Look guys, even if you guys don't like the JJverse and Discovery stuff, please show some respect regarding the stuff in game. The artist, programmers and devs worked really hard to put this in here.
While you are absolutely right with a (general) call for respect for (the work) of others I’m not the least bit worried in the particular case you point out.
Players pay their respect with their wallet and comparing the number of win notifications of the kelvin/discovery releases with all the others I’m sure the devs aren’t worried either.
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Do the Devs determine what they do or does someone tell them what to make? For all we know, they all hate JJ and TRIBBLE but do what they are told to stick in the next lockbox. As for what the ships look like, yeah, they do a good job w/ them. All my TRIBBLE hate is properly directed at CBS for the non-trek trek they made and their use of Trek just to sell their All Access thing.
My main issue with TRIBBLE is CBS's desire to ride TOS's coat-tails. They should have had the spine to do like BSG and say they were making a new iteration of Trek totally separate from the Prime and Kelvin timelines, but nooo, they had be weenies and make a freakin 'prequel' to TOS. But a prequel that totally canon breaking. /endrant
When people bash a particular design they aren't speaking of the game developers work on them, they are speaking of the original version in general from the shows.
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,914Community Moderator
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
I personally hate almost everything JJverse and Discovery brought to Star trek (and don't think I didn't give them a chance) and would love if there was no such content in STO.
Look guys, even if you guys don't like the JJverse and Discovery stuff, please show some respect regarding the stuff in game. The artist, programmers and devs worked really hard to put this in here.
This sort of unprovoked, inflamatory admonishments never end well.
I won't get into the argument over what people do and don't like.. I'll just say that I have always felt that the assets brought into the game from both the Kelvin Time line and Discovery were all very well done.
Any opinions aside of the shows (I just don't want to get into that) the art guys have done a great job bringing these assets into the game.
To be honest, since it's very rare that I enter an STF and DON'T see at least one KT Dreadnought on the team, I'd say that the KT is more popular than some would like to admit.
Quite a lot yea, not sure if this is because fans get to play admiral Robocop’s ship or if is just because it’s a very powerful craft under the currently favored gear and boff powers. You know… just like all the “faw spamming scimitards” or how they are called. Many of us simply like powerful ships no matter which universe they come from.
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When a player flies by in a Tarantula, seeing a JJPrise is the least of our immersive worries. I don't even notice ship inappropriateness anymore. KT and Disc assets are well-done in game and I've never heard any complaints about quality, whatever our opinions of modern Star Trek. I love my Walker-class, as hideous as the Discovery and JJPrise are. Use what you like, roll your eyes at what you don't and move on.
While I'm not too fond of the more recent incarnations of Trek, I have no problem with the content and even use some of it to build my own characters upon.
My problem is more of a general nature - I do not like mixing all the different styles together but that's not limited to the new works. I don't like to see TOS side-by-side with TNG or the KT. I am not a fan of the "timelines" approach of STO - one to catch all to cash in on toys from each era.
^ Memory Alpha.org is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
"No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
"A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
"That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
I picked up kt dread on console only because it was the closest to the TMP Enterprise in style I was ever going to be able to get. I like that classic design and the KT dread is at least somewhat close, and is a good powerful design.
To be honest, since it's very rare that I enter an STF and DON'T see at least one KT Dreadnought on the team, I'd say that the KT is more popular than some would like to admit.
Quite a lot yea, not sure if this is because fans get to play admiral Robocop’s ship or if is just because it’s a very powerful craft under the currently favored gear and boff powers. You know… just like all the “faw spamming scimitards” or how they are called. Many of us simply like powerful ships no matter which universe they come from.
That's a good point. To be honest I suspect that the motivation for obtaining said ship probably IS, as you say, the fact that it's a powerful ship with a favourable layout.
But I'd also argue that there will be some players that purchased it because "it's that massive OP ship from 'Into Darkness".
I can only speak for myself.. but when the movie came out, I just loved the ship. I thought it looked really cool and thought it would be cool to fly one in STO. Of course, this was at a time where most people (myself included) thought the idea of Abrams material coming to STO was a virtual impossibility. Then it was revealed that we were indeed getting it, and I was happy for about 2 seconds.. until the thought hit me that it would certainly be a Lock Box grand prize ship and will probably cost everything I have (in game assets) to acquire. When it ended up that the ship was not only available, but was a Lobi ship that was easily affordable, it was a no brainer I was going to get one.
