I personally like the Samsar a bit, cosmetically. Gives off a "space battleship" feel when broadsiding for me, dunno why.
It is a terrible ship if you ignore the sorta-useful core and universal console though. Not necessarily the best heal clicky anymore but it's still useful.
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,932Community Moderator
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
Really, is there anything this ship does RIGHT? This is probably the worst T6 ship in the game. Even the Excelsior doesn't come close, since the Excelsior is merely subpar, but still functional. The Samsar has everything you could possibly do wrong in one ship at the same time.
I don't know... there is one thing she can do right. Be a Zombie Cruiser. She may not dish it out but you can put a ridiculous number of heals on her.
Funny thing is... it was the Samsar that got me 1st place in Crystalline one time on my main. And it wasn't her DPS that got it for me. It was the HEALS.
The Samsar can actually do a lot of damage, but in a slightly different way than most people are used to.
Due to the command specialization and heavy engineering it can throw out a lot of radiation damage while tanking.
This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
Really, is there anything this ship does RIGHT? This is probably the worst T6 ship in the game. Even the Excelsior doesn't come close, since the Excelsior is merely subpar, but still functional. The Samsar has everything you could possibly do wrong in one ship at the same time.
I don't know... there is one thing she can do right. Be a Zombie Cruiser. She may not dish it out but you can put a ridiculous number of heals on her.
Funny thing is... it was the Samsar that got me 1st place in Crystalline one time on my main. And it wasn't her DPS that got it for me. It was the HEALS.
The Samsar can actually do a lot of damage, but in a slightly different way than most people are used to.
Due to the command specialization and heavy engineering it can throw out a lot of radiation damage while tanking.
Considering the Excelsior is the 2nd oldest ship design for the Federation cruisers at T6 it makes sense that she would be near the bottom of the totem pole. Us Galaxy fans had to put up with the Galaxy R being in that category for many years pre T6.
Hello rubber banding my old friend, time to bounce around the battlezone again, where are all my bug reports going?, out of love with this game I am falling, As Cryptic fail to acknowledge a problem exists, Shakes an angry fist, And from Support all I'm hearing are the sounds of silence.
For me the ship I like least stat wise is the new Risa ship. However for looks nothing beats the Fed miracle worker ships. Those things are deceptively ugly in that from the top they actually look decent. Once you look at it from the side it looks like a flying toilet bowl with nacells.
Seriously, every time one of those goes to warp I don't hear the normal woosh in my head but a flush!
For me the ship I like least stat wise is the new Risa ship. However for looks nothing beats the Fed miracle worker ships. Those things are deceptively ugly in that from the top they actually look decent. Once you look at it from the side it looks like a flying toilet bowl with nacells.
Seriously, every time one of those goes to warp I don't hear the normal woosh in my head but a flush!
What a beautiful whale!
Too bad the original space whale still got no Tier 6 update...
Vengeance is horrible. I hate the default material, but also all the others on it. I am never happy flying with it.
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
The only thing I don't like about the Vengeance is the openings in the saucer area. I can't stand Federation ships with that kind of look on them unless there's a really really good reason beyond "Looks cool!"
> @seaofsorrows said: > redvenge wrote: » > > Your existing Fleet [T5U] is SUPERIOR to the C-Store ship. Therefore, the ONLY reason to get the C-Store ship is for it's Trait and Console. Both of which are GARBAGE. The better solution is to skip the Resolute entirely and just get the Fleet Advanced Heavy Cruiser [T6]. > > > > > First of all, spot on with everything you said. This is the only part I would disagree with. > > The only reason to buy the Resolute is because you like the Excelsior and want to fly one (personally, I love the Excelsior) but just going straight for the fleet ship is pretty much always a bad idea. You're going to spend the same amount in Fleet Modules and you're only going to unlock it for one character. Buying the C-Store version means you can get the Fleet ship account wide for 1 fleet module, other alts that aren't going to actually fly it can claim it for the admiralty card. > > I honestly wish they would remove the option to skip the C-Store and buy the Fleet for 5 fleet modules, it's just a bad use of Zen and I don't think it's explained all that well to players. > > > As for the ship itself, honestly.. they can fix it very easily. Just change the Ensign Engineering station to a Universal and it opens up a ton of new options for the ship. It's not a bad ship as it is, you can make it into a pretty solid Aux2Bat beam boat, just use a command power like Overwhelm Emitters and slot something like Structural Integrity Collapse at Ensign to avoid double up on powers and you're good to go. Yeah, the console and trait are both.. meh.. and don't match the ship well at all. Honestly, I think it should also be Pilot instead of Command so it can slot 'fly her apart.' > > Just changing the one Ensign Engineering to a Universal would do so much to help make the ship better, but for some reason Cryptic seems content just leaving it as is even though everyone wants it changed. I guess for some reason, they just don't want the Resolute to sell.
