They will censor "blood and violence" in a harmless MMO like STO, yet they won't censor idiotic reality shows where X can be seen making it out with Y on TV, while your kids are watching... Welcome to the 21st Century of Homo Sapiens Cretinus.
The thing is, those TV shows are normally rated PG-13 and you can even show R rated stuff after a certain time on certain channels. The thing is, it's a rating, not censoring. It's there so a parent can look at the rating and then decide whether their kid should be able to watch it or not. It's not the rating committee's fault, or anyone else's, if a parent let's their kid watch that stuff. It's the parent's for not checking the rating or previewing it before letting their child watch it. In my house, until my daughter goes upstairs to take a bath, only certain things are allowed to be on the TV.
It's really the same with games. I know some parents who will buy their 8-10 year old kids games rated M without even looking at it or knowing a damn thing about it. Like say, GTAV. I won't play that game at all while my daughter is around, much less let her play it.
In short, it's not the networks fault for not censoring stuff kids shouldn't see. That's up to the parents.
Well, growing up....I saw r rated movies, watched animes (which make some r rated movies look tame in comparison), played violent games, listened to music with 'explicit lyrics' and played with toy guns that actually looked like guns.....and I've yet to blow up shopping malls, I never machine gunned school, and so on. The idea that it's gonna make someone guy crazy is baloney.
All true, but my daughter is 6. Don't want her having nightmares. When she's a little older and we've talked to her about stuff, that's a different story. Actually, really, now that she is 6(almost 7 really), we've relaxed quite a bit what we will and won't do around her. I still think a game like GTAV is a bit much, mainly due to all the cursing involved. Also things like The Walking Dead, would likely still give her nightmares.
The point was still that it's not the game maker's or the TV Networks job to stop your kids from seeing stuff. It's just their job to let you know what the ratings are so you can make the decision yourself. If you want to let your kids watch R Rated stuff and play M Rated games, that's fine, that's entirely up to you, it's your choice.
I miss the days one did not have to whip out an ID to buy game and's annoying as hell when some old ratbag at the checkout lane wants me ID so I can buy this.....ugh, god I miss the early 1990's. Hope prats like Lieberman and Tipper Gore do the world a favor and leap, head first, into a wood chipper
one day.
They will censor "blood and violence" in a harmless MMO like STO, yet they won't censor idiotic reality shows where X can be seen making it out with Y on TV, while your kids are watching... Welcome to the 21st Century of Homo Sapiens Cretinus.
The thing is, those TV shows are normally rated PG-13 and you can even show R rated stuff after a certain time on certain channels. The thing is, it's a rating, not censoring. It's there so a parent can look at the rating and then decide whether their kid should be able to watch it or not. It's not the rating committee's fault, or anyone else's, if a parent let's their kid watch that stuff. It's the parent's for not checking the rating or previewing it before letting their child watch it. In my house, until my daughter goes upstairs to take a bath, only certain things are allowed to be on the TV.
It's really the same with games. I know some parents who will buy their 8-10 year old kids games rated M without even looking at it or knowing a damn thing about it. Like say, GTAV. I won't play that game at all while my daughter is around, much less let her play it.
In short, it's not the networks fault for not censoring stuff kids shouldn't see. That's up to the parents.
Well, growing up....I saw r rated movies, watched animes (which make some r rated movies look tame in comparison), played violent games, listened to music with 'explicit lyrics' and played with toy guns that actually looked like guns.....and I've yet to blow up shopping malls, I never machine gunned school, and so on. The idea that it's gonna make someone guy crazy is baloney.
