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A Divided Duty

ambassadorkael#6946 ambassadorkael Member, Administrator Posts: 2,679 Community Manager
Can the conscience of one Tzenkethi save an entire world? Find out in our latest fiction piece, "A Divided Duty."

Full details here:


  • megawolf0megawolf0 Member Posts: 114 Arc User
    Ok I had to read this few more times. Still don't understand it but from what I gather they are destroying worlds for having those crystals because of one other race they met lied and kept the crystals too themselves.

    Makes me feel they are just striking at anyone with them as the one race here see them as rocks and are in the nuclear stage of power and still using fossil fuels and all because of one race they hate over for hiding the crystals.

    Well, so those crystals are a form of power like delithium of sorts.
  • risian4risian4 Member Posts: 3,711 Arc User
    Just a wild guess - maybe these crystals can be used to make protomatter or something? We know from one of the earlier blogs that the Tzenkethi feared the Federation and Klingon Empire for having it.

    Either way - I hope we get to see some of these defiant officers. Something similar to the story with Nelen Exil would be nice. We should see some of this in the game and episodes, so that it'll be more than just a background story.
  • crm14916crm14916 Member Posts: 1,540 Arc User
    No, the crystals pose some kind of threat. This is evident from the collection of blogs since the release of the Tzenkethi storyline. They are unconcerned about the other life forms on the planets they "cleanse", and so they use the protomatter devices to not only get rid of the people, but the crystals as well...

    This reminds me of the Vogons from HHGTTG... They eradicated all the beings on Earth just to make way for a hyperspace expressway...

    Anyway, can't wit to find out how these crystals form such a threat to the Tzenkethi...

    "Equipped with his five senses, man explores the universe around him and calls the adventure science." - Edwin Hubble
  • themetalstickmanthemetalstickman Member Posts: 1,010 Arc User
    I get a feeling that the crystals aren't just a physical threat to the Tzenkethi. It seems to me that they are ideologically offended by these crystals as well. Reminds me of the Templars from the movie Jumper, who were offended by the Jumpers' very existence, because they believe that the Jumpers are effectively omnipresent, and that only God should have such a power. I'm getting a similar vibe from Tzen-Tarrak's dialogue.

    Your father was captain of a starship for twelve minutes. He saved 800 lives, including your mother's, and yours.

    I dare you to do better.
  • saurializardsaurializard Member Posts: 4,409 Arc User
    edited March 2017
    I get a feeling that the crystals aren't just a physical threat to the Tzenkethi.
    We don't even know if those crystals are even a physical threat to them.

    For all we know, they could be a very cheap and harmless source of power threatening a very powerful Tzenkethi corporation that controls all of the Tzenkethi's homeworld energy the Autarch happens to have important shares in. So to make sure these crystals can never threaten them, the Autarch made up a BS religious reason to get rid of them to avoid a chaotic revolution on his world and find himself in troubles.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    Enh... remember that temple from the mission where you find K-13? Those made them seem.. alive somehow. Also... the "crystals" are destroyed by a weapon that does not harm buildings or even smudge the paint on them.... It would seem they're not just rocks.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • saurializardsaurializard Member Posts: 4,409 Arc User
    edited March 2017
    Speaking of their destruction... They sure seemed pretty fine-looking for destroyed things on Draconis III.

    So far what we know is that:
    -The Tzenkethi want those crystals gone, and are ready to commit multiple genocides for that
    -those crystals seem to grow
    -either protomatter bombs kill those crystals' growth and whatever is inside/made of/inhabiting them, or those regrow fast eventually
    -those crystals can be used as an energy source
    -those crystals seem harmless to non-Tzenkethi and Tzenkethi don't seem much affected by being close to them, either
  • skullblits#4627 skullblits Member Posts: 1,273 Arc User
    the tzenkerhi rulers wife wanted one of these for jewelry. she was allergic to them and died.

    so the ruler went mad and blames anyone who has the crystals for his wife's death.
  • smokebaileysmokebailey Member Posts: 4,668 Arc User
    Speaking of their destruction... They sure seemed pretty fine-looking for destroyed things on Draconis III.

    So far what we know is that:
    -The Tzenkethi want those crystals gone, and are ready to commit multiple genocides for that
    -those crystals seem to grow
    -either protomatter bombs kill those crystals' growth and whatever is inside/made of/inhabiting them, or those regrow fast eventually
    -those crystals can be used as an energy source
    -those crystals seem harmless to non-Tzenkethi and Tzenkethi don't seem much affected by being close to them, either

    Sounds like the Tzenkethi fear these crystals.....they might be alive, and those who fear things that are different will destroy.
  • smokebaileysmokebailey Member Posts: 4,668 Arc User
    Enh... remember that temple from the mission where you find K-13? Those made them seem.. alive somehow. Also... the "crystals" are destroyed by a weapon that does not harm buildings or even smudge the paint on them.... It would seem they're not just rocks.

