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Alternative to Kerat?

Is there an alternative to Kerat, it was fun a month ago, but now it turned into a key binding sh*t hole, im not just talking about single key macros, im talking about these guy setting there power ups & debuffs to automatically reengage as soon as they cool down, you got some guys with power ups getting reactivated continusly going across my entire screen, i can do the same thing but thats not fun if your not killable, i intensionally make my ship killable so ill actually be fun to play against.
Kerat is now a Pilot Ship key binding Tank arena, i just want to know if there is another location that has key bind/macro recharging disabled or a Leage that has a server where those that join dont do it.

With all my power ups normal clicking i can vape a Borg Cube, these guys hull & shields will only drop 1 or 2% and right back up to 100% in 5 sec


  • rattler2rattler2 Member, Star Trek Online Moderator Posts: 58,911 Community Moderator

    Ker'rat is the only openly accessable without queueing up PvP space zone.
    I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
    The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
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  • bossheisenbergbossheisenberg Member Posts: 603 Arc User
    Maybe you should git gud if you want to roll with the big dogs in Kerret? You act like using keybinds is an exploit or cheating. It's not. The game has options for keybinds built in. Why don't you get your own keybinds set up instead of crying about "unfair" advantages? Kerret is not exactly the place for noobs - some of the best players in the entire game hang out in there. It sounds like you need to stay within your own league or at least accept the fact that you're going to have to get better first before taking on the top players.
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  • velquavelqua Member Posts: 1,220 Arc User
    Keybind have always been used by the KDF and ROMs at Ker'rat (...and maybe some FEDs). STO does allow keybinds, but from some discussions I have had over the years with players, dedicated PvPers also use keyboards and mice that are designed to send out macro key combinations, which does frustrate those--like myself--who pilot ships without their assistance.

    That being said, even keybind PvPers can be taken down if you have a good enough team with the right setup. The weakness of keybinding is its sequence. Upset the sequence, and opportunities for popping KDF and ROMs become much more available. Granted, it does take team work and some luck.

    For me, Ker'rat is a place where I like to farm. Most PvPers will ignore farmers unless they are absolutely bored. Dying while farming isn't that bad since you can respawn and go in a different direction from where the PvPers are. The only real issue that one would need to be concerned while farming is spawn-camping. KDF/ROMs, and some FEDs, tend to hover over spawn locations until unbeknowing players either enter the map or respaw at that location, which they then become targets for those PvPers.

    If you are a KDF and want to farm Ker'rat, you are better off going to N'Vak. It is a similar map (similar because it was not updated like Ker'rat in terms of Borg Regen boxes). The only people you need to be concerned with are other KDF who enter the map, but the majority of the time, players respect farmers there.
  • bobs1111bobs1111 Member Posts: 471 Arc User
    Keybinds are not an IWIN button. As others have already mentioned the game has a bind system. Its easy to find info on and works well for some things. What it won't do for you is automate things or do anything else people cliam. At most it will let you bind 2-3 skills to one button... perhaps bind distribute shields to another skill you use so you don't have to think about it ect.

    The issue is not key binds. The issue is skill... and gear / build setup. Some folks in kerrat consider themselves PVP players mainly or only. They are not building for PvE. They are building with a maximized ability to kill you... or survive you. In todays meta a ton of healing comes from traits... and the space / ship traits being used are not ones you would be using in PvE land. Space traits like ablative shell / secret command codes / failsafe scrambler / self modulating fire / psychological warfare / biotech patch .... ect ect are not often used in PvE but top tier PvP players consider them must haves. Ship traits like invincible from the zhal lockbox have become must haves as well, + a ton of other lockbox ship traits.

    Cryptic has power creeped PvP to a point where unless you are willing to spend a lot of in game resources on your build you are going to be at a real disadvantage. Once your build is up to snuff you still need to know how to use it.... and yes it is hard to get PvP experience in this game without being a willing punching bag anymore. The handful of dedicated PvP players left have years of experience over a newer player, and there is really no low level PvP to be had.

