Just remember folks, if you have the Hidden Payload set bonus you can close rifts and interact with the generators while cloaked; Terran ships will rarely bother you if you get there first. Couple that with a Battle Cloak or better and you can close as many rifts as you want unmolested. Throw in a pilot ship too and you can easily escape when you do eventually get spotted*.
On advanced difficulty the station is toast whatever you do, so you might as well keep your head down and earn some extra marks. What did Obisek ever do for you anyway?
*When it comes to cloaking, the AI cheats. It's to be expected.
So instead of Cristaline event that is fun and fast we get this fail of a mision ... And the great dil reward ... barly fill ONE colony project. Ohh and the great iteam (pistol) is prob another usesless garbage like most they did until now. There is such a thing as too much diversity for crearly useless things. Instead of focusing on fixing bugs and find ways to get ques alive again devs spent time of things like this. Ohh joy. Good they did not forget to make colony projects requiring 47k dil each at t3 ...
The only good things this year have been the thing for first contact day and fixing the bank/exchange limits.
So... which Rule of Acquisition does this fall under?
What good are new ships after the nerf patch?
The fleet holding has some potential if it brings the dilex down or if the space poor can farm the minigame provisions for a living, but that hasn't happened yet.
Space poor is easy to solve without a fleet holding.
Get to Omega Rep up to the Assimilated Impulse Engines. Buy or Craft a Warp/Singulatiry core with [SecSpd]. equip them on your ship. Point for full Impulse in skills(leaving off Full Impulse Shunt). Then go do Tour the galaxy. In my ships that are setup like this. I generally run at Warp 23.8. So tour the galaxy turns in to about, 700K-1mil or so per character. If you do this just on 4 character, including character switch time and getting to you start point. You might have an hour and fifteen minutes wrapped up in it, and make roughly 4mil per day.
Farming EC from episodes via drops and such... bah, that takes to damn long.
The fleet holding is just meant to pull the wool over your eyes. "Here having something to do, that does nothing for the game. But distracts you from the fact, we're not really doing much this season." But, I can accept that, as they are working toward Victory Is Life.
As far as Mirror Invasion goes. Like Sompek, it's the only event we have that hasn't already been turned in to an easy mode queue. Why would the bring CE back when they the queues for the easy mode of it are already there? To late to go back to the CE event now. They already given out what you're getting there, via the queues. Which the majority of the players asked for.
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,916Community Moderator
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
I would not mind seeing them bring back the crystalline entity event, maybe with it giving out a crystalline shard hanger-pet would be my hope. I am looking forward to seeing what the dual-pistols do, but hoping that maybe they might make it have a channeled type secondary that is on a fuel-type mechanic charged via primary fire.
Where the Mirror event is concerned, personally I quite like it an don't mind the afkers that much. Though for me personally i would not mind if they made a bit of a change to make the time-gate less of a static time-gate, and more of a dynamic one that is tied to the objectives you have completed. So it might start with the time-gate at 15-20 mins, but thru doing the objectives you can get that time-gate down to 10-15 mins, which would both serve their metrics alongside make actively playing the stf feel more rewarding.
Yea let’s hope this is not copy and paste error from the weekend events. If not it is the biggest game improvement since… wow I don’t recall such a great game improvement ever.
Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
The weekend event recently offered account bouncing items as well. You just couldn't get the sompek AND the console because it was only 3 days..enough for 1.
I would not mind seeing them bring back the crystalline entity event, maybe with it giving out a crystalline shard hanger-pet would be my hope.
That'd be amusing I imagine it would be armed with lesser versions of the CE's 'weapons' (matter conversion beam (DEW) and microshards (mines)). In this department, I'd also not be averse to a vanity shield that gives a 'crystal' hull... or, alternatively, crystal 'growths' (similar to the Assimilated Borg Technology set's 'Borgification'). Also worthy of consideration would be a tailor unlock which looks like someone did that to Terran Taskforce armor. Were a weapon-reskin mechanic to exist, 'prism' weapon models could be a possible reward as well (the only example to date is the Vorgon discharge prism, whose ingame model needs a bit of work).
Where the Mirror event is concerned, personally I quite like it an don't mind the afkers that much. Though for me personally i would not mind if they made a bit of a change to make the time-gate less of a static time-gate, and more of a dynamic one that is tied to the objectives you have completed...
While not an unwelcome change, it would require a reasonable in-universe explanation. One possible solution would be for each collector activation to, in addition to increasing the station defenses' level, knock X seconds off the pulse's prep time - it is presumed that aside from actual tinkering with various systems, a massive reserve of power needs to be accumulated. Alternatively, in the vein of 'Dranuur Gauntlet', that could be a choice presented with each (re)activation of a collector (power to defenses or to the pulse generator's banks).
