Blah blah blah, yahoo another Reputation/Specialization to grind. I earn those Specialization Points too slow as it is because I don't want to become a grinding hamster.
Also, PLEASE provide a cowboy hat for use in the tailor. That, combined with the LTS badge, means "there ain't enough room in this quadrant fer the both of us"...
Also also, duels on Nimbus III, for gits and snuggles.
Space Barbie Extraordinaire. Got a question about Space Barbie? Just ask.
Things I want in STO:
1) More character customization options such as more clothing options, letting the toon complexion affect the entire body, not just the head. Also a true RGB color picker applied to all costume and appearance options, which would allow for true appearance customization and homogenous colors instead of "this same exact color looks vastly different on two different pieces."
2) Bridge customization, not bridge packs. Let us pick a general layout and adjust the color palette, console appearance, and chair types, as well as more ready room layout options.
3) Customizable ground weapons, i.e. The aesthetic look of phaser dual pistols but they shoot antiproton bolts. For obvious reasons this would only apply to standard ground weapons.
4) For the love of Q please revamp Plasma Ground Weapons. They look like demented Supersoakers right now.
5) True Vanity Impulse and Deflector effects similar to Vanity Shields.
6) A greater payout for hitting T6 Reputations. Currently it takes more time and resources to get from T5 to T6 than it does to get from nothing to T5. Make that grind really pay out at the end.
7) Mirrorverse Refugee event similar to AoY/Delta/Gamma, complete with new Mirrorverse recruits for all factions.
8) Independent Faction, because yo ho yo ho a pirate's life for me!
> @ambassadorkael#6946 said: > nightken wrote: » > > wait if you use this and command does that mean your a police chief. is temporal/constable time cop? > > > > > Of course it is.
Funny thing about time travel. Technically, it has always been that way.
Space Barbie Extraordinaire. Got a question about Space Barbie? Just ask.
Things I want in STO:
1) More character customization options such as more clothing options, letting the toon complexion affect the entire body, not just the head. Also a true RGB color picker applied to all costume and appearance options, which would allow for true appearance customization and homogenous colors instead of "this same exact color looks vastly different on two different pieces."
2) Bridge customization, not bridge packs. Let us pick a general layout and adjust the color palette, console appearance, and chair types, as well as more ready room layout options.
3) Customizable ground weapons, i.e. The aesthetic look of phaser dual pistols but they shoot antiproton bolts. For obvious reasons this would only apply to standard ground weapons.
4) For the love of Q please revamp Plasma Ground Weapons. They look like demented Supersoakers right now.
5) True Vanity Impulse and Deflector effects similar to Vanity Shields.
6) A greater payout for hitting T6 Reputations. Currently it takes more time and resources to get from T5 to T6 than it does to get from nothing to T5. Make that grind really pay out at the end.
7) Mirrorverse Refugee event similar to AoY/Delta/Gamma, complete with new Mirrorverse recruits for all factions.
8) Independent Faction, because yo ho yo ho a pirate's life for me!
Constable/Command = Police Chief Constable/Temporal = Time Cop Constable/Miracle Worker = Brilliant, Hard Boiled Detective Constable/Pilot = Chopper Pilot Constable/Intelligence = CSI Constable/Commando = SWAT Constable/Strategist = Field Commander
Space Barbie Extraordinaire. Got a question about Space Barbie? Just ask.
Things I want in STO:
1) More character customization options such as more clothing options, letting the toon complexion affect the entire body, not just the head. Also a true RGB color picker applied to all costume and appearance options, which would allow for true appearance customization and homogenous colors instead of "this same exact color looks vastly different on two different pieces."
2) Bridge customization, not bridge packs. Let us pick a general layout and adjust the color palette, console appearance, and chair types, as well as more ready room layout options.
3) Customizable ground weapons, i.e. The aesthetic look of phaser dual pistols but they shoot antiproton bolts. For obvious reasons this would only apply to standard ground weapons.
4) For the love of Q please revamp Plasma Ground Weapons. They look like demented Supersoakers right now.
5) True Vanity Impulse and Deflector effects similar to Vanity Shields.
6) A greater payout for hitting T6 Reputations. Currently it takes more time and resources to get from T5 to T6 than it does to get from nothing to T5. Make that grind really pay out at the end.
7) Mirrorverse Refugee event similar to AoY/Delta/Gamma, complete with new Mirrorverse recruits for all factions.
8) Independent Faction, because yo ho yo ho a pirate's life for me!