    Having said that STO pvp can still be a ton of fun... and if you are serious about learning and getting better. My suggestion is to roll a real honest to goodness KDF toon if you don't already have one. Kerrat is still often filled with farmers completing the mission. As a KDF you can still have a lot of squishy targets to practice on... and KDF is more fun anyway. Just don't be upset when members of one of the long time fed PvP fleets enter the zone and hand you your tail. Try and learn from your explosions.
  • rattler2rattler2 Member, Star Trek Online Moderator Posts: 58,911 Community Moderator
    bobs1111 wrote: »
    Try and learn from your explosions.

    And how does one learn from being constantly oneshot before they can even blink?
    Personally I find that particular detail aggrivating. Not a learning experience.

    These days PvP is literally "He who shoots first wins", because the builds are all geared towards the massive, overwhelming alpha strike that batters through anything in two seconds.

    Got into a debate in another thread one time about how to counter vape builds. Someone actually said "Tac Team" is all you need. In most circumstances maybe. But against a vaper, you don't even have a CHANCE to click anything, and their DPS is so high it chews through anything in no time flat! That's the problem with PvP right now. Its all vape builds and anyone who isn't a sneaky vaper or somehow can counter a vape pass and vape themselves... might as well just be targets because you can't even react in the first place.

    I'd prefer a fair fight where both sides have a chance at winning. Not this alpha strike oneshot shenanigans that make cruisers look like tissue paper no matter what you're using.

    I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
    The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
    normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
    colored text = mod mode
  • bobs1111bobs1111 Member Posts: 471 Arc User
    edited April 2018
    rattler2 wrote: »
    bobs1111 wrote: »
    Try and learn from your explosions.

    And how does one learn from being constantly oneshot before they can even blink?
    Personally I find that particular detail aggrivating. Not a learning experience.

    These days PvP is literally "He who shoots first wins", because the builds are all geared towards the massive, overwhelming alpha strike that batters through anything in two seconds.

    Got into a debate in another thread one time about how to counter vape builds. Someone actually said "Tac Team" is all you need. In most circumstances maybe. But against a vaper, you don't even have a CHANCE to click anything, and their DPS is so high it chews through anything in no time flat! That's the problem with PvP right now. Its all vape builds and anyone who isn't a sneaky vaper or somehow can counter a vape pass and vape themselves... might as well just be targets because you can't even react in the first place.

    I'd prefer a fair fight where both sides have a chance at winning. Not this alpha strike oneshot shenanigans that make cruisers look like tissue paper no matter what you're using.


    Well like any game... if you come in with nothing and play against top league/tier players everything will look like magic. The key is to figure out what they are doing so you can come up with a proper counter system.

    Your right Tac team is useless right now. Every "vaper" dps build player is using self modulating fire... so 50% of your shield is useless right off the bat. Many are also using beam overload with shield pen doffs... if someone is running 3 doffs and they get even 1 proc on you, that + SMF = 100% shield ignore. So tac team RSP do whatever you want I don't care I'm hitting your hull. (to make it even more fun most vapers run the double tap beam overload ship trait)

    So then think about that problem and you say how do I counter that. Well one is to deprioritize my builds shield resistance/heals... for Hull heals and resistance. So without detailing a very specific build here you are... traits that increase Hull resistance... armor consoles.... healing embassy consoles (when dmged % chance to provide a hull heal... 2-3 of these consoles can really make a difference vs energy vapers). Hull resistance that can't be nuked off are the best option (nothing beats a couple good armor consoles)... traits that can be are less good but still great vs Tac Vapers.

    Another simple method is to roll immunities and placates. The aux to sif placate doff... completely 100% useless in PvE land is very good in PvP. Ship traits like Improved polarized hull... not that great in PvE but fantastical in pvp for obvious reasons. The Dodge trait from the R&D Engineering tree. Intel team if your ship has intel seating. Lambda if you have pilot seats can help you break target. There are a bunch of other traits and skills that can accomplish the job.

