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Expansion - Victory is Life! Jem'Hadar, Level 65, Etc.



  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    starkaos wrote: »
    I won't be making a Jem Hadar. and for the same reason i don't have a Gorn or Naussican or Leathean..
    There is the possibility that Jem'Hadar females existed in the past before the Dominion decided to grow the Jem'Hadar in vats. There is no need to have females when breeding genetically engineered soldiers in a vat. Depending on how much power Odo has, he could have started a female Jem'Hadar program.

    Personally, I don't understand why we don't have Gorn females since we already know what they look like.
    We don't know how many races are available, but there's probably going to be at least Vorta.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • lordgyorlordgyor Member Posts: 2,820 Arc User
    > @markhawkman said:
    > starkaos wrote: »
    > annemarie30 wrote: »
    > I won't be making a Jem Hadar. and for the same reason i don't have a Gorn or Naussican or Leathean..
    > There is the possibility that Jem'Hadar females existed in the past before the Dominion decided to grow the Jem'Hadar in vats. There is no need to have females when breeding genetically engineered soldiers in a vat. Depending on how much power Odo has, he could have started a female Jem'Hadar program.
    > Personally, I don't understand why we don't have Gorn females since we already know what they look like.
    > We don't know how many races are available, but there's probably going to be at least Vorta.

    Hopefully Vorta boobies will appease him.
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    meimeitoo wrote: »

    Were there possible other reasons for the sharp decline in players queueing? Possibly. But Occam's Razor still applies: that if the cost of product suddenly goes up tenfold, then a sharp drop in customers is to be expected. I have yet to hear a more plausible reason.

    After the expansion queue fail states were introduced. Remember this whole saga?

    Inferring total population figures from queue activity is not the execution of Occam's Razor. The simplest explanation is that people didn't want to play queues as much as they used to.

    Without offering a good reason as to why ppl suddenly "didn't want to play queues as much as they used to," and CONTINUED not to want to do so any more, long after DR, that is assuredly not the 'simplest explanation.'
    Altogether, you have an ecosystem that dramatically reduced the emphasis on queue grinding. To then say "no, people were bailing en mass" is simply confirmation bias. There's multiple factors contributing to a drop in public PVE activity and you're only considering the one that conforms to a favored hypothesis.

    None of the other factors you mention can explain away why the queues stayed empty, well, until this day, actually (although, ironically, things seems to have picked up slightly, recently)
    What this means is that you don't have the argumentative force to shout people down who disagree with the "nay" camp on Delta Rising (in a thread three+ years later about the second expansion on). There is zero provability about this, we literally do not have the data to quantify either the direction or the magnitude of the population changes around DR.

    Which was my point precisely! :) azrael605 had absolutely no basis in fact stating, with any sort of informed authority, and so angrily, that "Very few people stopped playing." We simply don't know. And Cryptic will never tell. Meanwhile, the usual theory about the queue decline come DR felt, and still feels, very likely to me.
    The point there: let's drop the subject. Regardless of what the numbers were, Victory is Life is not bringing about any of the contentious changes that were course corrected after Delta Rising (ie. NPC health scaling and XP requirements.)

    On that we can certainly agree. What sparked the whole discussion about DR here, was really ppl fearing a repeat of what happened with DR. I would appear those fears have been assuaged now, and ViL should be an altogether more pleasant experience, from the looks of it.
  • annemarie30annemarie30 Member Posts: 2,711 Arc User
    lordgyor wrote: »
    > @markhawkman said:
    > starkaos wrote: »
    > annemarie30 wrote: »
    > I won't be making a Jem Hadar. and for the same reason i don't have a Gorn or Naussican or Leathean..
    > There is the possibility that Jem'Hadar females existed in the past before the Dominion decided to grow the Jem'Hadar in vats. There is no need to have females when breeding genetically engineered soldiers in a vat. Depending on how much power Odo has, he could have started a female Jem'Hadar program.
    > Personally, I don't understand why we don't have Gorn females since we already know what they look like.
    > We don't know how many races are available, but there's probably going to be at least Vorta.

    Hopefully Vorta boobies will appease him.

