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[PC] Victory is Life, our Fourth Expansion, Coming June 2018!



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    thomaselkinsthomaselkins Member Posts: 575 Arc User
    dheffernan wrote: »
    Are you kidding? Look how developed the Elachi became in this game and they appeared in one single episode of Enterprise. They had no dialog, name, or even clear motivations, but it was enough for Cryptic to work with when bringing them to the game. I always thought STO was good at taking one off species with little canon information and making them interesting.

    a) The Elachi were not "interesting". They were barely props.

    b) I thought the decision to drag them out was terrible. It was exemplary of the worst tendencies of fanfic: the insistence that absolutely everything mentioned in the source material must be significant and connected to everything else. N.b. that this has been a defining quality of what passes for writing in STO for some time now. This is particularly damning when you take into account that the race's original appearance in ENT was intended to serve as an unexplained and incomprehensible event.

    c) There was, in fact, nothing for Cryptic to work with in the ENT appearance, by intent, and that means Cryptic could have done whatever they wanted with them. What they did was rather perfunctory; they just folded them into the Iconians.

    Well that's your opinion. I enjoyed fighting against the Elachi in STO.

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    avoozuulavoozuul Member Posts: 3,202 Arc User
    I am really disappointed that it's a Jem'hadar faction and not a Cardassian faction.
    I stream on Twitch, look for Avoozl_
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    dracounguisdracounguis Member Posts: 5,358 Arc User
    edited March 2018
    Quark and Kira look a wee bit too young. Better not be some temporal shenanigans, make the characters old!

    What's the point of a new level cap? Will it really DO anything? Or just a thing they think they have to do just because "that's what MMOs do". Your toon/ship just gets a few more HP and shields?
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    Get Sisko! His last words in ds9 were practically "I'll be back" and his baseball still sits on his desk to this day. Above everything I think this would be the most significant event if it were to happen...
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    tigerariestigeraries Member Posts: 3,492 Arc User
    I hope Kira is not a SF person like the blog says... or with the Bajoran military again... she left to be Vedek. Even if she retired (bit short for a religious life) she probably would be a civilian.
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    evilmark444evilmark444 Member Posts: 6,950 Arc User
    reyan01 wrote: »
    velqua wrote: »
    Is there a reason why Kira's 3D model looks bad? I hope the Devs fix her model so that she looks just as good as her art image.


    That looks nothing like Kira ... the art department has been on a roll for years now, what happened??

    One of the (very few) useful pieces of information to come out of the livestream was that they WON'T use that model for Kira. That was simply a placeholder they used because it's familiar, but the in-game Kira will be 2410 aged.

    Yeah, but the simple geometry of the face looks completely wrong, idk if the aged version will look much better.
    Lifetime Subscriber since Beta
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    northrimnorthrim Member Posts: 49 Arc User
    jexsamx wrote: »
    northrim wrote: »
    Critical posts get deleted now. Wow.

    Being a jerk isn't the same as being critical. Only one of those things gets posts deleted.

    You must have phsychic ablities for knowing what I wrote.
    Interesting. Calling someone else a "jerk" is ok on this forum nowadays but "ffs" seems to be enough to get one's comment deleted.
    Anything else you want to converse about, Admiral smartypants?
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    jexsamxjexsamx Member Posts: 2,802 Arc User
    northrim wrote: »
    jexsamx wrote: »
    northrim wrote: »
    Critical posts get deleted now. Wow.

    Being a jerk isn't the same as being critical. Only one of those things gets posts deleted.

    You must have phsychic ablities for knowing what I wrote.
    Interesting. Calling someone else a "jerk" is ok on this forum nowadays but "ffs" seems to be enough to get one's comment deleted.
    Anything else you want to converse about, Admiral smartypants?

    The fact that my critical post is still there seems to suggest you did, in fact, post something worth deleting. If it was over the fact you used "ffs" then yeah that would be excessive since that would be easy for a moderator to just backspace away, but if the whole post is gone, it's unlikely that was the only thing they removed it for. Sadly I never caught you original post so I can't confirm, but the circumstantial evidence is pretty compelling.

