Just out of curiosity, when creating a character can you use the names of known Star Trek Characters, or will the game not allow that. Basically if you wanted to just for fun or just to be silly, can you create a male 24th century character and name him "Jean-Luc Picard" Any ever done just that, used the name of a known Star Trek Character for their player character?
Like you cant name your toon James T Kirk , Jean Luc Picard etc etc and yes etc.
Just what is a "toon" in the context of Star Trek Online?
A "toon" is your player character. Not everyone uses it. Can also be referred to as your captain. Further differentiated as your "main" or "alt" for those who run multiple characters.
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It was around before WoW. It was used back in the Everquest days.
I don't understand why it would be offensive to anyone. That's ridiculous.
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I would not go as far as say offensive, but it does sound epicly stupid.
You're epicly bar is set pretty low if toon qualifies.
We are controlling animated/cartoon characters after all.
I've never been fond of the term 'toon'
but its just a term some folks use.
It refers back to cartoon characters. Some people take their characters (too) seriously and find the term 'toon' childish and demeaning.
Personally, I just think it sounds stupid. I wouldn't say its offensive...just stupid
But hey, people can call their character an aardvark for all I care.
'I just rolled a new Vulcan aardvark for Delta Rising...and I love it'
HEH! this^
didn't see your post until I re-read mine and saw you quoted
Some better so than others, but since you mention it: some ship names are also blocked.
Not being able to use Star Trek names makes sense.
Oddly enough, on the XboxOne, I see more Commander Shepherd's then anything Star Trek LOL
Oh I see names from other franchises all the time. Honor Harrington, Commander Shepherd, Admiral Adama, etc.
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Seen a guy running around using Geordi LaForge's name, had the character set up to look just like him, vizor and all.
I don't know...if they can't even come up with any name but to rip off a character's name from the franchise...Bob may be to tough of a original name for them to come up with.
I am navigating a series of pixels... Not a cartoon...
But yes, my bar is quite low... STO tends to do that to you.