    We Want Vic Fontaine
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    lordgyor wrote: »
    > @markhawkman said:
    > starkaos wrote: »
    > annemarie30 wrote: »
    > I won't be making a Jem Hadar. and for the same reason i don't have a Gorn or Naussican or Leathean..
    > There is the possibility that Jem'Hadar females existed in the past before the Dominion decided to grow the Jem'Hadar in vats. There is no need to have females when breeding genetically engineered soldiers in a vat. Depending on how much power Odo has, he could have started a female Jem'Hadar program.
    > Personally, I don't understand why we don't have Gorn females since we already know what they look like.
    > We don't know how many races are available, but there's probably going to be at least Vorta.

    Hopefully Vorta boobies will appease him.


    LOL. This thread just took a weird turn. :) Otoh, it could use a bit of levity.
  • starswordcstarswordc Member Posts: 10,966 Arc User
    edited March 2018
    starkaos wrote: »
    I won't be making a Jem Hadar. and for the same reason i don't have a Gorn or Naussican or Leathean..

    There is the possibility that Jem'Hadar females existed in the past before the Dominion decided to grow the Jem'Hadar in vats. There is no need to have females when breeding genetically engineered soldiers in a vat. Depending on how much power Odo has, he could have started a female Jem'Hadar program.

    Personally, I don't understand why we don't have Gorn females since we already know what they look like.
    And the Trope of the Day is: Non-Mammal Mammaries.

    Reptiles like Gorn won't have any of the same secondary sexual characteristics as humans. They don't even have the same primary ones. Even other Earth mammals only grow br*asts when nursing. You want a good way to play a Gorn female? Make a really big Gorn: female reptiles tend to be bigger, as our dear departed @sander233 liked to point out.

    And yes, this means that Ambassador Badass, 'scuse me, S'taass, has been a woman the whole time. :tongue:
    "Great War! / And I cannot take more! / Great tour! / I keep on marching on / I play the great score / There will be no encore / Great War! / The War to End All Wars"
    — Sabaton, "Great War"

    Check out https://unitedfederationofpla.net/s/
  • This content has been removed.
  • avoozuulavoozuul Member Posts: 3,215 Arc User
    edited March 2018
    Well I am sure that CrashDragon wouldn't mind if they had them.
    I stream on Twitch, look for Avoozl_
  • leemwatsonleemwatson Member Posts: 5,573 Arc User
    edited March 2018
    leemwatson wrote: »
    lordgyor wrote: »
    It occurs to me that the Cardassian Flight Deck Cruiser we saw could be the Jem'hadar version of the Allied Flight Deck Assault Cruiser Bundle.

    In which case we have a pretty good idea of what it's stats will be (five forward weapons for example). Even it's pets might be a Polaron/Cardassian version of the Cutpurse(Orion)/Veil (Orion)Fighters.

    Possibly but it's worth pointing out that the Cardassians are a neutral faction in STO. Their ships could be plausibly offered to the FED, ROM, and KDF; making them the equilvanet of the 31st century time ships in the upcoming Victory is Life bundle.

    I could swear blind I have seen Cardies in Federation uniforms.
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    tigeraries wrote: »
    I wouldnt worry about T7 till they raise the level cap to 70. L50=T5, xpan bumped level to 60=T6.

    Ergo, level 65=T7U :smiley:

    100% NOT happening.
    kyle223cat wrote: »
    look - what is wrong with coming out with a newer version of a ship that is slightly more powerful every year or two? I mean Apple and Samsung do it regularly with a $1000 phone - and there are line-ups of people throwing money at them for 2% better performance in app loading time!

    Problem is people invested a lot in T6 ships, including ones that were just T6 versions of T5 ships we already had. Coming out with a new tier would just make everyone feel like they have to upgrade to the next tier, especially if they released T7 versions of the T6 ships that we already had T5 versions of. I think most people are fond of the idea that T6 stays the highest tier and we just keep building on the list of that tier of ships rather than going up another tier again.

    With companies like Apple, they make real world, high-end products that are super important and useful in every day life. You can do so many different things with them. Same with other companies like Microsoft and Samsung. People are obviously willing to pay $600-$1000 for an iPhone or iPad and upwards of $2,500 for a Mac, which is shown by Apple's enormous sales figures and the fact that they're the most valuable company in the world. However, I won't disagree with you on the app loading times statement. While in theory the speed of iPhones has been increasing drastically each year, the average person doesn't really notice a difference unless they're upgrading from an iPhone 5 to a X. I have an iPhone 6s and it runs fine still. Most people will pay a lot for a smartphone but I don't think most people would want to pay $35-$40 for C-Store ships. I know $30 is my limit.