    And that's Captain Smartypants to you. I'll never let them give me a desk job.
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    jcswwjcsww Member Posts: 6,800 Arc User
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    starswordcstarswordc Member Posts: 10,963 Arc User
    reyan01 wrote: »
    Level cap confirmed - increase to 65.

    T7 ships NOT confirmed and I hope to dear god that this doesn't happen!

    Personally I hope another "rank" increase doesn't happen with that level cap bump, either.
    "Great War! / And I cannot take more! / Great tour! / I keep on marching on / I play the great score / There will be no encore / Great War! / The War to End All Wars"
    — Sabaton, "Great War"

    Check out https://unitedfederationofpla.net/s/
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    sinn74sinn74 Member Posts: 1,149 Arc User
    As long as it doesn't turn into another "Play FED or GTFO" debacle like AOY, I'm looking forward to it.
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    northrimnorthrim Member Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited March 2018
    jexsamx wrote: »
    northrim wrote: »
    jexsamx wrote: »
    northrim wrote: »
    Critical posts get deleted now. Wow.

    Being a jerk isn't the same as being critical. Only one of those things gets posts deleted.

    You must have phsychic ablities for knowing what I wrote.
    Interesting. Calling someone else a "jerk" is ok on this forum nowadays but "ffs" seems to be enough to get one's comment deleted.
    Anything else you want to converse about, Admiral smartypants?

    The fact that my critical post is still there seems to suggest you did, in fact, post something worth deleting. If it was over the fact you used "ffs" then yeah that would be excessive since that would be easy for a moderator to just backspace away, but if the whole post is gone, it's unlikely that was the only thing they removed it for. Sadly I never caught you original post so I can't confirm, but the circumstantial evidence is pretty compelling.

    And that's Captain Smartypants to you. I'll never let them give me a desk job.

    I resend it a little bit less "ffs"ly and it is right there on page 4.
    btw don't talk about stuff like "circumstantial evidence" when you can't get behind the concept "innocent until proven guilty".
    Cheers, captain smartypants.
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    avoozuulavoozuul Member Posts: 3,202 Arc User
    Maybe they are going to add the rank of Commodore.
    I stream on Twitch, look for Avoozl_
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    shadowkoshshadowkosh Member Posts: 1,688 Arc User
    avoozuul wrote: »
    Maybe they are going to add the rank of Commodore.

    now that I would like
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    northrimnorthrim Member Posts: 49 Arc User
    shadowkosh wrote: »
    avoozuul wrote: »
    Maybe they are going to add the rank of Commodore.

    now that I would like

    That would be a demotion since a Commodore is below a Rear Admiral.
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    evilmark444evilmark444 Member Posts: 6,950 Arc User
    sinn74 wrote: »
    As long as it doesn't turn into another "Play FED or GTFO" debacle like AOY, I'm looking forward to it.

    Why would anyone play anything else?
    Lifetime Subscriber since Beta
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    vegeta50024vegeta50024 Member Posts: 2,336 Arc User
    All my enthusiasm about this expansion has been replaced with concern.
    We do not need or want a level cap increase
    We do not need or want MK 15 or 16 gear
    We do not need or want T7 ships

    You say the expansion doesn't include T7 ships. I have trouble believing they aren't coming down the pipe.

    1) From my understanding of things, the level cap increase sort of is due for one as we've been at level 60 since Delta Rising.

    2) They have not specifically stated that there's any mark increases of gear, so until then, we can continue using Mark XIV stuff.

    3) They have specifically stated that they do not like adding new Tiers of ships, so I think it's less of a question of when it happens, but rather If it happens.

