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If the Devs would grant me 3 wishes...



  • mirrorchaosmirrorchaos Member Posts: 9,844 Arc User
    baudl wrote: »
    3) INTERIOUR!!! Accolade display in your ship interiour, private quarters. In other words, bring back housing! This was completely abandoned for whatever reason. Also, can't my pets be somewhere there too?
    Because before they stopped supporting it, most of the player base never cared, and the general consensus was that they SHOULD stop doing it BECAUSE no one cared. It was only after they stopped supporting it that people actually pulled a 180 and claimed they cared.

    At this point, with the introduction of so many alien ships, doing interiors is impossible because there is no way they would have the time to build interiors for all these alien ships, and there is nothing to be gained from it since the majority of players wouldn't use it.

    just to add, the interiors never sold that well as well. if it isn't profitable enough, there isn't much point putting resources to lose money or break even.

    They could try and add standard interiors to lobi/lockbox/promo etc. ships though. There's no need to design new stuff there, only a need to make things available that already exist.

    Personally I don't even care that much about unique bridges. I'd be happy with some of the standard Federation bridges and interiors on most of my ships, that's something I'd definitely prefer to having only a very small room available. I don't really fly these unique ships because I want an unique bridge; flying an unique ship is good enough for me.

    My thinking here is would CBS allow federation/romulan/klingon standard interiors on special alien ships? CBS do have some special stances regarding some parts of star trek canon going into STO and restricting them.

    another thought, would it be worth the effort to go through dozens of staninteriors to make them compatible with hundreds of special alien ships? I wouldn't mind the standard bridge for some ships as well, but i'm just wondering if there is special conditions or if there is enough value to try.
    just to add, the interiors never sold that well as well. if it isn't profitable enough, there isn't much point putting resources to lose money or break even.
    Not to mention they stopped making trophies after the borg arc, and ship trophies even before that, and queue trophies at about the same time.

    ahh, thats a shame. all those small show off trophies for when you bring your fleet members or friends on your ship for a gathering, you can show them off. :tongue:
    T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
    Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
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  • reemus#2383 reemus Member Posts: 185 Arc User
    So, without subs and making everything F2P you are forcing a pay to win. That is a huge gamble for the business side and forces any independent developer to have to go to the bigger companies to even have a chance at success without subs. Subs are a bottom end profit...without them you would probably see in-game ads to cover the expenses for most smaller companies. I have no problems subbing to a game I like... I have done it for nearly 2 decades. Games like EVE have the best system.... you can use in-game currency to purchase your next month's sub...and as many as you want. You earn that through farming or grinding or working the vast in-game market. EVE has survived for nearly 13 years as a sub-only MMO and has only introduced F2P recently...which is severely limited.

    I was a partner with a small software development company that required "sub" so to speak in form of licensing of the software. What killed the whole thing for us was the dismal decision to offer the software in a limited form for free and more advanced features (this was POS - Point of Sale software) had to be licensed. this was in a sense a "F2P" option that they came up with to compete with huge name and huge revenue competition who was taking over the market. Eventually it destroyed our bottom end and cut off vital development and updates money. We ended up selling out to a major company (to whom I cannot say) and I was out along with many of us. This software turned out to be one of the more common POS software systems in major chains. It absolutely kills me when I get a project for work and their POS software runs 80% of our design.... I believe that had we not strayed away from licensing only we would be a major distributor by now... but we cut our profit margin by 60% when we decided to offer it for free. The end lol.

    For most games, your revenue determines the long-term quality as it pays for content development, overhead, etc. Look at the massive console market... you still pay a sub for all access as well as full purchase of your games.

    That changes one of my wishes... Devs to introduce a deal like EVE uses. In-game, able to be traded sub extensions that can be bought with in-game currency.
  • reemus#2383 reemus Member Posts: 185 Arc User
    rhenvar42 wrote: »
    Three wishes is a tough thing for me considering that I have list of about fifteen or so things that I would like to see them do, but here are three of them.

    1: A way to get Lobi without having to open lockboxes.

