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Arena of Sompek - share your experiences



  • feliseanfelisean Member Posts: 688 Arc User
    We reached around wave 112 or so in our first try with one lost in wave 60 through disconnect and for the second run we decided to wipe after wave 151, got already late there.

    Here is a summary of tips and hints how wo did the mission >>click me<<

    For the lag issue between the rounds, it seems that chroniton mines (and i guess other mines too) maybe some of the fabrications too are causing the lags. In the first run we had an engineer with us and we had several heavy breaks there, second run without eng was smooth beside sometimes 20-30 seconds between the waves, but that was already in some patchnotes:)
  • auctionman1auctionman1 Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    The problem with any sort of falling on sword is that the other 4 players might not want to. Perhaps let them know so they get to lvl 4, die, cooldown 30 m and get in with another group hopefully not ones to also dies. We need a channel for those who only want the token, so only those who want to play it out are playing.
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited February 2017
    Played it several times with a tac, sci, and eng captains.

    My tac was still configured with security army spec, wasn't exactly "wow'ed" by the smaller and supposedly better security escorts post-nerf. She still did have Kligat and Paradox Bomb, both of which were nerfed. Kligat got nerfed yoooge, it is now a useless module. Paradox Bomb's pull is still good. I'm thinking on reverting to Melee Spec with her (Sweeping Strikes, Lunge, Compression Pistol, etc). Not satisfied and my tac's need tweaking.

    My engi's that I tried were fabrication oriented. They suck. Neutronic Mortars shoot a hair faster but the shells are in the air so long mortars are lucky they hit anything. Regular turret damage is still pathetic. Sabotage however is useful in numerous ways. Some of the NPCs use non-mechanical helpers. It's also useful in disabling weapons for NPCs in an AOE area, very helpful when you get that rush of stronger NPCs. With 2 different fabrication engineer toons, I tried with doing the "Bunker" method. Works okay sometimes but when those 1-shot AOEs start flying or when NPCs toss grenades, you can toss out the "Bunker" route as pointless. The "Bunker" method is also very dangerous because players then tend to congregate in one spot to take advantage of the extra resists (my Cover Shield is doffed to provide resists to nearby allies), nanite health generators, etc. However, when those 1-shot nukes start flying, then the chances of everyone dying in one attack skyrocket. My engineers and their fabrications I felt were the weakest of my trips into arena. Turrets, generators, drones blow up quickly and they don't do enough.

    I am however more satisfied with my science captain in arena. Temporal Modules Uncertainty Burst, Paradox Bomb are good combos. Medical Tricorder is nice for a heal. Interphase Decay and Anti-Time Entanglement Field went nicely also. The main idea is CC with Paradox Bomb, cause confusion with Uncertainty Burst, then the rest of the stuff to pile in damage in that bunched up NPC spot. I'd imagine a full Medic Build would work wonders, you'd be very busy. I would also include Biofilter Sweep for team resists to "slow the bleeding" in HP loss at the worst times for the team.

    Though Paradox Bomb damage is nerfed, the CC ability it does have is very nice as it pulls NPCs together. Uncertainty Burst is nice as always to cause actually useful confusion in NPC groups and buy you some breathing space. Since these are Temporal Spec Kit Modules, any profession can use them, provided you've put points into it.

    Also, Borg are possible NPCs in arena. Bring the appropriate damage ability / weapons.

    The Elachi show up also, sometimes bringing those crawlers that spew gas that will HOLD you. I didn't have an EV suit nor Rebreather slotted. Then again, you could just stay away as a simpler fix.

    Another thing that I found to be distressing is how simply bad people are here. I mean, there's a lot of players that do not do anything other than the primary and secondary attacks of their weapons. No captain abilities, no kit abilities, nothing, not even hypos or shield charge consumables. This isn't just that 1 guy in every other game. I get teams of players like this. If you PUG arena expect to hard carry or get wiped early. I've seen bad play in PUG space queues but arena has been eye opening.

    Keep moving, don't be stationary long, watch the hazard signs and the incoming nuke indicators.

