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Will New Exchange CAP increase serve to increase price gouging?



  • drakethewhitedrakethewhite Member Posts: 1,240 Arc User
    ltminns wrote: »
    You forget these guys are still smarting from the introduction of Infinity Lockboxes that drove ship prices and traits, etc. down to the waterline.

    I'm hoping the next R&D Infinity is around the corner.
  • arionisaarionisa Member Posts: 1,421 Arc User
    I want more, and larger Badmoon graphics
    LTS and loving it.
  • obione69#9924 obione69 Member Posts: 18 Arc User

    it would appear your perception of time has been distorted. perhaps you don't remember, but the last exchange cap raise did lead to an increase in prices, not overnight but it did happen. the price jumps i listed are accurate because i was there watching it unfold over a few months. My historical context is accurate, despite your inability to recall.

    as to your thinking i went into a channel "of people who actually know" and make baseless fears of the economics. well i will say you have no idea what you are talking about. my personal opinion is this will lead to greater in-game inflation, that's just what i think and i nor you have a magic wand that can predict the future. and their ridicule was purely based on propagating their preferred outcome, and less to do with what may "actually" happen.

    i make these remarks because i do not spend my life posting on forums unlike some, and while the 1% who do whine on them the rest are us are subjected to those outcomes. and those decisions are leading players away from the game, so keep making stupid remarks and keep driving players out then your trading wont amount to jack if the game closes down.

    and if you actually "keep records of these things" then you are so sad i would advice taking a hard look in the mirror. perhaps another 5k posts in these forums will help your social life.

    Delving into personal insults and using poor debate tactics (i.e. The "appeal to authority" argument) is usually a sign that you have nothing constructive to add to the conversation.

    Just saying.

    That guy isnt supposed to post on the forums, see how he's only got 4 posts and they're all in this thread? He was one of the misbehavers that Trendy showed the door back in the day.

    Its a good gambit, to be fair, say something ignorant then claim to be upset when people correct you. Classic troublemaker.

    Don't get dragged down into the mud.

    Education is the silver bullet, but some people reject it and there's nothing you can do for them.

    "He was one of the misbehavers that Trendy showed the door" sorry druk, i was never showed the door, just never posted on forums before. "ignorant and troublemaker" is classic projection on your part. my crime was to suggest this will lead to inflation, a benign statement but very offensive to players who want to ensure the wealth is concentrated in their hands only.

    never wanted to post on these forums before because of the toxic nature of some of the @repetitiveposters, whose primary tactic is to shout down anyone who have concerns.. unhappy about the nagus giveaway, the space nerfs, the promo pack connie, the ec cap, the queue ui, etc then you are just "ignorant, misbehavior, uneducated, deserving of ridicule, not-constructive, poor debate tactics".
    and they say i make ad-hominim attacks because i suggest people could better spend their time in the real world and not making thousands of forum posts, funny. don't bother posting on these forums because you will be attacked by the chorus of trolls..

    watched my friends and several hundred armada members abandon the game over the past 6 months and it concerns me to the viability of the game in the medium to long term.
    only voiced my opinion and concerns because i wanted the game to serve the majority, to help bring back players, to attract new ones and thus generate more revenue.. but if left to some people here, it would be a game of a dozen people, with billions of ec and no-one else
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  • dracounguisdracounguis Member Posts: 5,358 Arc User
    Will not affect price gouging. You already see people asking for keys for ships. Last one I saw was 222 keys. That's 1.15B EC or $249.75 in real money. We're already way into the 'price gouging' IMO. Last ship I bought was 250M EC for the Vengeance. That would be $54 in real money. (And that was a special case since I had sold something for 400M EC.) Ship prices are too insane. Cryptic needs to increase the drop rate. A 'luck ship' shouldn't be more than 2x a C-store ship. Spending $250 on a single ship for one toon is insane and way out of my disposable income limit for a virtual item.
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  • nekofury86nekofury86 Member Posts: 181 Arc User
    Will not affect price gouging. You already see people asking for keys for ships. Last one I saw was 222 keys. That's 1.15B EC or $249.75 in real money. We're already way into the 'price gouging' IMO. Last ship I bought was 250M EC for the Vengeance. That would be $54 in real money. (And that was a special case since I had sold something for 400M EC.) Ship prices are too insane. Cryptic needs to increase the drop rate. A 'luck ship' shouldn't be more than 2x a C-store ship. Spending $250 on a single ship for one toon is insane and way out of my disposable income limit for a virtual item.