    6 measly episodes?
    For the Jem'Hadar faction, not the whole expansion.
    Only one secondary specialization that is ultimately useless to anyone with a decent DPS.
    The new spec is coming with 14.5, not the expansion. Even if it was, nothing states its the only one in the expansion.
    Only 3 new voice actors
    Also wrong, it said we are getting 10 DS9 characters, and we already know Kira, Quark, Bashir, and Garak, are included, and all of them are new, and Martok is the only confirmed returning VA, so that still leaves up to 5 new VAs beyond the 4 new VAs we already know we are getting.
    Opening up the Gamma Quadrant which I must ask... what is really out there other then the Dominion and the Hurq?
    The Preservers, the ancient race that seeded all humanoid life in the galaxy is stated in the Star Trek Star Charts(which STO uses for its in-game maps) to have come from the Gamma Quadrant. Not to mention that the GQ is the only canonal place we ever saw Iconian Gateways outside of TNG.
    Also only the one new enemy type?
    Nothing has suggested such.
    The Hurq are not even all that threatening. Swarm ships with no real capacity for damage dealing, nor can they tank more then 2 hits?
    The Hur'q ships we fought where first responders, nothing has even remotely suggested those are the only ships the Hur'q have.
    -There is no special event to help fast track new Dominion characters to endgame like there was with TOS.
    -And worst of all ONE PLAYABLE SPECIES?!
    Both of these statements are unconfirmed, and not supported by the blog.

    I really have to wonder what blog you read, because they actual blog posted proves every single statement you said either outright wrong, or baseless speculation.

    And I'm wondering what post you read. Cherrypick more buddy. They do not call it the "Dominion faction". They call it the Jem Hadar faction. Doesn't bode well. Hey so the specialization isn't coming for the expansion? Even less content for what is really a glorified seasonal update. Hey that is funny because I already address the fact that the most interesting days of the Gamma Quadrant were behind it and its just a trash heap for dead empires. What other enemy types are there? Also nothing about the Hur'Q suggests it is a threat except hearsay. Color me not scared when we saved the Trek Multiverse from the sphere builders.

    Listen buddy you are not doin' anyone favors by softballing cryptic. This is an unacceptable excuse for an expansion and coming off the worst year the game has had since launch.

    @criticalthinker, I think you are jumping to conclusions too quickly. We do not know the extent of everything that is coming quite yet. They spent a good year thinking over this according to Borticus from the Ten Forward livestream and since they released Season 14, they've been working on getting everything implemented. There's lots to look forward to in the coming weeks/months in my opinion.
    northrim wrote: »
    *level cap raise to 65 - not needed, not wanted, more grind (at least stick with the current skill system and make it not dozens of millions of xp to next level please)
    (I hope T6-U or T7 ships NEVER get released - it just would devaluate everything we bought before)
    *new progression systems - not needed, not wanted, even more grind, leave specialisation system in place plox (players are OP & DPS-bombs already)
    *Gamma quadrant as huge (persistent?) sector battlezone - after a few months it will be almost empty and doing the same things again and again which reset every 30 minutes is not fun in the long run
    *playable Jem’Hadar faction - why not Cardassians??? :(

    You should have focused on more story content - especially for a Cardassian faction story - and new stfs tbh.

    Reintroducing a new exploration system in which one has to team up for unexplored Gamma Quadrant areas could have been a great idea.

    Giving us access to the revamped federation ship interiors which are used in missions would also be nice.

    More ships like for a Cardassian faction would have been great.

    Bug fixing, like the flickering with lighting 1.0, bloom not working right, and not properly selectable windows (e.g. hull section gets e.g. yellow windows forward section stays white) with some Klingon and Romulan ships should also be a priority.

    Redesign Kira's ingame face please. It looks strange.

    1) They wanted to give the Level 60 Jem'hadar faction some sense of leveling since they start at the current max level.

    2) You do not even know what the new progression system is yet. From what I understand though, the Specialization system is staying in place (considering that when Season 14.5 launches, we have 15 more points towards the max).

    3) We don't really know much about the battlezone yet so you're jumping to conclusions before we get everything.

    4) They have teased that it's likely not just Jem'hadar we're getting, especially with a new Cardassian ship sighted.

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    jcswwjcsww Member Posts: 6,800 Arc User
    starswordc wrote: »
    reyan01 wrote: »
    Level cap confirmed - increase to 65.

    T7 ships NOT confirmed and I hope to dear god that this doesn't happen!

    Personally I hope another "rank" increase doesn't happen with that level cap bump, either.

