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Would you pay for Screen Accurate Bridges and interiors?



  • captainkenny1captainkenny1 Member Posts: 326 Arc User
    Yes I would pay for screen accurate bridges and interiors, I know this may cost as much as the ship or perhaps more.
    I voted yes, my opinion is that interiors for lockbox ships should be in the c store and can only be used if you have the ship that goes with it. Like ferengi interior can only be used on the d'kora, nandi and nagus marauder. Now for fed ships, these bridges and interiors should be fitting on all fed ships. Same for Kdf and Rom.
    Now the problem lies in the fact that there is nothing to do, but I have an idea, hear me out.
    Add a holodeck gate to the interior, and put in some mini games, like when Picard and guinan are doing that shooting range thing , shooting those moving colored orbs. Add some rewards like dil or ec and a 20 hour cool down for that specific mini game.or like that google glas like thing from tng , the game, where you drop coins in those moving tubes, plenty ideas to do a mini game,maybe add the foundry missions to it, that way you don't have to search the starting point in the entire galaxy. The fleet officer of the watch, or whatever his title is gives you small tasks to do, put this feature also on board your ship.mini games are a thing that will people do to get good rewards, they will beam to their bridges and to other parts of their ship.
    I would even say that selling correct shuttle bridges would be a favored thing.
    Now I could be wrong, but just my 0,02$
  • arabaturarabatur Member Posts: 410 Arc User
    No, this is not something I would spend money on.
    Unless it's a comprehensive interior with plenty of functionality, whats the point? I spend < 1% of my time inside my ship as is, seeing as your either in space or ground combat.
    Definitely not an Arc User.
  • steaensteaen Member Posts: 646 Arc User
    edited June 2017
    Yes I would pay for screen accurate bridges only.
    Yes, if the functionailty is improved and there is a use to them beyond the cosmetic.

    I'd also pay for a function which allows me to use the bridge from any ship I own on any other ship I own. For example, I think the Aquarius bridge is awesome, but as it's locked to the Oddy class that I don't use anymore, I don't get to see it. I'd pay to change that.
  • steaensteaen Member Posts: 646 Arc User
    Yes I would pay for screen accurate bridges only.
    I've also held that startship interiors could be done like Fleet Starbases, but with projects scaled towards the individual, and instead of Fleet Holdings, new decks could be added.

    That sounds like a great idea to me - it would provide a new dil/resource sink and would allow each player to participate as much or as little as they chose.
  • thunderfoot#5163 thunderfoot Member Posts: 4,545 Arc User
    No, this is not something I would spend money on.
    Tacofangs explained in another thread on here somewhere why they probably won't do something like this. Another reason is called Return On Investment. Unless and until PWE/Cryptic can achieve a profit on making better interiors, and there is a significant fraction of the player population across all three platforms wanting better interiors, there is NO PROFITABLE REASON for them to expend resources on making better interiors.

    Besides, they already did the only one I was ever interested in. The TOS interior.

    Threads like this really should have achieved F.C.T. status long before now.
    A six year old boy and his starship. Living the dream.
  • msb777msb777 Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    Yes I would pay for screen accurate bridges only.
    i would but only if i could see the bridge when in combat, like bridge commander. I'm not a big role player so i don't visit the interior of my ships that often.
  • aurigas7aurigas7 Member Posts: 488 Arc User
    edited July 2017
    Yes I would pay for screen accurate bridges only.
    Definately for a functional bridge where I have all consoles in one place as it is the case for event ships f.e.

    Not sure about complete interiors. I could see myself paying for the interior of a small ship (Bird of Prey or Defiant), but definately not for the sheer endless corridors of a Galaxy class cruiser. What do you want to do in there ? Pi Canis Marathon ?
    Post edited by aurigas7 on
  • berginsbergins Member Posts: 3,453 Arc User
    Yes I would pay for screen accurate bridges and interiors, I know this may cost as much as the ship or perhaps more.
    A few years ago, I bought the TOS bundle just for the bridge/interior, so any other answer would not be an honest one.
    "Logic is a little tweeting bird chirping in a meadow. Logic is a wreath of pretty flowers which smell BAD." - Spock
  • kodachikunokodachikuno Member Posts: 6,020 Arc User1
    Yes I would pay for screen accurate bridges only.
    reyan01 wrote: »
    I want to say yes. However, my biggest 'issue' with ship interiors is that we need something to actually DO there.

    So my answer is 'Yes - if they made them more functional atop improving the aesthetics.

