I've said before that I'd love to see Starship Interiors done the way Fleet Starbases are done, but scaled to a personal level.
Can you elaborate on that?
Absolutely. Fleet Starbases have their various leveling projects and cosmetic projects. Starship Interiors would work the same way with project inputs scaled to the individual rather than an entire fleet. Leveling one's Starship Interior would give a player access to more things: Bank, Email, Tailor, etc. Cosmetic projects could allow for decor in the Captain's Quarters, Ten Forward, or even allow to toggle between TOS, TMP, TNG, and 2410 aesthetics.
Fleet Starbases have holdings that can also be leveled and have cosmetic projects. On Starship Interiors this would be represented by adding new decks, for example:
Crew Deck: Captain's Quarters with possible Tailor access and trophy displays. Ten Forward with a variety of games that we've seen played in Star Trek and possibly a dance floor. Assign quarters to various BOFFS, visit them and they could give you a daily mission to be done aboard ship.
Life Sciences: a menagerie for storing and displaying pets bought and earned, possible breeding projects for said pets to be unlocked, games for scanning, detecting, identifying life forms.
Stellar Cartography: scanning games for locating, identifying various stellar phenomenon.
Sick Bay: triaging patients game (similar to the Kobali triage mission) for crew members that wander into Sick Bay.
Shuttle Bay: small craft that we own could be displayed here, switching to small craft could be done here, traveling to Fleet Holding could be done here, queueing for shuttle PVE/PVP could be done here, perhaps some unique shuttle piloting/racing missions could be done from here.
Engineering: engineering diagnostic games (warp field, plasma flow adjustments), detecting problems on the ship somewhere then going there and fixing it, a Jefferies tube scavenger hunt type game (using a blank map like Temporal Ambassador), crafting of unique items available only here.
Allow our designated Department Heads to be assigned to occupy the relevant station on board, ex) CMO would be in Sick Bay, Chief Engineer would be in Engineering.
Allow us some (at least limited) choices on crew composition. Perhaps using toggles for species, uniforms that they wear. These options could also be made available through cosmetic projects. Personally, I'd love to see the DOFF roster used to determine crew composition. Allow a toggle or slider for number of crew on a given map with 0 being an option as well. Interacting with random crew members could yield a daily mission or unique DOFF assignment.
The maps themselves could be used to update older episode missions that take place aboard a ship and future missions that need to take place aboard a ship. Also, ship boarding/repel boarders PVE/PVP queues could use the maps as well. Perhaps even a capture the flag type CPVE mission: two teams beam in, Team A captures the bridge, Team B captures engineering. First one to their goal wins.
These are just a few ideas I had, but the whole thing could be a Season or Expansion itself.
That would be totally awesome, but require replacing all unique ship interiors with a generic one.
Not necessarily. Unique ship interiors would be retained as they are. They just wouldn't utilize this system. So your full TOS, Defiant, Voyager, etc. interiors would be retained and could be used separately. This proposed Starship Interiors system would be the new default interior for your ship, though.
Star Trek Online Volunteer Community Moderator and Resident She-Wolf
Community Moderators are Unpaid Volunteers and NOT Employees of Gearbox/Cryptic
Views and Opinions May Not Reflect the Views and Opinions of Gearbox/Cryptic
I've said before that I'd love to see Starship Interiors done the way Fleet Starbases are done, but scaled to a personal level.
Can you elaborate on that?
Absolutely. Fleet Starbases have their various leveling projects and cosmetic projects. Starship Interiors would work the same way with project inputs scaled to the individual rather than an entire fleet. Leveling one's Starship Interior would give a player access to more things: Bank, Email, Tailor, etc. Cosmetic projects could allow for decor in the Captain's Quarters, Ten Forward, or even allow to toggle between TOS, TMP, TNG, and 2410 aesthetics.
Fleet Starbases have holdings that can also be leveled and have cosmetic projects. On Starship Interiors this would be represented by adding new decks, for example:
Crew Deck: Captain's Quarters with possible Tailor access and trophy displays. Ten Forward with a variety of games that we've seen played in Star Trek and possibly a dance floor. Assign quarters to various BOFFS, visit them and they could give you a daily mission to be done aboard ship.
Life Sciences: a menagerie for storing and displaying pets bought and earned, possible breeding projects for said pets to be unlocked, games for scanning, detecting, identifying life forms.
Stellar Cartography: scanning games for locating, identifying various stellar phenomenon.
Sick Bay: triaging patients game (similar to the Kobali triage mission) for crew members that wander into Sick Bay.
Shuttle Bay: small craft that we own could be displayed here, switching to small craft could be done here, traveling to Fleet Holding could be done here, queueing for shuttle PVE/PVP could be done here, perhaps some unique shuttle piloting/racing missions could be done from here.
