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Multiple characters, is it worth it?

I've just returned to the game after a long absence, and at the moment I have two Federation characters, a 24th century one and a 23rd century guy who commands all of my retro bits and pieces from anything pre TNG.

I find myself logging into one, doing a couple of dailies, setting up the various R&D, Admiralty and other queues, doing the Q missions, doing the same on the other character, then logging off.

The last time I played all of these bits and pieces didn't exist in the game so I'm starting to err toward the idea that multiple characters are just going to be a timesink where I log in and do lots of clicking around without actually really doing much else, then logging out.

Am I hampering myself if I don't do these queues all the time on every character I have? I'd love to roll a Romulan and a Klingon but I'm not sure if I can devote the time daily to doing five or six consecutive logins to sort stuff out on each person I play as.

Are there any major advantages to having more than one character on the go these days, or do most people concentrate on one?


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    silverlobes#2676 silverlobes Member Posts: 1,953 Arc User
    It's going to vary from person to person... As someone with raging altitis, yes, I think it is worth it, because at the very least, it allows me to try different factions and different careers :sunglasses: That it also allows additional exchange/inventory space is also useful, and additional resources, such as refined dilithium and ec. Now bearing that in mind, I don't necessarily log in to every alt every day, in fact, some hardly get used at all. But I believe the options are nice to have :sunglasses: YMMV :sunglasses:
    "I fight for the Users!" - Tron

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    garaks31garaks31 Member Posts: 2,845 Arc User
    i progress, fed sci ,rom eng ,kdf tac ... it's usefull. more then those and the various recruits, all extra toon is unnasacry time and resource sink..

    for admiralty my tip. resolve 1 or 2 missions per day. doing 8 every day is boring to me ..
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    protoneousprotoneous Member Posts: 3,019 Arc User

    I'd love to roll a Romulan and a Klingon but I'm not sure if I can devote the time daily to doing five or six consecutive logins to sort stuff out on each person I play as.

    Are there any major advantages to having more than one character on the go these days, or do most people concentrate on one?

    Multiple characters can be a lot of fun exploring the different disciplines and factions. They can take advantage of reputation sponsorship tokens, account bound equipment, and zen and event ships. They can even just turn in contraband if nothing else while not being played.

    Given my own experience with alts and some comments from others though, don't make too big a job for yourself. Some have 1 main and 2 alts, some have 1 of each discipline in each of the 3 factions that are all mains. Whatever balance works for you to try out some different aspects of the game while not overdoing things.

    I couldn't imagine playing just one toon but that's just me but do keep in mind it can be a fair bit of work getting an alt up to snuff depending upon your own standards of what a reasonably developed end-game character is.

    You may want to save an alt until the next recruitment event possibly coming this summer with the next expansion (?). Previous events have had some very nice rewards.

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    kekvinkekvin Member Posts: 633 Arc User
    For the ec and dill its worth it. Especially the klingons with there doff contraband missions and raids. Im sitting on maybe 1000 contraband atm
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    humblesheephumblesheep Member Posts: 423 Arc User
    I have quite a few, each one in different ships, with a different theme for each. It allows me to try out 'new stuff' without having to do major changes to any one build.

    You don't have to play each alt through all the story missions, once you get doffs, a couple of minutes a day and they'll level up in a few months; and you get the income.

    Quite a lot of gear is also 'account bound', so if you do change your main's build, quite often you can pass stuff on, like crafted weapons, especially when you've spent a small fortune upgrading them.
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    kiralynkiralyn Member Posts: 1,576 Arc User
    /glances at my 12 characters.....

    I might be a bit biased :)

    As someone with alt-itis, I like to make a character of each "type" or starting zone, etc. So for STO, the minimum would be a Fed, a 23c Fed, a KDF, and a Rom. But since I've been playing for awhile, I've over time made Fed-Tac/Sci/Eng, KDF-Tac/Sci/Eng, Rom/Fed, Rom/KDF.... and then made new alts for Delta & Temporal recruits... whee!

    Yeah, it can take a chunk of time even just to DOFF & Admiralty for a bunch of alts (I don't always keep up with all of them), on the other hand it's a way to get more Dil & EC, have more characters to fly different ships or try different weapon types & gear sets.

    Depends on what you enjoy, honestly.
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    postagepaidpostagepaid Member Posts: 2,899 Arc User
    Levels of altoholism will vary from person to person. STO is easier as characters have very little that make them specific whereas other mmo's that are stricter to the unholy trinity I'll always try to make alts of each class as throwback to my tanking days, best way of knowing something about a classes potential is to play one yourself.

