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How to maximize your drain skill like a 14 year old minmaxer



  • lucho80lucho80 Member Posts: 6,600 Bug Hunter
    kyle223cat wrote: »
    Maybe I'll make one on how to maximize healing, not that I'm expecting anyone to make a healer. It'll just be interesting to show off an unusual build to many people. :p

    Never seen a maximize healing thread. I've seen recommendations, but not a full on max healing boat. I could pull one off also since I have that bio trait that boosts healing.

  • welcome2earfwelcome2earf Member Posts: 1,746 Arc User
    lucho80 wrote: »
    kyle223cat wrote: »
    Maybe I'll make one on how to maximize healing, not that I'm expecting anyone to make a healer. It'll just be interesting to show off an unusual build to many people. :p

    Never seen a maximize healing thread. I've seen recommendations, but not a full on max healing boat. I could pull one off also since I have that bio trait that boosts healing.

    A healing boat could offer one a chance to actually place in a 30-second CCA.....
  • lucho80lucho80 Member Posts: 6,600 Bug Hunter

    A healing boat could offer one a chance to actually place in a 30-second CCA.....

    Lol, I place 1st fine with my drain boat spamming TS3+Quantum Phase torpedoes.

  • odinforever20000odinforever20000 Member Posts: 1,849 Arc User
    kyle223cat wrote: »
    lordsteve1 wrote: »
    Exotic Particle Focuser [DrainX]x2
    This is good confirmation that this krenim lab sci console isn't a typo. I've seen duplicates or omissions at fleet holdings before, and thought it was bugged still as there's no equivalent for EPG which in fairness should exist.

    Sad to hear about the hot restart making control builds worthless. I've toyed with those a bit only to be completely disappointed every time because of the endless focus on AoE-everything making team fire break fragile disables. I didn't even bother going 2/2 in the spec tree for this ability, but I kind of regret it now as 2/3 in shield hardness doesn't seem useful considering all the shield penetrating damage going on to the point I even see my sci dread instantly down to 50% hull with full shields out of nowhere, but the graviton is worth 2/2 and 1/3 shield hardness doesn't seem bad as a tradeoff for non-minmaxers.

    I hear that, Alcyon. The lack of an [EPG]x2 is very sad, given that [DrainX]x2 and [CtrlX]x2 are both available. As one who worships at the altar of the Demon Goddess EPG, I feel the lack most acutely. It's almost like blasphemy!

    500-550 EPG is doable, with expenditure of enough EC/Dil/Zen/Marks, but 700 ain't happening.

    I've managed 574 EPG at most at the moment. I reckon a Romulan toon could go higher with the right Singularity Core.

    In fact with the Superior Astrophysicist trait from K13 this could got to 584, if i had the resources to buy it.

    So this is what I was able to come up with..there are specialty consoles that are available only on certain ships for use only on those ships so..I didn't include them..nor And of the Sci captain abilities..just the mostly constant EPG points ..Here goes:

    1) Full skill tree for EPG = 100
    2) 4 Exotic Particle Focuser [EPG] = 37.5 x 4 = 150
    3.) Exotic Particle Field Exciter =[EPG] = 75
    3) Conductive RCS Accelerator [EPG] = 37.5
    4) Solane Deflector = 50
    5.) Temporal Operative Spec = 50
    6.) TDI Singularity = 40 (Romulan)
    7.) Chronometric Capacitor =37.5
    8.) Secondary Deflector = 25
    9.)Nukara particle converter = 21.7
    10.)Disruption Pulse Emitter = 20
    11.) New Romulus 2piece = 17.8
    12) Superior Astrophysicist = 15
    13.) Joined Trill = 7
    Total =606 - 646.5

    1) Inspirational Leader = +10 to +30
    2) Fleet science boost = +10
    3) Doff assignment crits = +25 per crit
    4) QSM = +100
    5) EMpA= +10 - 20

    • Note=
    • Constriction Anchor +23% Exotic Damage
    • Delphic Tear +20% Exotic Damage
    • Particle Generator Amplifier = 5% Exotic Damage
    • Rohki Deflector Doff= 5% Exotic Damage

    Is the EPG Conductive RCS Accelerator +75 EPG, or was that the EPG Exotic Particle Field Exciter console? I think it's only +37.5 on a Conductive RCS Accelerator.