    Refer to my previous post, it's a perfect solution.

    "None of the above, you may think what I'm about to say is trolling, but it's not. Decrease EC exchange cap to 500m, and completely remove player trading. I have my own reasons, and as a Vulcan, it is undoubtedly the most logical move by a light year. You wont like it I know, but it's so very true."
  • giotarizgiotariz Member Posts: 652 Arc User
    You guys are circlejerking it to an incredible extent over a small change.

    Keep going, i'm entertained!
    Sad Pandas PvP - Starfleet Dental Member - Lag Industries Leader

    "What a time it was, with all the world against us, what a time it was... When all we did seemed wrong,
    we've broken all our bonds, but life kept going on, what a time, what a time it was..." - Clem Tholet
    Operation Dingo 1977

  • ltminnsltminns Member Posts: 12,572 Arc User
    What do you mean there are currently no sources for Attack Pattern Delta Prime? There is a 20% off Doff Pack Sale going on this weekend. Pick up some Delta Alliance Duty Officer Packs. There is your source.
    'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
    Judge Dan Haywood
    'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
    l don't know.
    l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
    That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
    Lt. Philip J. Minns
  • drakethewhitedrakethewhite Member Posts: 1,240 Arc User
    ltminns wrote: »
    What do you mean there are currently no sources for Attack Pattern Delta Prime? There is a 20% off Doff Pack Sale going on this weekend. Pick up some Delta Alliance Duty Officer Packs. There is your source.

    What are the drop rates for that?

  • nekofury86nekofury86 Member Posts: 181 Arc User
    ltminns wrote: »
    What do you mean there are currently no sources for Attack Pattern Delta Prime? There is a 20% off Doff Pack Sale going on this weekend. Pick up some Delta Alliance Duty Officer Packs. There is your source.

    What are the drop rates for that?

    Very very low. I would say you need to open upwards of 100 before you see one... then again, you could get lucky. At 275 a piece that can add up to a couple hundred $$, might as well buy/sell keys and wait for someone to post it on the exchange, but then it will probably be extremely overpriced. Luckily I got mine for around 290mil. They used to be even cheaper, but as time goes by, the more expensive things get due to lack of supply.
  • drakethewhitedrakethewhite Member Posts: 1,240 Arc User
    nekofury86 wrote: »
    ltminns wrote: »
    What do you mean there are currently no sources for Attack Pattern Delta Prime? There is a 20% off Doff Pack Sale going on this weekend. Pick up some Delta Alliance Duty Officer Packs. There is your source.

    What are the drop rates for that?

    Very very low. I would say you need to open upwards of 100 before you see one... then again, you could get lucky. At 275 a piece that can add up to a couple hundred $$, might as well buy/sell keys and wait for someone to post it on the exchange, but then it will probably be extremely overpriced. Luckily I got mine for around 290mil. They used to be even cheaper, but as time goes by, the more expensive things get due to lack of supply.


    At that price, not worth having.
  • nekofury86nekofury86 Member Posts: 181 Arc User
    nekofury86 wrote: »
    ltminns wrote: »
    What do you mean there are currently no sources for Attack Pattern Delta Prime? There is a 20% off Doff Pack Sale going on this weekend. Pick up some Delta Alliance Duty Officer Packs. There is your source.

    What are the drop rates for that?

    Very very low. I would say you need to open upwards of 100 before you see one... then again, you could get lucky. At 275 a piece that can add up to a couple hundred $$, might as well buy/sell keys and wait for someone to post it on the exchange, but then it will probably be extremely overpriced. Luckily I got mine for around 290mil. They used to be even cheaper, but as time goes by, the more expensive things get due to lack of supply.


    At that price, not worth having.