    Some will religiously log into every character each day to make sure stuff is ticking through while others will ignore an alt once it hits a certain stage.

    I have one with crafting to 20 in everything but the rest stop at 15 as there's no need to go higher once you have the trait. Similarly many of them havent got cannon crafting levelled at all as I simply don't like those as weapons on a ship, never have.

    Most sit in mothballs unless there's something like the dil weekend on where I dust off a couple more to use a claim. Likewise with some events that give 50k dil reward I may use a couple more to give the dil stash a nudge upwards.

    Another thing I'm doing is dusting off an alt when an endeavour is tied to a story arc, I'll probably mothball them again.

    Splitting factions comes with an extra cost as you'll be locked from most of the t6 ships.
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    smooshy#7462 smooshy Member Posts: 233 Arc User
    I'm pretty bad. I have a lvl 60 alt for just about every ship in my inventory (or class of ship, in the case of mega bundles), and I have a lot of ships. I afford them by having alts. It is a lot of clicking when you want to max out EC and dilithium each day, but my account is reasonably wealthy without spending any real life money. It's not for most people, but I'm a Ferengi at heart, so the acquisition game is fun in itself for me.
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    echattyechatty Member Posts: 5,914 Arc User
    I echo what the others said. It doesn't hurt to have alts, especially if you like to RP. And they all contribute dil and ec to the account. You don't have to play all of them, have some specifically for mining or playing around with, one or two for stories. I have about 14 or more on one acct, and then my F2P has just the one, but I do have two more alt slots and I'm thinking about rolling her a AoY, even though there won't be any rewards and they'll simply be a Time Cop, so to speak, fed side.

    Still, I do like playing around with alts, got altitis pretty bad.
    Now a LTS and loving it.
    Just because you spend money on this game, it does not entitle you to be a jerk if things don't go your way.
    I have come to the conclusion that I have a memory like Etch-A-Sketch. I shake my head and forget everything. :D
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    arionisaarionisa Member Posts: 1,421 Arc User
    I have a bunch of alts, Fed/KDF/Rom with Tac/Sci/Eng in each. They don't take up any more of my time than I allow them to. Just because you have a large number of alts does not mean that you have to play every one of them every day. I go long periods of time where only one or two of them get played, other times I run through them all collecting an restarting R&D etc, and some days I don't even log in.

    With re-engineering it is no longer as big of a deal as before but multiple alts allows you craft more items at once in the hopes of getting good mods, even with the re-engineering it is still a plus, 20 toons each crafting 3 items every five minutes means you have 60 chances of getting a weapon with good mods every five minutes instead of 3, an even if you don't get any good mods, you have 60 items for salvage....every five minutes
    LTS and loving it.
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    bloodyrizbloodyriz Member Posts: 1,756 Arc User
    I myself have over 30 toons, and honestly, many of them go untouched for long periods of time, but since each has a certain "theme" for me, when I feel the urge for that theme, I play that alt. However I do have one actual main, and she is very active.​​
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    davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,538 Arc User
    I have 10 alts, 3 of each career in each faction, plus a TOS fed.

    I had fun leveling them up in different ships, playing the different faction stories, picking a theme for the captain and different endgame ship (or ships) for each one.

    Now that they're at endgame I only do as much daily grind as a feel like. I do the ship events but skip some of the queue and arena events and might only run a featured episode once instead of 4 times. I only do as much of Admiralty and doffing as a feel like, on 0 or more characters.

    I don't consider any one captain my "main", that changes over time, but I am often only playing one of them on a daily basis.

    Long answer short: there is no downside once you get into the mindset that you don't "need" to play all of your characters every day. You can leave them parked for months at a time.
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    orangenee#2931 orangenee Member Posts: 837 Arc User
    I have 4 on the go. 1 of which I barely log on to. At the moment it's omega grind for my main, and the other 2 I do as much as feel like with. Usually admiralty and contraband acquisition.

    Eventually, once I've hoarded enough EC I'll buy the Vengeance for the neglected fed and put some time in with her and put the others on hold. She hasn't even completed Coliseum yet. Mainly because I started 3 characters at the same time and aside from a few minor differences, there's not much to see story wise between the 2 and half factions.
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    r0m#7631 r0m Member Posts: 134 Arc User
    edited February 2018
    I have four toons, one Fed main, one Reman/KDF alt and two KDF marauding toons for extra Dil refining power. That's about all I have time to take care of, really depends on the amount of time you are willing to dedicate to STO.