    2: Better interiors for ships. (This covers about a quarter of my list)

    3: Make missions that are KDF or Fed specific during the whole game. While it is nice to be able to do things as an alliance, each member group is still going to have things that are specific to that faction.

    You can already get lobi without opening lockboxes...

    Just looked this up and it mentions the other way to get lobi was in re-run events but that was scrapped a long time ago. R&D packs were the only other option. I am curious where you can get lobi? I have spent a lot on keys just going for the lobi to get certain items. If there is a way to earn without having to drop a ton of $ or dil.....

    You get 10 lobi per promo pack you open.

    Ah, ok. gamepedia might be a little off then when they said you either get lobi or a promo ship... I was thinking "man, those are pretty crappy odds"
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  • darkbladejkdarkbladejk Member Posts: 3,848 Community Moderator
    I see quite a few things in here that I intended to respond to so I may as well get them at once. Also including a few of my own. As for myself 3 I can think of right off.

    1: A training ground of sorts where we can test the damage output, healing output, and tanking ability of our ships without having to rely on the randomness of the queue system, with a proper Cryptic parser included. Personally I don't like using the 3rd party parsers we have now. They're not always reliable and they don't always have the info I want or need. You can't stop people from wanting to know their numbers, and unless they have the ability to measure those numbers, they won't know if they need improvement or not. Plus a controlled environment like that is great for bug bashing.

    2: Either the ability to choose what mods we get on upgrade and/or the ability to re-roll mods on weapons and items. Personally I find it rather irritating that if I'm trying to produce a set of crtdx4 or dmgx4 beams that I flip it and get acc or another mod I do not want. Stick a dilithium cost of about 1k dilithium as a hypothetical on it and let me re-roll one or all of the mods. There are other concerns that would need to be addressed but this is just me spitballing.

    3: No more unskippable cutscenes after I've seen it for a first time. This one is mainly because I couldn't think of a 3rd QoL one off the top of my head. I've leveled at least 16 toons at this point and I've seen most of the cutscenes in game many a time. After the 2983249274th time I just want to get on with the mission and such. Obviously leave the option to watch the cutscene for those that still want to, but if otherwise folks want to skip let us do it. ESPECIALLY in Borg Disconnected and so on.

    Wish #1: Admiral uniforms for all! I understand that the uniforms are a cash grab, but aren't you severely limiting yourself? From what I have read, the Odyssey Admiral uniforms are only available to those who are veterans of a crazy amount of days or life time subscribers. I doubt very many people are going to shell out say $100 plus just to don the uniform. However, someone might be willing to pay say $2 to $5. In fact, I would wager that those willing to pay ~$5 far outweigh the former. Over the long term I see the ~$5 option being more profitable. Fact: I'm cheap. I very rarely spend money online. I haven't spent a dollar in STO. But if the uniforms became available, I'd pay. See? You are already $5 ahead.
    Wish #2: If I do not have an item equipped on my crew or ship, I can sell it on the exchange. I do not know why an item has to be bound to my character or account especially when I no longer need or want the item. Purchase inventory slots cash grab? Likely reason. I often hesitate to upgrade an item because I know I won't get a salvage value. Why upgrade from a Mk V to a Mk VI when the benefit isn't that significant and I'll just need to discard the Mk V that I spent credits on? I may as well keep the Mk V, but where is the fun in that? I'd love to constantly upgrade my crew and ship if I weren't in my point-of-view penalized.
    Wish #3: Are you familiar with PlayStation Home? If not, it was a huge online social gathering where people could very easily talk to each other. You could hang out at different venues, play games, even have an apartment and invite people over for a party. How awesome would this be?! Party at the Admiral's house - uniforms optional! A beautiful apartment overlooking San Fransisco Bay is just want the medical hologram ordered after beating the blood wine out of klingons. I think the social interactions should also include a direct exchange. Anyone visiting the, oh I don't know...let's call it the Expanse, can say, "Hi. I've got a thingy for sale. Anyone interested let's talk." Another player responds, "Yes, I'd like to discuss the item for sale". The interested parties negotiate a fair price (unless you are Ferengi) and the transaction is complete. Instant gratification. Kind of like a replicator, right?
    Well those are my wishes although not all inclusive. These are just the top of my list. Agree? Disagree? What wishes do you have?