Has to be an April fool they cannot be putting something this badly designed and thought out into the game. Talk about a flawed Specialization.
By the time most of it triggers it’s useless. Take Close the gap by the time 4 seconds has passed for it to activate you have already closed the gap and don’t need the speed boost to close the gap. The other problem is by the time most of the powers trigger the target is already dead or almost dead so the buffs are not useful.
I might use this spec tree, and try harder to have a primary target
Seriously though, it would have been nice if these weren't just bonuses for things everyone was already doing. More boosts and more damage plus more survivability so that you ignore everything around you without sacrificing much, isn't exactly what I think was needed.
Does this come with a title unlock? Because "Constables" are the members of my headcanon Deferi faction and it'd greatly enhance my Deferi characters if they could choose that title
^ Memory is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
"No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
"A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
"That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
> @themadprofessor#9835 said: > PLEASE let this be true. > > Also, PLEASE provide a cowboy hat for use in the tailor. That, combined with the LTS badge, means "there ain't enough room in this quadrant fer the both of us"... > > Also also, duels on Nimbus III, for gits and snuggles.
Blah blah blah, yahoo another Reputation/Specialization to grind. I earn those Specialization Points too slow as it is because I don't want to become a grinding hamster.
get dilithium instead of spec point over 195.. so why not allow dilithium to buy spec points in the first place? None of my toons have finished all the spec trees. They take the longest and have the longest grind.. doff missions, admiralty missions, stfs, argala blah.. I would buy spec points if I could, and while I know a shortcut.. it is a VERY EXPENSIVE shortcut.
> @themadprofessor#9835 said:
> PLEASE let this be true.
> Also, PLEASE provide a cowboy hat for use in the tailor. That, combined with the LTS badge, means "there ain't enough room in this quadrant fer the both of us"...
> Also also, duels on Nimbus III, for gits and snuggles.
Sounds interesting, since it could benefit any type of ship. I've always liked single-target type builds. The newer content can make use of this, as with the Tzenkethi that have high non-front facing shields and high damage resistances.
Look forward to what constable bridge officers and specialty ship abilities these will come with.
> @alcyoneserene said: > Sounds interesting, since it could benefit any type of ship. I've always liked single-target type builds. The newer content can make use of this, as with the Tzenkethi that have high non-front facing shields and high damage resistances. > > Look forward to what constable bridge officers and specialty ship abilities these will come with.
It's a secondary spec so there won't be any bridge officer abilities or specialty ship abilities...
Don't let them promote you. Don't let them transfer you. Don't let them do anything that takes you off the bridge of that ship, because while you're there... you can make a difference.
-Captain James T. Kirk
Also, PLEASE provide a cowboy hat for use in the tailor. That, combined with the LTS badge, means "there ain't enough room in this quadrant fer the both of us"...
Also also, duels on Nimbus III, for gits and snuggles.
Things I want in STO:
1) More character customization options such as more clothing options, letting the toon complexion affect the entire body, not just the head. Also a true RGB color picker applied to all costume and appearance options, which would allow for true appearance customization and homogenous colors instead of "this same exact color looks vastly different on two different pieces."
2) Bridge customization, not bridge packs. Let us pick a general layout and adjust the color palette, console appearance, and chair types, as well as more ready room layout options.
3) Customizable ground weapons, i.e. The aesthetic look of phaser dual pistols but they shoot antiproton bolts. For obvious reasons this would only apply to standard ground weapons.
4) For the love of Q please revamp Plasma Ground Weapons. They look like demented Supersoakers right now.
5) True Vanity Impulse and Deflector effects similar to Vanity Shields.
6) A greater payout for hitting T6 Reputations. Currently it takes more time and resources to get from T5 to T6 than it does to get from nothing to T5. Make that grind really pay out at the end.
7) Mirrorverse Refugee event similar to AoY/Delta/Gamma, complete with new Mirrorverse recruits for all factions.
8) Independent Faction, because yo ho yo ho a pirate's life for me!
if I stop posting it doesn't make you right it. just means I don't have enough rum to continue interacting with you.
Of course it is.
> nightken wrote: »
> wait if you use this and command does that mean your a police chief. is temporal/constable time cop?
> Of course it is.
Funny thing about time travel. Technically, it has always been that way.
Things I want in STO:
1) More character customization options such as more clothing options, letting the toon complexion affect the entire body, not just the head. Also a true RGB color picker applied to all costume and appearance options, which would allow for true appearance customization and homogenous colors instead of "this same exact color looks vastly different on two different pieces."
