tactics it was just sit there watching everything fly towards me and blow up, which I found boring, there was also zero threat to my ship in SB1 which is again boring. I found SB1 I could sit there semi AFK, not moving with weapon on autofire.

    Although I am not keen on SB1 I don’t hate Discovery. I hate the bugs in the Discovery content as I still cannot get the Discovery content working. Not finished any of it as it keeps getting stuck. Just last night I had 7 attempts at the episodes which all got stuck right at the start. If they fixed the bugs and brought back SB24 I wouldn’t have any complaints about Discovery content.

    “SB24's encounter design can be best described as a miasma of enemy units. SB1 has actual structure. There's really no comparison, SB1 is the better TFO and it's worth noting (for the sake of factual debate) that the progress blocking bug was fixed last week which is a lot more you can say for the two issues (by my count) that were blighting SB24 during the last phase of its life.”
    SB24 did have a structure to it that’s how I won it almost every time with the highest score. SB1 like the new discover episodes doesn’t seem to work correctly for me although I have not played SB1 this week as I found it so boring last week. I did try the episodes this week and those are still broken.
  • vegeta50024vegeta50024 Member Posts: 2,336 Arc User
    steinberg wrote: »
    CBS has invested $25 million in developing new Star Trek series over the next 5 years
    Including the new Star Trek series with Picard.

    Filming is due to start in April on Picards series.

    Planned Star Trek series include one about Khan and another on Starfleet Academy,plus a possible cartoon.
    Will STO really ignore all the new shows content?

    Always best to wait and see, rather than getting into a mental tantrum because they are using the current series assets to create missions and content.

    If you do not like a game the way it is ,play something else-do not vent.

    They may not get to the new show's content right away. Remember that development time tends to be different so by the time they could start something with the picard series, there could be other stuff to do.

  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    philchap wrote: »
    Well I hope we can get Desmond and Meero as bridge officers and maybe a Tilly after i ring her nec...
    Hmm... I made a dupe of Irez. I have a decent pic of Desmond. what did Meero look like?
    gaevsman wrote: »
    People, please!, no flame wars by the end of the year, please!!, people are entitled to their opinion, they don't like Discovery, well that's their problem, but please don't drag this into another flame war (And we complain that STO has too many wars).
    We are vocal because we care about the game and the future smell bad, and what's the point of having a forum if it's only to expect approval by your player base? That's the purpose of a forum, get good and bad review and opinions. An thrust me a forum with a lot a rants is the sign that something is wrong and devs should care about this situtation.
    Hehe, so you say, but when I made my Discovery character I spent part of the tutorial talking to someone in Instance #988. That part of the tutorial had a separate instance per player, so it means there was around a thousand players playing that part of the tutorial simultaneously. That says a LOT about how much people actually hate Discovery.
    My character Tsin'xing
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  • steinbergsteinberg Member Posts: 91 Arc User
    steinberg wrote: »
    CBS has invested $25 million in developing new Star Trek series over the next 5 years
    Including the new Star Trek series with Picard.

    Filming is due to start in April on Picards series.

    Planned Star Trek series include one about Khan and another on Starfleet Academy,plus a possible cartoon.
    Will STO really ignore all the new shows content?

    Always best to wait and see, rather than getting into a mental tantrum because they are using the current series assets to create missions and content.

    If you do not like a game the way it is ,play something else-do not vent.

    They may not get to the new show's content right away. Remember that development time tends to be different so by the time they could start something with the picard series, there could be other stuff to do.

    Exactly what i was trying to reference in my post-who knows what content is planned for STO.
    They have a massive wealth of material to work from.
    Will we see Picard in some form,i hope so.But the content in Star Trek is rich after 50 plus years and Discovery is just another era in a continuing story.
  • startrekronstartrekron Member Posts: 231 Arc User
    So basically this is now Star Trek Discovery Online? No thanks, time to find a new game and no you can't have my stuff.
    Yeah man, you know how after Legacy of Romulus it was Star Trek: Romulans Online? Or how after Delta Rising it was Star Trek: Voyager Online? or how after Agents of Yesterday it was Star Trek: The Original Series Online? Or how after Victory is Life is was Star Trek: Deep Space 9 Online?

    Ohh wait, that didn't happen in any of those cases.... so why exactly do we think it will happen now?

    The whole premise of the game is that it takes place post Nemesis in 2409. Legacy of Romulus, Delta Rising, and Victory is Life all take place post 2409 with Agents of Yesterday and TOS content a series one offs. Age of Discovery seems to be a long term project with no apparent plans to return to advancing the game's story line anytime soon, which is not what many of us have signed up for.

    Maybe it's time to split the game off into STO (TNG, Voy, Ds9, STO timeline) and STO Classic Era (Enterprise, TRIBBLE and TOS) and let the players decide which they are going to play. Maybe Cryptic could re-purpose Red Shirt or Tribble become STO Classic Era only game play.

    Look if you like STO's new direction more power to you, but I don't and will be moving on to other games for awhile until content steers back to where the game is supposed to be.
    "Live Long and Prosper but always carry a fully charged phaser, just in case!". Arrr'ow

    Co-Leader of Serenity's Grasp
  • vifarcvifarc Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited October 2018
    Some of the stuff they removed, they plan on remastering and bringing back. They've said this.
    Yeah! Return of the Crew! What is a ship without a crew?
    Experience for our fellow mates!
  • korithian1korithian1 Member Posts: 82 Arc User
    Are there any plans for a recruitment event for some variety in our captains.

