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What are your STO fantasies?



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  • brian334brian334 Member Posts: 2,219 Arc User
    My top likes so far include:

    Improved AI.

    Procedurally generated exploration maps: every forray into unexplored territory is new and just for you!

    Era-based maps which captains can access via time travel and which require era-specific costumes and gear.

    More origin stories.

    There is another idea which originated on this forum which has been both applauded and shot down: Build Your Own Starship. It's an obvious idea, once thought up, but it is easy to see why it wouldn't work in STO, which makes bank on selling multiple ships to each account.

    However, if the idea were monetized and restricted to the second highest tier, it (possibly) would not impact the sale of new ships while still granting players the option to build their ship of dreams.

    In step one of my imagineered version of the concept, a player would buy a Custom Ship Token for half the price of a ship of the appropriate tier.

    Step 2 would require the player to choose a ship class such as Escort, Raptor, Cruiser, etc., and incur a premium fee if that hull is not faction specific, (such as a Klingon hull type used for a Federation character.)

    Step 3 would allow a player to select from the various materials the ship tailor will allow, enabling the use of Federation color schemes on Romulan Warbirds and such. The default palatte would be free, while using a different faction palatte would incur additional fees, and exotic palattes such as the Dyson Destroyer or Na'kuhl colors would cost even more.

    Step 4 would require the player to purchase equipment hardpoints such as weapons slots, or slightly more expensive Heavy Cannon slots, and secondary deflectors, consoles, BOff seats and the more expensive Specialist seats, etc.

    Step 5 would be an approval step where the computer checks for errors which might cause mechanical issues. Once the design is approved, the Zen, Lobi, EC, and Latinum must be paid, and you get the custom ship. It will have to be scaled so that you pay just a little more at each tier than an STO design, and the top tier would be off limits until the next advance in shipbuilding creates another tier even higher.

    While it may be impossible to implement, (the program may only allow 512 unique designs, each of which must be in the game's memory, for example,) the idea as presented could allow custom ship design without impacting ship sales.
  • chastity1337chastity1337 Member Posts: 1,608 Arc User
    Star Trek fantasies? Well, they usually involve Beverly Crusher...
  • baddmoonrizinbaddmoonrizin Member Posts: 11,262 Community Moderator
    Oi. When I suggested re-titling the thread, I never expected it to go this route. SMH
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  • ihatepwe735ihatepwe735 Member Posts: 337 Arc User
    Return of the "Exploration Clusters". Yeah, I know, lame. But I loved them. :)


    The exploration clusters were just DOFF missions, with more flying around.

    Anything sold under the banner of "exploration" has to be persistent. That is what exploration is and always historically has been: explorers go somewhere unknown, "discover" it and return with the map of/to their discovery.

    If discovery is not the process of making maps then nothing has been discovered.
    If exploration is not the process of discovery, then nothing has been explored.

    Call it "TRIBBLE tedious flying around looking for random doff mission clusters" if you want, but not "exploration clusters".
  • captainperkinscaptainperkins Member Posts: 381 Arc User
    Oi. When I suggested re-titling the thread, I never expected it to go this route. SMH

    Sowwy :3 *hugs baddmoon*
  • igorche81igorche81 Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    New models for D7 and K't'inga. Current ones look like TRIBBLE. They have not changed since 2011. Star Trek Legacy models look better. Not mention ST: Bridge Commander models. I know they are not from original game but mods. However those are far better than the ones STO has to offer.
  • mosul33mosul33 Member Posts: 836 Arc User
    kaarruu wrote: »
    No bugs. No unskippable cutscenes. No parsing. No bunnyhopping assclowns. No injury-crippled leeches queueing for elites. No AFKers in queues.
    Preach it brother! Especially no parsing. Man I hate parsing. Ugh, I hate been parsed.

    Of course its a far fetched thing, but I would like to see implemented a system, much like the case of the defunct STO Gateway, where under privacy options, there would be an option to hide your @handle name in the combat log, thus coudnt be parsed. And this option wouldnt affect ppl that like to parse themselves either. Its a win-win scenario. Of course I dont see the devs doing something like this but one can hope...