    I wouldn't say it's not worth having. With an almost constant up time of AP Delta, and my current set of gear, I sit at about 36% Crit chance and about 150% Crit D. Gives a decent damage boost to a tank, also debuffs enemies resist. I push out about 45k DPS as a full on tank using fleet phasers lol, all while being able to take on a handful of Borg Cubes without even dropping below 80% hull. Kinda wish I had used it with a full SRO bridge though, that'd be some nice Crit H/D.
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    I saw the price of that trait and I just laughed!
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  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    ruinthefun wrote: »
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    Like I asked Iconians, the other day, y'all truly believe something like the Delta Prime Trait is worth over 300 mil!?
    When you consider that there are currently no sources of this trait, so the supply is practically nonexistent? Yes. If we ever see a doffpack promo, expect those prices to fall, but given that there is currently no source for obtaining this trait, yes, yes it does cost that much.
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    Or Kemocite-laced Weaponry for hundreds of millions when it first came out?!
    Do you know how hard it was to GET Kemocide, particularly the highly desired Kemocide 1, when it first came out, combined with how many people wanted one to fill a useless Tac Ensign slot?

    These people really don't know. It's why education is the silver bullet.

    You're like a Minbari: they never tell you the whole truth. Sure, (slow) Inflation occurs because of the creating EC -- but nowhere near at the rate to justify price-gouging. Sure, scarcity makes prices go up, but nowhere near enough to ask over 200 million for KCLW 1. See, they could have asked, say, 50 million, and still have cleaned out. But, maximum advantage always has to be taken, right?!

    That's where all the half-truths lie: nothing you say is entirely untrue, and often even totally true in a generic sense (like 'Supply & Demand' exist); but there's always more to it, especially the part where ppl take grotesque advantage of a situation. For example, let's take this reply made my warpangel:

    "Arbitrage happens when people sell below market price. Someone recognizes that an item priced below market price, buys it and resells it at a price to market price for a profit."

    Almost sounds fair... until you realize it's just circular greed talking: 'We list it as 10x the fair value -> someone comes along and sells it for a decent price -> we quickly scoop it up again, and relist it at market prices -> loop reasoning.'

    Deception is the silver bullet.
  • smokebaileysmokebailey Member Posts: 4,668 Arc User
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    ruinthefun wrote: »
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    Like I asked Iconians, the other day, y'all truly believe something like the Delta Prime Trait is worth over 300 mil!?
    When you consider that there are currently no sources of this trait, so the supply is practically nonexistent? Yes. If we ever see a doffpack promo, expect those prices to fall, but given that there is currently no source for obtaining this trait, yes, yes it does cost that much.
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    Or Kemocite-laced Weaponry for hundreds of millions when it first came out?!
    Do you know how hard it was to GET Kemocide, particularly the highly desired Kemocide 1, when it first came out, combined with how many people wanted one to fill a useless Tac Ensign slot?

    These people really don't know. It's why education is the silver bullet.

    You're like a Minbari: they never tell you the whole truth. Sure, (slow) Inflation occurs because of the creating EC -- but nowhere near at the rate to justify price-gouging. Sure, scarcity makes prices go up, but nowhere near enough to ask over 200 million for KCLW 1. See, they could have asked, say, 50 million, and still have cleaned out. But, maximum advantage always has to be taken, right?!

    That's where all the half-truths lie: nothing you say is entirely untrue, and often even totally true in a generic sense (like 'Supply & Demand' exist); but there's always more to it, especially the part where ppl take grotesque advantage of a situation. For example, let's take this reply made my warpangel:

    "Arbitrage happens when people sell below market price. Someone recognizes that an item priced below market price, buys it and resells it at a price to market price for a profit."

    Almost sounds fair... until you realize it's just circular greed talking: 'We list it as 10x the fair value -> someone comes along and sells it for a decent price -> we quickly scoop it up again, and relist it at market prices -> loop reasoning.'

    Deception is the silver bullet.

    That prat, Rockefeller, would have been proud. :p
  • warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    "Arbitrage happens when people sell below market price. Someone recognizes that an item priced below market price, buys it and resells it at a price to market price for a profit."

    Almost sounds fair... until you realize it's just circular greed talking: 'We list it as 10x the fair value -> someone comes along and sells it for a decent price -> we quickly scoop it up again, and relist it at market prices -> loop reasoning.'
    As I already explained, only a total sucker would do that. Nobody would buy his items, the price would go back down and he'd have to sell at a loss or keep the junk he bought.

    FYI, in economics "fair value" literally means a rational estimate of the market price something would sell at. It would be stupid to significantly exceed your own estimation of that, since it would imply intentionally pricing at a point where you believe the item won't sell.

