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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    logang19 wrote: »
    Undine B’ax class ship

    Atriox is watching the events unfold on visgrad relating them back to the other undine.

    Atriox: they make and test new bio weapons. This can not go unanswered. We have held back long enough. Now is the time we should move. We can not sit silently any longer.

    Ooc: feel free to add any to the conversation.

    Jastic: The Weak shall perish.
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    OOC: Anything on the Enterprise or the stuff with Mila, Allen?
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    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Atriox: then we are agreed. Unless any others wish to speak for this galaxy?
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *OOC: Sorry internet problems...But I am back.*

    *James Jr looks at Sala, with a smirk. *

    James Jr: I take it you kept an eye on my little brother?

    Sala: *Unbemused* I think he could look after himself, given who was laid up in various beds for a year.

    James Jr: *Sarcastically with a raised eyebrow and playfully* Oh I know and all I needed was ale and wenches...

    Sala: I am surprised that you got none of that in your head already...

    James Jr: No... *he kind of keeps what really went on in his head to himself* But it was more or less a trip through a family album.

    Casval: God I am glad your awake... Though I do wish it was under better circumstances..

    James Jr: *Looks at him...* Cassi in the brig?

    Casval: No.. *He looks around, at a loss for words and how to break this to him.* She is... she is dead. She did not want to be taken alive.

    James Jr: *Lowers his head some... eyes feeling the burn but something inside knows that is exactly what she would have done.*

    *Breathing deep and ignoring the tears there...*

    I forgive her... hate what she did... but I forgive her.

    *He rubs Casval's head *

    *Casval tries to say something to him...but James Jr... Stops him*

    James Jr: Don't tell me how or who did it... It does not make much difference. She is gone. I just want to be with my friends and what family is here.

    *Wade walks in along with Rissa and Acting Captain Dax...*

    Wade: I take it Prince Charming is awake, Sans a wench?

    James Jr: *Looks at him with a smirk* Captain... Uncle...

    Wade: Hey... no need to be insulting.

    *Rissa gives a smirk toward Wade, and checks in on James Jr...*

    Rissa: It is good to see you awake... and without that piece of bulkhead in your head.

    James Jr: Yeah it was not in a good spot, plus it gave me a evil look.

    *He looks at the old EMH... *

    Doctor.. I want to keep that piece.

    Doctor: Of course.

    *Sarcasm.* Would you like it gift-wrapped?

    James Jr: No.. I am sure this is more of a reminder... *He looks at the EMH, with sincerity..* Thanks Doctor. For everything.

    Doctor: Don't mention it. *He hands James Jr the bulkhead piece.*

    *Meanwhile, R.S.S. Columbia. Mila is sitting in her quarters in her training gear as the door chime sounds.*

    Mila *sullen*: Who is it?

    Weston *Over Comm*: Leiutenant? It's Weston.

    Mila *quiet*: S***.

    *Aloud*. One moment.

    *She walks over and sets the door to open about 6 inches.*

    Sorry, Commander, I'm... Not in uniform right now...

    Weston: 'Not in uniform' as in 'come back in 5 minutes' or 'not in uniform' as in you've been beating on a bag or something?

    Mila: The latter.

    Weston: This isn't business, Mila. I'm just checking if you're okay.

    *Mila thinks a minute, before stepping to one side and opening the door the full way. Weston comes in to see a small training mat with a holo-emitter for basic sparring in one corner. The rest of Mila's Quarters is usual fair for junior officer quarters though: a bedroom off to one side, with a desk, replicator and food prep counter, sofa, coffee table, and a few shelves scattered around. The shelves and walls are decorated with photos (largely of family, with Cassi notably absent), a couple of starship models, and a hanger with her old Starfleet Uniform on it.*

    Your quarters are nice.

    Mila: Thanks.

    *She walks over to the replicator.*

    You want anything?

    Weston: Just water, thanks.

    *Mila nods, passing him a glass of water, getting what he assumes is sytheholic lager for herself.*

    Old habit?

    Mila *slightly exasperated by the subject*: Family.

    *Weston mouths an 'Ah' before the two sit down opposite at the coffee table.*

    *As people leave the sickbay, Sala remains along with Casval...*

    James Jr: *flipping around the piece* Still think I am not okay?

    Casval: No that isn't it. I am just glad your finally conscious.

    James Jr: Yeah... are just going to take time to get used to.

    Casval: Yeah for sure. Just remember brother..

    *he taps his pips..*

    I outrank you know.

    James Jr: *smiles* That may be true brother, but you are still my little brother. I can also probably still kick your back side around.

    Casval: We will see, when the Doctor gives the okay.

    *Casval leaves and Sala remains.*

    James Jr: Its not your fault Sala... my predicament was more of my fault and Cassi's than yours.

    Sala: Still... I am sorry that this misunderstanding happened.

    James Jr: I know. I do not bear you any ill will...

    Sala: Should I come by with Romulan Ale?

    James Jr: When I am free to go, perhaps...

    Sala: Tell me, when did you find time to attend a public event in Republic space and still sleep with the Ocampan abmassador's daughter...

    James Jr: You talked with my brother a bit much huh? I will tell you how I pulled that off another time. It is a rather funny story.
  • Options
    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Osman: alright here’s your gear.

    Orion smiles as he attaches his suit and weapons back onto him.

    Orion: that feels better.

    Osman: don’t forget our deal.

    Orion: don’t worry I’ll leave right away. I’ll get what you want.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *OOC: Sorry internet problems...But I am back.*

    *James Jr looks at Sala, with a smirk. *

    James Jr: I take it you kept an eye on my little brother?

    Sala: *Unbemused* I think he could look after himself, given who was laid up in various beds for a year.

    James Jr: *Sarcastically with a raised eyebrow and playfully* Oh I know and all I needed was ale and wenches...

    Sala: I am surprised that you got none of that in your head already...

    James Jr: No... *he kind of keeps what really went on in his head to himself* But it was more or less a trip through a family album.

    Casval: God I am glad your awake... Though I do wish it was under better circumstances..

    James Jr: *Looks at him...* Cassi in the brig?