    Ressources sure do pour in faster with multiple toons due to DOff/Admirality systems.

    I also spread my research on my different toons, at the moment, for each schools, I have at least one toon with lvl 15 +, so it helps getting decent research capabilities faster.

    Edited: Just a note, consider investing in an account bank if you are going to use multiple alts to feed a main, it makes it way easier.
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    pwstolemynamepwstolemyname Member Posts: 1,417 Arc User
    edited February 2018
    I have had one main character (Fed: Science) since STO launched. I also have thirteen losers. I call my my alts losers because I have a rule. I do not invest in alts. I invest Dilithium, EC and Zen into my main toon only, and mostly only play him. The loosers exist only to earn resources for my main character.

    Now I have a good number of friends in STO who have also been playing for a very long time, mostly from release or from just after the game went free to play. These poor friends suffer from a terrifying and unhealthy condition known as: Alt-Itus.

    The symptoms of Alt-Itus may include, but are not limited to, decreased DPS. regular character switching, spending more money, and long hours spent repetitively grinding the same content for the same rewards.

    By focusing your time and resources on a single character you can amas enough gear to make them perform excellently in any situation. My main little science captain out DPS'es many of my friends tactical romulans, out tanks their engineers, and out sciences their science toons.

    In theory this should not be a thing. The tactical captains should out DPS him, and the Engineers should out tank him (and out DPS him), and certainly there are people out there that do both, but they are few and far between, the reason is simple, years and years of playing the same captain and pouring all my resources into him simply made him better, and me better at playing him, then he and I would be if I had Alt-Itus.

    Now all of the above said. I hands down loose at space barbie. My friend Ratty has me beat at that every time, and he has tuns of alts, and more importantly he has tuns of fun. So while Alting might not be for me, it could be for you. We all get our enjoyment differently.

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    davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,538 Arc User
    We all get our enjoyment differently.

    Exactly. I've had more fun playing story episodes than queues, and also more fun with flying different endgame ships, using different ground and space captain skills and kit modules, etc.

    I'd rather have 10 different kinds of fun than focus every day on optimizing one build, only to be driven to madness when the devs change the game's behavior again.
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    rattler2rattler2 Member, Star Trek Online Moderator Posts: 58,119 Community Moderator
    Now all of the above said. I hands down loose at space barbie. My friend Ratty has me beat at that every time, and he has tuns of alts, and more importantly he has tuns of fun. So while Alting might not be for me, it could be for you. We all get our enjoyment differently.

    In my defense... I mostly focus on certain characters rather than try and maximize all of them. I've at least got them serviceable at endgame but focus on... 4-5 right now, 4 of which I consider "faction mains". 1 Fed, 2 TOS Fed, 1 Romulan, and 1 KDF. All spread across all three career paths.

    As for having alts... at least one of each faction as each faction has access to story content that the others don't. Although you could just have a TOS Fed instead of a normal Fed as TOS get ALL of the Fed story on top of the early TOS missions.
    I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
    The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
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    swamarianswamarian Member Posts: 1,506 Arc User
    I'm not sure that it's worth it, but it doesn't hurt. I've got 6 characters (First 4 are balanced Fed/KDF, with a Romulan/Reman split between the 2 factions. Last 2 are Delta and TOS recruits, which were free.) If I want to run everything on every character, that's 6 runs through the same mission. If I want a set for a character, that's 8 runs, which pushes me to burnout. The dilithium and ec are nice, but for me, it's pretty time consuming.
    I have a couple of mains that I log in more regularly on, and just do the other characters whenever. I also have some static builds for my occasional characters that I like, so I can just log in and go with them, while I tend to experiment more on my mains.
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    djf021djf021 Member Posts: 1,379 Arc User
    I have 10 alts, 3 of each career in each faction, plus a TOS fed.

    I had fun leveling them up in different ships, playing the different faction stories, picking a theme for the captain and different endgame ship (or ships) for each one.

    Now that they're at endgame I only do as much daily grind as a feel like. I do the ship events but skip some of the queue and arena events and might only run a featured episode once instead of 4 times. I only do as much of Admiralty and doffing as a feel like, on 0 or more characters.

    I don't consider any one captain my "main", that changes over time, but I am often only playing one of them on a daily basis.