    Also, the 5 D's of Dodgeball apply.
  • auctionman1auctionman1 Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    If this could be past onto the devs and the player get behind the idea. Reward for playing needs to be more than fun. This just feels like an extended grind, but with a grind that you have to keep playing due to not wanting to ruin your teammates time either.

    We got to 70 (I was using my weakest toon at that - my best toon just barely got to 30 - yes I know it depends on the other 4 players) however we had to discuss whether to keep going or quit.

    However Devs, to improve the experience (fun = time spent) nor is (waves to grind = fun)

    Additional Ideas, the rewards for something like this need to be bumped up. Of course it is too late for this time obviously (or maybe not) however to make an event like this work, the time a person puts in has to be worth more than just a kit mod. I am talking any combination of the following:
    1. More Marks, Perhaps after LvL 50 you get to choose 2 sets of marks or double the amount, maybe triple once around 70.
    2. Dil - Nearest and dearest to our heart. Reward us with Dil that will encourage more players to want to fight to the next level and the next and so on. Maybe a formula of 100x the level for 1-50, 150x the level for 1-50 and 50-70, then max at 200x for lvl 1-50, 50-70, 71-100
    3. Include some sort of upgrade gear award, perhaps, 1 for every 10 levels, at 50 an omega plus 1, 70 omega + 1, 100 5 Omegas
    4. Include better gear drops, no hand phasers or pistols. Make it rare, very rare, Ultra Rare or even Epic for lvl 70, of course the problem is ensuring someone doesn't get lucky each big drop and gets all of it, but the drops needed bumping up big time.
    5. Energy Credits never hurt either. No betting however (betting like we will get to lvl 50, here is 50000 EC at 2:1 odds or anything like that), simply perhaps award EC/Dil for each kill the team gets (and 1EC or 1Dil is not nearly as exciting as perhaps it scales to each level or increasing strength of the enemy.
    6. Perhaps an auto upgrade token given every ten levels like the magic key ring bundle, but only on the weapon someone has used the most in the match or just simply give them the auto upgrade and let them choose for themselves.
    7. Even bigger reward, if you get past lvl 70 more than 10x over the weekend, perhaps get a xfinity ship box (I don't know if it is possible to do 10 over lvl 70 in 4 days, but something that will really entice players to go all out for 4 days.
    8. Or a loot gift box that has some combinations of all of the above that assures them at minimum X amount of Dil,, X amount of EC, at least X upgrades, Either Xfinity Ship or 2 Auto-upgrades to Epic as the final reward.
  • questeriusquesterius Member Posts: 8,626 Arc User
    nukara consumables.. might be interesting to test those.
    I notice that the tholians are the biggest problem if you have people spamming the gateway

    This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
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  • grendelthewise#0990 grendelthewise Member Posts: 640 Arc User
    Level 35

    We were doing pretty good and then players on the team were experiencing a lot of lag and rubberbanding. It was decided to stop. I recommend if you have the temporal influx and the other item to use it. It will keep you above ground.
    Fleet Admiral of the U.S.S. ATTILA KHAN-CDA (NX-921911).
  • alcmaeonidaealcmaeonidae Member Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited February 2017
    PUG, level 56

    Played it once, as a Fed science officer set up as a medic. The mission was far too long, much more than I assumed. I was almost out of play time when it finally came to an end. I didn't enjoy the mission. Too many one-shot kills taking down multiple team members. That's never fun.

    An Iconian opponent, possibly two, got stuck inside a wall somehow. We couldn't hurt it, but it could shoot at us. It's presence didn't stop the mission's progression. The waves of new opponents continued coming as the Iconian continued sniping at us with impunity. It finally stopped, but I don't know why. Either it despawned or it finally came out of the wall to be killed.

    Not sure I'll be playing this again. Certainly not looking forward to doing so.
  • questeriusquesterius Member Posts: 8,626 Arc User
    patrickngo wrote: »
    felisean wrote: »
    We reached around wave 112 or so in our first try with one lost in wave 60 through disconnect and for the second run we decided to wipe after wave 151, got already late there.