    Casval: No.. *He looks around, at a loss for words and how to break this to him.* She is... she is dead. She did not want to be taken alive.

    James Jr: *Lowers his head some... eyes feeling the burn but something inside knows that is exactly what she would have done.*

    *Breathing deep and ignoring the tears there...*

    I forgive her... hate what she did... but I forgive her.

    *He rubs Casval's head *

    *Casval tries to say something to him...but James Jr... Stops him*

    James Jr: Don't tell me how or who did it... It does not make much difference. She is gone. I just want to be with my friends and what family is here.

    *Wade walks in along with Rissa and Acting Captain Dax...*

    Wade: I take it Prince Charming is awake, Sans a wench?

    James Jr: *Looks at him with a smirk* Captain... Uncle...

    Wade: Hey... no need to be insulting.

    *Rissa gives a smirk toward Wade, and checks in on James Jr...*

    Rissa: It is good to see you awake... and without that piece of bulkhead in your head.

    James Jr: Yeah it was not in a good spot, plus it gave me a evil look.

    *He looks at the old EMH... *

    Doctor.. I want to keep that piece.

    Doctor: Of course.

    *Sarcasm.* Would you like it gift-wrapped?

    James Jr: No.. I am sure this is more of a reminder... *He looks at the EMH, with sincerity..* Thanks Doctor. For everything.

    Doctor: Don't mention it. *He hands James Jr the bulkhead piece.*

    *Meanwhile, R.S.S. Columbia. Mila is sitting in her quarters in her training gear as the door chime sounds.*

    Mila *sullen*: Who is it?

    Weston *Over Comm*: Leiutenant? It's Weston.

    Mila *quiet*: S***.

    *Aloud*. One moment.

    *She walks over and sets the door to open about 6 inches.*

    Sorry, Commander, I'm... Not in uniform right now...

    Weston: 'Not in uniform' as in 'come back in 5 minutes' or 'not in uniform' as in you've been beating on a bag or something?

    Mila: The latter.

    Weston: This isn't business, Mila. I'm just checking if you're okay.

    *Mila thinks a minute, before stepping to one side and opening the door the full way. Weston comes in to see a small training mat with a holo-emitter for basic sparring in one corner. The rest of Mila's Quarters is usual fair for junior officer quarters though: a bedroom off to one side, with a desk, replicator and food prep counter, sofa, coffee table, and a few shelves scattered around. The shelves and walls are decorated with photos (largely of family, with Cassi notably absent), a couple of starship models, and a hanger with her old Starfleet Uniform on it.*

    Your quarters are nice.

    Mila: Thanks.

    *She walks over to the replicator.*

    You want anything?

    Weston: Just water, thanks.

    *Mila nods, passing him a glass of water, getting what he assumes is sytheholic lager for herself.*

    Old habit?

    Mila *slightly exasperated by the subject*: Family.

    *Weston mouths an 'Ah' before the two sit down opposite at the coffee table.*

    *As people leave the sickbay, Sala remains along with Casval...*

    James Jr: *flipping around the piece* Still think I am not okay?

    Casval: No that isn't it. I am just glad your finally conscious.

    James Jr: Yeah... are just going to take time to get used to.

    Casval: Yeah for sure. Just remember brother..

    *he taps his pips..*

    I outrank you know.

    James Jr: *smiles* That may be true brother, but you are still my little brother. I can also probably still kick your back side around.

    Casval: We will see, when the Doctor gives the okay.

    *Casval leaves and Sala remains.*

    James Jr: Its not your fault Sala... my predicament was more of my fault and Cassi's than yours.

    Sala: Still... I am sorry that this misunderstanding happened.

    James Jr: I know. I do not bear you any ill will...

    Sala: Should I come by with Romulan Ale?

    James Jr: When I am free to go, perhaps...

    Sala: Tell me, when did you find time to attend a public event in Republic space and still sleep with the Ocampan abmassador's daughter...

    James Jr: You talked with my brother a bit much huh? I will tell you how I pulled that off another time. It is a rather funny story.

    OOC: Is James' whole mission in life to prove Mila's point for her? Lol.

    *Meanwhile, Columbia.*

    Mila: I just can't believe she's gone...

    I guess I never realised how much I'd miss her until...

    Weston: Mila...she stabbed your entire family in the back, nearly killed your brothers, and tried to kill you.

    Mila: I know that! But...she was still my sister. No matter how much I hated her - how much I wanted to break every bone in her body - she was family...

    And then there's Casval...

    Weston: What about him...

    Mila: I know when my brothers are lying... Maybe Cassi wanted to die rather than be taken alive, but...

    Weston: You don't think Casval had any intention of capturing her?

    *Mila stands up, looking conflicted, arms crossed.*

    Mila: After the explosion...I don't remember much - the pain got to me I guess...but I remember hearing Casval, and Cassi. I remember her screaming. She was alive! She didn't die in the cave in.

    Weston: Maybe a secondary collapse?

    Mila: My brothers are new-types, George. If there was another cave-in, Casval could have stopped it easily. But more than that...

    It's what Casval didn't say that has me worried. He didn't say it was a second collapse. He didn't say it was an accident. He just said that she wanted to die.

    *She paces around, looking deeply disturbed.*

    Weston: I think you're right. Something about that kid...

    Mila: He never used to be like that. Not before what happened...

    God, I think he murdered Cass, George... I can't prove it - I can't even bring myself to believe it - but I think he killed her, intentionally.

    *Weston stands up and puts a hand on Mila's shoulder.*

    Weston: Why don't you get some rest? You deserve it. I'll put you on bereavement for a few days.

    *Mila nods.*

    I'll stop by tomorrow when I get off-shift.

    *He heads to leave.*

    Mila: Commander?

    *Weston turns his head.*


    Weston: Don't mention it.

    Oh, by the way, you mind a little input?

    *Mila raises an eyebrow.*


    *Mila smiles at him as he leaves.*
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    westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,243 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    M Samana: I ain't going first this round. *She keeps circling*

    Tara: Fine.