    And let your boffs pilot some of your ships in a team, like on ground it is now, but in space, each boff piloting a ship, maybe with limited capacities and all, but still, would be something pretty cool...
  • risingwolfshadowrisingwolfshadow Member Posts: 619 Arc User
    For the Klingon faction to get as much development as the Fed faction. Romulans as a separate faction.
    The return of good PvP. Cut out all the cheese and PvP about skill rather than traits and OP consoles.
  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    Missions happening on player ship interiors. I'd be fine if that ends up meaning that most of the customziation options are gone, the important thing is I want stuff to happen on my ship.


    Some form of improved Exploration Cluster missions.

    The whole concept should tie in several mechanics, Duty Officers, Admirality, Reputation, the Delta/Temporal Event style server-wide objectives, and still offer some sense of a structured, well thought out story.

    The exploration cluster would contain multiple aliens that are defined by certain characteristics:
    The relationships among each other and the "big" factions (Romulans, Klingons, Federation, Ferengi, Borg and so on, maybe a different subset is relevant in each new exploration cluster)

    The "generic" missions would use the relationships, needs and supplies to build more or less logical mini-stories.
    To go back to the "old" Exploration Clusters as an examle of what would happen with such a system:
    There won't be Borg searching for artifacts by the 3rd Dynasty, since the Borg don't have "Artifacts of the 3rd Dynasty" as something they "need" - they want Omega Molecules, or New Technology.

    Duty Officer missions and Admirality assignments for the Exploration Sector Block would also tie into these stories.
    The "real" story missions would be about resolving some conflict between these new species, and could be as detailed out like any story mission. It could even tie in some greater story arc.

    On release of a new Cluster, a new server wide event would also launch, that tracks how well players have explored the new sector block, and grant stuff like a bonus Dilithium or bonus EC or whatever week as they did for the Delta and Temporal Recruit Event.
    The new Sector Block could also come with its own reputation, tracking the progress of the character in the reputation (maybe also unlocking additional exploration mission types or even story missions.)

    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • ihatepwe735ihatepwe735 Member Posts: 337 Arc User
    edited July 2017
    I have reconsidered, and my fantasy is this:

    Large space based maps, similar to the Dyson Sphere maps that offer the following functions to players without leaving their space craft:

    A social area that offers:
    * DOFF assignments that are interesting.
    * Bank and Exchange access.
    * Access to the "Ship Swap" selection and Ship Tailor.
    * A transwarp hub to all fleet holdings and other transwarp places of interest.

    Some distance away, but in the same zone:
    * Respawning enemies
    * open quests

  • brian334brian334 Member Posts: 2,219 Arc User
    A very large space map with faction-specific spawn points.

    At each spawn point there is a starbase, shipyard structures, and defensive weapon emplacements, along with a squadron of NPC vessels to guard the base.

    Within the body of the map are objectives to which players can go which each offer different benefits. Some examples follow:

    Asteroid Clusters for dilithium mining. The rate of ore extraction should more or less equal that of the Dilithium mine.

    Deactivated Turrets which require one of the 'Team' BOff powers to reactivate as a weapons platform friendly to the faction that activated it. The turret can be destroyed as usual, but instead of going kablooie it deactivates. If the device is shielded, a hostile ship can use a Team power to deactivate it once the shield goes down. (Team powers are Tactical Team, Engineering Team, and Science Team)

    Deactivated Stations which can be brought on line with two different Team powers, which each offer different benefits:
    Power Station - Requires Engineering and Science teams to activate. Iniate a Power Transfer Beam to boost ships' power levels and cap by +10 with a 10k maximum range. Up to three ships may receive this benefit simultaneously.
    Observation Station - Requires Tactical and Science teams to activate. Grants Perception bonus to faction members within 10k and automatically detects cloaked vessels within 10k of the station.
    Defense Station - Requires Tactical and Engineering Teams to activate. Attacks enemy faction vessels within 10k of station. Each station is built by a particular race and equipped with their gear, so a Klingon station could be activated and used by any faction, but its weapons would be Disruptor Cannons and Photon Torpedoes while a Romulan built station would use Plasma Beam Arrays and Plasma Torpedoes.

