This is good confirmation that this krenim lab sci console isn't a typo. I've seen duplicates or omissions at fleet holdings before, and thought it was bugged still as there's no equivalent for EPG which in fairness should exist.
Sad to hear about the hot restart making control builds worthless. I've toyed with those a bit only to be completely disappointed every time because of the endless focus on AoE-everything making team fire break fragile disables. I didn't even bother going 2/2 in the spec tree for this ability, but I kind of regret it now as 2/3 in shield hardness doesn't seem useful considering all the shield penetrating damage going on to the point I even see my sci dread instantly down to 50% hull with full shields out of nowhere, but the graviton is worth 2/2 and 1/3 shield hardness doesn't seem bad as a tradeoff for non-minmaxers.
I hear that, Alcyon. The lack of an [EPG]x2 is very sad, given that [DrainX]x2 and [CtrlX]x2 are both available. As one who worships at the altar of the Demon Goddess EPG, I feel the lack most acutely. It's almost like blasphemy!
500-550 EPG is doable, with expenditure of enough EC/Dil/Zen/Marks, but 700 ain't happening.
The reason that the Research Lab sells [DrainX]x2 consoles is due to the skill revamp. Previously, there were [Flow] [Ins] consoles available, that boosted Flow Capacitors and Power Insulators. The skill revamp changed every source of Flow Capacitors and Power Insulators to be Drain Expertise; those consoles were no exception. Because there was only one stat, Particle Generators, that was changed (renamed, essentially) to Exotic Particle Generators, there was not a chance for an [EPG]x2 console; and no consoles were available with two modifiers that got converted to [CtrlX], so there are no [CtrlX]x2.
If the Research Lab console store was being built today, it is safe to state that there would be no [DrainX]x2 consoles, nor [CtrlX]x2 nor [EPG]x2. However, that is the conversion that we decided upon in the skill revamp, those are the consoles that players bought, and so the [DrainX]x2 consoles that exist will remain and continue to be available in the store.
OK, I stand corrected. My bad. Thanks for taking the time to let us know what is the deal. It's always nice to have dev participation in the discussion.
Appreciate the explanation. Guess it's time to shop for some krenim lab consoles.
I also agree that the conventional DPS builds do impact the gameplay, making focused science and tanking pretty much worthless when everything in advanced missions gets obliterated on sight and when dealing damage translates into self-healing. I'm also seeing a lot of invulnerable NPCs and endless swarms of NPCs that warp in without any real explanation, making STFs feel so much more staged as opposed to having a set mission parameter to progress through.
Hey there @crypticspartan#0627
Maybe when ya'll is bored or something take another look at the shield refrequencer consoles. Especially since they trigger off of the drain abilities
At least give them the same points value the Sci consoles are getting (37.5 at epic)..Maybe the ability to crit cuz the sci abilities that trigger this console aren't up and dont proc (the proton damage) as often as say...Plasma exploder consoles under much hasted Faw..?
Yes please revisit the Dyson Reputation equipment, it's a good idea but the stats are junk.
They were supposed to synergise with the Dyson Science Destroyers, but the DSD ships were hopelessly worthless, and none of it really worked. I don't think revisiting that is a good idea, or a worthwhile investment of resources. Better to just write it off as a failed experiment and move on.
If the Research Lab console store was being built today, it is safe to state that there would be no [DrainX]x2 consoles, nor [CtrlX]x2 nor [EPG]x2. However, that is the conversion that we decided upon in the skill revamp, those are the consoles that players bought, and so the [DrainX]x2 consoles that exist will remain and continue to be available in the store.
More engines with sci skills!
More shields with sci skills!
More warp cores with sci skills!
We want more!
Joking apart, I don't know why you devs are so worried about sci skills most of which cause no damage, were nerfed to hell long ago AND during the "normalization" that created these consoles, and only 16% of players use when you've let DPS run wild with 100K-500K DPS builds in the game which do have an effect on gameplay.
