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Star Trek Online Available on Xbox One and PlayStation®4!



  • nekrannnekrann Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    I stopped upgrading my gaming PC years ago, when I bought a Retina MBP. I hardly turn on the old PC at all any more and haven't played STO in years. I paid for a PC LTS years and years ago. Now you come out with a console version, so I'm very interested and load it to my PS4. I don't expect characters to be ported over or cross-platform play but you expect me to pay for another LTS?!? What a slap in the face! At least let me get my LTS Stipend on PS4 and let me transfer Zen over!

    I refuse to pay for another LTS to the same bloody game, give me some (if not all my LTS benefits) or I just won't play and you won't make money off new purchases.

    PWE/Cryptic is clearly telling me to go TRIBBLE myself, so to you PWE/Cryptic - GO TRIBBLE YOURSELF!
  • starwheelerstarwheeler Member Posts: 293 Arc User
    to bad Xbox and play station cant join PC fleet :(
  • garry29garry29 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    When is other stuff going to be added to the ps4
  • Never. They have without a doubt abandoned the consoles. 0 updates to their palyers, 0 repairs made to critical bugs.

    Meanwhile, PC players have been getting content drops every week for the last 4 weeks.
    I know as Star Trek fans this game is enticing, but I insist we stop playing and putting money in their pockets. Game Developers these days are terrible. Will NEVER purchase or play another Cryptic product in my life.
  • captainwellscaptainwells Member Posts: 718 Arc User
    I doubt that they've abandoned the consoles given that Xbox and Playstation haven't been in the mix all that long. They will bring other aspects over as they are able to effectively port the remaining game attributes. At this point, as much as I look forward to fleet holdings, I just wish that they would limit advertising of new content still exclusive to pc to pc. Consoles shouldn't be able to see this stuff all of the time!
  • daftbadger1967daftbadger1967 Member Posts: 41 Arc User
    R&D stuff etc. coming to consoles in the next few weeks http://www.arcgames.com/en/games/xbox/star-trek-online/news/detail/10238763-intro-to-research-&-development so they have not abandoned consoles at all
  • lazurkri#7447 lazurkri Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    R&D stuff etc. coming to consoles in the next few weeks http://www.arcgames.com/en/games/xbox/star-trek-online/news/detail/10238763-intro-to-research-&-development so they have not abandoned consoles at all

    Still not here buddy, so your optimism is unwarranted!
  • daftbadger1967daftbadger1967 Member Posts: 41 Arc User
    How so? It says it will be coming in the next few weeks.Just because it isn't here now doesn't mean it isn't coming does it?
    It's only been 2 weeks since that announcement so plenty of time yet.
  • markbailey89markbailey89 Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    Except the mirror invasion blog said admiralty coming 15th. Seperate blog said admiralty was coming in 1.2 ergo 1.2 should have been the 15th (with starbases and doffs/R&D) plus an R&D event tomorrow with no R&D lol
    Tenth Fleet Charlie
  • iceman#0849 iceman Member Posts: 59 Arc User
    There is only one thing that Cryptic can do to make this right at this time: "They need to talk to us!". Who agrees?
  • iceman#0849 iceman Member Posts: 59 Arc User
    How so? It says it will be coming in the next few weeks.Just because it isn't here now doesn't mean it isn't coming does it?
    It's only been 2 weeks since that announcement so plenty of time yet.

    They officially stated November 15th. If they can't make it work, they should let us know
    The Mirror Invasion comes to Star Trek Online on console as part of a brand new limited time event starting on Thursday, October 27, 2016, and ending on Tuesday, November 15, 2016. This event map will only be playable during this three week event timeframe.

    In addition to earning a choice of marks for playing the Mirror Invasion queued event, players can run a new reputation project to earn a huge reward of Dilithium, Marks, and a unique Admiralty Card which can be used when the Admiralty system goes online on November 15.

  • jzhnutzjzhnutz Member Posts: 150 Arc User
    There is only one thing that Cryptic can do to make this right at this time: "They need to talk to us!". Who agrees?

    Agreed - 100%
  • shadowwraith#9264 shadowwraith Member Posts: 379 Arc User
    There is only one thing that Cryptic can do to make this right at this time: "They need to talk to us!". Who agrees?