    But my analogy is still kind of correct - even if they came out with a T7 or a T6u -( lets face it the MW with a extra universal slot and more hull is kind of a t6u in an ugly disguise), it's the same as the phone - you can do virtually everything just fine with a iPhone 7 vs an iphone 8. Same with the ships - there is no content in the game that can't be done on a T5u.

    Actually, on my main I like to use my T1 NX as much as possible where it comes to episodes. For STF's, T4 upwards are viable on advanced with the right equipment.
    azrael605 wrote: »
    > @storules said:
    > protoneous wrote: »
    > warpangel wrote: »
    > And Delta Rising driving off "a lot of people" is an unsubstantiated myth.
    > "It was the best expansion ever and the players loved it". Given the quotes author it must be true.
    > Hahaha...Old DR...players Loved it so much they Stopped playing. I'm sure ViL will not be like that since the expectations are the LOWEST Ever. Only 6 episodes and a watershed faction. At least the information is honest and upfront instead of hyping claims as it was with DR.

    Very few people stopped playing, some butthurt exploiters started a propaganda flame campaign to make it seem like a significant thing, but it wasn't. As for claims that expectations for ViL are low, thats just laughable, this thread alone shows that.

    Absolutely my thoughts too. I played that content, and I loved it. I was not impressed at the complaints about it being too hard, as I handled it fine in my T5U Intrepid, and I thought the Patrol side-missions were excellent.

    Did you also play LoR and AoY? any comparisons on those two or you just joined when DR launched?​​

    Since 2011 I've been playing.
    leemwatson wrote: »
    I could swear blind I have seen Cardies in Federation uniforms.

    As a player character, maybe. Cardassian parts are available in the alien tailor. However, when allied Cardassians have appeared officially they've been wearing Cardassian uniforms (ex. Iconian war cut scenes.) They have not joined the Federation.

    I'm pretty sure I've seen a Cardie in a Fed uniform in an actual Episode, though which one escapes me for the moment, although I'm sure it's around the Solanae Arc. I'm doing a new toon this weekend so I'll find out which.

    "You don't want to patrol!? You don't want to escort!? You don't want to defend the Federation's Starbases!? Then why are you flying my Starships!? If you were a Klingon you'd be killed on the spot, but lucky for you.....you WERE in Starfleet. Let's see how New Zealand Penal Colony suits you." Adm A. Necheyev.
  • asuran14asuran14 Member Posts: 2,335 Arc User
    I actually quite like the idea of seeing more methods of differentiating between the genders in races, than merely by the typical methods. Like for example with reptiles it could be size an color, but also maybe specific types of crests too.
  • mirrorchaosmirrorchaos Member Posts: 9,844 Arc User
    starswordc wrote: »
    starkaos wrote: »
    I won't be making a Jem Hadar. and for the same reason i don't have a Gorn or Naussican or Leathean..

    There is the possibility that Jem'Hadar females existed in the past before the Dominion decided to grow the Jem'Hadar in vats. There is no need to have females when breeding genetically engineered soldiers in a vat. Depending on how much power Odo has, he could have started a female Jem'Hadar program.

    Personally, I don't understand why we don't have Gorn females since we already know what they look like.
    And the Trope of the Day is: Non-Mammal Mammaries.

    Reptiles like Gorn won't have any of the same secondary sexual characteristics as humans. They don't even have the same primary ones. Even other Earth mammals only grow br*asts when nursing. You want a good way to play a Gorn female? Make a really big Gorn: female reptiles tend to be bigger, as our dear departed @sander233 liked to point out.

    And yes, this means that Ambassador Badass, 'scuse me, S'taass, has been a woman the whole time. :tongue:

    explains why they are always so bad tempered, their females looks like males and their males look like females and there is no way to tell them apart.

    What this has to do with the expansion though?
    starkaos wrote: »
    I won't be making a Jem Hadar. and for the same reason i don't have a Gorn or Naussican or Leathean..
    There is the possibility that Jem'Hadar females existed in the past before the Dominion decided to grow the Jem'Hadar in vats. There is no need to have females when breeding genetically engineered soldiers in a vat. Depending on how much power Odo has, he could have started a female Jem'Hadar program.