They don't call them "parental advisory" warnings for nothing. They're designed to do exactly what you are using them for, to inform parents of more explicit or adult content in various forms of entertainment. So few parents actually pay any attention to them, and I doubt most even realize that games have these "ratings", since they think video games are for kids (it's the same mentality that most "adults" apply to comic books - which is why comics are pretty much ignored by adults in the U.S., while in Japan it's common to see men in business suits reading manga and comics in public - but that's a whole 'nother rant)
I've got a friend who allows his kids to play "M" rated games and watch most "R" rated films. But usually he's right there with them watching or playing the content, so that he can answer any questions that they might have about things that come up, or explain to them the nature of entertainment and the difference between fantasy and reality. He's got a 9 year old that he's raised this way, but he's also got two older kids in their 20's that are some of the most well adjusted, honest and kind people I know. Mainly because he did his best to remove the cultural stigma that surrounds sex and nudity - and even violence as escapism - in western culture, mainly in the U.S.
But as to the OP's question - to get back on topic - I can't really recall much blood, but the "violence" is extremely prevalent in STO. I believe it was in the recent Livestream where one of the developers mentions jokingly that there's more violence in some of the story arcs in STO than in all of the Star Trek shows and movies combined. (I'm paraphrasing). It may be "sci-fi violence" but it's still violence, hence the rating.
That's cause people in Japan are not ROCK STUPID. I mean look at, for example the Dragon Ball by kids and adults in Japan. Look at the infamous censorships Dragon Ball had since showing up in the US in the 1990's......same with Voltron and Go! Lion. As a little kid, I felt me intelligence being totally insulted.
Me in 1985 watching Voltron: Fruit juice? That's wine or whisky he's drinking...that's a wine glass and that's a booze bottle! Stun gun? That blast hit him right in the heart, got goodness sake? Badly hurt? Sven' took a sword, a BIG sword, into the back and chest......HE'S DEAD, you idiots!
And even the poor editing I would notice confirmed all that, just in the pilot episode alone. Hell, when Nanny got shot in the heart in a latter episode....the kids would not be scared or horrified....they'd be CHEERING to see that old bat get blasted. How many of us can recall wanting to see Daniel and Wheelie get killed in the original Transformers?
Violence or boobies on cartoons, video games and films is NOT going to make your kids become Jack the Ripper, folks....and don't make the rest of us suffer if your kid IS in fact stupid.
Any video game developer that has had to deal with the game ratings people will tell you that they are incredibly pedantic, incredibly inconsistent, and predictably unreasonable with their findings.
Like any agency, it's never just one shadowy cabal of people who pass down judgement to all games simultaneously, it really depends on who you get assigned to your project. Sometimes they're easy to work with, and sometimes they're not.
The cannibal tribble biting you when you pet it and leaving the "Bleed" effect could be construed as "Blood", similarly the "Bite" attack for Gorn and other animals that attack you with claws and teeth and leave a bleed Damage over Time effect.
Then there's Bloodwine, the Bloodwine fountain on KDF starbases, and in First City. There's the blood you come across in some of the missions as environmental detail.
It's not exactly a horror movie slashfest, but then again those games typically have higher ratings than Teen, and consist of more than just "Blood and Violence".
But that's what the agency is there for, it's to look for reasons to censor your game. It's not there to be your friend, or to be reasonable. If I was pedantic enough, I could probably go through the game and find instances where there are way more offensive things that shouldn't be in a Teen-rated game. You see people like that on the forums every once in a while.
The House Pegh nontroversy was one of them.
Yes. all the 'agencies' especially alphabet agencies are not for our benefit, never has been.
What was in House of Pegh that got some folks pissed off, if I might ask?
that kind of censorship in Yu-Gi-Oh! always irked me too...some of it is understandable, like removing religious references in various cards (even though pretty much the entire show was based off another religion and even had some of that religion's gods in card form; i guess they figured no parent was going to TRIBBLE overly much about a religion no longer being widely practiced) but some of them were just plain stupid, like censoring certain attacks with glowy bits or even cutting them out entirely
A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"
"It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch." "We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more makes you poor!"
Passion and Serenity are one.
I gain power by understanding both.
In the chaos of their battle, I bring order.
I am a shadow, darkness born from light.
