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Warp out and back in a battle



  • tempus64tempus64 Member Posts: 806 Arc User
    edited March 2017
    quepan wrote: »
    tempus64 wrote: »
    quepan wrote: »
    i dont think this is a Direct cause seeing i have toons the don't have any points in that specialization and this effect happens , hell alot of my alts
    Why would you think having points in it or using it or not would have any impact on whether it's the cause or not. It would be due to a bug. I don't use it. I don't have any points in it. Yet I can certainly see there possibly being a bug in it that causes it to trigger incorrectly. That's the nature of code.

    because it happened BEFORE they introduced it.
    That's odd because pretty much everyone in any other thread about it agrees that it happened when AoY was released which was when the Temporal spec was released. You're the only person I've ever seen that seems to think it happened before that.

    Also, are you talking about the same issue? i.e. Are you talking about one where you get a loading screen (I've only had that happen once)? Cause that's not what most people are talking about.
  • askatusaskatus Member Posts: 157 Arc User
    I used to get this bug occasionally. A couple of days ago I started using a spacebar macro to cycle some abilities and now it's happening a lot, several times in most battles. Anyone else find this?
    You shoot me down
    But I respawn
    I am duranium!
  • tarran61tarran61 Member Posts: 827 Arc User
    1 stopped using B/O about 2 weeks ago & have not had it since...... :)
    I dont even use it and its still happening.

    Positive thoughts.
  • ltminnsltminns Member Posts: 12,572 Arc User
    I'm not quite sure what this is all about but is it like when you in a corner let's say in the Breech and the camera zooms out so you can't see yourself?

    I have had an incident twice on The Tzen'kethi Front where I just launched the Protomatter Bomb and a base blows up. I can't see myself and am unable to 'get back on map' for a minute or so and firing does nothing either. It's like I am backed up against that wall.
    'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
    Judge Dan Haywood
    'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
    l don't know.
    l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
    That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
    Lt. Philip J. Minns
  • dariryudariryu Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    I did figure out a means of fixing it, kind of. At least it seems to. I took my front-mounted torpedos off of auto-fire. It's one more thing I have to keep an eye on during battle -- my ship HP, my shield HP, all three of my trays, whether I can use Singularity abilities (as a Romulan), enemy position, enemy number, and about fifteen OTHER things -- but at least I can actually HIT SOMETHING when I fire front-mounted torpedos.
  • shrimphead2015shrimphead2015 Member Posts: 535 Arc User
    For me the b/o and torpedo full spread is what sets this bug off. I know for sure now that when this warp bug activates all the torps disappear and basically you wasted the ability. The Breen mission has to be the worst trigger for this bug. Even NOT activating an ability will set this bug off as I have had it happen with me just flying through the trench.

    "There is iron in your words of death for all Comanche to see, and so there is iron in your words of life. No signed paper can hold the iron. It must come from men. The words of Ten Bears carries the same iron of life and death. It is good that warriors such as we meet in the struggle of life... or death. It shall be life." - Ten Bears (Will Sampson)
  • quepanquepan Member Posts: 540 Arc User
    tempus64 wrote: »
    quepan wrote: »
    tempus64 wrote: »
    quepan wrote: »
    i dont think this is a Direct cause seeing i have toons the don't have any points in that specialization and this effect happens , hell alot of my alts
    Why would you think having points in it or using it or not would have any impact on whether it's the cause or not. It would be due to a bug. I don't use it. I don't have any points in it. Yet I can certainly see there possibly being a bug in it that causes it to trigger incorrectly. That's the nature of code.

    because it happened BEFORE they introduced it.
    That's odd because pretty much everyone in any other thread about it agrees that it happened when AoY was released which was when the Temporal spec was released. You're the only person I've ever seen that seems to think it happened before that.

    Also, are you talking about the same issue? i.e. Are you talking about one where you get a loading screen (I've only had that happen once)? Cause that's not what most people are talking about.

    No im not talking about a loading screen issue , this is a warp in bug that happen in a map in progress a PVE queue map or a Mission map , And Yes im sure this issue has been around on and off since Legacy of Romulas . It used to happen sporadically its getting progressively worse with each expansion and it comes back and the frequency it happens increases to boot and takes them longer to address it and keep it gone , Same thing happens with the warp animation bugs ships like the Intrepid have , they might get fixed work for a month a new expansion comes and breaks it again , which lasts for another 6 months to a Year. this is a GAME BRAKING Bug IMO along this bug interferes with spacial positioning awareness and seems to cancel abilities but puts them on a cooldown , ive been playing this game casually since before F2P
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