    Personally, I don't understand why we don't have Gorn females since we already know what they look like.
    We don't know how many races are available, but there's probably going to be at least Vorta.

    It is a Jem'Hadar faction, several people here have already corrected me on this that it isn't a dominion faction. it most certainly needs to be explained in the next stream if there are more races to this faction.
    T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
    Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
  • avoozuulavoozuul Member Posts: 3,215 Arc User
    I wish they would make it a Cardassian faction with the Jem'Hadar joining it, they are already using Cardassian-esque ships so far it seems.
    I stream on Twitch, look for Avoozl_
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    Is anything known about the new Jem'Hadar bug ships yet?
  • duncanidaho11duncanidaho11 Member Posts: 7,980 Arc User
    edited March 2018
    meimeitoo wrote: »

    None of the other factors you mention can explain away why the queues stayed empty, well, until this day, actually (although, ironically, things seems to have picked up slightly, recently.

    Quite frankly, neither can a population decrease. :tongue:

    Below is a bit of a wall but it's a big topic which I find interesting and ultimately illuminating about how difficult it is to manage games like STO, so forgive the indulgence. I don't mean for it to become a thing, as this is just one set of hypothesis dealing with a system we don't have data for (no one has to agree with it). It'll get back around to the upcoming expansion and for those that don't want to follow along with this I've spoiler tagged the tangent so you can arrive at the point for what's coming. :) )
    The rate of development and investment in STO did not decline with Delta Rising and neither did the population aggregation (the PVE population has been heavily concentrated, it hasn't vanished) problems begin with Delta Rising. Queue viability has been a long standing problem (I found dead queues when I started in the F2P transition) which took a medium-term hit around DR (NPC health scaling made old queues inaccessible to some people, for instance) but through it all (since now we're talking about the full scope of PVE's in STO since DR) there wasn't a fundamental correction against the problematic aspect(s) of the PVE system. Ie. adding ~9 new queues per season to a set of "matchmaking playlists" that's (and was before DR) perhaps the largest in all gaming. Even AAA titles don't come anywhere close to how many queues STO keeps, and they still have population distribution problems. Concentration is the natural response of having too broad a system for its population or plausible population growth, and STO is pushing an extreme in this (in having to satisfy community's demand for new queues, irrespective of their long-term place in the game and the limits of the queue system), giving lesser issues (ex. Delta Rising's problems) more visible sway over population dynamics (it doesn't take much for the ability to find a match to drift off.)

    (And to the population drop hypothesis: this is a confounding variable. It absolutely needs to be accounted for to continue making valid inferences from the queue system.)

    So, this is the null hypothesis. STO's approach to queues should produce the observed results, and it's worth noting that Victory is Life is only shipping with one new queue. Where do population declines come in then? It doesn't show in how Cryptic's supported the game (the most immediate affected response variable, their support hasn't dropped for lack of funds), only in PVE impressions which are at the very least obscured by a complex system of pressures and population dynamics (remember the DR issues, and we haven't gotten into the alerts yet or the diminishing incentives for single-mindedly grinding queues). It's not a parsimonious explanation (it's simple but incapable of independently addressing the system in full; more is needed,) and it's not where we should be going to examine broader trends. That is, unless one wants to delve into the full complexity, and still come out with a shrug for what this all means to the health of the game.
    In short: impressions on the PVE system don't tell us much besides how the PVE system is doing. :tongue:

    And to help keep focus here: Victory is Life is only starting with one new queue. If two more aren't waiting in the wings for post-launch, I think this is a significant change and a good one to bring about for an expansion. It's isn't a fix to population distribution problems, but it should help alleviate pressure on queues (in total) given the likely shift to missions and the new battlezone for a while. People might be able to look forward to less of a queue disruption in June, but it naturally remains to be seen.

    meimeitoo wrote: »
    Is anything known about the new Jem'Hadar bug ships yet?
    I think all we have is the statement that there's between 0 and 2 ships Jem'Hadar players will get.
    Post edited by duncanidaho11 on
    Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
    Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
    Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
  • warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    The queues being empty has nothing to do with DR. They were actually pretty busy after DR. It was only later, when the rewards generalization and oversaturation of dilithium ore really sank in that they emptied out. First by concentrating the player population into CCA and ISA and ultimately killing even them when admiralty turned the dilithium output up to eleven.