I'd be willing to bet only about 0.5% or less of players even attempt these crazy build which are pretty much junk in the DPS department.
Want to make the game more interesting? Mix things up more with science. I do like the latest science starship traits by the way, specially the tachy beam drain one. The siphon one is meh and I might stop using it in favor of better things.
People doing 100k+ damage builds, nobody bats an eye.
You want Science builds effective outside of Exotic Damage, PEOPLE LOSE THEIR FREAKIN' MINDS!
I agree the Dyson and proton setups are lacking, especially considering the costs involved in making one.
I have built a T5-U Harpia Dyson Science Destroyer on a Romulan Tac in a completely traditional setup using dilithium store proton weapons with CrtH, proton science consoles, and Dyson reputation set, aiming for both conventional weapon damage (DHC/turret/beam for SST/torp) and exotic damage, and although weapons and some rep pieces are still MK XIV VR they aren't up to par with other science/weapon hybrid builds that cost less and have full flexibility to port onto any science ship.
I agree the Dyson and proton setups are lacking, especially considering the costs involved in making one.
I have built a T5-U Harpia Dyson Science Destroyer on a Romulan Tac in a completely traditional setup using dilithium store proton weapons with CrtH, proton science consoles, and Dyson reputation set, aiming for both conventional weapon damage (DHC/turret/beam for SST/torp) and exotic damage, and although weapons and some rep pieces are still MK XIV VR they aren't up to par with other science/weapon hybrid builds that cost less and have full flexibility to port onto any science ship.
I did something similar with a Caprimul DSD. But...when compared to Plasma exploder or the Research consoles..the Dyson sci consoles are ssadly lacking..
Lucho, props on this and the control thread. I love sci threads like these. And timely too because i'm toying around with my Eternal drain build. I'm going to throw this one out there: what are your thoughts on the Aceton Assimilator? I'm debating if I should add that console in there for more drain fun.
Lucho, props on this and the control thread. I love sci threads like these. And timely too because i'm toying around with my Eternal drain build. I'm going to throw this one out there: what are your thoughts on the Aceton Assimilator? I'm debating if I should add that console in there for more drain fun.
The Aceton Assimilator is very useful, specially after they finally fixed the drain so it scales now. That being said, it's up to you. I don't use it because I need the space for the Voth Palisade drain console which is like an powerful Aceton Assimilator.
This is good confirmation that this krenim lab sci console isn't a typo. I've seen duplicates or omissions at fleet holdings before, and thought it was bugged still as there's no equivalent for EPG which in fairness should exist.
Sad to hear about the hot restart making control builds worthless. I've toyed with those a bit only to be completely disappointed every time because of the endless focus on AoE-everything making team fire break fragile disables. I didn't even bother going 2/2 in the spec tree for this ability, but I kind of regret it now as 2/3 in shield hardness doesn't seem useful considering all the shield penetrating damage going on to the point I even see my sci dread instantly down to 50% hull with full shields out of nowhere, but the graviton is worth 2/2 and 1/3 shield hardness doesn't seem bad as a tradeoff for non-minmaxers.
I hear that, Alcyon. The lack of an [EPG]x2 is very sad, given that [DrainX]x2 and [CtrlX]x2 are both available. As one who worships at the altar of the Demon Goddess EPG, I feel the lack most acutely. It's almost like blasphemy!
500-550 EPG is doable, with expenditure of enough EC/Dil/Zen/Marks, but 700 ain't happening.
I've managed 574 EPG at most at the moment. I reckon a Romulan toon could go higher with the right Singularity Core.
In fact with the Superior Astrophysicist trait from K13 this could got to 584, if i had the resources to buy it.
This is good confirmation that this krenim lab sci console isn't a typo. I've seen duplicates or omissions at fleet holdings before, and thought it was bugged still as there's no equivalent for EPG which in fairness should exist.