The Force is united within me.
that kind of censorship in Yu-Gi-Oh! always irked me too...some of it is understandable, like removing religious references in various cards (even though pretty much the entire show was based off another religion and even had some of that religion's gods in card form; i guess they figured no parent was going to **** overly much about a religion no longer being widely practiced) but some of them were just plain stupid, like censoring certain attacks with glowy bits or even cutting them out entirely
Keep the religious references....if the 'god squad' or the 'jesus freaks' get pissed....TOO BAD....they complain and TRIBBLE about everything.
removing guns, or calling booze 'fruit juice' is just as bad. Like I mentioned in Dragon Ball.....the politicians, censors, parent groups and religious groups think everyone's a smegging idiot.
oh, that was another bit of censoring that irritated me...removing the guns from the two pegasus goons who came after kiaba in episode 8 and from bandit keith's hand when he threatened pegasus in episode 32...they didn't even do a good job of it; the hands were still in the same positions they'd be if they were actually holding a gun, so the end result was fingers being pointed at the characters in question the same way kids do when they're miming holding a gun
A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"
"It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch." "We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more makes you poor!"
Passion and Serenity are one.
I gain power by understanding both.
In the chaos of their battle, I bring order.
I am a shadow, darkness born from light.
The Force is united within me.
They will censor "blood and violence" in a harmless MMO like STO, yet they won't censor idiotic reality shows where X can be seen making it out with Y on TV, while your kids are watching... Welcome to the 21st Century of Homo Sapiens Cretinus.
The thing is, those TV shows are normally rated PG-13 and you can even show R rated stuff after a certain time on certain channels. The thing is, it's a rating, not censoring. It's there so a parent can look at the rating and then decide whether their kid should be able to watch it or not. It's not the rating committee's fault, or anyone else's, if a parent let's their kid watch that stuff. It's the parent's for not checking the rating or previewing it before letting their child watch it. In my house, until my daughter goes upstairs to take a bath, only certain things are allowed to be on the TV.
It's really the same with games. I know some parents who will buy their 8-10 year old kids games rated M without even looking at it or knowing a damn thing about it. Like say, GTAV. I won't play that game at all while my daughter is around, much less let her play it.
In short, it's not the networks fault for not censoring stuff kids shouldn't see. That's up to the parents.
Well, growing up....I saw r rated movies, watched animes (which make some r rated movies look tame in comparison), played violent games, listened to music with 'explicit lyrics' and played with toy guns that actually looked like guns.....and I've yet to blow up shopping malls, I never machine gunned school, and so on. The idea that it's gonna make someone guy crazy is baloney.
They don't call them "parental advisory" warnings for nothing. They're designed to do exactly what you are using them for, to inform parents of more explicit or adult content in various forms of entertainment. So few parents actually pay any attention to them, and I doubt most even realize that games have these "ratings", since they think video games are for kids (it's the same mentality that most "adults" apply to comic books - which is why comics are pretty much ignored by adults in the U.S., while in Japan it's common to see men in business suits reading manga and comics in public - but that's a whole 'nother rant)
I've got a friend who allows his kids to play "M" rated games and watch most "R" rated films. But usually he's right there with them watching or playing the content, so that he can answer any questions that they might have about things that come up, or explain to them the nature of entertainment and the difference between fantasy and reality. He's got a 9 year old that he's raised this way, but he's also got two older kids in their 20's that are some of the most well adjusted, honest and kind people I know. Mainly because he did his best to remove the cultural stigma that surrounds sex and nudity - and even violence as escapism - in western culture, mainly in the U.S.
But as to the OP's question - to get back on topic - I can't really recall much blood, but the "violence" is extremely prevalent in STO. I believe it was in the recent Livestream where one of the developers mentions jokingly that there's more violence in some of the story arcs in STO than in all of the Star Trek shows and movies combined. (I'm paraphrasing). It may be "sci-fi violence" but it's still violence, hence the rating.
That's cause people in Japan are not ROCK STUPID. I mean look at, for example the Dragon Ball by kids and adults in Japan. Look at the infamous censorships Dragon Ball had since showing up in the US in the 1990's......same with Voltron and Go! Lion. As a little kid, I felt me intelligence being totally insulted.