    Sounds like a neutron bomb
  • geezerpunkgeezerpunk Member Posts: 146 Arc User
    I think that the Kentari (The home planet of the Lukari) ended up changing themselves with the protomatter inorder to hibernate the destruction of the planet by their short sighted and greedy nature. That they are inside the crystals in a non-corporal energy form. That they planted themselves on multiple planets to protect against attack. And that the Tzenkethi believe that they will take over when they come out of hibernation.
  • where2r1where2r1 Member Posts: 6,054 Arc User
    geezerpunk wrote: »
    I think that the Kentari (The home planet of the Lukari) ended up changing themselves with the protomatter inorder to hibernate the destruction of the planet by their short sighted and greedy nature. That they are inside the crystals in a non-corporal energy form. That they planted themselves on multiple planets to protect against attack. And that the Tzenkethi believe that they will take over when they come out of hibernation.

    I like that. That is good.
    "Spend your life doing strange things with weird people." -- UNK

    “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
  • kovabombkovabomb Member Posts: 52 Arc User
    Here's a bit of a hairbrained theory, but it's been kicking around in my head and it won't go away:

    The composition of the crystals has not yet been identified, but they seam very similar to Dilithium. We also don't know who this Tzenkethi Autarch is, but it sounds like he or she came to power in the recent past. The Autarch seems bent on a certain path, very driven and single minded. For some reason, this all suggests similar tactacs that the Iconians used in their serviter races, knowingly or unknowingly. Could it perhaps be that T'Ket has laid her hand over this Autarch? Could it be that these crystals are indeed a form of dilithium and that she hopes to destroy her enemies and their means of power? And could she be doing it in such a way that when she comes for the Federation and their allies, they will find no sources of power wherever they flee?

    It's all speculation, but it's a possibility. Your thoughts?
  • themetalstickmanthemetalstickman Member Posts: 1,010 Arc User
    kovabomb wrote: »
    Here's a bit of a hairbrained theory, but it's been kicking around in my head and it won't go away:

    The composition of the crystals has not yet been identified, but they seam very similar to Dilithium. We also don't know who this Tzenkethi Autarch is, but it sounds like he or she came to power in the recent past. The Autarch seems bent on a certain path, very driven and single minded. For some reason, this all suggests similar tactacs that the Iconians used in their serviter races, knowingly or unknowingly. Could it perhaps be that T'Ket has laid her hand over this Autarch? Could it be that these crystals are indeed a form of dilithium and that she hopes to destroy her enemies and their means of power? And could she be doing it in such a way that when she comes for the Federation and their allies, they will find no sources of power wherever they flee?

    It's all speculation, but it's a possibility. Your thoughts?

    With the lack of any real evidence for anything as of yet, it's a interesting idea. I kind of doubt it, but's as likely as anything else at this point.

    Your father was captain of a starship for twelve minutes. He saved 800 lives, including your mother's, and yours.

    I dare you to do better.
  • mikoto8472mikoto8472 Member Posts: 607 Arc User
    Hopefully we'll get to visit some serious justice on these Tzenkethi scum soon. Genocide is monstrous. Making whole sapient species extinct is vile.

    Sometimes, in certain cases I wonder if the Klingons and their conquering, vassal-making ways, have the right of it. The Tzenkethi could certainly do with being disarmed and controlled.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    Speaking of their destruction... They sure seemed pretty fine-looking for destroyed things on Draconis III.

    So far what we know is that:
    -The Tzenkethi want those crystals gone, and are ready to commit multiple genocides for that
    -those crystals seem to grow
    -either protomatter bombs kill those crystals' growth and whatever is inside/made of/inhabiting them, or those regrow fast eventually
    -those crystals can be used as an energy source
    -those crystals seem harmless to non-Tzenkethi and Tzenkethi don't seem much affected by being close to them, either
    I dunno about that. The times we say them on that jungle planet they seemed a lot more glowy than they did on Draconis. Maybe it doesn't break them but instead makes them inert?
    My character Tsin'xing
  • fruitvendor12fruitvendor12 Member Posts: 615 Arc User
    I admit after the first mission when we enter the temple that this was dilithium being "grown" by the feds/Klingons in an attempt to refuel their station. I like the idea that the Lukari may have harnessed them to store themselves. Reminds me of the Belisarius books where only sentient crystals still populate a future Earth.
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  • lordsteve1lordsteve1 Member Posts: 3,492 Arc User
    Maybe they are Crystalline Entity eggs? :|

    Who knows...

