Hard to believe this mission still bugs. but it does. Security Cadet after getting rifle from locker runs to target area, stops and his gun disappears. Game doesn't recognize you have equipped your rifle. After killing 3 Klingons in transporter room and reaching 71% on mission, there's no other enemies, and no way to restart the mission. If you unequip your rifle and relog, the last 2 klingons appear in the hallway and you can reequip your rifle and proceed.
I know you don't have BOFFs in this part of the Tutorial...but that Security guy is "standing in" for them...or acting in the same manner if you had one.
A current thread on that issue (not in Bug Reports, so keep this thread up).....
Inside that ^^^ thread....Frtoaster has a link to his older bug report...!!!!
"Equipping the Rifle" is part of the Tutorial.
If you turned the Tutorial off (with all the arrows and pop ups)...you probably won't see the prompt to equip the rifle. The program must be taking that as not having the dang thing equipped at all? That is just totally confused.
"Hey, it's not as bad as that K'Gan thing" consolation prize.
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
I had the tutorial on for testing purposes. Something out of whack in that mission. If you go back to him he says to open the armory so we can get weapons. If you go back to the armory, he gets another rifle and well, does the same thing. The thing is there is no way out of the mission. You can't drop it or 'beam up'. After several relogs I tried the unequip rifle thing while in the transporter room and that worked.
I did notice that the mission step for the rifle did not get satisfied until I had equipped the rifle and selected it for use. If you just equip it but continue using the pistol, the rifle never registers and that mission step remains un satisfied.
First time, I had exactly this same bug. So, I deleted that character, and made a new one. That new one had exactly the same bug. Both times, it did exactly this same thing. Coming out of the armoury, no Klingons spawn in the hallway. One cadet just gets vaporised without being shot. The only Klingons are in the transporter room, and two in the next hallway. I kill them, but all I can get is 71% on repelling Klingons.
Edit: After no other options, I simply deleted that second character, and didn't look back. I am not going to make another character unless this gets fixed.
So much for the Delta Recruit event. The entire point of the event is to make us create more characters, but there is no point in creating more characters when we cannot even complete the tutorial. What is worse is how the tutorial has been broken since 2015. 2015!
Seriously, Cryptic, fix this. There is no excuse for something being broken for 3 years, much less a bug that disallows people from even starting a game in the first place.
My Ship Builds: USS Conqueror, HMS Victorious, HMS Concord, ISS Queen Elizabeth, Black Widow III
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It could be a bug specific to only a specific race or class, or even a specific combination of race/class. All of my attempts were with a Female, Alien, Sci. I've already spent more time than I care to trying to duplicate the problem with no success and I'm not about to keep deleting and creating new toons to try all different race/class/sex combos.
Maybe if those who have been having this problem would post the race/sex and class of the toon they created it might show a pattern that the Devs could use to help find a solution. Since it obviously does not affect everyone, the Devs could spend days trying to even duplicate the problem, much less finding a solution.
Male Caitain, tac here. As you can see from the image I do have the rifle equipped, so if can't leave the armory without doing so it's just not acknowledging you have it equipped in the mission window (at least in my case). But, that doesn't explain why the 2 Klingons that are supposed to be in the hall weren't there originally.
lindaleff is right, doing some research this bug has been around since last Delta if not longer. There are numerous posts about this bug and new people quitting the game because they couldn't get past this mission. One would think that alone would have spurred some action on the devs part. The funny thing is, I started 3 new characters. I've played my Rom to 20 and my KDF to 12 and haven't encountered any game breaking bugs. The Fed tutorial is littered with bugs including this game breaker, pathing problems on Starbase 157, etc.
If you equip the rifle and run back out into the corridor too early. The mission breaks, you'll have to delete the character and re-create it.
I experienced this issue when creating new characters.
Simply take it slow, when the game tells you to equip the rifle. Use the tutorial boxes to do so, do not rush back out into the corridor before the NPC's go and the game tells you to follow.
You might try a non Caitan, see if you get past that spot. If so, that would confirm that it's a problem with the Caitan. Even better if you try a Vulcan. Male, Vulcan, Tac, default appearance and random names which is what I just used. If you get past that spot, delete the Vulcan and try your Caitan again. If you still have the problem using the exact same toon I tried, then that will signify that it's a problem with some peoples game files. If the Vulcan works, but the Caitan doesn't, then it's a problem with Caitan...and maybe other races, but you definitely had problems with a Caitan, twice.
Kind of doubt that it's race/profession thing, but then again...