Me in 1985 watching Voltron: Fruit juice? That's wine or whisky he's drinking...that's a wine glass and that's a booze bottle! Stun gun? That blast hit him right in the heart, got goodness sake? Badly hurt? Sven' took a sword, a BIG sword, into the back and chest......HE'S DEAD, you idiots!
And even the poor editing I would notice confirmed all that, just in the pilot episode alone. Hell, when Nanny got shot in the heart in a latter episode....the kids would not be scared or horrified....they'd be CHEERING to see that old bat get blasted. How many of us can recall wanting to see Daniel and Wheelie get killed in the original Transformers?
Violence or boobies on cartoons, video games and films is NOT going to make your kids become Jack the Ripper, folks....and don't make the rest of us suffer if your kid IS in fact stupid.
It totally is fruit juice! Ok, maybe it's been fermented but it's still fruit juice! And Sven SAID there's a cure on a nearby planet, they sent him there! It was a stasis pod to keep him alive for the journey, it just LOOKED like a coffin! He didn't come back for REASONS! If he was dead, how could he tell them to send him away, huh? Answer me that one! So nyah! And... all those robot duplicates really blew up, how could you be so callous to machine lives by pretending they were actually fleshy meatbags instead. I remember when they blew up the ship with the visiting royalty's robot duplicates on it, it was so sad! Those poor robot duplicates that were there for no good reason and weren't mentioned until right after they exploded, what a stunning plot twist that was that blew my young mind! :P
And somehow, "Sven" came back, and he was several inches when he and Lothor fell from that tower....they said they hit water.....there's no water on Daibazaal's planet....just some lava pits...and you don't wanna land in those.
STO is rated T for blood and violence. Where is the blood they are referring to?
There is some obscure violence and gruesomeness here and there in STO. Like Borg jars filled with amputated, assimilated Undine body parts including heads were pretty memorable.
The most violence I have seen so far involved the Bluegill. Aside from them exploding in showers of blue goop, and chunk-lets, watching a guys chest cavity explode and than seeing one of the creatures grow out of his ruptured hollowed out insides is pretty worth the T rating I think.
They will censor "blood and violence" in a harmless MMO like STO, yet they won't censor idiotic reality shows where X can be seen making it out with Y on TV, while your kids are watching... Welcome to the 21st Century of Homo Sapiens Cretinus.
The thing is, those TV shows are normally rated PG-13 and you can even show R rated stuff after a certain time on certain channels. The thing is, it's a rating, not censoring. It's there so a parent can look at the rating and then decide whether their kid should be able to watch it or not. It's not the rating committee's fault, or anyone else's, if a parent let's their kid watch that stuff. It's the parent's for not checking the rating or previewing it before letting their child watch it. In my house, until my daughter goes upstairs to take a bath, only certain things are allowed to be on the TV.
It's really the same with games. I know some parents who will buy their 8-10 year old kids games rated M without even looking at it or knowing a damn thing about it. Like say, GTAV. I won't play that game at all while my daughter is around, much less let her play it.
In short, it's not the networks fault for not censoring stuff kids shouldn't see. That's up to the parents.
Well, growing up....I saw r rated movies, watched animes (which make some r rated movies look tame in comparison), played violent games, listened to music with 'explicit lyrics' and played with toy guns that actually looked like guns.....and I've yet to blow up shopping malls, I never machine gunned school, and so on. The idea that it's gonna make someone guy crazy is baloney.
They don't call them "parental advisory" warnings for nothing. They're designed to do exactly what you are using them for, to inform parents of more explicit or adult content in various forms of entertainment. So few parents actually pay any attention to them, and I doubt most even realize that games have these "ratings", since they think video games are for kids (it's the same mentality that most "adults" apply to comic books - which is why comics are pretty much ignored by adults in the U.S., while in Japan it's common to see men in business suits reading manga and comics in public - but that's a whole 'nother rant)
I've got a friend who allows his kids to play "M" rated games and watch most "R" rated films. But usually he's right there with them watching or playing the content, so that he can answer any questions that they might have about things that come up, or explain to them the nature of entertainment and the difference between fantasy and reality. He's got a 9 year old that he's raised this way, but he's also got two older kids in their 20's that are some of the most well adjusted, honest and kind people I know. Mainly because he did his best to remove the cultural stigma that surrounds sex and nudity - and even violence as escapism - in western culture, mainly in the U.S.
