I personally think ENT is over represented. It's not just the missions inw hich you replay episodes (nothing else what we do in STO) but the visuals we have are almost all taken from ENT because it was the most recent show. Tellarites, Andorians, Targs, weapon design, the original uniforms (the pocketed ones) and then recently we've gone full circle and declared ENTs Temporal War thing the central point of all STO, the whole game now revolves around ENT spiritually. The Mirror Universe took ENTs interpretation as a base. Enough is enough.
^ Memory Alpha.org is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
"No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
"A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
"That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
The game already has a lot of Enterprise based content. I don't really think we need all that much more. And yet another AOY type expansion where you play a person from a past timeline sounds like a boring repeat.
Let's conclude the Temporal Cold War (and with it a big ENT thing) and get on with the present. What's up with the Gorn & Klingon? What's up in the Gamma Quadrant? Are the Hur'q back? I've heard the Iconians were in the Andromeda galaxy, what's going on there now? What ever happened to the Kelvan exodus?
If AoY made me feel "Meh" about STO (except for the addition of the Kelvin Timeline and premium-grade trolling by Cryptic these last few weeks), then an ENT-era expansion would probably make me vomit compulsively until all my teeth are eroded into nubs and I pray for the sweet release of death to spare me from more exposure to that atrocious television series.
Tell us how you really feel about this idea of more Enterprise material into the game.
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
replace tractor beams with tow cables and transporters are only used very rarely in favor of shuttles?
Phase cannons?
why the hell not!
Tow cables are already in-game, it's the NX console. My shuttles use them, it was especially fun in atmosphere assault. Good times
^ Memory Alpha.org is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
"No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
"A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
"That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
replace tractor beams with tow cables and transporters are only used very rarely in favor of shuttles?
Phase cannons?
why the hell not!
Tow cables are already in-game, it's the NX console. My shuttles use them, it was especially fun in atmosphere assault. Good times
Oh no you don't. If you don't like ENT, then you don't get to use ENT material. Please hand in your grappler at the door.
Norway and Yeager dammit... I still want my Typhoon and Jupiter though. JJ Trek The Kelvin Timeline is just Trek and it's fully canon... get over it. But I still prefer TAR.
'...I can tell you that we're not in the military and that we intend no harm to the whales.' Kirk: The Voyage Home
'Starfleet is not a military organisation. Its purpose is exploration.' Picard: Peak Performance
'This is clearly a military operation. Is that what we are now? Because I thought we were explorers!' Scotty: Into Darkness
'...The Federation. Starfleet. We're not a military agency.' Scotty: Beyond
'I'm not a soldier anymore. I'm an engineer.' Miles O'Brien: Empok Nor
'...Starfleet could use you... It's a peacekeeping and humanitarian armada...' Admiral Pike: Star Trek
Oh no you don't. If you don't like ENT, then you don't get to use ENT material. Please hand in your grappler at the door.
Nevarr! It's mine! I already licked it! *lick lick lick* But you can still have it, if you want *hooves you a grappler clad in Targ drool*
^ Memory Alpha.org is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
"No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
"A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
"That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
Oh no you don't. If you don't like ENT, then you don't get to use ENT material. Please hand in your grappler at the door.
Nevarr! It's mine! I already licked it! *lick lick lick* But you can still have it, if you want *hooves you a grappler clad in Targ drool*
*Slowly pulls on some blue rubber gloves and preps a tranq gun*
Norway and Yeager dammit... I still want my Typhoon and Jupiter though. JJ Trek The Kelvin Timeline is just Trek and it's fully canon... get over it. But I still prefer TAR.
'...I can tell you that we're not in the military and that we intend no harm to the whales.' Kirk: The Voyage Home
'Starfleet is not a military organisation. Its purpose is exploration.' Picard: Peak Performance
'This is clearly a military operation. Is that what we are now? Because I thought we were explorers!' Scotty: Into Darkness
'...The Federation. Starfleet. We're not a military agency.' Scotty: Beyond
'I'm not a soldier anymore. I'm an engineer.' Miles O'Brien: Empok Nor
'...Starfleet could use you... It's a peacekeeping and humanitarian armada...' Admiral Pike: Star Trek
I was thinking... one of my favorite shows was Enterprise because I thought the ships and the combat of that era was really really well done. The interior of the ships were amazing as well as the destinations that the show took us in 4 seasons. I think that the amazing STO dev team should consider doing an Enterprise Era (2151) Expansion or Season and give us the same kind of story arc and ship options as they did this the Agents of Yesterday expansion.