    *She lunges and locks up with her, throwing a few jabs into M Samana's side.*

    *Johanna just sits on her bed feeling worrier for Mila.*


    *M samana blocks the jabs and knees Tara twice before headbutting her*
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
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    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited July 2018
    westx211 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    M Samana: I ain't going first this round. *She keeps circling*

    Tara: Fine.

    *She lunges and locks up with her, throwing a few jabs into M Samana's side.*

    *Johanna just sits on her bed feeling worrier for Mila.*


    *M samana blocks the jabs and knees Tara twice before headbutting her*

    *Tara holds on and grabs M Samana's head before ramming her knee into it and taking her down, pinning her momentarily.*

    Tara *panting*: Had enough...?

    *Columbia. After a couple of hours, Mila stops by.*

    OOC: I'm gonna say that Johanna could have already heard about Cassi from the guard. Also, is it me or are Tara and M Samana developing a bit of a competitive rivalry?
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    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    UNSC base

    New Arcadia

    Hammond: what have we learned.

    Lenox: not much I’m afraid. The planet is quarantined now but the chances of us finding a cure are slim right now

    Hammond: how much time would they need?

    Halsey: without being able to get a original sample to study it could take months if not more.

    Guilty tangent is floating in the room as well as it finally speaks.

    Guilty Tangent: I may be able to go to the planet and study this. It would be most fascinating and my access of the forerunner records could be helpful.

    Hammond: which is why I must say no. We can’t afford something happening to you.

    As the meeting is going on....

    A undine fleet appears near visgrad

    Atriox: this virus is a danger and must be purged! The weak shall perish.

    The transmission ends as the fleet fires a focused beam at the planet destroying it and the orbiting ships and stations. News of the attack quickly reaches the other major powers.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • Options
    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Osman is aboard an RNI ship as Atlas appears.

    Atlas: ma’am we have an emergency in unsc space.

    Osman: what

    Atlas: the undine have attacked and destroyed visgrad. Casualty reports are estimated at 5 billion dead.

    Osman stops a minute in shock.

    Osman: the unsc is one of the only powers that had an active treaty with them. Atlas get me the admiralty and president on emergency channel. Omega priority.

    Alpha: yes ma’am transmission sent.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
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    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    UNSC Hitz

    Sheridan is on the bridge looking at a star chart as a officer comes running.

    Ensign: sir we just received word that visgrad has been destroyed by an undine fleet!

    Sheridan: what that’s impossible

    Ensign: no sir it’s been confirmed.

    Sheridan: alert all ships I want all ships at red alert. Inform the Firth and set course for visgrad maximum speed.

    Helm: aye sir!
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
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    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *OOC: Sorry internet problems...But I am back.*

    *James Jr looks at Sala, with a smirk. *

    James Jr: I take it you kept an eye on my little brother?

    Sala: *Unbemused* I think he could look after himself, given who was laid up in various beds for a year.

    James Jr: *Sarcastically with a raised eyebrow and playfully* Oh I know and all I needed was ale and wenches...

    Sala: I am surprised that you got none of that in your head already...

    James Jr: No... *he kind of keeps what really went on in his head to himself* But it was more or less a trip through a family album.

    Casval: God I am glad your awake... Though I do wish it was under better circumstances..

    James Jr: *Looks at him...* Cassi in the brig?

    Casval: No.. *He looks around, at a loss for words and how to break this to him.* She is... she is dead. She did not want to be taken alive.

    James Jr: *Lowers his head some... eyes feeling the burn but something inside knows that is exactly what she would have done.*

    *Breathing deep and ignoring the tears there...*

    I forgive her... hate what she did... but I forgive her.

    *He rubs Casval's head *

    *Casval tries to say something to him...but James Jr... Stops him*

    James Jr: Don't tell me how or who did it... It does not make much difference. She is gone. I just want to be with my friends and what family is here.

    *Wade walks in along with Rissa and Acting Captain Dax...*

    Wade: I take it Prince Charming is awake, Sans a wench?

    James Jr: *Looks at him with a smirk* Captain... Uncle...

    Wade: Hey... no need to be insulting.

    *Rissa gives a smirk toward Wade, and checks in on James Jr...*

    Rissa: It is good to see you awake... and without that piece of bulkhead in your head.

    James Jr: Yeah it was not in a good spot, plus it gave me a evil look.

    *He looks at the old EMH... *

    Doctor.. I want to keep that piece.

    Doctor: Of course.

    *Sarcasm.* Would you like it gift-wrapped?

    James Jr: No.. I am sure this is more of a reminder... *He looks at the EMH, with sincerity..* Thanks Doctor. For everything.

    Doctor: Don't mention it. *He hands James Jr the bulkhead piece.*

    *Meanwhile, R.S.S. Columbia. Mila is sitting in her quarters in her training gear as the door chime sounds.*

    Mila *sullen*: Who is it?

    Weston *Over Comm*: Leiutenant? It's Weston.

    Mila *quiet*: S***.

    *Aloud*. One moment.

    *She walks over and sets the door to open about 6 inches.*

    Sorry, Commander, I'm... Not in uniform right now...

    Weston: 'Not in uniform' as in 'come back in 5 minutes' or 'not in uniform' as in you've been beating on a bag or something?

    Mila: The latter.

    Weston: This isn't business, Mila. I'm just checking if you're okay.

    *Mila thinks a minute, before stepping to one side and opening the door the full way. Weston comes in to see a small training mat with a holo-emitter for basic sparring in one corner. The rest of Mila's Quarters is usual fair for junior officer quarters though: a bedroom off to one side, with a desk, replicator and food prep counter, sofa, coffee table, and a few shelves scattered around. The shelves and walls are decorated with photos (largely of family, with Cassi notably absent), a couple of starship models, and a hanger with her old Starfleet Uniform on it.*

    Your quarters are nice.

    Mila: Thanks.

    *She walks over to the replicator.*

    You want anything?

    Weston: Just water, thanks.

    *Mila nods, passing him a glass of water, getting what he assumes is sytheholic lager for herself.*

    Old habit?

    Mila *slightly exasperated by the subject*: Family.

    *Weston mouths an 'Ah' before the two sit down opposite at the coffee table.*

    *As people leave the sickbay, Sala remains along with Casval...*

    James Jr: *flipping around the piece* Still think I am not okay?