Sad to hear about the hot restart making control builds worthless. I've toyed with those a bit only to be completely disappointed every time because of the endless focus on AoE-everything making team fire break fragile disables. I didn't even bother going 2/2 in the spec tree for this ability, but I kind of regret it now as 2/3 in shield hardness doesn't seem useful considering all the shield penetrating damage going on to the point I even see my sci dread instantly down to 50% hull with full shields out of nowhere, but the graviton is worth 2/2 and 1/3 shield hardness doesn't seem bad as a tradeoff for non-minmaxers.
I hear that, Alcyon. The lack of an [EPG]x2 is very sad, given that [DrainX]x2 and [CtrlX]x2 are both available. As one who worships at the altar of the Demon Goddess EPG, I feel the lack most acutely. It's almost like blasphemy!
500-550 EPG is doable, with expenditure of enough EC/Dil/Zen/Marks, but 700 ain't happening.
I've managed 574 EPG at most at the moment. I reckon a Romulan toon could go higher with the right Singularity Core.
In fact with the Superior Astrophysicist trait from K13 this could got to 584, if i had the resources to buy it.
So this is what I was able to come up with..there are specialty consoles that are available only on certain ships for use only on those ships so..I didn't include them..nor And of the Sci captain abilities..just the mostly constant EPG points ..Here goes:
1) Full skill tree for EPG = 100
2) 4 Exotic Particle Focuser [EPG] = 37.5 x 5 = 150
3) Conductive RCS Accelerator [EPG] = 75
4) Solane Deflector = 50
5.) Temporal Operative Spec = 50
6.) TDI Singularity = 40 (Romulan)
7.) Chronometric Capacitor =37.5
8) 23c Science boffs from K-13 = 10 each for a max of 30
9.) Secondary Deflector = 25
10.)Nukara particle converter = 21.7
12.)Disruption Pulse Emitter = 20
13.) New Romulus 2piece = 17.8
14) Superior Astrophysicist = 15
Total =592 - 632
This is good confirmation that this krenim lab sci console isn't a typo. I've seen duplicates or omissions at fleet holdings before, and thought it was bugged still as there's no equivalent for EPG which in fairness should exist.
Sad to hear about the hot restart making control builds worthless. I've toyed with those a bit only to be completely disappointed every time because of the endless focus on AoE-everything making team fire break fragile disables. I didn't even bother going 2/2 in the spec tree for this ability, but I kind of regret it now as 2/3 in shield hardness doesn't seem useful considering all the shield penetrating damage going on to the point I even see my sci dread instantly down to 50% hull with full shields out of nowhere, but the graviton is worth 2/2 and 1/3 shield hardness doesn't seem bad as a tradeoff for non-minmaxers.
I hear that, Alcyon. The lack of an [EPG]x2 is very sad, given that [DrainX]x2 and [CtrlX]x2 are both available. As one who worships at the altar of the Demon Goddess EPG, I feel the lack most acutely. It's almost like blasphemy!
500-550 EPG is doable, with expenditure of enough EC/Dil/Zen/Marks, but 700 ain't happening.
I've managed 574 EPG at most at the moment. I reckon a Romulan toon could go higher with the right Singularity Core.
In fact with the Superior Astrophysicist trait from K13 this could got to 584, if i had the resources to buy it.
So this is what I was able to come up with..there are specialty consoles that are available only on certain ships for use only on those ships so..I didn't include them..nor And of the Sci captain abilities..just the mostly constant EPG points ..Here goes:
1) Full skill tree for EPG = 100
2) 4 Exotic Particle Focuser [EPG] = 37.5 x 5 = 150
3) Conductive RCS Accelerator [EPG] = 75
4) Solane Deflector = 50
5.) Temporal Operative Spec = 50
6.) TDI Singularity = 40 (Romulan)
7.) Chronometric Capacitor =37.5
8) 23c Science boffs from K-13 = 10 each for a max of 30
9.) Secondary Deflector = 25
10.)Nukara particle converter = 21.7
12.)Disruption Pulse Emitter = 20
13.) New Romulus 2piece = 17.8
14) Superior Astrophysicist = 15
Total =592 - 632
EPG is tricky since there are way more items you can put in that what fits in a single ship. With drain and control the console space is just right, but for EPG you really have to decide what goes in and what stays out to maximize it.