    People don't want to play queues, because it's easier to get their refining quota from elsewhere and there are no unique rewards.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    starkaos wrote: »
    I won't be making a Jem Hadar. and for the same reason i don't have a Gorn or Naussican or Leathean..
    There is the possibility that Jem'Hadar females existed in the past before the Dominion decided to grow the Jem'Hadar in vats. There is no need to have females when breeding genetically engineered soldiers in a vat. Depending on how much power Odo has, he could have started a female Jem'Hadar program.

    Personally, I don't understand why we don't have Gorn females since we already know what they look like.
    We don't know how many races are available, but there's probably going to be at least Vorta.
    It is a Jem'Hadar faction, several people here have already corrected me on this that it isn't a dominion faction. it most certainly needs to be explained in the next stream if there are more races to this faction.
    Did you watch the livestream? The devs never said it ISN'T Dominion. Also, like I keep pointing out, they NEVER gave us the list of playable races, instead making weird hints and/or evading the question. If Jem'Hadar was the only species they wouldn't have avoided the question.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • djf021djf021 Member Posts: 1,382 Arc User
    starkaos wrote: »
    I won't be making a Jem Hadar. and for the same reason i don't have a Gorn or Naussican or Leathean..
    There is the possibility that Jem'Hadar females existed in the past before the Dominion decided to grow the Jem'Hadar in vats. There is no need to have females when breeding genetically engineered soldiers in a vat. Depending on how much power Odo has, he could have started a female Jem'Hadar program.

    Personally, I don't understand why we don't have Gorn females since we already know what they look like.
    We don't know how many races are available, but there's probably going to be at least Vorta.
    It is a Jem'Hadar faction, several people here have already corrected me on this that it isn't a dominion faction. it most certainly needs to be explained in the next stream if there are more races to this faction.
    Did you watch the livestream? The devs never said it ISN'T Dominion. Also, like I keep pointing out, they NEVER gave us the list of playable races, instead making weird hints and/or evading the question. If Jem'Hadar was the only species they wouldn't have avoided the question.

    This is a very good point; if Jem'hadar as the only species had been firmly decided, they would have no problem saying "no, there will be NO other species."

    Don't let them promote you. Don't let them transfer you. Don't let them do anything that takes you off the bridge of that ship, because while you're there... you can make a difference.
    -Captain James T. Kirk
  • darkbladejkdarkbladejk Member Posts: 3,857 Community Moderator
    Keep in mind guys more info will come along the closer we get to ViL. This was just round 1 of information.

    As for folks concerned about the queues showing health of the game and such, keep in mind all mmos go through cycles and STO is no exception. You'll see more folks playing at the start of an expac or when new content gets released than you will typically at the end of an expac. Take World of Warcraft as one of the big well knowns out there. At the start of an expac there is always more people out there leveling and getting their toons to max etc. After awhile once folks have maxed out their toons and gear, some folks take a break and the numbers drop off a bit. Once a new raid comes out folks will return to do the raid and then once they get what they want they take another break. After the final raid of an expac drops and they farmed things out, alot of folks take a break during the lull between expacs, but once the new expac hits they're right out there again. STO is no exception to that rule. Right now folks aren't playing as much as they might otherwise because we're in that lull between the end of AoY and the start of ViL. Once ViL hits more folks will return even if only temporarily.

    As to the queues themselves, no matter what game it is, by and large people pick the path that gives them the most reward for the least amount of work. CCA and ISA are quick queues that don't take very long and award a healthy chunk of marks to boot, thus they will almost always get a queue together faster than something like Battle of Korfez being one hypothetical. If you could queue for a mission that takes 3 minutes at most, and gives you 90+ marks per go, why you queue for a run that takes 20 minutes or more and gives the same amount as the 3 minute run? Time investment vs potential reward is something that all people will consider to some degree.