    But, but, but... I want to be the President of the Federation and Leader of the Klingon High Council! :D
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    lordgyorlordgyor Member Posts: 2,820 Arc User
    > @werewolfborg#2101 said:
    > I wonder what level 65 will be called. What's higher than fleet admiral? President of the federation? I can imagine a few thousand fleet admirals but I doubt there'd be a few thousand presidents.

    The only rank higher in the US Navy then Fleet Admiral (a five star Admiral) is a rank called Admiral of the Navy. I guess the STO equivilant would be Admiral of Starfleet.

    Now the question is what rank will Klingons get, is there a higher order then Dahar Master? Perhaps one becomes an adapted member of the Royal Family? Fleet Dahar Master. Head of the Dahar?
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    joeykoricjoeykoric Member Posts: 118 Arc User
    Is June right for the expansion? For some reason I had the feeling that expansion would of been out in late April to mid May. Oh well, still excited and looking forward to it.
    Fleet Admiral Zach Caldwell
    Commanding Officer, Strategic Starfleet Operations
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    lordgyorlordgyor Member Posts: 2,820 Arc User
    > @worgaus said:
    > tilarta wrote: »
    > ambassadorkael#6946 wrote: »
    > VictoryisLife - the Fourth Expansion to Star Trek Online, is coming to PC in June of 2018! Play as the brand new Jem'Hadar faction.
    > Yes Yes Yes YES!
    > I've been waiting to play as Jem'Hadar ever since the game launched and my patience paid off! <3
    > Some questions about how this content update will work:
    > * Can the Jem'Hadar choose to align with Starfleet faction so that my JH playable Captain can join my fleet?
    > * Will there be Vorta Bridge Officers?
    > * Given that the Dominion ships are already ingame as purchasable items (lobi store/phoenix token/exchange), will this prevent Jem'Hadar captains from acquiring Dominion vessels through the C-Store or via level progression?
    > * Will there be a kar'tarkin melee weapon?
    > I think Cardassians will be a later faction, as they're not part of the Dominion anymore, but an independent power nominally aligned with Starfleet.
    > Based on what I've found so far I can make some educated guesses to answer your questions:
    > [*] I read that the Jem'Hadar are starting out at level 65 complete with a handful of filled out Reputations and R&D branches. If that doesn't just scream quasi-faction I don't know what does. So in order to give new JH players plenty to do the easiest way would be to give them access to existing content.
    > [*] Their wording is pretty specific, they said "Jem'Hadar", not "Dominion", and that you'd get to play as the genetically engineered soldiers. My guess? Probably not, even though canon wise it would make sense because Vorta were put in charge and were the distributors of the Kectracel White for a reason.
    > [*] Given the amount of stats they could change on ships, they could keep the ship models and alter the stats to make them functionally different than the lobi/lottery box versions. Knowing them, they'll probably alter the models somewhat as well though.
    > [*] Probably, there's not nearly as much content for the Jem'Hadar as the other factions in the game so the upside is we'll likely get everything equipmentwise Jem'Hadar related in addition to some made up stuff to fill in whatever gaps remain.
    > Don't get me wrong though, I wouldn't mind at all making a Jem'Hadar and I'm looking forward to this release.

    I believe the Jem'hadar start at level 60 not 65. The choice of Jem'hadar and not Dominion does seem important, it suggests independent Jem'hadar not ones in service to the Dominion.

    I think it might be a faction that arises from the ashes of the New Link/True Way, which we mostly end with the New Link Changelings returning to the Dominion and many of the True Way leaders dead. What happened to the surviving Jem'hadar/Vorta/Cardassians?

    That would explain the new Cardassian ship.
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    zedbrightlander1zedbrightlander1 Member Posts: 14,777 Arc User
    Tier 7 ships are not a planned feature for Victory is Life.

    I think people keep missing this post. I know that I posted about T7 before reading this. Maybe you could edit the Top Post to add this information. Just a thought.
    Sig? What sig? I don't see any sig.
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    ricosakararicosakara Member Posts: 422 Arc User
    iconians wrote: »
    Alexander Siddig will reprise his role as Julian Bashir and Andrew Robinson will reprise his role as Elim Garak as per this link.