Yes please revisit the Dyson Reputation equipment, it's a good idea but the stats are junk.
As discussed in the "polaron down the drain build" thread, the proton consoles and weapons are basically abandon ware, made at a time with different intentions in mind. Simple fixes could have made at least the protonic weapon more valuable (since it is neither fish NO foul, allowing both generic +Cannon and +Beam consoles boost the damage) and allowing partgens to boost the protonic proc, but the damage is weak, the consoles are buggy and the idea of a "proc on proc" sucks. So much potential, wasted in the current meta.
This is good confirmation that this krenim lab sci console isn't a typo. I've seen duplicates or omissions at fleet holdings before, and thought it was bugged still as there's no equivalent for EPG which in fairness should exist.
Sad to hear about the hot restart making control builds worthless. I've toyed with those a bit only to be completely disappointed every time because of the endless focus on AoE-everything making team fire break fragile disables. I didn't even bother going 2/2 in the spec tree for this ability, but I kind of regret it now as 2/3 in shield hardness doesn't seem useful considering all the shield penetrating damage going on to the point I even see my sci dread instantly down to 50% hull with full shields out of nowhere, but the graviton is worth 2/2 and 1/3 shield hardness doesn't seem bad as a tradeoff for non-minmaxers.
I hear that, Alcyon. The lack of an [EPG]x2 is very sad, given that [DrainX]x2 and [CtrlX]x2 are both available. As one who worships at the altar of the Demon Goddess EPG, I feel the lack most acutely. It's almost like blasphemy!
500-550 EPG is doable, with expenditure of enough EC/Dil/Zen/Marks, but 700 ain't happening.
I've managed 574 EPG at most at the moment. I reckon a Romulan toon could go higher with the right Singularity Core.
In fact with the Superior Astrophysicist trait from K13 this could got to 584, if i had the resources to buy it.
So this is what I was able to come up with..there are specialty consoles that are available only on certain ships for use only on those ships so..I didn't include them..nor And of the Sci captain abilities..just the mostly constant EPG points ..Here goes:
1) Full skill tree for EPG = 100
2) 4 Exotic Particle Focuser [EPG] = 37.5 x 5 = 150
3) Conductive RCS Accelerator [EPG] = 75
4) Solane Deflector = 50
5.) Temporal Operative Spec = 50
6.) TDI Singularity = 40 (Romulan)
7.) Chronometric Capacitor =37.5
8) 23c Science boffs from K-13 = 10 each for a max of 30
9.) Secondary Deflector = 25
10.)Nukara particle converter = 21.7
12.)Disruption Pulse Emitter = 20
13.) New Romulus 2piece = 17.8
14) Superior Astrophysicist = 15
Total =592 - 632
Are the definitely boffs from K-13 with EPG boosts though? I could only see those that boost CtrlX and DrainX, maybe i missed them. I would not be suprised though if they don't actually exist as EPG seems to get the short straw in most of these things.
This is good confirmation that this krenim lab sci console isn't a typo. I've seen duplicates or omissions at fleet holdings before, and thought it was bugged still as there's no equivalent for EPG which in fairness should exist.
Sad to hear about the hot restart making control builds worthless. I've toyed with those a bit only to be completely disappointed every time because of the endless focus on AoE-everything making team fire break fragile disables. I didn't even bother going 2/2 in the spec tree for this ability, but I kind of regret it now as 2/3 in shield hardness doesn't seem useful considering all the shield penetrating damage going on to the point I even see my sci dread instantly down to 50% hull with full shields out of nowhere, but the graviton is worth 2/2 and 1/3 shield hardness doesn't seem bad as a tradeoff for non-minmaxers.
