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DPS needs MORE nerf...leave SCI alone. This is SCI love thread<3<3<3 SCI haters make your own thread

For all the insane talk about drains and other smaller SCI buffs...DEVs please keep addressing the BIGGER elephant in the room which is TACT DPS and not SCI drains. When it comes to it the I WIN button still out there and IMHO DPS has not been curtailed far enough. Yet those whining about SCI not being nerf enough fail to see the negligence to address what has bugged this game for many years...DPS power creep.

DPS is the problem and not SCI. Years ago SCI was nerfed to oblivion and yet DPS creep still rules this game. If there is a need to balance the game the overall system of the game needs to be taken into account rather than to listen to the whining of the forums. Nobody plays PvP anymore since most are still DPS centric to ridiculous levels.
Wiki editor http://sto.gamepedia.com
Original STO beta tester.


  • ssbn655ssbn655 Member Posts: 1,894 Arc User
    edited May 2017
    Trolling comments moderated out.
    Post edited by baddmoonrizin on
  • lordmalak1lordmalak1 Member Posts: 4,681 Arc User
    I almost respecced full sci, but last weeks nerf to science keeps me from building my first science toon. 4+ years and not once has there been any incentive to play anything other than a tac toon. Disappointing.
    KBF Lord MalaK
    Awoken Dead

    Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
  • ussvaliant#6064 ussvaliant Member Posts: 1,006 Arc User
    Difference between Nerfing Science and Tactical. I'll use PvE as the example here

    You are in a PvE and are simply overwhelmed by shear force as the NPC carries more firepower than you.

    Frustrated the cry is this games to hard.

    You are in a PvE and get caught in a Gravity Well, have Shields disabled and are hit by feedback pulse and crushed by that combination.

    Frustrated the cry isn't the games to hard its Gravity Well is overpowered, subsystem disables are overpowered and feedback pulse is overpowered they need a nerf.

    Hence why when it comes to PvP Science is the Nerf bats TRIBBLE.


    Hello rubber banding my old friend, time to bounce around the battlezone again, where are all my bug reports going?, out of love with this game I am falling, As Cryptic fail to acknowledge a problem exists, Shakes an angry fist, And from Support all I'm hearing are the sounds of silence.
  • lordsteve1lordsteve1 Member Posts: 3,492 Arc User
    Oh boy......
  • tunebreakertunebreaker Member Posts: 1,222 Arc User
    edited May 2017
    I love science, but I don't see how tactical DPS is a huge problem at the moment.

    Current highest DPS for a tactical toon is 208k - using FAW.
    Current highest DPS for a science toon is 153k - using pure EPG science magic.
    (Just for comparison, current highest DPS for an engineer toon is 128k - again with FAW.)

    All numbers are taken from SCM leaderboards, ISA, post-S13 rebalance.
  • taylor1701dtaylor1701d Member Posts: 3,099 Arc User
    edited May 2017
    I love science, but I don't see how tactical DPS is a huge problem at the moment.

    Current highest DPS for a tactical toon is 208k - using FAW.
    Current highest DPS for a science toon is 153k - using pure EPG science magic.
    (Just for comparison, current highest DPS for an engineer toon is 128k - again with FAW.)

    All numbers are taken from SCM leaderboards, ISA, post-S13 rebalance.

    And the previous high was +500k DPS. Like 565 I think cant remember exactly.

    Please, do be specific. You don't help the situation by broadstroking/generalizing, and making vague claims about something or rather....

    "DEVs please keep addressing the BIGGER elephant in the room which is TACT DPS and not SCI drains"

    Tacs can also drain, and more effectively then a sci. What are you on about ? Are you unhappy with Tac captain abilities or Sci captain abilities, or boff abilities ? Please try not to be so vague. No one has any clue what you're talking about. Sheesh.

    Further, if you're referring to Leech, it still works well enough. If you're referring to Tyken's- Yes its way over performing..
    So in your little rant, it seems like you want to leave drains alone...
    -News Flash friend- Tacs can make better use of Tykens then a Sci captain can....so uhh what ?

    "When it comes to it the I WIN button still out there and IMHO DPS has not been curtailed far enough."
    Please, do elaborate... What is the I WIN button ? What DPS number do you feel is out of hand ?
    50k ?
    75k ?
    +150k ?
    Where is your benchmark for "Too much DPS".

    "DPS is the problem and not SCI."
    Uhmmm Sci's are perfectly capable of DPS'ing....................

