If this is supposed to be a race all it's own and it's also bound to cardassia, why are there no lifetime membership ships for these two races?
Romulans too had to pick a faction at the end of their arc and yet they actually have a romulan ship that could be used by remans!
I would like to see at least a Cardassian Lifetime Ship! That would be awesome!
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Very much this.
I refuse to accept this logic.
TOS has its own faction selection at the login screen. They are the only faction selectable from login that doesn't already have or has dev-stated plans to have its own veteran ship. This is an error that needs to be corrected. You will not convince me otherwise.
I Support Disco | Disco is Love | Disco is Life
Considering by the time you can fly one you're in the 25th Century already...
Then why are you in this thread? To beat us over the head with that stick? Because nothing we say will change a thing.
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I popped into this thread because I was curious whether or not OP was just whining or if they actually didn't know there were plans for a Jem vet ship in the works and intended to give them the good news if they hadn't been told as much yet.
I posted because it is my personal mission to espouse the need for a TOS Vet ship, and precisely because what we say can, sometimes, change things. It's the exception rather than the rule, to be sure, but we've gotten stupid decisions and careless omissions corrected in the past - just look at the universal seat on the Hestia, or that awful dilithium reduction they tried to pass on STFs a few years back that got rolled back after enough fan rage. Hell, enough persistent whining even got Fed carriers made.
I am aware my quest is likely for naught, but the only thing it costs me is a few minutes of my time every once in a while to keep it up, so why not beat a few heads with this righteous stick? Besides, it's not like I'm doing it constantly - this the first time I've brandished this girthy weapon since AoY dropped.
That's what I'm doing in this thread. Thanks for asking. How about you? You just here to rain on parades?
I Support Disco | Disco is Love | Disco is Life
I agree, AoY characters and Jem'Hadar characters should both have their own LTS rewards.
This we do gladly, for we are Jem'Hadar. Victory is Life!"
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TOS has access to the Fed LTS ship, but they do not have an LTS ship. I understand the difference is subtle, but there is a difference. By the logic put forth in this thread, they shouldn't have bothered to make TOS ships other than the Enterprise and starter ships because TOS are just Feds anyway and can use all the same ships. And yet, there they are. So why shouldn't the same be true of the Vet ship? Hell, we even got a TOS-aesthetic cruiser in the same style as the Command cruisers - in a lockbox, granted, but we did get it.
So forgive me if "they're just feds" doesn't strike me as a solid enough argument to warrant not expressing a desire for one, because for the life of me, I can't see why that would be the case.
I Support Disco | Disco is Love | Disco is Life
They can't, that's the point. Jems didn't get access to a vet destroyer and a vet shuttle. I'd been totally fine if they'd just have gotten the fed & kdf version but luckily the devs decided that we'll get a ship with a polaron lotus.
And as much as you dislike the fact that TOS is treated as "sidebranch of feds" that is how cryptic decided it from the start and that's why they didn't get a TOS style chimera/manticore. Because they are just fancy feds with a different set of character animations, that's the only real difference between TOS and regular fed.
Could also live with a playable Vorta for lifetime members.
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I agree... TOS is it's own faction much like Romulans are and Romulan's got their own ship. Gamma toons should be in the same boat with the Romulans as the TOS should be with their own themed ships.
Jems shouldn't get a vet ship. No, seriously, they shouldn't (and I am one, in case you wondered). Jems got so many freebie leg-ups already, it's outrageous as it is. Not that I'm complaining, LOL, but I wouldn't dare ask for a vet ship on top of everything else.
We got a free, iconic T5U bug-ship. Consider that your vet-ship, if you must feel you got one.
That being said, nothing was ever said about TOS ever getting a Veteran ship. As they are brought forward in time and folded into the regular FED Faction per their storyline, it doesn't really make sense to have a separate one. Although, personally, I would gladly accept a TOS skin for my Chimera.
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There's some linear logic there about the factions. In my mind I've always considered the Romulans as sort of adopted into a faction of Federation or KDF & it is the same for these Jem'Hadar. I don't even consider it Dominion since there is only the Jem'Hadar. I was looking forward to playable Cardassians out of nostalgia & creativity, but with the inflated price Cryptic decided upon I won't buy. After all it is just another paint job of a playable character with (1) different specific trait.
In regards to a LTS ship for this new playable Jem'Hadar I could see it come to fruition in a few months simply because Cryptic did it for the Romulans so there's precedent.
Overall this expansion was nicely done on some aspects & yes there were & are "bugs" with it. There are some things really well done, but Cryptic has some lows with this expansion too. This expansion was more limited in it's scope compared to previous expansions so I wonder why. I do think Cryptic has more to be released, episodes/missions, & hopefully the content will awe us in the future linking to this expansion, but we've also recently seen how Cryptic doesn't have much concern on not delivering on what they say too.
Hehe, so true.
The roms and jems are similar to this in a way but much closer to each other in that they can then choose which faction they join and still have something of their own identity.
TOS is the federation, just older.
Do you remember the days before Tier 6 ships and Delta Rising? She was a monster back then, and old T5 Bugship was only starting to have somewhat closer competition with some of the last batches of excellent Escorts that were coming out before Delta Rising.
The Fed Tempest, Undine Nicor being examples. But before those new ships could really make a statement, BAM!
Tier 6, yo!
I'd love to see how they design the Jem'Hadar Vet ship.
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That's a very accurate description of the "TOSlings".
I hope I didn't sound like a doom profit I was just expressing my disappointment.
I'm glad they are considering it.
I wouldn't mind having several skins to use for the Federation Chimeara ship! They'd have to change the console's animations a bit for the TOS style graphics for things like they did with the 23rd century skills but I'm okay with that!