    Casval: No that isn't it. I am just glad your finally conscious.

    James Jr: Yeah... are just going to take time to get used to.

    Casval: Yeah for sure. Just remember brother..

    *he taps his pips..*

    I outrank you know.

    James Jr: *smiles* That may be true brother, but you are still my little brother. I can also probably still kick your back side around.

    Casval: We will see, when the Doctor gives the okay.

    *Casval leaves and Sala remains.*

    James Jr: Its not your fault Sala... my predicament was more of my fault and Cassi's than yours.

    Sala: Still... I am sorry that this misunderstanding happened.

    James Jr: I know. I do not bear you any ill will...

    Sala: Should I come by with Romulan Ale?

    James Jr: When I am free to go, perhaps...

    Sala: Tell me, when did you find time to attend a public event in Republic space and still sleep with the Ocampan abmassador's daughter...

    James Jr: You talked with my brother a bit much huh? I will tell you how I pulled that off another time. It is a rather funny story.

    OOC: Is James' whole mission in life to prove Mila's point for her? Lol.

    *Meanwhile, Columbia.*

    Mila: I just can't believe she's gone...

    I guess I never realised how much I'd miss her until...

    Weston: Mila...she stabbed your entire family in the back, nearly killed your brothers, and tried to kill you.

    Mila: I know that! But...she was still my sister. No matter how much I hated her - how much I wanted to break every bone in her body - she was family...

    And then there's Casval...

    Weston: What about him...

    Mila: I know when my brothers are lying... Maybe Cassi wanted to die rather than be taken alive, but...

    Weston: You don't think Casval had any intention of capturing her?

    *Mila stands up, looking conflicted, arms crossed.*

    Mila: After the explosion...I don't remember much - the pain got to me I guess...but I remember hearing Casval, and Cassi. I remember her screaming. She was alive! She didn't die in the cave in.

    Weston: Maybe a secondary collapse?

    Mila: My brothers are new-types, George. If there was another cave-in, Casval could have stopped it easily. But more than that...

    It's what Casval didn't say that has me worried. He didn't say it was a second collapse. He didn't say it was an accident. He just said that she wanted to die.

    *She paces around, looking deeply disturbed.*

    Weston: I think you're right. Something about that kid...

    Mila: He never used to be like that. Not before what happened...

    God, I think he murdered Cass, George... I can't prove it - I can't even bring myself to believe it - but I think he killed her, intentionally.

    *Weston stands up and puts a hand on Mila's shoulder.*

    Weston: Why don't you get some rest? You deserve it. I'll put you on bereavement for a few days.

    *Mila nods.*

    I'll stop by tomorrow when I get off-shift.

    *He heads to leave.*

    Mila: Commander?

    *Weston turns his head.*


    Weston: Don't mention it.

    Oh, by the way, you mind a little input?

    *Mila raises an eyebrow.*


    *Mila smiles at him as he leaves.*

    *OOC: I wonder if she can feel her twin is awake... and around. Though like I keep pointing out there might be more to James than even she might suspect. Hmm... Ideas already...*

    *Casval enters his quarters and sets his rifle aside, he needed to polish it again. Though he could not help but to feel ill deep down about all that transpired.*

    Casval: Keep it together... needed to be done. *quietly to himself.*

    *Wade on the Bridge is among the crew...*

    Wade: You are relieved Dax..

    Alvin: *As Dax salutes and leaves the bridge.* You know sir there is a communique from the Columbia that is rather vital to answer.

    Wade: On screen then Commander.. Lets see what Dani wants.

    *The viewscreen pops up revealing Dani and Terry... though back to his war state..*

    Terry: I know it is a long story, and yes I am back...

    *In Mila's quarters, she hears Q playing on a piano...*

    Q: Oh nothing as somber when family dies... or breaks apart. But you know what cheers me up? Probably playing Bach...
  • Options
    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    logang19 wrote: »
    UNSC Hitz

    Sheridan is on the bridge looking at a star chart as a officer comes running.

    Ensign: sir we just received word that visgrad has been destroyed by an undine fleet!

    Sheridan: what that’s impossible

    Ensign: no sir it’s been confirmed.

    Sheridan: alert all ships I want all ships at red alert. Inform the Firth and set course for visgrad maximum speed.

    Helm: aye sir!

    *Skull and Spider watch as the situation unfold in UNSC space. M. Dani arrives in the room...*

    Spider: My dear welcome back, it must have been a close call for you to ferry those people back. *she still could not read this man, and it bothered her...*

    Skull: It seems now the Undine are going to be laying waste to the UNSC in response to this incident.

    Spider: Your cunning in finding something to exploit has always kept me surprised my friend... I think the plan now will be to have the Federation approach the Undine for a favor...

    Skull: Not just yet, let the UNSC sweat itself out. We should focus on letting the Romulan-Federation treaties go through.
  • Options
    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    logang19 wrote: »
    UNSC Hitz

    Sheridan is on the bridge looking at a star chart as a officer comes running.

    Ensign: sir we just received word that visgrad has been destroyed by an undine fleet!

    Sheridan: what that’s impossible

    Ensign: no sir it’s been confirmed.

    Sheridan: alert all ships I want all ships at red alert. Inform the Firth and set course for visgrad maximum speed.

    Helm: aye sir!

    *Skull and Spider watch as the situation unfold in UNSC space. M. Dani arrives in the room...*

    Spider: My dear welcome back, it must have been a close call for you to ferry those people back. *she still could not read this man, and it bothered her...*

    Skull: It seems now the Undine are going to be laying waste to the UNSC in response to this incident.

    Spider: Your cunning in finding something to exploit has always kept me surprised my friend... I think the plan now will be to have the Federation approach the Undine for a favor...

    Skull: Not just yet, let the UNSC sweat itself out. We should focus on letting the Romulan-Federation treaties go through.

    M Dani: One of those officers who came after us...actually two of them... I recognised them. Forgetting Casval, who we've already had dealings with, why did no one warn me that the w****'s daughter was going to be there?!
  • Options
    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    *Admiral Reynolds leans back in his office keeping track of the Undine developments... as he notices another blip on his moniter.*

    Reynolds: *tapping the message notes Sia* Ah... Sia nice to see you again. It is a bit early for reports.