    "If there is a need to balance the game the overall system of the game needs to be taken into account rather than to listen to the whining of the forums."
    Please clarify. What is the specific issue you wish to discuss ? Nobody can tell what you're talking about.

    "Nobody plays PvP anymore since most are still DPS centric to ridiculous levels."
    Huh ?
    Are you implying people who PvE have vastly different skill trees then PvP players, therefore they don't want to PvP ?
    Not sure what you're getting at... elaborate please.

    Really poor quality OP.
    No details, vague innuendo, and sweeping generalizations.

    We can't even start to have a civilized, productive discussion until you've provided specifics. As it stands right now this thread is nothing more then Bait.

    And it would appear you're the one whining on the forums at this point.
    Might be a different story if we could tell what in God's name you're going on about.

    Also you say this a Love Sci thread... Yet you sound like you're frustrated and hate playing a sci. Just an observation
  • risian4risian4 Member Posts: 3,711 Arc User
    The most interesting quote is, I think, this one here
    If there is a need to balance the game the overall system of the game needs to be taken into account rather than to listen to the whining of the forums.

    It's always funny when someone starts whining about the 'whining' here... in a newly created thread on the same Forum where you don't want to see said whining.

    It's quite ironic actually. You're suggesting that your own post should be ignored OP. Why put so much work in it then?
  • lianthelialianthelia Member Posts: 7,862 Arc User
    edited May 2017
    I love science, but I don't see how tactical DPS is a huge problem at the moment.

    Current highest DPS for a tactical toon is 208k - using FAW.
    Current highest DPS for a science toon is 153k - using pure EPG science magic.
    (Just for comparison, current highest DPS for an engineer toon is 128k - again with FAW.)

    All numbers are taken from SCM leaderboards, ISA, post-S13 rebalance.

    Don't see a huge problem?

    Sci is performing 25% worse than Tac...Eng more than 33% worse...and that is with top builds...what about the people who can't afford the best gear and junk?

    In a game that is all about DPS all 3 classes should be much more equal...obviously the trinity is dead...so all 3 should be much more equalized.

    But every time they nerf Tac then people whine like babies and get them to revert those nerfs...and the devs give in like pushovers...

  • taylor1701dtaylor1701d Member Posts: 3,099 Arc User
    lianthelia wrote: »
    I love science, but I don't see how tactical DPS is a huge problem at the moment.

    Current highest DPS for a tactical toon is 208k - using FAW.
    Current highest DPS for a science toon is 153k - using pure EPG science magic.
    (Just for comparison, current highest DPS for an engineer toon is 128k - again with FAW.)

    All numbers are taken from SCM leaderboards, ISA, post-S13 rebalance.

    Don't see a huge problem?

    Sci is performing 25% worse than Tac...Eng more than 33% worse...and that is with top builds...what about the people who can't afford the best gear and junk?

    In a game that is all about DPS all 3 classes should be much more equal...obviously the trinity is dead...so all 3 should be much more equalized.

    But every time they nerf Tac then people whine like babies and get them to revert those nerfs...and the devs give in like pushovers...

    In all fairness, I suppose they could close the gap a little. You make a fair point.
    But I'd warn against taking that list as a scientific comparison.

    Like @tunebreaker said, one is a FaW boat, one is pure EPG, the other an Engi in a FaW boat...

    If we want to get scientific about this we'd need to see Tac, Eng and Sci all in the same ship with same build, same weapons same traits same specs to get a better idea.
    Would also help if they ran about 20 parses each and averaged the results, tossing the best round and worst round for each class.
  • tarran61tarran61 Member Posts: 827 Arc User
    edited May 2017
    I would like to know how many are F2P requests. Its hard to have positive thoughts when I see this kind of thread.
    Positive thoughts.
  • nickodaemusnickodaemus Member Posts: 711 Arc User
    There is a TON of info out there on how to get the most out of whatever class/build you choose to play. And PLENTY of info on how to get really good gear to make it work, min-maxing NOT required.

    Yes, there is a P2W button, too.

    But there is no substitute for educating yourself & putting in a bit of work. Since you like Science, think of STO as a laboratory - it requires more of the former & less of the latter.
  • detheaterdetheater Member Posts: 78 Arc User
    Though I have been very limited in my play time since the new patch I must say I don't really feel much weaker in my Science Captain build. Tac should be the highest DPSing class in the game... That's what they are supposed to do.