    ^This, its why I voted bridges only. That and considering how much less work is involved in *just* a bridge, I feel it the more likely to happen.
    tacofangs wrote: »
    STO isn't canon, and neither are any of the books.
  • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,007 Arc User
    Yes I would pay for screen accurate bridges and interiors, I know this may cost as much as the ship or perhaps more.
    Hell yeah, add Mirror universe bridges and interiors as well for us MU fans
      "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
      -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
    • snowwolf#0563 snowwolf Member Posts: 1,018 Arc User
      Yes I would pay for screen accurate bridges and interiors, I know this may cost as much as the ship or perhaps more.
      I'd pay for it even if there's nothing to do there. I just sit my character down in the interior sometimes when my computer is idle, so I can listen to the hum of the engines and consoles.
    • dracounguisdracounguis Member Posts: 5,358 Arc User
      edited June 2017
      No, this is not something I would spend money on.
      I rarely use the bridge for anything.
      How about first give us a good reason to use it, then I may buy some.
      I know! Let me buy the Cell Ship bridge for my other ships! ;)
      Sometimes I think I play STO just to have something to complain about on the forums.
    • warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
      No, this is not something I would spend money on.
      warpangel wrote: »
      reyan01 wrote: »
      I want to say yes. However, my biggest 'issue' with ship interiors is that we need something to actually DO there.

      So my answer is 'Yes - if they made them more functional atop improving the aesthetics.
      Unfortunately, there are too many bridge interiors for them to actually do anything functional there, since it would necessarily require working on ALL those bazillion maps at the same time.

      This is incorrect. If you ever do anything in the foundry you will realise how simple it is to hook up any console to be interactive, it literally takes seconds and the Devs have a far better toolkit than foundry authors. Customising approximately 1 new bridge a month with interactive consoles such as mail, exchange, bank, doffs, mini-games, piece of cake, I could do it for them in minutes as could anyone familiar with the foundry.
      Copypasting interact buttons that are available everywhere else already is not useful.
    • thunderfoot#5163 thunderfoot Member Posts: 4,545 Arc User
      edited June 2017
      No, this is not something I would spend money on.
      ...Your argument that YOU already have the bridge that YOU wanted is irrelevant, that is particular to you, not necessarily everyone else.

      And I spent about 45 minutes wandering around the entire interior. To satisfy the imaginings of a six year old boy. When he was satisfied, he told me so. I haven't been back since. Because there is nothing really important which is game related to do there.

      Due to the way STO is set up, I cannot effectively play the game from the Bridge. My BOffs are merely extensions of my own avatar. Not personalities in their own right. Whether I like it or not, the majority of people who play this game see it as a game. Not some sort of Temple to the Prophet Gene( In His name we Grind! ) This game is viewed as a business by the company which created it. Its purpose is to generate income in the most efficient manner possible to the widest number of people it can reach. The majority of these people have not expressed a sufficient interest in spending discretionary income on a part of the game which has limited functionality. This limited functionality is due to the design of the game engine.

      Yet over and over again we see misinformed and misguided people within these forums asking for things which, with a little intelligent thought leavened by some common sense, they ought to be able to clearly see are not possible for many reasons. But still they ask and assume because they are "Star Trek's Bestest Fan EVAH!" Perfect World will immediately drop everything else and get right on that for ya. You want to play Star Trek from the Bridge? Just like "Real Captains" do? May I suggest dusting off that copy of ST:Bridge Commander?

      This is why I see this as an F.C.T. thread. BTW, Thirsty yet, Dobbin?
      A six year old boy and his starship. Living the dream.
    • arionisaarionisa Member Posts: 1,421 Arc User
      No, this is not something I would spend money on.
      One or two missions out of the entire mission series that send you to your ship interior, an extremely rare visit to the account bank because I want something from there right now and I'm not at one of the many, many places with account bank access, and an even rarer visit to access the Doff missions only available from there.

