I have been reporting this bug for over 7-months now, but it is still happening on a regular basis. THIS NEEDS TO BE FIXED!
Approximately once every 7-8 days on a consistent basis, the Hull HP Capacity of my ship will suddenly drop 10% for no reason at all. It will stay that way for about 2-3 days, then return to its normal number. I have been struggling with this problem for months now and still haven't found an explanation why it's happening. The only thing I can think of is perhaps the starship mastery; which adds 10% HP, is bugged. Or maybe the Bulkhead Technician Trait. Perhaps they don't work on certain times?
You don't have to contribute to one, the whole fleet gets it no matter who put what in...
So I'm guessing the only solution to this "fluctuating Hull HP" is to leave the fleet then, unless you can suggest another option. I have only been playing for 9 months, so not much experience on my part.
Well, leaving the fleet would result in you having the lower hull hp all the time. Being in the fleet means a higher hull hp except for the few days the project is renewing. You just need to be aware of the situation. If it is a result of a project, the status will show on your HUD.
I'd really like to confirm if this is due to a fleet project, so can you please tell me where in the HUD it will indicate?
I can't see anything on my HUD that would imply any fleet project or anything of that sort.
Yeah, I still can't see anything referring to Fleet Project. Perhaps something else is causing the problem.
By the way, my turn rate also drops along with the Hull HP everytime this bug occurs. They both drop together, and then they also get restored together after a few days.
As mentioned already, it will appear as one of the small icons near your shields/hull display when you are in a combat map, either ground or space (like the ones that pop up briefly when you activate a tray power). Below are the stats on the weekly project I used/linked to as an example in the post above, as you can see it also includes a turn rate boost.
Weekly Project: Combat Performance Boost (Tier 1)
Provide all members of your Fleet with a passive boost for the next 5 days.
Boost Type: Improves all of the following Combat Statistics
+10% All Damage (Ground and Space)
+20 All Damage Resistance Rating (Ground and Space)
+4% Speed and Turn Rate (Space)
+4% Run Speed and Dodge (Ground)
This of course may not be what is causing the issues you mention. As a fleet administrator it was simply the first explanation for this type behavior I would use to help out a fellow fleetmate diagnose such a problem. Perhaps a person more knowledgeable in STO gameplay mechanics will step in and offer another explanation. Good Luck.
Those are old stats. It was changed a while ago. It's now + Hull HP instead of + DMG Rez.
@Snowrida This is why your HP and turn rate is dropping. What you wrote in the above post confirmed it. The icon above your mini-ship display isn't very informative, but I can guarantee your 'Fleet Combat Boost' expiring is doing this. It's a 5 day boost, and needs to be slotted and filled. It's nothing nefarious.
Boost Type: Improves all of the following Combat Statistics
+10% All Damage (Ground and Space)
+20 All Damage Resistance Rating (Ground and Space)
+4% Speed and Turn Rate (Space)
+4% Run Speed and Dodge (Ground)
This of course may not be what is causing the issues you mention. As a fleet administrator it was simply the first explanation for this type behavior I would use to help out a fellow fleetmate diagnose such a problem. Perhaps a person more knowledgeable in STO gameplay mechanics will step in and offer another explanation. Good Luck.
Those are old stats. It was changed a while ago. It's now + Hull HP instead of + DMG Rez.
@Snowrida This is why your HP and turn rate is dropping. What you wrote in the above post confirmed it. The icon above your mini-ship display isn't very informative, but I can guarantee your 'Fleet Combat Boost' expiring is doing this. It's a 5 day boost, and needs to be slotted and filled. It's nothing nefarious.
Thanks for all your comments, you were right after all.
*thumbs up