    1: I'm just going to be blunt as to what this one will sound like to alot of folks. You see a uniform that's a long time sub or lifetime benefit. You are either unable or unwilling to pay for the sub/lifetime and you want it made available to you regardless. Personally I've not yet found a toon of mine that I think works with that particular uniform but you're going to TRIBBLE off alot of subs and lifers if they do what you said. I get why some folks might want the uniform, but to simply start taking away long time benefits from folks and just giving it to folks for a cstore purchase will not go over well.

    2: That's precisely why they bind certain items to you is they don't want them on the exchange to begin with. Take the Bioneural Infusion Circuits from Lobi as one example. at mk xiv epic they are worth 25% critical severity, which is one of the highest if not the highest boosts to crit severity in the game from a single console. Those things take 200 lobi per copy and are not cheap to produce for the average player. If some items didn't bind it would be way too easy for accounts to be TRIBBLE and items stolen, including the Bioneural console. If you don't need or want the item then just sell it to a vendor. As for upgrading, if I for example start with mk ii very rare, and combine that item with a superior tech upgrade and a major research boost, that will take that item to mk viii at the very least with a 20% chance to flip each time i push the button, thus more chances to flip the item. So it is possible that you could have an epic item as early as mk iv using that method. I could get into the upgrades further but that's a whole different ballgame.

    3: As much as I wouldn't mind seeing something like an appartment type thing, I don't see what value it would add gameplay wise to STO at this point. If we're starship captains we're most likely at the fringes of space constantly with very little down time given the events of the game currently. It would take alot of resources for something that's just not going to have much benefit. Everything else there are already workarounds for or in game channels.
    orondis wrote: »
    1: Release a new Star Trek Online 2 that has more in common with Polaris and/or Elite Dangerous.

    2: Massively cull the queues. There is no need for 97.

    3: Make Lobi/lockbox rewards account bound.

    1: if I wanted to play a game like Polaris or Elite Dangerous I would go play either of those games specifically. I like STO because it has its own feel. Why not just keep STO as STO and leave it at that.

    2: Unless you're counting each individual difficulty as its own queue I only counted 51 different queues so I'm not sure what version of the game you're playing. Removing content is NOT the way to get people playing the queues and is NOT how you keep getting people to play the game as a whole. Personally I would not keep playing if all I had to queue for was ISA, and CSA. Whether I actually play some of the extra queues or not, I like knowing that if my fleet and myself wish to do so that we can queue for something else we haven't done in awhile just to mix it up.

    3: While I wouldn't be complaining if they did this as I have ALOT of lockbox and lobi items, they're not going to do it and have said so several times. If they did this it would most likely take the form of something like SWTOR's system. You buy the item for x amount of zen. You then pay a little extra zen to get the account wide unlock. Lobi and lockbox ships are their bread and butter and they're not going to just do something that will cause people to invest even less cash. To be perfectly honest I'm surprised that SWTOR hasn't gone back to single character unlocks at this point considering they would make more cash.
    reyan01 wrote: »
    3: Abolish the upgrade system. (Sorry, but unless it's phoenix upgrades or the Ultimate Upgrade tokens I detest the upgrade system).

    The upgrade system is designed to be a dilithium sink. This new upgrade system is far better than the old one we had previously. I would rather have this system than nothing at all. This system also helps remove excess dilithium from the game and helps keep dilithium costs under control on the dil exchange.
    2: Do away with the idea of sector space and make the entire game map continuous and open to PVP.