    I think the problem isn't necessarily DPS creep it's the fact that in the current game Science and Engineer don't bring anything unique to the table because the way to win at this game is DPS. If you want to complain and ask for changes I would suggest starting there rather than asking for nerfs.

    Let's ask the Devs to make Science and Engineer Captains bring something useful/needed and unique to the table.
  • risingwolfshadowrisingwolfshadow Member Posts: 619 Arc User
    And yet, sci is still king in PvP regardless of nerfs. Lol

    Seriously though, "150k in ISA" is a worthless statistic. Has been for years. The ability to deal damage does not 100% reflect the ability to complete missions and queues.

    For example: a 150k DPS boat is worthless in a queue that requires strategy rather than fighting, like some of the delta queues and the new competitive ones.

    Another example: my 30k average spike PvP escort can wreck a 150k DPS boat in core assault or a tank, but a sci captain will send me back to respawn so quickly that I'll be wondering 'what happened' for a week, without having to even breaking 20k DPS.

    My point is.
    DPS should not be a statistic by which to measure STO's current state in terms of balance and space combat mechanics/systems.

    The statistics that should be used are the individual performance of powers/abilities/consoles/equipment in relation to each other so that no one thing is giving an unfair advantage in power to an individual player.

    Balance requires rules, rules are irritating, but all good games have a good set of rules.
    The "rules" (space combat system) of STO have been twisted and made over-complicated by years of neglect from developers (to their own detriment) and the loud majority that went up in arms against any thread crying for a balance nerf. that is the problem.

    IMO, throwing away the trinity was the worst thing the Devs and the PvE community did.
  • sleeeperr1sleeeperr1 Member Posts: 91 Arc User
    tyken's drain didnt need to be doubled it needs a nerf
  • lianthelialianthelia Member Posts: 7,862 Arc User
    valoreah wrote: »
    lianthelia wrote: »
    Don't see a huge problem?

    Not really, no. TAC is supposed to have the best DPS. That's what the class is for.

    25-35% better than the competition in a game that is based purely around DPS?

    Biased player is (obviously) biased.
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    Nah. My Rom Tact has been nerfed enough, thank you.

    Tyken's probably needs a bit of tweaking, as it appears slightly broken.
  • ssbn655ssbn655 Member Posts: 1,894 Arc User
    edited May 2017
    Discussion of moderation removed.
    Post edited by baddmoonrizin on
  • tunebreakertunebreaker Member Posts: 1,222 Arc User
    lianthelia wrote: »
    I love science, but I don't see how tactical DPS is a huge problem at the moment.

    Current highest DPS for a tactical toon is 208k - using FAW.
    Current highest DPS for a science toon is 153k - using pure EPG science magic.
    (Just for comparison, current highest DPS for an engineer toon is 128k - again with FAW.)

    All numbers are taken from SCM leaderboards, ISA, post-S13 rebalance.

    Don't see a huge problem?

    Sci is performing 25% worse than Tac...Eng more than 33% worse...and that is with top builds...what about the people who can't afford the best gear and junk?

    In a game that is all about DPS all 3 classes should be much more equal...obviously the trinity is dead...so all 3 should be much more equalized.

    But every time they nerf Tac then people whine like babies and get them to revert those nerfs...and the devs give in like pushovers...

    No, current numbers are not problematic at all. Tacticals doing in best scenarios 500k+ (I believe the highest was just a bit below 600k), while scis and engs barely managing to break 300k was problematic - that was the case before S13. However, with all the damage boosting abilities tacticals have, they ought to have slightly better dmg output than other classes, so I don't consider 25% to be huge at all. (That comes from a player who plays sci toon as main).
  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    lianthelia wrote: »
    valoreah wrote: »
    lianthelia wrote: »
    Don't see a huge problem?

    Not really, no. TAC is supposed to have the best DPS. That's what the class is for.

    25-35% better than the competition in a game that is based purely around DPS?

    Biased player is (obviously) biased.

    Pretty much everything the tactical Captain has in buffs are damage buffs. If that doesn't yield in extra damage compared to Engineers and Science Captains, what would be the purpose of playing a Tactical Captain? Science Captains can nuke buffs, grant resistances and damage buffs to nearby allies, grant resistance penalties to the enemy, summon support ships. Engineers can heal and harden themself, buff power levels, resist power drains. If all the tactical captain has is deal more damage, science and engineering captains can't possibly deal as much damage, because they also get other stuff.