    For high end PvP yes you can do all those things and still get popped. Situational awareness is key... being on a team dropping 10+km Gravity wells will decloak approaching stealthed ships can help. Carrying your own anti stealth depending on your ship and build... using things like rommy jump ect to keep cloakers out.

    There are a ton of ways to counter the "vaper" builds. They are nothing really new, power creep has made them stronger sure but that goes both ways. If you load all the bestest auto heal traits consoles and +resistance junks in the game today your can build a zombie observer build ship if thats your thing. Healing and DMG are both off the charts if you min max.
  • velquavelqua Member Posts: 1,220 Arc User
    The problem with PvP is that there is too much cheese and power creep without a sufficient means to counter. Yes, a player does need to spend money a truck full of money to get traits that will give him/her the advantage over those who do not have them. That's not really the issue. The issue is that there is not enough counters to balance out the attacks. Cloaked ships can't even been seen even if you are on a Sci ship and max out cloak viewing stats. My issue with PvP, especially for ENGs, is that we can't have enough HP or Resist to withstand a one-shot run, yet TACs and SCI can continue to stack their abilities to insane levels that there is no defense. Personally, I would like to see Diminishing Returns placed on TAC and SCI abilities just as they exist for resistance.
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  • bossheisenbergbossheisenberg Member Posts: 603 Arc User
    pryor#5476 wrote: »
    Maybe you should git gud if you want to roll with the big dogs in Kerret? You act like using keybinds is an exploit or cheating. It's not. The game has options for keybinds built in. Why don't you get your own keybinds set up instead of crying about "unfair" advantages? Kerret is not exactly the place for noobs - some of the best players in the entire game hang out in there. It sounds like you need to stay within your own league or at least accept the fact that you're going to have to get better first before taking on the top players.

    Ok..... Keep your eye out for the H.R.Y 4SKIN in Kerat

    I will. I'm assuming that's one that is giving you grief. I would enjoy the challenge of trying to take them down.

    This game takes years of study and a deep understanding of its complexities and the meta to master. The tactics used a year ago or even six months ago may no longer be effective in the current meta.

    I may be stating the obvious but you have to study your opponent. What abilities are they using? What tactics are they using that are causing you grief? What can you do to counter them?

    Yes the escort tank that you are describing is tough to take down but they are not unbeatable. You have to be relentless, but also able to survive that alpha strike. And also keep in mind that these guys are fighting in teams, using teamspeak to organize their assault, and maybe voice command programs as well in addition to keybinds and macros. You are at a massive disadvantage going at it alone.

  • nimbullnimbull Member Posts: 1,568 Arc User
    Long story short, find a different game to PvP in it sounds like instead of constantly chasing a moving target in here. Especially with games that introduce constant power creep like STO does.
    Green people don't have to be.... little.
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  • kostamojenxkostamojenx Member Posts: 251 Arc User
    I've been in and out of Kerrat since launch, always have done OK and never used key binds. I just use my numpad to fire off skills quickly, and WASD for movement. Rarely touch the mouse except to look around or select specific targets.

    PVP in Kerrat has been pretty good lately. Recent changes/balance passes have made almost anyone killable, and super tanks have to sacrifice basically ALL offense to be able to tank that well. For awhile some of the balance issues made PVP completely impossible, but its not terrible at the moment.
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  • georikzaberiskgeorikzaberisk Member Posts: 126 Arc User
    Ah Ker'rat... Memories :smiley:

    As it was already said here Key Binding is not really that much of an issue and you can actually keybind yourself if you want but to be honest... Once you have gain sufficient knowledge on how things work in game then you'll be finding yourself not needing it and at times you will find out that you will do much better without it.