    Long answer short: there is no downside once you get into the mindset that you don't "need" to play all of your characters every day. You can leave them parked for months at a time.

    I've recently learned this lesson, and it has increased my enjoyment of the game. I've got 13 (I think?) toons, and I used to try to keep them all caught up on everything. Now, when I start a new toon, it's for a specific theme, and I just relax and play that toon exclusively for a while, while he or she is leveling up. Once at endgame, they might get shelved for a while.

    But I'm enjoying myself, and I've got no stress about keeping everybody caught up.

    Don't let them promote you. Don't let them transfer you. Don't let them do anything that takes you off the bridge of that ship, because while you're there... you can make a difference.
    -Captain James T. Kirk
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    nikephorusnikephorus Member Posts: 2,744 Arc User
    I personally think it's worth having at least one of every class. Additionally, having a large number of kdf contraband farmers can help if you wanna be free to play, but still want some nice goodies.
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    sovereign010sovereign010 Member Posts: 636 Arc User
    I have 10 alts, 3 of each career in each faction, plus a TOS fed.

    I had fun leveling them up in different ships, playing the different faction stories, picking a theme for the captain and different endgame ship (or ships) for each one.

    Now that they're at endgame I only do as much daily grind as a feel like. I do the ship events but skip some of the queue and arena events and might only run a featured episode once instead of 4 times. I only do as much of Admiralty and doffing as a feel like, on 0 or more characters.

    I don't consider any one captain my "main", that changes over time, but I am often only playing one of them on a daily basis.

    Long answer short: there is no downside once you get into the mindset that you don't "need" to play all of your characters every day. You can leave them parked for months at a time.

    Similar story here- I had a longer reply typed out but for some reason it got lost in the ether, best thing about 10 toons is that it makes refining enough dil to convert Zen in a meaningful quantity a realistic prospect. With just one toon it would take over a month just to make 1,000 Zen and half a year for your guy's portion of a mega bundle. This is how I managed to afford every T6 bundle there is without spending real money on Zen, combined with only converting when the exchange rate bottoms out during a Phoenix event.

    Each of my girls (real Amazon brigade here!) is a different race, their only shared characteristic is their mouth corner positions are set all the way up to give them a fixed smile. Between the ten, all six energy weapon types are represented- this means that whenever a new console or set comes out, at least one of them gets use out of it and further differentiates each one.

    The only downside is when it comes to fleet ships since each would have to be bought individually, however because of their different races and careers I can get each one a different ship without doubling up anywhere. I've spent quite a bit of time mulling over what ship to get each one (since some use cannons and some use beams)- I've only expended two of the ten fleet ship modules I bought for this task. No, I'm not going to blow 5 of them on a certain Lukari ship either.
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    dracounguisdracounguis Member Posts: 5,358 Arc User
    It's going to vary from person to person... As someone with raging altitis, yes, I think it is worth it, because at the very least, it allows me to try different factions and different careers :sunglasses: That it also allows additional exchange/inventory space is also useful, and additional resources, such as refined dilithium and ec. Now bearing that in mind, I don't necessarily log in to every alt every day, in fact, some hardly get used at all. But I believe the options are nice to have :sunglasses: YMMV :sunglasses:

    All good points. Also you can make alot of Dil easy in some instances. Like Dil Weekend with Mining Claims. I have 8 toons so I can make 80008 Dil in 8 minutes of mining each day. Same with fast Events like Crystalline Entity.

    But the bad part of many toons is less time to actually play the game. I could take 3hrs a day JUST doing doffing, admiralty & one Borg RA on 8 toons. Also if you start wanting expensive ships on each toon, then you can be spending a lot of EC/lobi/Zen too if you can't resist temptation.

    I first made 3 toons to try each career (back when there was more difference between them than just a couple Captain Powers) and then a Klingon... and then a Caitian... and then a Romulan... and then a Delta Recruit... and then a AoY recruit! And when Cryptic does another _____ recruit, I'll probably do that too. :/
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    silverlobes#2676 silverlobes Member Posts: 1,953 Arc User
    It's going to vary from person to person... As someone with raging altitis, yes, I think it is worth it, because at the very least, it allows me to try different factions and different careers :sunglasses: That it also allows additional exchange/inventory space is also useful, and additional resources, such as refined dilithium and ec. Now bearing that in mind, I don't necessarily log in to every alt every day, in fact, some hardly get used at all. But I believe the options are nice to have :sunglasses: YMMV :sunglasses:

    All good points. Also you can make alot of Dil easy in some instances. Like Dil Weekend with Mining Claims. I have 8 toons so I can make 80008 Dil in 8 minutes of mining each day. Same with fast Events like Crystalline Entity.