Engineering: engineering diagnostic games (warp field, plasma flow adjustments), detecting problems on the ship somewhere then going there and fixing it, a Jefferies tube scavenger hunt type game (using a blank map like Temporal Ambassador), crafting of unique items available only here.
Allow our designated Department Heads to be assigned to occupy the relevant station on board, ex) CMO would be in Sick Bay, Chief Engineer would be in Engineering.
Allow us some (at least limited) choices on crew composition. Perhaps using toggles for species, uniforms that they wear. These options could also be made available through cosmetic projects. Personally, I'd love to see the DOFF roster used to determine crew composition. Allow a toggle or slider for number of crew on a given map with 0 being an option as well. Interacting with random crew members could yield a daily mission or unique DOFF assignment.
The maps themselves could be used to update older episode missions that take place aboard a ship and future missions that need to take place aboard a ship. Also, ship boarding/repel boarders PVE/PVP queues could use the maps as well. Perhaps even a capture the flag type CPVE mission: two teams beam in, Team A captures the bridge, Team B captures engineering. First one to their goal wins.
These are just a few ideas I had, but the whole thing could be a Season or Expansion itself.
That would be totally awesome, but require replacing all unique ship interiors with a generic one.
Not necessarily. Unique ship interiors would be retained as they are. They just wouldn't utilize this system. So your full TOS, Defiant, Voyager, etc. interiors would be retained and could be used separately. This proposed Starship Interiors system would be the new default interior for your ship, though.
. . . and it would lead to immediate uproar about how those canon interiors are not part of the system.
Plus, there would still need to be 3 full interiors with customization. (Don't forget KDF/Roms)
I've said before that I'd love to see Starship Interiors done the way Fleet Starbases are done, but scaled to a personal level.
Can you elaborate on that?
Absolutely. Fleet Starbases have their various leveling projects and cosmetic projects. Starship Interiors would work the same way with project inputs scaled to the individual rather than an entire fleet. Leveling one's Starship Interior would give a player access to more things: Bank, Email, Tailor, etc. Cosmetic projects could allow for decor in the Captain's Quarters, Ten Forward, or even allow to toggle between TOS, TMP, TNG, and 2410 aesthetics.
Fleet Starbases have holdings that can also be leveled and have cosmetic projects. On Starship Interiors this would be represented by adding new decks, for example:
Crew Deck: Captain's Quarters with possible Tailor access and trophy displays. Ten Forward with a variety of games that we've seen played in Star Trek and possibly a dance floor. Assign quarters to various BOFFS, visit them and they could give you a daily mission to be done aboard ship.
Life Sciences: a menagerie for storing and displaying pets bought and earned, possible breeding projects for said pets to be unlocked, games for scanning, detecting, identifying life forms.
Stellar Cartography: scanning games for locating, identifying various stellar phenomenon.
Sick Bay: triaging patients game (similar to the Kobali triage mission) for crew members that wander into Sick Bay.
Shuttle Bay: small craft that we own could be displayed here, switching to small craft could be done here, traveling to Fleet Holding could be done here, queueing for shuttle PVE/PVP could be done here, perhaps some unique shuttle piloting/racing missions could be done from here.
Engineering: engineering diagnostic games (warp field, plasma flow adjustments), detecting problems on the ship somewhere then going there and fixing it, a Jefferies tube scavenger hunt type game (using a blank map like Temporal Ambassador), crafting of unique items available only here.
Allow our designated Department Heads to be assigned to occupy the relevant station on board, ex) CMO would be in Sick Bay, Chief Engineer would be in Engineering.
Allow us some (at least limited) choices on crew composition. Perhaps using toggles for species, uniforms that they wear. These options could also be made available through cosmetic projects. Personally, I'd love to see the DOFF roster used to determine crew composition. Allow a toggle or slider for number of crew on a given map with 0 being an option as well. Interacting with random crew members could yield a daily mission or unique DOFF assignment.
The maps themselves could be used to update older episode missions that take place aboard a ship and future missions that need to take place aboard a ship. Also, ship boarding/repel boarders PVE/PVP queues could use the maps as well. Perhaps even a capture the flag type CPVE mission: two teams beam in, Team A captures the bridge, Team B captures engineering. First one to their goal wins.
These are just a few ideas I had, but the whole thing could be a Season or Expansion itself.
That would be totally awesome, but require replacing all unique ship interiors with a generic one.
Not necessarily. Unique ship interiors would be retained as they are. They just wouldn't utilize this system. So your full TOS, Defiant, Voyager, etc. interiors would be retained and could be used separately. This proposed Starship Interiors system would be the new default interior for your ship, though.
. . . and it would lead to immediate uproar about how those canon interiors are not part of the system.
