Okay explain this to me. Less than 30 minutes ago I destroyed a borg incursion stf, granted nemesis of that borg ship, I accidently double clicked on the rewards for borg marks, so I am trying to get into a new mission now that the 30 min cooldown is over and I get, I am in an AFK penalty.
Hmm, that is new. I was there, I fought, so can anyone explain how I now get an afk penalty for playing. I have never seen this before. Or are certain players given powers to just apply this at will (either by gm authority or there is a report anyone and it creates an automatic penalty) if so then it is being abused. I am not very happy to get something like this for PLAYING. If I knew that playing a borg incursion is now considered an automatic AFK with a 1h 30m plus (I assume it is 2 hours) I will remember to sit in place during the mission in the future.
This is a load of it that is all I can say. I wish they or I had logs for my toon as to what it has done in the last battle. Sadly I didn't earn any other accolades like damage given/taken or healing so I can't use that to show that I was active. So pleases someone tell me where in the world this came from.
That character actually isn't that bad. Sure it can't blow a borg cube up in one barrage, but it can hold its own. With the powers and the gear on it, I am sure it does at least 1%, if not then I am reading the roman numerals wrong at xii/xiii/xiv and the words, rare/very rare/ultra rare/epic wrong as well. I don't blame you coldnapalm but it did sound you were saying it was my fault.
If your build relies more on other damage than direct weapons fire, ie beams cannons or Torps, you can easily have any dps overshadowed as the afk penalty relies primarily on that with the other types of damage counted after,
Fleet leader Nova Elite
Fleet Leader House of Nova elite
I thought these didn't dish out AFK penalties?
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If he wasn't blaming you, *I* am. No, seriously, 5% of the team!? Or "I am sure it does at least 1%"?! If it were up to me, I'd set the AFK Penalty at < 20% (as you're in there with 5 ppl). And then I will feel generous, and say you need to contribute only 10%. But 5%, or 1% even!? You gotta be joking me!?
And I know, ppl will now say I'm an Elitist snob. But, honestly, can you look at yourself in the mirror, and genuinely say you think contributing for a whole 5% is really doing your part?! It isn't. You deserved what you got.
Originally Posted by pwlaughingtrendy
Network engineers are not ship designers.
Nor should they be. Their ships would look weird.
They don't. They are still time-gated, though (30 mins, like most patrols).
He specifically said " I am trying to get into a new mission now that the 30 min cooldown is over and I get, I am in an AFK penalty."
So, AFK penalty it was.
I have had plenty of CCAs where I do 50%+ of all team's damage, with no one else doing over 20% and perhaps only 1 or 2 players doing 10%+. Hell, I even have a CCA log where you yourself did 12% of team's total damage. I certainly didn't consider you a leech that day, nor do I consider anyone else ending up with good players in team and simply not having anything to shoot at to "meet their damage quota".
Poor players in pugs can certainly a problem, but implementing so severe punitive measures will only TRIBBLE people off. And as proved before, low damage doesn't automatically mean they suck everywhere, all the time.
U.S.S. Buteo Regalis - Brigid Multi-Mission Surveillance Explorer build
R.R.W. Ri Maajon - Khopesh Tactical Dreadnought Warbird build
My Youtube channel containing STO videos.
CCA isn't a good map, for us, to accurately measure DPS. It's too large: for instance, when you're on the other end of the map, I will likely register (locally) as having more DPS than you; and vice versa. But Cryptic could create and measure our DPS more accurately than we can (relative purely to ourselves). That is what they should use then for AFK thresholds.
Unless you were shooting some errant Tholians, CCA parses DPS very accurately for everyone who reached the entity in time and didn't have problems loading map or anything. Range isn't a problem in CCA since everyone are shooting at one single target. However, the fact that entity has so low HP compared to ridiculous damage outputs some people possess, makes it very hard for more than 3 people to surpass your proposed 10%.
U.S.S. Buteo Regalis - Brigid Multi-Mission Surveillance Explorer build
R.R.W. Ri Maajon - Khopesh Tactical Dreadnought Warbird build
My Youtube channel containing STO videos.
This is, indeed, a known issue. If you're with team players who are too weak, your DPS will inevitably drop too. If you're with ppl who outclass you, by far, then you wind up having no targets left to fire at. This has happened to me several times.
I found the optimum lies at playing with very good players -- better than yourself, but not so extremely superior that you can no longer get a shot in edge-wise.
Err, I read CSA. Nevermind then.