    This one is a big fat NEVER under any circumstances. If I want to pvp I will join a pvp map or a pvp channel. Under no circumstances should I or anyone else in game be able to force people into pve or vice versa pvp. Saw this kind of thing cause far far too many problems and toxicity in World of Warcraft. What this sort of thing would rapidly devolve into is something like this. I'm out questing on a fresh toon that's just now got to level 10 and on my way to his next mission. Oh here comes 5 high level ships. Oh they've been camping everyone and everything in that area for the last 5 hours. So now I must either grab my big toon to deal with them, or just wait it out. Either way I can't play my new toon because of those 5 dbags. Sorry not sorry but in no universe do I EVER find that sort of thing fun. PVP and PVE should ALWAYS remain separate game modes that have little to no interaction with each other. I would rather STO not devolve into a TRIBBLE knockoff of EVE Online.
    "Someone once told me that time was a predator that stalked us all our lives. I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey and reminds us to cherish every moment, because it will never come again." - Jean Luc Picard in Star Trek Generations

    Star Trek Online volunteer Community Moderator
  • ironmakoironmako Member Posts: 770 Arc User
    For me, it's the following 3:

    1) Ferenginar Fleet holding - you can make most resocurces require tons of GPL, and and also make the provision stores GPL-based as well. Plus you can throw in a few fun items, like a spare Staff of the Grand Nagus as a melee weapon, A Mining Laser, Ferengi Ground weapons, Ferengi uniforms as normal uniforms instead of off-duty etc. This would eliminate the current surplus GPL problem which many players have, plus it would fill up the Dabo tables as a way to grind more.

    2) Change the sound effect of the Ship Pulse phasers. You did great emulating the sound of the Pulse Hand Phaser, so what went wrong with the ship Pulse phasers?

    3) Buff Defera Battlezone. Those Borg are too easy to kill. When my Ferengi can punch an Elite Tactical borg to death, you just know that something needs to be tweaked. We are talking about the Borg, the most feared advasary in Star Trek, so lets make them properly scary! Up their Damage, up their HP, up their AI. Then in return, up the rewards as well. Either that, or change it into an area similar to the Dyson sphere, where players have to capture points then take out a few Boss-Borg when all points are captured.
  • kekvinkekvin Member Posts: 633 Arc User
    Tmp / tos / TRIBBLE / ent era ships. Im bored with the 24th century ships.

    New ship creator. Would like more depth to the customise options. Deflectors, bussard collectors, impulse engines to name a few
  • taylor1701dtaylor1701d Member Posts: 3,099 Arc User

    "1: A training ground of sorts where we can test the damage output, healing output, and tanking ability of our ships without having to rely on the randomness of the queue system, with a proper Cryptic parser included. Personally I don't like using the 3rd party parsers we have now. They're not always reliable and they don't always have the info I want or need. You can't stop people from wanting to know their numbers, and unless they have the ability to measure those numbers, they won't know if they need improvement or not. Plus a controlled environment like that is great for bug bashing."

    You can run a specific foundry mission or specific patrol for this purpose. But, yeah I do agree, a holodeck type mission creator would be pretty cool.
    Pick your enemy, their difficulty level and mob size. Ground or Space... ect

    Cryptic has a damage log you can check in-game and it can be quite useful at times to spot check certain things. But, yeah, 3rd party parsers provide way more utility and ease of use.
  • annemarie30annemarie30 Member Posts: 2,705 Arc User
    I'd like to see a defera revamp. either take the team restriction away completely (yes I think I can solo 3 of the 4 hards. not sure I can beat the power plant hard) or at lest allow cross faction. 5 players for defera hards is way over kill and annoying to get enough to run them
    We Want Vic Fontaine
  • skullblits#4627 skullblits Member Posts: 1,273 Arc User
    less greedy business model.

    more bug fixes.

    more stuff to do.
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  • kekvinkekvin Member Posts: 633 Arc User
    Id love something like botf was for endgame content. Our own sector. Putting ships on potrol. Build n colonise planets ect. Making fleets n setting them to intercept or defend.
  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    1) Interiors that are mission-compatible, e.g. can be used as set for a mission, Cryptic or Foundry-made.
    2) Gamma Quadrant story arc that involves new factions beyond the Dominion.
    3) All remaining canon ships getting end-gamefied.
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • skullblits#4627 skullblits Member Posts: 1,273 Arc User
    > @repetitiveepic said:
    > skullblits#4627 wrote: »
    > less greedy business model.
    > more bug fixes.
    > more stuff to do.
    > If the business model was any less greedy, they'd go out of business. Its already ridiculously generous.

    sure... it's only a few hundred for iconic ships. or years of grinding
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  • I will use just one wish to fix something and it is for a doosey...Kurland Here, nuff said.
  • jcswwjcsww Member Posts: 6,848 Arc User
    Mine would be fairly simple.