      Exactly why would I want to spend money for something I not only don't need, but would only use 4-5 times in a year ?
      LTS and loving it.
    • corelogikcorelogik Member Posts: 1,039 Arc User
      No, this is not something I would spend money on.
      I voted no. While I do want a decent bridge, I honestly do not spend enough time there to pay for one separately. I do think however, that "Special" ships, Lobi & Lockboxes,... SHOULD come with a semi-accurate recreation of their bridge. I'm looking at you NX,...
      "Go play with your DPS in the corner, I don't care how big it is." ~ Me
      "There... are... four... lights!" ~Jean Luc Picard
    • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
      Yes I would pay for screen accurate bridges and interiors, I know this may cost as much as the ship or perhaps more.
      And I like Space Barbie, and I approve of pretty bridges and interiors. :)
    • delaromadelaroma Member Posts: 47 Arc User
      edited June 2017
      Yes I would pay for screen accurate bridges and interiors, I know this may cost as much as the ship or perhaps more.
      I sure would, and I would pay a lot $$$$ to make the game more immersive.


    • captaingalrandcaptaingalrand Member Posts: 44 Arc User
      Yes I would pay for screen accurate bridges and interiors, I know this may cost as much as the ship or perhaps more.
      I absolutely would pay for bridges! Especially if I got the TWOK bridge as an option
      Captain Jack. L Mueller
      Commander, U.S.S. Novara NCC-200001-D
      Fleet Admiral

    • vorwodavorwoda Member Posts: 698 Arc User
      Yes I would pay for screen accurate bridges only.
      Yes, definitely. I bought the TOS pack and put that bridge on all my FED ships - TOS or not - because A) I love it, B) it's beautifully done (except for the BOFF layout), and C) it's the size of a bridge, not the size of the Astrodome!

      I would LOVE a proper Galileo shuttlecraft interior, too, and a TOS Romulan bridge (as seen in Balance of Terror). And yes, I would pay for them in the C-Store, gladly.

      As for functionality, full Bank, Mail and Exchange access ought to be included on all Bridges. I've never understood the reasoning behind Account Bank (of all things) being accessible, but not the others. Your Communications Officer's station SHOULD BE Mail - it's for subspace messages to others, for crying out loud! And why is there Account Bank access, but not regular Bank access? Shouldn't you be able to access your OWN stuff from your cargo bay, before getting stuff from your OTHER characters? And a good argument could be made for your Transporter Room having Exchange functionality ("Beam that stuff up/down"). You'd still go to social maps for the unique functionality there (Security, DOFFs, Tailors, Ship Tailors, Merchants, etc.), but you shouldn't have to Transwarp all the way to a base just to send fricking Mail, or haul your own stuff out of your own hold.
    • roguegamer23roguegamer23 Member Posts: 65 Arc User
      No, this is not something I would spend money on.
      Sorry but they are just not worth it anymore, but i do mind if they add the admiral traits to lower tier ships to make a little bit more useful at end level.
    • sgtdave66sgtdave66 Member Posts: 7 Arc User
      Yes I would pay for screen accurate bridges and interiors, I know this may cost as much as the ship or perhaps more.
      reyan01 wrote: »
      I want to say yes. However, my biggest 'issue' with ship interiors is that we need something to actually DO there.

      So my answer is 'Yes - if they made them more functional atop improving the aesthetics.

      I whole hardheartedly agree with this statement
    • chiyoumikuchiyoumiku Member Posts: 1,028 Arc User
      Yes I would pay for screen accurate bridges and interiors, I know this may cost as much as the ship or perhaps more.
      How about screen acurate bridges/interiors with recolor options. Seriously, can you imagine the defiant bridge/interior in voyagers color scheme? Drop dead gorgeous I say!
      Defending The Galaxy By Breaking One Starfleet Regulation After The Next.
    • tacofangstacofangs Member Posts: 2,951 Cryptic Developer
      edited July 2017
      My Taco-Sense says that the majority of people saying "Yes, I'd pay for canon interiors" are including fantasies about expanded use, or bigger/more complex interiors.

      I would amend the OP question with this: If new the bridges/interiors had exactly the same number of rooms, and same functionality as the current interiors, i.e. not much, would you still pay for the same price as a new ship for them?

      My guess is no, or that people aren't being very honest with themselves.
      Only YOU can prevent forum fires!
    • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
      Yes I would pay for screen accurate bridges and interiors, I know this may cost as much as the ship or perhaps more.
      tacofangs wrote: »

      I would amend the OP question with this: If new the bridges/interiors had exactly the same number of rooms, and same functionality as the current interiors, i.e. not much, would you still pay for the same price as a new ship for them?

      So, basically you're suggesting nothing would change, really, except the quality, yes? I'd certainly pay a ship's price for that. :) Quality improvement would have to be substantial, of course.
      My guess is no, or that people aren't being very honest with themselves.