    One of the biggest complaints I've heard from people I've convinced to start playing the game, and even newer players I've helped, is being able to acquire the gear that folks like myself and others have in a reasonable time frame to be able to pull their own weight. From the sounds of things these new Jem'hadar toons are going to give folks a leg up in that department depending on how much stuff comes filled out or partially filled out. Plus we still don't know much about the new progression system other than some stuff getting reworked.
    "Someone once told me that time was a predator that stalked us all our lives. I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey and reminds us to cherish every moment, because it will never come again." - Jean Luc Picard in Star Trek Generations

    Star Trek Online volunteer Community Moderator
  • mirrorchaosmirrorchaos Member Posts: 9,844 Arc User
    starkaos wrote: »
    I won't be making a Jem Hadar. and for the same reason i don't have a Gorn or Naussican or Leathean..
    There is the possibility that Jem'Hadar females existed in the past before the Dominion decided to grow the Jem'Hadar in vats. There is no need to have females when breeding genetically engineered soldiers in a vat. Depending on how much power Odo has, he could have started a female Jem'Hadar program.

    Personally, I don't understand why we don't have Gorn females since we already know what they look like.
    We don't know how many races are available, but there's probably going to be at least Vorta.
    It is a Jem'Hadar faction, several people here have already corrected me on this that it isn't a dominion faction. it most certainly needs to be explained in the next stream if there are more races to this faction.
    Did you watch the livestream? The devs never said it ISN'T Dominion. Also, like I keep pointing out, they NEVER gave us the list of playable races, instead making weird hints and/or evading the question. If Jem'Hadar was the only species they wouldn't have avoided the question.

    They said the Jem'Hadar are apart of the Dominion but they never said it was a Dominion faction either, they simply said it was a Jem'Hadar faction. you should read a bit more on my post history next time, it is all right there as i have also gone over this myself. please don't assume a narrow point of view on my end, i am remaining open to any and all ideas about the subject as i mentioned elsewhere.

    As for the cryptic staff evading the answer? they already answered that in their stream so your claim to what their motives are are besides the point. They said they are not ready to annonce these details just yet, so lets wait until they do.
    T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
    Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
  • abcd0#4990 abcd0 Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited March 2018
    Post edited by baddmoonrizin on
  • kaithan1975kaithan1975 Member Posts: 947 Arc User
    leemwatson wrote: »
    I could swear blind I have seen Cardies in Federation uniforms.

    As a player character, maybe. Cardassian parts are available in the alien tailor. However, when allied Cardassians have appeared officially they've been wearing Cardassian uniforms (ex. Iconian war cut scenes.) They have not joined the Federation.

    I'm pretty sure I've seen a Cardie in a Fed uniform in an actual Episode, though which one escapes me for the moment, although I'm sure it's around the Solanae Arc. I'm doing a new toon this weekend so I'll find out which.


    Ragnarok - Commander Nereda USS Pastak.
  • duncanidaho11duncanidaho11 Member Posts: 7,980 Arc User
    edited March 2018
    Ragnarok - Commander Nereda USS Pastak.

    That's 26th Century though. In the 25th the Cardassians are still an independent faction whose closest tie with the Federation is perhaps a security treaty, if that's still in place (it was signed prior to the restricting of their military into the CDF.)
    Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
    Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
    Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
  • shadowwraith#9264 shadowwraith Member Posts: 379 Arc User
    does this mean for existing Lv60 chars we will have to level up 5 more times before we can add more points to specializations or will there be a fast track method?

    how will this effect balance?, 5 more skill points will mean 5 more skills unlocked in the ENG/SCI/TAC skill trees, plus will there be lvl 65 space/ground rep traits, MK XV(55) > XVV(65) (admiral > newtitle) gear?

    i hope they don't shoehorn the Gamma Quadrant missions like they did with the whole temporal cold war missions all over the place and out of sync, the best time to enable player access to the GQ would be right after the 1st Gq mission during the cardassian struggle arc similar to what cryptic done with the dyson sphere and DQ arcs.
    • Draal - FED, Saurian, LV60 - TAC
    • Mirak - FED 23c, Vulkan, LV60 - TAC
    • Ascaran Bloodclaw - KDF, Gorn, Lv18 - TAC
    • Melchiah - KDF, Gorn, LV60 - TAC
    • Ne'roon - KDF,Lethian, L60, TAC
    • Turel - ROM-KDF, Reman, 30, TAC
    • Elric - ROM-Fed, Romulan, L60, TAC
    • Richtor Belmont - FED 23c, Human,LV20, SCI
    • G'Kar - KDF, Gorn, L10

    USS Sharlin NCC79713 B (part of sheridans access code) - T6, Hestia Class Advanced Escort
    USS Babylon IV - T6 Krenim Science Vessel
    USS Brakiri - T6 Elachi Escort
    "I am Grey. I stand between the candle and the star."
    "We are Grey. We stand between the darkness and the light."