    Strongly Agree
    • Draal - FED, Saurian, LV60 - TAC
    • Mirak - FED 23c, Vulkan, LV60 - TAC
    • Ascaran Bloodclaw - KDF, Gorn, Lv18 - TAC
    • Melchiah - KDF, Gorn, LV60 - TAC
    • Ne'roon - KDF,Lethian, L60, TAC
    • Turel - ROM-KDF, Reman, 30, TAC
    • Elric - ROM-Fed, Romulan, L60, TAC
    • Richtor Belmont - FED 23c, Human,LV20, SCI
    • G'Kar - KDF, Gorn, L10

    USS Sharlin NCC79713 B (part of sheridans access code) - T6, Hestia Class Advanced Escort
    USS Babylon IV - T6 Krenim Science Vessel
    USS Brakiri - T6 Elachi Escort
    "I am Grey. I stand between the candle and the star."
    "We are Grey. We stand between the darkness and the light."

    – Grey Council greeting
  • jzhnutzjzhnutz Member Posts: 150 Arc User
    Posted this in the bug section, thought it was relevant here as well:

    wermolo wrote: »
    Patches for consoles are on Thursdays. That is tomorrow. If they miss that, you know people who make calendar are out of touch with people who port game elements between versions.

    We have only seen this once (I believe), and that was on the big "fix" about a month ago... however, I hope you are right. The issues are the following:

    Mirror Invasion Announcement said we would get Admiralty on the 15th (yesterday) -
    2nd paragraph for reference

    It was later mentioned that Admiralty would come with update 1.2 (or 1.12, whatever) - November 15 is stil lthe only date mentioned in an official announcement. This is/was to include crafting, Fleet Holdings, DOFFs, etc.

    Someone, I believe CrypticSpartan, said on the nature of fixes that they would come with the update - this was due to the MS/Sony certification requirements (makes sense)

    Because a date was given - the excuse (given by people not related to Cryptic) that it is being held up by certification is invalid - I mean, why give us a date 3 weeks ago and it not be ready already.. along with putting in a R&D weekend for this weekend, beginning Thursday at 12pm Eastern.

    With all of this, there were several social media and official post bungles yesterday between PC and Console information, with no further explanation to console player a) why we did not have our normally scheduled maintenance and b) why do we not have Admiralty has promised. This has only led to more speculation - i.e. maintenance must have been switched with PC's day (theirs is normally on Thursday), etc. This speculation, while possibly being true, is what inflamed this problem in the first place... meaning, beyond the obvious lie of the 15th of November, console players are left to speculate based on misinformation, in game calendar and precedent - of which is slim at best.

    Again, you may be right, it may be tomorrow, but am I crazy enough to bank on it? Nope, nor would Billy Joel be is he was a STO fan... which I highly doubt. All any of us need is one simple message saying a+b=c from Cryptic. The message may not make us happy, but at least we will know - the speculation will end, and we (who may be fleet leaders) can have something to pass on to our fleet members. The sad thing is, all it would take is a tweet, a Facebook post, a forum message, anything - and it doesn't have to be long and detailed, but simple: "We apologize for missing the November 15th window for the update, we are working hard on getting it released as soon as possible. We will let you know when to expect it." If they have a date, even better, they can put that in there instead.

    It amazes me how people can get bent out of shape about people getting bent out of shape for not having any communication from a company that they support with their micro-transactions - its not like we are upset with the people working on the game, the angst is against those who refuse to communicate with us, for whatever reason. Remember, there has been hardly any communication from anyone at Cryptic concerning the bugs or the update - and none whatsoever from the console side itself. Yet, we continue to get announcements of what we are still missing, and a new lock box that will require most people to spend real money to have full access to.
  • daftbadger1967daftbadger1967 Member Posts: 41 Arc User
    Except the mirror invasion blog said admiralty coming 15th. Seperate blog said admiralty was coming in 1.2 ergo 1.2 should have been the 15th (with starbases and doffs/R&D) plus an R&D event tomorrow with no R&D lol
    I'm just going by the article I linked which said it will be available in the next few weeks.
    Don't get me wrong,i'd like some sort of word on this one way or the other from Cryptic,especially as they are quite capable of announcing new lock boxes being available without any trouble.
    As someone mentioned,patches seem to come on a Thursday so we'll see.