And yet my last personal DPS record in ISA was done in a pug where I did 52% of team's damage. In fact, DPS-wise I always tend to do best in ISAs either alone or with a single friend (who I know how they fly) playing in a weak pug, just because unlike premade teams with 4 ppl being roughly on the same level as me, I don't have to rush from one enemy to other and worry whether my weapons/abilities actually reach the target.
Yeah, CSA is not very good map for accurate parsing indeed.
U.S.S. Buteo Regalis - Brigid Multi-Mission Surveillance Explorer build
R.R.W. Ri Maajon - Khopesh Tactical Dreadnought Warbird build
My Youtube channel containing STO videos.
I'm pretty sure they don't. The OP must have gotten the AFK penalty from something else.
The other day, I entered a Borg Red Alert and as soon as it started, Amazon came to my door with a package delivery. By the time I got back the 4/4 Objective had been completed and the Unimatrix was about 90% dead. I flew forward, fired on the Unimatrix for all of about 2 seconds and I still got full rewards. I didn't get an AFK penalty for actually being AFK, so I'm pretty sure it doesn't have one.
Sorry I read his 'less than thirty minutes ago' he finished. Meaning he was still in cooldown. My bad.
Originally Posted by pwlaughingtrendy
Network engineers are not ship designers.
Nor should they be. Their ships would look weird.
Yeah, I actually agree now. We've been over this before (about once a year), and yeah, we never came up with a good set of criteria for accurately determining whether someone should get an AFK Penalty.
Now I have done the Borg thing with very weak and I mean weak toons (using gear 2-4 levels below and was just standard) and no afk penalty issues or <1%.
To put any requirement on damage would deter players. Many just want to have fun and aren't crunching numbers to see if they have the highest dps maker ever. I am somewhere between fun and trying to do the max I can with what I have on hand. Yes I upgrade gear and yes I have some good ships (not the freebies either). For example sci players are suppose to be support, you know buff up the dps'ers, heal them, etc. So should they be punished???? Especially if they don't do enough damage?
I don't know where it would be appropriate unless it was in a case of giving out a reward of money and high gear, sure those who did the least shouldn't be able to take the lion share of the winnings. However the awards given are standard across the board. some events like the CE event/stf or the Starbase 24 give out special rewards for 1st to 3rd.
Now I have never heard of a you must do X amount of damage or you get penalized. If a player joins a pug and sees nothing but stuff/ships from the c-store and he is playing with what you get free, should that player then leave the mission since it is obvious that he/she is playiing with very high level vets. So I sure hope they don't have this kind of stuff in STO. Then it really would be pay to win and avoid time penalties and I am sure many people would move on rather than worry about if they are going to do enough dps.
When was a game about having to do X amount of damage to be part of a team. I thought it was the fun of playing with other players in a team based environment. Yes I know it sounds like those who say it is okay to lose since you had fun. That isn't what I am saying however. I don't crunch the numbers as I want to have fun and not be a bean counter for damage potential but I want to win in the end, so I am still competetive (sp?) and will try to do all the damage/killing/destroying I can, even if I am not the top player.
Anyhow, my main concern is how you get an afk penalty for playing or as mentioned by another poster was it a glitch? I took that same toon back into a borg incursion after the afk penalty and I am sure I was top dpser, however this time no afk penalty.
Hey. Just want to quickly commend you on not tearing me a new one. I came down way too hard on you (pretty much as knee-jerk reaction to the "1%"). Then I remembered (or was reminded, rather) that determining proper criteria for AFK Penalties has always been extremely iffy, and that no one (including Cryptic, I presume) has ever found a system that both works and isn't unfair, or unbalanced, at the same time. To the point where I think it were perhaps best to do away with AFK Penalties altogether.
The only thing we do know for sure, is it doesn't do that much to stop you from AFKing on purpose if you want.
Yet some people insist of defending it on pure faith.
Because gear is irrelevant. How will you score someone doing over 100k with Mk1 weapons? How will you score someone doing over 100k without weapons? How will you score someone with a hodge-podge of weapons that includes pretty much every weapon type (from cannons, to beams, to torps and mines) in one ship but does almost 200k?
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Gear is convenient. There's certainly other automated measurements that can be performed. And if those people can no longer go slumming in normal mode, maybe they'll help populate those more advanced cues people are crying need more competent bodies .
And yes. Get better gear or stop leeching.
Beside the AFK penalty we also get a leaver’s penalty in RAs now. Something I got for myself last weekend when leaving one after doing 3/4 of the map on my own in the hope to be able to renter another RA immediately thereafter (so no 30 mins CD). Looks like this does not work anymore so I had to spend a painful hour in Argala rethinking my behavior. At least there it still works, just do 4/5, leave and re-enter.
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