    Here is a summary of tips and hints how wo did the mission >>click me<<

    For the lag issue between the rounds, it seems that chroniton mines (and i guess other mines too) maybe some of the fabrications too are causing the lags. In the first run we had an engineer with us and we had several heavy breaks there, second run without eng was smooth beside sometimes 20-30 seconds between the waves, but that was already in some patchnotes:)

    so per the recommendation: Do NOT TAKE AN ENGINEER-you'll be punishing your whole team.

    Useless fellows those engineers, all they do is pull aggro, heal the team and kill everything in sight. Absolutely useless.
    When i see i have a PUG with a full tac team i know it will be a TRIBBLE run.

    This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
  • mosul33mosul33 Member Posts: 836 Arc User
    I couldnt care what lvl I did. Its one of the worse queues that we ever got plagued with after Delta Raising. Why not give back the elites borg stfs and time is spent on this garbage it bogles the mind...

    Why the players are put into red alert even b4 speaking with npc and kept, even I dare say forced into it, for the entire of this dreadfull thing??? Thats just plain trolling right there. You cant buff with gambling device, eat buff or switch anything. Is really stupid!
    And what good a cloak if strikes from above can still see you???
    Really, one of the most TRIBBLE queues ever, but its no surprise coming from Cryptic, wich thinks heal/protect idiot NPCs are the best thing since slice bread :( And shoved in players face even in the story arcs yet those queues are allmost never played... Like they couldnt get a hint... Or maybe its just stuborness and lack of profesionalism...

    Also, saw a rather low popularity, like just 15 players playing it. Not surprising tho, given how horrible is...
  • gonaliusgonalius Member Posts: 893 Arc User
    risian4 wrote: »
    - What level did you get to?
    - With how many players?
    - Was it a PUG?
    - What was your role/career?

    Just hit round 32, then we all got mobbed by Vaadwar in seconds.
    Pug group, we had 5 to start, but one character dropped out after dying every round from the beginning.
    Tactical captain, as were most the rest, though we had one engineer.

    We didn't have long waits between rounds. A few rounds had a 10 second or so delay, but that was mainly fairly useful.

    ... I'm intrigued by this. I thought I'd do a lot worse and find it infuriating, but it was actually pretty fun. I'll look into getting my character better equipped and set up and will then have another crack at it.
  • thearkadythearkady Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    PUG that only started with 4 to begin with. How is this even possible? Cryptic too bloody lazy to port the scripts that ensure full-size starting teams on regular PvE queues?

    Had 'are you out of your bloody minds' delay between rounds so someone left after 5. Remianing 3 person team got wiped after 9.

    IF engineers really are verboten by misdesign (i.e. engineering summons causing the 'are you out of your bloody minds' delay), Cryptic owes a serious apology (and arguably 'here's the even unlock for free compensation) to anyone using one as their main toon.
  • duncanidaho11duncanidaho11 Member Posts: 7,981 Arc User
    edited February 2017
    felisean wrote: »
    We reached around wave 112 or so in our first try with one lost in wave 60 through disconnect and for the second run we decided to wipe after wave 151, got already late there.

    Here is a summary of tips and hints how wo did the mission >>click me<<

    For the lag issue between the rounds, it seems that chroniton mines (and i guess other mines too) maybe some of the fabrications too are causing the lags. In the first run we had an engineer with us and we had several heavy breaks there, second run without eng was smooth beside sometimes 20-30 seconds between the waves, but that was already in some patchnotes:)

    Big thanks for this. The killer is the chroniton mines. I tried again with a SCI and even with a few fabrications from ENG players (mainly mortars) the rounds are moving. Crawler mines don't seem to cause huge delays, for those looking for a replacement. It's the standard mines that will break rounds (to the point where the arena is barely playable.)
    mosul33 wrote: »
    And what good a cloak if strikes from above can still see you???
    The lightning round forces you to move about the arena so you can't spend the entire match turtling behind cover shields. There's no hiding from Zeus, move or be smited. That's all there is to it.
    Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
    Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
    Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
  • chastity1337chastity1337 Member Posts: 1,608 Arc User
    Died in round 13
    5 players
    PUG yes
    AOY Tactical - level 60 of course, but not as fully developed as some of my other toons who have been with me for years. I have played since Feb 2012, off and on. But I don't like Ground much, I avoid it when I can, and my skills are poor. I always feel like I need three hands just to manage the controls. Put me in any version of Quake or Unreal Tournament and I can hold my own, but STO Ground just befuddles me completely.