Plus, there would still need to be 3 full interiors with customization. (Don't forget KDF/Roms)
This ^^^
When the devs dont give us hat we want w complain, but when they DO give u what e want s STILL complain, this is why we cant have nice things lol
I've said before that I'd love to see Starship Interiors done the way Fleet Starbases are done, but scaled to a personal level.
Can you elaborate on that?
Absolutely. Fleet Starbases have their various leveling projects and cosmetic projects. Starship Interiors would work the same way with project inputs scaled to the individual rather than an entire fleet. Leveling one's Starship Interior would give a player access to more things: Bank, Email, Tailor, etc. Cosmetic projects could allow for decor in the Captain's Quarters, Ten Forward, or even allow to toggle between TOS, TMP, TNG, and 2410 aesthetics.
Fleet Starbases have holdings that can also be leveled and have cosmetic projects. On Starship Interiors this would be represented by adding new decks, for example:
Crew Deck: Captain's Quarters with possible Tailor access and trophy displays. Ten Forward with a variety of games that we've seen played in Star Trek and possibly a dance floor. Assign quarters to various BOFFS, visit them and they could give you a daily mission to be done aboard ship.
Life Sciences: a menagerie for storing and displaying pets bought and earned, possible breeding projects for said pets to be unlocked, games for scanning, detecting, identifying life forms.
Stellar Cartography: scanning games for locating, identifying various stellar phenomenon.
Sick Bay: triaging patients game (similar to the Kobali triage mission) for crew members that wander into Sick Bay.
Shuttle Bay: small craft that we own could be displayed here, switching to small craft could be done here, traveling to Fleet Holding could be done here, queueing for shuttle PVE/PVP could be done here, perhaps some unique shuttle piloting/racing missions could be done from here.
Engineering: engineering diagnostic games (warp field, plasma flow adjustments), detecting problems on the ship somewhere then going there and fixing it, a Jefferies tube scavenger hunt type game (using a blank map like Temporal Ambassador), crafting of unique items available only here.
Allow our designated Department Heads to be assigned to occupy the relevant station on board, ex) CMO would be in Sick Bay, Chief Engineer would be in Engineering.
Allow us some (at least limited) choices on crew composition. Perhaps using toggles for species, uniforms that they wear. These options could also be made available through cosmetic projects. Personally, I'd love to see the DOFF roster used to determine crew composition. Allow a toggle or slider for number of crew on a given map with 0 being an option as well. Interacting with random crew members could yield a daily mission or unique DOFF assignment.
The maps themselves could be used to update older episode missions that take place aboard a ship and future missions that need to take place aboard a ship. Also, ship boarding/repel boarders PVE/PVP queues could use the maps as well. Perhaps even a capture the flag type CPVE mission: two teams beam in, Team A captures the bridge, Team B captures engineering. First one to their goal wins.
These are just a few ideas I had, but the whole thing could be a Season or Expansion itself.
That would be totally awesome, but require replacing all unique ship interiors with a generic one.
Not necessarily. Unique ship interiors would be retained as they are. They just wouldn't utilize this system. So your full TOS, Defiant, Voyager, etc. interiors would be retained and could be used separately. This proposed Starship Interiors system would be the new default interior for your ship, though.
. . . and it would lead to immediate uproar about how those canon interiors are not part of the system.
Plus, there would still need to be 3 full interiors with customization. (Don't forget KDF/Roms)
There will be uproar about all changes and all new systems. That, of course, has never been/should never be a deterrent. But it's the best way to preserve previous purchases with (hopefully) minimal uproar. Perhaps have those purchases automatically unlock those aesthetics to give them an extra bonus.
Also, those canon interior aesthetics could be applied to the new interiors. So, it wouldn't be an exact TOS interior, but it would look like that era. It wouldn't be an exact TNG interior, but it would use that aesthetic. It wouldn't be an exact Tholian interior, but it would fit that style.
The deck/room layouts would be generic, so that they could be easily used for missions. As it is, doing a 5-man Starbase defense, the queue randomly chooses a Fleet Starbase from among the participants. Whatever level/visuals that base is in is the map that's used. Same would go for a potential 5-man ship boarding/repelling queue maps. Someone in the team's ship map will be used. The layouts are all the same, but the look might be different.
Yes, FED, KDF, and ROM would need 3 separate layouts, but only for the crew deck and engineering deck. New decks added, like holdings, could be a generic corridor with rooms branching off. What would make them unique would be the skin that's applied to them: a Starfleet skin, Klingon skin, Romulan skin as the basic default look depending on the character. Other skins would be unlocked via cosmetic projects, C-Store purchases, Lock Box ships, etc.
Oh, and this would be a per character system, not account wide, unless a certain purchase unlocks for the account.