    Correct, the Console - Engineering - Conductive RCS Accelerator [EPG] is 37.5 rather than 75, and that is only at Epic. Mine is MK XIV UR and that only gets me 35.6

    Exotic Particle Focusers, the Research Lab consoles, are exactly the same. You have to crank them to Epic to get the numbers shown; at a more reasonable MK XIV UR they too are only 35.6

    Likewise with the Chronometric Capacitor, Nukara Particle Converter, and the Solanae Deflector, the numbers quoted are MK XIV Epic.

    I understand this is a list of theoretical potential, but for most of us in the real world, the numbers on most of these pieces are going to be somewhat more modest.

    Heh..whoops..I assumed the K13boffs did EPG (Thats what I get for assuming)..but I believe there is a Cstore boff that did increase 7 EPG along with a couple other sci abilities (Joined trill)..

    Hrmm..@chastity1337 Well you make a good point..I float anywhere from 350-450 and that seems to be alright. But yea everything at Epic..606 - 646.5 is whats available.. But you can get pretty close (damage wise) using the +% Exotic damage..just wont have as high crit severity with the Sci RnD trait.


    Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.

  • makocallowaymakocalloway Member Posts: 455 Arc User
    Lucho, I'm assuming you're running polaron for beams? What flavor? I currently have the dominon polaron.

  • scrooge69scrooge69 Member Posts: 1,108 Arc User
    edited February 2017
    @lucho80 my shutdownbuild got ~600 drainX bc I dotn see the point in having a bit mroe drainX in exchange for less abilities that use drain

    im talking about the breen consoles tha have abilites that use drain

    in addition im flying the breen dread with syphon drones they scale with ur drainX skill too and can ALONE shutdown normal enemys if they reach em alive^^

    edit: phased polaron to have mroe shutdown chance?
  • makocallowaymakocalloway Member Posts: 455 Arc User
    Also, I've been running the breen engines, core, and dish to get the extra breen syphon and use that with my regular syphon (slight cd but not bad). You thing switching out those pieces to what you mentioned is worth giving up that extra syphon for more overall drain skill?

  • welcome2earfwelcome2earf Member Posts: 1,746 Arc User
    lucho80 wrote: »

    A healing boat could offer one a chance to actually place in a 30-second CCA.....

    Lol, I place 1st fine with my drain boat spamming TS3+Quantum Phase torpedoes.

    I'm sure we have all placed 1st pretty often, but sometimes there's simply no chance to do anything lol
  • lucho80lucho80 Member Posts: 6,600 Bug Hunter
    edited February 2017
    Also, I've been running the breen engines, core, and dish to get the extra breen syphon and use that with my regular syphon (slight cd but not bad). You thing switching out those pieces to what you mentioned is worth giving up that extra syphon for more overall drain skill?

    That siphon is nice on a Breen ship since it's ES2. On a non-Breen ship, it's ES1.
  • makocallowaymakocalloway Member Posts: 455 Arc User
    Oh, good to know. That def makes a difference

  • lucho80lucho80 Member Posts: 6,600 Bug Hunter
    edited February 2017
    scrooge69 wrote: »

    edit: phased polaron to have mroe shutdown chance?

    PvE - Phased Polarons are better

    PvP - Just regular polarons will do. Dominion polarons are nice, but a complete cr@p shoot to upgrade.

  • antonine3258antonine3258 Member Posts: 2,391 Arc User
    lucho80 wrote: »
    kyle223cat wrote: »
    Maybe I'll make one on how to maximize healing, not that I'm expecting anyone to make a healer. It'll just be interesting to show off an unusual build to many people. :p

    Never seen a maximize healing thread. I've seen recommendations, but not a full on max healing boat. I could pull one off also since I have that bio trait that boosts healing.

    A healing boat could offer one a chance to actually place in a 30-second CCA.....

    Honestly 'overwhelm emitters' from command and decent torpedo output usually places me pretty well.
    Fate - protects fools, small children, and ships named Enterprise Will Riker

    Member Access Denied Armada!

    My forum single-issue of rage: Make the Proton Experimental Weapon go for subsystem targetting!
  • pwstolemynamepwstolemyname Member Posts: 1,417 Arc User
    edited February 2017
    This is a very good thread and very informative.

    Do one for part gens next!

    We have a bit of discussion on part gens in the CtrlX thread. The two typically go together as most of our EPG boosted abilities work best on multiple targets, which CtrlX helps you gravity well suck into position for you.