      Or allow for the possibility that ppl might say yes without lying.
    • centurian821centurian821 Member Posts: 274 Arc User
      Yes I would pay for screen accurate bridges and interiors, I know this may cost as much as the ship or perhaps more.
      tacofangs wrote: »
      My Taco-Sense says that the majority of people saying "Yes, I'd pay for canon interiors" are including fantasies about expanded use, or bigger/more complex interiors.

      I would amend the OP question with this: If new the bridges/interiors had exactly the same number of rooms, and same functionality as the current interiors, i.e. not much, would you still pay for the same price as a new ship for them?

      My guess is no, or that people aren't being very honest with themselves.

      Even with the limited use of the interiors in mind, I would still say yes. While I wouldn't pay for them all, I would pay for at least one.

      This is assuming that they would be new bridge packs and not a remodel of the older bridges that would be auto-updated like the remodels of the Miranda and Connie-refit.
    • baddmoonrizinbaddmoonrizin Member Posts: 10,735 Community Moderator
      Yes I would pay for screen accurate bridges and interiors, I know this may cost as much as the ship or perhaps more.
      tacofangs wrote: »
      My Taco-Sense says that the majority of people saying "Yes, I'd pay for canon interiors" are including fantasies about expanded use, or bigger/more complex interiors.

      I would amend the OP question with this: If new the bridges/interiors had exactly the same number of rooms, and same functionality as the current interiors, i.e. not much, would you still pay for the same price as a new ship for them?

      My guess is no, or that people aren't being very honest with themselves.

      I'm sure this is true. And I'll admit that I'm one who'd like to see expanded use, and bigger/more complex interiors. But I also know that realistically we're not going to get something like that unless 1) it's part of the development schedule as part of an expansion, or 2) devs take upon themselves to do in their free time.

      It's too bad that something isn't being done with ship interiors, though, because most of Star Trek took place on the ship. I've said before that I'd love to see Starship Interiors done the way Fleet Starbases are done, but scaled to a personal level. I think it's something that would be worth investing development time in, because the work put into it could then be used as a basis for so many other things: episode mission maps, PVE/PVP queue maps, etc.
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    • centurian821centurian821 Member Posts: 274 Arc User
      edited July 2017
      Yes I would pay for screen accurate bridges and interiors, I know this may cost as much as the ship or perhaps more.
      tacofangs wrote: »
      My Taco-Sense says that the majority of people saying "Yes, I'd pay for canon interiors" are including fantasies about expanded use, or bigger/more complex interiors.

      I would amend the OP question with this: If new the bridges/interiors had exactly the same number of rooms, and same functionality as the current interiors, i.e. not much, would you still pay for the same price as a new ship for them?

      My guess is no, or that people aren't being very honest with themselves.

      I'm sure this is true. And I'll admit that I'm one who'd like to see expanded use, and bigger/more complex interiors. But I also know that realistically we're not going to get something like that unless 1) it's part of the development schedule as part of an expansion, or 2) devs take upon themselves to do in their free time.

      It's too bad that something isn't being done with ship interiors, though, because most of Star Trek took place on the ship. I've said before that I'd love to see Starship Interiors done the way Fleet Starbases are done, but scaled to a personal level. I think it's something that would be worth investing development time in, because the work put into it could then be used as a basis for so many other things: episode mission maps, PVE/PVP queue maps, etc.

      Could work it into the Competitive PVE queues with a Repel Boarders/Secure the Ship training exercise against a rotating roster of enemies. Like what happens at the tail end of the AoY tutorial levels. Unless that already exists, not tried the Competitive PVE stuff yet.
    • ihatepwe735ihatepwe735 Member Posts: 337 Arc User
      No, this is not something I would spend money on.
      Give me a reason to visit them first.
    • tacofangstacofangs Member Posts: 2,951 Cryptic Developer
      meimeitoo wrote: »
      tacofangs wrote: »

      I would amend the OP question with this: If new the bridges/interiors had exactly the same number of rooms, and same functionality as the current interiors, i.e. not much, would you still pay for the same price as a new ship for them?

      So, basically you're suggesting nothing would change, really, except the quality, yes? I'd certainly pay a ship's price for that. :) Quality improvement would have to be substantial, of course.

      I'm not sure what you're referring to? The OP was asking for new interiors, right? The Sovereign, the Refit, etc. Things we don't already have?

      I've said before that I'd love to see Starship Interiors done the way Fleet Starbases are done, but scaled to a personal level.

      Can you elaborate on that?
      Only YOU can prevent forum fires!
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