Star Trek Online Volunteer Community Moderator and Resident She-Wolf
Community Moderators are Unpaid Volunteers and NOT Employees of Gearbox/Cryptic
Views and Opinions May Not Reflect the Views and Opinions of Gearbox/Cryptic
Yes I would pay for screen accurate bridges and interiors, I know this may cost as much as the ship or perhaps more.
As a KDF player. I'm mad we don't get Race approprite bridges besides Klingon. They'll make a bridge for races we can't play like Breen. But not one we can like Orion. Why, I do not know.
I've said before that I'd love to see Starship Interiors done the way Fleet Starbases are done, but scaled to a personal level.
Can you elaborate on that?
Absolutely. Fleet Starbases have their various leveling projects and cosmetic projects. Starship Interiors would work the same way with project inputs scaled to the individual rather than an entire fleet. Leveling one's Starship Interior would give a player access to more things: Bank, Email, Tailor, etc. Cosmetic projects could allow for decor in the Captain's Quarters, Ten Forward, or even allow to toggle between TOS, TMP, TNG, and 2410 aesthetics.
Fleet Starbases have holdings that can also be leveled and have cosmetic projects. On Starship Interiors this would be represented by adding new decks, for example:
Crew Deck: Captain's Quarters with possible Tailor access and trophy displays. Ten Forward with a variety of games that we've seen played in Star Trek and possibly a dance floor. Assign quarters to various BOFFS, visit them and they could give you a daily mission to be done aboard ship.
Life Sciences: a menagerie for storing and displaying pets bought and earned, possible breeding projects for said pets to be unlocked, games for scanning, detecting, identifying life forms.
Stellar Cartography: scanning games for locating, identifying various stellar phenomenon.
Sick Bay: triaging patients game (similar to the Kobali triage mission) for crew members that wander into Sick Bay.
Shuttle Bay: small craft that we own could be displayed here, switching to small craft could be done here, traveling to Fleet Holding could be done here, queueing for shuttle PVE/PVP could be done here, perhaps some unique shuttle piloting/racing missions could be done from here.
Engineering: engineering diagnostic games (warp field, plasma flow adjustments), detecting problems on the ship somewhere then going there and fixing it, a Jefferies tube scavenger hunt type game (using a blank map like Temporal Ambassador), crafting of unique items available only here.
Allow our designated Department Heads to be assigned to occupy the relevant station on board, ex) CMO would be in Sick Bay, Chief Engineer would be in Engineering.
Allow us some (at least limited) choices on crew composition. Perhaps using toggles for species, uniforms that they wear. These options could also be made available through cosmetic projects. Personally, I'd love to see the DOFF roster used to determine crew composition. Allow a toggle or slider for number of crew on a given map with 0 being an option as well. Interacting with random crew members could yield a daily mission or unique DOFF assignment.
The maps themselves could be used to update older episode missions that take place aboard a ship and future missions that need to take place aboard a ship. Also, ship boarding/repel boarders PVE/PVP queues could use the maps as well. Perhaps even a capture the flag type CPVE mission: two teams beam in, Team A captures the bridge, Team B captures engineering. First one to their goal wins.
These are just a few ideas I had, but the whole thing could be a Season or Expansion itself.
That would be totally awesome, but require replacing all unique ship interiors with a generic one.
Not necessarily. Unique ship interiors would be retained as they are. They just wouldn't utilize this system. So your full TOS, Defiant, Voyager, etc. interiors would be retained and could be used separately. This proposed Starship Interiors system would be the new default interior for your ship, though.
. . . and it would lead to immediate uproar about how those canon interiors are not part of the system.
Plus, there would still need to be 3 full interiors with customization. (Don't forget KDF/Roms)
I suppose there are reasons for not just giving Fed/KDF/Rom the same assets and letting them tinker with it from there? Maybe make it like tailor templates where it starts with one of three generic options?
I suppose there are reasons for not just giving Fed/KDF/Rom the same assets and letting them tinker with it from there? Maybe make it like tailor templates where it starts with one of three generic options?
Probably the same reasons (whatever they are) as for not just giving everyone the same clothing assets in the tailor and letting them tinker from there.
That would be totally awesome, but require replacing all unique ship interiors with a generic one.
Not necessarily. You could be able to lay out corridor as you like, and at a door be able to specify what room you want at a doorway (as long as it doesn't overlap with existing rooms). Some rooms (a disco, holodeck or 10 Forward) may only be available from the C-Store. Completing T5 Omega rep might add the option of Borgifying corridors, or adding charging stations. If it's treated as customizable player housing, I think that it'd be viable.
Not really into costumes and Role Play myself so i would not pull out my wallet for something like this.
This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
I think one thing the Devs at Cryptic have misunderstood is the level of interest and desire for player housing type areas in MMOs. Take a look at Elder Scrolls Online. It was missing player housing from the start, but after years of nagging they have finally introduced them, and they cost big time. However they sell like hot cakes and guess what, you can't do anything in them except place a few bits of furniture (which is supported in a new crafting system).
