I goto the trouble of buying all of the Ferasan Nepata Leaves and have it over 70%, yet it still fails. So what is the actual point of doing these DOFF assignments when you goto all the trouble to pass them and you end up with a fail? Since they don't want to program this game in telling the players how they went wrong in the assignment, how are we supposed to know where we went wrong? I'm at the point of not even bothering to waste my time with these assignments, hence the reason why I'd like to know the whole point of trying to complete these assignments??
I do not know the specific rewards for the mission you are referring to, but I do Doff missions for XP, and specific items that certain Doff missions rewards like crafting materials, dilitihum, and contraband.
Your best option to improve your chances of success is to get purple quality DOFFs, and choose some that have traits that are beneficial to the assignment, which is usually indicated in the assignment's UI.
These assignments show up on at the Ferengi Trader at Deep Space 9 (across the hall from the Shipyard door), on "Current Map" tab while on Deep Space 9 ground, in "Current Map" tab in Deep Space 9 system space and on "Current Map" tab while roaming around sector space in the Beta Quadrant.
Look for: "Haggle" assignments.
You may also find them by trading in "Dominion Fugitives" (forgot which Dominion Fugitive assignment scores those Gamma Quadrant commodities, though). I have not done this one in a long time, since I do "Exchange Prisoner with Dominion" with those.
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
Right now I doff for main 2 reasons: CXP which turns into Fleet Marks when you have >110000 CXP and the ones where my doffs make me stuff like beam arrays, consoles, warp cores, etc. If I get a good one, it can sell on the Exchange for a decent amount. If not, well, its 15k EC to the vendor. After that, it's the mining mission for 250Dil and the 2 Fleet Dil Mine missions, the colonization mission for 5 colonists that then becomes the mission getting rid of them for 500 Dil and lastly... whatever 50Dil missions to fill the queue.
And like said above, you need a crew of purple/blue doffs. You can up-grind doffs at SFA, buy doff packs, or doffs off the exchange. It doesn't take long to get a full crew of purples & blues. Any greens or whites are there for 'officer exchange' assignments or fleet donations.
Indeed. One of a few 'Entitled' posts appearing today.
so, it better to sell them off to other players instead of using up and risk.
i had 2 dozens of lockets, 3 dozens of teas, and 3 dozens of jem's "ichors" all wasted for nothing, no rewards or anything worth or xp for it, those were from lockboxes that cost money and zens, i am REALLY upset with devs and they are so dang greedy to make sure they failed on purposes.
they really need to fix this big time. heck with damn RNG. that need to die.
Get a load of this: https://forum.arcgames.com/startrekonline/discussion/1144296/ferengi-epic-fail
0% chance to be ambushed and he still got ambushed. Gotta say I got a nice laugh when I saw this epic fail.
How dare we complain about Cryptic?
How dare we open boxes 214:1 ratio and expect to get something?
How dare we question PWE fix Defera broken since launch?
How dare we question PWE on newest UI and ask them to roll back?
How dare we ask PWE to fix Risa night/day cycle as it was last year?
How dare we ask PWE to fix PVP?
How dare we ask PWE to make this game "more" fun?
How dare you log in to STO and and whine about anything or fix any bugs?
Get the point?
Some dare because as customers they "pay" money. Not entitlements but goes with the territory. At the very least for those foreign to the term..."freedom to whine respectfully" should be allowed. Question everything...yes even those chances that could be wrong. Do you actually trust PWE with your firstborn or let alone with calculating randomness?
I guess he owed some unsavory individual something.
I play X-Com, a 30% Chance to fail is automatically a failure to me.
But then again, that's XCom baby!
99% to hit chance in XCom2 is 99% chance to miss! There's also this gem!
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
I've had a string of failed "Turbolift Maintenance" assignments. I'm talking about 80-90% of the time it fails, no matter how many purple maintenance specialists I put in there.