All this...
I used to fly the excelsior almost exclusively because it was my favorite ship, but now it's crippled by a bad boff layout. That ensign being changed to universal would make a huge difference. I also agree it should have been pilot.
The Resolute has her charm, she's very quick for a cruiser though changing that Ensign engineering to a ensign uni slot would have been much better
"The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
> potasssium wrote: » > > potasssium wrote: » > Once you understand that the Bort is a Fed-styled beamwhale first and foremost, and being a battlecruiser a thing thrown on because, you'll finally get the Bort. With its antiquated 4/4 layout that results in a shipbutt full of **** turrets, it's not even particularly GOOD at the battlecruiser role, so once you accept its status as a beamwhale, the turn rate isn't really a huge deal.
Rattler2 I think the quoting system got screwed up, I just want to clarify I like both the Kobali Cruiser & Gorkon.
My favorite straight up cruiser is the ambassador and the Federation heavy cruiser, stargazer, Dakota, Cheyenne, Constellation.
Three out of my 14 characters are Federation so I don’t spend a lot of time in Federation cruisers.
Other than the Hull appearance the Kobali Samsar Is exactly what I would want as a T6 Ambassador, Stat wise. I’ve even considered using the character Tailor to make a Kobali looking Alien Captain.
On one of my minor alt captains, I can get my Gorkon up to a turn rate just under 27, without using much excessive turn based gear.
I am sure that my main could get it much higher. Yes it is a federation style cruiser, but it’s one that with enough attention given to it can you actually still use the tool heavy cannons it just requires some investment.
Now the person who mentioned the miracle worker ships yeah those are all beyond fugly. I only like one or two of the Romulan designs, and I don’t need more Romulan ships at the moment.
Thanks for the Advanced Light Cruiser, Allied Escort Bundles, Jem-Hadar Light Battlecruiser, and Mek'leth
New Content Wishlist
T6 updates for the Kamarag & Vor'Cha
Heavy Cruiser & a Movie Era Style AoY Utility Cruiser
For me the ship I like least stat wise is the new Risa ship. However for looks nothing beats the Fed miracle worker ships. Those things are deceptively ugly in that from the top they actually look decent. Once you look at it from the side it looks like a flying toilet bowl with nacells.
Seriously, every time one of those goes to warp I don't hear the normal woosh in my head but a flush!
This one grew on me a lot.. I actually really like it now.
Of course, I also really like the Vengeance, The Scimitar, and the Excelsior is my favorite canon federation ship so to each their own.
Oh, and while I am alienating almost everyone here, might as well go for broke...
The Kirk era Enterprise is one of the ugliest piles of space garbage that any Sci-Fi series has ever vomited out. It's just completely awful.
Now if you'll excuse me.. I am going to hide until everyone is done throwing stuff at me.
For me the ship I like least stat wise is the new Risa ship. However for looks nothing beats the Fed miracle worker ships. Those things are deceptively ugly in that from the top they actually look decent. Once you look at it from the side it looks like a flying toilet bowl with nacells.
Seriously, every time one of those goes to warp I don't hear the normal woosh in my head but a flush!
This one grew on me a lot.. I actually really like it now.
Of course, I also really like the Vengeance, The Scimitar, and the Excelsior is my favorite canon federation ship so to each their own.
Oh, and while I am alienating almost everyone here, might as well go for broke...
The Kirk era Enterprise is one of the ugliest piles of space garbage that any Sci-Fi series has ever vomited out. It's just completely awful.
Now if you'll excuse me.. I am going to hide until everyone is done throwing stuff at me.
The B is my favorite, I have a soft spot for the Excelsior. The Connie looks really weak, have you seen the amount of structural weakness on the Connie?
"The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,932Community Moderator
The one thing I think people are forgetting is that the Borts are CAPITAL ships, meant to be essentially flagships. Yes they're not as nimble as even a Negh'var, but they're supposed to be big. If my main was KDF and I had access to them, I'd see what I can do with all the turn buffing stuff I got. But I am also an experienced Beam cruiser captain. In short, the Borts aren't meant to be nimble Cannon Spammers. They're meant to duke it out with similar battleship style ships.
As for the Miracle Worker ships... I kinda see some inspiration from an OLD NPC ship design in them.
The OLD Jupiter Dreadnought. The Quad nacelle and bulkyness. Just like I see a parallel between the Fed Command Battlecruisers and the old Typhoon Dreadnought.