^^ 100% This! Every veteran player knows that Space Barbie is the real endgame.
I think Taco was right though. your description of why you think he was wrong would in fact be the sort of thing I'd characterize as "added functionality".
I just don't see the need for more bridge designs.
And we all know that it's easy to say yes, but then see what the finished results/costs are and decide "Nah, too much" or "I only want one specific bridge, but I said yes because it was the only way to maybe get it made".
There is just little reason, outside of some RP situations, to spend time on the bridge.
Even if you want to access the ship for certain DOFF missions, most, if not all, bridges require that you leave the bridge itself to get those missions started.
So maybe I would buy a new bridge IF:
1) They shifted all special DOFF missions to be accessible through a bridge console.
2) They added more functionality to the bridge, with consoles existing that allow for full bank access, exchange access, tailor access, ship customization, and so on.
This is in addition to any other extras they may want to add, up to and including specific mini-games*.
3) They all featured our bridge officers filling chairs or standing at consoles/displays. I figure different bridges would have a different number of seats to fill, but they should be filled by the people I have on my crew, not random generic crewmen.
Basically, the more time I spend on my bridge the more likely I am to want one that looks a certain way, and the more things that I can do on a bridge the more likely I am to want to spend more time there.
But mostly I think about the best we can hope for as things are now is that they will just allow for us to use the bridges that we have gotten from this or that on more ships than they currently allow.
* Maybe they could add different mini-games to different bridges, but allow you to run them on any bridge.
Like set up a special mini-game console that lets you assign mini-games the same way that you apply traits, with however many of those slottable.
You buy 5 "premium" bridges you get 5 different mini-games allowing you to earn 5X as much dilithium or whatever by hanging out on your bridge for a while.
Different games could offer up different prizes, though. Maybe one would give you marks of some sort, for example.
In such cases, though, the cooldowns could be different.
In any event, you could not switch out any mini-games that were on cooldown.
Now you might be talking about reasons for me (and others) to actually care more about owning different bridges and wanting to spend more time hanging out there.
Yes I would pay for screen accurate bridges and interiors, I know this may cost as much as the ship or perhaps more.
I think that this poll is trying to show Cryptic that there might be financial support to do this, that players would be willing to buy it if it were made. "If you build it, he will come." And while Cryptic does indeed want to make money, I don't think that is the real hold up here. I think that this is something they would be willing to do, if they knew how they could best implement it and get the most bang for their buck for the time and development that they'd put into it.
The best example I can point to is the Voyager interior. It's beautiful, iconic, screen accurate, and the players love it ( ). One of the reasons we got that interior with that level of detail, though, was because it was extensively used during the Delta Rising story arc missions. And so, it could be used for future story missions as well. Bonus that it could sold to the masses as a Starship Bridge/Interior.
What I've tried to do in the proposal that I made was less about how much or whether players would be willing to spend real money for it, but rather try to show Cryptic: a direction they could go to implement it; to tie it into systems that they already have; to use it as an asset for future story/mission development; how to expand on it, so that it shows potential for future growth rather than a one-and-done project; to make it an integral part of one's daily game play; and yeah, maybe there are some aspects that can be monetized, too.
We've got to give them more than just saying, "Hey, I'd buy it, if you make it." That's easy to ignore or pass on by. I want to get them interested. I want to give them an idea that gets them excited enough to say, "That's awesome! I'd love to build that into the game!"
Star Trek Online Volunteer Community Moderator and Resident She-Wolf
Community Moderators are Unpaid Volunteers and NOT Employees of Gearbox/Cryptic
Views and Opinions May Not Reflect the Views and Opinions of Gearbox/Cryptic
Yes I would pay for screen accurate bridges and interiors, I know this may cost as much as the ship or perhaps more.
> @captainkenny1 said: > I voted yes, my opinion is that interiors for lockbox ships should be in the c store and can only be used if you have the ship that goes with it. Like ferengi interior can only be used on the d'kora, nandi and nagus marauder. Now for fed ships, these bridges and interiors should be fitting on all fed ships. Same for Kdf and Rom. > Now the problem lies in the fact that there is nothing to do, but I have an idea, hear me out. > Add a holodeck gate to the interior, and put in some mini games, like when Picard and guinan are doing that shooting range thing , shooting those moving colored orbs. Add some rewards like dil or ec and a 20 hour cool down for that specific mini game.or like that google glas like thing from tng , the game, where you drop coins in those moving tubes, plenty ideas to do a mini game,maybe add the foundry missions to it, that way you don't have to search the starting point in the entire galaxy. The fleet officer of the watch, or whatever his title is gives you small tasks to do, put this feature also on board your ship.mini games are a thing that will people do to get good rewards, they will beam to their bridges and to other parts of their ship. > I would even say that selling correct shuttle bridges would be a favored thing. > Now I could be wrong, but just my 0,02$
For screen accurate for Bridge interiors, does that mean from the original original Star Trek or the digital remastering in the 2000s? For example, do we get flip number clocks or digital clocks?