    You should really get your marketing guys on the same page.​​
    So who are the last 4to join our marry band of DSNiners?
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    lordgyorlordgyor Member Posts: 2,820 Arc User
    Oh and I can see Jem'hadar faction being very popular for Dilithium farming, it'll be worth having a Jem'hadar character just for the instant access to Admirality and other sources of Dilithium.

    By the way I have a feeling in addition to the all faction 6 episodes, the Jem'hadar will at least get access to a tuitoral that will give them at least some back story for the faction.

    Also I'm curious about what Jem'hadar ranks there will be. We know there is First (Captain), Second (Commander), Third (Lt. Commander). Still what do you call Lt. and Ensigns, Admiral Jem'hadar? For the first two I'd guess Fourth and Fifth, but Admiral and higher is harder.
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    lordgyorlordgyor Member Posts: 2,820 Arc User
    edited March 2018

    Found my own answer, most likely Admiral = Honoured Elder.

    Also it's possible Cardassians get added to preexisting factions.

    I will also add I think Terry Ferrell will be one of the 10 as she has expressed interest and Chase Masters on has been pushing STO to do so. I know this from video on YouTube from one of those Star Trek Cruises where Farrell and Masters on we're talking about it. What role Terry Farrell would play is uncertain, but it could be a copy/alternate universe version of Jadzia Dax, or a new Character, maybe the leader of the Hur'q!

    Anyone else hoping for Holo/Relicant version of DS9 characters as boffs?

    I'm also really curious about this new progression system and Sector Battle ground (that is alot bigger then other battle zones! I mean a whole sector! That will require new mechanics).

    I also think the new Battle Sector is why we will only get 6 episides to start out with, a sector size battle ground would take a huge amount of work.

    Its also obvious we get a new DS9!

    Also I'm curious how the Jem'hadar will handle professions, I mean Jem'hadar didn't seem to have seperate Tactical/Science/Enigineering departments.

    Also I'm curious about which ship will be the Jem'hadar Flagship?
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    zedbrightlander1zedbrightlander1 Member Posts: 14,777 Arc User
    avoozuul wrote: »
    Maybe they are going to add the rank of Commodore.

    I like it.

    And maybe the Devs could create a place on our Character Sheets, a drop down menu, perhaps, were we get to decide what title drops into the dialog/script. A lowly Ensign has only one option, but a Fleet Admiral gets to decide if he got demoted, like Kirk and Paris, back to Captain.

    These are the Ranks I would use, in dialog, if it were up to me.

    Lieutenant jg.
    Lieutenant Commander
    Rear Admiral
    Vice Admiral
    Fleet Admiral

    Sig? What sig? I don't see any sig.
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    captaind3captaind3 Member Posts: 2,449 Arc User
    As far as ranks, logically we wouldn't get a new rank until level 70, so we're all just gonna be Fleet Admirals, Dahar Masters, and Honored Elders grade 5.

    I think I'm looking forward to Tacofang's DS9 redesign the most.

    Garak and Bashir together again, how marvelous.

    So six episodes announced. Well that's a good start, but I'm hoping the story bench at launch will be deeper than that, though I'm wondering what comes out between now and then.

    I'm also fascinated by what new ships we're going to see for the faction, especially since the Jem'Hadar have already been pillaged for their ships. I'm all for new ship designs it would be nice if the Dominion was pushed to innovate a little after the War in the Alpha Quadrant.

    Also where's Sela? Will the alliance bring her out of prison to deal with less...agreeable segments of the Dominion? Or will we get all our info from Odo?

    And seriously, they've got three months til this thing launches, it's obvious they'll fix Kira's face.
    "Rise like Lions after slumber, In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew, Which in sleep had fallen on you-Ye are many — they are few"
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    kerare#5654 kerare Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    lets face it now, space roaches will userp the universe and we are all doomed to more c store push items and useless eye candy to likely repeat another romulan like cope out expansion.....but thats just par for the direction its heading.
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