  • jzhnutzjzhnutz Member Posts: 150 Arc User
    Except the mirror invasion blog said admiralty coming 15th. Seperate blog said admiralty was coming in 1.2 ergo 1.2 should have been the 15th (with starbases and doffs/R&D) plus an R&D event tomorrow with no R&D lol
    I'm just going by the article I linked which said it will be available in the next few weeks.
    Don't get me wrong,i'd like some sort of word on this one way or the other from Cryptic,especially as they are quite capable of announcing new lock boxes being available without any trouble.
    As someone mentioned,patches seem to come on a Thursday so we'll see.

    Except the first announcement for this update said the 15th...
    2nd paragraph for reference

    and it didn't come, and there is absolutely no word on anything - doesn't even look like we will get weekly maintenance tomorrow - no "red text" on the log in screen.
  • habs124habs124 Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    jzhnutz wrote: »
    Posted this in the bug section, thought it was relevant here as well:

    wermolo wrote: »
    Patches for consoles are on Thursdays. That is tomorrow. If they miss that, you know people who make calendar are out of touch with people who port game elements between versions.

    We have only seen this once (I believe), and that was on the big "fix" about a month ago... however, I hope you are right. The issues are the following:

    Mirror Invasion Announcement said we would get Admiralty on the 15th (yesterday) -
    2nd paragraph for reference

    It was later mentioned that Admiralty would come with update 1.2 (or 1.12, whatever) - November 15 is stil lthe only date mentioned in an official announcement. This is/was to include crafting, Fleet Holdings, DOFFs, etc.

    Someone, I believe CrypticSpartan, said on the nature of fixes that they would come with the update - this was due to the MS/Sony certification requirements (makes sense)

    Because a date was given - the excuse (given by people not related to Cryptic) that it is being held up by certification is invalid - I mean, why give us a date 3 weeks ago and it not be ready already.. along with putting in a R&D weekend for this weekend, beginning Thursday at 12pm Eastern.

    With all of this, there were several social media and official post bungles yesterday between PC and Console information, with no further explanation to console player a) why we did not have our normally scheduled maintenance and b) why do we not have Admiralty has promised. This has only led to more speculation - i.e. maintenance must have been switched with PC's day (theirs is normally on Thursday), etc. This speculation, while possibly being true, is what inflamed this problem in the first place... meaning, beyond the obvious lie of the 15th of November, console players are left to speculate based on misinformation, in game calendar and precedent - of which is slim at best.

    Again, you may be right, it may be tomorrow, but am I crazy enough to bank on it? Nope, nor would Billy Joel be is he was a STO fan... which I highly doubt. All any of us need is one simple message saying a+b=c from Cryptic. The message may not make us happy, but at least we will know - the speculation will end, and we (who may be fleet leaders) can have something to pass on to our fleet members. The sad thing is, all it would take is a tweet, a Facebook post, a forum message, anything - and it doesn't have to be long and detailed, but simple: "We apologize for missing the November 15th window for the update, we are working hard on getting it released as soon as possible. We will let you know when to expect it." If they have a date, even better, they can put that in there instead.

    It amazes me how people can get bent out of shape about people getting bent out of shape for not having any communication from a company that they support with their micro-transactions - its not like we are upset with the people working on the game, the angst is against those who refuse to communicate with us, for whatever reason. Remember, there has been hardly any communication from anyone at Cryptic concerning the bugs or the update - and none whatsoever from the console side itself. Yet, we continue to get announcements of what we are still missing, and a new lock box that will require most people to spend real money to have full access to.

    I agree 100%.

    when left to draw our own conclusions,without any information. people can come up with all kinds of stuff.

    perhaps were asking too much from cryptic? I don't know what the star trek community was like before console players arrived on the scene. perhaps it has always been like this here? missing delivery dates and not saying anything about it? perhaps that's ok on pc? all I can go by is my time playing neverwinter. they were fine at launch then the content came in dribs and drabs.but lockboxes said what what was inside them and I don't recall them missing any dates or just not patching today....

    so I'm at a loss.i find that it sometimes takes a company with big cahones to say oops we made a mistake. to say nothing....implies that console gamers are a whinny bunch that expect things for free. no were not entitled to an explanation. but an explanation would go along way to allieviate my distress of me thinking ive been giving money to a bunch of non caring moneygrubbers.

  • jzhnutzjzhnutz Member Posts: 150 Arc User
    habs124 wrote: »
    jzhnutz wrote: »
    Posted this in the bug section, thought it was relevant here as well:

    wermolo wrote: »
    Patches for consoles are on Thursdays. That is tomorrow. If they miss that, you know people who make calendar are out of touch with people who port game elements between versions.