'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
Judge Dan Haywood
'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
I've said before that I'd love to see Starship Interiors done the way Fleet Starbases are done, but scaled to a personal level.
Can you elaborate on that?
Absolutely. Fleet Starbases have their various leveling projects and cosmetic projects. Starship Interiors would work the same way with project inputs scaled to the individual rather than an entire fleet. Leveling one's Starship Interior would give a player access to more things: Bank, Email, Tailor, etc. Cosmetic projects could allow for decor in the Captain's Quarters, Ten Forward, or even allow to toggle between TOS, TMP, TNG, and 2410 aesthetics.
Fleet Starbases have holdings that can also be leveled and have cosmetic projects. On Starship Interiors this would be represented by adding new decks, for example:
Crew Deck: Captain's Quarters with possible Tailor access and trophy displays. Ten Forward with a variety of games that we've seen played in Star Trek and possibly a dance floor. Assign quarters to various BOFFS, visit them and they could give you a daily mission to be done aboard ship.
Life Sciences: a menagerie for storing and displaying pets bought and earned, possible breeding projects for said pets to be unlocked, games for scanning, detecting, identifying life forms.
Stellar Cartography: scanning games for locating, identifying various stellar phenomenon.
Sick Bay: triaging patients game (similar to the Kobali triage mission) for crew members that wander into Sick Bay.
Shuttle Bay: small craft that we own could be displayed here, switching to small craft could be done here, traveling to Fleet Holding could be done here, queueing for shuttle PVE/PVP could be done here, perhaps some unique shuttle piloting/racing missions could be done from here.
Engineering: engineering diagnostic games (warp field, plasma flow adjustments), detecting problems on the ship somewhere then going there and fixing it, a Jefferies tube scavenger hunt type game (using a blank map like Temporal Ambassador), crafting of unique items available only here.
Allow our designated Department Heads to be assigned to occupy the relevant station on board, ex) CMO would be in Sick Bay, Chief Engineer would be in Engineering.
Allow us some (at least limited) choices on crew composition. Perhaps using toggles for species, uniforms that they wear. These options could also be made available through cosmetic projects. Personally, I'd love to see the DOFF roster used to determine crew composition. Allow a toggle or slider for number of crew on a given map with 0 being an option as well. Interacting with random crew members could yield a daily mission or unique DOFF assignment.
The maps themselves could be used to update older episode missions that take place aboard a ship and future missions that need to take place aboard a ship. Also, ship boarding/repel boarders PVE/PVP queues could use the maps as well. Perhaps even a capture the flag type CPVE mission: two teams beam in, Team A captures the bridge, Team B captures engineering. First one to their goal wins.
These are just a few ideas I had, but the whole thing could be a Season or Expansion itself.
That would be totally awesome, but require replacing all unique ship interiors with a generic one.
Not necessarily. Unique ship interiors would be retained as they are. They just wouldn't utilize this system. So your full TOS, Defiant, Voyager, etc. interiors would be retained and could be used separately. This proposed Starship Interiors system would be the new default interior for your ship, though.
. . . and it would lead to immediate uproar about how those canon interiors are not part of the system.
Plus, there would still need to be 3 full interiors with customization. (Don't forget KDF/Roms)
If I were making this system, I'd use a neutral planet location first, to gauge interest. A player-owned hovel on Nimbus III, for instance. You wouldn't need to make faction content, and if the system were ever expanded that arc would seem to be around a good level to start a housing tutorial anyway.
As a KDF player. I'm mad we don't get Race approprite bridges besides Klingon. They'll make a bridge for races we can't play like Breen. But not one we can like Orion. Why, I do not know.
Because designing such interiors take A LOT of environmental team Dev time; and in the end, they have metrics showing (from past efforts) that the KDF faction playerbase isn't large enough - or will buy enough of said interior for the Dev time spent (in Salaries, etc.) to net a good enough profit (or any real profit at all for the effort.)
Formerly known as Armsman from June 2008 to June 20, 2012 PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
Yes I would pay for screen accurate bridges and interiors, I know this may cost as much as the ship or perhaps more.
I'm totally for getting more bridges in game,some awesome ships like the Enterprise NX miss such a feature to make the game more deep and give that feel of Star Trek.
Yes I would pay for screen accurate bridges and interiors, I know this may cost as much as the ship or perhaps more.