    Roughest part for me was that my two usual go-to heavy-hitter abilities seemed to be doing jack SQUAT for damage in the Arena. Both Chroniton Micro-Torpedo Spread MK XIV Epic and Micro Cryonic Warhead MK XIV Epic did piddling little damage. All abilities were very slow to activate. The only thing that seemed to work promptly and reliably was primary fire.
  • dabelgravedabelgrave Member Posts: 979 Arc User
    risian4 wrote: »
    - What level did you get to?
    - With how many players?
    - Was it a PUG?
    - What was your role/career?
    - We got to level 30 or so.
    - 5
    - Went with one fleet mate, everyone else was a pug.
    - Science Officer

    It took us about 1.5 hours (mostly waiting) to get to level 30, and although the team was good, we decided by that time to stay down when we went down. At this rate, it would take about 5 hours to do the full 100 rounds. Around level 22, I had to go AFK briefly to do some things around the house. When I returned, the team informed me nothing had happened.

    Other than the wait, I did find it enjoyable. Make sure to take lots of hypos. 100 is decent, 200 is better. Also bring a TR-116 or remodulator to use with the Borg. I'm not sure what to use against Vaadwaur or Tzenkethi since even my Boolean seemed to barely scratch them.

    Since it takes so long, there should be notices when it's safe to take an intermission, and for how long. Even a simple "Next round in... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1..." would be an improvement.
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  • neomodiousneomodious Member Posts: 428 Arc User
    I'm wondering how well those passive kit modules would do well here. Particularly the Engie ones with passive group healing. It's really frustrating how long it takes to set up fabrications and see EVERYTHING wiped out in one shot...​​
  • arabaturarabatur Member Posts: 410 Arc User
    I got my voucher and left, there is was no need to do anymore than that.
    Definitely not an Arc User.
  • nikephorusnikephorus Member Posts: 2,744 Arc User
    That's crappy of you to abandon your team.
  • warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    Today's run was faster than yesterdays. Made it to the mid-20s before team wipe, prolly from some lighting or whatever. Still a bit of wait at a few points but not always, and never the 5-10min of yesterday.

    Unfortunately, I didn't remember what time I did it yesterday so my token was apparently still on CD I have to run it again later. Why doesn't it show up in the view cooldowns menu like other event tokens?
  • arabaturarabatur Member Posts: 410 Arc User
    nikephorus wrote: »
    That's crappy of you to abandon your team.

    No, it's crappy of you to jump to conclusions. We all voluntarily wiped because the event is broken. And it was a PUG that started 1 man down before round 1 was finished, so who really cares?
    Definitely not an Arc User.
  • nikephorusnikephorus Member Posts: 2,744 Arc User
    I wasn't jumping to conclusions you didn't say the team voluntarily wiped. You said you got your voucher and left. In any event there's no need to get all defensive.
  • questeriusquesterius Member Posts: 8,626 Arc User
    patrickngo wrote: »
    questerius wrote: »
    patrickngo wrote: »
    felisean wrote: »
    We reached around wave 112 or so in our first try with one lost in wave 60 through disconnect and for the second run we decided to wipe after wave 151, got already late there.

    Here is a summary of tips and hints how wo did the mission >>click me<<

    For the lag issue between the rounds, it seems that chroniton mines (and i guess other mines too) maybe some of the fabrications too are causing the lags. In the first run we had an engineer with us and we had several heavy breaks there, second run without eng was smooth beside sometimes 20-30 seconds between the waves, but that was already in some patchnotes:)

    so per the recommendation: Do NOT TAKE AN ENGINEER-you'll be punishing your whole team.