    This may not be the thread for it, but if you want some exotic damage build theory hear you go:

    If your looking to stack particle gens its worth noting that going for the extreme skill numbers can be detrimental, as you may use slots that might otherwise be used on +% Exotic damage. Exotic damage multipliers typically do more for you then more EPG once you have reached the magic 250 for Particle manipulator. Not that you shouldn't take it passed 250, you should, Just don't use all your console slots on it.

    Hear are some numbers taken from my current setup, they may be slightly more or less then what you would achive depending upon yout +% to exotic damage. I just calculated them from some tool tips whilst parked without any active boosts going.

    1 EPG skill point adds 27 points of damage (over the duration, not per tick) to Destabilizing resonance beam one.
    1 EPG skill point adds 94 points of damage (over the duration, not per tick) to Subspace Vortex three.
    1 EPG skill point adds 51 points of damage (over the duration, not per tick) to Gravity well three.
    1 EPG skill point adds 0.1 to your exotic damage critical severity when using Particle manipulator.

    So lets say you add some consoles and boost your EPG skill by 150 points. What do we gain?

    4050 points of damage (over the duration, not per tick) from Destabilizing resonance beam one.
    14,100 points of damage (over the duration, not per tick) from Subspace Vortex three.
    7650 points of damage (over the duration, not per tick) from Gravity Well three.
    15 to your exotic damage critical severity when using particle manipulator.

    So what is the DPS value of increasing EPG? Well its quite a bit more difficult to calculate then working out your potential DPS with BFaW. You see the numbers above assume a single target, which survives the duration of the abilities. As soon as that target dies, you lose the remaining damage that your abilities could have done for you. Meanwhile a BfaW build may just keep firing, having not lost any of their damage doing potential through mobility.

    Lets provide an example. Lets say you have a gravity well which can produce 40,000 points of damage against a single target and a subspace vortex which can produce 80,000. This damage is spread out over their 20 second duration so in theory your looking at 6,000 DPS(not factoring in ability downtime to keep it simple). If your target enemy has 60,000 hull it will die after just 10 seconds. Your subspace vortex and your gravity well are still up, but because nothing is in them your actual DPS gain from using those abilities is only 3,000

    When theory crafting pumping EPGs and raw exotic damage to the exclusion of all else can look like a fantastic idea, but if the enemies in your space magic die sooner then the duration of the abilities then you haven't actually gained any DPS over using a build with exactly the right amount of damage boosting to kill the enemies on the final tick. (exception being a one and done combat. If you only have one enemy/group of enemies to kill before you end the parse then more EPG is the way to go, see I told you DPS calculation was complicated).

    This is why CtrlX and EPG go hand in hand. Your damage potential is multiplied directly by the number of enemies you can get into your Murder ball (Technical term for Science magic area of effect). IF a bigger well can net you even one more enemy then it multiplies your damage. EPG can only add to it. Multipliers are almost always better then Additions so CtrlX can be a very powerful DPS tool. But only if there is actually another target for you to catch.

    Ok sorry about this post Lucho. I know this is your drain thread. But I couldn't help myself.
  • odinforever20000odinforever20000 Member Posts: 1,849 Arc User
    lucho80 wrote: »
    scrooge69 wrote: »

    edit: phased polaron to have mroe shutdown chance?

    PvE - Phased Polarons are better

    PvP - Just regular polarons will do. Dominion polarons are nice, but a complete cr@p shoot to upgrade.

    What about Polarised Disruptors?


    Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.

  • makocallowaymakocalloway Member Posts: 455 Arc User
    I'd like to know that too. Dominion polaron vs phased polaron vs polarized disruptors

  • odinforever20000odinforever20000 Member Posts: 1,849 Arc User
    edited February 2017
    I'd like to know that too. Dominion polaron vs phased polaron vs polarized disruptors

    I mean the polaron proc scaling is the same on Dominon,Phased polaron and Polarised disruptors..
    Im just curious if the all damage debuff with the Polarised was a nice touch with the polaron proc...The main reasons I dont use Dominon is 1.) crapshoot for mods..and 2..Tetryon proc Even at 600 drain is not much (2,112 all shields) when comparing it to Qphase torpedo spread (39,600)..


    Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.

  • makocallowaymakocalloway Member Posts: 455 Arc User
    edited February 2017
    Isn't it a random shoot for mods with phased polaron and polarised disruptors too?

  • odinforever20000odinforever20000 Member Posts: 1,849 Arc User
    edited February 2017
    Isn't it a random shoot for mods with phased polaron and polarised disruptors too?