    Sia: I am afraid Admiral that it is something else... A young man came through the teleporter here, battered, he is safe for the moment. However, he called me mother before passing out.

    Reynolds: Did you get any readings off of him...

    Sia: Just this *Showing the MU mark of the Emperor. The Terran Empire*

    Reynolds: *His eyes widen* Now this is startling... Last we had heard from that universe was that the heir to the other Terry was a figure head, ruled by another councilor. If he is here then that means war is breaking out again in that universe... Has Dani and the others been notified?

    Sia: You mean... this really is...

    Reynolds: In a strange way... Yes. He is your son. Has the family here been notified?

    Sia: I have sent the message *she is clearly stunned by the news..*

    Reynolds: Good. I will be sending additional security to you to make sure the boy is safe. I will also try and send for both ships to ascertain his future.. whether he will be sent back or remain here in the interm. He is going to be a dangerous guest nonetheless.

    Sia: Understood Admiral.

    *The comm line ends. *

    Reynolds: **** as if this day could not get any worse.
  • Options
    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *OOC: Sorry internet problems...But I am back.*

    *James Jr looks at Sala, with a smirk. *

    James Jr: I take it you kept an eye on my little brother?

    Sala: *Unbemused* I think he could look after himself, given who was laid up in various beds for a year.

    James Jr: *Sarcastically with a raised eyebrow and playfully* Oh I know and all I needed was ale and wenches...

    Sala: I am surprised that you got none of that in your head already...

    James Jr: No... *he kind of keeps what really went on in his head to himself* But it was more or less a trip through a family album.

    Casval: God I am glad your awake... Though I do wish it was under better circumstances..

    James Jr: *Looks at him...* Cassi in the brig?

    Casval: No.. *He looks around, at a loss for words and how to break this to him.* She is... she is dead. She did not want to be taken alive.

    James Jr: *Lowers his head some... eyes feeling the burn but something inside knows that is exactly what she would have done.*

    *Breathing deep and ignoring the tears there...*

    I forgive her... hate what she did... but I forgive her.

    *He rubs Casval's head *

    *Casval tries to say something to him...but James Jr... Stops him*

    James Jr: Don't tell me how or who did it... It does not make much difference. She is gone. I just want to be with my friends and what family is here.

    *Wade walks in along with Rissa and Acting Captain Dax...*

    Wade: I take it Prince Charming is awake, Sans a wench?

    James Jr: *Looks at him with a smirk* Captain... Uncle...

    Wade: Hey... no need to be insulting.

    *Rissa gives a smirk toward Wade, and checks in on James Jr...*

    Rissa: It is good to see you awake... and without that piece of bulkhead in your head.

    James Jr: Yeah it was not in a good spot, plus it gave me a evil look.

    *He looks at the old EMH... *

    Doctor.. I want to keep that piece.

    Doctor: Of course.

    *Sarcasm.* Would you like it gift-wrapped?

    James Jr: No.. I am sure this is more of a reminder... *He looks at the EMH, with sincerity..* Thanks Doctor. For everything.

    Doctor: Don't mention it. *He hands James Jr the bulkhead piece.*

    *Meanwhile, R.S.S. Columbia. Mila is sitting in her quarters in her training gear as the door chime sounds.*

    Mila *sullen*: Who is it?

    Weston *Over Comm*: Leiutenant? It's Weston.

    Mila *quiet*: S***.

    *Aloud*. One moment.

    *She walks over and sets the door to open about 6 inches.*

    Sorry, Commander, I'm... Not in uniform right now...

    Weston: 'Not in uniform' as in 'come back in 5 minutes' or 'not in uniform' as in you've been beating on a bag or something?

    Mila: The latter.

    Weston: This isn't business, Mila. I'm just checking if you're okay.

    *Mila thinks a minute, before stepping to one side and opening the door the full way. Weston comes in to see a small training mat with a holo-emitter for basic sparring in one corner. The rest of Mila's Quarters is usual fair for junior officer quarters though: a bedroom off to one side, with a desk, replicator and food prep counter, sofa, coffee table, and a few shelves scattered around. The shelves and walls are decorated with photos (largely of family, with Cassi notably absent), a couple of starship models, and a hanger with her old Starfleet Uniform on it.*

    Your quarters are nice.

    Mila: Thanks.

    *She walks over to the replicator.*

    You want anything?

    Weston: Just water, thanks.

    *Mila nods, passing him a glass of water, getting what he assumes is sytheholic lager for herself.*

    Old habit?

    Mila *slightly exasperated by the subject*: Family.

    *Weston mouths an 'Ah' before the two sit down opposite at the coffee table.*

    *As people leave the sickbay, Sala remains along with Casval...*

    James Jr: *flipping around the piece* Still think I am not okay?

    Casval: No that isn't it. I am just glad your finally conscious.

    James Jr: Yeah... are just going to take time to get used to.

    Casval: Yeah for sure. Just remember brother..

    *he taps his pips..*

    I outrank you know.

    James Jr: *smiles* That may be true brother, but you are still my little brother. I can also probably still kick your back side around.

    Casval: We will see, when the Doctor gives the okay.

    *Casval leaves and Sala remains.*

    James Jr: Its not your fault Sala... my predicament was more of my fault and Cassi's than yours.

    Sala: Still... I am sorry that this misunderstanding happened.

    James Jr: I know. I do not bear you any ill will...

    Sala: Should I come by with Romulan Ale?

    James Jr: When I am free to go, perhaps...

    Sala: Tell me, when did you find time to attend a public event in Republic space and still sleep with the Ocampan abmassador's daughter...

    James Jr: You talked with my brother a bit much huh? I will tell you how I pulled that off another time. It is a rather funny story.

    OOC: Is James' whole mission in life to prove Mila's point for her? Lol.

    *Meanwhile, Columbia.*

    Mila: I just can't believe she's gone...

    I guess I never realised how much I'd miss her until...

