I'll keep my question short: What is the best build for a T6 Multi-Mission Reconnaissance Explorer? My ship seems to be underperforming in PvE Queues compared to those of other players. I really don't know what I should focus on (weapon damage or exotic damage), or if I should throw out two of the T6 consoles (the abilities from the Radiation Bombardment Matrix and the Isometric Dispersal Array aren't that useful, but they have good passive bonuses).
Does anyone have a suggestion for a good build with considerable damage output? The days when I DPS'ed with my ol' T5 Vesta are definitely over.

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A 6 weapon sci ship that is built around sci trumps the energy weapons alternative. There is now so much sci skill to be had, with some consoles double dipping, that you can be powerful in two branches of sci and do significant torp damage, though better pilots than me could go aux dhcs. For specifics look at guides for the various sci skill areas and temporal schenanigans also.
Remember that with upgrades others are running mk14 epic, with fancy traits, consoles and set bonuses.
This is my build. If you can't afford Peak Efficiency double up on Torp Spread - TS3 and TS2.
Excellent build. Can and will recommend.
U.S.S. Buteo Regalis - Brigid Multi-Mission Surveillance Explorer build
R.R.W. Ri Maajon - Khopesh Tactical Dreadnought Warbird build
My Youtube channel containing STO videos.
The only important differences are that
- I don't have a +75 PartGen console (I'm using Research lab ones) and that
- Instead of the Bioneural console, I'm using the Dyson reputation console, mainly for it's set bonuses with the torpedo and the experimental beam. Which also doesn't fire in my case.
- I'm not using the Terran torpedo, instead I have the Neutronic one up front.
- Also combined with the Undine reputation weapon, again placed aft, doesn't fire most of the time; it's just there for the set bonus.
- Romulan shield and Impulse engines, mainly for the set bonus again.
None of this matters though, as the build posted by @jforias seems superior to mine
Boff Stations Traits: Superior Subterfuge, SROx1, Temporal Engineering (-Engi CD), Temporal Applied Science (-Sci CD)
3 pc T6 vesta console set, quantum field focus controller, neutronium [turn], 3x EPG with shield sci, 1x EPG with ctrx, exotic particle field exciter [turn], 3x aux DHC, biomolecular phaser turret, phaser turret with [rapid], 2-pc competitive set for cloak while standing still out of red alert.
Lt Tac: Tac team1, CSV1
LtC Uni/temporal: entropic redist 1, channeled deconstruction 2, timeline collapse 1
Lt Uni: MES1, HE2
Lt Ens: EPtAux, EPtShield2
Cmd Sci: TS1, FBP1, GW1, DRB3
Space Warfare Specialist - outgoing dmg as hull healing (Sci abilities)
Technician - +Exotic dmg with EPtAux
Lorix Deflector Officer - +Aux power with Exotic dmg abilities
Hazard System Officer - dmg res buff with ramming speed & brace for impact
Astrometrics Sci - improved MES (can chain it with 2-pc comp cloak for a ghetto ambush bonus plus defense bonus in combat)
Gravimetric Sci - aftershock GW
Traits: All hands on deck, Time to Kill, Highly Specialized, Withering Barrage, Improved Feedback pulse
Space Traits: positive feedback loop, conservation of energy, biotech patch, subnucleaonic transferal, psychological warfare, inspirational leader, self-modulating fire, momentum, particle manipulator
Space Rep: Precision (CrtH), Advanced Targeting Systems (CrtD), Particle Generator Amp, Energy Refrequencer, Active Hull Hardening
Originally, I didn't even want to ask for the best build. I just want to know what works and what doesn't. I know I can't deliver that much weapon damage with a 3/3 layout science vessel. Would it be wise to concentrate more on Exotic Damage?
I mean, I'm pretty content with my BOff layout and my ship's survivability is also good.
My BOff slots look like this:
LtCmdr Tac: Tactical Team I, High Yield II, Fire At Will III
Lt Eng: EP to Shields I, Engineering Team II
Cmdr Sci: Hazard Emitters I, Science Team II, Tyken's Rift II, Gravity Well III
LtCmdr Uni/Temporal: Causal Reversion I, Channeled Deconstruction II, Timeline Collapse I
Ens Uni: Torpedo Spread I
It's more about what I should keep and what I should replace. For example the weapons: Currently, I'm using Advanced Fleet Phasers, and I don't know whether I should switch to Elite Fleet Phasers or forego Phasers entirely in favor of Temporal Defense Chroniton (to use the ordnance set from the Temporal Rep). I'm also thinking about throwing out the MACO set in favor of the Temporal Defense set.
Do you want me to post my entire build in order to get a better idea?
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Why not? You don't have to copy a build exactly. All you'll need to do is take the ideas within that build and apply it for your own. The flow of ideas help builds evolve. In the same way that @jforias took elements from my and @tunebreaker's builds, I am now taking ideas from his build to refine my own. There is nothing wrong with taking ideas from others.
In my opinion, yes. Think of it this way... In the same vein that using different weapon types would dilute your damage output since you'll be splitting your traits, equipment and boff skills between them, splitting between exotic damage and weapon damage too much will have the same effect. With that in mind, I tend to treat exotic as a "weapon type" in my head when I build my sci ships.