    Well yea but they is lock box weapons.So you can shop for the mods you want..I have DMGx3 on my polarised and a CRDx3 on my Phased (got lucky..)



    Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.

  • makocallowaymakocalloway Member Posts: 455 Arc User
    Hmm good point.phased polaron are staying to look more attractive. ..

  • lucho80lucho80 Member Posts: 6,600 Bug Hunter
    What about Polarised Disruptors?

    I use those on my tac drain toon. Those pack a punch.

  • lordsteve1lordsteve1 Member Posts: 3,492 Arc User
    Just a quick question, when you say you manage around 40K DPS is that coming from actual energy/projectile weapons damage or is it mostly secondary effects like drain infection and secondary deflector procs?
    Or it it just a result of having the enemy being a sitting duck with zero shields or defense value, making even moderate weaponry more effective?
  • lucho80lucho80 Member Posts: 6,600 Bug Hunter
    Frankly, I'd have to install a parser and go search for my Lucretia ISA parses.
  • chastity1337chastity1337 Member Posts: 1,606 Arc User
    edited February 2017
    lucho80 wrote: »
    Frankly, I'd have to install a parser and go search for my Lucretia ISA parses.

    Hey, Lucho, speaking of parsers, is there a way to streamline starting and stopping the combatlog? I understand keybinds, and I use them, but I can't see how to get around having to type /combatlog 1 and /combatlog 0 manually every time
  • e30erneste30ernest Member Posts: 1,794 Arc User
    if the enemies in your space magic die sooner then the duration of the abilities then you haven't actually gained any DPS

    This is one of the reasons why I do so poorly in DPS Mark, and so well in DPS Under Fire (DPSM is an Advanced parsing map, while DPSUF is an Elite parsing map) and do much better in HSE vs ISA in terms of DPS. Personally, I don't mind since this is the build track I enjoy most, but it might be something others may want to consider.
  • welcome2earfwelcome2earf Member Posts: 1,746 Arc User
    lucho80 wrote: »
    scrooge69 wrote: »

    edit: phased polaron to have mroe shutdown chance?

    PvE - Phased Polarons are better

    With respect, I fail to see how - you lose a potentially excellent modifier for a TRIBBLE proc with a lockout. Do these get a 5% chance to proc as is common with hybrid weapons? I forget, as some DONT get double the proc chance....
  • lucho80lucho80 Member Posts: 6,600 Bug Hunter

    With respect, I fail to see how - you lose a potentially excellent modifier for a **** proc with a lockout. Do these get a 5% chance to proc as is common with hybrid weapons? I forget, as some DONT get double the proc chance....

    Look, you want good shield drain procs? Use the Lukari t4 rep or the Omega set 2 piece. Regular Tetryon weapons porcs are useless and take up modifier space IMO.
  • nickodaemusnickodaemus Member Posts: 711 Arc User
    Hey Lucho..Epic drain master..At what point does it become too much drain in missions or stfs?

    "Rouge" sto wiki editor? So you only work on the "red" parts? I'd suggest taking a minute to edit that sig.
  • lucho80lucho80 Member Posts: 6,600 Bug Hunter

    "Rouge" sto wiki editor? So you only work on the "red" parts? I'd suggest taking a minute to edit that sig.

    I'm surprised someone even cares. I haven't seen a single person in the STOWiki channel in ages.

  • odinforever20000odinforever20000 Member Posts: 1,849 Arc User
    edited February 2017
    Hey Lucho..Epic drain master..At what point does it become too much drain in missions or stfs?

    "Rouge" sto wiki editor? So you only work on the "red" parts? I'd suggest taking a minute to edit that sig.

    Edit my sig to what? Is it offensive?
    I thought it was funny..

    Post edited by odinforever20000 on


    Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.

  • welcome2earfwelcome2earf Member Posts: 1,746 Arc User
    lucho80 wrote: »

    With respect, I fail to see how - you lose a potentially excellent modifier for a **** proc with a lockout. Do these get a 5% chance to proc as is common with hybrid weapons? I forget, as some DONT get double the proc chance....

    Look, you want good shield drain procs? Use the Lukari t4 rep or the Omega set 2 piece. Regular Tetryon weapons porcs are useless and take up modifier space IMO.

    I was speaking about Phased Polarons - were you thinking of the current TRIBBLE phaser proc that the Borg are immune to? I'd just rather have another modifier for stronger punch....
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