    Weston: Mila...she stabbed your entire family in the back, nearly killed your brothers, and tried to kill you.

    Mila: I know that! But...she was still my sister. No matter how much I hated her - how much I wanted to break every bone in her body - she was family...

    And then there's Casval...

    Weston: What about him...

    Mila: I know when my brothers are lying... Maybe Cassi wanted to die rather than be taken alive, but...

    Weston: You don't think Casval had any intention of capturing her?

    *Mila stands up, looking conflicted, arms crossed.*

    Mila: After the explosion...I don't remember much - the pain got to me I guess...but I remember hearing Casval, and Cassi. I remember her screaming. She was alive! She didn't die in the cave in.

    Weston: Maybe a secondary collapse?

    Mila: My brothers are new-types, George. If there was another cave-in, Casval could have stopped it easily. But more than that...

    It's what Casval didn't say that has me worried. He didn't say it was a second collapse. He didn't say it was an accident. He just said that she wanted to die.

    *She paces around, looking deeply disturbed.*

    Weston: I think you're right. Something about that kid...

    Mila: He never used to be like that. Not before what happened...

    God, I think he murdered Cass, George... I can't prove it - I can't even bring myself to believe it - but I think he killed her, intentionally.

    *Weston stands up and puts a hand on Mila's shoulder.*

    Weston: Why don't you get some rest? You deserve it. I'll put you on bereavement for a few days.

    *Mila nods.*

    I'll stop by tomorrow when I get off-shift.

    *He heads to leave.*

    Mila: Commander?

    *Weston turns his head.*


    Weston: Don't mention it.

    Oh, by the way, you mind a little input?

    *Mila raises an eyebrow.*


    *Mila smiles at him as he leaves.*

    *OOC: I wonder if she can feel her twin is awake... and around. Though like I keep pointing out there might be more to James than even she might suspect. Hmm... Ideas already...*

    *Casval enters his quarters and sets his rifle aside, he needed to polish it again. Though he could not help but to feel ill deep down about all that transpired.*

    Casval: Keep it together... needed to be done. *quietly to himself.*

    *Wade on the Bridge is among the crew...*

    Wade: You are relieved Dax..

    Alvin: *As Dax salutes and leaves the bridge.* You know sir there is a communique from the Columbia that is rather vital to answer.

    Wade: On screen then Commander.. Lets see what Dani wants.

    *The viewscreen pops up revealing Dani and Terry... though back to his war state..*

    Terry: I know it is a long story, and yes I am back...

    *In Mila's quarters, she hears Q playing on a piano...*

    Q: Oh nothing as somber when family dies... or breaks apart. But you know what cheers me up? Probably playing Bach...

    OOC: Okay, I'm assuming this is supposed to be before she goes to Johanna's Quarters...

    *Mila doesn't look amused.*

    Mila: Go away, Q. I'm even less in the mood for your bull**** than normal. My sister's just died, my brother might have gone out specifically to murder her - and apparently I'm the loose cannon... I am in every way, shape, and form one of your stupid pranks away from suddenly discovering my long-slumbering powers and porting you away from me - into a sun - twice.
  • Options
    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Ooc: also pointing out now the undine will attack any world they detect the virus
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • Options
    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    logang19 wrote: »
    UNSC Hitz

    Sheridan is on the bridge looking at a star chart as a officer comes running.

    Ensign: sir we just received word that visgrad has been destroyed by an undine fleet!

    Sheridan: what that’s impossible

    Ensign: no sir it’s been confirmed.

    Sheridan: alert all ships I want all ships at red alert. Inform the Firth and set course for visgrad maximum speed.

    Helm: aye sir!

    *Skull and Spider watch as the situation unfold in UNSC space. M. Dani arrives in the room...*

    Spider: My dear welcome back, it must have been a close call for you to ferry those people back. *she still could not read this man, and it bothered her...*

    Skull: It seems now the Undine are going to be laying waste to the UNSC in response to this incident.

    Spider: Your cunning in finding something to exploit has always kept me surprised my friend... I think the plan now will be to have the Federation approach the Undine for a favor...

    Skull: Not just yet, let the UNSC sweat itself out. We should focus on letting the Romulan-Federation treaties go through.

    M Dani: One of those officers who came after us...actually two of them... I recognised them. Forgetting Casval, who we've already had dealings with, why did no one warn me that the w****'s daughter was going to be there?!

    Skull: It was a unlikely scenario that surprised us too. Casval being there was necessary to our plans, and he took care of a far too noticable figure in the dissidents. So that is a good thing for us. Let us hope his sister continues to turn against him.

    As for new faces appearing...

    Spider: Oh yes... the boy from the Mirror Universe. The Emperor's son. He arrived here on Earth not too long ago.
  • Options
    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *OOC: Sorry internet problems...But I am back.*

    *James Jr looks at Sala, with a smirk. *

    James Jr: I take it you kept an eye on my little brother?

    Sala: *Unbemused* I think he could look after himself, given who was laid up in various beds for a year.

    James Jr: *Sarcastically with a raised eyebrow and playfully* Oh I know and all I needed was ale and wenches...

    Sala: I am surprised that you got none of that in your head already...

    James Jr: No... *he kind of keeps what really went on in his head to himself* But it was more or less a trip through a family album.

    Casval: God I am glad your awake... Though I do wish it was under better circumstances..

    James Jr: *Looks at him...* Cassi in the brig?

    Casval: No.. *He looks around, at a loss for words and how to break this to him.* She is... she is dead. She did not want to be taken alive.

    James Jr: *Lowers his head some... eyes feeling the burn but something inside knows that is exactly what she would have done.*

    *Breathing deep and ignoring the tears there...*

    I forgive her... hate what she did... but I forgive her.

    *He rubs Casval's head *

    *Casval tries to say something to him...but James Jr... Stops him*

    James Jr: Don't tell me how or who did it... It does not make much difference. She is gone. I just want to be with my friends and what family is here.

    *Wade walks in along with Rissa and Acting Captain Dax...*

    Wade: I take it Prince Charming is awake, Sans a wench?

    James Jr: *Looks at him with a smirk* Captain... Uncle...

