For the vast majority of this game and apparently devs, who don't notice this.
The event, when you pick up parts, as opposed to junk, adds a tally to a bonus under your character icon showing how many parts of each type you have collected. On top of the EHS and color in the mission tab that shows quality and which parts you have gotten, this set of bonuses tally the items you get and seemingly dictate your ultimate score.
Now what happens is this:
1. Pick up part(not junk) get a a tally towards corresponding part during collection phase. This bonus will increase in number as you get parts. It's a stacking tally under your character name and picture/icon on your hud(the one where you can right click to change outfit.).
2. And the end of the first phase(collection) you will likely have a handfull(no more than 10) stabilizer or hull and more than 10 engine.(BTW these seem to not always give the same tally as the type of part you collected.
3. At the next phase where you do the puzzle. Any junk is converted by the puzzle and increases the tally. And as most people know gives a last chance to get quality increase on your EHS portion.
The problem. In the secondphase of modification you only get increase in the engine tally no matter the part. So, you literally cannot get your rocket to max height. You need stabilizer and hull to go higher. And you cannot get more than 10/10 in those tallies in the given time.
This entire even is broken and has never worked properly. I would love to know what exactly were were supposed to get by actually maxing out the rocket altitude by getting a higher overall score of engine/hull/stabilizer if it was giving out to more than engine in the modification phase. and is there code that is it supposed to be giving out some better prize currently if we did get a greater height? Do the devs not realize this is not working or did they just scrap finishing this very simple puzzle and sabotage the results to finish it quicker. Does anyone at the company realize this is not working or finished completely. Why would we get half finished events like this. This one is insanely simple also...
I'll repeat:
The modification phase is only stacking the engine bonus so we get 40engine,10,hull,10stabilizer max! This is why we do not see more than 290 score when it clearly can go higher. This event is broken or unfinished! We should be able to get higher scores if it added to hull and stabilizer during the second phase parts modification as it says it should in the event description.
How the heck has nobody but me noticed this either. This is pathetic! It is so irritating when nobody listens to you and looks at you like your crazy when they are all completely lazy and can't notice simple things!!!! You can't even get a simple conversation going and nobody cares about being informed!
The only part of the event take is "broken" is the fact that players can AFK the event and still get the hologram. The fix is pretty easy, at the player's assigned workbench, there is no rocket already waiting. The player needs to dig through scrap piles to get the parts to build the rocket.
Since it's a non-combat event, I'd say that's not even broken, especially given the prevalence of random events in every stage of the process. Who cares if someone AFKs the whole blasted thing? It has no negative effects on any of the players who do everything the "right" way, and, in fact, has the positive effect of less competition for piles, thus less waiting or running around to gather more parts for those who are doing so.
* The height measurement is tracking an entity's value in meters above ground.
* That entity is a flying entity, with its path information set as follows:
* It has a base speed, which is increased by the value of the Engines of its associated player.
* It lasts for a certain amount of time, which is increased by the value of the Hull of its associated player.
* It moves up at an angle of approach that is modified by the Stabilizers value of its associated player.
* There is also a chance for it to detonate on the launch pad. Sometimes launches go awry.
So, to answer the OP's question, does the number of buffs that display for each of the components on your character's buff bar have any effect on the height at all? Like, does a Hull parts icon with 6 stack number on it give you a better hull value than one with 2 stack number?
so what your saying is put everything into Hull to make it fly longer
the OP is correct in that when you get to the minigame part it really does drop everything into the engine buff only, was this by design?
Presumably yes. The idea, I think, is to balance your parts search. For example: don't just scrounge engine components, because with a shorter duration and low angle it might be less competitive. That said, you still want a lot of parts, so if you spend too much time trying to even things out someone else might beat you by sheer numbers.
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
This is incorrect. You'll note that refining a better part updates the quality of parts on your tracker on the side of the screen. The icon values are simply tracking how many parts you've gotten - it's possible that it's a mislabeled icon, but that's all.
Getting better stabilizers means your rocket flies up at a better angle and getting better engines means it lasts longer.
Basically, the internal calculations work exactly as they are explained in the briefing.
see i am not seeing that in my testing of just collecting Hull parts or just Engine parts i let the minigame make up the the colours to be all purple quality but if those stacks matter it seems the engines one is all you need as it will be the highest regardless with the mini game sticking all the stacks on engines only
I see, so all purple = best, numbers mean nothing?
so would i be correct in thinking that if all 5 players had full purple parts then its down to RNG to the distance?
Good to know,
Good job on the map i like it
I shall now strive to get an all purple rocket to explode on the pad , should be an achievement for that hint hint next year!
People keep whining about it, but I love this element of randomness. If you listen to the complaints, you'd think AFKers are regularly getting the farthest distance...I've done a lot of runs and that just doesn't happen unless there's a disaster at launch.
(Does one rocket exploding potentially cause a chain reaction? I've noticed that when one blows, the others nearby usually do too. Guessing that's just a coincidence from your other detailed post, though.)
Explode on the pad with all purple parts is exceedingly rare, too. I did the queue 68 times, nearly all with solid purple parts, and the thing exploded there all of twice. Based on that somewhat limited sample, that's a roughly 3% chance.
Good to know it can happen with all purples for sure, now to see if it happens to me lol
yep i have seen it with a blue engine and purple hull and stabilisers but seeing as it is down to RNG there is a chance that the one blue part would be up near the top of its Random Distance and an all purple set up would be at the bottom of its Random Distance i suppose, if that makes sense.
You can't just go into these sorts of subject matters without someone asking the burning questions.
I think it depends on what else they've got going on with hulls and engines. In cases like that it might be worth clicking on the player to see their stacks.
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
You don't need to do anything but AFK the entire event, because you still get all the rewards. It would be so much easier if Cryptic just gave all the goodies to your character at log in, seeing as they have neither the ability or desire to police this event.
Unless the OP didn't get the hologram and other stuff, then I don't understand the basis of the complaint--unless the complaint is just for the sake of complaining, which I suspect it is.