For many though, I'm sure it's about power and the fact that being a lobi ship it's not very expensive. To me, I loved the ship, but I won't lie.. the fact that it's also the fed equivalent of the Scimitar made it even better. Three of my characters have one and I love it. Some don't like it.. cool, but personally.. I love the KT Dread. Of course.. I also love the Scimitar so there ya to.
While I'm not too fond of the more recent incarnations of Trek, I have no problem with the content and even use some of it to build my own characters upon.
My problem is more of a general nature - I do not like mixing all the different styles together but that's not limited to the new works. I don't like to see TOS side-by-side with TNG or the KT. I am not a fan of the "timelines" approach of STO - one to catch all to cash in on toys from each era.
I think they did a good job putting the STDs in to the game. That said I still don't like the show for what it's supposed to represent in regards to the time line and universe it's supposed to be set it. For me it's something that fits more in the Kelvin universe so shoe horning it in the prime universe stinks I feel. Enterprise did a better job bridging the gap between their position in the past and the TOS era. As a creative work and given the setting it's supposed to represent, Discovery fails for me.
I know it wasn't the devs call, but I'd like and respect the in-game JJConnie a whole lot more of it was the size of a Prime Connie rather than the size of a Galaxy Class.
Lifetime Subscriber since Beta ^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
The T6 Konnie is a more viable T6 than the T6 Connie. From an engineering aspect the T6 Connie is way too OP for it's size, as are the other T6 upgrades of tiny ships, and shouldn't be a match for the Konnie, never mind for (awful) Universe Class.
"You don't want to patrol!? You don't want to escort!? You don't want to defend the Federation's Starbases!? Then why are you flying my Starships!? If you were a Klingon you'd be killed on the spot, but lucky for you.....you WERE in Starfleet. Let's see how New Zealand Penal Colony suits you." Adm A. Necheyev.
Look guys, even if you guys don't like the JJverse and Discovery stuff, please show some respect regarding the stuff in game. The artist, programmers and devs worked really hard to put this in here.
Yeah like how JJ Trek and Discovery showed so much respect to the fanbase and trek canon?
Players pay their respect with their wallet and comparing the number of win notifications of the kelvin/discovery releases with all the others I’m sure the devs aren’t worried either.
Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
My main issue with TRIBBLE is CBS's desire to ride TOS's coat-tails. They should have had the spine to do like BSG and say they were making a new iteration of Trek totally separate from the Prime and Kelvin timelines, but nooo, they had be weenies and make a freakin 'prequel' to TOS. But a prequel that totally canon breaking. /endrant
My character Tsin'xing
I respect the original intent of this thread... but I'm fully expecting things to go off into left field BIG TIME.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
This sort of unprovoked, inflamatory admonishments never end well.
Any opinions aside of the shows (I just don't want to get into that) the art guys have done a great job bringing these assets into the game.
Quite a lot yea, not sure if this is because fans get to play admiral Robocop’s ship or if is just because it’s a very powerful craft under the currently favored gear and boff powers. You know… just like all the “faw spamming scimitards” or how they are called. Many of us simply like powerful ships no matter which universe they come from.
Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
My problem is more of a general nature - I do not like mixing all the different styles together but that's not limited to the new works. I don't like to see TOS side-by-side with TNG or the KT. I am not a fan of the "timelines" approach of STO - one to catch all to cash in on toys from each era.
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I like that classic design and the KT dread is at least somewhat close, and is a good powerful design.
I consider him the Martin Shkreli, Mark Zuckerberg, and/or Ajit Pai of sci-fi franchises.
I can only speak for myself.. but when the movie came out, I just loved the ship. I thought it looked really cool and thought it would be cool to fly one in STO. Of course, this was at a time where most people (myself included) thought the idea of Abrams material coming to STO was a virtual impossibility. Then it was revealed that we were indeed getting it, and I was happy for about 2 seconds.. until the thought hit me that it would certainly be a Lock Box grand prize ship and will probably cost everything I have (in game assets) to acquire. When it ended up that the ship was not only available, but was a Lobi ship that was easily affordable, it was a no brainer I was going to get one.
For many though, I'm sure it's about power and the fact that being a lobi ship it's not very expensive. To me, I loved the ship, but I won't lie.. the fact that it's also the fed equivalent of the Scimitar made it even better. Three of my characters have one and I love it. Some don't like it.. cool, but personally.. I love the KT Dread. Of course.. I also love the Scimitar so there ya to.
^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
Yeah like how JJ Trek and Discovery showed so much respect to the fanbase and trek canon?