I hear that, Alcyon. The lack of an [EPG]x2 is very sad, given that [DrainX]x2 and [CtrlX]x2 are both available. As one who worships at the altar of the Demon Goddess EPG, I feel the lack most acutely. It's almost like blasphemy!
500-550 EPG is doable, with expenditure of enough EC/Dil/Zen/Marks, but 700 ain't happening.
I've managed 574 EPG at most at the moment. I reckon a Romulan toon could go higher with the right Singularity Core.
In fact with the Superior Astrophysicist trait from K13 this could got to 584, if i had the resources to buy it.
So this is what I was able to come up with..there are specialty consoles that are available only on certain ships for use only on those ships so..I didn't include them..nor And of the Sci captain abilities..just the mostly constant EPG points ..Here goes:
1) Full skill tree for EPG = 100
2) 4 Exotic Particle Focuser [EPG] = 37.5 x 5 = 150
3) Conductive RCS Accelerator [EPG] = 75
4) Solane Deflector = 50
5.) Temporal Operative Spec = 50
6.) TDI Singularity = 40 (Romulan)
7.) Chronometric Capacitor =37.5
8) 23c Science boffs from K-13 = 10 each for a max of 30
9.) Secondary Deflector = 25
10.)Nukara particle converter = 21.7
12.)Disruption Pulse Emitter = 20
13.) New Romulus 2piece = 17.8
14) Superior Astrophysicist = 15
Total =592 - 632
Are the definitely boffs from K-13 with EPG boosts though? I could only see those that boost CtrlX and DrainX, maybe i missed them. I would not be suprised though if they don't actually exist as EPG seems to get the short straw in most of these things.
K-13 has to be removed from there. They only do DRAIN and CONTROL.
Oh wow...The Polaron Proc (My estimates) is what..125 @ 800..Dear gawd that all system crippling when it procs on your ship..
I wonder if it'll still work that high in PVP...Tho..If your using all the subsystem drains..getting away much less hurting you must make you seem invincible.
PvP is a mess. You hit someone with every drain in the book, and they still magically keep alive and hull up even if hit hard from the rest of the team. I tend to hit them with target Aux 3 when they're zombies. Take away their science heals and make them use clicky consoles and abilities. Couple of subnukes also helps with pesky zombies. Had fun with Bauklotz the other day.
That's not true at all. As a healer, drainers make tanking much harder. You make it sound like it's easy to tank in PvP now. I assure you it's quite the opposite. Most healers don't bother PvPing anymore because of all the 100% shield penetrating, one-shot damage. So yeah, there's no such thing as a zombie tank in PvP anymore. There hasn't been in a long, long time.
EDIT: On a side note, I do enjoy these types of threads. I'm no drain expert, but I hear you are so this is probably one of the best sources for drain expertise.
Maybe I'll make one on how to maximize healing, not that I'm expecting anyone to make a healer. It'll just be interesting to show off an unusual build to many people.
This is good confirmation that this krenim lab sci console isn't a typo. I've seen duplicates or omissions at fleet holdings before, and thought it was bugged still as there's no equivalent for EPG which in fairness should exist.
Sad to hear about the hot restart making control builds worthless. I've toyed with those a bit only to be completely disappointed every time because of the endless focus on AoE-everything making team fire break fragile disables. I didn't even bother going 2/2 in the spec tree for this ability, but I kind of regret it now as 2/3 in shield hardness doesn't seem useful considering all the shield penetrating damage going on to the point I even see my sci dread instantly down to 50% hull with full shields out of nowhere, but the graviton is worth 2/2 and 1/3 shield hardness doesn't seem bad as a tradeoff for non-minmaxers.