But as to the OP's question - to get back on topic - I can't really recall much blood, but the "violence" is extremely prevalent in STO. I believe it was in the recent Livestream where one of the developers mentions jokingly that there's more violence in some of the story arcs in STO than in all of the Star Trek shows and movies combined. (I'm paraphrasing). It may be "sci-fi violence" but it's still violence, hence the rating.
That's cause people in Japan are not ROCK STUPID. I mean look at, for example the Dragon Ball by kids and adults in Japan. Look at the infamous censorships Dragon Ball had since showing up in the US in the 1990's......same with Voltron and Go! Lion. As a little kid, I felt me intelligence being totally insulted.
Although I do have to say english Dragon Ball Z villains lame threats to "send you into another dimension" were ironically more accurate than just saying "kill," considering the afterlife in the series was usually more a short holiday than a final destination.
They will censor "blood and violence" in a harmless MMO like STO, yet they won't censor idiotic reality shows where X can be seen making it out with Y on TV, while your kids are watching... Welcome to the 21st Century of Homo Sapiens Cretinus.
The thing is, those TV shows are normally rated PG-13 and you can even show R rated stuff after a certain time on certain channels. The thing is, it's a rating, not censoring. It's there so a parent can look at the rating and then decide whether their kid should be able to watch it or not. It's not the rating committee's fault, or anyone else's, if a parent let's their kid watch that stuff. It's the parent's for not checking the rating or previewing it before letting their child watch it. In my house, until my daughter goes upstairs to take a bath, only certain things are allowed to be on the TV.
It's really the same with games. I know some parents who will buy their 8-10 year old kids games rated M without even looking at it or knowing a damn thing about it. Like say, GTAV. I won't play that game at all while my daughter is around, much less let her play it.
In short, it's not the networks fault for not censoring stuff kids shouldn't see. That's up to the parents.
Well, growing up....I saw r rated movies, watched animes (which make some r rated movies look tame in comparison), played violent games, listened to music with 'explicit lyrics' and played with toy guns that actually looked like guns.....and I've yet to blow up shopping malls, I never machine gunned school, and so on. The idea that it's gonna make someone guy crazy is baloney.
When I was a kid, my dad was buying me violent games for the computer to see if he'd like it.
Dad: So, what happened?
Me: I got to shoot TRIBBLE in the face! And then Hitler attacked me in a big robot suit, but when I killed him....HE MELTED! IT WAS THE BESTEST GAME EVER!
Dad: Alright, I'll pick that one up for myself next time. How about the other one?
Me: It was...okay. Mostly racing around running people over, but then cops show up and kill you really easy. There's missions to do, but they can be hard with the slow controls. And aiming sucks. The most fun is running on the sidewalk and running people over. Oh! The music changes based on what car you steal! That was cool. Just wish the camera was a little higher to start with.
Dad: Ahh, I'll give that one a pass then.
EDIT: Huh. National Socialist German Workers' Party is a censored word? O.o
They will censor "blood and violence" in a harmless MMO like STO, yet they won't censor idiotic reality shows where X can be seen making it out with Y on TV, while your kids are watching... Welcome to the 21st Century of Homo Sapiens Cretinus.
The thing is, those TV shows are normally rated PG-13 and you can even show R rated stuff after a certain time on certain channels. The thing is, it's a rating, not censoring. It's there so a parent can look at the rating and then decide whether their kid should be able to watch it or not. It's not the rating committee's fault, or anyone else's, if a parent let's their kid watch that stuff. It's the parent's for not checking the rating or previewing it before letting their child watch it. In my house, until my daughter goes upstairs to take a bath, only certain things are allowed to be on the TV.