    But never let the facts get in the way of your (self-)righteous indignation, no?
  • nikeixnikeix Member Posts: 3,972 Arc User
    edited June 2017
    nikephorus wrote: »
    Please stop posting these giant graphics.
    Telling a mod what to do in regards to their job here? That's... not smart.
    Telling amateur hour his experiment is getting out of hand? Necessary feedback.

    Having regular, attentive moderation has been a breath of fresh air on these boards. I even liked the early banner-sized ones - they showed some wit and grace getting the job done in limited space. These new ones... BLOATED AND OBNOXIOUS.

  • silverlobes#2676 silverlobes Member Posts: 1,953 Arc User
    nikeix wrote: »
    nikephorus wrote: »
    Please stop posting these giant graphics.
    Telling a mod what to do in regards to their job here? That's... not smart.
    Telling amateur hour his experiment is getting out of hand? Necessary feedback.

    Having regular, attentive moderation has been a breath of fresh air on these boards. I even liked the early banner-sized ones - they showed some wit and grace getting the job done in limited space. These new ones... BLOATED AND OBNOXIOUS.
    I like them, and think the size is appropriate to the message conveyed, be it 'you've overstepped the mark' or just a mild 'keep things civil', the size, serves as a reminder of moderator presence. A moderator who doesn't just lurk to swoop in on miscreants, or who might throw their weight around or play favorites, but one who actively participates and engages the community (which they were once 'just another member of') One who gives a reasonable amount of leeway, but who cracks the whip when needbe. This is how a good moderator should interact. Baddmoonrizin's presence shouldn't elicit that 'scarper, it's the fuzz!' response, they should be able to participate just like any other, and I think the banners allow that: Everyone gets the same treatment, everyone gets the same warning, it's totally fair, and as mentioned, the size, thus creating viaibility, acts as a reminder that there Is a functional mod, even if their presence isn't obvious :)
    "I fight for the Users!" - Tron

    "I was here before you, I will be here after you are gone. I am here, regardless of your acknowledgement or acceptance..." - The Truth
  • where2r1where2r1 Member Posts: 6,054 Arc User
    I only shop for stuff I can afford....don't pine for stuff I don't (want to pay for).

    Much simpler than trying to figure out this economy.
    "Spend your life doing strange things with weird people." -- UNK

    “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
  • drakethewhitedrakethewhite Member Posts: 1,240 Arc User
    edited June 2017
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    ruinthefun wrote: »
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    Like I asked Iconians, the other day, y'all truly believe something like the Delta Prime Trait is worth over 300 mil!?
    When you consider that there are currently no sources of this trait, so the supply is practically nonexistent? Yes. If we ever see a doffpack promo, expect those prices to fall, but given that there is currently no source for obtaining this trait, yes, yes it does cost that much.
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    Or Kemocite-laced Weaponry for hundreds of millions when it first came out?!
    Do you know how hard it was to GET Kemocide, particularly the highly desired Kemocide 1, when it first came out, combined with how many people wanted one to fill a useless Tac Ensign slot?

    These people really don't know. It's why education is the silver bullet.

    You're like a Minbari: they never tell you the whole truth.

    He also loves this technique- can't provide an answer that benefits oneself?, just claim not to understand.

    Between the two, it's basically every single post he makes. Very poor debating technique.
  • drakethewhitedrakethewhite Member Posts: 1,240 Arc User
    edited June 2017
    nekofury86 wrote: »
    nekofury86 wrote: »
    ltminns wrote: »
    What do you mean there are currently no sources for Attack Pattern Delta Prime? There is a 20% off Doff Pack Sale going on this weekend. Pick up some Delta Alliance Duty Officer Packs. There is your source.

    What are the drop rates for that?

    Very very low. I would say you need to open upwards of 100 before you see one... then again, you could get lucky. At 275 a piece that can add up to a couple hundred $$, might as well buy/sell keys and wait for someone to post it on the exchange, but then it will probably be extremely overpriced. Luckily I got mine for around 290mil. They used to be even cheaper, but as time goes by, the more expensive things get due to lack of supply.


    At that price, not worth having.

    I wouldn't say it's not worth having. With an almost constant up time of AP Delta, and my current set of gear, I sit at about 36% Crit chance and about 150% Crit D. Gives a decent damage boost to a tank, also debuffs enemies resist. I push out about 45k DPS as a full on tank using fleet phasers lol, all while being able to take on a handful of Borg Cubes without even dropping below 80% hull. Kinda wish I had used it with a full SRO bridge though, that'd be some nice Crit H/D.