But for ugly I'd have to call out two out of the three Romulan Command ships. I just don't like how the wings swoop down so dramatically. Makes it look a little off balance to me. Kinda like a person walking hunched over hanging their arms down like a monkey off balance.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
For me the ship I like least stat wise is the new Risa ship. However for looks nothing beats the Fed miracle worker ships. Those things are deceptively ugly in that from the top they actually look decent. Once you look at it from the side it looks like a flying toilet bowl with nacells.
Seriously, every time one of those goes to warp I don't hear the normal woosh in my head but a flush!
This one grew on me a lot.. I actually really like it now.
Of course, I also really like the Vengeance, The Scimitar, and the Excelsior is my favorite canon federation ship so to each their own.
Oh, and while I am alienating almost everyone here, might as well go for broke...
The Kirk era Enterprise is one of the ugliest piles of space garbage that any Sci-Fi series has ever vomited out. It's just completely awful.
Now if you'll excuse me.. I am going to hide until everyone is done throwing stuff at me.
The B is my favorite, I have a soft spot for the Excelsior. The Connie looks really weak, have you seen the amount of structural weakness on the Connie?
I remember getting the T5/U Varanus for free Summer of 2014- possibly the worst ship i have ever been unfortunate to use.
Lucky that the KDF have much better sci ships now.
I keep hearing people talking ill about my poor Rezzy. Are there any other ships so universally hated that might take some of the heat off? And why all the hate?
I don't think anyone hates it (outside of the weirdo's who think the Excelsior looks ugly). The Resolute IS a massive disappointment.
This. The failure to have a Universal Seat wrecked a wonderful ship. They made the same mistake with the T6 version of the Prometheus at first and then corrected it in patch.
Given they never corrected it on the Resolute, I've decided that they made it subpar on purpose. The Excelsior was one of the best tac cruisers before the T6 era- and often complained about (especially from Galaxy fans) by a small section of the players. So when the T6 version was made- they basically decided to give in to that and removed it as a practical choice from the game.
I ended up quitting STO as that was the ship I flew like forever. But came back when they offered the Connie, which was the ship I wanted from the beginning anyway.
The one thing I think people are forgetting is that the Borts are CAPITAL ships, meant to be essentially flagships. Yes they're not as nimble as even a Negh'var, but they're supposed to be big. If my main was KDF and I had access to them, I'd see what I can do with all the turn buffing stuff I got. But I am also an experienced Beam cruiser captain. In short, the Borts aren't meant to be nimble Cannon Spammers. They're meant to duke it out with similar battleship style ships.
Yeah but the Borts aren't even very good at that, is the problem. You try to build a T6 Bort as a beam cruiser, I bet dollars to donuts I can get more mileage out of an FT5-U Tor'Kaht with a similar beam build (or with a T6 Odyssey, its direct competitor). Turn rate still matters with broadsiders, the overlarge inertia stat gimps the Bort's maneuverability further, and the cloak is specially made to be unjustifiably weak.
EDIT: I stand corrected, see next post.
Post edited by starswordc on
"Great War! / And I cannot take more! / Great tour! / I keep on marching on / I play the great score / There will be no encore / Great War! / The War to End All Wars"
— Sabaton, "Great War"
Yeah but the Borts aren't even very good at that, is the problem. You try to build a T6 Bort as a beam cruiser, I bet dollars to donuts I can get more mileage out of an FT5-U Tor'Kaht with a similar beam build (or with a T6 Odyssey, its direct competitor). Turn rate still matters with broadsiders, the overlarge inertia stat gimps the Bort's maneuverability further, and the cloak is specially made to be unjustifiably weak.
This is wrong. The [T6] Odyssey and the [T6] Bortas'que both have 30 inertia while the [T6] Scimitar has 20 inertia. The [T6] Oddysey has 6 turn, the [T6] Bortas'que has 6.5 turn and the [T6] Scimitar has 7 turn. The [T6] Bortas'que does not have the "gimped" cloak of the [T5].
The [T5] Bortas'que was an excellent beam ship and the [T6] is flat out AMAZING. The Tactical Bortas'que [T5] was the first KDF ship with 5 tactical consoles and science variant has Sensor Analysis. If you equip the [T6] with 2 of the"flagship consoles", it raises the base turn rate of the [T6] to 9.5. The [T6] flagship consoles are some of the best "clicky" consoles in the game; the Engineering console gives 30% to 45% "Bonus All Damage" to the [T6] for 30 seconds while the Tactical console gives a team-wide buff to speed, turn and weapon haste.
There are very few ships that can match the Flagships in performance when it comes to beams.