    And I don't think that any parsers can actually track the DPS contribution of a Science Captain that inflicts resistance penalties or grants an AoE team buff.
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • asuran14asuran14 Member Posts: 2,335 Arc User
    I have to agree that overall the fact of having a spread of about 25-30ish percent between dps output of the three careers sound fines to me. If honestly the devs think that tacticals are still putting out too much damage, merely look into how the damage buffs from their career specific abilities are working stat-wise, compared to looking at the specific boff abilities. Now if it is actual abilities over all three careers that are putting out too much/little damage then yeah nerf/buff them.

    Now if we are talking about the issue of some lower geared/knowledgeable players in content with a much higher geared/knowledgeable player than that is a fact of match-making being an issue not damage. If they had a damage cap based on the difficulty of the different ques, than the large spread of damage output possible between players across the game would be reduced to a more manageable spread that all in the content would need to contribute.

    The only change I wouldn't mind seeing to tyken's rift would be making it have a reduced power drain on those affected, but that being under the effect of the rift would reduce the cap of your power sub-system an maybe even reducing the power transfer rate of those affected. Hell one idea I always liked was to completely take away the power drain of the tyken's rift, but make it a targetable anomaly that if you use power syphon on it would chain the syphon to a certain number of affected targets, but that the rift itself would only reduce the power transfer rate an caps of the sub-systems of the affected targets.
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    lianthelia wrote: »
    I love science, but I don't see how tactical DPS is a huge problem at the moment.

    Current highest DPS for a tactical toon is 208k - using FAW.
    Current highest DPS for a science toon is 153k - using pure EPG science magic.
    (Just for comparison, current highest DPS for an engineer toon is 128k - again with FAW.)

    All numbers are taken from SCM leaderboards, ISA, post-S13 rebalance.

    Don't see a huge problem?

    Sci is performing 25% worse than Tac...Eng more than 33% worse...and that is with top builds...what about the people who can't afford the best gear and junk?

    In a game that is all about DPS all 3 classes should be much more equal...obviously the trinity is dead...so all 3 should be much more equalized.

    But every time they nerf Tac then people whine like babies and get them to revert those nerfs...and the devs give in like pushovers...

    No, current numbers are not problematic at all. Tacticals doing in best scenarios 500k+ (I believe the highest was just a bit below 600k), while scis and engs barely managing to break 300k was problematic - that was the case before S13. However, with all the damage boosting abilities tacticals have, they ought to have slightly better dmg output than other classes, so I don't consider 25% to be huge at all. (That comes from a player who plays sci toon as main).

    ^^ A sensible post.
  • baudlbaudl Member Posts: 4,060 Arc User
    edited May 2017
    just want to mention that while sci is doing 25% less or so, the abilities do not only deal damage, they have other valuable effects aswell, meaning that putting them dmg wise on par, would mean that tac builds are obsolete, since science would have all the advantages over tac doing the same dmg and putting CC effects on the target.
    in other words, you can't have the most practical abilities do also the most amount of dmg, that would only shift the favour towards sci builds.

    *I love long sentences
    Go pro or go home
  • nimbullnimbull Member Posts: 1,564 Arc User
    I love science, but I don't see how tactical DPS is a huge problem at the moment.

    Current highest DPS for a tactical toon is 208k - using FAW.
    Current highest DPS for a science toon is 153k - using pure EPG science magic.
    (Just for comparison, current highest DPS for an engineer toon is 128k - again with FAW.)

    All numbers are taken from SCM leaderboards, ISA, post-S13 rebalance.

    Won't someone think of the engineers? We're always slaving away while Mr. Pew Pew Wonderful or Sciencey McScience gets us in to trouble only to call down to us EVERY DAMN TIME saying, "Chief! We need warp speed this! Or phaser power that! Or deflector my targeting majinger the other thing!"
    Green people don't have to be.... little.
  • e30erneste30ernest Member Posts: 1,794 Arc User
    nimbull wrote: »
    I love science, but I don't see how tactical DPS is a huge problem at the moment.

    Current highest DPS for a tactical toon is 208k - using FAW.
    Current highest DPS for a science toon is 153k - using pure EPG science magic.
    (Just for comparison, current highest DPS for an engineer toon is 128k - again with FAW.)

    All numbers are taken from SCM leaderboards, ISA, post-S13 rebalance.