    But before I move ahead with my thoughts here let me just inform anyone here reading this that all my opinions here are based on my own experience nor I'm claiming to be one that is on par with the best in this game. No I'm just a simple man who have played this game since well... It was called by most as "Escorts Online" by the players lol.

    Anyway going back on topic, Ker'rat has always been dominated by Klingons and later with Romulans. Why? Because those 2 factions where designed with that in mind. Feds Only counter and it's a 50-50 is actually the abundance of Sci Ships which results in better Sci Magic and on the plus side does have more chance on detecting since the nature of a Sci's Build.

    To be frank though, Ker'rat isn't as bad as before. Yes there is still what you can call "Unfair" by Norm standards but to be frank it normally falls down to the fact of... Over Estimating oneself. This is a HARD FACT that most people don't recognized. People may dislike this comment but it's the Truth.

    There are many kinds of people who go to Ker'rat. But most has this mind set that since they did better... Let say on a PvP setting before like a Duel in the space arena or that they have "Builds" and "Meta Builds" and "The Recommended Equipment" it's automatically your one of the guys. Then there are those who go there without actually thinking and has this mind set that "it will be fair" or that since they have done good in a PvE scenario then they should do good on Ker'rat as well.

    So when these kinds of people go and get their behind handed over them it's the blaming game. Look Cryptic, no matter what they do with the PvP scenario will be blamed. Yes they did make blunders but all games with PvP does.

    Well this may sound harsh but... Nothing is fair. Most specially in games like this. We can only as much make the environment "Fair" for others but at the end of the day there will still be a difference in everything. From one's Internet Connection to how fast a person can process things in his mind in game or his setup to the people you're with.

    In the end of the day what matters most is doing the best of what you can of what you have. People go to places like Ker'rat in reality not to have actual "Fun" but in in fact it's all about boosting once's self steam. A close battle? A Fair Battle? No. to be brutally honest, we all know it's about our own selfish ego and the need to be recognized... Maybe not by the entire community but with people close to us. Blame nature for that though since she rigged us this way in our Genes lol.

    If one doesn't try to go out of the box both in thinking and his/her comfort zone then one will not find true fun. It's only when we find an obstacle and conquering it we can be proud and say we had real fun... Because the journey we go through to reach that goal is actually where the good fun is and not the actual goal.

    So I'm not saying to anyone to "Get Good" because it's a given that you need to do so if you want to do something competitive as PvP, But rather be patient, Learn and perceive... Or you can do what I do because I'm nuts by actually getting on what killed me by using logs and calculating the possible CD of what skill they might have used and how to counter their Build. Trust me. My inventory is full of things that it's like I'm hoarding lol

    Anyway hopefully I didn't insult anyone here with my rant both who plays for PvP, PvE or casual players a like. As a community we really need to encourage one another and inspire each other rather than trying to shove a bat'leth on each other's throat.

    Cheers :smile:
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  • bobs1111bobs1111 Member Posts: 471 Arc User
    edited April 2018
    sophlogimo wrote: »
    All the advice about how to survive vapers is of course only applicable if you are not already in combat with another one.

    The fundamental problem is that damage and hitpoints of PvP are just so different from PvE. When an NPC oneshots a player in PvE, there is lots of complaint and the devs fix it - which is why NPC's do so relatively little damage. It would improve the situation a lot if both the damage of NPC's and the hitpoints of players were adjusted upwards.

    All the Talk of one shots are complete BS however.

    Therre is no such thing as a one shot now or ever in STO.

    There are things that end you sure... but no one hits a 200k Overload or Torp spread or anything else without debuffing and prepping a target >.< Or course you can hit people for crazy 200k hits and end them... but you still have to proc shield by passes with overloads... you have to pre buff and you have to debuff a target somehow to hit them that hard. All of that stuff has counters.

    As far as being engaged. So your saying if you end up in a 2+ v 1 situation you may die ? Oh that's shocking.
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  • where2r1where2r1 Member Posts: 6,054 Arc User
    Part of the problem is the mentality: Do not play with us IF, you can't live up to our standards. And it is your fault if you don't...so, go away until you get to where we are.