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,932Community Moderator
Speaking from experience with other turn rate buffing gear and flying cruisers, there's also the Pilot spec tree, Fleet Neutronium with +Turn, Tachyokinetic Converter, the Competative Rep Impulse Engines...
Back in the day there weren't as many things to buff turn rate, which may have contributed to it suffering, especially if people insist on putting cannons on her.
Some people here seem to be locked onto performance with only one type of weapon, Cannons. Beams are just as effective, and are actually better for slower turning ships because of the wider arc.
Sulu said it best in the intro to Starfleet Command vol. II.
The old T5 Borts were rather lackluster according to a fleetmate. The T6s sound like they've improved on that. Are they absolutely amazing? Probably not. BUT... built right, they can do some damage.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
But: The Oddy looks like a beam cruiser. THe Bortasque looks like something using dual cannons. And it can't do that really.
True. The [T5] has two interesting consoles: The Disruptor Auto-cannon (Which fires several cannon-style blasts of disruptors at a target within the ship's forward 45 degree arc) and the Subspace Snare (which grabs a ship within 3 km of you, teleports it directly ahead of you and shuts off it's engines for 3 sec). These suggest that it was intended to be a forward-weapon mounted ship, rather than a broadside vessel.
The [T6] can be an average dual cannon ship, but it still requires a larger investment in consoles than most players are willing to commit.
It is a terrible ship if you ignore the sorta-useful core and universal console though. Not necessarily the best heal clicky anymore but it's still useful.
Throw on either Kelvin or Vaadwaur Emitter Arrays to add to the look.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
The Samsar can actually do a lot of damage, but in a slightly different way than most people are used to.
Due to the command specialization and heavy engineering it can throw out a lot of radiation damage while tanking.
Combined with this trait: https://sto.gamepedia.com/Trait:_Improved_Weaponized_Emitters
I am just going to go out on a limb here and say that we have a very different idea of what counts as 'a lot of damage.'
Hello rubber banding my old friend, time to bounce around the battlezone again, where are all my bug reports going?, out of love with this game I am falling, As Cryptic fail to acknowledge a problem exists, Shakes an angry fist, And from Support all I'm hearing are the sounds of silence.
Seriously, every time one of those goes to warp I don't hear the normal woosh in my head but a flush!
Too bad the original space whale still got no Tier 6 update...
Vengeance is horrible. I hate the default material, but also all the others on it. I am never happy flying with it.
> redvenge wrote: »
> Your existing Fleet [T5U] is SUPERIOR to the C-Store ship. Therefore, the ONLY reason to get the C-Store ship is for it's Trait and Console. Both of which are GARBAGE. The better solution is to skip the Resolute entirely and just get the Fleet Advanced Heavy Cruiser [T6].
> First of all, spot on with everything you said. This is the only part I would disagree with.
> The only reason to buy the Resolute is because you like the Excelsior and want to fly one (personally, I love the Excelsior) but just going straight for the fleet ship is pretty much always a bad idea. You're going to spend the same amount in Fleet Modules and you're only going to unlock it for one character. Buying the C-Store version means you can get the Fleet ship account wide for 1 fleet module, other alts that aren't going to actually fly it can claim it for the admiralty card.
> I honestly wish they would remove the option to skip the C-Store and buy the Fleet for 5 fleet modules, it's just a bad use of Zen and I don't think it's explained all that well to players.
> As for the ship itself, honestly.. they can fix it very easily. Just change the Ensign Engineering station to a Universal and it opens up a ton of new options for the ship. It's not a bad ship as it is, you can make it into a pretty solid Aux2Bat beam boat, just use a command power like Overwhelm Emitters and slot something like Structural Integrity Collapse at Ensign to avoid double up on powers and you're good to go. Yeah, the console and trait are both.. meh.. and don't match the ship well at all. Honestly, I think it should also be Pilot instead of Command so it can slot 'fly her apart.'
> Just changing the one Ensign Engineering to a Universal would do so much to help make the ship better, but for some reason Cryptic seems content just leaving it as is even though everyone wants it changed. I guess for some reason, they just don't want the Resolute to sell.
All this...
I used to fly the excelsior almost exclusively because it was my favorite ship, but now it's crippled by a bad boff layout. That ensign being changed to universal would make a huge difference. I also agree it should have been pilot.
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
> potasssium wrote: »
> potasssium wrote: »
> Once you understand that the Bort is a Fed-styled beamwhale first and foremost, and being a battlecruiser a thing thrown on because, you'll finally get the Bort. With its antiquated 4/4 layout that results in a shipbutt full of **** turrets, it's not even particularly GOOD at the battlecruiser role, so once you accept its status as a beamwhale, the turn rate isn't really a huge deal.