I hear that, Alcyon. The lack of an [EPG]x2 is very sad, given that [DrainX]x2 and [CtrlX]x2 are both available. As one who worships at the altar of the Demon Goddess EPG, I feel the lack most acutely. It's almost like blasphemy!
500-550 EPG is doable, with expenditure of enough EC/Dil/Zen/Marks, but 700 ain't happening.
I've managed 574 EPG at most at the moment. I reckon a Romulan toon could go higher with the right Singularity Core.
In fact with the Superior Astrophysicist trait from K13 this could got to 584, if i had the resources to buy it.
So this is what I was able to come up with..there are specialty consoles that are available only on certain ships for use only on those ships so..I didn't include them..nor And of the Sci captain abilities..just the mostly constant EPG points ..Here goes:
1) Full skill tree for EPG = 100
2) 4 Exotic Particle Focuser [EPG] = 37.5 x 5 = 150
3) Conductive RCS Accelerator [EPG] = 75
4) Solane Deflector = 50
5.) Temporal Operative Spec = 50
6.) TDI Singularity = 40 (Romulan)
7.) Chronometric Capacitor =37.5
8) 23c Science boffs from K-13 = 10 each for a max of 30
9.) Secondary Deflector = 25
10.)Nukara particle converter = 21.7
12.)Disruption Pulse Emitter = 20
13.) New Romulus 2piece = 17.8
14) Superior Astrophysicist = 15
Total =592 - 632
Is the EPG Conductive RCS Accelerator +75 EPG, or was that the EPG Exotic Particle Field Exciter console? I think it's only +37.5 on a Conductive RCS Accelerator.
OK, I stand corrected. My bad. Thanks for taking the time to let us know what is the deal. It's always nice to have dev participation in the discussion.
I also agree that the conventional DPS builds do impact the gameplay, making focused science and tanking pretty much worthless when everything in advanced missions gets obliterated on sight and when dealing damage translates into self-healing. I'm also seeing a lot of invulnerable NPCs and endless swarms of NPCs that warp in without any real explanation, making STFs feel so much more staged as opposed to having a set mission parameter to progress through.
Hey there @crypticspartan#0627
Maybe when ya'll is bored or something take another look at the shield refrequencer consoles. Especially since they trigger off of the drain abilities
At least give them the same points value the Sci consoles are getting (37.5 at epic)..Maybe the ability to crit cuz the sci abilities that trigger this console aren't up and dont proc (the proton damage) as often as say...Plasma exploder consoles under much hasted Faw..?
**Segway ended**
Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.
They were supposed to synergise with the Dyson Science Destroyers, but the DSD ships were hopelessly worthless, and none of it really worked. I don't think revisiting that is a good idea, or a worthwhile investment of resources. Better to just write it off as a failed experiment and move on.
People doing 100k+ damage builds, nobody bats an eye.
You want Science builds effective outside of Exotic Damage, PEOPLE LOSE THEIR FREAKIN' MINDS!
Yes please...Even if you make the entire proton line Exotic..that could help..maybe..
Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.
I have built a T5-U Harpia Dyson Science Destroyer on a Romulan Tac in a completely traditional setup using dilithium store proton weapons with CrtH, proton science consoles, and Dyson reputation set, aiming for both conventional weapon damage (DHC/turret/beam for SST/torp) and exotic damage, and although weapons and some rep pieces are still MK XIV VR they aren't up to par with other science/weapon hybrid builds that cost less and have full flexibility to port onto any science ship.
I did something similar with a Caprimul DSD. But...when compared to Plasma exploder or the Research consoles..the Dyson sci consoles are ssadly lacking..
Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.
Sadly 800 EPG is not a thing...Romulan (EPG sigularity cores) probably get the highest.
Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.
Whoever tackles that it's going to be loopy. The options are pretty high out there for Exotic. It's come a long ways compared to 1 year ago.