To even begin to find a fix, the Devs will first have to duplicate the problem, and they could spend hours or even days trying different combinations with the same results I have gotten, no problems found before they hit that magic combination that triggers it. Or they could spend days trying every possible combinations and never have a problem at all, which would point to a problem at the players end. A little bit of time on the part of those players who are having the problem could save them one heck of a lot of time.
Well, this bug has been around for like ever, 3 or 4 years apparently, so seems they can't figure it out. This was my 4th Fed character to run this tutorial and the 1st time I have had it happen. It could have been fixed previously, but this latest patch seems to have brought back some old bugs.
My Ship Builds: USS Conqueror, HMS Victorious, HMS Concord, ISS Queen Elizabeth, Black Widow III
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And my last test was with a Vulcan, Male, tac and I had no problems. See why it could be tough for the Devs to find ? You and I both ran it with the exact same toon, yet yours bugged out while mine didn't. It could be any number of things, heck it could be something as innocuous as "if the last two digits of the time stamp of character creation = 12, 23 or 25 the mission crashes". Being too lazy to go look it up, I do seem to remember the workaround last time was to just delete and try again until it worked. The only reason that even comes to mind is that I remember having to do that a few times myself when DR first came out.
Problems that always occur when obvious conditions are met are easy to find, even if they aren't easy to solve sometimes. Problems that occur seemingly totally randomly can be next to impossible to find, and if they can't even replicate the problem, they definitely won't be able to fix it.
Things I want in STO:
1) More character customization options such as more clothing options, letting the toon complexion affect the entire body, not just the head. Also a true RGB color picker applied to all costume and appearance options, which would allow for true appearance customization and homogenous colors instead of "this same exact color looks vastly different on two different pieces."
2) Bridge customization, not bridge packs. Let us pick a general layout and adjust the color palette, console appearance, and chair types, as well as more ready room layout options.
3) Customizable ground weapons, i.e. The aesthetic look of phaser dual pistols but they shoot antiproton bolts. For obvious reasons this would only apply to standard ground weapons.
4) For the love of Q please revamp Plasma Ground Weapons. They look like demented Supersoakers right now.
5) True Vanity Impulse and Deflector effects similar to Vanity Shields.
6) A greater payout for hitting T6 Reputations. Currently it takes more time and resources to get from T5 to T6 than it does to get from nothing to T5. Make that grind really pay out at the end.
7) Mirrorverse Refugee event similar to AoY/Delta/Gamma, complete with new Mirrorverse recruits for all factions.
8) Independent Faction, because yo ho yo ho a pirate's life for me!
After two character attempts, I deleted them both, and didn't look back.
My Ship Builds: USS Conqueror, HMS Victorious, HMS Concord, ISS Queen Elizabeth, Black Widow III
Click here to view my DeviantArt.
As you can see, the rifle is equipped, but the mission tracker still says "Equip Your Rifle". And the objective "Repel Klingon Boarders" is stuck at 71%. There are no more Klingons to shoot.
Unequipping and re-equipping the rifle did not fix the problem. Selecting "Change Character" and logging back in did not fix the problem. Restarting the client did not fix the problem. I eventually gave up and deleted the character. Then, I recreated the character from scratch.
I suspect you are correct. The objective seems to be quite fragile. Doing anything slightly unexpected or out of order breaks it.
This is correct in my experience with the tutorial, and I've run it a ton. On the times it glitched and failed to produce the 2 initial Klingons is because I was rushing through it like I do with all the missions, just pressing F as fast as I can to move the mission along.
BUT, if you just do this one part methodically and "by the book," the mission has not failed once. Click through the dialog at the beginning when you are on the turbolift, head to the door and unlock it, follow your fellow cadets in, grab the rifle. At this point be patient and wait for the pop-up dialog hint boxes and do what they say. First, the pop-up to click on your character icon in the mini-map, do that. Second, the pop-up to click on your empty hand box, do that. Third, click on your new rifle then again to click OK to equip it. Fourth, close the character and inventory boxes and follow the mission instruction to swap weapons. At that point follow your cadets out of the armory and continue as normal. If you try to speed past this part the mission will break and you will have to completely exit the game and restart it...which should work.
Hit this bug, and spent hours trying to get past it. Reinstalled. Deleted Characters. Gave up and went back to playing Witcher 3.
I'll try one more time, seeing if the "equp rifle ASAP" will get me past this point.
Is the rest of the game this fragile? If so, I'd rather play Witcher, MechWarrior5, etc.