    We have only seen this once (I believe), and that was on the big "fix" about a month ago... however, I hope you are right. The issues are the following:

    Mirror Invasion Announcement said we would get Admiralty on the 15th (yesterday) -
    2nd paragraph for reference

    It was later mentioned that Admiralty would come with update 1.2 (or 1.12, whatever) - November 15 is stil lthe only date mentioned in an official announcement. This is/was to include crafting, Fleet Holdings, DOFFs, etc.

    Someone, I believe CrypticSpartan, said on the nature of fixes that they would come with the update - this was due to the MS/Sony certification requirements (makes sense)

    Because a date was given - the excuse (given by people not related to Cryptic) that it is being held up by certification is invalid - I mean, why give us a date 3 weeks ago and it not be ready already.. along with putting in a R&D weekend for this weekend, beginning Thursday at 12pm Eastern.

    With all of this, there were several social media and official post bungles yesterday between PC and Console information, with no further explanation to console player a) why we did not have our normally scheduled maintenance and b) why do we not have Admiralty has promised. This has only led to more speculation - i.e. maintenance must have been switched with PC's day (theirs is normally on Thursday), etc. This speculation, while possibly being true, is what inflamed this problem in the first place... meaning, beyond the obvious lie of the 15th of November, console players are left to speculate based on misinformation, in game calendar and precedent - of which is slim at best.

    Again, you may be right, it may be tomorrow, but am I crazy enough to bank on it? Nope, nor would Billy Joel be is he was a STO fan... which I highly doubt. All any of us need is one simple message saying a+b=c from Cryptic. The message may not make us happy, but at least we will know - the speculation will end, and we (who may be fleet leaders) can have something to pass on to our fleet members. The sad thing is, all it would take is a tweet, a Facebook post, a forum message, anything - and it doesn't have to be long and detailed, but simple: "We apologize for missing the November 15th window for the update, we are working hard on getting it released as soon as possible. We will let you know when to expect it." If they have a date, even better, they can put that in there instead.

    It amazes me how people can get bent out of shape about people getting bent out of shape for not having any communication from a company that they support with their micro-transactions - its not like we are upset with the people working on the game, the angst is against those who refuse to communicate with us, for whatever reason. Remember, there has been hardly any communication from anyone at Cryptic concerning the bugs or the update - and none whatsoever from the console side itself. Yet, we continue to get announcements of what we are still missing, and a new lock box that will require most people to spend real money to have full access to.

    I agree 100%.

    when left to draw our own conclusions,without any information. people can come up with all kinds of stuff.

    perhaps were asking too much from cryptic? I don't know what the star trek community was like before console players arrived on the scene. perhaps it has always been like this here? missing delivery dates and not saying anything about it? perhaps that's ok on pc? all I can go by is my time playing neverwinter. they were fine at launch then the content came in dribs and drabs.but lockboxes said what what was inside them and I don't recall them missing any dates or just not patching today....

    so I'm at a loss.i find that it sometimes takes a company with big cahones to say oops we made a mistake. to say nothing....implies that console gamers are a whinny bunch that expect things for free. no were not entitled to an explanation. but an explanation would go along way to allieviate my distress of me thinking ive been giving money to a bunch of non caring moneygrubbers.

    Agreed - sad thing is, I have money right now in my PSN account ready to spend on some new stuff - specifically ships and crafting stuff. But, if we don't get any word on the update I'm liable to buy Battlefield 1 or Titanfall 2 - if only to be able to play with my friends, though I'm not a FPS guy.
  • iceman#0849 iceman Member Posts: 59 Arc User
    Looking back to it their last big patch was also published on a Thursday. So maybe we are lucky tomorrow. However we don't know and this lack of communication is really losing them players. You can see that hardly anything happens in the Exchange. That just states that players are leaving. Big time.
  • jzhnutzjzhnutz Member Posts: 150 Arc User
    Looking back to it their last big patch was also published on a Thursday. So maybe we are lucky tomorrow. However we don't know and this lack of communication is really losing them players. You can see that hardly anything happens in the Exchange. That just states that players are leaving. Big time.

    What concerns me about tomorrow is this -> typically the "red letters" announcing down time are up the day before maintenance or a patch, last a checked a couple hours ago they are not up.
  • azuries#1043 azuries Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    Hey everyone. I couldn't find a section to post this in but here it goes,

    Basically I'm looking for some people to help me create a fleet, people ingame don't seem to want to help.