It's really the same with games. I know some parents who will buy their 8-10 year old kids games rated M without even looking at it or knowing a damn thing about it. Like say, GTAV. I won't play that game at all while my daughter is around, much less let her play it.
In short, it's not the networks fault for not censoring stuff kids shouldn't see. That's up to the parents.
Well, growing up....I saw r rated movies, watched animes (which make some r rated movies look tame in comparison), played violent games, listened to music with 'explicit lyrics' and played with toy guns that actually looked like guns.....and I've yet to blow up shopping malls, I never machine gunned school, and so on. The idea that it's gonna make someone guy crazy is baloney.
When I was a kid, my dad was buying me violent games for the computer to see if he'd like it.
Dad: So, what happened?
Me: I got to shoot **** in the face! And then Hitler attacked me in a big robot suit, but when I killed him....HE MELTED! IT WAS THE BESTEST GAME EVER!
Dad: Alright, I'll pick that one up for myself next time. How about the other one?
Me: It was...okay. Mostly racing around running people over, but then cops show up and kill you really easy. There's missions to do, but they can be hard with the slow controls. And aiming sucks. The most fun is running on the sidewalk and running people over. Oh! The music changes based on what car you steal! That was cool. Just wish the camera was a little higher to start with.
Dad: Ahh, I'll give that one a pass then.
EDIT: Huh. National Socialist German Workers' Party is a censored word? O.o
In Germany, pretty much anything remotely TRIBBLE related is pretty much banned.
As for blood....Runescape has more blood in it in, some of the melee moves you can do results in big splashes of blood, as if you hit a major artery or something....
Tbh op i rather like the lack of gore in STO afterall how much gore did you see in star trek?
Every time Shatner walked on shot and tried to act.
Ouch. Though I have to say the same thing about Paris in Voyager. I know a lot of people like him, and I don't really hate him either. There is just something about him that makes me want to punch him in the face though. Can't stand him and can't really explain why either.
that kind of censorship in Yu-Gi-Oh! always irked me too...some of it is understandable, like removing religious references in various cards (even though pretty much the entire show was based off another religion and even had some of that religion's gods in card form; i guess they figured no parent was going to **** overly much about a religion no longer being widely practiced) but some of them were just plain stupid, like censoring certain attacks with glowy bits or even cutting them out entirely
Keep the religious references....if the 'god squad' or the 'jesus freaks' get pissed....TOO BAD....they complain and **** about everything.
removing guns, or calling booze 'fruit juice' is just as bad. Like I mentioned in Dragon Ball.....the politicians, censors, parent groups and religious groups think everyone's a smegging idiot.
It's hard to guess what if anything they were actually thinking. *points to avatar* the Japanese version has horns and white cross shaped markings. The English version does not..... yet has a name describing it as a fallen angel...
Another example is Call of the Haunted. some of the gravestones were cross shaped in the original.... much like real gravestones.
Doesn't make sense from a perspective of "respecting" religion. seems more like someone lost their mind trying to be PC....
EVERY instance of a gravestone that bore a cross in the japanses version of the card was changed to another shape for the english version, not just call of the haunted
also, that card doesn't have that name anymore; the card's new name is Darklord Marie, since the card was always supposed to be part of the Darklord archetype
A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"
"It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch." "We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more makes you poor!"
Passion and Serenity are one.
I gain power by understanding both.
In the chaos of their battle, I bring order.
I am a shadow, darkness born from light.
The Force is united within me.
I miss the days one did not have to whip out an ID to buy game and's annoying as hell when some old ratbag at the checkout lane wants me ID so I can buy this.....ugh, god I miss the early 1990's. Hope prats like Lieberman and Tipper Gore do the world a favor and leap, head first, into a wood chipper
one day.
That's cause people in Japan are not ROCK STUPID. I mean look at, for example the Dragon Ball by kids and adults in Japan. Look at the infamous censorships Dragon Ball had since showing up in the US in the 1990's......same with Voltron and Go! Lion. As a little kid, I felt me intelligence being totally insulted.