I find it hilarious, because I'm sending more and more specialized repair teams, and EVERY FREEKING DAY the dang thing explodes or falls down the shaft, or encounters a micro negative space wedgie, and my sick bay is filling up! I have a crew of nearly 300 named Duty Officers, and NONE OF THEM can fix the thing! We're setting up triage centers in Cargo Bay 3 just to handle them all! PEOPLE HAVE DIED!
Nobody is willing to ride in it anymore, children on their homeworld fear for mommy or daddy's life, Starfleet Corps of Engineers, those magic makers of tech themselves are unwilling to go near my ship because of it!
That dang glorified elevator is cursed I tell you, CURSED! And I don't have a shipboard chaplin to exorcise it! I'm not only sending my repair teams to the infirmary, they're getting PTSD from trying to fix it and I'm filling up Group Therapy Sessions, Morning, Afternoon and Evening Counselor Sessions with them!
I'm ready to declare war unlike any other on that stupid Turbolift! Arm my ENTIRE crew with weapons, shields and armor! Bring in the MACO troops! Acceptable Losses will be approved! Just get it off my ship and blow it up with a High Yield 3'd Tricobalt Warhead Mk XIV [CrtD]x4! Throw it into the sun! Beam it towards a Black Hole! FLING THE DANG THING AT THE BORG FOR A WEAPON! I DON'T CARE!
*collapses in a corner and rocks back and forth* Can't sleep; Turbolift will eat me. Can't Sleep; Turbolift will eat me.
*opens tab to begin Talk Captain Out of Poor Choice of Professional Action...Again*
Also I've gone from level 11 to level 60 on a spare toon doing nothing but doffing. It can help with leveling. For me, that's the point of doffing.
Time to take the problem to the source and contact the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation for a replacement GPP (Genuine People Personality).
Complaining about something that is clearly advertised to have "only" a random chance is like being mad at the weather.
It is definately not the same as complaining about some broken gameplay features.
Otherwise, the Doff Missions are pretty good about ending successfully with decent quality Doffs. Now, that being said, I noticed that the Admiralty Assignments seem to fail more often if you don't have the 100%. That includes those in the upper 80s to mid 90s.
If you are leveling up a new Character run the Facility 4600 Mission as soon as you can as you get a VR and two Rare Doffs that have the Resolve Trait, which opens up a number of other Doff Missions. If you have the Delta Operations Pack or DS9 Pack, don't forget to claim those for more Doffs.
My newest Character had a great infusion of VR, UR, and Rare Doffs when I decided to buy Doff Packs from the Exchange or use those in my Account Bank. That included a smattering of Vaadwaur, Kobali, Kelvin, Ferengi Privateer, Gamma Quadrant, Hirogen, Krenim, etc. Packs and Cadres.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Since you didn't specify what assignment you're talking about, I can't tell you if there's any point of trying to complete it.
Getting transwarps from Diplomacy advancement
Dil. Yes, admiralty is nice, too, but you "only" get it at 51. And on dil weekends, you get quite a couple of thousands per toon extra for little effort.
This works best, if you have completed (most of) the chains, so do that before to be prepared.
And of course as mentioned you can easily level a toon quickly on doffing alone, at least to level 51, when admiralty should take over.
Sometimes it's just something to do without being tied to the monitor, being able to get up at any time and check the kitchen or similar.
And if I don't feel like it, it can sit dormant for weeks without me losing anything. Doffing really isn't necessary anymore. Just another way you can choose to earn stuff.
Also, as others, I do not do the missions I unlock that use lockets or leaves or whathaveyou, instead sell any I get from haggling. Then again, if nobody considered these missions worthy, we'd probably have no buyers, so there's that.
Oh, and I had a doctor die while treating a fractured bone. Maybe a choking hazard?
Nobody says you cant
You always get something when you open a box
People still go to Defera?
I dont like it either but it's their UI
PVP is a small percentage of the playerbase
Fun is subjective (Quotation marks are for quotes, not emphasis)
original join date 2010
Member: Team Trekyards. Visit Trekyards today!
"Release the Acid Horta"
because devs disobyed Triple H, God of Gamers, he demanded and said "Time for Cage Match"
that cage hadnt been used since captain pike.