With this in mind, I generally end up building either of the two (in regards to exotic builds):
The first type generally works well with 8-weapon ships (whether escorts or cruisers). Now science ships with it's 3/3 layout tends to be better (in my opinion) built as a primarily exotic damage build.
Yes, that is a generally a good idea when asking for build help.
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The Science Ship Build Thread - Share your Sci Ship builds here!
Holy Mother of Vesta, erm....Ezra Dax? Anyways. I feel like my current build is blown out, but than again my build was done to suit my play style, which is okay, I mean I'm not running at peak efficiency but enough that I dish damage and can recover from it as well. Still I will have to play with that build for sure now.
Live Long And Suck It. - Wil Weaton
Bear in mind that I have not finished all reputations (but I will, in time).
Character Profession & Species
Tactical Human
Note: VR=Very Rare; UR= Ultra Rare
Fore Weapons:
Secondary Deflector:
Aft Weapons:
Eng Consoles:
Sci Consoles:
Tac Consoles:
Bridge Officer Abilities
LtCmdr Tac: Tactical Team I, High Yield II, Fire At Will III
Lt Eng: EP to Shields I, Engineering Team II
Cmdr Sci: Hazard Emitters I, Science Team II, Tyken's Rift II, Gravity Well III
LtCmdr Uni/Temporal: Causal Reversion I, Channeled Deconstruction II, Timeline Collapse I
Ens Uni: Torpedo Spread I
Traits I still need to unlock the final trait slots from the Fleet Research Lab.
Personal Space Traits: Thrill Seeker, Shield Technician, Shield Frequency Analyst, Innocuous, Operative, Warp Theorist, Projectile Training, Beam Training, Nanite Repair Matrix
Starship Traits: Improved Predictive Algorithms, Battle Ready, Non-Linear Progression, Heavy Tachyon Mine
Space Reputation (Passive): Omega Kinetic Shearing, Chrono-Capacitor Array, Hull-Repairing Nanites, Superior Shield Repair
Space Reputation (Active): Refracting Tetryon Cascade (Planned: Quantum Singularity Manipulation and Anti-Time Entanglement Singularity)
*To be replaced with Elite Fleet Phaser Beam Arrays
** To be replaced with Temporal Reputation space set.
And this is it, probably the worst build you've ever seen. On a side note: Due to my character being a Tac, I cannot neglect weapon damage.
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The Aux cannons aren't doing much for your there so I'd swap that for another beam array.
If you're going for exotic damage, the Solanae Deflector is going to be one of the best. It's also a mission reward so that's a plus. A deteriorating Secondary Deflector is also better than an Inhibiting when paired with Charged Particle Burst and Destabilizing Resonance Beam. Also consider the Temporal Initiative 2 or 3pc if going for exotics.
Will have to get back to you with the rest. I'm on mobile and formatting here is pretty bad.
| USS Curiosity - Pathfinder | USS Rift - Eternal |
The Science Ship Build Thread - Share your Sci Ship builds here!
Great ideas so far, thank you
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I do 45-57k dps with the 4 Piece Alliance set (Love this set)
Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.
Sorry, but I can't access your build. The site tells me that I have to register first.
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Brah... It says "Please Register and/or Sign In if you want to manage this new build later on." You are not managing this build I am..
Click the other tabs like "Starship" "skills" or "notes"
Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.
Sorry, but I can't access your build. The site tells me that I have to register first.
Ah, thanks, I can see it now. Quite interesting. I don't have the Lukari ship, so I can't use its console.
I'm slowly getting an idea for my build, thank you
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Aw MAN...Thats a GREAT console...
Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.
Right now, I would mostly go with @e30ernest 's suggestions, but I'll probably use the Temporal Defense Deflector instead of the Solanae one, so I can get the full set bonus. I'll also have to reskill to use the new build competently.
Another thing I need answered: What weapon type should I go with? Elite Fleet Phaser or Temporal Defense Chroniton? Like I said, I have to consider weapon damage, due to my character's Tactical Profession.
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It really depends on your end goal. If you want to maximize your damage output, you'll probably have to drop most of them. If you really want the clickies and set bonuses, by all means keep them. You'll still end up with a build that's good enough for Advanced.
The Solanae does give a good boost to EPG though, so I suggest you try that first (since it's free) before you spend more resources on the other rep items.
One quick note, as a Tactical captain, you'll still be buffing exotics with your innate captain abilities. You don't have to pigeon-hole yourself into a certain type of build.
Now on the note of weapon types, since you are going for exotics, I think it would be safe to go with mixed weapons here. The Chronometric Calculations weapons are good to have, but they are polaron. They are free (mission rewards) and the set bonus buffs your exotic and energy weapons damage output. They also have a nice shield pen proc. Another weapon to help that would be the Delta Alliance Ordinance set. The console gives a good CD reduction, the beam it comes with is Polaron and the torpedo it uses is great (Neutronic). The 2-pc buffs radiation (which would be good for your secondary deflector) and the 3pc gives a great high powered clicky (isokinetic cannon).
I hope this gives you more ideas.
| USS Curiosity - Pathfinder | USS Rift - Eternal |
The Science Ship Build Thread - Share your Sci Ship builds here!
It does, thank you for your help
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