    It is the same mentality people who do DPS have. WE will take over the entire mission because YOU don't play as well and WE can carry you (YOU should be grateful). OR sequester themselves in private instances and call you AFK or Trolls.

    It is a form of bullying it is called exclusion.
    "Spend your life doing strange things with weird people." -- UNK

    “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
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  • velquavelqua Member Posts: 1,220 Arc User
    Vaping is not just the issue. You have ships at Ker'rat that are virtually indestructible. Players have so many immunities as well as ways to reduce another player's damage. This is more apparent with SCIs and Sci builds. I would argue that immunities either need to be reduced, have diminishing returns, or have a shorter activation clock and a longer cool down clock.
  • bubblegirl2015bubblegirl2015 Member Posts: 831 Arc User
    Alternative to Kerat is just an old PvE.

    I did not know Kerat was still running and could care less for it. I call it visions of "EVE PvP". Kerat is the gutter of STO and run at your own risk if you can call that "fun".​​
    Wiki editor http://sto.gamepedia.com
    Original STO beta tester.
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  • bobs1111bobs1111 Member Posts: 471 Arc User
    edited April 2018
    where2r1 wrote: »
    Part of the problem is the mentality: Do not play with us IF, you can't live up to our standards. And it is your fault if you don't...so, go away until you get to where we are.

    It is the same mentality people who do DPS have. WE will take over the entire mission because YOU don't play as well and WE can carry you (YOU should be grateful). OR sequester themselves in private instances and call you AFK or Trolls.

    It is a form of bullying it is called exclusion.

    I don't think anyone is saying don't come play.

    More like don't expect anyone to take it easy on you. (although if you enter kerrat and say hey I'm new anyone got some pointers or wanna team ect you will fine plenty of people willing to help and offer tips pointers ect) Just don't expect to come in with your PvE build and little STO PvP experience and expect to compete on = footing... that is crazy.

    Enter as a humble student, know your likely going to die more then you kill and learn how to get better. I don't think that is asking for much. If you enter and do nothing but whine in zone chat about how unfair things are I don't think anyone should have to explain how big the target on your back will be.. do I ? :)
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  • bobs1111bobs1111 Member Posts: 471 Arc User
    sophlogimo wrote: »
    patrickngo wrote: »
    sophlogimo wrote: »
    All the advice about how to survive vapers is of course only applicable if you are not already in combat with another one.

    The fundamental problem is that damage and hitpoints of PvP are just so different from PvE. When an NPC oneshots a player in PvE, there is lots of complaint and the devs fix it - which is why NPC's do so relatively little damage. It would improve the situation a lot if both the damage of NPC's and the hitpoints of players were adjusted upwards.

    if you're outnumbered 2 on 1 you're already in a bad position, Soph-

    You don't have to be outnumbered. One vaper decloaks and attacks you and your buddy, you and your buddy do what is necessary, your counters are then on cooldown, the first vaper runs away (because speed is out of bounds, too), second vaper decloaks and scores a kill.

    The nature of less-than-a-second-kills is that the attacker is always at a severe advantage. Shoot first, or you're dead. How very not Trek.

    And before you mention the Zahl trait: That one has a cooldown, too.
    [...]vapers aren't the hyoohge boogeymen [...]

    They are a proof of concept. The concept being: STO has serious balance issues that could EASILY be solved in the way proposed. And yes, the other things you mention are just as bad, and some worse, of course.

    Isn't your suggesting to just increase ship hull and stuff. That would be disaster. I get that you don't pvp often... but dude real PvP matches already take over an hour because no one dies. It takes multiple nukes, and such perfect timing that almost all the games long time players have quit. Your suggesting of making every terrible player even more tanky would make PvP basically unplayable. For a game to work someone has to win at some point.

    Don't be so afraid of the respawn.
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