    1. Ships level with you, so you could effectively start in the same ship and still play it at endgame. That would allow PWE to focus on creating more ships instead of rehashing and reselling us the same stuff over and aver again. Things like specialized bridge officer slots would fall in as upgrades through crafting. Different ship weapon and station layouts would be C-Store purchases.

    2. All lockbox, promotions, purchases, reputations, and event rewards would be account wide unlocks. Repulations could still be limited to one project per day account wide to keep the grind alive. The compromise for lockbox ships would be that even though it is an account wide unlock, that the item can only be in use on one character at a time. So... If I decide I don't want to use the ship on a particular character anymore, I could dismiss it and then claim it on another character on my account.

    3. True faction and faction specific content that are independent from other factions along with more factions! Federation content should focus on the Federation and so on. There could be special cross-faction events but that is about the extent of it. Let the Klingon's be Klingon, give us a Dominion, Cardassian, Maquis, and other factions to play and enjoy with their own specific content. There could even b special events contained within a single faction to give players an incentive to play them as well as unlock some account wide special items you can only get by playing that faction specific event. Just think of how many more ships and ship configurations PWE could sell when being able to sell a wider selection of ships.
  • kekvinkekvin Member Posts: 633 Arc User
    Would love bonus for using certin ships in certin missions.
  • skullblits#4627 skullblits Member Posts: 1,273 Arc User
    > @reyan01 said:
    > somtaawkhar wrote: »
    > skullblits#4627 wrote: »
    > sure... it's only a few hundred for iconic ships. or years of grinding
    > Literally what ship costs hundreds of dollars?
    > I'd assume he's referring to the Temporal Light Cruiser, since the only way of obtaining said ship is either A: spend money opening promotional R&D boxes in the HOPE that you'll win the ship or B: spend a rather large amount of money buying promotional R&D boxes and lock box keys and selling them on the exchange to raise the appropriate amount of EC.
    > skullblits#4627 wrote: »
    > > @repetitiveepic said:
    > > skullblits#4627 wrote: »
    > >
    > > less greedy business model.
    > >
    > > more bug fixes.
    > >
    > > more stuff to do.
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > > If the business model was any less greedy, they'd go out of business. Its already ridiculously generous.
    > sure... it's only a few hundred for iconic ships. or years of grinding
    > Hm - EvE has already been mentioned, a few posts ago. I will say that if spending money on ships upsets you, DON'T go anywhere near EvE - because you can spend large sums of money on ships in EvE, but if you get killed, bye-bye ship. No respawn. No repair option. It doesn't matter how much you spent on it - it's GONE. You no longer own that ship and if you want it back, you have to buy it again.

    problem is I'm console. keys don't sell as much as they do on pc. but the ships can mostly cost the same. last R&D ship cost me over 100 ££ trying to win won. then having to buy one from someone.
  • salazarrazesalazarraze Member Posts: 3,794 Arc User
    2: Do away with the idea of sector space and make the entire game map continuous and open to PVP.

    This one is a big fat NEVER under any circumstances. If I want to pvp I will join a pvp map or a pvp channel. Under no circumstances should I or anyone else in game be able to force people into pve or vice versa pvp. Saw this kind of thing cause far far too many problems and toxicity in World of Warcraft. What this sort of thing would rapidly devolve into is something like this. I'm out questing on a fresh toon that's just now got to level 10 and on my way to his next mission. Oh here comes 5 high level ships. Oh they've been camping everyone and everything in that area for the last 5 hours. So now I must either grab my big toon to deal with them, or just wait it out. Either way I can't play my new toon because of those 5 dbags. Sorry not sorry but in no universe do I EVER find that sort of thing fun. PVP and PVE should ALWAYS remain separate game modes that have little to no interaction with each other. I would rather STO not devolve into a **** knockoff of EVE Online.
    It would be a more accurate representation of Star Trek. The players always complain about their "immersion" being ruined. What's more immersive than a Klingon or Romulan player decloaking when you don't expect it to?
    When you see "TRIBBLE" in my posts, it's because I manually typed "TRIBBLE" and censored myself.
  • redeyedravenredeyedraven Member Posts: 1,297 Arc User
    & > Hm - EvE has already been mentioned, a few posts ago. I will say that if spending money on ships upsets you, DON'T go anywhere near EvE - because you can spend large sums of money on ships in EvE, but if you get killed, bye-bye ship. No respawn. No repair option. It doesn't matter how much you spent on it - it's GONE. You no longer own that ship and if you want it back, you have to buy it again.