Rattler2 I think the quoting system got screwed up, I just want to clarify I like both the Kobali Cruiser & Gorkon.
My favorite straight up cruiser is the ambassador and the Federation heavy cruiser, stargazer, Dakota, Cheyenne, Constellation.
Three out of my 14 characters are Federation so I don’t spend a lot of time in Federation cruisers.
Other than the Hull appearance the Kobali Samsar Is exactly what I would want as a T6 Ambassador, Stat wise. I’ve even considered using the character Tailor to make a Kobali looking Alien Captain.
On one of my minor alt captains, I can get my Gorkon up to a turn rate just under 27, without using much excessive turn based gear.
I am sure that my main could get it much higher. Yes it is a federation style cruiser, but it’s one that with enough attention given to it can you actually still use the tool heavy cannons it just requires some investment.
Now the person who mentioned the miracle worker ships yeah those are all beyond fugly. I only like one or two of the Romulan designs, and I don’t need more Romulan ships at the moment.
This one grew on me a lot.. I actually really like it now.
Of course, I also really like the Vengeance, The Scimitar, and the Excelsior is my favorite canon federation ship so to each their own.
Oh, and while I am alienating almost everyone here, might as well go for broke...
The Kirk era Enterprise is one of the ugliest piles of space garbage that any Sci-Fi series has ever vomited out. It's just completely awful.
Now if you'll excuse me.. I am going to hide until everyone is done throwing stuff at me.
The B is my favorite, I have a soft spot for the Excelsior. The Connie looks really weak, have you seen the amount of structural weakness on the Connie?
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
As for the Miracle Worker ships... I kinda see some inspiration from an OLD NPC ship design in them.
The OLD Jupiter Dreadnought. The Quad nacelle and bulkyness. Just like I see a parallel between the Fed Command Battlecruisers and the old Typhoon Dreadnought.
But for ugly I'd have to call out two out of the three Romulan Command ships. I just don't like how the wings swoop down so dramatically. Makes it look a little off balance to me. Kinda like a person walking hunched over hanging their arms down like a monkey off balance.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
Agreed 100%.
Lucky that the KDF have much better sci ships now.
This. The failure to have a Universal Seat wrecked a wonderful ship. They made the same mistake with the T6 version of the Prometheus at first and then corrected it in patch.
Given they never corrected it on the Resolute, I've decided that they made it subpar on purpose. The Excelsior was one of the best tac cruisers before the T6 era- and often complained about (especially from Galaxy fans) by a small section of the players. So when the T6 version was made- they basically decided to give in to that and removed it as a practical choice from the game.
I ended up quitting STO as that was the ship I flew like forever. But came back when they offered the Connie, which was the ship I wanted from the beginning anyway.
Yeah but the Borts aren't even very good at that, is the problem. You try to build a T6 Bort as a beam cruiser, I bet dollars to donuts I can get more mileage out of an FT5-U Tor'Kaht with a similar beam build (or with a T6 Odyssey, its direct competitor). Turn rate still matters with broadsiders, the overlarge inertia stat gimps the Bort's maneuverability further, and the cloak is specially made to be unjustifiably weak.
EDIT: I stand corrected, see next post.
— Sabaton, "Great War"
Check out https://unitedfederationofpla.net/s/
The [T5] Bortas'que was an excellent beam ship and the [T6] is flat out AMAZING. The Tactical Bortas'que [T5] was the first KDF ship with 5 tactical consoles and science variant has Sensor Analysis. If you equip the [T6] with 2 of the"flagship consoles", it raises the base turn rate of the [T6] to 9.5. The [T6] flagship consoles are some of the best "clicky" consoles in the game; the Engineering console gives 30% to 45% "Bonus All Damage" to the [T6] for 30 seconds while the Tactical console gives a team-wide buff to speed, turn and weapon haste.
There are very few ships that can match the Flagships in performance when it comes to beams.
Back in the day there weren't as many things to buff turn rate, which may have contributed to it suffering, especially if people insist on putting cannons on her.
Some people here seem to be locked onto performance with only one type of weapon, Cannons. Beams are just as effective, and are actually better for slower turning ships because of the wider arc.
Sulu said it best in the intro to Starfleet Command vol. II.
The old T5 Borts were rather lackluster according to a fleetmate. The T6s sound like they've improved on that. Are they absolutely amazing? Probably not. BUT... built right, they can do some damage.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
But: The Oddy looks like a beam cruiser. THe Bortasque looks like something using dual cannons. And it can't do that really.
The [T6] can be an average dual cannon ship, but it still requires a larger investment in consoles than most players are willing to commit.