    I can say it's not worth having. I do just fine in this game, I don't need to do that well at that insane of a price.

    Also, total values aren't of interest when considering a single purchase. What's of interest is what would the addition of this ability (and the lost of the one it replaced) do to my build. Or at least what would it do to your build.
  • baddmoonrizinbaddmoonrizin Member Posts: 11,256 Community Moderator
    nikeix wrote: »
    nikephorus wrote: »
    Please stop posting these giant graphics.
    Telling a mod what to do in regards to their job here? That's... not smart.
    Telling amateur hour his experiment is getting out of hand? Necessary feedback.

    Having regular, attentive moderation has been a breath of fresh air on these boards. I even liked the early banner-sized ones - they showed some wit and grace getting the job done in limited space. These new ones... BLOATED AND OBNOXIOUS.
    nikeix wrote: »
    nikephorus wrote: »
    Please stop posting these giant graphics.
    Telling a mod what to do in regards to their job here? That's... not smart.
    Telling amateur hour his experiment is getting out of hand? Necessary feedback.

    Having regular, attentive moderation has been a breath of fresh air on these boards. I even liked the early banner-sized ones - they showed some wit and grace getting the job done in limited space. These new ones... BLOATED AND OBNOXIOUS.
    I like them, and think the size is appropriate to the message conveyed, be it 'you've overstepped the mark' or just a mild 'keep things civil', the size, serves as a reminder of moderator presence. A moderator who doesn't just lurk to swoop in on miscreants, or who might throw their weight around or play favorites, but one who actively participates and engages the community (which they were once 'just another member of') One who gives a reasonable amount of leeway, but who cracks the whip when needbe. This is how a good moderator should interact. Baddmoonrizin's presence shouldn't elicit that 'scarper, it's the fuzz!' response, they should be able to participate just like any other, and I think the banners allow that: Everyone gets the same treatment, everyone gets the same warning, it's totally fair, and as mentioned, the size, thus creating viaibility, acts as a reminder that there Is a functional mod, even if their presence isn't obvious :)

    I wasn't going to get involved in this, because it's distracting from the thread topic, so I'll say this much and be done. I thank everyone for their feedback, positive and negative, regarding my moderator postings. It's true my original banner-sized postings were purposefully made that size, so that they wouldn't overwhelm yet still stand out. The current larger size of the images, though, is directly related to feedback I received from earlier postings. The original ones were difficult for some to read, especially if one happened to be reading the forums from their cellphone. The size was, therefore, increased to accommodate that. I apologize if that seems to be an inconvenience to others. All civil private correpondence is welcome, and if one would like to start a thread to discuss it openly with the community, that is fine, too. For now, though, let's allow the thread to stay on topic. Thank you. - BaddMoonRizin
    Star Trek Online Volunteer Community Moderator and Resident She-Wolf
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  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    nekofury86 wrote: »
    nekofury86 wrote: »
    ltminns wrote: »
    What do you mean there are currently no sources for Attack Pattern Delta Prime? There is a 20% off Doff Pack Sale going on this weekend. Pick up some Delta Alliance Duty Officer Packs. There is your source.

    What are the drop rates for that?

    Very very low. I would say you need to open upwards of 100 before you see one... then again, you could get lucky. At 275 a piece that can add up to a couple hundred $$, might as well buy/sell keys and wait for someone to post it on the exchange, but then it will probably be extremely overpriced. Luckily I got mine for around 290mil. They used to be even cheaper, but as time goes by, the more expensive things get due to lack of supply.


    At that price, not worth having.

    I wouldn't say it's not worth having. With an almost constant up time of AP Delta, and my current set of gear, I sit at about 36% Crit chance and about 150% Crit D. Gives a decent damage boost to a tank, also debuffs enemies resist. I push out about 45k DPS as a full on tank using fleet phasers lol, all while being able to take on a handful of Borg Cubes without even dropping below 80% hull. Kinda wish I had used it with a full SRO bridge though, that'd be some nice Crit H/D.