Me in 1985 watching Voltron: Fruit juice? That's wine or whisky he's drinking...that's a wine glass and that's a booze bottle! Stun gun? That blast hit him right in the heart, got goodness sake? Badly hurt? Sven' took a sword, a BIG sword, into the back and chest......HE'S DEAD, you idiots!
And even the poor editing I would notice confirmed all that, just in the pilot episode alone. Hell, when Nanny got shot in the heart in a latter episode....the kids would not be scared or horrified....they'd be CHEERING to see that old bat get blasted. How many of us can recall wanting to see Daniel and Wheelie get killed in the original Transformers?
Violence or boobies on cartoons, video games and films is NOT going to make your kids become Jack the Ripper, folks....and don't make the rest of us suffer if your kid IS in fact stupid.
Yes. all the 'agencies' especially alphabet agencies are not for our benefit, never has been.
What was in House of Pegh that got some folks pissed off, if I might ask?
A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"
"It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch."
"We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more makes you poor!"
Keep the religious references....if the 'god squad' or the 'jesus freaks' get pissed....TOO BAD....they complain and TRIBBLE about everything.
removing guns, or calling booze 'fruit juice' is just as bad. Like I mentioned in Dragon Ball.....the politicians, censors, parent groups and religious groups think everyone's a smegging idiot.
A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"
"It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch."
"We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more makes you poor!"
And somehow, "Sven" came back, and he was several inches when he and Lothor fell from that tower....they said they hit water.....there's no water on Daibazaal's planet....just some lava pits...and you don't wanna land in those.
Censors think the viewers are smeggin' idiots, I tell you. <
TOTALLY different story.
There is some obscure violence and gruesomeness here and there in STO. Like Borg jars filled with amputated, assimilated Undine body parts including heads were pretty memorable.
The most violence I have seen so far involved the Bluegill. Aside from them exploding in showers of blue goop, and chunk-lets, watching a guys chest cavity explode and than seeing one of the creatures grow out of his ruptured hollowed out insides is pretty worth the T rating I think.
Although I do have to say english Dragon Ball Z villains lame threats to "send you into another dimension" were ironically more accurate than just saying "kill," considering the afterlife in the series was usually more a short holiday than a final destination.
When I was a kid, my dad was buying me violent games for the computer to see if he'd like it.
Dad: So, what happened?
Me: I got to shoot TRIBBLE in the face! And then Hitler attacked me in a big robot suit, but when I killed him....HE MELTED! IT WAS THE BESTEST GAME EVER!
Dad: Alright, I'll pick that one up for myself next time. How about the other one?
Me: It was...okay. Mostly racing around running people over, but then cops show up and kill you really easy. There's missions to do, but they can be hard with the slow controls. And aiming sucks. The most fun is running on the sidewalk and running people over. Oh! The music changes based on what car you steal! That was cool. Just wish the camera was a little higher to start with.
Dad: Ahh, I'll give that one a pass then.
EDIT: Huh. National Socialist German Workers' Party is a censored word? O.o
In Germany, pretty much anything remotely TRIBBLE related is pretty much banned.
As for blood....Runescape has more blood in it in, some of the melee moves you can do results in big splashes of blood, as if you hit a major artery or something....
~face palm~
and imo i tire of all the gore in gaming of late.
Ouch. Though I have to say the same thing about Paris in Voyager. I know a lot of people like him, and I don't really hate him either. There is just something about him that makes me want to punch him in the face though. Can't stand him and can't really explain why either.
Another example is Call of the Haunted. some of the gravestones were cross shaped in the original.... much like real gravestones.
Doesn't make sense from a perspective of "respecting" religion. seems more like someone lost their mind trying to be PC....
My character Tsin'xing
also, that card doesn't have that name anymore; the card's new name is Darklord Marie, since the card was always supposed to be part of the Darklord archetype
A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"
"It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch."
"We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more makes you poor!"