I would not mind seeing them bring back the crystalline entity event, maybe with it giving out a crystalline shard hanger-pet would be my hope.
That'd be amusing I imagine it would be armed with lesser versions of the CE's 'weapons' (matter conversion beam (DEW) and microshards (mines)). In this department, I'd also not be averse to a vanity shield that gives a 'crystal' hull... or, alternatively, crystal 'growths' (similar to the Assimilated Borg Technology set's 'Borgification'). Also worthy of consideration would be a tailor unlock which looks like someone did that to Terran Taskforce armor. Were a weapon-reskin mechanic to exist, 'prism' weapon models could be a possible reward as well (the only example to date is the Vorgon discharge prism, whose ingame model needs a bit of work).
Where the Mirror event is concerned, personally I quite like it an don't mind the afkers that much. Though for me personally i would not mind if they made a bit of a change to make the time-gate less of a static time-gate, and more of a dynamic one that is tied to the objectives you have completed...
While not an unwelcome change, it would require a reasonable in-universe explanation. One possible solution would be for each collector activation to, in addition to increasing the station defenses' level, knock X seconds off the pulse's prep time - it is presumed that aside from actual tinkering with various systems, a massive reserve of power needs to be accumulated. Alternatively, in the vein of 'Dranuur Gauntlet', that could be a choice presented with each (re)activation of a collector (power to defenses or to the pulse generator's banks).
The whole pulse thing is nonsensical, it should require us to close all the rifts and kill all the ships ourselves instead of stupid auto-win timer that makes the 90% of the mission time spent waiting.
While not an unwelcome change, it would require a reasonable in-universe explanation. One possible solution would be for each collector activation to, in addition to increasing the station defenses' level, knock X seconds off the pulse's prep time - it is presumed that aside from actual tinkering with various systems, a massive reserve of power needs to be accumulated. Alternatively, in the vein of 'Dranuur Gauntlet', that could be a choice presented with each (re)activation of a collector (power to defenses or to the pulse generator's banks).
I could see the rifts being closed could basically be used as a measure that each one helps to sync the pulse to rift's own signature, and thus making it faster to close the rifts in one go. I also could see it that maybe they would add that during the attack (or maybe that using the pulse) damaged the emitter, and so by increasing the defense systems they can focus more crews on repairing the emitter. Hell it might seem weird but I would not mind if it were set up that if you have all four sats going at the same time, that is how you reduce the time (or maybe a larger time reduction.).
The whole pulse thing is nonsensical, it should require us to close all the rifts and kill all the ships ourselves instead of stupid auto-win timer that makes the 90% of the mission time spent waiting.
In previous iterations of MI it was in fact possible to clear the skies due to the presence of a hard cap on the number of rifts the Imperial forces could open in total, leading to the sort of situation you are complaining about. As I recall, however, this cap was removed as part of a patch (precisely which one escapes me at present, however), so now you shouldn't be too bored.
I also could see it that maybe they would add that during the attack (or maybe that using the pulse) damaged the emitter, and so by increasing the defense systems they can focus more crews on repairing the emitter. Hell it might seem weird but I would not mind if it were set up that if you have all four sats going at the same time, that is how you reduce the time (or maybe a larger time reduction.).
Thanks, those sound like workable explanations.
It is a shame, though, that they couldn't toss in some possible wrinkles to keep folks on their toes. Examples follow:
Mobius Squadron! - no, not the ISAF's 118th TFW. If X number of portals are closed, or Y Terran ships are destroyed, in a given interval, the Terrans send over a quintet of TDDs tasked with SEAD (Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses). The 'Air Defenses' referenced in the acronym are, of course, the players. There are 5 possible squadrons (Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon), but only one can appear in a given run; eliminating all five earns the 'Cutting the Ribbon' accolade. In an amusing coincidence, the ISS Enterprise's guardians in 'Temporal Reckoning' are one such group.
Here a web, there a web... - all this portal-opening on the Terrans' part might draw Tholian assets into the area. While at least two maximum-size portals are open, there is a regular background check to see whether a small group (an Orb Weaver and a couple of Mesh Weavers) spawns. This is a bit of an ironic reversal, considering what can happen when a Tholian capital ship is taken out...