    Deactivated stations which can be brought online with three Team powers.
    Starbases - Attacks enemy faction ships within 10k
    Science Stations - Heavily shielded, but with Turrets or 360° Beam Arrays only. Each type of station offers an offensive Science Power such as Gravity Well or Tykken's Rift, which it will use on enemy faction vessels within 10k.
    Shipyards - Undefended and easily put out of commission, Shipyards require other stations or vessels to protect them, but a ship which enters its repair bay, (get close enough then click a prompt,) will be repaired within seconds.
    Dilithium Refineries - Grants a 10% bonus to daily refining cap for ore refined in this manner. This would allow a player who refines his entire daily allowance of Dilithium in this type of refinery to refine an additional 800 Dil/day. Any normally refined ore reduces this bonus. To achieve this result a player must put ore into the operational refinery, wait for it to be processed, then extract the refined product. If the station is deactivated before the refining process is complete the ore is lost.

    Derelict Vessels which can be robbed for commodities or which can be repaired and returned to the main base. Your First Officer beams onto the derelict to get it moving, which greys out that BOff's station, but the target derelict vessel will have a Commander Universal BOff Station, allowing the temporary NPC captain to make full use of his powers to repair and fight the ship. If the derelict is destroyed or makes it to the friendly base the BOff returns to his normal duties.

    Civillian Colonies are ground maps, (planet surfaces, asteroid base interiors, space station interiors, etc.) which each have objectives can be invaded and, depending on the allegiance of the civilians, be protected from invaders or attacked by the invaders. When such ground maps are attacked the civilians call for help via a Red Alert mechanism informing the enemy faction that an assault or reinforcement is under way.

    Such a map would be a Kerrat 2.0. Players who want to achieve objectives could attempt to do so while those who want to PvP could do so as well. With a 'safe' starbase to retreat to for repairs or respawn and individual as well as team objectives to achieve, a player could find his personal PvP sweet spot, and players who don't like PvP can avoid it entirely.

    Rewards may include Dil Ore, random items, commodities, special DOff missions, and various Marks, including PvP marks. The more objectives and the more difficult those objectives, the greater the reward.
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  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    The only way I could see exploration really working is if it had a "sand box" element to it that caused the locations explored to change over time. IE, player A visits locvation 1, does something, and the result of his action causes the location to be different next time a player visits it, ANY player.

    But, from what I understand, that'd be a nightmare to implement since you can't currently use procedural generation, and there'd need to be hundreds or thousands of locations to visit, and dozens of possible permutations of each location. The only way it'd work is to develop a NEW tool for making/storing maps akin to the Foundry but run by an AI.

    That sounds stupidly hard to just add in, so I'm not expecting to see it soon, if ever.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • jonsillsjonsills Member Posts: 10,516 Arc User
    The only way I could see exploration really working is if it had a "sand box" element to it that caused the locations explored to change over time. IE, player A visits locvation 1, does something, and the result of his action causes the location to be different next time a player visits it, ANY player.

    But, from what I understand, that'd be a nightmare to implement since you can't currently use procedural generation, and there'd need to be hundreds or thousands of locations to visit, and dozens of possible permutations of each location. The only way it'd work is to develop a NEW tool for making/storing maps akin to the Foundry but run by an AI.

    That sounds stupidly hard to just add in, so I'm not expecting to see it soon, if ever.
    Hey, we're fantasizing, right? That's why I wanted an AI advanced enough to act as a full GM for the game, so (like a tabletop) the players can do anything they can think of that's within their characters' capabilities.
  • zero032zero032 Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    Recently I read a post that claimed Star Trek Online feels dead and uninspired.
    Although I disagree with that assessment as our Dev team has worked very hard on original content that rivals actual story lines from the show,
    but they shell out to hire Trek Actors to really give us a personal feeling that we're in our favorite sci-fi universe. Thank you Devs!

    This is a pure speculation/fantasy thread. If you could make any changes to STO what would they be?