    Out of curiosity, how do you manage to get 'an almost constant up time of AP Delta'? Even with 2x Zemok, you're still not gonna get that. Which is why, with APD, I tend to run APO3/APD1 in tandem, with the 2 Zemoks (APO3 has the better resists too, plus all the other boons).
  • silverlobes#2676 silverlobes Member Posts: 1,953 Arc User


    I guess that there are two broadly different ways or schools of reckoning prices.

    One is to just use your imagination, roll a dice, pick randomly from a list, hold a seance, look at bird entrails, whatever, and say "the item is worth X, that is its fair price according to me, and I am the supreme authority."

    The other is to look at costs, supply, demand, evidence from the market, etc, and say "the market price appears to be: X, and that's what the item is worth, according to the behavior of all the different people making decisions about buying and selling the item."

    One approach might seem solipsistic, ignorant, or narcissistic, but I think it has less to do with defects of personality than from lack of knowledge. Because of this, I think that if you educate people, then anyone willing to accept education instead of reject it can learn and become better. And making society better, even space society, is a public service.
    The lesson I learned many years ago from a friend who was a stock broker, was that successful, stable trading, is essentially an automated process. If price goes down to X, buy. If price goes up to Y, sell. Waiting for the price to go up to Z, is to run the risk of the market topping out, and being stuck with the stock and maybe having to sell for less. Waiting for the price to drop as low as W, is miss the opportunities to pick up stock at a reasonable price and still make a reasonable profit.

    His entire principle, was reasonable prices, and thus a reasonable repeatable profit.

    Anyone can get lucky by scooping a low-priced item then flipping it at market-value, or try and corner the market in a commodity to Make people Pay What You Want, but that isn't consistent, and it's too easy to get caught up in the thrill of the chase, so he always said, keep it on auto-pilot, and let the numbers dictate the primary buy-sell action :)
    "I fight for the Users!" - Tron

    "I was here before you, I will be here after you are gone. I am here, regardless of your acknowledgement or acceptance..." - The Truth
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    You have to understand that there are two sides to every price, the supply curve, which is a graph showing how many united of a given thing the people in the market are willing to sell for a given price, and the demand curve, which is a similar graph showing how many units of a thing the people in the market are willing to buy at a given price.

    Are you really explaining 'Supply & Demand' again here?! What would we be without your great wisdom, O mighty Educator!
    The other is to look at costs, supply, demand, evidence from the market, etc, and say "the market price appears to be: X, and that's what the item is worth, according to the behavior of all the different people making decisions about buying and selling the item."

    And therein, deeply buried within a wall of text, lies the deception again, at "the market price appears to be: X." Because X is not a given number, but the price you put it on the market for yourselves! Circular deceit again: "We, the tycoons, put it up for 500 mil, the market now has it listed for 500 mil, therefore it's worth 500 mil. And now everything lower than that, we buy up again, and relist it for a 'market-price' we set ourselves." Riiight.

    See, price-gouging in the STO is very easy. It's like a grocery store which sells all its milk for $100 a bottle/carton. Nobody is their right mind would ever buy their milk there, as they'd just go elsewhere... Ay, there's the rub: there is no elsewhere in STO! To protract the analogy, you and your ilk have scooped up all bottles for cheap, and relisted them all at $100.** Aka, you have done something that would be virtually impossible in RL. In real life, not being able to sell any at $100, you would have hasted to adjust your pricing, or be out of business the next week, if not sooner. But in STO you can, and you do. That's why all your generic 'education' about 'Supply & Demand' is fail (or, at least, only partially applicable to STO).
    One approach might seem solipsistic, ignorant, or narcissistic, but I think it has less to do with defects of personality than from lack of knowledge. Because of this, I think that if you educate people, then anyone willing to accept education instead of reject it can learn and become better. And making society better, even space society, is a public service.

    *Now* who's setting himself up as "the supreme authority"?! It's really a bit unbecoming, honestly. You're just rich. So is Trump. Get over yourself.

    ** You didn't list the milk at $1,000 a bottle, as then you'd have overplayed your hand. But you carefully set the price so high, that ppl can still afford it (albeit barely), and grudgingly have to buy it at the exorbitant prices, or have nothing at all. Well played!
  • fiberteksyfirfiberteksyfir Member Posts: 1,207 Arc User
    Yeah man you're missing the n/a option if anything it will FIX price gouging and drive prices down on things like promo boats because now there's a comparable market supply and knowledge of such instead of it being whoever happens to be in a trade channel at any given time
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