2) Bridge customization, not bridge packs. Let us pick a general layout and adjust the color palette, console appearance, and chair types, as well as more ready room layout options.
3) Customizable ground weapons, i.e. The aesthetic look of phaser dual pistols but they shoot antiproton bolts. For obvious reasons this would only apply to standard ground weapons.
4) For the love of Q please revamp Plasma Ground Weapons. They look like demented Supersoakers right now.
5) True Vanity Impulse and Deflector effects similar to Vanity Shields.
6) A greater payout for hitting T6 Reputations. Currently it takes more time and resources to get from T5 to T6 than it does to get from nothing to T5. Make that grind really pay out at the end.
7) Mirrorverse Refugee event similar to AoY/Delta/Gamma, complete with new Mirrorverse recruits for all factions.
8) Independent Faction, because yo ho yo ho a pirate's life for me!
^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
Constable/Temporal = Time Cop
Constable/Miracle Worker = Brilliant, Hard Boiled Detective
Constable/Pilot = Chopper Pilot
Constable/Intelligence = CSI
Constable/Commando = SWAT
Constable/Strategist = Field Commander
Things I want in STO:
1) More character customization options such as more clothing options, letting the toon complexion affect the entire body, not just the head. Also a true RGB color picker applied to all costume and appearance options, which would allow for true appearance customization and homogenous colors instead of "this same exact color looks vastly different on two different pieces."
2) Bridge customization, not bridge packs. Let us pick a general layout and adjust the color palette, console appearance, and chair types, as well as more ready room layout options.
3) Customizable ground weapons, i.e. The aesthetic look of phaser dual pistols but they shoot antiproton bolts. For obvious reasons this would only apply to standard ground weapons.
4) For the love of Q please revamp Plasma Ground Weapons. They look like demented Supersoakers right now.
5) True Vanity Impulse and Deflector effects similar to Vanity Shields.
6) A greater payout for hitting T6 Reputations. Currently it takes more time and resources to get from T5 to T6 than it does to get from nothing to T5. Make that grind really pay out at the end.
7) Mirrorverse Refugee event similar to AoY/Delta/Gamma, complete with new Mirrorverse recruits for all factions.
8) Independent Faction, because yo ho yo ho a pirate's life for me!
By the time most of it triggers it’s useless. Take Close the gap by the time 4 seconds has passed for it to activate you have already closed the gap and don’t need the speed boost to close the gap. The other problem is by the time most of the powers trigger the target is already dead or almost dead so the buffs are not useful.
Seriously though, it would have been nice if these weren't just bonuses for things everyone was already doing. More boosts and more damage plus more survivability so that you ignore everything around you without sacrificing much, isn't exactly what I think was needed.
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
> PLEASE let this be true.
> Also, PLEASE provide a cowboy hat for use in the tailor. That, combined with the LTS badge, means "there ain't enough room in this quadrant fer the both of us"...
> Also also, duels on Nimbus III, for gits and snuggles.
No guts, no glory.
I had to do it.
That one is so stupid, he lost a Rock/Paper/Scissors game to a Pony.
I doubt I can get Miracle worker finished before this hits. Aw well, more to do at least.
Also, since 14.5 is coming Soon™, does this mean we'll be getting that super-complex-from-a-design-standpoint mission with it?
Losing faith in humanity, one person at a time.
..I don't think that's a good thing.
get dilithium instead of spec point over 195.. so why not allow dilithium to buy spec points in the first place? None of my toons have finished all the spec trees. They take the longest and have the longest grind.. doff missions, admiralty missions, stfs, argala blah.. I would buy spec points if I could, and while I know a shortcut.. it is a VERY EXPENSIVE shortcut.
Galaxy Rangers reference?
Look forward to what constable bridge officers and specialty ship abilities these will come with.
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
> Sounds interesting, since it could benefit any type of ship. I've always liked single-target type builds. The newer content can make use of this, as with the Tzenkethi that have high non-front facing shields and high damage resistances.
> Look forward to what constable bridge officers and specialty ship abilities these will come with.
It's a secondary spec so there won't be any bridge officer abilities or specialty ship abilities...
Don't let them promote you. Don't let them transfer you. Don't let them do anything that takes you off the bridge of that ship, because while you're there... you can make a difference.
-Captain James T. Kirk
it's on tribble, I'll let you decide what that means. haven't tried it yet.
if I stop posting it doesn't make you right it. just means I don't have enough rum to continue interacting with you.