    The thrill about doing stuff in EVE comes exactly from that risk however. And depending on what you do, how, where and when exactly, you can always find good opportunities to make a decent amount of isk/hour.

    As long as you stay within your ingame-budget you don't need to spend any real money either (aside from the sub may be).

    If you spend a lot of real money in EVE you're either:

    - building a Titan
    - seriously building a new corps/alliance
    - a PLEX-seller
    - a skin-collector
    - buying skill-injectors

    All of which is optional.

    Comparing STO to EVE is difficult anyway. Both are MMO's, but STO is a more typical MMORPG that doesn't want to have people actually risk their assets while EVE makes it very clear that you can't keep forever what you're currently flying.
  • drakethewhitedrakethewhite Member Posts: 1,240 Arc User
    Three wishes...

    1. TOS mini-faction versions of the Klingons, Orion, Gorn, and Romulans. Does that count as one?
    2. A real event for Halloween.
    3. Cosmetic slots for weapon effects, enough rainbow phasers.
  • edited November 2017
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  • qbsneakqbsneak Member Posts: 34 Arc User
    1 Make the Romulans a full faction, including a romulan starbase

    2 Open up the player housing in the central spire at ESD. Come on you guys spent the time on building it, let us use it.

    3 Redo the foundry builder interface. Give us a 3d builder so we dont have to keep popping into and out of the maps to build them.

    all three are great ideas. Over the time the game has been out, these should have already been implemented. It seems there's more time spent on designing new ships to buy in the zen store over creating a better playing experience. Don't get me wrong, I liked the game enough to buy the lifetime pass when it first came out, but it still seems lacking. Each major race should not only have its own faction, but completely different mission sets to get to level.

    for your second point, you'd think it would be easy enough to add an "Admirals office/quarters" that you get once you reach level 60 at ESD. You could even make it that your office is only located in your factions main base. And in the office, you should be able to access most all of the terminals (mail, bank, exchange, ship selector, etc.) you would be running around all over TRIBBLE half acre to get everything done. Much like the bridge on your ship....actually these should already be in your ready room other than the "choose ship" one

    For me wish 1: I would love the option to be able to change a characters career even if that meant paying Zen for it.

    wish 2: To be able to have a personal ship design. You can only have one per account, per faction, but you can swap it between characters of the same faction account wide. Make it so we can choose from all the various parts of any ship you have bought or unlocked through the game. I can see where sizing might be an issue but easy enough to add a simple algorithm to automatically resize the part say based on the hull chosen. The draw back is there would be so many ugly ships out there so maybe this one isn't so great haha

    wish 3: I'm still thinking about this one
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  • tirpider#8006 tirpider Member Posts: 38 Arc User
    1 - I wish for loadouts for ground because switching things around is annoying.

    2 - I wish for specializations to be included in loadouts because switching things around is annoying.

    3 - I wish for traits to be added to loadouts because switching things around is annoying.

    If I wanted to push my luck and ask for another thing, it would be to make the thing that unselects traits go away, because having to switch things around that I just switched around, is annoying.
  • steve14957#3401 steve14957 Member Posts: 1 New User
    Where to report bugs for Star Trek Online, PS4? Infiltrate Installation 18 mission, none of the computer consoles and alarm consoles light up, the two rooms, one at the top and one at the bottom of map, doors will not open.
  • tails#1266 tails Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    I just have one wish. A temporal core console that changes the Chronoton Lance on my Annorax into a weapon that after 10 continuous sec. would simply log the person out. Lol
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