    I'm on Xbox and would like to create one. Please let me know if you are willing to help, Thankyou.
  • schmedickeschmedicke Member Posts: 229 Arc User
    I was super excited that this game was finally coming to consule. However when I realised that character profiles and purchases wouldn't carry over, (Mainly the purchases, LTS, and my Red Matter Capacitor) it killed the thrill of playing it on consule for me. I think I played it for an hour on Xbox and just went right back to pc. Cryptic really missed an opportunity here when they wouldn't allow purchases to be linked cross platform and shot themselves in the foot. There is zero incentive for veteran players to migrate over, and do to bugs, even less for new players to stay. If they would of alowed purchases to carry over it would of had a strong already established player base that would of drawn in friends to play and spend money to catch up so to speak. Most multiplayer consule game purchases these days are based on what your friends are going to play. I don't understand your decisions on this one Cryptic.
  • jzhnutzjzhnutz Member Posts: 150 Arc User
    schmedicke wrote: »
    I was super excited that this game was finally coming to consule. However when I realised that character profiles and purchases wouldn't carry over, (Mainly the purchases, LTS, and my Red Matter Capacitor) it killed the thrill of playing it on consule for me. I think I played it for an hour on Xbox and just went right back to pc. Cryptic really missed an opportunity here when they wouldn't allow purchases to be linked cross platform and shot themselves in the foot. There is zero incentive for veteran players to migrate over, and do to bugs, even less for new players to stay. If they would of alowed purchases to carry over it would of had a strong already established player base that would of drawn in friends to play and spend money to catch up so to speak. Most multiplayer consule game purchases these days are based on what your friends are going to play. I don't understand your decisions on this one Cryptic.

    I don't think their intention was to have veteran PC players migrate - that wouldn't make any sense from a business perspective. I believe their intention was for new players - those on console - to pick the game up. Think about it for one second, if a PC user was able to transfer their account, or link purchases between both - a) Cryptic would lose money and b) they would be so OP versus everything and everyone on console, considering we don't have everything on console. I applaud Cryptic for this - which is one of the few things I will actually applaud them on.
  • digifluid#9776 digifluid Member Posts: 3 New User
    So...Agents of Yesterday is still not available on the console versions?
  • jzhnutzjzhnutz Member Posts: 150 Arc User
    @digifluid#9776 not yet... hopefully with the release of season 12 on PC we will get it soon after

  • digifluid#9776 digifluid Member Posts: 3 New User
    Well, at least it's a relief that I'm not losing my mind then lol
  • darthravadgedarthravadge Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    Pffft.... Agents of Yesterday?
    What about everything else that comes before that? Half the ships are missing simply because they want to squeeze all the profit they can out of the garbage ones before releasing better ships one at a time. How about the missing reputations? No Tal Shiar lockbox yet so we're missing the plasmonic leech.

    They cant even give us a proper stat page or power level management!!!!!!!!!

    This is the worst port to console done by any game developer in history.

    I own plenty of other larger and more complex games where they keep PC and XBOX simultaneously updated. This game basically gives us a BETA and six months later still hasn't come close to releasing all of the core features. This game is NOT cutting edge tech. It should not be this difficult.

    I regret buying zen on release day thinking I would begin rebuilding my PC ship. I cant rate this company low enough. I feel I was ripped off for several hundred dollars. Time to hire all new staff and pimp slap the CEO.
  • digifluid#9776 digifluid Member Posts: 3 New User
    Keep the hyperbole up, I'm sure it'll help.
  • jzhnutzjzhnutz Member Posts: 150 Arc User
    Pffft.... Agents of Yesterday?
    What about everything else that comes before that? Half the ships are missing simply because they want to squeeze all the profit they can out of the garbage ones before releasing better ships one at a time. How about the missing reputations? No Tal Shiar lockbox yet so we're missing the plasmonic leech.

    They cant even give us a proper stat page or power level management!!!!!!!!!

    This is the worst port to console done by any game developer in history.

    I own plenty of other larger and more complex games where they keep PC and XBOX simultaneously updated. This game basically gives us a BETA and six months later still hasn't come close to releasing all of the core features. This game is NOT cutting edge tech. It should not be this difficult.

    I regret buying zen on release day thinking I would begin rebuilding my PC ship. I cant rate this company low enough. I feel I was ripped off for several hundred dollars. Time to hire all new staff and pimp slap the CEO.

    Why not stay on PC then???
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