Greetings Captains!
We will be having a maintenance tomorrow, 6/7 at 7AM Pacific for 2.5 hours. (
What time is this for me?)
You can find our patch notes here.
We value your feedback and want to help direct it to the right locations. Please check the following link to redirect to the best sub-forums to post your replies.Experiencing a Gameplay Bug with our latest patch? Please click this link to be taken to our Gameplay Bug Report Section to file your reports.
Thank you for the assistance!
The Star Trek Online Team
Good, don't want people asking about the feet they earned.
Still nothing about the visual glitch that makes your weapons vanish after using a kit/Boff ability?
Same applies for the Diplomatic Mission that follows that one. Jem'hadar can't seem to go to P'Jem.
This we do gladly, for we are Jem'Hadar. Victory is Life!"
It might have something to do with Lighting 1.0 vs Lighting 2.0. I'm using 2.0 and I can see just fine.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
I'm grateful for the rapid turnaround on some of these fixes - especially the reputation sponsorships.
Uh thanks for ruining it for me..MUTANT HURQ..Lol..I was stuggling to get the patcher to work and havent started ViL..
More importantly..I hope the patcher issue is resolved with the corrupted file server side.I HOPE SO!!
Adu-Uss Firefox NCC-93425-F (LVL 65 FED AoY ENG) UR/VR MKXV Fleet Intel Assault Cruiser (July 2016)
Jean-Uss Seratoga Ravenna (LVL 60 FED Delta ENG) UC/R MKVI Bajoran Escort (April 2018)
Dubsa-RRW Mnaudh (LVL 50 FED allied ROM Delta ENG) Warbird (May 2018)
Marop-IKS Orunthi (LVL 50 KNG Delta ENG) BoP (May 2018)
Kanak'lan-TRIBBLE (LVL 65 DOM Gamma ENG) TRIBBLE (June 2018)
Can confirm. If you buy the Cardassians as playable, you can buy common Cardassian boffs in those stores. Unfortunatly, no word if you can get them as anything other than common rarity.
I had it yesterday, too, but it worked fine for me today. Part of it may be the way you exit after the cut scene where you get the transponder - you MUST use the Leave System button in the middle of the screen. Hitting ESC, or using the mini-map button to leave the system will cause yo9u to loop eternally.
It's definitely for those of us with Lighting 1.0. I'm blacked out too, and my option to switch to Lighting 2.0 is now greyed out.
Oddly enough I had the opposite issue just recently. I had just recently replayed 'Time in a Bottle' and could barely see a thing while phased at the end part. I queried a fleetmate and he entered it with no issues. We compared notes and I was using 2.0 while he was using 1.0. He flipped to 2.0 and everything went dark too.
Confirmed on my end as well. Without Lighting 2.0 it's really dark in DS9 but once Lighting 2.0 is on It's fine. ( which I don't like because Lighting 2.0 slows the game down on my computer sometimes making it almost unplayable)
Thanks, that worked.
Does this mean we will be able to apply sponsorship or were they meant to have it unlocked?
In the Graphical and Sound Issues section in the Support forum, there is a thread called PSA: Lighting 1.0 Blackness. There is a workaround for the problem you are having. Thanks.
Doesnt work at al..Tried it about 5 times today and no luck..
Adu-Uss Firefox NCC-93425-F (LVL 65 FED AoY ENG) UR/VR MKXV Fleet Intel Assault Cruiser (July 2016)
Jean-Uss Seratoga Ravenna (LVL 60 FED Delta ENG) UC/R MKVI Bajoran Escort (April 2018)
Dubsa-RRW Mnaudh (LVL 50 FED allied ROM Delta ENG) Warbird (May 2018)
Marop-IKS Orunthi (LVL 50 KNG Delta ENG) BoP (May 2018)
Kanak'lan-TRIBBLE (LVL 65 DOM Gamma ENG) TRIBBLE (June 2018)
Adu-Uss Firefox NCC-93425-F (LVL 65 FED AoY ENG) UR/VR MKXV Fleet Intel Assault Cruiser (July 2016)
Jean-Uss Seratoga Ravenna (LVL 60 FED Delta ENG) UC/R MKVI Bajoran Escort (April 2018)
Dubsa-RRW Mnaudh (LVL 50 FED allied ROM Delta ENG) Warbird (May 2018)
Marop-IKS Orunthi (LVL 50 KNG Delta ENG) BoP (May 2018)
Kanak'lan-TRIBBLE (LVL 65 DOM Gamma ENG) TRIBBLE (June 2018)
Hmmm, I didn't realise they were supposed to be sponsored in the first place! I wasted a ton of marks getting sponsorship tokens, then wondered why the Sponsorship projects weren't appearing. Ha!