    Won't someone think of the engineers? We're always slaving away while Mr. Pew Pew Wonderful or Sciencey McScience gets us in to trouble only to call down to us EVERY DAMN TIME saying, "Chief! We need warp speed this! Or phaser power that! Or deflector my targeting majinger the other thing!"

    LOL I got a chuckle out of that... :lol: You made my day. :smile:
  • taylor1701dtaylor1701d Member Posts: 3,099 Arc User
    nimbull wrote: »
    I love science, but I don't see how tactical DPS is a huge problem at the moment.

    Current highest DPS for a tactical toon is 208k - using FAW.
    Current highest DPS for a science toon is 153k - using pure EPG science magic.
    (Just for comparison, current highest DPS for an engineer toon is 128k - again with FAW.)

    All numbers are taken from SCM leaderboards, ISA, post-S13 rebalance.

    Won't someone think of the engineers? We're always slaving away while Mr. Pew Pew Wonderful or Sciencey McScience gets us in to trouble only to call down to us EVERY DAMN TIME saying, "Chief! We need warp speed this! Or phaser power that! Or deflector my targeting majinger the other thing!"

    In fairness, Engi's get what Scotty always wanted. Moar Powah.
  • risingwolfshadowrisingwolfshadow Member Posts: 619 Arc User
    Engineers can do what a lot of Tacs can't. Pressure damage. It often adds up to more than the spike damage Tacs put out.

    Instead of using ISA to measure the effectiveness of a build, which is the equivalent of testing a brand new sniper rifle in a shooting range at point blank range, try testing it against a player.
    I'm not saying go into Ker'rat, I'm saying pick someone in a fleet you know well, a skilled player, and see how your build holds up against them. You might find that DPS is useless everywhere except ISA and CCA.
    Case in point, PvP builds have far lower DPS than a PvE build and yet, which build is more powerful in core assault?
  • e30erneste30ernest Member Posts: 1,794 Arc User
    Engineers can do what a lot of Tacs can't. Pressure damage. It often adds up to more than the spike damage Tacs put out.

    Instead of using ISA to measure the effectiveness of a build, which is the equivalent of testing a brand new sniper rifle in a shooting range at point blank range, try testing it against a player.
    I'm not saying go into Ker'rat, I'm saying pick someone in a fleet you know well, a skilled player, and see how your build holds up against them. You might find that DPS is useless everywhere except ISA and CCA.
    Case in point, PvP builds have far lower DPS than a PvE build and yet, which build is more powerful in core assault?

    While I would agree with you in that PvP builds are generally more well rounded than the typical PvE build, I think they aren't comparable. Both build subsets are built to work for certain scenarios. In the same way a typical PvE build will get blown to bits by a dedicated PvP build, a PvP build would struggle to complete something like the current Korfez (where it seems like 75k is what you want to be at especially if you roll Benthans).

    It's like comparing Formula 1 cars to Le Mans cars. Both are at the pinnacle of racing technologies. Both are made specifically for the environment and rules they race in. A Formula 1 car won't do well in a Le Mans 24h race without heavy modifications. Likewise, a Le Mans racecar won't do as well in a Formula 1 race.

    Again, I am not saying either is better than the other in general terms. But both are the best in their respective areas.
  • taylor1701dtaylor1701d Member Posts: 3,099 Arc User
    e30ernest wrote: »
    Engineers can do what a lot of Tacs can't. Pressure damage. It often adds up to more than the spike damage Tacs put out.

    Instead of using ISA to measure the effectiveness of a build, which is the equivalent of testing a brand new sniper rifle in a shooting range at point blank range, try testing it against a player.
    I'm not saying go into Ker'rat, I'm saying pick someone in a fleet you know well, a skilled player, and see how your build holds up against them. You might find that DPS is useless everywhere except ISA and CCA.
    Case in point, PvP builds have far lower DPS than a PvE build and yet, which build is more powerful in core assault?

    While I would agree with you in that PvP builds are generally more well rounded than the typical PvE build, I think they aren't comparable. Both build subsets are built to work for certain scenarios. In the same way a typical PvE build will get blown to bits by a dedicated PvP build, a PvP build would struggle to complete something like the current Korfez (where it seems like 75k is what you want to be at especially if you roll Benthans).