The Aceton Assimilator is very useful, specially after they finally fixed the drain so it scales now. That being said, it's up to you. I don't use it because I need the space for the Voth Palisade drain console which is like an powerful Aceton Assimilator.
I've managed 574 EPG at most at the moment. I reckon a Romulan toon could go higher with the right Singularity Core.
In fact with the Superior Astrophysicist trait from K13 this could got to 584, if i had the resources to buy it.
| USS Curiosity - Pathfinder | USS Rift - Eternal |
The Science Ship Build Thread - Share your Sci Ship builds here!
Member Access Denied Armada!
My forum single-issue of rage: Make the Proton Experimental Weapon go for subsystem targetting!
Fine by me. That reminds me, that damn giveaway you guys have going is about to expire (meaning, I have to post my Palisade). Must rush.
So this is what I was able to come up with..there are specialty consoles that are available only on certain ships for use only on those ships so..I didn't include them..nor And of the Sci captain abilities..just the mostly constant EPG points ..Here goes:
1) Full skill tree for EPG = 100
2) 4 Exotic Particle Focuser [EPG] = 37.5 x 5 = 150
3) Conductive RCS Accelerator [EPG] = 75
4) Solane Deflector = 50
5.) Temporal Operative Spec = 50
6.) TDI Singularity = 40 (Romulan)
7.) Chronometric Capacitor =37.5
8) 23c Science boffs from K-13 = 10 each for a max of 30
9.) Secondary Deflector = 25
10.)Nukara particle converter = 21.7
12.)Disruption Pulse Emitter = 20
13.) New Romulus 2piece = 17.8
14) Superior Astrophysicist = 15
Total =592 - 632
1) Inspirational Leader = +10 to +30
2) Fleet science boost = +10
3) Doff assignment crits = +25 per crit
4) QSM = +100
5) EMpA= +10 - 20
• Note=
• Constriction Anchor +23% Exotic Damage
• Delphic Tear +20% Exotic Damage
• Particle Generator Amplifier = 5% Exotic Damage
• Rohki Deflector Doff= 5% Exotic Damage
Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.
EPG is tricky since there are way more items you can put in that what fits in a single ship. With drain and control the console space is just right, but for EPG you really have to decide what goes in and what stays out to maximize it.
As discussed in the "polaron down the drain build" thread, the proton consoles and weapons are basically abandon ware, made at a time with different intentions in mind. Simple fixes could have made at least the protonic weapon more valuable (since it is neither fish NO foul, allowing both generic +Cannon and +Beam consoles boost the damage) and allowing partgens to boost the protonic proc, but the damage is weak, the consoles are buggy and the idea of a "proc on proc" sucks. So much potential, wasted in the current meta.
Are the definitely boffs from K-13 with EPG boosts though? I could only see those that boost CtrlX and DrainX, maybe i missed them. I would not be suprised though if they don't actually exist as EPG seems to get the short straw in most of these things.
K-13 has to be removed from there. They only do DRAIN and CONTROL.
I suspect EPG gets left out because of how damaging it already is. That's why there's not EPGx2 R&D consoles as well, it would just be too much power.
That's not true at all. As a healer, drainers make tanking much harder. You make it sound like it's easy to tank in PvP now. I assure you it's quite the opposite. Most healers don't bother PvPing anymore because of all the 100% shield penetrating, one-shot damage. So yeah, there's no such thing as a zombie tank in PvP anymore. There hasn't been in a long, long time.
EDIT: On a side note, I do enjoy these types of threads. I'm no drain expert, but I hear you are so this is probably one of the best sources for drain expertise.
Maybe I'll make one on how to maximize healing, not that I'm expecting anyone to make a healer. It'll just be interesting to show off an unusual build to many people.
Is the EPG Conductive RCS Accelerator +75 EPG, or was that the EPG Exotic Particle Field Exciter console? I think it's only +37.5 on a Conductive RCS Accelerator.