'Krasny Oktyabr' - like the Federation, the Empire had retired the Typhoon-class battleship. This one, however, was retained as a testbed for various systems. There is a chance for this ship to appear as a 'mini-boss' as long as at least one max-size portal is open; it's armed with agony phasers and tricobalt ordinance... and is equipped with a cloaking device. Like the Mobius SEAD squadron, it can only appear once in a given run; destroying each of the five possible ships (and yes, one of them is indeed named Krasny Oktyabr) earns the Stormqueller accolade.
The whole pulse thing is nonsensical, it should require us to close all the rifts and kill all the ships ourselves instead of stupid auto-win timer that makes the 90% of the mission time spent waiting.
In previous iterations of MI it was in fact possible to clear the skies due to the presence of a hard cap on the number of rifts the Imperial forces could open in total, leading to the sort of situation you are complaining about. As I recall, however, this cap was removed as part of a patch (precisely which one escapes me at present, however), so now you shouldn't be too bored.
The situation I'm complaining about is there's a mandatory >12 minute wait before the real mission (killing the dreadnought) starts. I couldn't care less how many irrelevant optional distractions they spawn or don't spawn in the mean time.
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,916Community Moderator
So... literally the only thing that matters is the dreadnaught...
That's basically like saying "I don't want to go through this dungeon because only the boss matters. Can we skip the dungeon and go right to the boss from the front door?"
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
So... literally the only thing that matters is the dreadnaught...
That's basically like saying "I don't want to go through this dungeon because only the boss matters. Can we skip the dungeon and go right to the boss from the front door?"
If the dungeon is set to disappear in 12 minutes and nothing the players do can change anything in the slightest, absolutely.
An that mentality is why it would be nice to see them change the time-gate to be a bit more dynamic, though how the devs implemented the time-gate in this stf is part of why we have that mentality, and that change could make actually participating in the stf actually rewarding. Merely having a base time-gate of 13-15 mins, while then tying the completion of the the objective an making it that these reduce the time-gate down to a minimum time-gate of 10 mins would make it rewarding to actually do the stf over afk.
If it was a set number of spawns, that the triggered the boss, I'd log in and play it, it'd be worth doing and fighting hard. As it's probably 'timegated' again I'm not going to bother.
I'm not saying that I think they should do everything the way I'd like, it's just the way there doing everything at the moment, I don't play much anymore. Each to their own, I suppose.
I've a suspicion I'm not the only one, just waiting for the 'winter wonderland' to have some fun again .
They will be Rare (Blue) Mk XIII, just about the worst level for Upgrading.
'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
Judge Dan Haywood
'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Just remember folks, if you have the Hidden Payload set bonus you can close rifts and interact with the generators while cloaked;
Hidden Payload is an amazing set. It makes Borg Disconnected really easy, as long as you don't have someone "helping" you by blowing up an NPC right next to you.
I get the feeling that we won't see the old Crystalline event ever again. I like that quick payout, too.
I think so, too. With Mirror and the redone Breach they have their two queues, with the new account unlock the time issue is severely defused, and CC probably gave too much of an reward in too little time with complaints about false positive afks. I guess for now it left the circle and won't come back until it's changed.
My mother was an epohh and my father smelled of tulaberries
I would not mind seeing them bring back the crystalline entity event, maybe with it giving out a crystalline shard hanger-pet would be my hope.
That'd be amusing I imagine it would be armed with lesser versions of the CE's 'weapons' (matter conversion beam (DEW) and microshards (mines)). In this department, I'd also not be averse to a vanity shield that gives a 'crystal' hull... or, alternatively, crystal 'growths' (similar to the Assimilated Borg Technology set's 'Borgification'). Also worthy of consideration would be a tailor unlock which looks like someone did that to Terran Taskforce armor. Were a weapon-reskin mechanic to exist, 'prism' weapon models could be a possible reward as well (the only example to date is the Vorgon discharge prism, whose ingame model needs a bit of work).
Where the Mirror event is concerned, personally I quite like it an don't mind the afkers that much. Though for me personally i would not mind if they made a bit of a change to make the time-gate less of a static time-gate, and more of a dynamic one that is tied to the objectives you have completed...
While not an unwelcome change, it would require a reasonable in-universe explanation. One possible solution would be for each collector activation to, in addition to increasing the station defenses' level, knock X seconds off the pulse's prep time - it is presumed that aside from actual tinkering with various systems, a massive reserve of power needs to be accumulated. Alternatively, in the vein of 'Dranuur Gauntlet', that could be a choice presented with each (re)activation of a collector (power to defenses or to the pulse generator's banks).
The whole pulse thing is nonsensical, it should require us to close all the rifts and kill all the ships ourselves instead of stupid auto-win timer that makes the 90% of the mission time spent waiting.
The whole SCENARIO is nonsensical.