    – Grey Council greeting
  • duncanidaho11duncanidaho11 Member Posts: 7,980 Arc User
    edited March 2018
    does this mean for existing Lv60 chars we will have to level up 5 more times before we can add more points to specializations or will there be a fast track method?

    There's a fast track, Jem'Hadar faction characters will come with some reps and specs already unlocked. They will not be level 60 and be starting from the same point as, say, a level 50 FED/KDF/ROM (else they'd just start at 50). More details to come later (including what skills they have access to, we do not yet know if there's even going to be TAC/SCI/ENG profession options or rather something else that's unique to them. It hasn't been specifically confirmed, so best not to assume for the time being. Surprises may come later.)

    And the chances are very small that with a level 60 faction and a starting point set specifically after our last FE that we'll have missions spaced all over like the Temporal cold war arc.

    No new traits and titles for level 65, though there may be other incentives to be announced later. More skill points: that's a possibility but it hasn't been confirmed yet. All we know is that levels beyond 60 will affect scaling stats like weapon damage (at least for the time being, in what Cryptic's testing internally now.)
    Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
    Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
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  • casualstocasualsto Member Posts: 672 Arc User
    I think this is a most welcome change to all toons. 60-65 > More dps, more stats. Still looking to see what's gonna be implemented and how well.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    starkaos wrote: »
    I won't be making a Jem Hadar. and for the same reason i don't have a Gorn or Naussican or Leathean..
    There is the possibility that Jem'Hadar females existed in the past before the Dominion decided to grow the Jem'Hadar in vats. There is no need to have females when breeding genetically engineered soldiers in a vat. Depending on how much power Odo has, he could have started a female Jem'Hadar program.

    Personally, I don't understand why we don't have Gorn females since we already know what they look like.
    We don't know how many races are available, but there's probably going to be at least Vorta.
    It is a Jem'Hadar faction, several people here have already corrected me on this that it isn't a dominion faction. it most certainly needs to be explained in the next stream if there are more races to this faction.
    Did you watch the livestream? The devs never said it ISN'T Dominion. Also, like I keep pointing out, they NEVER gave us the list of playable races, instead making weird hints and/or evading the question. If Jem'Hadar was the only species they wouldn't have avoided the question.
    They said the Jem'Hadar are apart of the Dominion but they never said it was a Dominion faction either, they simply said it was a Jem'Hadar faction. you should read a bit more on my post history next time, it is all right there as i have also gone over this myself. please don't assume a narrow point of view on my end, i am remaining open to any and all ideas about the subject as i mentioned elsewhere.

    As for the cryptic staff evading the answer? they already answered that in their stream so your claim to what their motives are are besides the point. They said they are not ready to annonce these details just yet, so lets wait until they do.
    So... you're actually agreeing with me even though you worded your replies as if you're not? ok then...
    My character Tsin'xing
  • annemarie30annemarie30 Member Posts: 2,711 Arc User
    IF they have a Vorta, i wonder if they will have the telekinetic push ability we saww in DS-9
    We Want Vic Fontaine
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    Is anything known about the new Jem'Hadar bug ships yet?
    I think all we have is the statement that there's between 0 and 2 ships Jem'Hadar players will get.

    Thx for the information on ViL. I sure hope those new Jem ships will be available to others too.
  • stark2kstark2k Member Posts: 1,467 Arc User
    Speculation, gotta love it - reading everyone defending their opinions is quite entertaining, you can almost envision veins popping out of the side of their heads. Heck there are two or three in here that wrote like a page or two in this thread going off what little and tiny tidbit of info that is out there.

    Best leave the speculations to the wayside and wait until we get closer to the day they plan on releasing this thing. We're ending the month of March, we have 2 months until it becomes live, hopefully they will reveal more in the month to come, until then, best settle down and kill the speculations. Think it is healthy that way.
  • edited March 2018
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