    For me: The current content is great, love the ships, tech and story. I think the only change I'd make would frankly mean creating a new game engine so I don't expect it but since this is fantasy here goes~

    I would love the galaxy to be procedurally generated/real space/distance. I would like the graphics to look a little more realistic. I would like space flight to happen from the bridge, similar to Bridge Commander and/or the new Bridge Crew. This would make ship Interiors have a whole new meaning. You have to warp/take short cuts using Transwarp conduits through a real time expansive Galaxy. When you get in to a system you must use impulse for interplanetary travel but thrusters once you are in orbit of a planet. When you take a shuttle to the planet or beam down, rather than the instance changing let the planet be a real object that you land on/take off from. This kind of "true space/planets" feel would create an open world. Rather than having Romulans and Klingons join the Federation, let each faction remain independent so other players could concievable attack you for no reason if you're on the same world. This creates a true sense of danger. Let the community organize scheduled fleet battles between factions. Each neutral world can be "colonized" by Admirals and so the territories can be contested and fought for, awarding those who inhabit the colony to benefit from certain resources on said world (each world has different bonus resources. Some dilithium, others weapons material, others economic Energy Credit generating etc.) The longer you colonize a planet and the more members of your faction to plant flag there, you can construct a Space Station which adds extra security with NPC ships and weapons platforms making the planet more secure.

    *cough* Star Citizen *Cough*
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  • blackshap9#1072 blackshap9 Member Posts: 174 Arc User
    I and everybody else in my fleets dream of the devs waking up and admitting that they had brain TRIBBLE and that season 13 was an un-lucky season and that they have gotten lost in a time warp where JJ Abrams has come to re work the entire game and that tomorrow the game returns to it's perfect (or as close to perfect... I mean anything is better than what it is now) season 11-12 working formula.

    But at this point I would take the old Queue System which worked perfectly.
  • jagdtier44jagdtier44 Member Posts: 376 Arc User

    Romulan full fledged faction
    All lockbox ships done away with and put in the c-store
    Actual different mission text based on what faction your from (errybody be in starfleet as far as npcs are concerned)
    Better balance between Sci - Engi - Tac
    Better balance on specialization abilties (space command makes me so damn sad)
  • zero032zero032 Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    Customized or unqiue race missions per player race non faction so if youre vulcan you start on vulcan and do a small quest line on vulcan or the surrounding space (could potentially be used as a reason to create more Vulcan Vessels) have this then tie in with the federation starter quest line and bam now all the other worlds have a use same kind of idea for the andorians etc. Also idk maybe make it so you can dock at the station in vulcan...Remove the ridiculous classing for your main character so instead of having class based abillites it is determined by the type of gear your character has...once upon a time i remember reading that Cryptic wanted to add customizable ships that players could decide visually how they looked and i imagined not what we have now but a totally unique thing for example oh i want a constitution saucer with a hull from a galaxy and nacelles from an excelsior class (ftr that is 100% hypothetical i think itd look ridiculous.) a very cool concept and something else i think they could do with a little work would be to make all the races similar to the romulans in that you get to pick who you want to side with....i know for canon purposes it wouldnt necesarrily happen but idk maybe implement a pirate faction that people could join XD...i know super unlikely but a fun idea to toy with

    but seriously really the only thing i want in this damn game is more vulcan content ships missions and what not...maybe make an episode centering around the 22nd century and the romulan war.
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  • risingwolfshadowrisingwolfshadow Member Posts: 619 Arc User
    Lol @repetitiveepic. No. No man's sky is/was a scam, star citizen will be in alpha 3.0 next month and have more features than no man's sky and elite dangerous. It's cheaper too.
  • edited July 2017
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  • storulesstorules Member Posts: 3,317 Arc User
    Another Kirk's fantasies...sarcasm detected

    Where no man has gone before

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  • edited July 2017
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  • k20vteck20vtec Member Posts: 535 Arc User
    Tiaru Jarok
    Hast thou not gone against sincerity
    Hast thou not felt ashamed of thy words and deeds
    Hast thou not lacked vigor
    Hast thou exerted all possible efforts
    Hast thou not become slothful
  • lordmalak1lordmalak1 Member Posts: 4,681 Arc User
    Triple (at minimum) the current weapon ranges.
    Combat is was too close, and fast but since nobody wants slower ships- stretch the ranges.
    KBF Lord MalaK
    Awoken Dead

    Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
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