Seriously - it makes no sense in either in-game or out-of-game terms.
In-game: Wave after wave of enemy ships from a known aggressive empire, rifts everywhere, station in peril. The Alliance's response. Send five ships.
And in terms of the queue itself, I can't fathom why they didn't make this a ten-person queue. It's an event with rewards players want; I don't think they'd struggle to fill the queue considering how quickly it pops in it's current form. And it might mean that we'd stand a chance (on Advance and Elite anyhow) of keeping the station from being wrecked.
Five's enough. Maybe Advanced could be considered a bit high on the difficulty scale (for Advanced, not for Elite), if the station getting wrecked actually meant something. As it is, it's irrelevant. A stub of a challenge.
Of course assuming that they are compression pistols. Wouldn't it be awesome if they were HDB pistols!
On advanced difficulty the station is toast whatever you do, so you might as well keep your head down and earn some extra marks. What did Obisek ever do for you anyway?
*When it comes to cloaking, the AI cheats. It's to be expected.
Space poor is easy to solve without a fleet holding.
Get to Omega Rep up to the Assimilated Impulse Engines. Buy or Craft a Warp/Singulatiry core with [SecSpd]. equip them on your ship. Point for full Impulse in skills(leaving off Full Impulse Shunt). Then go do Tour the galaxy. In my ships that are setup like this. I generally run at Warp 23.8. So tour the galaxy turns in to about, 700K-1mil or so per character. If you do this just on 4 character, including character switch time and getting to you start point. You might have an hour and fifteen minutes wrapped up in it, and make roughly 4mil per day.
Farming EC from episodes via drops and such... bah, that takes to damn long.
The fleet holding is just meant to pull the wool over your eyes. "Here having something to do, that does nothing for the game. But distracts you from the fact, we're not really doing much this season." But, I can accept that, as they are working toward Victory Is Life.
As far as Mirror Invasion goes. Like Sompek, it's the only event we have that hasn't already been turned in to an easy mode queue. Why would the bring CE back when they the queues for the easy mode of it are already there? To late to go back to the CE event now. They already given out what you're getting there, via the queues. Which the majority of the players asked for.
With that kind of attitude I'm amazed you're still playing at all...
Its called adapt.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
Where the Mirror event is concerned, personally I quite like it an don't mind the afkers that much. Though for me personally i would not mind if they made a bit of a change to make the time-gate less of a static time-gate, and more of a dynamic one that is tied to the objectives you have completed. So it might start with the time-gate at 15-20 mins, but thru doing the objectives you can get that time-gate down to 10-15 mins, which would both serve their metrics alongside make actively playing the stf feel more rewarding.
Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
I appreciate the account unlock weapon.
While not an unwelcome change, it would require a reasonable in-universe explanation. One possible solution would be for each collector activation to, in addition to increasing the station defenses' level, knock X seconds off the pulse's prep time - it is presumed that aside from actual tinkering with various systems, a massive reserve of power needs to be accumulated. Alternatively, in the vein of 'Dranuur Gauntlet', that could be a choice presented with each (re)activation of a collector (power to defenses or to the pulse generator's banks).
I could see the rifts being closed could basically be used as a measure that each one helps to sync the pulse to rift's own signature, and thus making it faster to close the rifts in one go. I also could see it that maybe they would add that during the attack (or maybe that using the pulse) damaged the emitter, and so by increasing the defense systems they can focus more crews on repairing the emitter. Hell it might seem weird but I would not mind if it were set up that if you have all four sats going at the same time, that is how you reduce the time (or maybe a larger time reduction.).
Thanks, those sound like workable explanations.
It is a shame, though, that they couldn't toss in some possible wrinkles to keep folks on their toes. Examples follow:
That's basically like saying "I don't want to go through this dungeon because only the boss matters. Can we skip the dungeon and go right to the boss from the front door?"
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
I'm not saying that I think they should do everything the way I'd like, it's just the way there doing everything at the moment, I don't play much anymore. Each to their own, I suppose.
I've a suspicion I'm not the only one, just waiting for the 'winter wonderland' to have some fun again .
"Mirror Universe Phaser Dual Pistols"
But not because of those, those are just lame and most likely need lots of upgrade tokens.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Hidden Payload is an amazing set. It makes Borg Disconnected really easy, as long as you don't have someone "helping" you by blowing up an NPC right next to you.
Daizen - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
Selia - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
I think so, too. With Mirror and the redone Breach they have their two queues, with the new account unlock the time issue is severely defused, and CC probably gave too much of an reward in too little time with complaints about false positive afks. I guess for now it left the circle and won't come back until it's changed.