    But the bad part of many toons is less time to actually play the game. I could take 3hrs a day JUST doing doffing, admiralty & one Borg RA on 8 toons. Also if you start wanting expensive ships on each toon, then you can be spending a lot of EC/lobi/Zen too if you can't resist temptation.

    I first made 3 toons to try each career (back when there was more difference between them than just a couple Captain Powers) and then a Klingon... and then a Caitian... and then a Romulan... and then a Delta Recruit... and then a AoY recruit! And when Cryptic does another _____ recruit, I'll probably do that too. :/
    Thanks :sunglasses: It definitely helps acquiring dil and EC, but you're absolutely right that it can mean less actual playing time... Most days, I'll put one through the mining, sometimes a couple if I'm saving for something, or just in the mood for the mini game, but with the dil weekend, yes, they've all bee put through their paces :lol::lol: For me, it's mostly a case of wanting to try a different character or overall theme, as most of my characters are engineers. I have a couple of tactical characters, and one KDF science. If I could have an engineer who could equip a Repulsor Burst kit module, and the exothermic induction field, I'd not need any of the other careers :lol::lol:

    "I fight for the Users!" - Tron

    "I was here before you, I will be here after you are gone. I am here, regardless of your acknowledgement or acceptance..." - The Truth
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    quixoticishquixoticish Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    Thanks all. Sounds like alts are good fun and worthwhile with minimal input.

    I think I'll roll another 24th century Fed alt at one point to replay the story missions. He can be some kind of freelancer and only fly the non Startfleet ships. I'll also give the Romulans and Klingons a go, new content is always fun to worth through.
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    silverlobes#2676 silverlobes Member Posts: 1,953 Arc User
    edited February 2018
    Thanks all. Sounds like alts are good fun and worthwhile with minimal input.

    I think I'll roll another 24th century Fed alt at one point to replay the story missions. He can be some kind of freelancer and only fly the non Startfleet ships. I'll also give the Romulans and Klingons a go, new content is always fun to worth through.
    Having a theme, like your idea for a freelancer with non-Starfleet ships, is a good way of having fun with an alt, and keeping things different and fun, rather than simply being 'the same but different grinding' :sunglasses:

    For example, I have a Bolian dilithium miner (created solely as an additional dilithium miner) who has an all-Bolian crew, who never wear Starfleet uniform. Someone was kind enough to gift me a Tuffli freighter to Complete The Look. My headcanon, is that he's simply a miner, who somehow has access to Starfleet holodeck training archives. Another alt, a KDF tactical, I'm levelling up solely through doing the Deep Space Encounters. I only did enough of the story missions to level them up to where the DSE's could be entered, and will only do story missions I can't skip. Another AOY alt I created over the weekend (intended as another dilithium miner) I'm seeing just how much EC I can grind, and how much I can rank them up, by replaying In the Shadow of Cestus (to try and get some of the TOS-era gear to then have in the 25th Century when I need to jump them forwards to do the mining) If you're playing the Romulan Arc for the first time, keep in mind, that that is Tovan Khev's story, not your character's story. Your character gets given command rather than him, but in terms of the story, he's been written as the axis of the story. Many hate him, I don't (I actually think he's pretty cool) because I see it as his story, not my character's. Bearing that in mind, makes him less insufferable than many complain of :lol: So keep it different, keep it interesting, and keep it fun :sunglasses:

    "I fight for the Users!" - Tron

    "I was here before you, I will be here after you are gone. I am here, regardless of your acknowledgement or acceptance..." - The Truth
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    warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    Game-mechanically the only advantage is for dil refining, 8k per toon.
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    starswordcstarswordc Member Posts: 10,963 Arc User
    Gonna agree with the crowd here: the number of alts you need is equal to the number of alts it's fun to play as. My opinion, if alting starts to feel like work, you've got too many.
    "Great War! / And I cannot take more! / Great tour! / I keep on marching on / I play the great score / There will be no encore / Great War! / The War to End All Wars"
    — Sabaton, "Great War"

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    baddmoonrizinbaddmoonrizin Member Posts: 10,425 Community Moderator
    Worth is always going to be subjective.

    Currently, though, the maximum number of character slots available for an LTS is 54. ;)
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