    It's clear that they are singularly important to the Tzenkethi, so much that they will erase any planet from existence which harbours them.
    And also not every planet seems to utilize them for anything, most places seem to just ignore them as if they are just fancy rocks.
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  • jorantomalakjorantomalak Member Posts: 7,133 Arc User
    crm14916 wrote: »
    This reminds me of the Vogons from HHGTTG... They eradicated all the beings on Earth just to make way for a hyperspace expressway...

    couldve been alot worse they couldve made all earthlings listen to their poetry, nothing worse then vogon poetry lol

    oh and remember....DONT PANIC!!! and dont forget to bring a towel :)
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  • grendelthewise#0990 grendelthewise Member Posts: 640 Arc User
    After reading the story I can only come to this conclusion. The crystals are some kind of threat to them. My question is this, why are they operating so far from their home planet. Drancois III is a long ways off plus the other planets we visit with the lukari.
    Fleet Admiral of the U.S.S. ATTILA KHAN-CDA (NX-921911).
  • thay8472thay8472 Member Posts: 6,268 Arc User
    I think it has something to do with the space jellyfish.

    Maybe the Tzenkathi captured one and brought it to their home world to be used to harvest vast quantities of 'perfect' materials. Then another showed up and ravaged their planet until the captured one escaped. While in captivity however the jellyfish laid some eggs/crystals. Identifying these crystals as 'baby jellyfish' the Tzenkathi started to fear what these could do if they multiplied. So they set out to exterminate them all and 'save' the galaxy from this menace.
    Thank you for the Typhoon!
  • shevetshevet Member Posts: 1,667 Arc User
    OK, so....

    If the crystals are a threat to the Tzenkethi, why are they only a threat to the Tzenkethi?

    If the crystals are not a threat only to the Tzenkethi, why are the Tzenkethi not attempting to enlist the cooperation of other species? Or, at least, the non-intervention of other species? Why, instead, are they going about their crystal-purging duties in a way which is absolutely certain to provoke strong resistance?

    At the moment, they are going around neutralizing these crystals - assuming they are neutralizing them - by committing random acts of genocide. It is absolutely certain that this will get noticed, and absolutely certain that it will be opposed. And the Tzenkethi have lost at least one war in the past, they know perfectly well they're not invincible... and, if their military is destroyed, they won't be able to go after the crystals.

    So, if they have the slightest glimmerings of common sense, why are they not coming forward to the Federation and the Cardassians and the Ferengi and explaining what these crystals are, and how they pose an existential threat, and why the other galactic civilizations should be helping them de-crystallize everything?

    Did the crystals diss the Autarch's mum, and is the Autarch in a huff and refusing to talk to other species? Then why are the Tzenkethi not looking at the situation, reading the casualty lists, totting up the cost of replacing all those destroyed starships, and deciding to Walk The Path Of Deposing The Stupid Autarch Before He Gets Us All Killed?

    I will be cross if there aren't sensible answers to some of these questions.
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  • shevetshevet Member Posts: 1,667 Arc User
    somtaawkhar, I've been reading the same blogs you have, and all I can say is, if you consider the "answers" given in them sensible or credible, I've got this great bridge in Brooklyn I'd like to sell you.

    The Tzenkethi are acting like mad dogs. Never mind that they're "only" picking on isolated species so far, it must be obvious that the trail of devastated planets and exterminated civilizations is going to get noticed. They are committing genocide for no readily apparent reason - which means that everybody near them has to assume, as a matter of basic self-preservation, that they may be next in the Tzenkethi's sights, and therefore the Tzenkethi must be taken down before they can do any more damage. (That's not even considering the moral dimension - which carries a great deal of weight with both the Federation and the Klingon Empire.)

    Right now, the only intelligent response from the rest of the galactic powers is to steamroller the Tzenkethi until they're no longer a threat. And the rest of the galaxy outnumbers and outguns them. If the Tzenkethi continue to pursue this course of action, they are courting the destruction of their entire civilization. Now, I'm not saying that it's impossible for reasoning beings to act like that... but their reasons for doing so would have to be compelling, far more compelling than anything I've seen in those blogs.
  • edited March 2017
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  • shevetshevet Member Posts: 1,667 Arc User
    Right, so.... If I go to the house next to yours and carve your neighbours up with a chainsaw, your reaction will be, "well, that doesn't mean he'll kill me next, and anyway he might have had a good reason - maybe we should work out what my neighbours did to make him afraid" ?

    All righty then.

    (Please note: this is a thought example only. In the real world, I am firmly opposed to chainsaw massacres, and so should everyone else be.)
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