To me, 'screen accurate' is perhaps a bit too nerdy. I just want my bridges to be pretty, is all. In that sense, whilst I heard a Dev say they're not lazy, let's just say they seem to be putting a lot more work into one bridge than the other. One of the worst bridges, for instance, IMHO, is the Narcine Aquatic bridge. On par with said hasty, ugly design is the bridge for the Miradorn Heavy Raider. Bridges that excel, again IMHO, are those of the Elachi ships, the Adapted Destroyers, and those of the Intrepid bridge packs. And various TOS bridges. Now, obviously we can't get Intrepid quality (unless there's a mission attached to it), but my long-winded point is, would be nice if at least the Devs delivered some consistent bridge-quality.
Subsidiarily, I wouldn't mind if they unlocked lock box bridges as well. That would take care of my Miradorn, of course. But I'm also in favor of a full unlock, period, where you can simply use every bridge on every ship you own, from every ship you own.
Subsidiarily, I wouldn't mind if they unlocked lock box bridges as well. That would take care of my Miradorn, of course. But I'm also in favor of a full unlock, period, where you can simply use every bridge on every ship you own, from every ship you own.
That would, indeed, be nice.
Esp, if it included putting the cellship bridge on a real ship.
My Taco-Sense says that the majority of people saying "Yes, I'd pay for canon interiors" are including fantasies about expanded use, or bigger/more complex interiors.
I would amend the OP question with this: If new the bridges/interiors had exactly the same number of rooms, and same functionality as the current interiors, i.e. not much, would you still pay for the same price as a new ship for them?
My guess is no, or that people aren't being very honest with themselves.
True, I wouldn't pay for cosmetics alone. However, I would pay for a Klingon bridge which is more compact, without this readydroom thingy and the doff mission console just a few steps away from the spawn point.
Basically what I expected from buying the BoP bridges. Instead I leave my bridge, turn to the right and by the time I enter the ready room thingy I would be in space on the "real thing".
Thats not really much work I'd guess, since there is already an unused console, and placing the turbolift directly behind the bridge door shouldn't be that difficult either.
Not necessarily. Unique ship interiors would be retained as they are. They just wouldn't utilize this system. So your full TOS, Defiant, Voyager, etc. interiors would be retained and could be used separately. This proposed Starship Interiors system would be the new default interior for your ship, though.
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. . . and it would lead to immediate uproar about how those canon interiors are not part of the system.
Plus, there would still need to be 3 full interiors with customization. (Don't forget KDF/Roms)
This ^^^
When the devs dont give us hat we want w complain, but when they DO give u what e want s STILL complain, this is why we cant have nice things lol
There will be uproar about all changes and all new systems. That, of course, has never been/should never be a deterrent. But it's the best way to preserve previous purchases with (hopefully) minimal uproar. Perhaps have those purchases automatically unlock those aesthetics to give them an extra bonus.
Also, those canon interior aesthetics could be applied to the new interiors. So, it wouldn't be an exact TOS interior, but it would look like that era. It wouldn't be an exact TNG interior, but it would use that aesthetic. It wouldn't be an exact Tholian interior, but it would fit that style.
The deck/room layouts would be generic, so that they could be easily used for missions. As it is, doing a 5-man Starbase defense, the queue randomly chooses a Fleet Starbase from among the participants. Whatever level/visuals that base is in is the map that's used. Same would go for a potential 5-man ship boarding/repelling queue maps. Someone in the team's ship map will be used. The layouts are all the same, but the look might be different.
Yes, FED, KDF, and ROM would need 3 separate layouts, but only for the crew deck and engineering deck. New decks added, like holdings, could be a generic corridor with rooms branching off. What would make them unique would be the skin that's applied to them: a Starfleet skin, Klingon skin, Romulan skin as the basic default look depending on the character. Other skins would be unlocked via cosmetic projects, C-Store purchases, Lock Box ships, etc.
Oh, and this would be a per character system, not account wide, unless a certain purchase unlocks for the account.
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My character Tsin'xing
Not necessarily. You could be able to lay out corridor as you like, and at a door be able to specify what room you want at a doorway (as long as it doesn't overlap with existing rooms). Some rooms (a disco, holodeck or 10 Forward) may only be available from the C-Store. Completing T5 Omega rep might add the option of Borgifying corridors, or adding charging stations. If it's treated as customizable player housing, I think that it'd be viable.
With that dead-horse rationale, nothing new would ever be introduced. Obviously said reasoning is falsified by the game itself.
^^ 100% This! Every veteran player knows that Space Barbie is the real endgame.
My character Tsin'xing
And we all know that it's easy to say yes, but then see what the finished results/costs are and decide "Nah, too much" or "I only want one specific bridge, but I said yes because it was the only way to maybe get it made".
There is just little reason, outside of some RP situations, to spend time on the bridge.