I've always wanted to command ships from that era but right now, I'm stuck with a T1 NX class that gets pulverized in a couple of shots. A T1 through T6 tree of Enterprise Era ships with say 5 or 6 episodes would be really fun and I don't think I'd be able to stop myself from getting all the ships and playing through that story arc as much as I can. What do you guys think?
or make t6 nx. since in game it seems ships have no progress at all... older ships having higher tiers than newer...
I was thinking... one of my favorite shows was Enterprise because I thought the ships and the combat of that era was really really well done. The interior of the ships were amazing as well as the destinations that the show took us in 4 seasons. I think that the amazing STO dev team should consider doing an Enterprise Era (2151) Expansion or Season and give us the same kind of story arc and ship options as they did this the Agents of Yesterday expansion.
I've always wanted to command ships from that era but right now, I'm stuck with a T1 NX class that gets pulverized in a couple of shots. A T1 through T6 tree of Enterprise Era ships with say 5 or 6 episodes would be really fun and I don't think I'd be able to stop myself from getting all the ships and playing through that story arc as much as I can. What do you guys think?
or make t6 nx. since in game it seems ships have no progress at all... older ships having higher tiers than newer...
Technically, the NX we have ingame is a 25th century copy of the original, so a NX Refit/Columbia class at T6 would be suitable.
Prime universe
"The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
Isn't the pioneer supposed to be this refit? I'd say it's at least heavily inspired (not a copy of course)
^ Memory Alpha.org is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
"No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
"A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
"That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
Isn't the pioneer supposed to be this refit? I'd say it's at least heavily inspired (not a copy of course)
You can see the similarities, enlarge the secondary hull, stretch it back and have the struts connect to it with a TOS skin and you have a TOS version of the Columbia class.
"The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
I don't think there is much interest in an Enterprise era expansion...the tv series wasn't very popular and i doubt an expansion in that era would be all that popular either.
I enjoyed Enterprise on the whole, yes it had it's issues but those can be overlooked .
"The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
I would love to see the NX refit class. But probably be a lockbox like usual.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
Probably not worth a full expansion, but I can totally see it as a small mission arc in the "yesterday's war" tab. Get a few voice actors (T'Pol) from the show and maybe do 2-3 mission arc incorporating the earth-romulan war era plus a PUG mission where you fight against a romulan invasion of vulcan or something like that.
Add a few ships, like refitted vulcan T6 ships, T6 romulan sience vessel maybe too. Add the art assets to the foundry aswell. If the feedback is good cryptic can always expand on that.
It appears to be marmite. Nicely metal as well. OR as close to metal as one can get whilst sinning about yeast spread.
Norway and Yeager dammit... I still want my Typhoon and Jupiter though. JJ Trek The Kelvin Timeline is just Trek and it's fully canon... get over it. But I still prefer TAR.
'...I can tell you that we're not in the military and that we intend no harm to the whales.' Kirk: The Voyage Home
'Starfleet is not a military organisation. Its purpose is exploration.' Picard: Peak Performance
'This is clearly a military operation. Is that what we are now? Because I thought we were explorers!' Scotty: Into Darkness
'...The Federation. Starfleet. We're not a military agency.' Scotty: Beyond
'I'm not a soldier anymore. I'm an engineer.' Miles O'Brien: Empok Nor
'...Starfleet could use you... It's a peacekeeping and humanitarian armada...' Admiral Pike: Star Trek
nx-01 bridge, Retcon Dear Doctor, denobulan character and bridge officer, sulabon character and bridge officer, kelvin timeline beyond lockbox, with ENT-A, and kelvin K'tinga battlecruiser, and franklin lobi ship. enterprise vo's returning.