    Wade: Hey... no need to be insulting.

    *Rissa gives a smirk toward Wade, and checks in on James Jr...*

    Rissa: It is good to see you awake... and without that piece of bulkhead in your head.

    James Jr: Yeah it was not in a good spot, plus it gave me a evil look.

    *He looks at the old EMH... *

    Doctor.. I want to keep that piece.

    Doctor: Of course.

    *Sarcasm.* Would you like it gift-wrapped?

    James Jr: No.. I am sure this is more of a reminder... *He looks at the EMH, with sincerity..* Thanks Doctor. For everything.

    Doctor: Don't mention it. *He hands James Jr the bulkhead piece.*

    *Meanwhile, R.S.S. Columbia. Mila is sitting in her quarters in her training gear as the door chime sounds.*

    Mila *sullen*: Who is it?

    Weston *Over Comm*: Leiutenant? It's Weston.

    Mila *quiet*: S***.

    *Aloud*. One moment.

    *She walks over and sets the door to open about 6 inches.*

    Sorry, Commander, I'm... Not in uniform right now...

    Weston: 'Not in uniform' as in 'come back in 5 minutes' or 'not in uniform' as in you've been beating on a bag or something?

    Mila: The latter.

    Weston: This isn't business, Mila. I'm just checking if you're okay.

    *Mila thinks a minute, before stepping to one side and opening the door the full way. Weston comes in to see a small training mat with a holo-emitter for basic sparring in one corner. The rest of Mila's Quarters is usual fair for junior officer quarters though: a bedroom off to one side, with a desk, replicator and food prep counter, sofa, coffee table, and a few shelves scattered around. The shelves and walls are decorated with photos (largely of family, with Cassi notably absent), a couple of starship models, and a hanger with her old Starfleet Uniform on it.*

    Your quarters are nice.

    Mila: Thanks.

    *She walks over to the replicator.*

    You want anything?

    Weston: Just water, thanks.

    *Mila nods, passing him a glass of water, getting what he assumes is sytheholic lager for herself.*

    Old habit?

    Mila *slightly exasperated by the subject*: Family.

    *Weston mouths an 'Ah' before the two sit down opposite at the coffee table.*

    *As people leave the sickbay, Sala remains along with Casval...*

    James Jr: *flipping around the piece* Still think I am not okay?

    Casval: No that isn't it. I am just glad your finally conscious.

    James Jr: Yeah... are just going to take time to get used to.

    Casval: Yeah for sure. Just remember brother..

    *he taps his pips..*

    I outrank you know.

    James Jr: *smiles* That may be true brother, but you are still my little brother. I can also probably still kick your back side around.

    Casval: We will see, when the Doctor gives the okay.

    *Casval leaves and Sala remains.*

    James Jr: Its not your fault Sala... my predicament was more of my fault and Cassi's than yours.

    Sala: Still... I am sorry that this misunderstanding happened.

    James Jr: I know. I do not bear you any ill will...

    Sala: Should I come by with Romulan Ale?

    James Jr: When I am free to go, perhaps...

    Sala: Tell me, when did you find time to attend a public event in Republic space and still sleep with the Ocampan abmassador's daughter...

    James Jr: You talked with my brother a bit much huh? I will tell you how I pulled that off another time. It is a rather funny story.

    OOC: Is James' whole mission in life to prove Mila's point for her? Lol.

    *Meanwhile, Columbia.*

    Mila: I just can't believe she's gone...

    I guess I never realised how much I'd miss her until...

    Weston: Mila...she stabbed your entire family in the back, nearly killed your brothers, and tried to kill you.

    Mila: I know that! But...she was still my sister. No matter how much I hated her - how much I wanted to break every bone in her body - she was family...

    And then there's Casval...

    Weston: What about him...

    Mila: I know when my brothers are lying... Maybe Cassi wanted to die rather than be taken alive, but...

    Weston: You don't think Casval had any intention of capturing her?

    *Mila stands up, looking conflicted, arms crossed.*

    Mila: After the explosion...I don't remember much - the pain got to me I guess...but I remember hearing Casval, and Cassi. I remember her screaming. She was alive! She didn't die in the cave in.

    Weston: Maybe a secondary collapse?

    Mila: My brothers are new-types, George. If there was another cave-in, Casval could have stopped it easily. But more than that...

    It's what Casval didn't say that has me worried. He didn't say it was a second collapse. He didn't say it was an accident. He just said that she wanted to die.

    *She paces around, looking deeply disturbed.*

    Weston: I think you're right. Something about that kid...

    Mila: He never used to be like that. Not before what happened...

    God, I think he murdered Cass, George... I can't prove it - I can't even bring myself to believe it - but I think he killed her, intentionally.

    *Weston stands up and puts a hand on Mila's shoulder.*

    Weston: Why don't you get some rest? You deserve it. I'll put you on bereavement for a few days.

    *Mila nods.*

    I'll stop by tomorrow when I get off-shift.

    *He heads to leave.*

    Mila: Commander?

    *Weston turns his head.*


    Weston: Don't mention it.

    Oh, by the way, you mind a little input?

    *Mila raises an eyebrow.*


    *Mila smiles at him as he leaves.*

    *OOC: I wonder if she can feel her twin is awake... and around. Though like I keep pointing out there might be more to James than even she might suspect. Hmm... Ideas already...*

    *Casval enters his quarters and sets his rifle aside, he needed to polish it again. Though he could not help but to feel ill deep down about all that transpired.*

    Casval: Keep it together... needed to be done. *quietly to himself.*

    *Wade on the Bridge is among the crew...*

    Wade: You are relieved Dax..

    Alvin: *As Dax salutes and leaves the bridge.* You know sir there is a communique from the Columbia that is rather vital to answer.

    Wade: On screen then Commander.. Lets see what Dani wants.

    *The viewscreen pops up revealing Dani and Terry... though back to his war state..*

    Terry: I know it is a long story, and yes I am back...

    *In Mila's quarters, she hears Q playing on a piano...*

    Q: Oh nothing as somber when family dies... or breaks apart. But you know what cheers me up? Probably playing Bach...