Even if you want to access the ship for certain DOFF missions, most, if not all, bridges require that you leave the bridge itself to get those missions started.
So maybe I would buy a new bridge IF:
1) They shifted all special DOFF missions to be accessible through a bridge console.
2) They added more functionality to the bridge, with consoles existing that allow for full bank access, exchange access, tailor access, ship customization, and so on.
This is in addition to any other extras they may want to add, up to and including specific mini-games*.
3) They all featured our bridge officers filling chairs or standing at consoles/displays. I figure different bridges would have a different number of seats to fill, but they should be filled by the people I have on my crew, not random generic crewmen.
Basically, the more time I spend on my bridge the more likely I am to want one that looks a certain way, and the more things that I can do on a bridge the more likely I am to want to spend more time there.
But mostly I think about the best we can hope for as things are now is that they will just allow for us to use the bridges that we have gotten from this or that on more ships than they currently allow.
* Maybe they could add different mini-games to different bridges, but allow you to run them on any bridge.
Like set up a special mini-game console that lets you assign mini-games the same way that you apply traits, with however many of those slottable.
You buy 5 "premium" bridges you get 5 different mini-games allowing you to earn 5X as much dilithium or whatever by hanging out on your bridge for a while.
Different games could offer up different prizes, though. Maybe one would give you marks of some sort, for example.
In such cases, though, the cooldowns could be different.
In any event, you could not switch out any mini-games that were on cooldown.
Now you might be talking about reasons for me (and others) to actually care more about owning different bridges and wanting to spend more time hanging out there.
The best example I can point to is the Voyager interior. It's beautiful, iconic, screen accurate, and the players love it (
What I've tried to do in the proposal that I made was less about how much or whether players would be willing to spend real money for it, but rather try to show Cryptic: a direction they could go to implement it; to tie it into systems that they already have; to use it as an asset for future story/mission development; how to expand on it, so that it shows potential for future growth rather than a one-and-done project; to make it an integral part of one's daily game play; and yeah, maybe there are some aspects that can be monetized, too.
We've got to give them more than just saying, "Hey, I'd buy it, if you make it." That's easy to ignore or pass on by. I want to get them interested. I want to give them an idea that gets them excited enough to say, "That's awesome! I'd love to build that into the game!"
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> I voted yes, my opinion is that interiors for lockbox ships should be in the c store and can only be used if you have the ship that goes with it. Like ferengi interior can only be used on the d'kora, nandi and nagus marauder. Now for fed ships, these bridges and interiors should be fitting on all fed ships. Same for Kdf and Rom.
> Now the problem lies in the fact that there is nothing to do, but I have an idea, hear me out.
> Add a holodeck gate to the interior, and put in some mini games, like when Picard and guinan are doing that shooting range thing , shooting those moving colored orbs. Add some rewards like dil or ec and a 20 hour cool down for that specific mini game.or like that google glas like thing from tng , the game, where you drop coins in those moving tubes, plenty ideas to do a mini game,maybe add the foundry missions to it, that way you don't have to search the starting point in the entire galaxy. The fleet officer of the watch, or whatever his title is gives you small tasks to do, put this feature also on board your ship.mini games are a thing that will people do to get good rewards, they will beam to their bridges and to other parts of their ship.
> I would even say that selling correct shuttle bridges would be a favored thing.
> Now I could be wrong, but just my 0,02$
What I said and baddmoonrizin too
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
If I were making this system, I'd use a neutral planet location first, to gauge interest. A player-owned hovel on Nimbus III, for instance. You wouldn't need to make faction content, and if the system were ever expanded that arc would seem to be around a good level to start a housing tutorial anyway.
can'y play from inside your ship so why the need for a pretty social zone ?
Oh, thats it isn't it?
Awoken Dead
Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
Because designing such interiors take A LOT of environmental team Dev time; and in the end, they have metrics showing (from past efforts) that the KDF faction playerbase isn't large enough - or will buy enough of said interior for the Dev time spent (in Salaries, etc.) to net a good enough profit (or any real profit at all for the effort.)
PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
Subsidiarily, I wouldn't mind if they unlocked lock box bridges as well. That would take care of my Miradorn, of course. But I'm also in favor of a full unlock, period, where you can simply use every bridge on every ship you own, from every ship you own.
Esp, if it included putting the cellship bridge on a real ship.
True, I wouldn't pay for cosmetics alone. However, I would pay for a Klingon bridge which is more compact, without this readydroom thingy and the doff mission console just a few steps away from the spawn point.
Basically what I expected from buying the BoP bridges. Instead I leave my bridge, turn to the right and by the time I enter the ready room thingy I would be in space on the "real thing".
Thats not really much work I'd guess, since there is already an unused console, and placing the turbolift directly behind the bridge door shouldn't be that difficult either.