I personally love that song tbh ...
^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
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Let's conclude the Temporal Cold War (and with it a big ENT thing) and get on with the present. What's up with the Gorn & Klingon? What's up in the Gamma Quadrant? Are the Hur'q back? I've heard the Iconians were in the Andromeda galaxy, what's going on there now? What ever happened to the Kelvan exodus?
Tell us how you really feel about this idea of more Enterprise material into the game.
Phase cannons?
why the hell not!
Tow cables are already in-game, it's the NX console. My shuttles use them, it was especially fun in atmosphere assault. Good times
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Oh no you don't. If you don't like ENT, then you don't get to use ENT material. Please hand in your grappler at the door.
Norway and Yeager dammit... I still want my Typhoon and Jupiter though.
JJ Trek The Kelvin Timeline is just Trek and it's fully canon... get over it. But I still prefer TAR.
'...I can tell you that we're not in the military and that we intend no harm to the whales.' Kirk: The Voyage Home
'Starfleet is not a military organisation. Its purpose is exploration.' Picard: Peak Performance
'This is clearly a military operation. Is that what we are now? Because I thought we were explorers!' Scotty: Into Darkness
'...The Federation. Starfleet. We're not a military agency.' Scotty: Beyond
'I'm not a soldier anymore. I'm an engineer.' Miles O'Brien: Empok Nor
'...Starfleet could use you... It's a peacekeeping and humanitarian armada...' Admiral Pike: Star Trek
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Nevarr! It's mine! I already licked it! *lick lick lick* But you can still have it, if you want *hooves you a grappler clad in Targ drool*
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
*Slowly pulls on some blue rubber gloves and preps a tranq gun*
Norway and Yeager dammit... I still want my Typhoon and Jupiter though.
JJ Trek The Kelvin Timeline is just Trek and it's fully canon... get over it. But I still prefer TAR.
'...I can tell you that we're not in the military and that we intend no harm to the whales.' Kirk: The Voyage Home
'Starfleet is not a military organisation. Its purpose is exploration.' Picard: Peak Performance
'This is clearly a military operation. Is that what we are now? Because I thought we were explorers!' Scotty: Into Darkness
'...The Federation. Starfleet. We're not a military agency.' Scotty: Beyond
'I'm not a soldier anymore. I'm an engineer.' Miles O'Brien: Empok Nor
'...Starfleet could use you... It's a peacekeeping and humanitarian armada...' Admiral Pike: Star Trek
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*Opens the Marmite Jar*
*Removes clothing*
*Spreads the Marmite Substance over himself*
Come at me bro!
Technically, the NX we have ingame is a 25th century copy of the original, so a NX Refit/Columbia class at T6 would be suitable.
Prime universe
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
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You can see the similarities, enlarge the secondary hull, stretch it back and have the struts connect to it with a TOS skin and you have a TOS version of the Columbia class.
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
Non Related announcement that isn't worthy of capital letters: ARTAN!!!!! @artan42 what is this?!
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
Add a few ships, like refitted vulcan T6 ships, T6 romulan sience vessel maybe too. Add the art assets to the foundry aswell. If the feedback is good cryptic can always expand on that.
It appears to be marmite. Nicely metal as well. OR as close to metal as one can get whilst sinning about yeast spread.
Norway and Yeager dammit... I still want my Typhoon and Jupiter though.
JJ Trek The Kelvin Timeline is just Trek and it's fully canon... get over it. But I still prefer TAR.
'...I can tell you that we're not in the military and that we intend no harm to the whales.' Kirk: The Voyage Home
'Starfleet is not a military organisation. Its purpose is exploration.' Picard: Peak Performance
'This is clearly a military operation. Is that what we are now? Because I thought we were explorers!' Scotty: Into Darkness
'...The Federation. Starfleet. We're not a military agency.' Scotty: Beyond
'I'm not a soldier anymore. I'm an engineer.' Miles O'Brien: Empok Nor
'...Starfleet could use you... It's a peacekeeping and humanitarian armada...' Admiral Pike: Star Trek
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