    OOC: Okay, I'm assuming this is supposed to be before she goes to Johanna's Quarters...

    *Mila doesn't look amused.*

    Mila: Go away, Q. I'm even less in the mood for your bull**** than normal. My sister's just died, my brother might have gone out specifically to murder her - and apparently I'm the loose cannon... I am in every way, shape, and form one of your stupid pranks away from suddenly discovering my long-slumbering powers and porting you away from me - into a sun - twice.

    Q: Oh as if those neat powers could do much to me... But your desire to try is vastly charming my dear. I thought you should know, you should check on your other brother. He is awake now.

    Well I should go... Tell your mother I said hello... She is as slimming as ever, I am surprised she has not fallen into your father's arms yet...

    *His face gives way to what he knows is coming, but finds this child not so much fun to pester. He snaps his fingers and vanishes..*
  • Options
    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    Wade: Alright T, Let me get this straight... The entity you made a deal with is now pissed you broke the deal and is planning something.

    Terry: Pretty much.

    Wade: Okay get back here then... We need to figure out what we can do...

    *Terry nods and ends the call.*

    *Reynolds and Hargrove are once again calling Dani again... Priority One message.*
  • Options
    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    logang19 wrote: »
    Ooc: also pointing out now the undine will attack any world they detect the virus

    *OOC: I am aware.. *
  • Options
    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    logang19 wrote: »
    UNSC Hitz

    Sheridan is on the bridge looking at a star chart as a officer comes running.

    Ensign: sir we just received word that visgrad has been destroyed by an undine fleet!

    Sheridan: what that’s impossible

    Ensign: no sir it’s been confirmed.

    Sheridan: alert all ships I want all ships at red alert. Inform the Firth and set course for visgrad maximum speed.

    Helm: aye sir!

    *Skull and Spider watch as the situation unfold in UNSC space. M. Dani arrives in the room...*

    Spider: My dear welcome back, it must have been a close call for you to ferry those people back. *she still could not read this man, and it bothered her...*

    Skull: It seems now the Undine are going to be laying waste to the UNSC in response to this incident.

    Spider: Your cunning in finding something to exploit has always kept me surprised my friend... I think the plan now will be to have the Federation approach the Undine for a favor...

    Skull: Not just yet, let the UNSC sweat itself out. We should focus on letting the Romulan-Federation treaties go through.

    M Dani: One of those officers who came after us...actually two of them... I recognised them. Forgetting Casval, who we've already had dealings with, why did no one warn me that the w****'s daughter was going to be there?!

    Skull: It was a unlikely scenario that surprised us too. Casval being there was necessary to our plans, and he took care of a far too noticable figure in the dissidents. So that is a good thing for us. Let us hope his sister continues to turn against him.

    As for new faces appearing...

    Spider: Oh yes... the boy from the Mirror Universe. The Emperor's son. He arrived here on Earth not too long ago.

    M Dani *shock*: What?
  • Options
    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    Wade: Alright T, Let me get this straight... The entity you made a deal with is now pissed you broke the deal and is planning something.

    Terry: Pretty much.

    Wade: Okay get back here then... We need to figure out what we can do...

    *Terry nods and ends the call.*

    *Reynolds and Hargrove are once again calling Dani again... Priority One message.*

    Dani: On screen.
  • Options
    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    All over the galaxy undine ships are popping up scanning a planet then vanishing.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • Options
    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    logang19 wrote: »
    All over the galaxy undine ships are popping up scanning a planet then vanishing.

    *Republic Naval Headquarters. Sam is in the war room with one of Hargrove's aides and Osman.*

    Sam: Have they made any attempt at contact? I mean, besides entering our dimension and looking enigmatic?
  • Options
    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited July 2018
    Osman: they made one. Sending a message before they destroyed visgrad completely if you call what they said making contact.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • Options
    ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    Sam: Keep an eye on their activity. If you say more than one bioship in one place, I want them turned into lots of tiny bits of bioship.

    Aide: Yes, Prime Minister.
  • Options
    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Osman: I have a feeling this could get very bad very quickly.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • Options
    logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    UNSC Hitz and Firth both arrive at what used to be visgrad.

    Sheridan: I don’t believe it.

    He sits down in his command chair looking at the destruction.


    Carter: I want all units mobilized and ready to go. If the undine are going to attack I want everyone ready.

    Agent: yes sir.

    The facility is a hustle of activity after the visgrad attack Carter has been busy getting things into place.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • Options
    chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    logang19 wrote: »
    UNSC Hitz

    Sheridan is on the bridge looking at a star chart as a officer comes running.

    Ensign: sir we just received word that visgrad has been destroyed by an undine fleet!

    Sheridan: what that’s impossible

    Ensign: no sir it’s been confirmed.

    Sheridan: alert all ships I want all ships at red alert. Inform the Firth and set course for visgrad maximum speed.

    Helm: aye sir!

    *Skull and Spider watch as the situation unfold in UNSC space. M. Dani arrives in the room...*

    Spider: My dear welcome back, it must have been a close call for you to ferry those people back. *she still could not read this man, and it bothered her...*

    Skull: It seems now the Undine are going to be laying waste to the UNSC in response to this incident.

    Spider: Your cunning in finding something to exploit has always kept me surprised my friend... I think the plan now will be to have the Federation approach the Undine for a favor...

    Skull: Not just yet, let the UNSC sweat itself out. We should focus on letting the Romulan-Federation treaties go through.

    M Dani: One of those officers who came after us...actually two of them... I recognised them. Forgetting Casval, who we've already had dealings with, why did no one warn me that the w****'s daughter was going to be there?!

    Skull: It was a unlikely scenario that surprised us too. Casval being there was necessary to our plans, and he took care of a far too noticable figure in the dissidents. So that is a good thing for us. Let us hope his sister continues to turn against him.

    As for new faces appearing...

    Spider: Oh yes... the boy from the Mirror Universe. The Emperor's son. He arrived here on Earth not too long ago.

    M Dani *shock*: What?

    Spider: Apparently the boy did not like the idea of being a figurehead... wanted to be an Emperor like his father, I suppose. He I think could be an interesting thing to keep an eye on.
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