    Useless fellows those engineers, all they do is pull aggro, heal the team and kill everything in sight. Absolutely useless.
    When i see i have a PUG with a full tac team i know it will be a **** run.

    it's the enforced wait-time. someone else noted it and an experiment confirms-if you use the engineering powers relating to any of those roles you've listed, you end up adding to the wait-time between waves signficantly. in the case of my last run, (and first run, won't be doing it with my Fed fleet since my only toon there is an engie) it took 20 minutes to get 4 waves of NPCs. all the active combat (all 4 waves)only lasted (added together, mind you, as in total time) about a minute.

    for a grand total of sixty marks.

    most of that was waiting for unused mines and turrets to despawn and buff abilities to go INTO cooldown.

    the majority of players that have claimed to had successful runs, were either not using engineers, or didn't use Engineer powers and abilities. (IOW didn't fabricate NOTHING). I'd suspect a poll would show the best runs had NO engineers and were exclusively Tac-focused runs with five Tacticals running melee or twitch setups.

    I use turrets, mortars and med gens and have not experienced any lag or delays.
    One thing which i noticed increased lag was the solar gateway.

    My best runs have been on my engineers with runs of 50+ waves.
    The absolute worst were on tactical. Off course i only PUG and i could have been unlucky, but by the same account premades are not representative either.
    This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
  • shockwave85shockwave85 Member Posts: 1,040 Arc User
    Level 10 I think
    5 people

    I died once early on because I got stuck on some geometry and couldn't roll out of a Thalaron mine, then was on fire and being flanked. Got my TRIBBLE together after that. Spent a lot of time rezing my team as they were frequently dead. People avoid ground combat in this game, so it's no surprise they're bad at it. Finally hit a wave of Vaadwaur, and was getting chain weapon disabled, couldn't do much at that point. By the time I got my guns back, my team was dead, I was almost dead, and my Timeline Stabilizer was on CD from saving us from a previous near-wipe. Can only do so much.

    I think I'm going to try my MACO armor for the shield heal to see if I can stay alive longer. I have Doffed Rally Cry as well, but that's about the extent to which my Tac can heal others. Didn't realize my first time through that I had my Mk IV gold shotgun with me, which would've been handy for the Borg. Need to make use of that as well.
  • k20vteck20vtec Member Posts: 535 Arc User
    5 player.

    My eng main I play with is designed to use fabrication, mine and other eng abilities.... to avoid delaying the waiting I have to use universal modules I barely use before.

    Speaking of which, the command module Coordinated Bombing seem to be bugged for me, its not doing any damage. Or is it me that sucked?
    Hast thou not gone against sincerity
    Hast thou not felt ashamed of thy words and deeds
    Hast thou not lacked vigor
    Hast thou exerted all possible efforts
    Hast thou not become slothful
  • sheldonlcoopersheldonlcooper Member Posts: 4,042 Arc User
    Ok, after a nightmare of 40 something rounds yesterday which took 2 hours, I played 2 rounds today fast and bugfree.

    It's the chroniton mines. Do not use them unless you like to wait 10 minutes between rounds. Today I used an engineer with 2 different turrets without any problem.

    When it plays properly it's really fantastic. I can not praise cryptic enough for this. So much fun.
    Captain Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, it's all ancient history. Then - before you can blink an eye - suddenly it threatens to start all over again."

    "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."

  • risian4risian4 Member Posts: 3,711 Arc User
    Wait what? I haven't played this on my engineer yet, but we can't use our mines or fabrications?

    Guess I'll continue doing it on my Sci then... and hope for more all-tac teams :p

  • questeriusquesterius Member Posts: 8,626 Arc User
    risian4 wrote: »
    Wait what? I haven't played this on my engineer yet, but we can't use our mines or fabrications?

    Guess I'll continue doing it on my Sci then... and hope for more all-tac teams :p

    We can use them, but the scuttlebutt is the chroniton mines cause delays
    This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
  • risian4risian4 Member Posts: 3,711 Arc User
    :/ That's the most important thing in my Engineers' build.
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