    It's like comparing Formula 1 cars to Le Mans cars. Both are at the pinnacle of racing technologies. Both are made specifically for the environment and rules they race in. A Formula 1 car won't do well in a Le Mans 24h race without heavy modifications. Likewise, a Le Mans racecar won't do as well in a Formula 1 race.

    Again, I am not saying either is better than the other in general terms. But both are the best in their respective areas.

    Would be cool though if we could have 2 or 3 skill trees we could switch between.
    Id pay upwards of 5000 z for each additional skill tree.

    But I guess that would be a lot of work to program.
  • peterconnorfirstpeterconnorfirst Member Posts: 6,225 Arc User
    e30ernest wrote: »
    Engineers can do what a lot of Tacs can't. Pressure damage. It often adds up to more than the spike damage Tacs put out.

    Instead of using ISA to measure the effectiveness of a build, which is the equivalent of testing a brand new sniper rifle in a shooting range at point blank range, try testing it against a player.
    I'm not saying go into Ker'rat, I'm saying pick someone in a fleet you know well, a skilled player, and see how your build holds up against them. You might find that DPS is useless everywhere except ISA and CCA.
    Case in point, PvP builds have far lower DPS than a PvE build and yet, which build is more powerful in core assault?

    While I would agree with you in that PvP builds are generally more well rounded than the typical PvE build, I think they aren't comparable. Both build subsets are built to work for certain scenarios. In the same way a typical PvE build will get blown to bits by a dedicated PvP build, a PvP build would struggle to complete something like the current Korfez (where it seems like 75k is what you want to be at especially if you roll Benthans).

    It's like comparing Formula 1 cars to Le Mans cars. Both are at the pinnacle of racing technologies. Both are made specifically for the environment and rules they race in. A Formula 1 car won't do well in a Le Mans 24h race without heavy modifications. Likewise, a Le Mans racecar won't do as well in a Formula 1 race.

    Again, I am not saying either is better than the other in general terms. But both are the best in their respective areas.

    Would be cool though if we could have 2 or 3 skill trees we could switch between.
    Id pay upwards of 5000 z for each additional skill tree.

    But I guess that would be a lot of work to program.

    Yea, or what would be at least a start would be if trait selections could be integrated in loadouts the same way gear, boff powers and doffs are. Especially the ship traits can be quiet a build changer. :)
    Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
    felisean wrote: »
    teamwork to reach a goal is awesome and highly appreciated
  • legendarylycan#5411 legendarylycan Member Posts: 37,282 Arc User
    edited May 2017
    e30ernest wrote: »
    Engineers can do what a lot of Tacs can't. Pressure damage. It often adds up to more than the spike damage Tacs put out.

    Instead of using ISA to measure the effectiveness of a build, which is the equivalent of testing a brand new sniper rifle in a shooting range at point blank range, try testing it against a player.
    I'm not saying go into Ker'rat, I'm saying pick someone in a fleet you know well, a skilled player, and see how your build holds up against them. You might find that DPS is useless everywhere except ISA and CCA.
    Case in point, PvP builds have far lower DPS than a PvE build and yet, which build is more powerful in core assault?

    While I would agree with you in that PvP builds are generally more well rounded than the typical PvE build, I think they aren't comparable. Both build subsets are built to work for certain scenarios. In the same way a typical PvE build will get blown to bits by a dedicated PvP build, a PvP build would struggle to complete something like the current Korfez (where it seems like 75k is what you want to be at especially if you roll Benthans).

    It's like comparing Formula 1 cars to Le Mans cars. Both are at the pinnacle of racing technologies. Both are made specifically for the environment and rules they race in. A Formula 1 car won't do well in a Le Mans 24h race without heavy modifications. Likewise, a Le Mans racecar won't do as well in a Formula 1 race.

    Again, I am not saying either is better than the other in general terms. But both are the best in their respective areas.

    Would be cool though if we could have 2 or 3 skill trees we could switch between.
    Id pay upwards of 5000 z for each additional skill tree.

    But I guess that would be a lot of work to program.

    not even close, since neverwinter recently (as in, two days ago) got exactly that, and a lot of what NWO develops can usually be backported to STO, so i don't see why they couldn't do the same for an expansion to the loadout system like that​​
    Like special weapons from other Star Trek games? Wondering if they can be replicated in STO even a little bit? Check this out: https://forum.arcgames.com/startrekonline/discussion/1262277/a-mostly-comprehensive-guide-to-star-trek-videogame-special-weapons-and-their-sto-equivalents


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