    Since much of the first season of Discovery revolved round things from the mirror universe, a mirror universe recruitment event as opposed to a time travel one?
  • shadowfirefly00shadowfirefly00 Member Posts: 1,026 Arc User
    More to the point, it is now incumbent upon the dev team to be forthright with us going forward on what progress is being made towards those goals, what issues have arisen and are being addressed, et cetera
    No, it isn't. In fact, they have every reason to not talk about this very thing because of how utterly toxic gaming playerbases are.
    I would respectfully disagree with you, sir. Such toxicity from portions of the playerbase is not only not an excuse for being uninformative, but is almost certainly exacerabated by it. From a fiscal perspective, I would also put forward that it is difficult to court investment when you don't feel the need to make it clear to potential investors just what their money is being uesd for... something not exactly helped by the point coldnapalm makes above.
  • duncanidaho11duncanidaho11 Member Posts: 7,981 Arc User
    edited October 2018
    korithian1 wrote: »
    Are there any plans for a recruitment event for some variety in our captains.

    Since much of the first season of Discovery revolved round things from the mirror universe, a mirror universe recruitment event as opposed to a time travel one?

    Probably not, recruitment events take a lot of work to setup and that would come at the cost to other things Cryptic could potentially be working on. They also accompany expansions, like the one we just had [Victory is Life]. ;)

    Never say never, but I wouldn't expect to see one until the next expansion (which will be a while.)
    More to the point, it is now incumbent upon the dev team to be forthright with us going forward on what progress is being made towards those goals, what issues have arisen and are being addressed, et cetera
    No, it isn't. In fact, they have every reason to not talk about this very thing because of how utterly toxic gaming playerbases are.
    I would respectfully disagree with you, sir. Such toxicity from portions of the playerbase is not only not an excuse for being uninformative, but is almost certainly exacerabated by it. From a fiscal perspective, I would also put forward that it is difficult to court investment when you don't feel the need to make it clear to potential investors just what their money is being uesd for... something not exactly helped by the point coldnapalm makes above.

    I would counter (for the sake of discussion) that in mass media communication, likening PR as "a pitch to investors" isn't particularly apt. The same personal considerations do not hold because what a player is doing is buying an immediate product, not evaluating what the eventual return will be in terms of unannounced content that will likely be produced irrespective of their individual behavior [only mass action can shift the needle] and can't be possibly predicted with any degree of accuracy [and a prediction is core to what an investor is doing, from their interests.]

    What that means though is that the toxic behavior directed at these roadmaps as if they were asking for an investment is very much unjustified (even factoring out the rude behavior.) Giving the heads-up though is still nice, because this isn't operating at shareholder level. ;)
    Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
    Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
    Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
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  • duncanidaho11duncanidaho11 Member Posts: 7,981 Arc User
    azrael605 wrote: »
    > @frtoaster said:
    > "Battle at the Binary Stars" and "Pahvo Dissension": Are these more "collect 14 tokens over two weeks, 15 minutes per day" events? I'm not sure anyone asked for more those, and frankly, I'm getting tired of them. After two weeks of one of those events, I pretty much don't want to do anything else in the game.

    The Pahvo mission is the story that was cut from season 1 of Discovery, not an event.

    Devil's advocate: I would prefer a new PVE queue to another run of mirror invasion, breach, or CCA during the same time frame. These events do fill dead space and there aren't many alternatives that could reach all players in game (besides making new FE's from magic. If only we had a toolset that could outsource that responsibility to the community and highlight certain missions so everyone could see them... ;) )
    Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
    Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
    Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
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  • duncanidaho11duncanidaho11 Member Posts: 7,981 Arc User
    edited October 2018
    There is a repeated pattern of insulting those who are dissatisfied and the word "toxic" as a slur comes up perhaps most often of all. How in the hell is that justified?

    Because some people on the wider net (and most notably on social media, the memetic arguments of which do bleed over to forum discussion) are literally complaining about Discovery because of its inclusion of LGBT, women, minority perspectives. It's NOT fair to treat dissatisfaction with DSC as a single mass reaction (see. quoted comment) because it lumps cogent complaints about the series and simple matters of varying taste with some truly awful behavior (giving it false legitimacy in internet discourse using tactics common in harassment and trolling campaigns.) While "we" is a powerful term, in modern mass media its one that requires careful application.

    The point is, we're customers of a media entertainment product and we have every right to our opinion and every right to express that opinion. And we have every right to examine content we're expected to support with our time and our money and say "thanks but no thanks".

    You do but there are limits in reasonable discourse with how far you can take a personal opinion. "Thanks but no thanks" at a individual level doesn't justify the explicit call for DSC to be segregated from STO and its population. Let the numbers speak for you, Cryptic will adjust content focus accordingly and in full recognition that DSC isn't the end-all of Trek. Folks berating every DSC thread with "NO TREK BUT MY TREK" is disrespectful to those in the community who want this new content in the game. DSC fans should be able to come here without feeling like their love of the new show is somehow illegitimate because a vocal few are so incensed by DSC content that they treat it as a damaging matter to walk out from.

    See. IDIC and note that "infinite" isn't restricted to a certain style of television.
    Post edited by duncanidaho11 on
    Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
    Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
    Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
  • tobywitczaktobywitczak Member Posts: 208 Arc User
    I really hope there is NOT a recruitment event later on. I really do not want to create and level yet another character. Don’t get me wrong, I like the perks from Delta, AoY and ViL as it helps leveling character. But the grind of level is getting a bit ridiculous.

    I am also wondering if I should have purchased the AoD starter pack as that more or less implies there will be a full pack later on.
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