With the new Jem'Har patch, it's nice to have Leck's throwing dagger along with the shotgun and the TR-116 sniper rifle. You still leaving out numerous physical/kinetic weapons. Long ago, people were asking for a Tommy Gun which I go well with the suit. Overall here are some changes and suggestion for those type weapons
-.38 Police Special for (Compression Pistol) Expose from TOS: Shore Leave
- Dual Colt 45for (Dual pistol) Exploit from TNG: Fistful of Datas and VOY: Killing Game though it was only a single pistol. I just wanted to have STO to have some form of Hitman Silverballers feel. OR the Dueling Pistol in TOS: The Square of Gothos.
- Picard's Tommy Gun or Lily Sloane's Calico M960 for auto-rifle category
- Janeway's Gewehr 98/40 for High Density rifle from VOY Killing Game. It's the rifle she used to kill the lead Hirogen.
- TR-116* (A &

for (Sniper) Exploit. Perhaps add Worf's Crossbow that Picard used in TNG Starship Mine
Assault (all expose)
- for blast assault have a Double-barreled shotgun from VOY: Spirit Folk
- Zefram shotgun* (pulsewave assault)
- for minigun, i recommend the Wrist-Mounted Machine Gun from TNG: Encounter at Farpoint. It would be a nice change of visual for once and it would be nice to have that tactical body suit as well.
* = already available
You draw a distinction between a "real" gun and the energy weapons and such in the game?
You point, aim, and shoot them like bullet-based guns. Is it really just that dual chroniton pistols or the TR-116B don't actually exist that makes shooting them in game any less a glorification of gun violence?
Not that I'm advocating or not advocating guns (that truly is beside the point of my question). It just seems like an odd place to draw the line, this far, no farther, as it were.
Personally, I'd like to have some new ground weapons, so a classic western revolver or other such weapons would be great since we already have a shotgun, why not get pistols, dual pistols and others.
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As long as they don't come with the 100% shield penetration these weapons have for no logical reason*.
* Except the knives, if we assume STO's shields have the kind of "slow objects pass" exception they do on Stargate, to allow shield wielders to interact with things without lowering shield. But on the other hand, then they shouldn't have such OP DPS, especially against opponents wearing armor and/or made of effing metal.
> Sure.
> As long as they don't come with the 100% shield penetration these weapons have for no logical reason*.
> * Except the knives, if we assume STO's shields have the kind of "slow objects pass" exception they do on Stargate, to allow shield wielders to interact with things without lowering shield. But on the other hand, then they shouldn't have such OP DPS, especially against opponents wearing armor and/or made of effing metal.
That's a real problem in STOs logic. They had to copy the shield/armour + health mechanic (+ auto heal) of shooters, the source material however does not have these personal shields except for Borg drones and those used to be able to raisevand lower the shield at will, no matter if physical or energy was directed at them (plus superhuman strength and reflexes, but we kinda forgot about that xD). Personal shields seem to be a rather big technical issue in Trek.
I would have no problem with reputation suits having shields, the Borg set even has visually identifyable generators. But every redshirt havimg a mobile shield generator was too much in my opinion. Plus it kinda makes Eng's shield gens and dome superglous in-universe.
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Kartarkins would be nice, it’s surprising they didn’t include them from the start.
I thought we saw personal shields in TAS.
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My personal favorite has to be TNG: Rascals, where they find a way to reverse aging only to spend the entire episode trying to undo it and then forget about it.
Would love a wrist mounted minigun!
A full blown shield would need the power source but also be able to cope with the movement of a person which would be more complicated to predict compared to a shipboard shield where the systems are integrated and emitters built in to precise locations.
Ship also wouldn't generally have arms and legs moving around in close proximity to the inside of the field.
There was a life support belt that looked like a personal shield in the one episode where they found the wrecked prison ship.
As for the personal shields its been a while but from what I remember in ds9 (google saying ep homefront) they talked about having them. I do know in a few interviews I’ve seen over the years with the folks who worked on the show they wanted to have stuff like personal shields and more complex effects for the crazy stuff phaser are supposed to be able to do but simply didn’t do to cost and time.
Like a few have pointed out I always did wonder why borg shields could not stop physical attacks. I did always figure it was one of those slow blade things out of dune but it didn’t really make sense to me. Every other shield can block and interact with stuff that carries kinetic energy regardless of it be a fist or a knife or otherwise. If you think about it how could the doctor pick stuff up or interact with things if his emitter’s shield couldn’t stop or interact with physical objects. Now that I think about it on a ship or station that has holographic/shield emitters all over it you could cosplay a green lantern really well.
The holographic science guy you can claim from the store thing where you claim all account stuff does or at least did I’ve not really played the game much in a while. They did make it so you could change his outfit a few years back so maybe it was removed since then. Wonder if he still turns into a cell phone when he dies he’s hard to find when you’re getting shot at. Now that I think about it also the holo guys in old mission where you have to get the founder out of prison also did.
From the show and movies though ya I don’t think they did unless something was wrong with it like the holodeck TRIBBLE the bed or something.
That bazooka could be cool, didn’t they also have something like that in insurrection.
We saw PSGs with the Borg. Never really saw the ones Worf developed. OTher than that, the only known instance of a PSG being used it with the Hunters, or Drae. Here:
" In addition, they wore deflector shields on their left arms and specialized helmets, which were able to locate an invisible Tosk."
Yes but it was more a missile launcher. In Elite Force it was a micro torpedo about the size of a football. Basicly like a mini nuke in fallout but about 1/2 the damage.
So the micro photon torpedo kit module, or the other micro torpedo spread kit module? We.. already have those.
We also have photon grenades and a weapon that fires them (KHG/AM pulsewave).
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Yes and no im talking about an actual weapon not a kit power, have its alt fire be similar to a mini nuke blast in fallout with a small mushroom cloud. Alt fire increases the blast radius by x4 but doesnt up the damage much. While it would work similar to skills we have it would be rather different in a weapon item form. And that Alt fire would really make it stand out. And thanks to the mass amount of hurq we could use a weapon like that when getting mobbed by the lil b*stards.
Ahh right, forgot those. Thanks!
As for weapons. While what you have listed were seen in the shows. The Tommy Gun is not a very good selection. On this, since it was one of the first fully automatic weapons produced, it's overall design is poor. Such as, no barrel change out to prevent overheating, and thus warping of the barrel, or cooking a round off in the chamber.
Better selections to the fully automatic would be:
M249 S.A.W.
M240 Bravo(repalcement to the M60)
Submachine Guns:(what a tommy gun is)
FN P90
MP40 9mm Parabellum
As far as pistol go:
M1911 (Still a .45 cal)
Assault Rifles:
For Blast assault:
Any combat shogun works here. Since the spread of a shotgun it determined solely by barrel length. Which the Zyphren Cochrane is.
For Minigun:
And thinking about it. Since the M249, M240B, and M134 are full time automatics. They don't actually fit. But, you can break them down in to their repestive fire modes.
For the M249 and M240B, that would be a 3 second and 5 second burst. This is to allow the barrel to cool some between firing.
The M134 though is a full time autmatic, with 6 rotating barrels. Longer firing periods, due to barrels cooling during rotation.
The only problem then becomes. The M16, M249, M240B and M134 are designed to be accurate. They're not the spray and pray type of weapons we have in game.
Matter of fact, none of the weapons listed are designed for the spray and pray of the secondary fire on assault weapons or dual pistols. So Crpytic would have to rework that to be more linear. Instead of spray and pray like we have. They'd have to redo the mechanics to make this secondary fire more accurate, and allows for strafing fire.
Edit: Forum Langolears, Begone!